Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jul/21
6ft2 flat is fine for Eriq while Tony Edwards may have the edge
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/Apr/20
He doesn't had much good posture. Sometimes pull off a weak 6'2 but in his hey days in ER def look legit 6'2, not surprise now if he could be pushing towards 6'1 1/2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Aug/19
LaSalle is broader in frame and has better posture than Edwards whose lanky and tends to slouch
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Apr/17
I am sitting watching a film called 'Megafault' on the 'Horror' channel, starring Brittany Murphy and Eric! He certainly looks enormous next to her 5ft3, so much so that I had to check out exactly how tall.
6ft2 seems likely - and well-built to boot, so that's what I will settle for: 6ft2.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/16
Rob, who do you think is taller LaSalle or Anthony Edwards?

Editor Rob
both did look quite close, I think you'd need to measure them to really be sure!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/13
Brilliant. Nice one Rob!
Len said on 21/Jul/13
6'2", but can look bigger due to his build.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Aug/12
I agree with James. He's got that imposing presence that is usually associated with a 6"3 guy.
Also was eye to eye with Anthony Edwards on ER all those years ago. 6"2(188cm), Rob?
James said on 4/Nov/11
rob i saw one hour photo last night.
would u agree that this guy has the head of a 6'5 man? After the film i defenintly thought he could give of a taller impression than 6'1 1/2 like 6'3.

Editor Rob
never thought if his head looked big or not before!
Hollywoodfan said on 7/Jan/09
Met him in L.A. in '04 and he looked 6'2"
ana said on 27/Dec/08
he looks like a solid 6footer to me.
Smoke said on 28/Mar/05
J., we definately had a misunderstanding, as well as a difference of opinion. Again, I'm sorry if I came off negative, or testy, I definately don't mean to come off this way. I think more than anything there is a clear difference of opinion here, as you say that 90% of the celebs you have met do fib about their height...I would estimate that Mr. R shares this opinion as well. My personal experience with the celebs that I have met is that most of their actual heights are definately reasonably close to the heights they are listed at, I wouldn't necesarilly call this fibbing. All I'm saying is that there are probably many an exaggeration on here, hence your interpretation of Tyronn Lue. When I met the guy, it obviously stood out that the guy is not 6'0", my account has him at about 5'9", yours had him at "5'7"-ish". A clear difference of interpretation and opinion. Once again, I'm sorry if I come off being testy at times, but I also get similar vibes from you in your posts and the tone in which they are written. Also, there's nothing wrong with being testy at times, we are all experessing our opinions on here as best we can. Your posts on Bill Cosby can be interpreted as being a bit testy as well. I respect your posts and Mr. R's as well, I'm sorry if I myself come off as being testy, surely I don't mean to sound this way, Mr. R doesn't come off like this at all. From you J., though, I do get that vibe just as you may get it from me. We'll agree and disagree on topics and there is nothing wrong with this, we will even be testy with each other regardless of this being a casual and fun site. I may get testy with you at times just like you get testy with me, there's nothing wrong with this either.
J. said on 21/Mar/05
Smoke, I think we have a slight misunderstanding, buddy. I'm not saying every single celeb fibs his or her height I'm saying that 90% of the ones that I have encountered HAVE! That's all. The ones I'm disputing are the ones that are either obviously lying their tales off (based on pictures or television apperances) or ones that I have met eye to eye (ie
Vin Diesel, met him in '99, AIN'T 6'0"). That's all. It's not that serious, okay? Just relax. And your post did strike me as negative and argumentive but maybe I could have interpeted it incorrectly. But yes, you're right, many do give an accurate height but so many more don't.
anyway ....
Omarion is a slick one. I interviewed him for an article and he was 5'6" at best yet strangely enough, I could have sworn that he did his tippi toes routine at the radio station where we did the brief Q&A ! I'm serious, he did, he's a funny guy! Heh heh
Smoke said on 21/Mar/05
I never accused anyone of anything, I'm just stating my impression that I get from you guys. I have also met many a celebrity and for whatever reason I find, for the most part, their heights to be close to the ones they are actually reported as! Granted, like I said, your account of Wyle is more justifiable than mine as you have met him, I have not! But there are several examples that I can use in which we have mutually met stars on which I disagree with your report. I'll use Michael York as an example, to you he looked 5'10" at best, to me he looked 5'11". I respect your opinion as much as anyone, but I certainly find it somewhat stingy, perhaps Mr. York was wearing taller shoes when I met him? It could be, but there are examples that to me prove your estimates to be somewhat stingy. And J., I'm not getting testy or argumentative, it's unfortunate you interpret my posting as this, I'm just respectfully disagreeing with certain estimates just like yourself, and Mr. R frequently do in regards to the Celebheights Editor. There are folks on here that I've met that I would like the Editor to change (namely Daniel Baldwin, Allen Iverson, and to a lesser extent Stephen Dorff). But I don't feel that my opinion alone should be enough to get the editor to change the height and it surprises me that the two of your based on your own accounts alone want the editor to change heights. J. I have met several boxers and I can agree and disagree with you based on them, I have met Bernard Hopkins who did look to be standing virtually as tall as me, 6'1", (his current billed height), but then there are others like Evander Holyfied (didn't seem 6'2"), Lennox Lewis (didn't look a hulking 6'5"), and Muhammad Ali (definately wasn't 6'3", but of course he has shrunk). All I can say is that in the world of celebrities and athletes, just like in the regular world there are people who accurately tell their height, and there are those who's tellings are deceiving. Not to be argumentative or "testy" but I just don't think celebs lie about their height to the extent that you claim them to Mr.'s R and J.
Mr. R said on 20/Mar/05
Smoke, NEVER have I ever stated or implied that I have some type of celeb superiority because I live in Hollywood. My point is that the folks who are disputed, like Noah Wyle, I have met personally or I have worked with them. I too believed them to be what they say. But my eyes could not ignore the truth. Everyone who doubted my Wyle report, did so based upon how he looks on screen, not based upon their personal experience. Also, Shatner explodes your other assertion, cause we know that he is not five-eleven, and is at least 4 inches shorter. He got his shoes from the same guy in Hollywood who made shoes for Stallone, and made him 4 inches taller. Most stars increase their height by about two inches this is true. But some go farther. The Jason Alexander case I did for fun, and told you I was doing it. Lastly Smoke, you are ignoring the many other cases where I reported that the star's given height was accurate, i.e. Will Smith, Ray Romano, Jeff Goldblum, Jeff Bridges, Brian Benben, and there are many others.
Smoke said on 20/Mar/05
You guys talk as if you're the only ones who have met celebs! Mr. R I understand that you live in Hollywood, and that of course is an area frequented by celebrities. I also live in an area, albeit one far from Hollywood, that is known to be frequented by celebrities for a variety of different reasons and one with it's fair share of filmsets. Don't draw conclusions that you're the only ones who have met many celebrities! Now I may not have met Noah Wyle, your account in regards to him is more justifiable than mine! But in my experience in contrast to yours, there may be a good share of celebs and athletes who lie about their height and who get very generous height listings. But I don't think that most lie by crazy amounts like 3 or 4 inches, some of course do, many will only lie by half an inch or an inch tops, but a lot of celebs also have their heights accurately reported! I think listening to your accounts, it sounds as if virtually everybody drastically lies about their height, I know for a fact from Film Festivals and On Set experiences that this is not the case.
And Mr. R you gave Jason Alexander a not so generous listing just to "get revenge" on him for being rude. So I imagine you do get some pleasure from doing what you do. Listening to J.'s accounts, I guess everybody just wears lifts to come off taller to the world.
J. said on 20/Mar/05
C'mon guys, why can't you except the fact that Noah is 5'10". I've also seen pictures to support Mr. R.'s claims. I also will bet my house that he wears lifts when around Eriq and Anthony. It makes sense ... he wants to look tall like them.
Mr. R said on 19/Mar/05
But Smoke, what do you do with the TWO pictures that our editor found, one with the ER cast and the other with Clooney? In the cast picture, Edwards is the tallest, followed by LaSalle, and Wyle is at the other end, much shorter than both of them. In the other, he is just a little taller than Clooney. Believe me, I wanted Noah to be a big tall guy - He has a great reputation in H'wood for being a nice guy. The day I met him, he performed in the actor's fund benefit. After the show, I walked down the aisle, and passed Noah and his family. He said hello, and I kept walking thinking he did not seem 6'1". I went back up to crash the party, and all of the stars walked past me from Angelica Huston to Wilmer Valdarrama. Noah and his family came by, and he was clearly shorter than me on level ground. I actually stood right behind him to confirm my suspicions. Later as he and his family were leaving, he walked past me again outside, and he had not grown. I think that he uses lifts when he is in scenes with much taller actors. Its the only way to explain his huge height disparities. I swear on the memory of Lee Strasberg, I am telling you the truth!
Mr. R said on 18/Mar/05
Okay, I saw him at the actor's fund benefit during intermission. He was talking with someone on level ground, and I passed behind him on my way to my seat, and tried to size him up. I have said that I estimated him at 6'1". I can actually accept the extra half an inch. I also believe that Anthony Edwards is actually 6'2", and may be a little over that mark. He too had to take off his shoes and socks for Top Gun scenes with Tom Cruise, just like Val Kilmer. But what I really want to note, is that I insist that Noah Wyle is just over 5'10", and the picture that our editor found of the ER cast proves my point! Wyle is nowhere near 6'1". He clearly wore lifts in his scenes with Edwards and La Salle!