Pierric said on 6/Jun/22
How was her wheight in "Showgirls" Rob ???

Editor Rob
I wouldn't have thought under 140
Canson said on 3/Dec/20
@Editor Rob: in the Reboot of Saved By the Bell, she has minimum 1” on Lopez (it’s really about 1.5 at times) but we can’t see her footwear. Either Lopez has lost height, he’s overlisted, or Berkeley is under listed by 1/2” and really is 5’10 as she claims
Dandydon said on 27/Sep/20
There was a girl in season 4 of SBTB who played the role of Cathy. She was super tall and was in the teen like episode in the Tori years. Does anybody know her name and if she was taller than Elizabeth?
Canson said on 24/Jul/20
@Tunman: I could see 5’9.75 for her if Lopez is really 5’9”. She has him by at least 2cm.
Nik said on 26/Jun/19
It's interesting that she said "I was 5'10" in high school and my bro 6'6" ;-)"!
Canson said on 26/Sep/17
I can see this if Lopez is 5'8.5. She was half inch or a full inch taller
Canson said on 28/Jul/17
@James: it's tough to say with her. At times she did as she looked taller than Mario Lopez. But then again they could look closer at times. I remember a video with Tiffani Thiessen where she was interviewed and had cardboard cutouts of all theee of the guys Diamond Gosselar and Lopez and she made a comment why did they make Lopez so much shorter when he really wasn't? Now I don't think he was really a lot shorter than MPG but it was def a difference in height with them at least 1-2" (I never believed MPG to be a legit 6' esp if Lopez is hovering about 5'9")
Canson said on 28/Jul/17
@James: it's tough to say with her. At times she did as she looked taller than Mario Lopez. I remember a video with Tiffani Thiessen where she was interviewed and had cardboard cutouts of all theee of the guys Diamond Gosselar and Lopez and she made a comment why did they make Lopez so much shorter when he really wasn't? Now I don't think he was really a lot shorter than MPG but it was def a difference in height with them at least 1-2" (I never believed MPG to be a legit 6' esp if Lopez is hovering about 5'9")
James said on 26/Jul/17
Berkley looked 5'10" in the 1990s. "Showgirls" wasn't actually bad in an over-the-top kind of way; it's ludicrous Berkley was blamed when the problems lay with the script.
Marquis said on 26/Feb/17
Accurate listing by Rob.
It's too bad that she's forever going to be best known for Showgirls, it wasn't at all her fault that movie turned out the way it did.
(And heck, that movie STILL would've worked had it been released in the '80s, probably... 'The Decade of Excess.')
Hijopotamus said on 13/Jan/17
Talented and hyper beautiful 5'10" tall woman
Sam said on 18/Aug/15
Saw her on stage in Hurly-Burly with Ethan Hawke, Bobby Cannavale and Joshua Hamilton...certainly she didn't look less than listing, looked no more than an inch under Hawke. Also great body when she, uh, striped in one scene, don't know if they were consicuously trying to evoke Showgirls LOL.
littlesue said on 10/Nov/14
She was also flat chested in SBTB, lol
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Nov/14
She looks incredible in that picture. Back in Saved By The Bell she was quite gawky-looking, though and I've no doubt it must have been tough
Lee Whit said on 3/Oct/14
Must have been tough for her on SBTB... she towered over those guys until they grew later in the series!
Carter said on 19/Oct/13
What a goddess....
Lizzie said on 9/Jul/11
She is more like 5'11 than 5'9.5.
Bon_ said on 2/Jul/11
she may be closer to 5'11 in my opinion.
the word said on 26/Nov/10
I think Ms Berkeley's height is wonderful for her posture,she also has extremely sexy eyes.She's gorgeous.
Jim_16 said on 28/Apr/09
how tall is greg lauren ? Does anyone have a clue ?
Olivia said on 5/Jan/09
This girl is a good 5 ft 10 without any doubt !
Anna said on 15/Oct/08
She looks 5'11-6'0 here but since shes wearing heels she must be shorter.In the first episode of saved by the bell Mark Paul looked 5'7 and she looked only like half an inch to one inch taller.So she must have been like 5'7.5 to 5'8.But in the later seasons Mark Paul was like 5'11-6'0 and she only looked like an inch shorter than him which would put her at 5'10-5'11.It's possible that she grew to but i highly doubt it unless Mark Paul was 5'9-5'10 in the first episode which i also highly doubt.So she must be in the 5'8-5'10 range.
Hugh said on 9/Sep/08
She's a tall girl. 5ft10 at least.
wtf? said on 7/Jul/08
that sounds about right in showgirls she is taller than any other woman and almost as tall as the men so that sounds right
saddas said on 31/Dec/07
i also agree with this height assessment. was standing right next to her at a comic book convention and she's slightly shorter than me. i stand 5'10 so she's a half inch shorter than me.
Sureshot said on 10/Dec/07
i went to college with her brother. she visited a few times. 5' 9" is accurate. she wears heels alot. at least 2-3in. putting her at close to 6'
Anonymous said on 22/Jul/07
she looks 5'11 because she most likely has heels on, 5'9 sounds accurate, tv and pictures seem to make you look taller and make you look like you weigh more too
phil said on 7/Jun/07
saw her on west 4th and 6th in manhattan today, really pretty couldnt tell with heels but fairly tall
PJ said on 1/Apr/07
I've seen her in SoHo wearing sneakers, this listing is accurate. And, she's gorgeous.
ToTo kung said on 22/Mar/07
Glenn , she looks 5 ft 11. And Elizabeth in picture look very........
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
This chick is hot now. Way hotter than in Saved by the Bell. Looks about 5' 10" if you factor in heels.
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
PJ said on 16/Mar/07
I've seen her in SoHo a few times, this listing is accurate.
AAAA said on 16/Mar/07
Glenn.... was see in heels cause she looks like 5'10.5-5'11 here
Amy said on 20/Jul/06
Yep, she's definitely about 5'9 or 5'10. We were eye to eye at an event and were both in tennis flats.