American Actress known for roles in tv series like Commander in Chief, Eureka and A Handmaid's Tale. She said on DNews:
"I'm about 5-foot-9, and I'm the shortest adult on the show, so I think it's true that we have the tallest cast on television".
Photo by s_buckley/
Nik said on 11/Jul/19
She is taller than 70% of adults!
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jul/18
Her uncles and her grandfather (John, the other two being her uncles), are listed on Celebheights, so you can check 'em out at your leisure! I know that they are by no means on the short side. Her Dad, Robert, is not listed - yet! 👍
Nik said on 10/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell - That is very interesting to hear, thankyou! Acting sure is in the blood of the Carradine family, and you know what? I would love to know how tall her Dad, Grandad, and uncles, are!
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jul/18
😛 Correction Time! 😛
That should be IS the daughter, not US!!!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/18
@ Nik - Ever us the daughter of Robert Carradine, the niece of Keith Carradine and David Carradine and the Granddaughter of John Carradine. All of these men in her family are/were actors.
Nik said on 7/Jul/18
@ Sandy Cowell
I like her name and her interest in height! - Third comment!

Editor Rob
Ever does look her claim, in Runaways with
James Marsters, whilst in a heel was a few inches taller than him.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jul/18
@ Nik - I shall also offer her 5ft9, and her second comment! 😊🍻
Nik said on 5/Jul/18
I can offer Ever 5'9" and her first comment!