Bob.C.Q said on 27/Sep/24
Hey Rob, who do you reckon is taller? Ethan Hawke or Jason Bateman?

Editor Rob
In the past I might have went with Bateman.
5'11Kid said on 25/Apr/24
Google and IMDb have him at 179cm and I’d say that’s accurate.
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 23/Nov/23
Still think Celasco would be a good add, and there are some good pics of Gerardo and Hawke standing near each other.
Celasco gets 6ft 1 listings and near Hawke did look a solid 6ft 0.5 or so at least.
Byron T. said on 31/Dec/22
In "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery," Ethan Hawke had edged out Daniel Craig (both of them were wearing flat shoes). I wouldn't be surprised if Ethan Hawke measured at a flat 5'11."
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Nov/22
Over the weekend, I acquired an Ethan Hawke film called ‘Black Phone’. The picture on the cover is terrifying! I’ll be back with his guess when I’ve seen it…..
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 3/Sep/22
Pedro looks a bit taller than Hawke in on-set pics of them both, Rob. At the very least they've got to be the same height.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 18/Aug/22
He's shooting a new Western with Pedro Pascal directed by Almodovar which looks excellent.
Pics of him and Pedro on set have started to surface and it must be said Pascal looks near 5ft 11 near him. If anything he may be a touch taller than Hawke. To me, there's definitely a lot out there now to suggest Pedro is around 180cm, Rob
Jake: 1.84 m - 1.85 m said on 5/Aug/22
I think he's more 179 cm and would get edged by chaps like Aaron Eckhart, Ben Mendelsohn, Jared Harris.
Blasto said on 5/May/22
Wouldn’t even be shocked if he was in the 5’8” range.
oguz said on 28/Apr/22
He really doesn't look that much taller than 5'7,5" Oscar Isaac here in this photo:
Click Here
But Oscar is probably wearing elevator shoes.

Editor Rob
I think there can look on that show sometimes less than 3 inches between them, but if Hawke stands tall about 3 inches.
Crixus said on 31/Oct/21
I'm not really comfortable giving him anything over 5'10 1/4. Has always looked like a solid 5'10 guy.
ViperPilot said on 18/Oct/21
He’s in the 5’9” to 5’10” range.
I think Rob gets thrown off by upswept hair a lot.
ashly sammoud said on 17/Oct/21
He's 6/7 cm than his daughter Maya and she's 5 ft 8.5
ashly sammoud said on 17/Oct/21
I think he's 5 ft 11 or 5 ft 11 and a quarter.
BT said on 30/Mar/21
Ethan is a bit of a sloucher at times so I'm sure he can look no more than 5'10 in some photos, but if countless other actors' listings are to be believed then he is in that 179-180 cm range for sure. Standing tall he arguably edges someone like Matthew McConaughey in 'The Newton Boys'
Click Here, clearly over 5'10 with Denzel and Pratt here
Click Here. 5'10.75 is believable.
MaskDeMasque said on 28/Jan/21
He looks taller than a flat 5'10 but less than 5'11. I think about 5'10.5 for Ethan.
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
In that 179xm range 👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Nov/20
🎁🎂 Happy 5️⃣0️⃣th Birthday Ethan! 🎂🎁
Many congratulations to Ethan Hawke who turns half-a-century, in other words, 5️⃣0️⃣ years of age today. Have a fantastic celebration Ethan! He starred in 'Boyhood' with Patricia Arquette, a film that took 12 years to make. Could you please, Rob, at some stage convenient to yourself, add it to Ethan's credits? 🤔
5ft10.75 🎊😁🎈
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jul/20
I noticed that 'The Purge' is on tonight - showing on ITV4, which means that you'll be very likely to catch it again if you wish to. Blimey, this is a sick idea, legalising all crime for 12 hours one day of the year, claiming that it 'cuts crime'.
The film shows people in an extremely bad light; the family we are following having profited from the annual purge, the father of the family of four having created efficient CCTV systems so that people can check to see that their homes are not being targeted by thugs.
Their neighbours are as two-faced as they come, feeling angry and resentful of the family's wealth and success. So who do you think they are going to vent their anger on? 😣😝😟
This is seriously disturbing stuff containing ruthless violence and a fearsome side to humanity. The second one is even worse. I gave my copy to my boyfriend!
Ethan, whose acting is excellent in this, gets 5ft11 tonight. 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Mar/20
@ Vexacus - Hi Vexacus! Ethan's acted in some excellent films in the fairly recent years. 'The Purge' and 'Sinister' were both films of exceptional quality, and had superior story lines.
I'll give Ethan 5ft11. 😁👍
Vexacus said on 19/Mar/20
He looked 6ft in The Purge, amazing
Hijoputamus said on 27/Jan/20
5ft9 no more
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/20
I am watching Ethan's super scary ghost story 'Sinister', which is being shown on the Horror Channel. Hailing from 2012, it is based on a nightmare experienced by co-writer of said movie, C Robert Cargill, after he saw the Japanese horror 'The Ring'.
Ethan stars as a crime writer, and seizes upon the opportunity of writing about some truly terrifying discoveries he makes when he and his young family move to a new home, with an extremely sinister, supernatural background, which he is eager to investigate and turn into a book.
Ethan, who was once married to the taller Uma Thurman, gets 5ft10.5. He can't be unduly concerned about towering over a partner; there'd be plenty of much smaller women out there for him if it mattered to him to be the taller half, but it isn't! He's had two children with Uma, one of each, the daughter, Maya, of whom has followed her parents into the acting industry.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Nov/19
🕯️🎁🎂🎈 Happy Birthday Ethan! 🎈🎂🎁🕯️
Here's wishing Ethan Hawke a ⭐ Very Happy 49th Birthday! ⭐ I enjoyed his performance in 'Daybreakers', which I saw for the first time the other night.
5ft10.75. 😁👍
MeMeme said on 20/Aug/19
He is 5'9,5", i am sure
JeffJeff said on 11/Aug/19
Ugh, I think Ethan’s faking ppl out with his spiked-up hair.
He’s a weak 5’10” at best, and 5’9”’is more likely.
James G. said on 4/Apr/19
Certainly looks smaller in almost every photo than this listing. He looks like a solid 5'10" man, not weak 5'11". Likely 5'10.25" at the tallest.
179cm guy said on 23/Nov/18
Rob I believe that both Ethan Hawke and Joel Edgerton only measure at 5'10 1/4. I really can't see them edging out someone like Daniel Craig who is a strong 5'10" and can look up to 5'10 1/2 in some photos. So in my opinion Ethan and Joel both need downgrades to 178.4cm.
5'10 3/4 said on 25/Jul/18
IM A Legit 178cm Guy I Think This Guy is the sam eheight as me we hace the same propotion
Xdan75 said on 20/Jun/18
I saw him at Rome airport (Fiumicino) some year ago. I'm 179 cm and he was shorter than me, about 2/3 centimetres, both with pretty similar shoes (sneakers). In my opion is a weak 177 cm.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 16/Jan/18
After seeing him next to fimmel. 178.5(5’10.25”)
:) said on 8/Jan/18
i want to say this man is solid 5'10.
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/17
180 CM minimum based on Gattaca and Training Day.
Grit said on 27/Nov/17
I see notjing else but a strong 5'11
Animus said on 14/Nov/17
Is there really only an inch between Ethan Hawke and Travis Fimmel?
Click Here
Animus said on 3/Jun/17
It's close to impossible that he's 180lb. As a comparison, Bradley Cooper, who is about two inches taller and has a thicker build, weighs 185lb.
trumpslave said on 9/Apr/17
James franco 179.5 cm
Jude law 179 cm
Ethan hawke 178.5 cm or 5ft10.25
Ramualdo said on 28/Mar/17
180 cm ??? )))) He's 175 cm max
berta said on 17/Mar/17
i think he is at best 180 cm bigger chanse of him being 179. he looks like he starting to get low testosterone lewels. he will nedd trt in e few years ore he will be one of those guys that loose height already at 50 years
Victor Surratt said on 29/Jan/17
In Gattaca he danced with Uma Thurman and they have the same height. He is a strong 5'11 at his peak.
J World said on 10/Jan/17
In the movie brooklyns finest he looks much shorter than you have him listed here. He looks 5'7 tops in that movie.
In my opinion he seems to have one of them body frames and builds that make him look much smaller than he is.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Dec/16
Rob, are you sure there's only just a fraction between him and Uma?

Editor Rob
at times yes, other times it can look a bit more.
the average short said on 18/Nov/16
Hes 5'9 minimum. 5'10 at most.
His proportions make him look much shorter than he actually is.
Scott said on 26/Oct/16
He always seemed a solid 5'10''to me.
josh jeffords said on 26/Oct/16
Looks a weak 5 10 i Guess always though he was shorter he is noticeably smaller than a senior larry fish.
Also would compare him to Jude law though the only movie I know they are in Jude never stands.. gattaca.
Jude looks 5 11 on screen not tall but above average so a strong 5 11 and lanky 170, Ethan looks a pretty weak 5 10 strong 5 9 165 less lanky.
This is possibly a perception thing Jude is very thin and always appears the same Ethan looks more athletic but still thin to average build.
This is easy ask 511.25 Uma how many inches of lifts he wore he looked taller and he is not 6 ft..
TJE said on 22/Oct/16
Nah it's the other way around
S.J.H said on 21/Oct/16
I thought he edge out matthew mcconaughey? Maybe ethan hawke is 5'11?
Scott179 said on 22/Aug/15
He was half an inch taller than (5'9?) Seymour-Hoffman in the devil film. But then again he only looks a couple of inches max shorter than 6'0 denzel Washington in training day. Footwear and camera angles no doubt. I'd say he's 178 cm or 5'10 bang on.
Chilean said on 2/Aug/15
Rob how tall is Ellar coltrane?? , and could you add boyhood to the list of ethan's movies too .
Tunman said on 7/Jul/15
Actually,Nickon he gave a deceiving impression at first in Training Day although when looking at him he was about 3-3.5 cms shorter than 182-3 Washington.A weak 5'11 is the maximum arguable and 5'10 range is more likely.
Maybe 5'10.5 is perfect.
5'10.5 in my opinion
nickon said on 1/Jul/15
He looks similar to Denzel in training day. I would say 180
Danimal said on 17/Jun/15
Watching the horror movie Sinister (2012) right now. Didn't realize he has the starring role in it.
James B said on 11/Jun/15
Looks taller than 5'11 here
Click Here
SAK said on 4/Apr/15
The highest he can be is 179cm. I see him as 178cm/179cm. Was over an inch shorter than Bear Grylls.
CDS said on 26/Feb/15
I'd give him more a solid 5'10" to 5'10.5" barefoot, but not quite a strong 5'11", otherwise, as MD states below, he'd come across looking in the 6' to 6'1" range in shoes. It probably makes no difference, but in the movie "Gattaca", Tony Shalhoub tells his character that even in lifts he could not pass for 6'1", like the
Jude Law character. A strong solid 5'11"-er could easily pass for 6'1" in lifts.
MD said on 25/Feb/15
I've never understood this listing. At a barefoot 5'11", he could come across looking legitimately taller in the right shoes. He always just looks average to me. Anyway, here he is with his recent co-star Ellar Coltrane, who is never listed above 5'7.5" on the internet, and usually just 5'7":
Click Here
There are tons of other pictures out there, but what's clear is that he's not four inches taller than Coltrane. Ethan has always struck me as just 5'10".
Mr. R said on 23/Feb/15
He is closer to 5-10.25 I saw Ethan and Uma after the Oscars one night.
LNguyen said on 22/Dec/14
He looks around 5' 9.5" to 5' 10.5"
BGee said on 20/Dec/14
If he's 5'11 then how tall is his daughter?
Click Here (she's 16 in this image)

Editor Rob
maybe between 5ft 6 and 7?
Judd said on 11/Nov/14
in gattaca it said that hawke is 5'11" and judd law is 6'1"! obviously 6'1" for jude law is out of question, i would guess he's at best a weak 5'11" and hawke looks close to him, so 5'10.5-11" is good for him!
TJE said on 8/Nov/14
Changed my mind. I'd say 5'10.5 now. He can look upper average but rarely looks tallish.
james said on 30/Oct/14
He's 5'11? Gimme a break 5'10 with shoes on is more like it
mamido said on 26/Sep/14
guys . that is a real height . i saw him beside denzel . ethan is 180 cm . denzel is 184 . i am sure about this
Sam said on 24/Jul/14
Happened to catch a few minutes of The Newton Boys on TV, Hawke and McConaughey did indeed look close in height...even though he was lead, McConaughey did not have as good posture as Hawke (even though he seems more of a slouching, mumbling kind of actor), so at times Hawke looked a smidge taller.
TJE said on 23/Jul/14
Always looked closer to 5'10 than 5'11. I'd say 5'10.25 is a better guess.
Sam said on 23/Jul/14
He's 5'10.5"-5'11" range IMO. Also looked this about this in person when I saw him in Hurly-Burly with Bobby Cannavale, Joshua Hamilton and Elizabeth Berkley.
SAK said on 14/Jul/14
5'10.5/179cm seems more accurate for him. 180cm early morning maybe.
cole said on 12/Jul/14
I'd say 5'10.5 was more his height, but he can look near 5'11.
176,2Tunman said on 30/Jun/14
Strongly doubt he's a full 5'11.I would be surprised if he turned only 0.25"shorter than Uma,more likely an inch.178-9 is more likely.
Damon said on 18/Jun/14
this confuses me. definitely doesn't look like 2.5 inch difference with 6'1.5 Jeremy Irons here
Click Here
Lars said on 15/Jun/14
In dead poets society , he was a little bit shorter then Kurtwood Smith , i guess he is about 5'10 - 5'11
Arch Stanton said on 16/Feb/14
Thanks. He's quite skinny with a thin face which can often give the illusion of being tall but I see him as a weak 5'11", similar to McConaughey. You could argue 5'10" for both I guess but this looks about right.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Feb/14
Rob can you add White Fang, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight?
Arch Stanton said on 15/Feb/14
Mmm in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead he doesn't look 2 inches taller than Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Jane said on 15/Feb/14
Looks shorter than Asa Butterfield
Click Here
Mr. R said on 29/Jan/14
I met Ethan at an Oscar party when he was married to Uma Thurman. In heels, she was taller than him by almost three inches. He is 5-10.5
Dan said on 28/Jan/14
He certainly looks every bit of 5'11" next to (listed) 6'0" Nicolas Cage in 'Lord of War', but Hawke is wearing combat boots while Cage is wearing dress shoes. Not sure whether that would significantly impact heights - there's never a particularly good shot to judge. However, I'd drop Hawke about a quarter inch.
jtm said on 9/Jan/14
wasn't he listed 5'10 here before? he is also listed at 5'10 in lot of sites and doesn't look taller than that.
Ted said on 31/Dec/13
He looks 5'9" in most things.
5'11" is... uhh... highly optimistic.
dmeyer said on 10/Nov/13
Did look 2.5-3cm Under denzel who was 183cm by training day time he could be 5'10.75 guy
avery_t said on 31/Oct/13
looks about two inches taller than Delpy in flat ins Before Midnight. He's wearing normal shoes. She's listed as 5' 7". He's probably 5' 10" in the morning.
Bob said on 11/Oct/13
Rob, why does he look so much shorter than this? Is it because he's so narrow shouldered and scrawny?

Editor Rob
I don't get that impression, usually thought he can look 5ft 10 or 11, but maybe as you say, his slight upper body build and persona could give off shorter to some people.
Quin said on 26/Sep/13
Well if you have seen the movie "taking lives" with Angelina Jolie her height is 5'8" and when shes wearing heals shes probably 5'10" and he was still taller than her so i can see him being 5'11"
Jack said on 25/Sep/13
He's a solid 5'10"
BRUTAL said on 15/Aug/13
Maybe not looking as tall as Denzel has something to do with a Director or Denzel himself wanting to make Denzel look as tall as the 6ft 3 he used to tell everyone he was a number of years ago.
cole said on 2/Aug/13
Don't believe he is a legit 5'11, I could maybe see 5'10.
Sam said on 31/Jul/13
Yeah, I think he's close to 5'11". Saw him in Hurlburly on Off-Broadway, he was around the same height as Josh Hamilton, maybe 3-3.5 inches shorter than Bobby Cannavale and a little taller than Elizabeth Berkley.
FM said on 29/Jul/13
I always thought this guy was 5'7' - 5'8" when watching him in movies. But I met in New York, and looks really rather tall in person. 5'11" is pretty accurate, maybe a bit shorter with no shoes on.
bodwaya said on 13/Jun/13
rob since you down graded denzels height at 5 foot 11 and since denzels taller then hawke shouldn't hawkes height be downgraded to 5 foot 9

Editor Rob
denzel's only been changed half inch as I think he's dropped a little and around 182 range now.
truth178cm said on 20/Apr/13
when I saw him on film I thought he was my height (177-178cm).
Jer1 said on 8/Apr/13
Hmm, I thought commented on him years ago but I don't see it here. Anyway, I did see him in person once on the sidewalk in Manhattan and I was slightly taller than him at 5'10". I would say he's closer to 5'9. I remember thinking he did look shorter in person.
Too said on 16/Jan/13
He looks abut 175-178, 180 is so incredible...
Scott 5'11. said on 12/Jan/13
I agree with James. He was definitely noticeably shorter than strong 6 foot tall Zel.
James said on 12/Nov/12
No WAY did he look 5'11 next too denzel washington
Scott said on 15/Oct/12
No way. He looked a solid 2 inches shorter than 6'0.5 denzel washington in training day. He's 5'10 for sure maybe slightly shorter.
Silent d said on 7/Oct/12
I doubt he is 5 foot 8 jojo unless he wears massive lifts in movies and interviews.
jojo said on 6/Oct/12
Saw him in person. I'm 6ft with no shoes and he was quite a bit shorter. I say 5'8
Silent d said on 2/Oct/12
He was pretty tall next to craig ferguson. He looked about 5 foot 11. I always thought he was 5 foot 9 next to uma thurman but after seeing the late late show with craig ferguson, he could be 180cm. I'll stick with 179cm. Taller than expected.
Mr. R said on 7/Jun/12
Closer to 5-10. Met him on Oscar night when he was still married to Uma.
E said on 5/Jun/12
in regular footwear uma thurman always looked an inch taller than him and in heels she looked a lot taller. If she is 5'11" like you have listed I would believe 5'10" for Hawke.
Me said on 18/Dec/11
He is 6ft. Went bowling and he and his kids were right next to us. I am 5-11 flat footed and we both were wearing bowling shoes. He was about an inch taller.
LAN Jiao said on 4/Nov/11
atually i think ethan hawke looks the range of brad pitt,kevin bacon 5'9.5 , he was atually full inch shorter than 5'10.75-5'11 uma thurman.
rob89 said on 25/Aug/11
Looks around 5'10" - 5'10.5" to me, a solid average height guy.
the dude said on 4/Jul/11
Met him near Central Park in NYC. I was on a trip to visit my bud who goes to Columbia. Saw him with his children strolling. I walked up to him and said "Hey, sorry to bother you but you probably get this all the time, you look just like Ethan Hawke". He replied: "Yeah I get that all the time, and this Yankee hat doesn't seem to help." After hearing his voice, I knew it was him. There was no way that he was going to convince me otherwise. He didn't seem nervous or "entitled". He was very calm and polite. I would have posed for a pic but I didn't have a phone or camera on me. I remember my 5'8.5" flat-footed self (5'9"-5'10" w/ shoes) being about an inch or two shorter than him. He was wearing normal running shoes (Nike, I think)and was still taller than me. I'd say that he is no shorter than 5'10 (on the dot) w/o shoes...
James said on 26/Jun/11
claimed he was "5'11" in the 1989 movie 'Dad'
footsizer said on 2/Jun/11
6'0" Uma towers over him. There's a 3 to 4 inch difference if she's wearing heels.
ethan hawke's fan said on 26/May/11
yeah last comment sounds about right. In the movie taking lives Ethan hawke is minimum 4 inches taller than Angelina Jolie who clearly is barefoot. Watch min 1:42 !!
Click Here
Andrei said on 22/May/11
Looked 180 if not taller with listed here 184 cm Washington in Training Day.
Kay said on 30/Apr/11
Wow this guy looks 6'0.
Legend said on 21/Apr/11
I thought taller, but no this is probably right.
Aaron said on 21/Apr/11
Looks almost exactly like my dad, who's 6'3"... I'm surprised that he's the exact average height for a white American male.
MikeC said on 18/Apr/11
He is 5'9 MAX. But, in all honesty, probably a solid 5'9.
me said on 16/Mar/11
he is like 5 10.5 and jennifer is a hot
toni said on 15/Feb/11
This seems about right, he looked like 1in shorter than Denzel in training day.
AnonymousIntx said on 19/Jan/11
One of a kind. He is more of an actor's actor than a blockbuster actor. Meaning that he seems more interested in playing the real life characters that he wants regardless of how much money the movie is going to make. I'm surprised that he haven't won an Oscar yet. This guy will get at least one I guarantee it. And about his height, I watched all his movies and he looked taller than me at 5-11 no shoes.
jtm said on 11/Nov/10
yeah i agree.he is a good actor.
theenforcer22 said on 10/Nov/10
Catnor says on 29/Aug/10
This guy is a little shrimp. He seriously irks the heck out of me. How do genuinely subpar actors like this continuously get roles? Btw, he's 5'10 flat.
Sub par actor? Watch Training Day. Little shrimp? One, he's 5 ft 10. Two, so what if was short?
Peter said on 10/Nov/10
I'm gonna agree on 5'10.5 to just a fraction of above. He has a habit of walking around in a semi-slouch and still appears taller than his demeanor in most films.
No idea what Catnor is talking about, if anything the guy is an extremely underrated actor. Just a bunch of independent type films that no one really knows about.
Moose said on 28/May/09
FYI:In the futuristic Movie "Gattaca", Hawk's character is two inches shorter than
Jude Law's(The person Hawk is impersonating). Hawk has two inches added to his 5 foot 11 frame via some method of surgery/braces to get him to 6 foot 1.
James said on 1/May/09
Hawke is listed at 5'10.5 and 5'10 all over the net. I thought he looked pretty tall in Reality Bites but in other movies he just looks average. Most 5'10.5 actors will either be listed at 5'11 or 6'0 so props to Ethan for not boosting his height.
Mr. R. said on 1/Feb/09
When I saw Ethan and Uma on Oscar night, she was wearing heels, so she would have been almost three inchess taller that night.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
i saw them all the time.the difference was an inch at the most.they lived in my stomping grounds.still do.seperate.
Mr. R. said on 30/Jan/09
This about right. He was a coupl inches shorter than then wife Uma Thurman.
rob89 said on 29/Jan/09
He looks closer to 5'10 in glenn's pic to me, it seems his hair is fooling alot of you guys. His posture isn't that bad either, just a slight lean. He also seems to be a little bit closer to the camera as well. I'll be nice and give him 5'10.5, but no way is he over 5'11 though.
Doug said on 20/Jan/09
Always seemed about 5'11" to me but can look 6'1" in boots. Don't be fooled by Uma Thurman having three inches on him. She is around 6'0" barefoot and likely to be around 6'3" in good heels, which puts Ethan had 6'0" in normal dress shoes.
Daii said on 25/Dec/08
If he stood straight in that photo I think he would be very close to 5'11, but 179 cms will hold for Ethan.
Taylor said on 27/Nov/08
He must've been wearing lifts on Conan last night... looked in the six foot range, possibly 6'1". I couldn't believe how tall he looked next to Conan, who dwarfs most guests
anonymous said on 22/Oct/08
He doesnt look that tall. Denzel was taller than him by a few inches in training day. Uma thurman towers over him when they were married. He's 5 foot 10 max. He looked 5 foot 9 when he was next to uma thurman.
Daii said on 11/Oct/08
There are people saying he is 5'10 (178cms) and some saying 5'11 (180cms)
so on average it probably works out at 179cms (5'10.5) so leave it at that, unless someone meets him and asks him how tall he is
Heightdetective said on 30/Aug/08
Sorry ,my mistake ,here is the link to the photo
Click Here
Heightdetective said on 30/Aug/08
This height listing is very correct, i would round it down to 5.10 though.
Ethan and Robert deNiro
Click Here
antony said on 8/Aug/08
he is 180 and more here with denzel
Click Here
Daii said on 2/Aug/08
Hes a couple of inches shorter than Denzel Washington in Training Day, i would say the above height is accurate enough.
Mr. R said on 29/Jul/08
This is pretty close. I met him Oscar night, when he was still with Uma Thurman, and she was at least three inches taller than him in heels.
Anonymous said on 28/Jun/08
In some scenes of Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, he looks only an inch taller than Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Albert Finney, both around 5'9". I really have trouble believing 5'11" for this guy.
abe said on 12/Jun/08
I am standing in for him he is exactly 5'11.5" he said so and I'm in a line up tight line up for him where because I'm 5'10.5" I have to be on toes for the one extra inch
James W. said on 8/May/08
The other James is right. My friends hair makes him look around as tall as me(I have a flatter hairstyle), and I'm 5'11. He's 5'8. It doesn't take much for a person who is 5'8 to give a 5'10 illusion to those people who take hair into account as height.
Clark said on 29/Mar/08
I agree with Samara, 5'11" and wee bit. Even without the hair the line of his forehead is about 3 inches over Glenn.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
ethan is for sure 5-11.but uma was always a bit taller.
Samara said on 26/Mar/08
He looks taller than 5'10.5'' in that pic. I'm gonna have to go with 5'11'', maybe 5'11.5". Glenn's dead straight, Ethan's leaning and still appears about three inches taller- I think he needs an upgrade. Unless of course he's wearing big shoes.
matt said on 12/Mar/08
he is leaning toward Glenn to enter the if Glen is a 5.8 Ethan is no less than a legit 5'11 or even a six footer
Gil said on 23/Feb/08
I just saw him 10 minutes ago walking his dog- He must live in my neighborhood (Chelsea) or close by, as this is the 5th time seeing him since last summer. This time I was walking right next to him and he's definitely at least 5'11, maybe taller. He was wearing bulky boots and seemed very tall.
glenn said on 6/Feb/08
i hear you charlie motto and respect your opinion.
Charliemoto said on 5/Feb/08
Ethan Hawke is mostly 179-180cm to me not shorter. :)
to GLENN - i kinda disagree, 5'10 is the height that could look shorter honestly, 5'11 is the one that looks tallish, body size plays a lot on this, Thin vs Chubby makes all the difference even if you were 6'1 a heavy body size will drop your height perception, that's why girls look taller than they are its their thinner build and normally longer legs.
i'm 180cm at night and 180.5/181cm throughout the day most people say i look tallish even the ones taller than me, i guess its really all in the body size and what you wear, yep i'm as thin as LEO the nice guy in the pictures around here. :)
glenn said on 12/Jan/08
middle of the day for 10pm.
JD said on 11/Jan/08
Depends on if Glenn is at his earlier or later height.
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/08
he has chunky heels thaugh sometimes
glenn said on 23/Dec/07
thats the nature of 5-10,5-11 guys.they can come across as shorter.
Evanna said on 23/Dec/07
I believe you Glenn. Dunno why people always think that Hawke is shorter. *shrug*
glenn said on 23/Dec/07
i would see uma and hawke on a daily basis.uma was a hair taller.hawke was 5-11.
Evanna said on 22/Dec/07
Yesterday I saw "Reality Bites" for the first time, and I must say Hawke looked surprisingly tall next to the likes of Winona Ryder, Ben Stiller etc. Either he's taller than listed here, or Winona is only about 5'3", and Stiller 5'6". Plus Hawke was constantly slouching throughout the movie.
Maybe Glenn was right all along, and Hawke truly is 5'11".
Ethan Hawk height said on 17/Dec/07
Hey Anonymous.. do you seriously believe that Uma, who is about 6feet would be dating a 5'6 guy?? i mean wow this got to be the worst post ever.
AshnarLynx said on 28/Nov/07
In "Before Sunrise" he looks about three inches taller than Julie Delpy, who is about 5'8, so he most likely is 5'11.
glenn said on 20/Nov/07
i heard people call him short right in front of my face! and he is a legit 5-11.
Antron said on 19/Nov/07
If he was 5'6" he would have to be wearing ridiculous shoes to look taller than Glenn. Lifts can only get you an inch and a half or so without looking bizarre. Glenn has not indicated as such.
Anonymous said on 17/Nov/07
In 1995, my brother saw Ethan Hawke in an elevator at Columbia University. He was either married or dating Uma Thurman at the time and Uma's father was a professor there. My bro is about 5 foot 8. He was SHOCKED at how short Ethan was. He said Ethan appeared to be at MOST 5'5" or 5'6". I'm sure Ethan hasn't grown since, so I guess he's been wearing special shoes since then.
Adam Brennon said on 16/Nov/07
I'd give him 5' 11".
Antron said on 15/Nov/07
Matt McConaughey is about the same height as Ethan, not the 5'11+ he claims
Lmeister said on 21/Aug/07
It is rather interesting that in the Newton Boys he looks taller than Matthew McConaughey. Makes me wonder of Matthews height. I doubt that Ethan would wear lifts. According to pics and movies he is 5'11''ish.
Anonymous said on 4/Jul/07
I agree with both Antron, Franco, Josh and Gago. I think 5.10 would be the exact height for him. His hair however does give the effect that he is taller. May be Rob should downsize him to 5.10
Gago said on 29/Jun/07
Hey Rob, I think you should take off that half inch, which is his hair, he's staying in santa monica, and i was in the elevator with him yesterday , he's clear 178.
Josh said on 8/May/07
Yeah Franco in GATTACA He looks 5'10 (178cm) so with shoes hes around 181cm.
Franco said on 19/Apr/07
in GATTACA he walks around barefoot quite a bit, but honestly he is 5'10 not 5'10.5.
even if just 5'10 not 5'10.5 hed still be taller than Glenn and look 5'11
Hawke is 1.78m
TNTinCA said on 17/Feb/07
I had always assumed he was shorter. But in Gattaca with his then wife, Uma Thurman, he appeared around 5'11" to me.
D. Ray Morton said on 17/Feb/07
Was this taken on the "Born In The USA" tour?
(Ethan looks 5'11" to me.)
The Horse of FUNK said on 4/Feb/07
I agree with Glenn, this guy is a solid 179cm guy. Depending on his co-stars he can look anywhere from 5'10 from 5'11. If that's not a good indication of one being 5'10.5 then I don't know what is.
dmeyer said on 2/Feb/07
he looks 179 in that pic possibly 180
Jim said on 10/Jan/07
a persons height can vary about an inch either way, depending on several factors through out the day. Im 5'6-5'7.5, and i think glenn is an average 5'8 and ethan 5'11. But thats my humble opinion, take care everyone.
Antron said on 8/Jan/07
Good point, though I suppose he could discreetly pop out the lifts and into some thick athletic shoes without anyone really noticing...this is probably too much thought for this...5'10 give or take
Geoff said on 26/Dec/06
In the movie Gattaca I don't think Ethan Hawke's character could have made it without the limb lengthening surgery even if all he needed was 2 inches. What would he have done for the part where he had to run on the treadmill? It would be pretty hard to run with lifts on.
Glenn said on 15/Dec/06
Whats the point in even bringing something old like that? thats bizzare and ignorant too.sure,on a bad day I do look 5-7.true.but on a great day I look 5-9ish.BTW,Ethan is around 5-10.5.nothing smaller.
Antron said on 16/Nov/06
I do think this height is about right for him, maybe more like 5'10" even. The reason I mention it is GATTACA. In that movie his character has surgery on his legs to make him 6'1" to match the character whose identity we was assuming. The surgery was required because lifts supposedly couldn't make him look tall enough. At 5'11 lifts could make him look about 6'1 without being conspicuous. At 5'10" maybe, but maybe not...Not really sure this is from a movie after all. BTW the 6'1" guy was played by
Jude Law, who is more than likely just about the same size as Ethan (Law was conveniently in a wheelchair the entire movie, so no comparison available).
Shane said on 8/Nov/06
if you watch great expectations when he is standing next to Robert De Niro he looks about a half inch taller De Niro Is About 5'5 1/2 - 5'9
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
Hes a minimum of 5-10 in the picture since he is closer to the camera it looks like. Could be a full 5-11.
Sam said on 17/Aug/06
He's the same height as uma thurman I think. So 5'11 or even 5'11.5 is plausible.
Glenn said on 10/Aug/06
Hawke is 5-11.
ForensicNYC said on 5/Aug/06
With 6'0" Nicolas Cage, 5'10 to 5'11" for Ethan Hawke looks realistic...
Click Here
Glenn said on 5/Jun/06
Your ignorant.if you studied all my pics and think that,you must be blind.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/06
I think Glenn is more like 5'7"
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/06
He is 3 inches taller than Paltrow, who I have seen and know is 5'6" to 5'7". So, 5'10" makes perfect sense. Probably only 5'9" barefoot, though. Just watch great expectations.
Height Detective said on 2/Jun/06
Also , check his boots
Click Here
Height Detective said on 2/Jun/06
Paltrow and Hawke
Click Here
J-Man said on 17/May/06
I posted here under JerNY and I still swear that he was a little shorter than me and I'm 5'10. But, it was in passing and maybe his posture was off. Still, I'm not buying 5'10.5 No way. And I don't know if I'm buying Glenn at 5'8 either. LOL
Jason said on 2/Mar/06
I think he's about 5'9 1/2'' sans shoes. Looked that opposite Nicholas Cage in Lord of War, too.
Josh said on 6/Feb/06
Yeah he looks 5-11 with out the hair , so he´s around 5-9.5(177cm) 5-10 (178cm) barefoot.
CoolJ said on 25/Jan/06
Nah, he does look 5'11ish in that picture. WITHOUT the hair.
d said on 23/Jan/06
"in that pics he looks 5'11 easily maybe 5'11.5"
ha, only if you count the hair
dmeyer said on 21/Jan/06
in that pics he looks 5'11 easily maybe 5'11.5"
Mr. Awesome said on 20/Jan/06
sorry, i've been having some internet connection problems as of late, and i'm not sure if my last hawke post was submitted successfully...i think in the picture hawke looks 5'11'' or 5'11.5'' compared to glenn, hawke isn't even standing up straight.
175cm16andgrowing said on 20/Jan/06
Man... I always thought of Ethan to be 5'7'' or 5'8''. Then read 5'9'' everywhere and thought it was right. Though the weight was suspcious... now, I believe he's at least 5'10'' - prooved by our good old friend Glenn :D. Thanks, Glenn.
JerNY said on 27/Dec/05
I almost literally walked right into him one afternoon as I was exiting a sandwich place on 7th ave near the Chelsea Hotel, where he stays when he's in NYC. I'm 5'10" and I instantly observed that I had an inch or two on him. Obviously it was a very quick comparison, but there was no way he was 5'11, not even close. Probably 5'8.5, but 5'9 at the most wouldn't be out of the question. A friend who's also seen him around Manhattan has confirmed my impression.
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/05
Gwyneth Paltrow was his height in 3" heels. I lawys thought that ment he was 5'11" (thought she was 5'8"). But He looks shorter than 5'11". I guess Paltrow could be 5'6" or 5'7".
Meta said on 14/Sep/05
As for Ethan Hawke his height has been listed at 5'9-5'10 on most sites. This is probably with pumps.
His real height is likely around 5'8.
DP said on 14/Sep/05
Scroll down on this bulleton board from "short men" in Vancouver and look at the pic of Ethan and Uma Thurman and tell me Ethan Hawk looks 5'10.5" next to her. Somebody forgot his lifts!
J. said on 6/Sep/05
In the movie "Dad", a young Hawke says "I'm 5'11". So he's sticking with that height! Yet, I will say that he looked shortish/average in Training Day. Denzel, with boots, appeared to have some height on him. So I agree with Mr R and the Gawker lady, he ain't nowhere as 5'11".
CelebHeights Editor said on 24/Aug/05
From a female: "saw Ethan Hawke on the downtown...He's much shorter than I thought he would be, no wonder Uma looks so tall, I'm 5'9 and I towered over"
Mr R said on 4/Feb/05
This is perfect. Saw him after the Oscars a few years ago, and he is not quite 5'11". Also, I think that Uma is over 6', but they don't want to make her seem like an Amazon!