Doink said on 28/Nov/24
Click Here
Said she's 6-2' 1/2" on Kelly Clarkson and not 6'3"
uddipta saikia said on 22/Sep/24
She Looks To Be 6’2
Ryan Bhattacharya said on 25/Apr/24
181cmguy said on 30/Aug/23
@Rob, should add her "6'2.....6'2 and a half" claim.
Click Here
She also says that Princess Diana was 6ft, not sure who told her that!
181cmguy said on 29/Aug/23
@uddipta saikia, that would be the highest I'd give her, though she did claim 6'2 and a half. While I don't see her measuring that height in the afternoon, I've no doubt it's a height she did once measure, the real question is whether it was first thing in the morning(which is unlikely I guess) or taken later in the morning.
I gave her 6'2, don't think she'd quite measure 1/4 over the mark, but I do see her as more of a strong 6'2 than a weak one, 6'2flat is the lowest I see her.
Out of bed: 189.9-190.2(6'2 and 3/4 to 7/8)
Midday: 188-.3(6'2 to 1/8)
Before bed: 187.3-.7(6'1 and 3/4 to 7/8)
Think she can lose a full inch by the end of the day. I personally never lose more than 3/4 of an inch, but then again I'm almost 3 inches shorter. Idk why but I'm quite confidant she'd edge my dad, who at 62 was measured 187(6'1 and 5/8) in the afternoon, perhaps in his prime he was the full 6'2 he claims.
uddipta saikia said on 28/Aug/23
I Think She Can Look 6'3 in Morning.
Vick Jane said on 9/May/23
The 5'7" Mia Goth doesn't seem so shorter than the 6'2" Debicki on this picture(
Click Here saw in another shot, their heels are in different sizes(
Click Here so the difference of those heels are 1 inch at best,so i'd put Debicki 4 inches taller than Mia which gives Debicki a 5'11" height tops(which is pretty tall, indeed) .She should be proud of it.
Beosm said on 7/May/23
Can't believe will paulter is taller than her
Leighton Tang said on 17/Nov/22
How tall do you think she would measure out of bed? 6'2.5?

Editor Rob
Seems highly likely
Irshgrl500 said on 16/Nov/22
That picture you provide with Jason Clarke & Elizabeth from the 2015 movie, Everest clearly shows Elizabeth to be taller than 6'1" Jason. In the photo, they are roughly the same height but then Elizabeth is tilting her head at an angle,and they still are the same height. So if they were both standing erect and upright with no tilting of the heads Elizabeth would clearly be the taller person.
There isn't a problem other than Elizabeth is very much so 6'2".
QM6'1.5"QM said on 5/Oct/22
No less than 6'1" midday barefoot against the wall! :)
khaled taban 5ft9 said on 28/Sep/22
187-188 but no taller than 188.
Bknm said on 4/Jul/22
Paco Garibay said on 4/Apr/22
Rob Can you rank this 3 lady’s? Maria Sharapova, Karlie Kloss and Elizabeth

Editor Rob
I think Elizabeth maybe has best chance out of three being closer to 6ft 2
Ian Omom said on 24/Mar/22
looks 6'2 prolly cause the thicker heels she wear, although i think with her height, she think she doesn't really need over 3 inch heels so she using smaller heels more often
Tall Sam said on 20/Feb/22
Surprised to see her ever listed at six foot but then 6’3” is over reach even though she never seemed to claim it.
Goadbyj said on 27/Dec/21
Elizabeth Debicki is easily 6ft 2. There is no way she is smaller then that! No way! I would not be surprised if she is not too far of 6ft 3!
Daniel Lee said on 25/Dec/21
Yes, she claimed 6'2 too, then could be a weak 6'2.
Eric W Tam said on 27/Nov/21
smh why is she 6'3 on Google? 6'2 max
Mario S said on 13/Oct/21
Which lady is taller? Elizabeth Debicki or Karlie Kloss??

Editor Rob
Might go with Debicki better chance of near 6ft 2
Walle said on 2/Sep/21
Elizabeth Debicki and 6'1 Jason Clarke in Everest (2015) :v
Click Here . I think we have a little problem here, Mr rob.....
Beau said on 1/May/21
Why is she marketed as 6'3" everywhere, in an industry where being this tall for an actress has a strongly adverse impact on getting roles?
Luci paura said on 18/Jan/21
She Looked a little taller than tom hiddleston in The Night Manager. I think she is 188cm.
Swtt said on 30/Dec/20
Be interesting to see her in a pic next to any really tall women like Karlie Kloss, Maria Sharapova,
Gwendoline Christie, Wendy Williams, Zoe Ball etc
Andy Cash said on 28/Dec/20
Guys She is tall. Just seen tenet and she looks 6 foot. Let's face it she is tall and very beautiful. If she wants to be 6 ft 1 then are we going to complain. Probably one of the most beautiful women in the world
Kale - 186.5 said on 21/Oct/20
I think Miss Debicki is actually around the 185-185.5 mark barefoot.
I've seen a few photos of her with actors of the same height, and in most she is wearing a 2-4 inch heeled shoe. I think this gives people the impression she is in the 187+ range.
Leesheff85 said on 8/Oct/20
Rob do you reckon she is wearing heels in the above photo? Or flats. Hard to tell but in heels she would be minimum 6ft 5. Does she look that tall here?

Editor Rob
Not sure what she's got, wouldn't have guessed her that tall in the photo.
leox said on 22/Sep/20
185 cm barefoot, her official is 190 cm take 2 inches off u r on spot. dont deny thats the impact women have who are 183 cm + barefoot like Karlie Kloss, since they are also wearing heels plus their heads are smaller than guys with similar heights.
Allie said on 18/Aug/20
I just heard she'll be playing Princess Diana.
Funny to see how the actresses they got to play are either much shorter or much taller than her. You'd think in 2020 Hollywood wouldn't have a problem finding an actress whose about 5'9-10 (175-178cm) and has somewhat of a passing resemblance to her.
I will say though, Elizabeth definitely looks more like Princess Diana than Kristen though lol.
Duhon said on 16/Aug/20
Is it reasonable to say actresses over 6' don't tend to exaggerate their Heights like a lot male actors that height.
I feel like 5'10" is like the upper limit for an actress before it impacts what kind of roles they can pursue.
Jam Cherry said on 26/Jun/20
In the man from uncle she looked over 6’1” and she looks taller in guardians of the galaxy cause they r seemingly the perfect race do they perhaps made her look taller I would say she would fit in the 186.5-187 cm range at 6’1.5”
Nik Ashton said on 20/Jun/20
She could be Chris Pratt’s height twin!
Engine said on 11/Jun/20
Hi Rob,
In the photo with Mr Bachchan who in shoes must be 6'1", how tall is Elizabeth, she looks 6'5" easily.
Click Here
JohnMoore-162cm said on 20/May/20
I'm not sure if she's the full 6ft2 , she is as tall as Tom Hiddleston so 187 cm I'd guess
Nik Ashton said on 14/Apr/20
It’s great that Elizabeth and Tom Hiddleston are the same height! 😀👌
Emm Bee said on 13/Apr/20
she looks very, very tall. why would someone that tall exaggerate it? If anything I think she may play it down.
Nik said on 14/Mar/20
It's amazing she was described as 183 cm!
Sharanya said on 3/Sep/19
Rob how would she measure against Maria Sharapova? Would Elizabeth Debicki measure taller or would the both of them be the same height?

Editor Rob
I feel she has a better chance of being 6ft 2 than Maria has.
Importer said on 9/Aug/19
I'd say she has the edge on Tom Hiddleston, perhaps she's 6'1" 7/8 - 6'2"?
Joel Masterman said on 5/Jun/19
Having watched the night Manager she looks a big 6"2 I still feel she is taller than someone like Tom Hiddleston who can look 6"1-6"2.
Oliver Allen said on 4/Jun/19
She is around 185 cm barefoot at max.
SnerhagAip777 said on 6/Mar/19
What would be the male equivalent of her height? Like 6'7? Also do you think her head would be much over 9 inch?

Editor Rob
Yes, somewhere in 6ft 7-7.5 range could be an equivalent. I wouldn't have said her head was very long or anything, but 9-9.1 inches is possible.
Mimi said on 26/Feb/19
Average vote way too high. She looks a maximum 6ft2 to me.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/18
Some sites list her at 130lbs. Either way, she's nearly a skeleton.
mohammad said on 23/Dec/18
6 foot 2 , she looks 135 pounds .
Matt93 said on 16/Dec/18
The only reason why Tom Hiddleston appears to look taller than Elizabeth Debicki is because he's standing on a step higher than her. When the two of them are in flats, she's taller than him. 6ft2 or 6ft3 would be convincing height claims for her. She's also way taller than Joe Alwyn, who's allegedly 6ft1 or 6ft2. Elizabeth Debicki is a tall, beautiful, talented and intelligent young woman. Haters will simply have to accept it and deal with it.
Sarah said on 10/Oct/18
Could be 6'2"
Halb said on 20/Sep/18
Red carpet pics of her and HIddleston, he looks much taller, it doesn't compute.
Littlelee168cm said on 1/Sep/18
Should add guardians of the galaxy 2 to her credits though she's unrecognizable in that film
jonas henriks said on 5/Aug/18
She look just as tall as Hiddleston if not taller under 6"1 is ridicoulus.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Jul/18
My tallest female cousin measure exactly 6'1 3/4 and 150lbs. Debicki look pretty close in proportion to her. 6'2.26 average guess is way too high.
Israel-6'2 said on 3/Jul/18
seeing all the photos of her and hiddleston tone I would say she's much closer to 1.86, she overcomes it, but only with heels, while tone always leaves her posture relaxed, I must be 1.87.8 when she gets out of bed, as usual are the assumed 6'2, hiddleston should be 188.3
MAD SAM said on 2/Jul/18
Rob list her in the Marvel Universe category, it would give a great boost to the average female height !
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 9/Jun/18
@Gaby Ball
1m85.5cm is basically 6'1". So was she measured that by the doctor?
Gaby Ball said on 8/Jun/18
I know her personally, and I know her brother, who is something like 6'5". Her height is just over 6'1". I asked her about it a couple of days ago in casting, because she looked gigantic in 'The Tale', and she told me that she was weighed and measured at her most recent medical checkup, which she needed for insurance purposes before signing a contract to star in 'Widows', and that the doctor said she was 'one metre and eight-five and a half centimeters'.
Leanne said on 2/Jun/18
She's 6ft3. Here's a pic of her next to Cate Blanchett at the "Maids" by Jean Genet:
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5 said on 14/May/18
Rob, for 1/8ths, would you say Debicki has a strong chance of measuring 6’1.875” or 6’1 7/8ths.”

Editor Rob
Well, I think anywhere from 6ft 1.5 to 2 is arguable, it wouldn't be a big surprise almost 6ft 2.
Khaled Taban said on 7/May/18
This woman is very tall I think 6'3" at least !
Derk said on 5/Apr/18
Rob, do you think Debicki took advantage of wearing more heels during the Man from UNCLE press tour with Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill? Because while touring with Tom Hiddleston (who IMO only has 3 cm on Cavill) she looked like she was wearing more flats or max 1.5 inch heels, whereas whenever she was with Hammer she seemed to wear 3 inch heels. And in turn Cavill looked much shorter next to them than he would have if Debicki was wearing the same weak footwear she wore with Hiddleston.
Did she take advantage of finally having a leading man she could look up at?

Editor Rob
She may well have done's good to see very tall women getting big roles in films
Dream(5'9.5 said on 22/Mar/18
I think a full 6'2" is possible for her.
even said on 19/Mar/18
she is anything but short at 6 foot 2 !
MAD SAM said on 21/Jan/18
This woman is tall ... 189 cm definitely and I would love dating her despite me being 182 cm
Ol?rin said on 17/Jan/18
This tall, beautiful and talented lass easily towers over all those who claim to be 5ft7-5ft10 whether in heels or in flats. It's unwise to take films and staged pics as evidence because there seldom is a realistic height depiction of the actors and actresses involved. One's best bet would be to see these folks where no one can provide a height advantage or disadvantage (for example, pics of them walking down the street or in other public areas next to other people).
A characteristic example is Tom Hiddleston, who is made to look taller than Elizabeth Debicki in films but in real life he is shorter than her. In addition, Cate Blanchett (claimed height being somewhere around 5ft8-5ft9) looks tiny next to Elizabeth Debicki.
That said, either all these 5ft7-5ft9 height claims are bogus or Elizabeth Debicki is significantly over 6ft2-6ft3. My estimate is that her height is similar to
Gwendoline Christie's (about 6ft3-6ft4). I've noticed this bizarre trend of very tall people trying to underestimate their height and those who are just average or a bit above it making inflated and often unrealistic height claims. Many very tall women also deliberately state shorter heights in order to get the role they want in showbiz. This phenomenon is also evident in modelling agencies as well where shorter models inflate their height while super tall ones deflate their Amazonian stature.
Hal said on 1/Jan/18
Looks accurate. Though she might be a legit 6'2". Normally I'm not really into women who are taller than me (I'm 185 cm), but she is an exception.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 27/Sep/17
She edges out Tom Hiddleston.
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 19/Sep/17
@Who Cares Tom Hiddleston is on significantally higher ground in that photo. Here's the exact same photo:
Click Here
With Leonardo Dicaprio and Tobey Maguire:
Click Here
Leo obviously has more footwear, but appears to be standing up with looser posture.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 15/Sep/17
At least she didn't claim 6'3". More often, she looks a full 6'2" or even over it at times.
Perfect listing!
tshark said on 7/Sep/17
Think she is closer to 6'2" these days. Long body/legs can throw off the eye.
Who Cares said on 8/Aug/17
If she is the same height as Tom Hiddleston, is Tom wearing higher heels? lol
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jul/17
Right between her two claims is more than fair.
even said on 19/Jul/17
6 foot 2 and 140 lbs
S.J.H said on 21/Jun/17
@Mark(5'9.25 said on 22/May/17
Rob, I think 188 cm would work better. This listing works too, but not lower.
Debicki looked taller Chris Pratt despite having disadvantage posture.
Click Here
Editor Rob: 188 of course is still something she can look.
That angle is odd and Debicki is closer to camera. Shes not taller than Pratt. At most the same. She claim higher and higher as she gain fame and fool someone. 6'1.5 tops
Marquis said on 31/May/17
Looks 6' 1.5" to me. She has an interesting presence, I wonder what she would've been like in the
Gwendoline Christie role on Game of Thrones.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 22/May/17
Rob, I think 188 cm would work better. This listing works too, but not lower.
Debicki looked taller Chris Pratt despite having disadvantage posture.
Click Here

Editor Rob
188 of course is still something she can look.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 20/May/17
Justice has been done once again!
joe### said on 15/May/17
Elizabeth Debicki Sometimes really look 6'2
Allie said on 14/May/17
I think she's can look a full 6'2. But nothing more.
5'13 said on 12/May/17
she is the same height as tom hiddleston WITH HEELS
just google for images of her and tom hiddleston
what's your opinion about it Rob ?

Editor Rob
I can see her looking around 6ft 2 in night manager, it's not impossible, though her head size is small and eyelevel at times a bit higher.
grizz said on 10/May/17
@Rob, if you've added her to the Marvel Universe page, female average would have been increased to almost 5'7!
Interesting that Marvel prefers taller women while DC prefers them to be short(er).

Editor Rob
yeah very tall or low heights do have more noticeable effects on averages!
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 26/Apr/17
She could definitely look 6'2". She was definitely the tallest female that I've seen in person.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/17
What a very tall and statuesque beauty! She certainly came over as a good, strong 6ft1.5 (minimum) in 'The Night Manager' - lucky girl starring with Hugh Laurie!
So that is what she gets from me today! I think, in fact, I'll up that a quarter of an inch as I've just gone through some of her latest comments!
pzogel said on 20/Apr/17
I can see 2'1/2" between her and Dicaprio here:
Click Here
Given that DiCaprio is 5'11.25 and that he has a slight footwear advantage (see here:
Click Here), that would put her at 6'2.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 20/Mar/17
One thing is for sure, she could beat out peak Roger Moore and Peak Jim Carrey.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 17/Mar/17
She was 6'1 3/4"-6'2" in person. Her very small head does give her the impression of a 6'3" woman though.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 9/Mar/17
Rob, how likely is an upgrade to 6'2" flat? I can see her more that range than just 187 cm.

Editor Rob
I still feel she was measured about 187cm, but I can understand 188cm estimates, I certainly wouldn't rule it out.
Jp said on 3/Mar/17
Rob, since most People voted her at 6 ft 2.5 wouldnt upgrade her to 6 ft 2.5 ?

Editor Rob
I don't think she looks as tallas 6ft 2.5....6ft 2 maybe is more arguable
Jp said on 9/Feb/17
She is 6 ft 2, but not more.
Allie said on 5/Feb/17
I think she may 6'2.. That video looks like a modeling video and she may have been rounding down. The highest I've ever seen a female model listed at was 6'1.5. There was a fashion model who was 6'3 who said the highest an agency every listed her as was 6'1.5.
joe### said on 27/Dec/16
Sonnecker said on 14/Dec/16
Closer to 190 cm in my opinion, I'd go for a good 189...
YouKnowThat'sRight said on 13/Nov/16
I wanna girlfriend her height :D I'm 6'5" flat in shoes so she would have half an inch on me in 4 inch heels :P
Ibracadabra said on 27/Oct/16
Rob, don't you think that her claim (190cm) is legit, or at least 189cm ? She looks an inch taller than Tom Hiddleston in the Night manager and a tad taller than Hugh Laurie

Editor Rob
6ft 2 flat is possible of course.
joe### said on 15/Oct/16
she wears low heels
Mark said on 10/Oct/16
Debicki did edge out tom Hiddleston. She can easily pass for 189 cm without question.
Christian said on 21/Sep/16
Rob - I think she is a tad taller than Tom Hiddleston not the other way around.
Verona Rios said on 29/Aug/16
In general, women who are somewhere btw 167--174 cm tend to be commercially sold (actresses / models) as if they were indeed 175 cm. On the other hand those Amazonian girls (185 cm plus) tend to be sold as if they were at most 183 cm so as to get more jobs. Note that the ideal model size is btw 175--183 cm. That explains why she claimed 183 cm.
Legit62 said on 18/May/16
She really does look a bit taller than Tom Hiddleston in The Night Manager. Hiddleston is listed on the site as 6ft 1.75. Watch it and see what you think. I believe you'll be updating one or the other.
Josh said on 11/May/16
i think this is an underestimation, looked to edge Tom Hiddleston in flat shoes in every scene in the night manager, 6 2
littlesue said on 28/Mar/16
Think she over 6ft 2, walking side by side with Tom Hiddleston in The Night Manager she was clearly taller than him in flat sandals, maybe 6ft 2.5
Sam said on 7/Mar/16
An Entertainment Weekly articles just claimed 6'3" for her which just isn't the case from what I've seen. 187 cm is believable though, she's indeed a beautiful girl.
TJE said on 1/Mar/16
On Man from UNCLE, that is. The listing is fair offscreen.
TJE said on 28/Feb/16
Barely looked taller, in heels, than Henry Cavill.
Dave said on 18/Feb/16
Liz is tall and extremely beautiful .
S.J.H said on 10/Feb/16
A real 187cm women. She look taller than karlie kloss who proclaim 6'1.5 but more like 185-186cm
Bruce 5'11 2/3 said on 24/Nov/15
Seeing her for the first time in person I thought she was from the Dinaric Alps region
Mighty_- said on 9/Nov/15
I agree with the Dutch guy, not sure she is 6'2.75 I'd say 6'2 range but she appears to be really tall and very tall women tend to downgrade ( especially actresses because they won't even get casted because of their height that is/will be too much for male co-stars )
The Dutch Guy said on 3/Sep/15
Very tall women use to downgrade their heights.
She's 6'2.75" but looks like a full 6'3".
Doink said on 15/Aug/15
Click Here
Article says she is 188 cm and that she says she is the same height as Tom Hiddleston/Hugh Laurie
Doink said on 11/Jul/15
pablo77bar: The video looks like a modeling audition, so she may be taller or shorter than what she claims there as her modeling height.
It's still probably the best thing we have to go on given various articles have either claimed 1.80 or 1.90 for her. Maybe someone will ask her while she's at SDCC.
pablo77bar said on 21/Jun/15
Hahahaha what crazy girl
She made a video only to tell she is 6ft 1.5 and not 6ft 3
Anyway,she is supercute
Dan said on 7/Jun/15
She says herself right here that she is 6'1.5
Click Here
Jewel said on 3/Jun/15
She sure does look weirdly shorter than Armie
Skye said on 16/May/15
6'2 honestly. With that Amrie pic, I'd say he's 6'5.5 with the added inch in those shoes. Then add 2 inches that those heels add to make her 6'4. Tbh, the difference between them looks to be at least 2 inches. Maybe less.

Editor Rob
I don't think she's got the same posture as armie or henry there.
Arch Stanton said on 10/May/15
If she was 6'3, in those heels she ought to easily edge out Armie!
Arch Stanton said on 10/May/15
Rob how is it possible she is 6 ft 3 when she's in massive heels here and still shorter than Armie Hammer?
Click Here Honestly there out of the heels she looks like she'd be 6'1" range!!
Sam said on 7/Aug/14
With The Great Gatsby cast, looks more 6'2" tops, not near 6'3" IMO.
Click Here
Sam said on 30/Apr/14
Never heard of her but another striking really tall girl. Is 190 cm a modeling height or something?
Rahul said on 7/Nov/13
Any link where she is confirming her hight
mutt said on 29/Oct/13
One would suppose that 6.275 is shorter than 6-3 and taller than 5-11.
rahul said on 21/Oct/13
Some site also say 5.11 for her.. not sure looks taller than that but shorter than 6.3"