J. said on 24/Jul/06
I agree, Viper652! Although she's not hideous without the warpaint, just average looking. Like 99% of celebrities. I dunno, I guess the requirements to make it in Hollywood is to be shortish/average height and appearantly, average looking!
anon said on 24/Jul/06
New pics on Wireimage of Eva stood with Huffman and Brenda Strong.Noticeable she didn't stand next to Brenda on any pics,but she is clearly at least a foot shorter than her.she doesn't even reach the top of Brendas shoulders.I doubt she's even 5ft,let alone 5'1''.
Viper652 said on 23/Jul/06
Ive seen pictures of her without makeup and she looked like a hideous beast. Tells you what makeup and lighting can do for you.
Bibi said on 22/Jul/06
She is pretty in face, but simply toooooo short. It is not nice for a woman to be so short. An ideal height for a girl is between 5'6" and 5'8". Tall, slim women are beautiful and stunning even though it may not be always practical for the everyday life because there are not that many tall men. I'm 5'5" and would not mind to have extra two inches.
lily said on 26/Jun/06
Having met her bf Tony Parker in person, I think he is around 6'1" with b-ball shoes on. (I'm 5'2" and came up well past his shoulders). Eva might not even be in the 5-ft range...but 5'0.5" is the max I'd give her. She's a size double-zero, so yes she is very tiny!
sunbeame said on 23/Jun/06
The pics on this page are interesting:
Click Here
Eva with the 5ft 2 and a half (at a push!) Jessica Simpson, Eva looks at least 2 inches shorter i would guess. Even 5'1 is generous, she really is tiny! Probably she is 5ft and a half barefoot, maximum.
Anonymous said on 21/Jun/06
I think that she might be 5 foot, by seeing some pictures of her, thats what Im guessing. She is very thin and very petite, but has a great bod and is definitely proportioned which makes her look a bit taller than she probably is.
erica said on 16/Jun/06
god..she's tiny...
and that petite build of hers makes her seem even smaller!
I'm 4'11.5 on the dot, 5'0 first thing in the morning, but can look taller because I'm proportioned...MUCH taller.
I'd say Eva is...like 4'10 or 4'11 (146-150 cm)
Tia said on 10/Jun/06
Saw her at the races in Melbourne; and is definately not 5'2. I'd give her a 5'1- and THAT'S being generous!
me said on 6/Jun/06
why would it be that bad to lie about your height? i'm very small as well and i've had a problem with it for a long time but i've accepted it... i guess she must be about 5 ft 1 cuz she does look amazingly short
Its A Punjabi Ting (UK) said on 25/May/06
Anonymous..wat makes u think she got bullied and put on pegs? For all u no she may have been popular. She is goodlooking.....so dat might have worked with the guys...maybe a few cusses and disses at her height....but all in da name of a friendly joke. For her height tho I cant beleive shes going out with sum1 hu is 6ft 2
Mia said on 22/May/06
I can believe she is 5 feet, 152cm. because depedning on how you dress or if u are fit,u may look taller on tv.thats what happens with Eva. but when u put her next to another person u see clearly she is really short!Im 148cm,go to gym everyday so im very fit,wich makes me look taller. when im wearing heels,no one will ever think im this short!only when i takemy shoes off or stand next to someone they will see the tiny tiny doll im! same thing with Eva,put her next to any star and u will see her real height.I think she is 152 max
maricia said on 17/May/06
its hard being short , and trying to fit in without people commenting about it, but when you see a short celeb you feel more secure and comfrtable because you have somthing in commen with them
Alex said on 12/May/06
I see her at 5'1.
Anonymous said on 10/May/06
i think that she would barely reach my shoulder and im 15 and about 175 cm tall.But she is really is great looking.She probaly got bullied at school for being so small like getting put on the pegs at the cloakroom by the youngest people in the school.But she is very pretty i would love to meet her
Haylie said on 25/Apr/06
those are most likely 4 inches or maybe 4.5 as you have no idea how hard it is to come across a pair of 5 inch heels and how huge the platform would have to be! My highest heels are 4.5 wedges and the look GIANT from the back!
Hannah Gabriella said on 24/Apr/06
Eva Longoria is Gorgeous. She is my favorite celebrity, I admire that she is not Tall, blonde, and blue eyed. And she isnt Fake. I am 5'4, but i think it is good that she isnt Too tall.
J. said on 17/Apr/06
Ricardo Chavira is short? Wow, he actually had a recurring part on Six Feet Under some moons ago and I would have guessed that he was about 6'0"+! I see, I was tricked!
sparkle said on 16/Apr/06
She's 5'0. I met her at a Spurs game along w/her TV husband Ricardo Chavira (a.k.a "Carlos"). Seeing them in person was a total shock. I'm 5'1" and 115lbs. Next to me, Longoria looked like a 12-yr old girl with an adult's face. She's extremely thin, but yes she's pretty. And Chavira was disappointingly smaller than I thought too, maybe 5'7"?
sunbeame said on 14/Apr/06
I do like Eva, but it does annoy me that she goes on about happy she is being petitie and that.....but then goes and lies about her height by saying she is 5'2! There is no way she is this height, from seeing her on tv, whether it's DH, her Punk'd episode or on the red carpet or whatever, she's one of the shortest celebs i've seen.
anonymous said on 10/Apr/06
well, fergie is 5'2 for sure. if you look on gettyimages.com, there are lots of pictures of fergie standing next to eva - both in heels. Fergie looks two inches taller than Eva so there is no way Longoria is 5'2. I'd say 5'1 at most and only because I'm not sure if her heels were four inches or three like Fergie's. Hope that made things clearer! :)
sunbeame said on 6/Apr/06
Scroll down this page and she's described as a "5 feet dominatrix" (!).
Click Here
Where as on this page some dude that has met her claims she cant be more than 5 foot tall.
Click Here
I think she's gotta be 5'1 at the most. She seems very petite. One website even describes her as seeming less than 5 feet even in her heels. I think this might be a slight exaggeration though!!!
sarz said on 24/Mar/06
hahah yaah she is pretty shorrt !! omg anonyy am a shorty too !! hahah welcome to the club i used to bee so piissed off and i wished i would get taller but now its coool heheh i like it am the only one thats short in my grade so it makes mee diffrent n uniike !! duuude u gotta take it in a positiv waay make shortness ur strong point not ur weakness hahaha :pP
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/06
Is she only 5'1"??? She looks taller on screen! Without Celebheight's information, I would have imagined her as a 5'4"....
nikki said on 18/Mar/06
anony I can't believe you hate being so petite I have a friend who is your height and is just gorgeous- she gets all the attention from guys! Sometimes being a tall woman really poses a problem I think the ideal height to be is 5'4" (I'm 5'9") As for Eva I'd say 5'1" as she does look quite a bit shorter than Felicity huffman- 5'5"
anony said on 18/Mar/06
I read once that she exercises with her stilettos on. I don't think she wants people to know shes that small but i dunno. Im glad she is famous and that she is petite. I remember her in the young and the restless, she didn't look petite in the show. cool...I thought I was the only one that was surprised to find she "modeled" in one of the episodes. Im also surprised that some girls want to be shorter as Ive always heard the other way around. I hate being short as I am under 4'11 and every one tells me Im short all the time as if I didn't know already. hmmm...But its nice to know theres ladies like eva and jada pinkettsmith out there being successful :)
cheryl said on 10/Mar/06
okey,anonymous,you might be right.i'll watch it again.i don't just get why eva would add inches to her height,if she likes being short as she has said.but she certanly isn't 5.2.maybe 5 0.5 is right?
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/06
cheryl, i'd say that it was Christina that was taller than eva. christinas heels look bigger and i'd say she was a good inch taller
cheryl said on 8/Mar/06
i've been wondering.if she really likes being the tiny doll she is,then why would she add inches to her height?
cheryl said on 27/Feb/06
about those pics of eva and christina you can see eva has a bit bigger heels and is maybe half an inch taller or the same height so i'd say they are both about 5'0-1''..not taller!!!!
sunbeame said on 23/Feb/06
I think its a case of Christina being smaller though rather than Eva being any taller.I think Eva is between 5'0 and 5'1, with Christina then maybe half an inch or so taller.
Kate said on 22/Feb/06
Hey, how tall is Christina Aguilera Rob? 5'2"?. Here's Eva with Aguilera and they look the same height. Maybe .5" difference. I don't know. You can see their shoe attire here.

Editor Rob
yes, these pics were mentioned a while ago and there isn't that much between them.
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/06
What do you people reckon is Eva's weight? I reckon she's 5'1" (that's not a bad thing), and she does look thin. I reckon she's <100lbs.
A said on 17/Feb/06
Hey Rob, here's a really good pic of her and Tony Parker. They're both wearing sneakers as you can see from the pic. She's definitely not 5'. She looks to be a little over 5'1".

Editor Rob
she doesn't look as short as 5ft compared to most people, but 5ft 1 against 186cm looks close, even a smidge over maybe
CoolJ said on 16/Feb/06
I think she's about 5' even
Viper652 said on 15/Feb/06
Is this chick really under 5-0?? That is hard to beleive.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/06
CoolJ said on 9/Feb/06
Yeah I think that pic with Parker proves my 152cm statement.. Especially since I dug up old material saying he's 183cm.
Seaton said on 8/Feb/06
I think she's under 5 feet, look at the picture of next to Tony Parker in his section.
CoolJ said on 8/Feb/06
Definitely shorter than this.
cheryl said on 26/Jan/06
S,i agree!!and hey,i'm like 5'2.5 or something and i would LOVE being shorter and petite!!!!i love it!i hate being my size.i doesn't sound tall but i'd like to be shorter.it looks so good and cute.it would be lovely!!!
S said on 18/Jan/06
I don't get why everyone thinks being tall is so good. I hate feeling bigger than everyone else! I am 5'5" and most of my friends are shorter than me. I would love to be Eva's height and be petite.
JP said on 18/Jan/06
I went to school with her. She's 5'0". To be honest, she's very plain and not hot like everyone makes her out to be. A good hairstylist, makeup artist and fashion assistant can turn anyone into a hottie. But I'm glad to see she's made something of herself. She's still plain old Eva to everyone else. NO where near 5'2"...maybe with heels?
Danny said on 18/Jan/06
Rob I think she shorter because Marcia is nearly the whole head taller.
I think she 5'0.5
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/06
This woman is 155 cm; 5'1. Pictures don't lie.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/06
http://www.eva-longoria.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/7981/cat/959- something else I found; she is definately 155 cm that's if she's not shorter.
Anonymous said on 6/Jan/06
She is wearing
Nike Shox, it gives you about 2 inches, http://www.eva-longoria.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/4626/cat/822. I should know I own a pair. Basing off what I saw from the pictures with Christina Aguilera, 157cm; 5'2, http://www.eva-longoria.net/gallery/showgallery.php/cat/873, Eva is definately 155 cm; 5'1.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/06
She has a rather short torso and her legs I dont know normal for her height I guess. http://www.eva-longoria.net/gallery/showgallery.php/cat/873 is a whole gallery of her standing shorter than Christina Aguilera who supposedly 157 cm either that or Christina is actually 158-160 cm. My bet is Eva is only 155 cm. Sorry my dears that is not half an inch but is a whole inch in the majority pictures.
Rilson said on 5/Jan/06
Hmm its strange she can sometimes look 5 ft max other times like in picture below more like 5'1.5.She looks different in near enough every picture i see of her!! I guess it all depends on the height of her heels.
lolly said on 27/Dec/05
yes i rekon about 5ft or 5ft and a half.but i don't think she's any less than that.
jess said on 16/Dec/05
she looks so short,and not only petite but soooo tiny,i mean she has so small bones!and next to the other housewifes,she is like at least 4-5 inches shorter.i just wish I could be as short and petite.it's just so cute.and eva likes being short too.it's all good.eva's superrrr!and i'm like 5ft2.5 and i wish i'd be shorter!!!i feel big.eva rocks my socks!!
sunbeame said on 14/Dec/05
Check out this link (hope it works!)
You can compare Eva against the 5'3 Kelly Ripa. After seeing that - i see what people mean when they say she is 5foot!
phillyflash said on 21/Nov/05
She hosted SNL, was in a skit with 5'2 Amy Poehler, and while they didn't get very close, and I'm not sure about the shoe thing, itsy-bitsy Amy, while not towering over Eva, looked like she could be as much as 2" taller than Eva. The end of the show, where they're all dressed casually, Eva only was hugging guys until I saw her (at a distance only) with teeny-tiny Rachel Dratch, 5'0", and Rachel appeared as tall, if not taller than Eva, IMO. Eva is so perfectly proportioned, and skinny, even a little bow-legged, while her clothes seem to give her height too.
Viper652 said on 15/Nov/05
Yeah, I think shes around 5-0, 5-1. I seriously doubt shes under 5-0.
someone said on 14/Nov/05
She said she was 5'1..I buy it
CoolJ said on 11/Nov/05
Alba at 5'6.5" with flat flip-flops.. Longoria with 3" heels. About a 4-5" difference between them.
I'd say Longoria is give or take, 152cm
CelebHeights Editor said on 9/Nov/05
Here is the link where the aussie visitor below mentioned the description:
"Despite her tiny stature (she is just 150 centimetres tall)"
Her dress size:
"I am a size zero. I've never really been bothered about fashion, but I'm so tiny that all I want is for clothes to fit me" ... hmm.
Amanda said on 9/Nov/05
My boy friend and I saw her at a Spurs game last year. I say I am 5'2", but am barely 5'1". I had on slipper like shoes with rise. She had on spike heels that were at least 3-4" and when I talked to her, she was maybe as tall as I was. My boy friend observed and said she can't be more than 4'10". We were very surprised at how small she was also, she is tiny. She is the sexiest small woman I have ever seen. She gave me a new lease on life that we short women can be really sexy. She is really sexy, very nice and gorgeous.
Tia said on 7/Nov/05
GLOW is right. "THE AGE" Newspaper, here in Australia stated she was 150cm. Which makes her under 5ft... about 4'11" or so. Which is a good deal shorter than 5'2"
ketevan said on 1/Nov/05
i'm sorry but the term downgrade sounds really harsh. are u implying that short is bad? can u guys just stuff off, short people don't need to feel meagre and invisible, and if she's really 1 inch shorter than 157, then oh my god! big crime, what a big lie! it's not really that much of a difference, even at that height. leave her alone
Sigrit said on 28/Oct/05
so what if she's short it doesn't make her worse .. im too 157 cm .. am i now a freak or sth. she is a good actress and i think it doesn't matter how tall or small you are just take her as she is :)
Anon said on 19/Oct/05
On one of Evas websites there are some new pics of her and the DH cast.She is no way 5'2''! She doesn't even reach above Brenda Strongs shoulder level,and must be easily a foot shorter than her.I'm afraid she is long overdue for a downgrade.5'1'' would be generous but fair.
nope said on 21/Sep/05
I say 1.56m and lower. Christina is a tad taller unless Christina is 1.58m or 1.59m.
Desperate said on 19/Sep/05
The chick is 5 '2, leave her alone!
J. said on 19/Sep/05
Was watching the Emmys pre-show briefly. This chick is sooooo under 5'2". She's seriously tiny. Average sized people dwarf her.
Gina said on 18/Sep/05
wow well she obviously seems much less than her listed height...standing next to Jessica Simpson, who to me doesn't seem quite 5'3", Eva was about 2 or 3 in shorter..i would say 5'0"
Ellyce said on 17/Sep/05
OK look, she's shorter than Christina Aguilera, both in heels. She can't be more than 5'1.
Standing together.... http://tinyurl.com/cfdnn
Pic showing their heels.... http://tinyurl.com/7r7jq
heightgirl said on 14/Sep/05
CoolJ - that's why I included the second pic. Alba and Longoria are both standing at the same distance from the camera, and even with Alba lowering her head slightly, there is still a significant height difference. :)
CoolJ said on 13/Sep/05
Guru, you do also realize Eva is standing back from Alba in that picture. When Alba is as close to the camera as she is, mere inches can mean a lot.
heightgirl said on 13/Sep/05
Here is Eva standing next to 5'6.5 Jessica Alba. Eva is wearing heels while Jessica is wearing flats. I'd say somewhere between 5'1 and 5'2 is about right.
Tia said on 31/Aug/05
I agree. She definately does not look more than 5'1 to me. I've seen Natalie Imbruglia, and she is most certainly 5'3-5'4. In the pic "theheightguru" shared, Eva is quite a bit shorter. I don't see the problem about exaggerating your height. If you're tall, you're tall. And if you're short, same deal. People still think Eva's beautiful regardless of her height; and it's not like she'll lose her role on Desp.Hwives for being short.
belly said on 9/Aug/05
Pic of Eva out shopping recently with 2 blokes either side of her.She's wearing huge heels and doesn't even stand much taller than navel height to either of them.If she's more than 5'1'' I'd be amazed.
theheightguru said on 30/Jul/05
Hmmmm. Eva Longoria says she is 5'2", yet in this pic with Natalie Imbruglia who is listed here @ 5'3 and a half in. and is not standing straight, Eva is QUITE A BIT SHORTER. Downgrade her please, this silliness must end!
CelebHeights Editor said on 30/Jul/05
She said in People in reference to manfriend: "He's 6'2", I'm 5'2", so it's not too bad.”
Kats said on 8/Jul/05
It's funny how sometimes 5'2-5'3 people say 5'4, since it's a nice, average height. And 5'0-5'1 people say 5'2 (if she did actually say 5'2). I remember months ago she was listed as 5'3. Funny stuff. Anyways, she deserves 5'1 at best. Wouldn't it be great if her character could jumpstart petite models into high fashion once and for all? Because, although short, Gabrielle Solis as a successful model is nearly believable.
kat said on 4/Jul/05
I think it's fabulous that with all of the other taller housewives, that Eva at 5'2" is the one playing a model. I only wish the fashion world would take notice. I would love to see some models like her on the runways!
Belly said on 24/Jun/05
Fair play to Eva for posing next to Brenda Strong.She's obviously proud to be short and isn't intimidated by such a huge woman standing next to her.
Nina said on 21/Jun/05
I'd have to say that Eva is only 5'0 or 5'1 at best. I met her and she was wearing heels (w/jeans to create a tall illusion), while I had on flip-flops. I am 5'1 and she was only like 3" taller than me. It wasn't until she sat down that the hem rose up and exposed a massive 4" heel. It doesn't really matter b/c she's a nice lady (although WAY more frail than I expected; I was scared to shake her hand b/c I didn't want to break her! lol)
belly said on 21/Jun/05
Just seen the pic of Eva standing next to Brenda Strong.She looks so tiny and doesn't even reach Brendas shoulder.5'1'' would be generous I reckon.
anonymous said on 31/May/05
rob, i think you should downgrade eva to 5'1.5"
she's a gorgeous girl, but to me she looks like another parminder nagra, who is boosted up from her real height. next to 5'5" felicity huffman, she looks a good four inches short than her. gorgeous chick
Steeley Dan said on 25/May/05
Has anyone seen the photos of Eva on her tribute website?
She's dwarfed by co star Brenda Strong(6ft) who looks well over a foot taller,and in another pic,Felicity Huffman has actually picked her up to illustrate how short she is.
I reckon 5 ft at best.
Anonymous said on 25/Apr/05
In Star , she said that she was surprised she became a runway model because she was only 5'2
JDD said on 21/Feb/05
I think shes around 5"2 only...a friend of mine saw her a couple months ago shopping and she got her autograph and everything and my friends 5"4 and was wearing flats....Eva was also wearing Uggs and my friend told me she was supppperrrr short infront of her and looked Tiny!!
Ally said on 21/Feb/05
Eva Longoria is my hero now! I'm 5 foot nothing and such a gorgeous, famous actress at 5'2 makes me feel better :) Especially the part where she plays an ex-runway model. haha. Woohoo!