lee168cm said on 1/Dec/24
@5'7" guy. or your five six and he's five foot five. that's my guess
5'7" guy said on 22/Sep/23
The guy is 5'6" trust me i've worked with him
Jackie Lee said on 21/Sep/22
@Jackson Jon
You probably thought 5'5 is smaller than it actually is because of the 5'4 and under guys claiming it. People are always shocked when I tell them I'm 5'5 because they thought I was 5'7-5'8. I've even been guessed as 5'9 once lol. I am a very strong 5'5 guy that's all, I measure 5'6.25 out of bed and 5'5.5 by night. Could fall to 5'5.25 at my lowest.
Jackson Jon said on 7/Aug/22
Its shocking to hear he’s only 5’5. In pictures I would have guessed Mabye 5’7.. Mabye 5’5 is taller than I thought but I would say he looks 5’5 3/4.
Jackie Lee said on 3/Aug/22
Solid 5'5 guys like Dylan sprayberry, Dave Franco, Corey Feldman and Josh hutcherson can seem average height or even tall at times!
Elene said on 3/Sep/21
He is so handsome,looks taller than 5’5 but not much.
John Moore-162cm said on 10/Feb/21
@Rob-Do you think Dylan is still 5'5" ?

Editor Rob
Chance of a bit over it
slim 6'1 said on 28/Jan/21
Possibly a nibble over 5’5”
If he was a bit taller he could’ve played superman again
Javiera said on 21/Nov/20
I think he might be taller than that. He was only 16 when he started on Teen Wolf. Men can finish grow tall at 20 or even 22.
zinou wx said on 23/Oct/20
Who is the girl next to him ?!

Editor Rob
Ellery Sprayberry
William specter said on 20/Sep/20
Crazy how they list him as 173cm although I believe hes taller than 5'5. next to Dylan who's 178cm who looks a good amount shorter. I would give him 168-170cm depending on the day.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jul/20
🎁🎂🐺🎈 Happy Birthday Dylan! 🎈🐺🎂🎁
Many Happy Returns to Dylan Sprayberry, who celebrates turning both the twos, 2️⃣2️⃣, today. Congratulations Dylan!
🐇🎸 ⬅️ Here's Dylan, the guitar-playing, slowly-spoken, stoned-out rabbit from 'The Magic Roundabout'! I enjoyed collecting the little plastic characters from the short programme when I was a kid. They came free in packets of Ricicles, and gave me and other kids endless pleasure. Why ever did they stop making things like that for the kids of today? 🤔
I just found a very much exaggerated 5ft8 for Dylan, but I can't give him a height that high - not even on his Birthday!
5ft5.25 😉👍
Nik said on 5/Feb/19
@ Sandy Cowell - You are so right! Dylan Sprayberry is a solid 5'5"!
I like your "Five five" too!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Feb/19
Schwert said on 13/Jan/19
What do you think his late night height is Rob? about 164cm? or is 165 the lowest you can see him go?
Isaiah said on 17/Nov/17
Hi Rob do you think he's 5ft 5 because I'm so confused first it says he's 5'5 then later on 5'7 now 5'8 I think 5'5 what do you say.

Editor Rob
I haven't seen any evidence that Dylan is as tall as he claims, 5ft 7....I suppose you could argue 5ft6 may not be impossible.
Anonymous said on 14/Oct/17
Rob, do you think he can be 163 cm after a long day?

Editor Rob
I don't think he would shrink down that low, I feel he's more 5ft 5 than 4
Nik said on 4/Oct/17
Sally - Hi!
I hope that you and your family are OK and that you have all had a good weekend. On visiting Donald Trump's page I have noticed that your daughter has now started coming on this great website, maybe you have got her hooked by talking about this site!
You mentioned about struggling to find crutches that are long enough for Clayton, it is really unfortunate for you to have to sometimes find it difficult to get things which are suitable for him. It is unfortunate in this world that too much of the time the majority is catered for that much more than the minority in certain areas of life, people who are on the minority should be catered for well by everyone and the sooner this is the case the better.
In my opinion if you need to use a walking aid then you should do so and forget what some other people may think. I am not the sort of person to bother about what other people think about me as long as I am not doing anything wrong so it is not a problem for me to use a stick at 41 years of age.
I am really glad that everything as gone OK for Clayton and that his graduation will go ahead as he wants it to.
You must be so proud to be a nurse, my Mum was a nurse for a short period of time but she gave it up as my brothers and myself were young children at the time!
Have s great week!
Sally said on 30/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell
In one of Clayton's letters, he mentioned that he received training in combat and SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) training. This is probably similar to what Jim taught during his Army career. It would have been amazing to see him take down his assailants.
Sally said on 30/Sep/17
@ Nik & @ Sandy Cowell
Hello friends! Sandy, I read in your recent comment to Nik that walking with the assistance of sticks isn't necessarily associated with the elderly; I concur. Clayton injured himself a few years ago playing basketball at school during his lunch hour. He was injured so badly that I had to support much of his weight. I knew he was in a lot of pain, because what 15-year-old wants to rely on their mother to ambulate when their are witnesses. It is very scary to see a loved one in that condition. He was given a pair of crutches to use while he recuperated. But they were too short. The biggest/tallest crutches they had could only be adjusted to someone of about 6'4". I know that scenario is different than relying on a stick or cane on a regular basis, but it just reminded me of Clayton's experience.
By the way, in the middle of writing this comment, I just received a call from Clayton! This is the third time he has been able to call me since he left on August 14. I was actually praying he would not call. Let me explain. I have been very worried because in a letter to his dad, he mentioned he was only able to do approximately 28-29 pushups. I looked online after his father told me. According to the AirForce website, males have to do 45 pushups. I panicked and called his recruiter to confirm this. She said that was correct, but the training instructors would "work with him" and not to worry. She said the physical testing would occur at the end of week seven. If they could not complete the requirements, they would be "recycled" for another week. If they were unable to meet the requirements, they would be able to call home and let us know that they would not be be participating in the planned graduation ceremony. So when he called, I thought "OMG! Clayton didn't make it." I immediately asked him about this. He reassured me that everything was fine. He passed. What good news. As I have mentioned before, Clayton is very thin and lanky. He is a great runner but lacks arm strength--until now. Of course, I didn't want him to be recycled; but the worst part is if his graduation had been postponed, his father wouldn't have been able to go. That would have been disappointing for Clayton and his dad. I am very happy to have heard good news from him.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Sep/17
@ Nik - Hi! I'm wondering whether you're home from Whitby yet. I hope you both had a terrific time there and feel well rested.
You mentioned in one of your posts to me that your condition results in your needing a stick sometimes. I can't find the particular comment, so I'll write here my thoughts on the matter. Usually, walking sticks are associated with the elderly, but lately I have noticed that this isn't necessarily always the case at all! Where I live, I regularly see a little old woman of about 80 and 4ft8 in height belting about all over the place in her trainers! She looks quite comical - but in a nice way! I haven't said hello to her yet but that is likely to be on the cards, what with the amount of times I see her about! The people I have noticed with sticks are younger ones! I've been called out to a couple of times, once by a bloke who had lost his mobility in a motorbike accident, and another time as a friendly jesture indicating words to the "why us?" effect!
You might be interested to know Jim also walks with a stick much of the time - and he really couldn't care less! It misled a couple of thugs a few years back who tried to mug him. Within 30 seconds, both were on the deck! That's how quickly you are taught to respond in the Army - and Jim was the one doing the teaching once he became a sargeant! The two thugs picked on the wrong bloke that day! It is rather worrying that some low-lifes choose to victimize people unfortunate enough to need sticks, isn't it? Now that I am using one myself, and have been for the passed couple of months, that incident reminds me to be careful. I won't go out late now but having said that, I wouldn't even manage to post a letter today! 📮 😝
So how about returning to the happier subject of pi**ed on fruit? OK then! Has it occured to you just how many animals get the chance to pee on fruit and vegetables while it is in the process of growing? Cats, dogs, hares, foxes, mice, rats, badgers, birds - the list is endless! How about drunken human beings on their way home from the pub? Ha ha - it would serve them right to get a nice slice of gooseberry pie! I once came out of the house late to empty the bin, and I found a couple of drunken louts peeing in my garden! Lucky for them that I had a sense of humour about it! If it had been my Mum who had emptied the bin that night they would have left with fleas in their ears and umbrellas up their backsides!
So it is really of great importance to wash fruit thoroughly before eating it!
Now it is nearly time for Emmerdale, so I'm off to settle down for the soaps and whatever else I fancy this pleasant Thursday evening!
Have a good Friday and here's to a crackin' weekend!
😁😊🎶🍻 🐩🐱📺💺
Nik said on 26/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell -Hi!
I can also say that I know you better than most people that I have met and it is great that we can find amusement from the same things! It's nice to pick up on your amusing comments and carry on the conversation and this is one that I simply couldn't let lie!
The gooseberry spraying cat will have been guilty of spraying many a gooseberry from that bush, so yes it is a good idea that you wash this type of fruit before consuming it. We used to grow rhubarb in the back garden of our old house, thank goodness my parents always used to wash it! We also had an apple tree in that garden, it was given as a present to me when I was a very small child!
I have also seen a few dog sprayers before! Oh and Spreadbury is also an apt surname as well as Sprayberry!
Have a great week too Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/17
@ Nik - Hi! I hope you've been enjoying your time in Whitby this weekend! I only just recently read that you were heading there again - say about an hour ago! It's good and healthy to take plenty of restful breaks away together!
I don't just feel I know you, I'd say with complete certainty that I DO know you! I know you better than many a person I have met in fact! You are able to home in on what I find amusing, hence you keep finding comments of mine that I wrote months ago and continue on from there! I am sure that there will be plenty more of those to come! There is one at the beginning of the 'b's, of course a true story, as they all are! The gooseberry sprayer cat will have been spraying away long before he was actually caught, so I wonder how many tarts and pies were made out of smelly berries - that sounds good, doesn't it? It's just as well then that I am in the habit of washing berries and other types of fruit before eating them! We also have an apple tree and blackberry bushes and I'm sure the fruit from all the plants were sprayed at some time, but none so badly as the gooseberry bush because it was so near to the ground, just like the naughty little pest!
Have a great week Nik!
I'm going to rest now in my bed and stick something on to watch!
Nik said on 22/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I want to add that I find you a very nice person and that I never want to lose contact with you. I like your family and your boyfriend Jim too, I am just being honest and saying what I think even though I have had no contact with them all. We are going to Whitby tomorrow for a week!
Dylan looks above 5'5" for me! I give him a fraction more!
Nik said on 22/Sep/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
Now this comment is going to come back to haunt you - via moi!
I wouldn't have touched those gooseberry tarts again myself! That was a cracking comment and it has given me a good laugh, thanks for that!
We've been on this site nearly a year now and I have to say my friendship with you has been a boost in my life and means a lot to me.
Have a great weekend, you, Jim, your family and friends.
Slim said on 19/Sep/17
Nothing above 5'4.75" tbh, he's very short that his female costar has to lean when shooting scenes with him. And he's got the proportions of a 5'4"range guy. Please take a quarter inch.
Slim said on 11/Sep/17
Hi rob, do you think he wears lifts in his low cut(vans converse) shoes?

Editor Rob
the shorter the actor, the greater the potential they might think about enhanced footwear, but I've not seen anything obvious with Dylan.
Saying that, I've not looked at him anywhere near as much as the big a-list names...maybe in the future his career will progress and he'll be in that top bracket.
There will be some 18-25 year olds on this site who will go on to be the big stars of tomorrow!
Slim 181 cm said on 11/Jul/17
Lol, even at 180 cm flat, he could of played superman again in flashbacks or something like that, it's a shame we may not see the geezer again, for comic book movie fans of course...
Slim 5'11.5 said on 5/Jul/17
Hi Big Rob, where does this guy look closest to?
A: 5'5
B: 5'5.25
C: 5'5.5
D: 5'5.75

Editor Rob
you could make a case for C at times.
Slim 181 cm said on 23/Jun/17
Peter175, no 😂 he's two weeks away from his nineteenth birthday he may very well grow a few mms if he's lucky!
Peter175 said on 20/Jun/17
Also just saw that he's only 18. Rob do you think he's done growing or could possibly end up 5'7?
Peter175 said on 20/Jun/17
Quite surprised. Would have guessed an honest near 5'7 fella. Looks just slightly short not solidly short
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/17
What a super-funny name! It reminds me of a dirty tomcat who used to go near our gooseberry bush and spray all over them! Needless to say, gooseberry tarts were never to be made from home-grown berries again!
I still have a picture of him! We adopted one of his tortoiseshell daughters and called her 'Tortertoise'!
Dylan gets 5ft5.5 from me, and a 'thank you' for having such an entertaining name, allowing for my bit of pleasant reminiscing!
He was ginger! 👉 🐈🌊🍈🍈🍈 😝
hicham said on 31/May/17
rob iam from morocco and average height here is male 172cm and female 158 cm and iam 165cm do you thinks i'am too short or just below average ??
cristian said on 25/May/17
rob how tall do you think he's sister next to him in this pic ?? 5'1" or less ?

Editor Rob
she might only be around 5ft range.
Sammy Derrick said on 11/May/17
Well he's not going to play Superman anymore he's got the look,but not the height.
If he was 7-8 inches taller,he would have played Superman later in his career.