American musician, songwriter and actor. In a 1979 bam magazine interview he gave height as "Six feet tall"
avi said on 18/Sep/21
I think this listing is wrong
He seems 5'10.5 at most
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/20
Frank Zappa was born 80 years ago today. I got into his zany style of music with my tall friend Pam back in the 80s.
The star passed on just over 2 weeks short of his 53rd Birthday. 😪
5ft11.5 🎶🎵🎧
RIP Frank Zappa 🕯️ XXX
21/12/1940 - 4/12/1993
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/20
He was wise to him looking Middle Eastern too
Click Here Click Here There he looks like he could be a dictator of Iraq. :-) Definitely had the Borat thing going on!
Arch Stanton said on 17/Dec/20
Well, he always had a long face/nose, long/thin look, I thought he looked more southeast European/Middle Eastern looking than Italian/French, with short hair and a tash he could pass for somebody from Iraq or Jordan, maybe Bosnian, Hungarian or Greek, you see "serfs" with his kind of look in some of those old Soviet era films from southeast Europe. His son Dweezil definitely looks more Italian though and has blue eyes, nothing like Frank. I didn't think of him as particularly tall, so 5'11.5 seems about right.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 1/Oct/20
I want to retract my previous comment. Here's Frank Zappa in 1985 next to then 6'1" Dee Snider. Frank was definitely not 6'0. More like 5'10"-5'11". What do you think Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
If footwear was close, he can look nearer 10 than 6ft that moment.Way back in his younger days with
Steve Allen I think he could be less than his claim.
Danimal 176.7cm said on 1/Oct/20
amanda Perry said on 26/Jul/20
I met him in the 70's. 5'9" at most.
Wrong. You were in high heels most likely. He was taller than 5'11" Arsenio Hall in 1989.
amanda Perry said on 26/Jul/20
I met him in the 70's. 5'9" at most.
Bob da cob. said on 13/Jan/20
Looks 6-0 even with other celebrities. Can’t see him lying about it. He wasn’t a stooge.
William_O'Jell said on 12/Apr/19
I have it on good advice he was 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Zaporoska said on 5/Mar/19
Young Frank Zappa
Click Here
SL9 said on 24/Dec/18
He may have been around 6ft tall, so I'm not able to place him, but then again he might have been nearer 5'10 and the big heels he always wore put him over 6ft hence the perception of 6ft+
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Jun/18
I book him at a solid 6ft
Bowser said on 29/Jan/18
Assuming Zappa was a legit 6'0", Beefheart looks around 5'10" here assuming similar footwear:
Click Here

Editor Rob
In that photo he can look 5ft 10ish, although Zappa may have bulkier heels on.
Giorgi said on 28/Apr/17
He looks kinda taller ;))
Vinny Rothzalentano said on 3/Feb/17
I recorded and gigged with Ike Willis from Zappa's band and he said Frank was 6 foot 2........
Matt Oldham said on 12/Dec/16
Check out his appearance on the Steve Allen show: clearly nowhere close to six feet. I have stood next to Steve Allen and can confirm he was tall but not excessively, maybe 6'3" at the very most. Frank was very obviously considerably shorter. Between 5'7" and 5'9" I would estimate.
RossCal said on 30/Sep/14
Frank had a fondness for high-heeled shoes in the 70's which, onstage, made him appear taller than his hired musicians. His face/head was very long/narrow, adding to the illusion...
Gilipollas said on 21/Mar/14
I always thought he was 6'2" at least.
JCfromDC said on 13/May/13
Really? I always thought he looked kinda small and scrawny on stage. Must've been the angles
wiltonstilts said on 15/Apr/13
I agree with mike he looked much taller. GO ZAPPA!
Mike said on 12/Mar/13
Funny, he always seemed taller. Guess with his thin build, dramatic looks and larger than life persona he just had a bigger presence.
Henkka said on 11/Aug/11
Vai is indeed about 5'11.5". I met him at a masterclass, I'm 6'0.5" and he looked about an inch shorter than me. He's similar in height to Richie Kotzen, which I've also met (he's closer to 5'11" flat). They're both very nice guys, and great teachers!
5'8.56784 said on 28/Jul/11
Rob, have you hear Zappa's music? if so, what do you think about it?
5'8.56784 said on 28/Jul/11
Vai has to be 5'11.5 at least.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/11
In any case, Zappa is clearly taller than Vai by half an inch.
Uncle Bobby B said on 26/Nov/10
(Revised) I have been a long time Frank Zappa fan (since 1964). I have seen Frank Zappa live in concert 7 times and I doubt he is much taller than 5' 9". Clearly he is a Giant to me, but I doubt he is 6' tall.
Uncle Bobby B said on 25/Nov/10
I have been a long time Frank Zappa fan (since 1964). I have seen Frank Zappa live in concert 7 times and I doubt he is much taller than 5' 9". Clearly he is a Giant to me, but I he is 6' tall.
guyfrommars said on 30/Oct/10
Zappa frequently wore boots with heels. He was also very slim which boosted the illusion of him being taller than he really was.
Zapatista said on 4/Dec/07
Frank was 23 years old in the clip below and looks like a scrawny sub - 6 footer to me next to the supposedly 6'3" Steve Allen.
Click HereFrank Zappa on the Steve Allen Show
Frank Zappa shows Steve Allen how to play the bicycle. Originally broadcast March 14, 1963.
glenn said on 16/Aug/07
oh,i misread.i thought you meant he was 5-7 period.
Mr. T said on 15/Aug/07
Zappa was by age 11. Yeah, Beefheart hasn't had any public appearances since 1994.
Anonymous said on 15/Aug/07
I think he's saying Zappa was 5'7 by 11.
glenn said on 15/Aug/07
who is 5-7? beefheart is in bad health for years.
Mr. T said on 14/Aug/07
Somewhat lanky guy. Said he was 5'7" and well into puberty by age 11, too.
I wonder how tall Captain Beefheart is. Always described as hulking, and he does look relatively tall in photos, but even more bulky.