Dandandandandan said on 26/Feb/23
Any reason you went with 1/8 instead of 1/4, rob? Are you considering that she may not be much over a full 6ft?
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 11/Jan/23
177 lbs in this photo
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 10/Nov/22
The second hashtag isn't well written. it must say Tallest Woman in this site
Jimmy_ESB_182 said on 19/Jul/22
Frequently collabs with Arjen Anthony Lucassen who is super tall. Way taller than her. I found 202 cm on his site
Arch Stanton said on 4/Dec/21
She does look like she could be much taller than this in some photos taken from a lower angle, like 6'4, and looks well built to boot. When not in heavy makeup has a lovely face too, similar colouring to Evangeline Lilly or Liv Tyler.
RickHavoc said on 3/Dec/21
Nice to see her on this site! I even expected her to be like 6'2. Of course on stage she looks like a 7ft tall gorgeous heavy metal goddess :)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/21
I think her tall height must add enormously to her stage presence, and there's no way at all why it should be an issue for either Floor or her fans, Dionisio! 😉
She has every reason to be very proud of her height and her success.
6ft and an eighth. 🎶🎧😁💐
Dionisio Rojas said on 19/May/21
Thanks for adding Floor, her height has been always an issue for her and the fans.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 7/Mar/21
Giant is open to interpretation. It’s not just about height, but strength and presence too
Nik Ashton said on 2/Mar/21
She ain’t far off giant territory!
Leesheff85 said on 28/Feb/21
@leif a 6 foot woman in heels would certainly feel like a giant but a giant for a woman would probably be 6ft 2 and about 6ft 8 for a man
Leif said on 23/Feb/21
She says she's not a giant yet over 6 feet, how much bigger does she need to be to be a giant lol..she's pretty close
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 17/Feb/21
Is this body positivity I see? I’m very body positive. I’m completely certain that I have a body. Some might say, positive about it
Nik Ashton said on 15/Feb/21
@ Leesheff85 - That’s a great comment to make, I totally agree. 👌
Samuel Hinchliffe said on 14/Feb/21
You should add After Forever in her bio. The band she was a part of prior to Nightwish
Leesheff85 said on 13/Feb/21
Very wise chris. I like you. It's true we do come in different shapes and sizes and should embrace that
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 12/Feb/21
Yeah I wouldn’t say she weighs in over 170-175
Nik Ashton said on 11/Feb/21
She would tower over Big Rob Paul and Big Nik Ashton!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 11/Feb/21
Wow! That's quite a height even for a Dutch girl! Cool to see that Floor sings rock music, so it would probably appeal to me.
6ft and an eighth for Floor.
Freja said on 11/Feb/21
But the real question is, can Floor shoot lightening from her fingertips? I say yes. She commands all elements as any Viking Goddess should.
Mickie said on 10/Feb/21
I get that, but she's got broad shoulders and big legs. I don't know what she'd weigh exactly but I'd expect 170 - 175 would be a lot more likely than something like 160.
Mickie said on 9/Feb/21
I would think she weighs more than 170 not less. Her legs are pretty big. Although people's weights vary depending on when you are talking about.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Feb/21
@ChaosControl 6'2 1/2
At her heaviest she does look 170 tops. She maintain more well at looking about 162-165 for quite sometimes. About her height i would even go as high as 6'0 1/4.
I'myself a bit over 6'5 1/2 yet i'm not the tallest in my family. I had two brother both 6'7 1/2 and one of my cousin who was the tallest of entire family from dad's at 6'9 include a few cousin all taller than me ranging 6'6-6'7. One time we have a whole family reunion photoshoot my dad make us stand according from shortest to tallest while the feeling of being a tall guy break down to be average looking from that family photo and honestly i feel short when standing next to my 6'9 cuz lol.. It's ok to be average height, tall or short, people came in all different size and shape so afterall as we growing older every year health is more our concern than our outlook.
berta said on 7/Feb/21
haha interesting. i actually was listening to nightwih the other day and saw her perform and thought " this girl must be atleast 6 foot"
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 5/Feb/21
I’d like to see her compare with most men who claim 6’0, she looks a legit 170 pounds too
Leesheff85 said on 4/Feb/21
Wow Chris I wouldnt wanna be stood in a photo with your family I'd feel tiny. Not that I'm being rude or anything and my family arent tall anyway my dad was 5ft 9 my mum about 5ft 2 one brother is just over 5ft 7, the other about 5ft 11 1/2 and im 5ft 6 so im used to being around shorties haha
Robbe said on 4/Feb/21
Floor is also not just tall, she has broad shoulders, and strong looking hands. I would't mess with her, really.. otherwise 👉 🦷 🦷 🦷
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Feb/21
Yes i'm from a tall canadian family with 6 brothers all over 6'0 up to 6'7 1/2 and 4 sisters from over 5'8 to 6'0 1/8. 6'0 1/8 was my youngest sister just turn 16 not long ago not sure if she will gain another bit more.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/Feb/21
Yes i'm from a tall family with 6 brothers all over 6'0 up to 6'7 1/2 and 4 sisters from over 5'8 to 6'0 1/8. 6'0 1/8 was my youngest sister just turn 16 not long ago not sure if she will gain another bit more.
Leesheff85 said on 2/Feb/21
Wow chris your sister is 6 foot? That's very tall for a woman 8 inches above average like a man being 6ft 5. are you a very tall family?
Nik Ashton said on 1/Feb/21
She is taller than most Dutch men!
Elias said on 1/Feb/21
Hi Rob,Thank you for having created this new page 😃. Just for your information, there is a little mistake on the second tag, it’s written « Tallest Woman » but it should be «Tallest Women »
Thanks again 😉

Editor Rob
yeah I'd changed it 👍
Robbe said on 31/Jan/21
Yeah, Floor is around 183-184cm. Here she is standing next to 180cm Marco Hietala, the guy with long beard.
Click Here
Tuomas Holopainen is listed at 188cm. He is wearing flat sneakers there, while Floor's and Marco's shoes look pretty thick.
ChaosControl 6'2 1/2 said on 30/Jan/21
Tallest women category when?

Editor Rob
mikeyblaze321 said on 30/Jan/21
" I'm not a giant"
OK, maybe so……but she is still probably in the top .05%, even for the Netherlands.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jan/21
She does look twin height as my little sister.