How tall is Fred Dryer

Fred Dryer's Height

6ft 6 (198.1 cm)

American actor and former NFL Player. His Hunter co-star Stepfanie Kramer said in an old TV Guide: "He's 6ft 6, I'm 5ft 6. When we face each other I'm looking at his chest" [when she and Dryer are in a closeup] "The director yells [when she and dryer are in a closeup] Bring on the apple box. When I stand on it I look 6 feet tall.". In his college days, he was listed as 6ft 6 on the football roster.

How tall is Fred Dryer
Photo © / s_bukley

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Add a Comment33 comments

Average Guess (22 Votes)
6ft 5.95in (198cm)
Slamo said on 20/Dec/22
Close 6-6 peak. Now probably 6-5 or slightly less
Canson said on 4/Jan/22
@Ian: I know. I was just commenting on how large his head is.

He’s probably not 6’6 today though
edge said on 9/Nov/21
Looked 3" taller than Ted Danson.
Ian C. said on 1/Nov/21
Actually, Canson, it is questionable that height can be estimated with any accuracy merely by considering somebody's head. Look at the head shots on this site with the posted heights covered, and see if you can reliably guess the heights of the people you've never seen before from looking at their faces. It can't be done.

I tend to ascribe greater heights to handsome men. Guys like Perry Como or Tom Cruise or Robert Conrad look like they should be tall, and it's kind of a disappointment to find out that they're short. Some tall men, like Clint Walker, have heads that are too small for their large bodies.

Look at the picture of (gigantic) Merlin Olsen, shown directly above. His head is roughly the same general shape as (little) Mickey Rooney's.

The heights of women are just impossible to accurately peg, just by looking at their faces. How does Geena Davis look tall, just by considering her face, compared to any other beautiful woman? Well, she doesn't.
Jameson said on 26/Jun/21
Probably 6’5” peak, 6’6” in cleats or shoes.
Covvvid1984. said on 4/Mar/21
Seems a peak legit 6-6 imo.
Hong said on 22/Jan/21
Click Here Here's Clint and Cromwell.
Hong said on 22/Jan/21
Click Here There's a similar height difference between Dryer and Ted Danson as there was between Clint eastwood and James Cromwell,in space cowboys.
Canson said on 16/Nov/19
He’s got the head of a guy who is 6’6” plus
Caldoni said on 7/Oct/19
6-6. Legit.
Canson said on 8/Feb/19
Well said and I do believe a peak Danson was 6’2.5ish. The 6’6 listing could be 6’5.5 barefoot
Daycringeothon said on 7/Feb/19
He shared scenes with Ted Danson on Cheers Season 1 episode 4. He looked 3” max taller than 6’2.5” Peak Height Ted Danson. Harry Anderson also appeared in that; having an inch on Ted. Another 2” with the hat he was wearing.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 16/Dec/18
He was 6'6" for sure, he might've edged out James Cromwell who is listed as 6'6.5" on here. I remember looking at a picture someone posted with them standing together and Fred looked taller.
Bennett said on 5/Feb/18
Dryer look more on the 6ft5.75 peak and could be as low as 6ft5 by now. Maximum 6ft5.25
joe### said on 11/Dec/17
solid 6´6
Sorin176 said on 8/Dec/17
Here is Fred Dryer with supposedly 198 Tony Longo, Fred looks a little taller, but he is also closer to the camera: Click Here
There is a lot of evidence of a legit 198 for Fred, most important one being when face to face with strong 198 James Cromwell in the Hunter TV series, the 2 looked same height.
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
Fred Dryer should be 6'6 peak but maybe not more than 6'5.25" now.
Ian C said on 3/Apr/17
When I read Jack Reacher novels, I cast Fred as Reacher. He has the size and also the intelligence and unforced masculinity. Casting Tom Cruise as Reacher is just wrong, not only because he is too short, but because he is too nervous.
martin said on 15/Feb/17
I always was a hunter fan in the 80s and I was always amazed how small freds waist size looked . I'm 6ft 4inches and 195 lbs n I where a 36x 36 levis n wen I look at freddy he looks smaller then me n he played defensive end. and he had a great career. he was one of 5 actors on tv wen I was fighting off cancer the first time I always said id like to sit n have a beer with. I own the series n watching the last n final season right now. thanks fred for all the great memories.
Jason said on 6/Dec/15
Ian C: Dryer never looked all that muscular to me -- just tall! But he did sort of remind me of Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry -- similar mannerisms.
Ian C said on 6/Sep/15
Physically, Fred Dryer is what you'd get if you sent Clint Eastwood back to the shop for an upgrade. He's not only taller but vastly better muscled and more athletic. Eastwood has a wide pelvis and runs awkwardly but Dryer runs like the professional football player he once was.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/13
defo looks it,had a at 2 or 3 inches on ted danson in cheers.
VC said on 18/Mar/13
I think he's a strong 6'5 because he stood next to several taller guest stars in his hit series 'Hunter' in the 80's & 90's & they were all an inch or more taller than him. These guys whom are bigger such as Big Bo Svenson, James Cromwell, Big John Studd & late John Matuszak were all listed at 6'6 & 6'7.
Confued said on 1/Feb/12
Jasperwaxzap.. hunter ran for 6 seasons....
jasperwazap said on 11/Jan/12
in his short lived show Hunter his partner who's 5'4'' in an episode says to him "your're 6'5'' but he then reply's "no your wrong i'm 6'6''" something like that. so even a shorter person can get it wrong sometimes.

he could be just 6'5'' a strong 6'5'' but he thinks he's 6'6''. a weak 6'6'' max
LAN Jiao said on 5/Nov/11
maybe he is 6'6 morning. he look more like 197cm.
Hansen said on 23/Aug/11
Rock Hudson was never been 6ft5, in hey days he wore heeled cowboy boots alot. Rock Hudson 6ft4-6ft4.5 and fred dryer 6ft5 top or 6ft5.5 max , easily 6ft6 morning.
Shadow2 said on 18/Dec/10
Fred was 6'6" in standard shoes in "Hunter", the height his character was described as. In one of his first TV roles, in a 1981 mini series, Fred is in a confrontation scene with 6'5" Rock Hudson and the two seem the same height. This is not surprising, as Rock could occasionally be 6'6" in shoes, the reason there is often argument over his true height.
Antonio said on 5/Mar/09
I use to see him often, back in the late 70s, during his workouts. He was very tall, so it was hard to say. I think 6-6 is probably correct. He was quite lean, but very muscular, too. He was very friendly.
hb45 said on 1/Feb/08
He looks very very tall in "Hunter"!!! 6'6" seems the right height for Fred Dryer...
Anonymous said on 6/Jun/07
supes78 John matuszak was on the show in 1985 and he was about 2 1/2 inches taller and about 70 pounds heavier, also Big john studd was on the show about a year later and he was about the same height as matuszak and even a little heavier.
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/06
I stood right next to Fred at a political dinner in 1987 in Redondo Beach and he is definetly up around 6'6", I'm 6'2.5".

supes78 said on 16/Aug/05
I remember watching reruns of "Hunter" growing up and there was never anybody on that show that stood taller than Fred Dryer. His size made the series that much more believable because it wasn't hard to imagine a 6'6" guy kicking some bad guy butt!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.