berta said on 9/Sep/21
no rampage it was clearly more than 1 inch beetween them. I now you many times see people taller then many of us others but its clar it was minimum 3 cm beetween them and possible 4. If matthew is 188 then this guy is almost this height maybe 184,5 on a really good day. But fox is probably 187,5 and that makes this guy 184 on a good day. that is what he usually look. 183,8 ish vs 187,5 ish and Perry looked maybe 3,5-4 taller than Matthew, that makes him 191,5 ( but we al know he is around 6´4 in reality) I really think fox could be 188 half of the time.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jan/19
Burns - weak 6ft1
Fox - weak 6ft2
AlexItaly said on 22/Feb/17
184/185 cm sounds right
berta said on 6/Feb/17
i guess matthew fox is 189
berta said on 12/Dec/16
can look this range somtimes but i think 184 listing was better people guess matthew fox 186-87 these days and he looks atleast 3,5 cm taller than this guy on every photo that would make him about 183. if he is 185 then matthew fox is slightly over 188. the best listings would be matthew fox 6´1 3/4 and burns 6 feet halv inch
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Sep/16
Now this is a good listing…
Tony Stork said on 19/Sep/16
@Editor Rob,
Y the upgrade? Wasn't he listed 184 before?

Editor Rob
I ain't as sure on Ed, I watched a couple of movies and overall I thought almost 6ft 1 was believable when he stood well.
Dmeyer said on 24/Aug/16
Looking at tom Hanks near 184cm burns And 182cm bacons 182cm peak Hanks is defenetly possible
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Apr/16
Strong 6ft/weak 6ft1
James B said on 28/Mar/16
Arch Stanton said on 15/Oct/13
Seems to edge out Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan. One of those guys who I have a feeling I wouldn't get on with in person. Don't like his accent either, sorry G.
That's the vibe I get from him too. I think it could just be his face or expressions.
berta said on 28/Mar/16
yeah 184 sound better there is no way there is only 2 cm between him and Fox
berta said on 22/Mar/16
Rob is he really this tall? Matthew fox was 3 cm taller maybe 4? eaither he is 184 ore Matthew fox is really 188

Editor Rob
184 is a figure he can look a fair bit.
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/15
Edward burns is only 6ft. He look 2 inch shorter than 6ft2 matthew fox
Realist said on 5/Nov/14
@Cole Actually a strong 5'7"(171-72). Its not the worst position to be in but i dream of being 175-76. I have had problem with girls in 174-75 range though. But the girls from 161-168 are imo least problematic. 5'2" and below are very choosy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Oct/14
Actually, he did appear 6ft1 with Hanks.
cole said on 18/Oct/14
@Realist: Yeah. Man that's young for a war film, hope it was your first! About 5'7 ain't that bad. I kinda wish I could relive my 5'7 years (around age 13). Those were simpler times as far as getting girls goes. I've never been rejected for being "too short" myself (not that I should as I'm 5'11), but I've witnessed a few mates falling victim to some horrbile rejections purely for being 5'7. I hope this hasn't happened to you!
Realist said on 14/Oct/14
@cole 94 born huh. I am 96, i watched SPR in 2007, i was 11. Reiben was the first character whose name i could remember. He and the coward Upham were the only ones to survive. I thought i was gonna become Reibben when i grow up. Turns out i am more like Dr.Wade in height and structure :(
cole said on 12/Oct/14
@Realist: Yeah I agree, but this far he's spent his life being more than just an actor. He's written, produced and directed a bunch of stuff too. Shame it's mostly just romantic comedy/drama he's been in. I think he's got what it takes to play better, more complex roles in dark and gritty films - that gets recognized. I was only 4 when Saving Private Ryan came out, but when I watched it for the first time about 12 years later, I thought Burns did a good job with his role, and I remember checking to see if he'd been in any other good films after SPR - he hadn't, and to this day he still hasn't. On the bright side though he's got age on his side. I mean look at Christoph Waltz - 5/6 years ago nobody really knew who he was - then Tarantino picked him up for Inglorious Basterds - a role which Waltz played brilliantly, then Django which he was equally brilliant in.
I haven't seen 'Alex Cross' yet, is it worth seeing? I'm kinda put off by the 5.1 rating on a certain movie-site, but the trailer had me a little intrigued. I'm done wasting my time on ****ty movies...
Realist said on 9/Oct/14
One guy i'd die to look like. He is awesome. Ideal body, face, decent actor, hell i even like his husky voice. Underrated, he could have succeeded much more than what he has achieved.
Realist said on 10/Mar/14
Strong 6'0. Ideal height for a man.
cole said on 4/Mar/14
6'0.5 or 6'0.75 is a good shout for Burns, not the full 6'1.
jtm said on 24/Feb/14
that means there is no way courtney love is 5'8.5.
Lovethelook said on 9/Feb/14
Can you put a listing up for Christy Turlington - the most beautiful woman alive ?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Oct/13
Could be a weak 6ft1. Definitely no less than 6ft.
He was taller than Hanks.
jtm said on 17/Oct/13
i thought he looked 6'1 in saving private ryan but that's probably the only movie i have seen him in.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Oct/13
Seems to edge out Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan. One of those guys who I have a feeling I wouldn't get on with in person. Don't like his accent either, sorry G.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Oct/13
Looks 184-5. You can see he's not under 6 ft anyway next to his lovely wife.
Sono said on 24/Jul/13
Yes 6'1 is right
cole said on 20/Jun/13
He looks tallish, 183-184 cm range.
Trey said on 22/Jan/13
Rob; doesn't he look a weak 6ft with Fox and Perry?
Trey said on 21/Jan/13
Have looked a bit more at him now, 6'1 might not look as far off as I initially thought, might actually be spot on. He has a tendency to slouch so looses some height from that in photos with Chace Crawford (who I personally think is 177-178 rather than 179 cm).
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Trey said on 9/Jan/13
Just saw a pic of him an Chace Crawford in the same exact footwear, blue trackshoes. If Chace is 5'10, Ed looks 6'0.5 at least. Might be a bit distorted, so I will look for further evidence.
Hew said on 7/Jan/13
Ed T: That's what I have noticed as well.
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Matthew Fox is what, 6'2? Tyler Perry is 6'4. Ed Burns loos between 5'11.5 and 6ft here.
Ed T. said on 1/Jan/13
Hew, I saw The Fitzgerald Family Christmas today. He seemed to be nocticeably shorther than Ed Lauter, who is in his 70's now and whose peak height was probably 6'1" or 6 1.5". Based on all his work, I would put Burns at a dead on 6' or 6' 0.5" at most. I agree with you he does look too short to be a full 6'1" when he appears with with 6'3 or 6'4" actors such as Matt Lillard.
Hew said on 30/Dec/12
Rob what have you seen of him to think 6'1 flat? The most I see him at is 6ft. Mostly he looks much too short next to 6'3/4-guys to be the full 6'1 imo. Not 100% sure about this guy, have a feeling he's between 5'11 and 6ft.

Editor Rob
a weak 6ft 1 could be nearer, not looked at him for years
Trey said on 26/Dec/12
I'd go for 5'11.5
kevin said on 9/Feb/11
next to 182-183cm josh lucas he looks more like 184cm
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Hugh 190cm said on 2/Jun/09
hmmm. 184-185cm.
Ed T. said on 1/Mar/09
After watching "The Groomsmen" on televison, I believe that Ed Burns is probably 6'0" instead of 6'1". Matthew Lillard does appear to be substantially taller than Burns , definitely 3-4 inches taller. Rob probably has Lillard pegged just right at 6'3.5" . Unless Lillard is 6'5" or just under, I don't see Burns being a full 6'1".
Ed(1) said on 7/Jun/08
Hey Glenn, how tall would you say Burns was when you met him? In the pic I posted below he looks a good 1.5-2 inches shorter then Chris Martin, who when I met was an easy 2 inches taller then me(5ft11.75 in the AM, 5ft11.25 at night).
aqew said on 29/Mar/08
i think 6-1 too. hes taller than christy turlington in heels
Ed said on 20/Jan/08
I just saw a pic of Burns walking in NYC with Chris Martin(6ft1.25) from Coldplay. Burns is looking a good 1.5-2 inches shorter than Martin in this pic, so the 6ft1 listing is looking very questionable. I met Martin, and he was a good 2 inches taller than me, and I'm near 6ft out of bed and 5ft11.25 by the evening. With the shoes I was wearing that day I was probabaly around 6ft0.5 or so. I'm seriously thinking Burns is not a full 6ft anymore! Especially after seeing him in The Groomsmen, where he was dwarfed by Matthew Lillard(6ft3.5) by an easy 4 inches.
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Editor Rob
he could be 6ft, I remember the last thing I seen him in was Sound of Thunderous nonsense movie, where he could see the top of kingsley's wig.
LAAnonyme said on 25/Oct/07
Eddie is 6'0-6'1", and Christy Turlington is 5'10".
Jamie said on 2/Sep/07
He looks 6' 2" to me.
Derek said on 16/Dec/06
His posture isn't that great, but if standing straight, I'm sure he'd be around the 6'1" mark.
dmeyer said on 9/Aug/06
i think 6 ft 1.25 in
no said on 10/Jun/06
in saving private ryan he's an inch taller than hanks and the other people. in sidewlks of new york he's like 3 inches taller than some small jew guy.
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/06
186 cm sounds right
Brett said on 24/Nov/05
Yeh he probably is atleast 6'1", he looks taller, I think its because he is broad shoulder and slender, a cool actor, up and comming too
qwerty said on 14/Sep/05
Yeah Id say he is around that height, maybe even 6ft2.