razz said on 8/Feb/08
ok so either ed norton is around 5'9 - 5'10 or salmas 5'5! the latter is so not possible!
Click Here
selva said on 5/Feb/08
do not compare ed to brad
because, obviously, brad wears shoes with heels to gain height
but definitly ed is 6 feet tall
i mean, the guy himself said he's 6 feet tall in an interview
in AHX when he was running on the street behind his car, bare feet
look how tall he looked
and in the illusionist premiere with jessica biel, who's 170 cm, he looke atleast 10 cm above her (and she was wearing heels)
so get over it
he is tall, and that's it
dmeyer said on 13/Jan/08
ms crababel pics even considering posture and angles pitt is still 2 in taller than norton in those pics pitt dosnt apear over 184 cm in lifts like 186 187 with shoes on so that means ed is 5'10.5 being generous
Gabriel said on 12/Jan/08
WTF?? Pitt must be wearing Huge lifts..no way pitt is taller than norton..
Caesar said on 7/Jan/08
This is one of the few guys I would downgrade, in his case to at least under 6'0. Interesting pictures from Ms. Crababel: obviously Pitt is closer to the camera and there has to be a big pavement advantage. In my view, Pitt is 5'11 and Norton 5'11.5, maybe 6'0 on a good day. Among others, I would suggest downgrading him and of course, Ryan Seacrest.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/08
wow looks 1.5 -2 inches under Pitt there.
D said on 4/Jan/08
His Mugshot in American History X said he was 6-foot even.
ms crababel said on 2/Jan/08
Click Here this is just wrong wrong wrong
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/07
when i met alfred molina i was dwarfed by him i had coverse thaugh but norton does look closer to his height than me i agree with the 184 ,wath i dont get is whi he looks so short in other pics
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/07
i have seen an interesting pic deniro only 2 in under norton and norton has timberland with aleast 1.3 in heels and deniro has normal 1.25 dress shoes ,ed didnt have the bes posture so 2.5 in taller ,deniro was 5'8 when i met him possibly 1 cm taller 8 years ago so 5'8.5 do that is 5'11 for norton , rob i would like to show me evidance that norton is 6 ft or 6'0.25 ,didnt look mush on whalberg in the italian job but marky did look close enaugh 5'9 in a movie
ivan said on 21/Dec/07
something's wrong. or brad pitt is not 180 cm , or edward isn't 184. i cannot send you a pic of them both together. :( go to yahoo pic, you will find picture there. tnx:)
shay said on 11/Dec/07
he def looks this height in the illusionist! :)
Millais said on 29/Nov/07
I think he's rather tall. Probably over 180.
And anyway, who cares how tall he is...:-)
He's cute, funny, nice as a person and an INCREDIBLE actor!
selva said on 23/Nov/07
edward is definetely 184 cm
he can't be shorter than that
do you remember (primal fear) movie with richard gere?
he was taller than richard (and richard is 178 cm)
Click HereClick Here
C. said on 20/Nov/07
It's very possible to see him as 5'9" or 5'10" since he really does have utterly horrendous posture, but I can also clearly see him as the 6' he claims, especially when he's not alongside someone like Pitt whom obviously stuffs his shoes and just has to achieve that 6'+ (although it's crazy since he's obviously still quite tall at around 5'10"-11" but whatev). I also think that because he is so tiny (as in, oober thin) people also may mistake his height when they see him in person because his frame is so small, along with his hunched over disposition, rather than the opposite. B/c I don't think he has some sort of issue over his height or anything. If anything, he avoids the spotlight often, so I just don't see it honestly.
Cadenn said on 3/Nov/07
Wow, I thought he was much shorter than this. He always looked just as tall or shorter than Charlize Theron (listed here as 5' 9.75") in the Italian Job...
Rob G said on 20/Oct/07
Norton is 5'11.5" to 6'0.5" and btw Pitt is 5'10" to 5'11" just the way I see it though
Anonymous said on 14/Oct/07
for comparison:
a pick of edward and salma
Click Here
Anonymous1 said on 11/Oct/07
not a bit taller than pitt a good 3 inch over 5'10
Click Here
D said on 3/Oct/07
He looked 5'11" next to Robert De Niro.
silver said on 3/Oct/07
Maybe comparing him to Ben Stiller -they worked in a movie together some years ago- we could have an idea of how tall he is, but of course nobody is able to tell the exact height of Stiller!
McLovin said on 1/Oct/07
Dude is no taller than 5'9. I saw him on the street in Toronto filming the Hulk, and he's a pretty small guy.
silver said on 28/Sep/07
to will h: if this guy was 5.7 as you say, he would be shorter even than Richard Gere (listed at at least 5.9) and this is clearly wrong, if you see them in the movie together
SugarSugar said on 26/Sep/07
I saw him on the subway in NYC, he was in sneakers and sweats - thin build, but definitely tall, I'm 5'6". I'd say he's my brother's size (almost 6'1"). Incredible blue eyes and sweet smile.
Aratirion said on 21/Sep/07
@Drews pictures of Ed and Pitt; If Pitt is 5'10 at the very least (i think this is the least he could be; anything beneath is ridiculous), then Norton gotta be 6'1; Maybe the angle is weird and their not standing straight, but I'm sure that there are at least two inch inbetween.
P.Crouch said on 20/Sep/07
He's one of the best actors in the world, for me he's the best.
I think he's 6ft.. he looks a bit taller than Pitt...
Bad Radio said on 9/Sep/07
i think he's 6'0.5 possibly even 6'1 but has very bad posture.
Adam Brennon said on 3/Sep/07
Watch 'American History X'. There is no way Norton could possibly be below 6' 0" in relation to the rest of the prison population.
Maria said on 30/Aug/07
He´s 6´.
Taken from The Painted Veil casting for warner bros. in Beijing:
Casting Call for “The Painted Veil”
A Warner Bros. film starring
Edward Norton and Naomi Watts
Edward Norton: 6’, fair-medium complexion, medium frame
(shoe 9, waist 32, chest,
Isabel said on 26/Aug/07
Yeah but compare him to Edward Furlong (about 5'7") in "American History X". He was clearly more than 2-3 inches taller than him. He may have been wearing shoes that gave him a slight boost, but the fact that his posture is terrible would take away from that. He is easily 5'11" at the least.
Pik said on 25/Aug/07
Yes, his posture is horrendous. There were scenes in Primal Fear where he looked only an inch taller than Gere. In other scenes 2-2.5 inches taller...
danius said on 20/Aug/07
he looked 5'10 to me in illusioist
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/07
He IS 183-184/185...there was a scene in primal fear where norton was 2-3 inches taller than richard gere
krobert said on 10/Aug/07
he was on the daily show in about 2002 and Jon Stewart made a comment about him being "tall" (they worked together on Death to Smoochy, so they knew each other already). I seem to remember Norton replying flat out "I am six feet tall"
bam said on 7/Aug/07
he may be 6'1. His posture is horrendous.
Sam said on 1/Aug/07
Pitt is 5'11 and Norton is 6'0! Pitt, wearing lifts, is 6'1, and Norton, wearing lifts, is 6'2! END OF DISCUSSION!
JanJ said on 30/Jul/07
Norton is 6'0.5 - 6'1
Click Here
with 6'1 brooks, norton is slouching
Leung said on 29/Jul/07
will h and dits, are you guys having a laugh?
will h said on 28/Jul/07
i saw edward norton last week, he was in toronto not only is he short but also tiny. He is 5'7'' at the most. I am 6'2'' and norton looked tiny.... really tiny
dits said on 26/Jul/07
NEVER has he looked to me a 6 footer!!
Snap said it right..he has the face of a short guy,like 5'7 or something. That's exactly what I'd say too.
dmesser said on 21/Jul/07
most celebrities are "around" 5'11 correct? such as Brad, Sean Penn, De Nero,
Matt Damon and any of the the people that Norton worked with and Edward is always taller than them by at least 2 inches so he is at most 6'0

Editor Rob
he can look shy of avery brooks, but not same posture in that AHX scene. In Illusionist in several scenes with decent posture beats Rufus Sewell.
richinkle said on 11/Jul/07
I've never seen him in a movie where he looked as tall as 6'-0".
snap said on 1/Jul/07
you know , before I'd seen any of his movies and just like glimses of them and recongnised his face, I actually thought he was a 5-7ish guy (!) he has a 5-7ish face somehow, but i would say 6-1 for this guy, at least 6-0.5
Mr. R said on 19/Jun/07
I met him at a dinner a few years ago. This is pretty close. Somewhere between 6-0 and 6-1.
dmeyer said on 18/Jun/07
those pics arnt hard evidence since norton is on slighly higher level pitt posture is bad a 5'9 friend of mine looks only 2 in shorter than a 6'0.5 in friend of mine when they are walking because of slight floor advantage
Sam said on 13/Jun/07
A strong 6'1.
Leung said on 14/May/07
Yes Joe Mama, I recall when Meatloaf was doing interviews for Fight Club he commented that Norton was taller than him but the director made Meatloaf look much taller in the movie.
Drew said on 14/May/07
Yes Joe Mama. Not only that, but Pitt was wearing lifts and he was still a little shorter than Norton. In the pics I posted it is also evident that Norton is a good inch taller than Pitt, even with the slouch.
Strong six footer.
Joe Mama said on 13/May/07
in fight club, meatloaf had to stand on a box. later you can see norton's actually much taller.
dmeyer said on 3/May/07
ed looks max 2.5 in taller than deniro who was barely 5'8 when i met him so maybe was 5'8.25 back in the score so weak 5'11 for norton he looked barely taller than damon in rounders so 5'11 or 5'11.25 looked barely taller than charlize theron who i think is 5'10 so 5'11.5 not mush taller than gere lets even say shorter than pitt on many occasion who i doubt that will go over 6'0.5 apearance likely 6'0 so in movies looks about 5'11 like 5'10.5 to 5'11.5 could be a 6 footer with terible posture
Drew said on 3/May/07
Lock richinkle, you can't compare height in movies. There are these things called lifts and camera tricks. Norton is 6ft EASY. He has a good 1.5 inches on Brad Pitt (when Pitt is not wearing lifts).
The current estimate is without a doubt CORRECT. 183cm at the very very least.
richinkle said on 29/Apr/07
I'm watching Primal Fear right now, and there is no more than an inch between 5'-10" Richard Gere and Ed Norton. Ed's an excellent actor, but I don't see him as being more than 5'-11".
AnotherAnonymous said on 19/Apr/07
Anonymous says on 4/Mar/07
Norton and Pitt look the same height!"
Yeah that's because Pitt is wearing lifts. Now, Pitt without lifts:
Click Here
Norton is 6ft at the very least. I'd say he's closer to 6'1". He just slouches a lot.
marcelo said on 15/Apr/07
There's no way this guy's 6 ft. On "Primal Fear" he stands face to face with Richard Gere, who's listed here as being 5 ft 10, and they look exactly the same height...unless Gere wore lifts..anyway...
aeolianharpy said on 26/Mar/07
He towers over Salma Hayek in all the pictures of them together, and she's always wearing heels, usually platforms. I can see him wearing lifts or employing other methods of looking different to portray a character, so comparing his height with others onscreen seems pretty pointless. But even if Salma is only 5 feet tall, Norton couldn't be any shorter than 5'11".
Al capone said on 7/Mar/07
i see this guy at 5ft11.5, he is two inches taller then theron in the italian job.he seemed to have normal posture in the scene.
CoolJ said on 5/Mar/07
Norton is definitely taller than Pitt.
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/07
Norton and Pitt look the same height!
Click Here
misha said on 4/Mar/07
MD, let's close the book on Brad Pitt, then Norton's disputed height will fall into place. First of all, there is potent and convincing evidence for putting Brad Pitt at 5'9.5" tops. I encourage anyone who doubts this to look at the photos of him with Gwyneth Paltrow that Anonymous posted at Pitt's site on 2/13. Both of their footwear is visible - you can clearly see that Paltrow is wearing street shoes and not platforms - yet she is two inches taller than Pitt! Now in the Pitt-Norton photo, if Ed Norton is 6'.25" and is wearing an inch and a half of heels - a fair assumption because he would never appear at a paparazzi-studded event with low-heeled shoes - then he's close to 6'2' in the photo. But if that is true, then Pitt, who clearly towers over Norton, is pushing 6'4"! Can anyone see how absurd it all becomes? The only possible explanation is to recognize that many of today's male actors are wearing tremendous lifts and thus are really shorter than we think they are - any other explanation requires pathological denial as a starting point.
MD said on 26/Feb/07
I think you may be right about Norton's height. Like I said quite a ways down, he was recently on Jay Leno and was Jay's height, which threw me for a loop because I always thought he was 6'1". The thing was, he wasn't slouching, either. Even in lifts Jay's not going to get any taller than 6'0.5", IMO.
Rob, did you just bring down Norton? I can't remember what he was listed at.

Editor Rob
1/4 inch aroud dmeyer comment
misha said on 26/Feb/07
Rob, that's incredible - maybe the smirk's there because he think's he's got everyone fooled - everyone, that is, except we aficionados at celeb-heights!
MD said on 22/Feb/07
Go to Brad's page. It was Brad that is in some ridiculous lifts.
AA said on 21/Feb/07
Looks like Norton forgot his elevator shoes that day...
Click Here
Del Mar said on 15/Feb/07
Either 6 and a quarter with a BAD slouch all the time, or as I think: 5 ft 11 3/4
Ed said on 24/Jan/07
Norton looked about 4 inches shorter than David Morse(6ft4) in Down in the Valley, and Norton was wearing cowboy boots. Now, I've always thought he was at least 6ft, and because he's so skinny he gives the impression of being even taller. So with cowboy boots he would be close to 6ft2, but Morse can't be 6ft6 with shoes on, could he? I can't remember another movie where Morse looked as huge as he did in this film, maybe The Indian Runner, but he wasn't skinny at all like he used to be, the guy looked big all around like he would snap Norton's neck with his bare hands, if his angry dad character needed to.
XXX said on 23/Jan/07
Hi people, i think Edward Norton's hieght is 5'10. I also think we are been manipulated to think he is close to 6'0. Some fotos shown here look temper with and i do not mean he might wearing lifts. I make this point because i saw in these same site, but in another forum discussion, that Owen Wilson the original actor came in to the forum and said " Why wouldn’t I have time? I surf the net like everyone else, I’m a person (most actors are), I have free time, browsing pages about what fans think of me in various fields interests me I guess ". Having said that, i think It's Possible that Edward Nortron the original, like in Owen Wilson case, could have come into to de forum to tried alter your opinion about him. Remember this a top site that appears on the frist page o google :), people see it. I could be wrong, but then again maybe not. The hieght rangein for this guy height is from 5'7 to 6´'2 and that is to much.
you can find Owen Wilson comments here.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/07
thank you so mush rob because at first you had him 185 it didnt make sens also pitt looks sometimes 1.5 in taller than him and pitt is not over 6'2 in shoes possibly even 6'1.5 in shoes so give impression of 184 185 cm so if norton was 184 185 he would have look the same not taller so so norton is a week 184 who can look 180 with bad posture
G-MANN said on 13/Jan/07
I'd say 6'1". He's certainly no shorter than the height listed here, in Fight Club he was definetely taller than Brad Pitt.
MD said on 11/Jan/07
Paul, why post pictures from movies? Movies are notorious for camera tricks and lifts and such. None of those are hardly proof of anything.
dmeyer said on 10/Jan/07
to me norton is 5'11 maybe 5'11.5 thats wath he looks near pitt damon deniro
dmeyer said on 28/Dec/06
molina is very tall i met him like 189 easy
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/06
thank you rob i even think he could 6 feet flat

Editor Rob
at the Frida premiere he's taller than geoffrey rush, but shorter than alfred molina, he can go either way argue 183 or 184...
Paul said on 8/Dec/06
It's funny that the people who claim that Brad Pitt is 6-1, say that Norton is just 5-11. Did you ever realise that Norton has 2 inches on Pitt?
dmeyer said on 30/Oct/06
at 185 cm he should tower over damon in rounder lloks 1 to 1.2 in taller and turturo apeared 3 in on damon so it means tuturo is 1 in taller than norton for some reason i see norton at 5'11.5 at the very most he never even look 6 even if pitt is 6'1 in lifts the diferance will be only 0.25 diferance wish is not noticable then whi pitt apear taller
dmeyer said on 20/Oct/06
i cant see norton at 185 cm he just dont look it on screen he barely looks 2.5 inches on 175 de niro he dosnt look as tall as brad in lifts he looks barely taller than 178 theron in flat he dosnt look 15 cn on stiller and not mush taller than 178 elfman he dosnt look 3 inches on gere most of the time he apears 5'11 to 11.5 also dosnt look 2.75 in on damon he might be 185 since i met a lot of celeg and you seem very accurate since hanks looked 183 184 range like you said eckart looked 178 180 range ...... basicaly you are good so norton might be 185 but never look it
G-unit said on 20/Oct/06
my bet would be 6'. Compare him and matt damon in rounders. Edward Norton is wearing cowboy boots, with his boots he's 2 inches taller. I would even say that 6' is generous, this guy looks very tall because of his light weight.
jay said on 13/Oct/06
They do look about the same height in that pic, but remember Norton is probably barefoot or wearing slippers whereas Gere probably has well heeled dress shoes on, plus Gere's hair is poofy. That gives Norton about 1.5-2 inches on Gere.
Aryan said on 11/Oct/06
If people say that Edward Norton is 6'1 and many believe Brad Pitt to be 6'0, just take a look at this next picture. It seems Norton is 5'11 and Brad is 6'0. And I could be wrong, because Edward did seem the same height as Richard Gear who is much shorter than 5'11, so this requires some SERIOUS thought.
Click Here
cat stevens said on 9/Oct/06
he is a little bit taller or at least as tall as Edward Norton
Click Here
cat stevens said on 6/Oct/06
i took this image from the movie, see for yourself if you don't believe me
Click Here
chris said on 15/Sep/06
How can people even think of Norton could be under 5'9? Though his bad posture he always gives the impression of being at least 5'11.5. Just watch the prison shower scene in American History X. He has very long legs and is at least 2 inches taller than "I want to be 6'1" Brad Pitt (who is more 5'11).
leonari said on 26/Aug/06
Clooney has no clue. He said it's "irritating" how tall Brad is...well look into Pitts shoes GEORGE!
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/06
clooney said pitt was 1,85m, wishing he was that tall.
Stevie G said on 25/Aug/06
Saw him on Letterman. He looked a little bit shorter than David. My guess is 6 ft.
dmeyer said on 26/Jun/06
then if the guy is 174 then ed is 182 then it will make sens since brad apear 6'1" with good shoes on
dmeyer said on 26/Jun/06
then if the guy is 174 then ed is 182
jess said on 19/Jun/06
i agree that he is at least 6' maybe a little over. if you aslo notice in most pics he slouches when other male actors stand as talland straight as possible this makes me think he really is tall and can afford to slouch when others cannot...just something i noticed
Kine said on 16/Jun/06
I saw a press junket for Fight Club on TV and Norton stood about 2 good inches above Brad Pitt - Tyler Durden had to look imposing and be the 'big' guy. Also the commetary for said film has them talking how they had to put Meatloaf on a box to be taller than Norton

Editor Rob
yeah, they did make loafer look big in that...norton purposelly slouched a bit and god knows what pitt's footwear was, some other people have mentioned they looked abnormal
paleface said on 12/Jun/06
My 6'6 brother met him in the airport. Since my brother's a customs agent, he was standing next to him for a few minutes. He said he's pretty tall, which in my brother's universe means at least 6'1.
Dave said on 31/May/06
Ed Norton is not that tall (6ft 0.75). He is shorter than Brad Pitt in most shots. Brad is 5 ft 11 and probably wears lifts, but still that would make Norton most likely 6 flat at his tallest.
dmeyer said on 25/May/06
i cant see the guy as tall as 185 he is not that mush taller than deniro he is barely taller than theron when she is without heels pitt looks taller even in lifts he is no taller than a 185 guy maybe he is 185 but look 180 182 range with bad posture
sam said on 18/May/06
In this article, he is described as a "wiry 6'2"":
Click Here
I hope I grow in my 30s just like Edward Norton!
clad-in-black said on 6/May/06
reason why Ben stiller doesnt look too short is because he wore elevated boots,its the only reason i can think of.And why do you guys continue to argue, the man IS tall, he didnt look it in his movies, but he is definitely tall.
0kuma said on 6/May/06
On tonight's Conan O' Brien show (May 5th, 2006 Friday), Edward Norton told COB that he broke his back recently doing a movie. He might need to be re-evaluated.
Thomas said on 2/May/06
Ben Stiller is 170cm. He should not arrive higher than the beginning of Edward's nose. So, what do you think?
Height Detective said on 22/Apr/06
Edward Norton , tends to slouch his neck, that makes him look short Norton , Stiller and Jenna Elfman
Click HereAnother angle
Click HereNorton /Stiller
Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
I think it'll be easier to find out if someone can get a pic of Edward and his ex-girlfriend Salma Hayek together. She's only 5'2" (my height, maybe a lil' shorter) so you can compare them and find out. He certainly does look atleast 6'.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
I always thought Norton was about 5'11"....Then I saw him in a
movie that Tony Siragusa was in him with.....Tony is 6'3" and
Norton was only a little shorter.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
I don't know if I should be posting this pic, but here's Ed next to an actor who lists his height on his resume/site at 5'9". Ed looks about 6'1" here:
linkIf you doubt he's being honest about his height check out the pic of him and Jerry Stiller. If he's not 5'9" than Jerry has got to be like 5'0", and as short as he is, he can't be THAT short.
richinkle said on 3/Feb/06
I would never have estimated him at over 6'-0". I think he's closer to 5'-11". Where is Glenn when we need him??
jj said on 25/Jan/06
hey guys u might be surprised but edward norton could actually be 6'1.5,watch the movie american history x in that movie there is a scene in which there is a photo of him on a mugshot and he stands clearly 1.5 above the six feet mark.
Marc said on 14/Jan/06
Miki, from the nose to the top of the back of the head is 4 inches? Think about it. It can be as large as seven inches. Edward norton doesn't have a ridiculously small head, so it has to be around six inches. I'm 5'10". My brother is 5'7" and he comes up to about my eyebrows. I have at least three inches on him. Trust me.
Miki said on 10/Jan/06
Yeah, Marc, but from nose and up there's about 4inches, 5 at best.
Therefore, Norton is about 5'11.5, 6'0 max.
Iris said on 10/Jan/06
brad pitt looks way taller than him on fight club...Then again he´s solid over Harrison Ford by an inch in that picture from editor. (we would have to take a look of their footwear
Marc said on 6/Jan/06
Edward Furlong is 5'7". In comparison, Edward Norton has to be 6'1". Look at American History X. Norton has about 6 inches over Furlong, who only reaches under Norton's nose.
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/05
i think ed look shorter than he is but i am steel not convinced he is over 6 feet tom hanks who is around 184 cm can even look taller in movie if you watch norton compare to 5 ft 9 de niro he looks at best 5'11.5"
CelebHeights Editor said on 7/Dec/05
Dmeyer comment:
"i am not convinced he is that tall he is barly 2" on deniro he is shorter than pitt i think he is 6'"
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/05
to me he looks 6' at best
Miki said on 2/Dec/05
Eddy's shorely not 185cm. In the fight club, Pitt is definitly taller about 2cm.
Even if he would tend to sloop and slouch, there's no way he could be 179cm. Therefore, he is somewhere around 5'11.5 or 6'0 max.
anonymous said on 4/Nov/05
I remember seeing a casting call for stunt doubles. It listed all the main cast's heights and I think he was listed as 6'1. I'm not certain of that. It might have been 6'0.
drew said on 2/Nov/05
I can't believe people are saying he's less than six feet. He's not. I wouldn't say he's more than 6ft even though.
Fred Hahn said on 19/Oct/05
I was in acting class with Ed Norton back in the 1990's at the T.Schreiber Studios. Great guy. Good actor. Asked me to audition with him for the Actor's Studio. We never got around to it (UGH). He is at least as tall as I am and I'm 5'11".
MHouillon said on 21/Sep/05
Just saw Red Dragon. If Ralph Fiennes is only 5'11" as listed on this site, Rob (!!!), Edward Norton is 5'11.5" (182cm) MAXIMUM !!!
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/05
What???? He´s only 5´9. If he´s 6 ft 0,75 then I´m 6 ft 7 (My height is 6 ft 4)
Mr. R said on 19/Aug/05
Having just lost a stand in job for being 2 inches taller than Tyrese at
5-11.5, I can tell you that they really do choose standins who are pretty close in height and weight to the original actor.
CelebHeights Editor said on 19/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup: "I saw Ed Norton directing a group of pre-teens boys at a baseball diamond in central park for his Keeping the Faith shoot a few years ago and he did not appear a whole lot taller than the boys. From my bleacher-perspective he couldn't have been more than 5'8"."
From the same thread: "go with the alleged height of 6' 1". He was in a coffee line ahead of me at a press conference and is way taller than my five foot nine."
Sticks said on 19/Aug/05
I was amazed when I saw Brad Pitt and Ed Norton in person. Both much shorter
and thinner than I'd thought. Imagine how tiny Jennifer Aniston must be! www.improvisation.ws/mb/showthread.php?t=21784&goto=nextoldest
Maybe there was a casting call for six footers so that someone could help him look 6' tall.
Anonymous said on 21/Jul/05
hey height police he is not 5'7", he would be the same as eward furlong
sean said on 27/Jun/05
shook his hand at a showing, about 5'10-11" Didn't see what type of shoes he was wearing.
elliott mathieson said on 12/Jun/05
he does look shorter in fight club compared to brad pitt, but a one point there is a point where he reaches above brad pitt so i have to agree w/ 6'1"
Height Police said on 10/Jun/05
That mug shot from American History X is part of the movie. They can make whatever height they want to make him look taller or shorter on the wall marker.
This is a short guy. Probably around 5-7
Mr. R said on 26/May/05
I have to disagree with you J.J Those pics do not prove that Ed is below 6 feet. The Lambs pic is tilted and we can't see the ground. Hopkins may be standing on tip toe. The other pic intentionally has him on the outside because the ground is slanted which makes Stiller look taller. Also, Jenna Elfman is quite tall, she's listed at 5-10, and she is wearing heels in that shot. I met Ed, and he is just over 6 foot.
Michael said on 26/Apr/05
I saw Edward Norton on John Stewart's "The Daily Show" around 2 1/2 years ago, and vividly remember him telling John: "I'm six foot." This is why I'm skeptical of the 185 cm claim, because that would mean Edward was actually rounding his height *down* instead of up, which is unheard of for male actors. 183 cm (6-foot even) is probably more accurate.
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/05
if you look at norton's mug shots from anerican history X, you can see that he stands well over 6'0 mark on the wall...he appears to be about 6'2, but minus the shoes, he's prolly around 6'1
issheuhboy said on 21/Mar/05
Hmm. Norton's a tricky one isn't he? I think this is further confused by seeing lots of pictures Norton standing next to
Matt Damon or Brad Pitt, because both are at the top on the Christmas card list for certain shoe manufacturers. I think 6'0 is about right. But then again, so could 5'9!
dmeyer said on 23/Feb/05
he look shorter than brad pitt in fight club by 1 inch
TCPA said on 9/Feb/05
hes a shade under 510 Ive stood next to him, boys 6.05 !!!