True Height Explorer ShahNawaz said on 10/Mar/08
6ft 1in + good shoes = 6ft 2in Enrique.
but he looked just 4-5 inch taller than Antonio Banderas
in "Once Upon a time in Mexico"
Mark said on 3/Mar/08
Enrique is 6'1. No less, no more.
Kevinno said on 25/Feb/08
Enrique is 6'2 i have a picture of him with my aunt and the guy look s indeed strong 6'2, he had to crouch down to kiss my aunt,(5'9)so yea possibly 6'2.5, i'm 6'5, but hey im basiclly a giant around other its amazing, anyway enrique is 6'2 solid
Moritzio said on 22/Feb/08
He definitely looks at least 6'2' ...I just saw him on the today show!
C. said on 20/Jan/08
Well, I don't know now. Enrique could be 6'2". I don't really see why he would have a reason to lie, as he doesn't particularly strike me as the type. Nor does he seem particularly boastful-- like say, Paul Walker who claims he's 6'3".
Original said on 17/Jan/08
He's 6'1.5" for me.
jay said on 14/Jan/08
enrique next to 6.3 german tv host. ... enrique looks 6ft 2!
Click Here
C. said on 22/Dec/07
For some odd reason, I've always thought he was shorter than 6', yet on t.v. and in this pic you can clearly see he's over that. But he doesn't look quite 6'2". Maybe a weak 6'2", and closer to the 6'1" 1/2 given here.
Shawn said on 22/Nov/07
Of course he is 187cm.He is exactly my height(I was measured yesterday by a doctor)And of cousre he is slouching,that's what I always do when I stand next to someone who's below 178.Somehow it would be unnatural not to slouch in this case.
glenn said on 31/Oct/07
these photos are taken for myself and business purposes first.i contribute to the site cause i always found height fascinating.i dont have the time or balls to ask celebs to stand straight or make sure everything is perfect.i stand straight.i dont work for the site.but i love being here despite the headaches.
ras said on 30/Oct/07
But he's closer to the camera! And we don't know how much he's slouching. Glenn should ask clebs to stand straight. And he should stand straight like Rob for a better judgement IMO.
Garga said on 30/Oct/07
Come on guys, he's obviously slouching on that photo, that's what most tall guys do when they take pictures with smaller people.
ras said on 27/Oct/07
Someone says on 14/Sep/07
"You are doing exactly the same with south americans. While that might be true for countries like bolivia and peru where short indigenous people make up for the majority of the population, other south american countries with heavy european heritage are quite taller. I'm argentinian and 185 cm tall and I can assure you the average for men is about 178 cm."
EXACTLY someone, they are lumping southamericans/latinamericans the same way some americans lump spaniards with latinamericans.
ras said on 26/Oct/07
Like I said, if THE TOP of Glenn's head is 173 then Enrique as someone said down here too is 6'0.75". He can't be 6'2, if he was Glenn would only reach the tip of his nose as pointed by the white line:
Click HereBut we can see Glenn looks way taller than that in the original picture, not only by half an inch:
Click HereIn my opinion, it's really evident that we can see more than an inch difference in those two pics, Enrique doesn't look 6'1.5", he's 6'0.75" tops.
glenn said on 5/Oct/07
had thin soled casuals or sneakers.i think i remember thin.
Ivan said on 4/Oct/07
Glenn real person's height is measured without shoes, enrique is prolly 6' 3/4" without shoes, did u notice how thick his shoes were?, im really short by the way 5'7
prinxess said on 30/Sep/07
Hey I'm mexican & I'm 5,8' which i say it's 177 cm., but as long as Enrique is tall enough 4 me, nothing else matters!! And i really do like spanish guys i don't think they are short but even though they would be i still find them VERY attractive!!
Jt said on 29/Sep/07
Spain guys are short. I lived there for 6 months and I was average height AT LEAST. Im 175cm. In USA I am definately below average.
Someone said on 14/Sep/07
You are doing exactly the same with south americans. While that might be true for countries like bolivia and peru where short indigenous people make up for the majority of the population, other south american countries with heavy european heritage are quite taller. I'm argentinian and 185 cm tall and I can assure you the average for men is about 178 cm.
alex said on 17/Aug/07
I think Jonathan is stupid.
I´m spanish and I can´t belive the idea that north american has of spain. WE AREN´T IN SOUTH AMERICA OR AFRICA. We are in Europe and many people are taller than 180cm. I´m 182cm for example and 80% of people who I know are taller than 175cm.
It´s neccesary to forget the idea that spain is a poor country with sudamerican guys. Please learn something.
Anaeva said on 27/Jul/07
But some say that 6'3 is not very tall, for me it is. What do you say then for someone (male) that is 5'11 - that's not short for a man, imo. Just normal i guess. Short is imo to 5'9' or so. And tall is 6'0 plus. What do u think?
ms crababel said on 14/Jul/07
melvin and jimmy sweden you are on to it..and by the way almost every guy adds a inch to his height especially one who wear shoes like enrique does..he is tall no doubt but 183 is tall too? deff taller than the average..but then again the average depends on where in the world you are.. here where i live 185 cm is about average..
Melvin said on 12/Jul/07
He does wear the thickest shoes just about all the time. He's still taller than average without them.
Jimmy Sweden said on 11/Jul/07
Im 183 cm and he´s a bit taller than me, i meet him in 2000 when I was 18, don´t think I have grown so much taller since...
ms crababel said on 11/Jul/07
leung if you care to get you shoe out of your behind you will notice he almost has suspecious shoes on every occasions..i dont want to argue with you..i am here to contribute with what i think about his missed the point smart about footwear etc is what this site is about ;)
Franco said on 11/Jul/07
he looks almost 190cm in that picture and he's even bending.
i think his real height is 186cm though because sometimes his shoes are a bit suspect.
@MANDY - i'm italian and i'm 194cm :D yes rare, most here are in the 173-175cm
Leung said on 10/Jul/07
You would not have posted that link if you were not trying to use it to back up your short Enrique claims. If you cared to look, to the left of the 180cm it clearly states 5'10", which itself is an obvious conversion mistake. All along you have been trying to pin him under 6' with your talk about length of torso and legs and his footwear etc.
My opinion is that the guy is tall, easily in the 6'1"-6'2" range, and he needs no help from shoes to look taller.
msn87 said on 10/Jul/07
this is not enrique... where's the raisin near his nose?
he always seemed like 1'86 guy.

Editor Rob
he said he got rid of it.
derek said on 10/Jul/07
how can you people say he only looks 6'0.5? Glenns eyes are barely at his mouth level.... He's at least 6'1.5 - 6'2
ms crababel said on 10/Jul/07
Leung..did i ever say that he was 5'10? no!
hellomag. or not..they have all the right stuff saying about him..i know they are wrong about the height but they arent far off i think..they wrote 180 cm..obviously not 5'10!
i think a little under 185..184 or 183 barefoot wouldnt be crazy wrong and with a little shoe help he could look a bit taller
Ramiro said on 10/Jul/07
Ras, you misunderstood me or maybe I didn't explain well my arguments. What I said is that people in Spain is not as some think, especially the ones who identify Spain with SOME Latin American countries which are related to short people (perhaps wrongly by today's standards). I said 176 cm, but for people between age 18-29 the average height is 177+, with many surpassing 180 cm. Regarding Spain being an economic power in the world, this isn't a grandiose claim, this is only the cold data. I'd be very happy if many Latin American countries had the situation (economically and regarding health and social security system) Spain has today. But there isn't any example even far away, because Spain lands in a very high position in the world regarding those parameters. And by the way, I'm not a patriot regarding Spain, I'm from a part of northwest Spain called Galicia and the most I feel is galego (perhaps galician in english?). We are more like irish or scottish, with many of the same celtic culture and even same weather with rain and humidity and similar landscapes.
Ras said on 9/Jul/07
Enrique is 6'0.5 and I can dshow why. Look at the top of Glenn's head, his head reaches up to a half of his eye, that is exactly 11.5 cms above another person (just about 4.5 inches, probably 4.75), it would make him a fair 184 guy or a weak 185 guy (6'0.5-6'0.75), 6'1.5 impossible, let alone this 6'2 joke. I'd give this guy at most 6'0.75, and more like 6'0.5.
"some countries of Latin America. But Spain is in Europe and average height here is now about 176 cm; not so far from the U.S.A. and quickly shortening the gap."
Just what countries in Latinamerica are you talking about Ramiro? I know some spanish tend to call latinamerican people "latins" as if spanish people weren't latin either, but out of curiousity why do you think people n Latinamerica are short? Take for example argentinians, if I remember well, they average just above 5'9.75, above 5'9.25 of spanish. Brasilians have people of different races and that's why their height tend to be very heterogeneous, though reports indicate 5'10. Chile also rates 5'8.25. And in Mexico the average male height for persons between 25 and 45 is 5'8.5. What "short" people are you talking about Ramiro? Take Cuarón, González Iñárritu, Benicio Del Toro, Kuno Becker etc. etc. etc. I think you should be careful on what you are saying, I'm not saying this to be condescending but you could look like the americans thinking spanish people are short without knowing what they are talking about.
"Many tend to forget that Spain is the 8th economic power in the world (perhaps the 7th by now) and that its position regarding health standards is even higher, being our social security system one of the best in the world."
Grandiose claim Ramiro, but if this is the case then I can say many countries in Latinamerica are not far from the reality Spain is living and mostly in the security aspect.
Leung said on 9/Jul/07
ms crababel, so that link you posted says 5'10" and you are going to believe it??? Hellomagazine??? yeah that sounds like a real reputable source of information!
glenn said on 9/Jul/07
flat sneaker like shoes.
Taylor said on 9/Jul/07
He's definately over 6ft. I strong 6'1. Mayb even 6'2. He's tall.
ms crababel said on 9/Jul/07
glenn did you notice his footwear?
look at the carson daily link i posted..
bombay rocker..whats up with the personal attack?
i still find it hard to believe the 6'1"-6'2"
Click Here
al said on 9/Jul/07
im a 5.5 spanish girl,im 25 years old,and sometimes i feel short in spain,my sister is 3 inches taller than me,also my cousins are all over 6,one of them is 6.5and he is justa teeneger.the people born after the 80´s are really tall,after teh dictatorship,maybe the good food and one of the best healh sistem in the world.i live in dublin and im here in the average while in spain i feel from andalucia,we are really mix,arabics ,visigoths(germanics)and jews.bytheway the arabics in those centuries werent intolerant of Christians and Jews,its very well known that in the peninsula the 3 culture lived in peace until the catholics kings came over.
Ramiro said on 9/Jul/07
Many people, especially in the U.S.A., think that here in Spain people is like in some countries of Latin America. But Spain is in Europe and average height here is now about 176 cm; not so far from the U.S.A. and quickly shortening the gap. Many tend to forget that Spain is the 8th economic power in the world (perhaps the 7th by now) and that its position regarding health standards is even higher, being our social security system one of the best in the world.
Alex said on 9/Jul/07
This guy always looked 6'1-6'2 to me. I think he could be closer to 6'2 though.
glenn said on 9/Jul/07
seemed more 6-1.but i saw 6-2 years ago.your most welcome leung.
Clazaa said on 9/Jul/07
omg even i thought Enrique was much shorter than that! :O
Anthony said on 8/Jul/07
Enrique does look about 6'2. And Jonathan Ross sounds like he should be put on medication.
Leung said on 8/Jul/07
Very happy to see a picture of Enrique with Glenn because it very much dismisses the 5’11” talk. Enrique looks a very solid 6’1”-6’2”. Thank you very much Glenn.
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 8/Jul/07
beside glenn he looks 6'0.5
Bombay Rocker said on 8/Jul/07
Well i have to say, i dont expect a lady to be watching a site which basically is meant for sick perverts out there except if she's you know what i mean :)
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/07
I have stood next to Enrique, and I can assure you that he is 6'2" with shoes (sneakers). Barefoot I am pretty sure he is no less than 6'1". He has a long torso and long legs.
ms crababel said on 12/Jun/07
Leung dont bring that kind of bull here..i dont have bad feelings towards him at all..maybe you misunderstood the meaning of this site? MD Look at the diego maradona pictures somebody posted..look at the torso leg difference?
Josh said on 12/Jun/07
Hes not shorter than 6'0 but also not taller than 6'1 the 6'1.5 is totatlly wrong.
In the second pic Md posted hes barefoot and sheen is not again hes 6'1.
Leung said on 11/Jun/07
ms crababel, reading your posts it is obvious that you have bad feelings towards Enrique and it's affecting your judgement. Like him or hate him it doesn't matter, the guy is tall, end of story.
ms crababel said on 11/Jun/07
ok maybe i am a little bit off about the difference between him and sheen..but sheen isnt 5'9 and never has been thats for sure..and seriously doubt enrique is 6'1.he alsways and i mean always wear shoes with more than normal height advantedges and look at his doesnt look like a 6'1 torso at to "5'9" sheen..
MD said on 10/Jun/07
Huh? Hair or no hair, the difference is clearly greater than 3 inches. If you can't see that, you put your credibility into question.
ms crababel said on 9/Jun/07
dont let the hair fool you
MD said on 8/Jun/07
You're way off. The height difference is clearly greater than 3 inches.
Click Here
Click Here
ms crababel said on 7/Jun/07
sheen isnt 5'9..and go look on enrique's official site..there is pictures to prove that the height difference is 3 inches max. i think he is closer to 6'0 maybe a strong 5'11..look at pictues with anna..he is totally overrated
Josh said on 3/Jun/07
He looked 6'1 (185cm) in two and a half men he had 4 inches on charlie sheen listed here at 5'9 , I honestly never thought he would be even 6'1 but yeah hes not under 6'0.5 , to me hes 6'1 the 6'2 must be with shoes on , he also appeared barefoot in two and a half men looking 6'1.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/07
My friend saw Enrique a couple of months ago in Miami and he looked at least 6'2 if not taller. By the way, Enrique is a Spaniard by father and a mestizo by mother (Spanish & Filipino). Why are people posting messages about Mexican's height under Enrique? Maybe our Mexican friends can post their comments under a Mexican actor or singer. Their comments are totally irrelevant here.
glenn said on 11/Mar/07
yes,i know of 6-3,6-4 mexican males.a handful are really tall.majority really short.
annie said on 10/Mar/07
i'm mexican too and I can say that it's pretty common to find people in the streets 5'9 or taller. Almost all of my male friends are around 185 cm or taller. My cousins are more tham 190 cm tall.
And about the racial mix, it isn't a rule. Althought I'm mexican, I'm caucasian, not mixed, but I'm short (don't know why because my dad and mom are tall). My height is 161 cm.
People around here (north of Mexico) are tall.
TheFary said on 22/Feb/07
could you estimate average height in europe nowadays using an anthropological analysis,and talking about migration to the US? whoa mate I'm truly impressed with your post talking about the spaniards. and if you're british,what do you think the height differences between Spaniards and the English?
Heightcritique said on 29/Jan/07
Come on anonymous, aztecs in the 16th century were average height 5'7"! That is ridicolous. In every history book I have read aztecs are described average height 5'00". In the logs of the conquistadors aztecs are described as short and wearing little clothing compared to European standards. You probably know this but history is written by the victors, and in you studied history in Mexico, the height of an aztec will be probably altered I suppose. The only indians in the Americas with above the Europeans' height of the time, were the North American indians or the indians who inhabit the territory which is now the US.
Gotxo said on 29/Jan/07
Yep that's true. 5'7" for the 16th century was indeed very tall.
Spaniards on 1920's where around 5'5" on average, so do compare.
True again, most ecuatorians in Spain are from Loja, the poorest region on Ecuador, so they don't reflect well the reality of that country.
But i'm with heightcritique in that of those of european descent tend to be taller, i had a mexican flat mate who had german grandfathers and was 184cm.
Heightcritique said on 28/Jan/07
The reference of Iberians as being descendants of Greek is evident in the statute found in Elche. The head and top torso of a lady priest have almost exact characteristics found in the statutes found of ancient Greece. There is one theory that speculates that the first settlers of Iberia were colonies of ancient Greece and these colonies were the result of misplaced survivors of ancient natural disasters (volcanic activity, and earthquakes which destroyed entires areas and sank entires islands in ancient Greece). This speculation is supported by geological evidence that Greece was once a large peninsula as the Iberian peninsula is now. However, you are right, there is no concrete hard evidence that shows with certitude the origin of the first people in the Iberian peninsula. There is one ancient reference to Spain in one of Plato's books which discusses the Pillars of Hercules (modern Rock of Gibraltar)to indicate the location of Atlantis which shows Greek influence or presence at least in the peninsula in ancient times.
Now going back to the subject of Iglesias Jr., let's not forget that Enrique's father is 6'1", and his mother, a tall Filipina model who appears to be a mestiza or having some type of native and significant Spanish mix because of her facial features and height.
Gotxo said on 28/Jan/07
Iberians are obscure peole, nobody has told yet their real ancestry, i guess that of Spartans or Macedonians is another cool theory too :)
Goths and Visigoths (Germanic tribes) were very important to spanish legacy in the sape of laws, goverment and the unit of all kingdoms/tribes of what is now Spain, though the importance in the genetic pool is low.
Yeah i find huge people in Madrid, but i can tell you that at least in Oviedo (Asturias) people is real tall and the population is much smaller.
Heightcritique said on 28/Jan/07
I guess you can argue that Asturians are taller than the average Spaniard but when I visit a friend there I did not see that. Average height was maybe 5'10". In Madrid and Barcelona night clubs it is true that for some reason people seem to be taller than the average Spaniard. But, I find the same type of height variability in Torre Molinos, and Mallaga. Maybe, like you mentioned, the new generation is getting taller. As far as the our Mexican friend comments: the racial mix of Spain is Iberians (descendants of Greeks: Spartans, Macedonians, etc.), Celtics (the same tribe that conquered and colonize Scotland), Visigoths (the first Germanic and arian tribe that sac Rome and played a big part in stopping Atila the Hun from piliaging all of Europe), Basque (because of their non-European language and PH- blood, they are for some, descendants of Atlantians), Romans, and Sephardic (Spanish Jews), and maybe some Arab but our history teaches us that the Moors were intolerant of Christians and Jews and only inhabitated the Sourthern and Eastern coastal cities and areas, and never conquered the whole Peninsula. The Spaniards were at war with them for 300 years and evicted them from Spain before the conquest of the Americas. The Moors considered non-Muslims or Moors as infidels and it was prohibited to intermarry Christians and Jews. The Jews were also evicted during the inquisition, but not all Jews left, some converted to Christianity, some fake the conversion, and others were not only Jews but mixed with the Spaniards.
MD said on 26/Jan/07
I hate to get off topic even more, but if it's to any interest of anyway the average height for a Mexican Americans male, here in the United States, is quite short compared to the general population: 5'-4.9"
It appears that most that immigrate here must have a much larger native American/indian mix than the general populace of Mexico.
In comparison, both American whites and blacks average 5'10"
raj said on 26/Jan/07
anonymous, guti is barely 182. hes just like 2 cm max over raul and shorter than ronaldo. the one that is really 185 is zidane. beckham is 180 and i meet him most saturdays at a local gym where he brings his son for swimming. dont no what u mean with that nothing to do with the matter WASP thing in here. those comments about geography are pretty lame. in spain u go ask any1 at university about mozambique's capital or 2 locate surinam or laos or even places like slovenia or Azerbaijan. NO IDEA!
or just ax them about texas or minneapolis...LOL
anonymous said on 25/Jan/07
Just to make sure you guys get a picture of the average mexican height, take Diego Luna, Carlos Santana, Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu or Kuno Becker for example.
I think you guys are right with Enrique Iglesias at 6'1.5, about the same height as Benicio Del Toro.
anonymous said on 25/Jan/07
My main point with that last comment was that semites tend to be tall nowadays.
anonymous said on 25/Jan/07
Hmmm, I wanted to point something out for spanish friends. I'm mexican, I don't know the average height in Spain. They say people there are very variable so as to define their height. They say people from the north (Basque Country, and cities near Andorra) tend to be taller than the ones in the south. I dunno really. I do want to point out that the average mexican is not what you may say a tiny dwarf (just like they thought of asiatics like chinese and japanese), perhaps that was 30 years ago, but nowadays, if you see the youth of Mexico the average is not that "obviously" below your average spanish. Indeed I'd point out results go from 5'8 to 6'2. The way I see it, I myself would say 175 cms is the average young male mexican height. But now it is not strange to see teenagers of 183 cms to 188 cms, sure it's stretching it, because it's not the average, but it's not strange nowadays. There are two classmates in my college group that are 183 cms, another one of 180 cms, 179 cms, 177 cms, you name it, but like I said, the average seems to be around 5'9. Medium height? I'd say 5'8 to 6'2, a giant? maybe 6'5, I dunno, but you get the idea. For the spanish fellas please get your facts straights before commenting on another country.
I also wanted to point out that Nordic people are not the tallest ones in the world. The ones that had that title were the dutch, but now balcanic people are the tallest people with an average of 6'2 (188 cms).
I also wanted to ask the spanish: Aren't you guys mixed with semites too? You know, because of the invasion of mid easterns back in the middle ages, arabs and jews went to take Spain over, take Monterrey for example, it's founder was the jewish Diego de Montemayor.
Mike said on 8/Jan/07
He is tall in spain and everywhere he goes.I thought he was 5'10-11,maybe due to his lean aspect.I think in spain average height is still 5'8-5'8.5 if you consider entire population,but new generations could reach a weak 5'10(177cm) I think italians could reach that mark too. Nevertheless,mediterranean european-caucasian are 1.25-2 inch shorter(in average terms)than nordic-europeans(now the biggest people in the world)
anonymous said on 2/Jan/07
I am Spanish too and the average height in Spain is around 5'9" nowadays. I am 5'11" (180m) and I am of medium height in Spain. I have many friends that are 6' to 6'4". Let's not forget that Spaniards are a mix of Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, and Celts, so height is variable in the population. For example, our King Juan Carlos is 6'2" and our Prince is 6'5". Enrique is tall, but not a giant in Spain.
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/06
Im spanish. Im 5'11 1/2. I have frends who are 6' and 6'2''. One of my friends is almost 6'6''. I have some friends who are 5'8'' and 5'9'' as well. Why couldn't a spanish young guy as Enrique Iglesias be 6'2''? He wold be tall, yes, but not a giant.
Height Detective said on 27/May/06
Diego Maradona and Enrique Iglesias
Click Here
Ujane, Moscow said on 17/Apr/06
Why doesn`t he say he is 6ft 3in? The Lord loves the trinity whatever and whenever - even if you lie!))))
Anonymous said on 13/Apr/06
On Guti's height, yeah i know you can achieve suddenly a life-long friendship with any celeb i've just meet or mentioned. It's just that i prefer what my friends and i saw from barely a meter of distance (when we get close to him, before of that we had various minutes observing him when we were aproximating each other). No way only 182cm, 185cm looks right.
Anyway who cares, all the celebs are Raj's Height-1cm (Indeed Yao ming is 182cm).
And as for the DISCUSSION, i'm still waiting for someone with a bit of criterium and wit to post here and discuss the topic here (namely an american wasp).
Not one pretending 183 is fairy tall for an spanish (As is tallish, but nothing special nowadays).
The stats you mention deal more with the gross budget, and the mony spent per pupils.
I've still hear from an english,polish,czech,german or italian (the foreigners i can talk to regularly) that Panamá is a city in Florida. No doubt it is, but isn't it named after a country? A famous one by it's channel/strategical issues?
Spending money on education is necessary, but also the results count.
Wasn't the newyorker the one that published an article on effiency of USA on literacy checks?
Have i the need to repeat the gems that the most representative american, your president Bush has said in a lot of ocassions showing deep concern for knowledge of the world, geography, politics, rulers of other nations or races?
The list is long and Rob wouldn't allow me to post it here.
raj said on 11/Apr/06
Gotxo, never said anything about spending more money in the USA than in Europe. I was talking about levels of education in the world rankings. Spain is always under the US. go check.
I have a house in Madrid and know spaniards very well. Its all about magnifying the facts. A very latin thing.
anyways, I know guti is 182 simply because I know him and hang out with him many times and I think this is the end of the discussion LOL
Gotxo said on 4/Apr/06
How's you my dear friend?
Happy to hear your odd reasonment again (or we have been talking all the time? ;).
It is true that USA spends more money than Europe in education, i don't think yours is bad, but you don't seem to care much about the facts whether you know them or not. That's sad.
I've talked to many english and they seem to have a greater culture than yours in general, so don't come with the plot that it is a matter of money. it isn't.
Ignorants exist in every country, but that lack of knowledge for the other nations is only so big in USA. And as i pointed you it isn't a concern of geography only, but the own idea of nation and it's components are shamelessly mixed: main language, politics, ethnicity. I've talked to polish, english, Czechs, italians and Germans, and all had a quite good idea of the world that surrounds us. Americans normally don't (well a few chaps, mostly girls and much less frecuently gusy, at least the people i've talked to).
And as for Guti, whe observed him for a long time when he & his wife came in our direction.We stood for a while very close to each other, in fact the guy got disapointed as we didn't ask him an autograph as he expected.So we were face to face. Say what you want.
raj said on 3/Apr/06
gotxo, you are obviously underrating americans as the US is ahead of in all rankings in education. You guys might know more about geography and history but we are so much ahead in other subjects. And most spaniards cant place Sri Lanka on a map! thats a fact.
If Guti is 185 he would be as tall as Zidanne. hes just a tad bit taller than Raul and same height as Beckham.
Anonymous said on 2/Apr/06
It is true that many people in Spain won't remember that whe had Guinea Ecuatorial as a colony, whilst a lot others gonna answer you that since a recent date the king tried to help Teodoro Obiang before the guy went corrupted.
But mind this, we in europe are able to distinguish between language, ethnicity, and geography, a thing you seem you aren't able to do, since you place Spain in another continent, spaniards got checked as "red men" in USA (we are caucasians)
when most of south americans are far related to asiatic people, maybe because we share a language, but not even many things of culture (we're more like italians, portuguese or french).
Those are colosal messings since are very different concepts, yeah sure we can't distinguish between different african guys living in Spain, but we can asume they come from different tribes thought they are from the same nation.
And yeah, in Europe we're only on the mean in cultural terms, but any guy that
watches the news 5 min a day can answers many of the questions you propose and won't make for sure such big mistakes. You know in the blind's land the one eyed
is the king ;)
BTW: I have nothing to ask Guti, me and 2 friends coincided with him and his wife in the same side walk, i'm 180cm (@ medical check for the work) and he was 185cm.
And for the "Las venas abiertas de america latina", is a well famous reference book i read it 3 years ago when i twisted (again) my left ankle.
ron said on 2/Apr/06
its great how fast u can go 2 the library! at least u learnt something.
anyway, go ask anyone u find in the street in madrid about sri lanka and what races they have there or just the same question about guinea..... i hope that u FINALLY get my point.
btw, guti is 1.82 after a good strecht. go ask him!
Gotxo said on 1/Apr/06
Yeah, the pic it is not the best one i must admit.
Anyway i've only met Guti and to me looked 185cm (i've 2 184cm friends and one 185, i can guess it good), we could compare.
To me Casillas looks 185cm anyway.
As for bubis and fangs i've never been to Guinea, i've only a Senegalese friend and don't know a single word in Wollof except the ones that where taken from Portuguese & French.
#1 If we are gonna talk about Colonial Past, every occidental nation has a bloody one, USA done it in another subtle but not less bloody way.
I've read the: "Las venas abiertas de america latina" so don't tell me.
#2 If you mean that Bubis and Fangs where brought as slaves to Republica Dominicana, it could be,i ignore the ethnicity of the black slaves carried to there and Cuba. The only things i know is that my brother went this year to R.Dominicana and the day that one barman showed to him with pride his gun decided to spent more time at the hotel. That and that nowadays R.Dominican ones benefit of Spanish Social Wellfare here, as the one that getting a social salary by doing nothing,it didn't prevented him from stealing and cutting the throat to a taxi driver in Bilbao, and moked people whilst cops impeded people lynched him (the very brave guy)
Click Here
Yeah i know that in USA the most normal thing in world is to carry a gun, but here in Europe is regarded as a sub-developed countries trend.
BTW I'm from Bilbao.
Anonymous said on 31/Mar/06
gocho, im ron , period. so dont get 2 smart. In that pic u cannot see what shoes theyr wearing. so it means nothing. i met casillas and hes less that 183.
do u no anything about bubis or fangs? u should because u r spanish and its part of ur history. i no u dont have a clue and nobody blames u 4 that! go ask anyone in spain about where martinica is and have a laugh.
ron said on 31/Mar/06
gotcho, go out anywhere in spain and ask anyone where laos, burundi, sri lanka or any of ex USSR republics are located in a map. dont get me wrong but in spain 90% of the people dont give 2 s***s about different races in africa or about their wars just to name an xample.
can anyone post pics of enrique barefoot?
Gotxo said on 31/Mar/06
Or Whoever you are Casillas is the 185cm he claims he's, next to 186cm Ivan Helguera:
Click HereDunno wich height is Carson Daly since it's not famous in Europe at all, as prolly is not Enrique in USA, but this is not a popularity contest, i only mean not very valid in means of comparison, anyway you seem to have not a clear idea of the chap's height too.
And the final question, you still mess everithing and no american poster here is recognising that lack of knowledge and that they still mess nations in different continents and different races.
ron said on 30/Mar/06
gocho, casillas is way below 185. im 183.5 and i was taller than him!
enrique is 6-1 but that pic we just saw with carson Daly with sandales leave no he "only" a bit less than 5-11? so that means his brother is around 5-9...u no, the one model guy
Gotxo said on 30/Mar/06
To me the guy is fairly tall, if not 6'2" close to it, definetly over 6'1" (i know i could be wrong of course). He allways looked tall, and 180-182cm it is not, specially for today standars in Spain (i'm 180cm and easily towered by many teenagers). But my main point right here was the lack of knowledge of many americans, messing nations, places & races without getting shamed of it. To them Spanish & South American native is the same thing (logical, if they use the same term for both concepts. And allways means small, our youngs are on average 178cm (sure in USA guys are taller and the standard deviation broader, but not near as much as a decade before)
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
6-1 it is.Ive seen him look 6-3.probably heels.thanks for that!
Virgil said on 30/Mar/06
I´m from Asturias, Gotxo
Yeah, I remember when Santiago Segura was in Cronicas Marcianas . It wasn´t just one day. He came every week to the program so Javier and the audience could tell if he had lost or gained weight (he eventually lost a lot of weight). In this case, as I mention in my first comment, it was an auction, for some cause,so it was a one time affair, not a long running program. With 1,80-1,82 the guy would be fairly tall anyway. And with those shoes he was wearing, he could easily go up 5 cm. My guess is he is like 1,81 with the extra boost of those 5cm.
Gotxo said on 30/Mar/06
You're dodging my question on your origin, i allready know you are able to express yourself in spanish (of course). I didn't pretend to say it was cronicas marcianas, i compared your sighting to one presenced by massive audience (so it is very hard to refuse wat a lot of people saw), wich a known introducer so comparisions can be stablished (you can't even name the program or the channel).
Anyway, you can gain 2" rather easily (but it is somehow noticeable) from 5cm & upwards is hard no to walk in a cowboy fashion, not to mention the appearance of the shoes (like the 70's plattform shoes or worse).
The easiest way to downgrade a celeb is to mention lifts and not a single proove,i could be wrong but this guy allways stroke me as fairly tall.
MD said on 29/Mar/06
Here he is in very flat and thin shoes with Carson Daly, who is 6'1" in shoes:
Click HereI think even if he straigtened up he's probably no more than 6'1" barefoot. He is incredibly lanky though (very long arms and legs), and skinny making him look much taller.
Virgil said on 29/Mar/06
No, no me acuerdo del programa ni del presentador o del canal; fue hace años(no era Cronicas Marcianas), pero recuerdo perfectamente que cuando lo estabamos viendo lo flipamos de lo que encogía. No digo que no haya famosos españoles de esa estatura, digo que a mi Enrique me parece un tio de 1,80-1,82 con unas alzas en los zapatos que le hacen crecer de 5 a 7 centimetros.
Translation: No I don´t remember the program, the host or the channel, it was years ago (it wasn´t Cronicas Marcianas). I remember perfectly when we were watching it, we were amazed at how he shrinked. I´m not saying there are no spanish celebs around this height, I say that to me Enrique looks like a 180-182 cm tall guy, lifts in his shoes that make him look 5-7 cm taller.
Gotxo said on 28/Mar/06
I don't care where do you live but what are you are. It's clear that you're not spanish since it is shorter to use a sigle word than a periprhasis.
Enrique always has looked in the 6'2" mark compared to foreigner or local celebrities, don't care if he's 187 or 188cm he seems very close to that mark and you can think in many spanish celebhs of his same generation as tall or taller: Sports-Iker Casillas:185, Dance-Igor Yebra: 189, Acting-Eloy Azorin: 187.
BTW the story of the shoes is ridiculous a 6'+ guy wearing 7,5cm heeled shoes?
nah he never looked short.
In the other hand Santiago Segura was measured in the audience-master program Cronicas Marcianas leaded by Javier Sardá (Tele 5) he was a lot of Kg and 173cm SHOES ON.
Can you name the program, the introducer towered by enrique and the name of the channel for an instance or is it a non factual based gossip?
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
He looked 6-2 to me.could be the shoes.
Virgil said on 26/Mar/06
A story about Enrique´s height. I saw a few years ago a program on spanish TV where celebrities gave away personal items to auction for some casue.Enrique auctioned his shoes, and he took them off while on air. Let me tell you, when he did, he went down like 3 inches. With them on, he towered the host, without them he was taller, but the tower effect was lost. Platform shoes he was wearing. Haven´t met him, but I would say he is in the 5ft11 to 6ft zone, with three inch lifts and a good body posture.
I´m from Spain btw, caucasian, 30 years, average height at 5ft10.
Marco said on 13/Mar/06
Gotxo, I agree. 178 cm and 75 kg for those between 18 & 21 is pretty accurate. I should say I
ferg said on 12/Mar/06
I am spanish and I am 20 years old. I am 181cm taller and i feel quite average.
Is true that in the 60s and the 70s the spanish average height was short, but it was because the people who grow up after the civil war had bad conditions with his food, not because the spanish are short.
My father and his brothers are 175, 172, 168 and 160(female), my brothers and me are 185, 187 and 181.
Gotxo said on 8/Mar/06
Thnx for your words, with comments as above's one always wonder if americans can't distinguish language from ethnicity, culture & geography.
I've posted several comments on this issue trying to shed some light over this confusion, and no american poster @ this page has come ever with "Yeah, some people @ USA confuse things a lot" wich leads me to think that they don't care about talking of an european country placing it in south america. Or if they are aware of the difference they try to abase spaniards comparing us with countries that lack respect for democracy & human rights. Is that or it is that being a citizen from the most powerful country of the world you can afford being a barbaric ignorant and don't shame of it.
BTW: Spanish (from Spain,europe) = caucasian, South american native= far related to asiatics; common link? the language.
not_short said on 26/Feb/06
Gotxo: I totally agree with you, the moment you say you are Spanish, they asume you are form, I don't know, Mexico seems like the most popular guess among North
And, yeah, as you say, younger generations are generally taller. I'm 23, and I see 15 year-old girls way taller tham me...
Gotxo said on 26/Feb/06
Not_Short: I'm a five elevener basque on Madrid, yep here the people is a bit taller than in Bilbao (but surprisingly not taller than in Durango.) The problem with anglosaxons is that they have the same term for two different concepts: Español & Hispano wich they translate as hispanic. Wich often means South American native. They usually are shorter than caucasians (the Españoles are caucasian), thought i met some real big SouthAmerican fellers in Madrid. They were obvioulsy not Equatorian nor Bolivian, of course.
2ND: Yeah the height for young males has increased a lot, also young guys approach to their final heigth much sooner, so it's not hard to meet 5'11" or 6" kids who are 15 years. old.
to Claire: most of my friends are near my height or really over (up to 6'5") (but we approach 30), my younger friends are none of them shorter than me, and some are huge (over 6'3")
not_short said on 25/Feb/06
I'm a Spanish girl, and I'm 5'9", most of my female friends are around my height (give or take 2 inches), and I don't think I'm too tall. And most of my male friends are way over 6 feet tall... so I guess it's not strange for spaniards to be tall. Just because Penélope Cruz is short, doesn't mean the rest of us are :)
Steven said on 8/Feb/06
He really doesnt look it, I would have thought 5'11'' - 6' tops.
If only I were 6'2''... :'(
Mario said on 23/Jan/06
@Claire, no! Go to Madrid or Barcelona, when you walk on the streets you will see 5 ft 3 guys to 6 ft 6 guys! I don't know why poeple always think that spaniards are so short...
J.J.F said on 23/Jan/06
NO. The walk on on the Jonathan Ross show is slanted slightly, so as to help celebs appear taller in comparison tot their relatively tall host.
Iglesias is just under 6'2", Robs got this one right.
claire said on 23/Jan/06
he does look 6 ft 2. is it that stange for spaniards 2 be tall?
J-Dog said on 22/Jan/06
I think Enrique does indeed look 6'2", upgrade possibly?
Tubbs said on 22/Jan/06
Yeah, he looks 6'2", I remember the actual show with Ross, I can't believe how time flys, way back in 2002 - I was a fresh faced teenager then, Enrique deserves an upgrade, Ross is 6'1.5, and as Luis Garcia points out, Iglesias is noticably taller.
Jake_M said on 9/Jan/06
Jonathan Ross is a solid 6'1", so 6'2" definitely sounds right for Mr. Iglesias.
Marc said on 2/Jan/06
When he was next to 5'9" Mischa Barton in that s***ty song, he looked at least 5 inches taller.
Jason said on 1/Jan/06
No clue how tall Enrique is, but my girl has met Julio Iglesias Jr. and has at least one pic with him, and disagreed with his listing of 178cm and said he's about 175.
Luis_Garcia said on 31/Dec/05
Something not right, you have Ross and Iglesias both at 187cm, that picture shows Iglesias to be taller, at least 0.5cm taller. Ross always wears shoes on his show as well
Alex A. said on 29/Nov/05
Yea he definitly looked tall in Once Upon a Time in Mexico. It sounds just about right, but he's right he seems smalles by himself and its probably because Anna Kounicova is tall too.
smokeblower said on 4/Jul/05
enrique is not 6'2" he is more like 6' 1/2"