Danimal said on 29/Mar/09
He's a 6'3" guy.
MK said on 28/Mar/09
Boxing Fighter says on 26/Mar/09
How can he be 6ft3 if he is shorter than 6f2.5 Brando Routh
Click Here
Its Routh's hair thats making him look taller in that pic, and nothing else.
Alex said on 28/Mar/09
Hes not as low as no 6'1.5 but he's not as tall as 6'3.5-6'4 either.
tuga said on 27/Mar/09
This as been debated at Brandon Routh
yoyo said on 27/Mar/09
he looks no where more than 6ft1.5 beside Brandon Routh..
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/09
Yeah he looks 6'1.5 next to Routh BUT in other pics of the pair the Rock looks to have an edge on Brandon.
Boxing Fighter said on 26/Mar/09
How can he be 6ft3 if he is shorter than 6f2.5 Brando Routh
Click Here
victor said on 25/Mar/09
i think 6,3 is to small for him..............he is more like 192-193.
Big King said on 24/Mar/09
I saw the photo with Will Smith and Dwayne Johnson again and Johnson looked about 3 inches taller than Will. Will claimed his height as 6'2", that would make the Rock being 6'4.5" tall.
Clay said on 24/Mar/09
Scorb says on 23/Mar/09
This Clay guy seems to overestimate everyone by 2 inches on here. Will is 6-1ish that Rob has him at and Rock looked 1.5 inches taller making him 6-3 max in the pic. Without the leaning Will is doing Rock is looking 6-2.5 max compared to 6-1.5 max for Will.
That you Viper?
Scorb said on 23/Mar/09
This Clay guy seems to overestimate everyone by 2 inches on here. Will is 6-1ish that Rob has him at and Rock looked 1.5 inches taller making him 6-3 max in the pic. Without the leaning Will is doing Rock is looking 6-2.5 max compared to 6-1.5 max for Will.
Danimal said on 23/Mar/09
Rock was barely the same height as 6'3"-6'3.5" Will Farell in 2000 on SNL. That is Rock's MAX height. 6'4" is out of question seeing Hogan WAS taller than The Rock in 2002 and I don't think Hogan has seen 6'4"-6'5" since the 1990's.
hs2009 said on 23/Mar/09
Will is leaning BIG time though in that pic I posted. If he stood up straight then I doubt Rock would have more than 1" on him.
Alex said on 23/Mar/09
Rock can't be as tall as 6'4. That would make Orton 6'5-6'5.5. I haven't bought Rock at 6'4 in 5 years.
Clay said on 22/Mar/09
That points to a 6'4 Rock there if anything next to Will Smith, who is nothing under 6'2. Not saying Rock is truly 6'4 but he has 2 inches over Will Smith in that shot...strange.
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
foley taller than the rock? when they stand side by side EXACTLY, rock IS TALLER by an inch and they both have bad posture.
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
i don't know about him being 6'4 out of bed. thats too high. that would mean, randy orton is 6'5-6'5.5 out of bed.
Vegas said on 21/Mar/09
mick foley was taller than rock on that SNL episode, looks very short compared to big show
Click Here
Big King said on 21/Mar/09
The Rock has exactly 2 inches on Will.
hs2009 said on 21/Mar/09
Thanks Alex! I was thinking Will Smith & The Rock!?
I also agree about The Rock's height :D
tuga said on 21/Mar/09
Will Smith taller than the Rock?
Alex said on 21/Mar/09
6'3.5 out of bed and 6'2.5-6'2.75 by evening is my guess for him making him 6'3 at around midday. Makes sense.
Danimal meant Will Ferrel.
hs2009 said on 20/Mar/09
Danimal, can you find a video of that SNL with Rock & Will Smith?
I never saw it :D
BTW, Will Smith 6'3"-6'3.5"? Is that really Danimal me wonders :P
Smith is a solid 6'2" but no more. I can't see Will being taller than Dwayne:
Click Here
Danimal said on 20/Mar/09
Clay says on 19/Mar/09
Considering people lose an inch throughout the day, Dwayne IS 6'4 out of bed.
No, he's not. 6'3"-6'3.5" Will Smith WAS taller than him on SNL. They stood SIDE BY SIDE (this was back in 2000). MAYBE 6'3.5" fresh out of bed, but not more than that.
Clay said on 19/Mar/09
Considering people lose an inch throughout the day, Dwayne IS 6'4 out of bed.
Big King said on 18/Mar/09
lol 6'3" out of bed! Maybe he could be 6'4" out of bed and 6'3.5" in the afternoon.
hs2009 said on 18/Mar/09
Rock with a few people from WWE including Edge & JBL:
Click Here
Alex said on 17/Mar/09
To be a legit 6'3 I think you have to be 6'3.5-6'3.75 out of bed and no lower than 6'2 1/2 by the evening.
Scorb said on 16/Mar/09
Id say hes 6-3 right out of bed.
Alex said on 16/Mar/09
6'2.5 in the evening would make you 6'3 still. Anything under 6'2.5 for your lowest makes you more 6'2.
Clay said on 16/Mar/09
Rock was 1 inch shorter, always, than 6'4.5 Conan O'brien. Maybe not even an inch.
LandoMed said on 15/Mar/09
I honestly think he's a solid 6'2"... maybe.
I've seen him before and he didn't look much taller than me and I'm 6'1.5"
IDK - shoes and posture can really alter a person's height though...
Scorb said on 15/Mar/09
"Rock is a strong 6'3 not 6'2."
A strong 6-3 does not make sense for Rock when he doesnt look that at all with 6-4 Randy Orton. 6-4 Randy Orton had him by 1-1.5 inches at least. Rock looks to be just under 6-3 and is a strong 6-2.
Randy at 6-4 and Rock at 6-2.5 makes sense to me.
Scorb said on 15/Mar/09
FSU gave him a 6-4 listing, not 6-6.
mikey said on 15/Mar/09
orton about 6'5'' the rock 6'4''or 6'5''
Explosivo said on 15/Mar/09
He never went to Florida State...He went to the University of Miami
Isaac said on 13/Mar/09
When he was at Florida State they said he was 6'6 275lbs.
Frank said on 13/Mar/09
Rock was on Jay Leno last night he was no taller than 6ft 3
Clay said on 12/Mar/09
Alex - agreed. For the record, to me our true height is morning height not right before bed after a long day of work or what have you.
hs2009 said on 12/Mar/09
I agree with that Alex. He could be 6'3.5" straight out of bed & then 6'2.75" at the end of the day. Like you say, still a legit 6'3" man.
Alex said on 11/Mar/09
Rock is over 6'3 out of bed but in the evening he may be a little under 6'3 which would still be a legit 6'3.
Clay said on 10/Mar/09
Rock is a strong 6'3 not 6'2.
Tom said on 9/Mar/09
New York Times claimed 6-4 in a big article on Sunday, March 8, 2008.
Scorb said on 9/Mar/09
Rock measures out at 6-2.25-6-2.75 I bet. Not quite 6-3 but a very solid and strong 6-2.
hs2009 said on 8/Mar/09
Ola, you think only 1"? I'm not saying I think he towers him or anything but do you not think he could have a little over an inch, like maybe 1.5" on him?
Frockmonster said on 8/Mar/09
Rock is 6-1 If Orton is only 6-3 1/3.
Alex said on 7/Mar/09
I will say UT has looked as low as 6'6 before but I dont think he's as low as that. He doesn't or haven't looked more than 6'7 in years now other than that staredown with Khali where IMO he was in lifts to look closer to Khali's height. Kane looked a bit less up to Khali than UT did and Kane is still slightly taller than UT today.
TELLEM said on 7/Mar/09
orton is not 6'3...hes 6'4 and possibly a strong 6'4...look at him next to guys like jbl and shane mcmahon.
Alex said on 6/Mar/09
Clay, maybe but I think 6'4 flat is most accurate.
Clay said on 6/Mar/09
Danimal says on 5/Mar/09
I give Orton 6'3.5".
Well I guess you have to come up with ways to justify a 6'6 Dead man...
Doug said on 6/Mar/09
He is little more than half an inch shorter than 6'4.25" Michael Clarke Duncan. And yes, Duncan claims 6'5" which is a likely shoe measurement. The Rock in shoes stands around 6'4" so 6'3" barefoot it likely if not a whisker over.
hs2009 said on 6/Mar/09
No way Orton is under 6'4". He looks that height with everyone.
_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 5/Mar/09
Booker T looks close to 6ft2 most of the time. Orton looks a hair taller than Edge at 6ft4 flat. Edge a hair shorter at 6ft3.5-6ft4. Triple H did look an inch taller than Vince McMahon at 6ft2.5.
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
I give Orton 6'3.5".
Clay said on 5/Mar/09
Al do you think 6'4.25-6'4.5 is possible for Randy?
Alex said on 5/Mar/09
I dont put Orton at anything under 6'4. That still puts Rock at no more than 6'3.
Alex said on 5/Mar/09
That pictures looks about 2 inches difference but Orton is slightly closer to the camera and the hair and his head is tilted up. Still would be a good inch difference.I've seen them face to face looking 1 to 1.5 inches max difference.
Robby said on 1/Mar/09
first link somehow got messed up.
Click Here
KORY said on 27/Feb/09
I seriously thought he was like 7'1" or something! I thought he was WAY taller than 6'3"!!
[I'm 5'7"]
Robby said on 27/Feb/09
first link got messed up here is the first pic
Click Here
TELLEM said on 27/Feb/09
orton is a bit closer to the camera, and tilting his head up. i think theres a 1 inch difference between the two.
TELLEM said on 24/Feb/09
did u even watch my vid of goldberg and booker t? where is that 1 inch? they look the same height. some ppl are pretty ignorant on here.
Clay said on 23/Feb/09
Hugh I would agree with those expect HHH I would say is a flat 6'2 and Booker T 6'1.
-_-_-(Hugh)-_-_-/ said on 22/Feb/09
The Rock is 6ft3-6ft4.
-_-_-(Hugh)-_-_-/ said on 22/Feb/09
Booker T is 6ft1.5-6ft2.
Triple H 6ft2.5.
Edge 6ft3.5-6ft4.
Orton 6ft4.
Cena 6ft1.
hs2009 said on 21/Feb/09
I agree with Danimal, I think at his peak Hogan would have had around 2.5" on The Rock.
Booker always struck me as a 6'1"-6'1.5" guy. He was about 1" shorter than Triple H at WM 19, although Triple H may have had chunkier boots on. I'm not sure.
Alex said on 20/Feb/09
I think Booker could be 6'1 flat to be honest but 6'1 1/2 is possible. I wouldn't go as much as 6'2 because HHH is 6'2 and he was a bit taller than Booker.
Clay said on 20/Feb/09
Booker T did look 6'1 max on Family feud Tellem.
Danimal said on 20/Feb/09
OLA, a PEAK HOGAN was taller than LEGIT 6'5" MEN: Jake Roberts, Hilbilly Jim, etc....The Rock is not over 6'3". Hogan would have had minimum 2" on him and most likely 3".
TELLEM said on 19/Feb/09
6'1 for booker t.? LOL. half inch shorter than sting? 3 inches shorter than 6'5 scott hall makes sense. heres goldberg and booker t.: doesn't look shorter than goldberg here...looks the same height as 6'2 sting on here:
Click Here booker t is 6'2....6'1 1/2 is the minimum.
TELLEM said on 18/Feb/09
VEGAS: now go post the one with stone cold taller than 6'1.5 booker t. backstage. backstage vids mean nothing.
Vegas said on 18/Feb/09
here is another, austin looking taller than scott hall
Click Here
Vegas said on 18/Feb/09
here is vader appearing taller than hogan backstage in 1995, rock was one inch taller than vader by an inch a year later in a staredown so backstage videos mean nothing
Click Here
Danimal said on 17/Feb/09
WOW, The Rock actually appearing taller than the Rock in 02-03:
Click HereA Prime Hogan would have had as much as 3" on him. Sad.
TELLEM said on 17/Feb/09
this isa guy is 6'3...was watching be cool last night and he looked two inches shorter than 6'5 vince vaughn
Scorb said on 16/Feb/09
Sometimes he looks 6-2ish other times 6-3ish. Could he be 6-2 1/2?
The Cleverguy said on 16/Feb/09
Back in 2002 Hulk Hogan was BIGGER & TALLER than The Rock, when they had they little confrontation.
Mamun said on 16/Feb/09
Thank you Tony for your kind remarks !
Alex said on 15/Feb/09
Hogan in 2002 was 6'3.5 max. If he was 6'4 then Rock is at least 6'3.5 which I dont see. He had no more than 1/2 inch on Rock, if that.
MIKEY said on 14/Feb/09
Bill mcGee said on 13/Feb/09
hmm, they sure made him look like 6' 7 against a 6' 6" Hulk Hogan in 2000
M.o.r.g said on 13/Feb/09
6'4 barefoot? erm no 6'4 in shoes is considered very tall by anyone.6'4 barefoot would be 6'5 in shoes.
Alex said on 12/Feb/09
James, I agree. 6'3 would be borderline very tall but still within the "normal tall" range. I feel you have to be at least 6'4 barefoot to be considered very tall. 6'1-6'3 is the normal tall range with 5'11-6'0 being above average.
Clay said on 9/Feb/09
Im not ruling out 6'4 for a couple hours in the morning.
Alex said on 7/Feb/09
Hugh, I dont have a problem seeing Rock at 6'3 but nothing more than that though.
Hugh said on 6/Feb/09
6ft3-6ft4 without a doubt.
bobross said on 5/Feb/09
nick, I measured myself at exactly 6'3'' in the evening and haven't measured in the morning, so I don't know for sure. I'm sure it's not much of a difference.
Doug said on 4/Feb/09
Had about two inches on Jonathan Ross minimum who is a likely 6'1.5". Tall guy. Definately not under 190cm. Looks 6'3.5" I think.
Blackray said on 4/Feb/09
The Rock's the same height as Brandon Routh 6'2".
nick said on 1/Feb/09
bobross how tall are u in the morning and night
bobross said on 1/Feb/09
He looks a solid 6'3''....it's very easy to exaggerate your own height, especially with males. I've measured my own height down to the 1/8th inch and i'm exactly 6'3'' on the button.... many guys that are a little bit shorter than me claim to be 6'4'', it's just a natural male ego thing.
Hugh said on 28/Jan/09
Pacquiao said on 25/Jan/09
hes kind of leaning on the pic. cant really tell. but i guess hes 6 ft 3.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/09
Sorry, for the redundancy. I first came on here in late 2004 (Christmas time).
Lionel said on 12/Jan/09
Ichiban, You give all those former wrestler 1 cm taller than they are.
ichiban said on 12/Jan/09
His definetly not the 6'5'' he was billed as. Though from careful looks through out each pic he seems to be the smallest fraction above 6'3''. 6'3.25'' sounds feasible. around 191.5 cm i think.
Brent said on 12/Jan/09
at least 6'3 or 6'3.5
Alex said on 11/Jan/09
When did this site even start?

Editor Rob
late 2004.
The Horse of FUNK said on 11/Jan/09
Danimal, I don't like the 'post count' suggestion. It creates elitism and encourages people to spam for the sake of building a cyber-reputation on a discussion board. For example: "My opinion means more because I have more posts and am more popular". It's just not necessary and it's always possible to be wrong a thousand times and right only once. Also, I've been posting here for years, but I'm not as active of a poster as others. Should my fewer posts bear less weight?
Tim said on 11/Jan/09
Duane is 6 ft 3 in. Rob you are correct sir.
Danimal said on 11/Jan/09
Alex says on 10/Jan/09
Danimal, when did you first come onto this site? I came in September 2005.
2004 (don't remember the month). Rob, did you not like my idea? Would it be too time consuming?
Danimal said on 11/Jan/09
Alex says on 10/Jan/09
Danimal, when did you first come onto this site? I came in September 2005.
2003 (don't remember the month). Rob, did you not like my idea? Would it be too time consuming?
nick said on 11/Jan/09
im really starting to think dwayne is closer to 6'4
Alex said on 10/Jan/09
Danimal, when did you first come onto this site? I came in September 2005.
Morg said on 10/Jan/09
Danimal says on 10/Jan/09
James, understand that I was one of the very first guys on this site (over 4 years now) and have been contributing CONSISTENTLY since that time.
Thats not something to be proud of.
Danimal said on 10/Jan/09
James, understand that I was one of the very first guys on this site (over 4 years now) and have been contributing CONSISTENTLY since that time. Sometimes I get frustrated with newbies coming on here who STATE their opinions as if they are FACTS.
Rob, you should consider putting up our username with how many posts we've made and when we first joined. That will at least give more respect to those who have been loyal to your site for YEARS, like me, Alex, Vegas, Big Show, KingNick and many others. This way, people will look up to us in a sense, seeing we've gone over the same things THOUSANDS of times. It builds our credibility and diminishes frustration.
Sorry for coming across so hostile sometimes.
JILLY said on 9/Jan/09
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
i dont like people like that either james.but i try to stay more silent.cause i fought too much.danimal and you are great guys.let danimal have his say.even i disagree with him sometimes.but we are very respectful of each other.
hogans family member said on 9/Jan/09
the rock is 6'5" and hogan my 2nd cousin was 6"7 but after meniscus surgery in both knees he's 6'5
ichiban said on 8/Jan/09
Goldberg is 190 cm, Brock is 189 cm, the rock is 191-192 cm. The rock is a hair above 6'3''. Thr true heights or the best guess heights for these men.
Morg said on 8/Jan/09
Oh yeah and like i said a while ago an ex basketballer,used to come to our school to train kids or something.He is 7'5 or so.HA! pisses on your "such and such tall friends etc"
hs2009 said on 8/Jan/09
Anonymous was me :D
Morg said on 8/Jan/09
Rock has never been the same size as brock.He was probably 265 at most in his attitude era days.And thats when he was fat.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/09
To be fair, everything is an assumption on this site. However researched it may be, we are all just making educated guesses on how tall these people are.
Tim is only using the height of Goldberg that Rob has posted on this site.
Alex said on 5/Jan/09
I can believe Rock is 6'3 but not 6'3 1/2 or taller.
JAY said on 4/Jan/09
the rocks is the same as hogan 6ft 3.
anonymous said on 1/Jan/09
I'll live with 6 foot 4.
Alex said on 30/Dec/08
When Rock was 285lbs in college he had muscle but was a bit chubby at the same time. He wasn't rock solid like Lesnar was so Lesnar was bigger though they were about the same weight. Lesnar is big at 265lbs but was at least 290lbs in WWE.
tuga said on 30/Dec/08
Danimal says on 26/Dec/08
TELLEM says on 24/Dec/08
someone said rock was shorter than will farell on snl?
He was.
Does someone have a pic or video of that? I couldn
Atoadaso said on 30/Dec/08
I doubt Rock was ever any 290, Alex. Brock Lesnar is basically his height, and look how enormous he is even after cutting size to become a legit 265 for the UFC. I can not imagine Rock ever having 25 pounds on him unless he were overweight. ~6'3" and near 300 is just beastly unless you have a big fat gut.
Danimal said on 26/Dec/08
TELLEM says on 24/Dec/08
someone said rock was shorter than will farell on snl?
He was.
Alex said on 26/Dec/08
Danimal, Rock was 285-290lbs in his college football days though and when he first came he looked to have trimmed down a bit since then so I gave him 270lbs and then by like 2000 and on he looked to be 260ish then after 2002 was when the weight started to come off more and more since by then he was rarely in WWE anymore.
Daii said on 25/Dec/08
They used to announce him and Triple H as both 6'5 back in the WWF days..he looks 6'3 to me though
The Horse of FUNK said on 25/Dec/08
I dunno, but is it just me or does Mamun have huge arms for his height? I mean his arm wingspan looks 6" more than his height.
Mamun said on 24/Dec/08
Yes something like that !!!!!!!!!!
I am wishing everyone here " MARRY CHRISTMAS "
Danimal said on 24/Dec/08
happy-gilmore says on 24/Dec/08
why does this guy "magnum or glenn" i 4got which is which, but he is wearing the same shirt in 2 different pictures with the rock while dwayne has a different outfit on, did u wait outside the shower for him or something lol?
HAHAHA. Anyways, learn to read. His name is MAMUN, not Magnum....haha
mick said on 24/Dec/08
the rock my mom like you.
TELLEM said on 24/Dec/08
someone said rock was shorter than will farell on snl?
happy-gilmore said on 24/Dec/08
why does this guy "magnum or glenn" i 4got which is which, but he is wearing the same shirt in 2 different pictures with the rock while dwayne has a different outfit on, did u wait outside the shower for him or something lol?
Umar said on 24/Dec/08
Donatello, I would rather be 6'4" than 5'8" lol. I'm 5'9" at 13 yrs old and I really want to be taller. There's this caretaker in our school and he's probably 6'4". I think he likes his height because he's taller than everyone in the school and he's usually bending. Usually when people are tall and they like their height, they like to bend. I have a friend who's 5'10"-5'11" and he likes his height and he's always bending/leaning. I also have a friend who's definately 5'11" and he doesn't really care about his height. He's always standing at a good posture.
Danimal said on 24/Dec/08
Alex says on 24/Dec/08
I think 6'10 or taller is a giant with any build.
Tall Guy, Rock was def around 260lbs for most of his WWF/WWE career up until when he came back in 2003 and leaned out and ever since then leaned out more and more. I'd say he looks 220-225lbs today but his arms are still pretty big, his chest is decent size but his legs got much leaner. He was 270lbs when he first came in 1996 though.
I think he was 275-280 pounds at his heaviest. His legs and chest were WAY bigger than they are today at around 220 pounds.
Alex said on 24/Dec/08
I think 6'10 or taller is a giant with any build.
Tall Guy, Rock was def around 260lbs for most of his WWF/WWE career up until when he came back in 2003 and leaned out and ever since then leaned out more and more. I'd say he looks 220-225lbs today but his arms are still pretty big, his chest is decent size but his legs got much leaner. He was 270lbs when he first came in 1996 though.
Tall Guy said on 23/Dec/08
Rock is 6'3" max, and no where near 260 pounds. More like 225 or so.
I am 6'2 3/4" and weigh 205 pounds, and rock looks ony slightly larger than me.
Tall Guy said on 23/Dec/08
5'8" to 5'10" is average, 5'11" to 6'2" is tall, 6'3" to 6'6" is very tall, 6'7" to 6'10" is extremely tall, and anyone over 6'11" is a giant.
HeightDetector said on 23/Dec/08
For a man:
5'10-6'2 is a good height.
for a woman:
5'4-5'8 is a good height
Clay said on 23/Dec/08
6'7'' is no giant, its lanky. 6'8'' with a huge build is borderline giantish. 6'10'' with any build is where giant starts. Why do I say this? I've seen skinny 6'8-6'9 guys and that didn;'t strike anyone as a giant, no one bothered to take a second look or talk about them under their breath. 1 in 25-30 men that come in my store are 6'4+ it seems, so thats not really a rareity to me. See it daily.
Donatello said on 23/Dec/08
6'3" is the start of very tall IMO. 6'7" is the start of giant. 7'+ is just a freak.
spence said on 23/Dec/08
Rock looks 6ft2. 6ft3 at peak. possible 6ft2.5.
adam said on 23/Dec/08
6`4" is pretty much the best height, no doubts. And no, Im not 6-4 myself!
Matthew Sisk said on 22/Dec/08
Wrestlers usually wear 2 inch lifts in their boots. Rock is 6'3" with regular shoes on, 6'4" with wrestling boots on.
Danimal said on 22/Dec/08
Clay says on 22/Dec/08
When you come back to reality Donatello, let me know
Is there always a need to have to be that condescending?
Donatello said on 22/Dec/08
Clay, lets hear your opinion on whats 'giant'. Because if you live in the US or Canada your just not gonna see many men over 6'4" and thats fact, not my opinion. Now whether or not you call someone 6'6" a giant or not is entirely your opinion because giant has no one official definition. Maybe I did get a little bit carried away with saying 6'6" is giant but to call 6'5" just tall is ridiculous. Average height is maybe 5'10" so why is it you have to 7'+ to be giant? yet only 5'5" or 5'6" to be called tiny? It just doesn't make sense. So when you come back from holland tell me clay.. because the average height out here in north america isn't half a milameter over 5'10" in any country and yes anything over 6'7" would be considered a giant in north america. Get off me.
Donatello said on 22/Dec/08
Clay, lets hear your opinion on whats 'giant'. Because if you live in the US or Canada your just not gonna see many men over 6'4" and thats fact, not my opinion. Now whether or not you call someone 6'6" a giant or not is entirely your opinion because giant has no one official definition. Maybe I did get a little bit carried away with saying 6'6" is giant but to call 6'5" just tall is ridiculous. Average height is maybe 5'10" so why is it you have to 7'+ to be giant? yet only 5'5" or 5'6" to be called tiny? It just doesn't make sense. So when you come back from holland tell me clay.. because the average height out here in north america isn't half a milameter over 5'10" and yes anything over 6'7" would be considered a giant.
Hugh said on 22/Dec/08
I'd say the Rock is pushing 6ft4 potentially.
Clay said on 22/Dec/08
When you come back to reality Donatello, let me know.
bikagyura said on 21/Dec/08
seems a good 6' 3" in all the pictures above
Alex said on 21/Dec/08
6'7 is a giant to young kids yea, lol. When I see a 6'7 guy I am like he's very tall but not a giant.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/08
a giant can be considered also at minimum 6'2 if they weight 240 like me, as most friends consider me.
Ben said on 21/Dec/08
Vegas... Well said indeed
Danimal said on 21/Dec/08
yoyo says on 20/Dec/08
pics above we see Rock at pics1 6ft1.5, pics2 6ft2, pics3 6ft4.75. i believe his once 6ft3.5 at max height, but due to his body weight lifting and WWE career this guy lost about 2inch. nowadays a solid 6ft1.5 to 6ft2.
2" height loss? NO. He has never undergone any surgery like Hogan, Piper, Graham, HBK, Stone Cold, etc.... He is only 35-36 year old. He was never over 6'3" imo and is the same height today as he was in the mid 1990's as a mid-card in the WWF.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/08
Vegas, don't chat breeze, da waxworks of pitt IS 5-9 and Stallone 6-2 ish. I havent met either in person but the statues are that height. I meet random celebs like Ludacris the other day, yes really, and will give like rob 172, 173 max and John legend 174 not 5-10 he claims, Beckham also 181, I know my ****, so don't say my name like u no man.
As for rock, his waxwork is 6-3, whether he is actually taller, never met him. I met cena though he is Tricky, from 182-84.
Donatello said on 21/Dec/08
James, realistically tall range is more 5'11"-6'2", very tall 6'3"-6'5". Once you start getting around 6'6" is where your height just sticks right out and people stair etc. My friend is 6'6" and 16 and everyone is always lookin at him and askin him how tall he is, he says he wishes he was 6'. I think its safe to say 5'10" or even 5'8" would be a better height then anything over 6'4" in most peoples opinions. Personally I would rather be 5'7" then 6'4" but I'd rather be 6'4" then the 5'6" I am now.
The Fan said on 21/Dec/08
I met the Rock briefly in an Italian take out restaurant a few years ago in Malden Mass. He was sitting down so I couldn't tell how tall he is. Very nice guy. Very white teeth too.
Vegas said on 21/Dec/08
Clay says on 19/Dec/08
I must have missed the memo that said wax museum statues are exact replications...
tussauds are for the most part, there was a video on youtube of them measuring orlando bloom barefoot and measuring his head etc, its now been deleted, tussauds rock figure is definitely life-size but it ain't 6'1 cause i have stood beside it and got photos with the one in NY and las vegas, its 6'2.5 but it has its head bent down and overall its posture is very poor
Click Herei laugh when i read people estimating tussauds waxworks e.g on sarah michelle gellars page; Sid wrote, in madame tussauds BRAD PITT is 5-9, STALLONE is 6-2, he is so off the mark there it ain't funny, i have stood beside and got a photo with both works and i was taller than stallones and the same height as pitts. i shake my head in disbelief at someone estimating stallones at 6'2 when its about 5'10, if people cannot estimate those correctly they have zero chance estimating moving people in person
Mamun said on 20/Dec/08
Thanks for all your kind remarks my friends ! If I told you guys the real
truth about what was going on in the latest picture you may not beleive me !
Umar said on 20/Dec/08
Donatello, I kind of agree. You can't just call someone tall 6'5". But 6'5" isn't giant. I would call 6'8" huge, and 7'+ giant.
yoyo said on 20/Dec/08
pics above we see Rock at pics1 6ft1.5, pics2 6ft2, pics3 6ft4.75. i believe his once 6ft3.5 at max height, but due to his body weight lifting and WWE career this guy lost about 2inch. nowadays a solid 6ft1.5 to 6ft2.
Alex said on 20/Dec/08
I have to disagree again on this whole 6'5 being a giant. I have a good friend who is 6'5 and I view him as a pretty tall guy but nothing like a giant far as height goes. IMO 6'10 plus is where you're a giant.
Donatello said on 20/Dec/08
6'5" is a giant, come on people don't lie to yourselfs. 6'7" is like boarderline abnormal. 7 inches is alot and thats how much taller a 6'5" guy would be then your average male. So saying 6'5" is just tall is as ridiculous as saying 5'3" is just short. 5'3" = Absolutely Tiny, 6'5" = Giant.
Clay said on 19/Dec/08
I must have missed the memo that said wax museum statues are exact replications...
Alex said on 19/Dec/08
Knoxville might be pushing 6'1. He's easily at least 6'0. Looked 2 inches taller than Sean William Scott who is 5'10 1/2 or around there.
6'1'' said on 19/Dec/08
if the wax museum statues are supposed to be identical replications, than the rock is only 6'1'', because he was exactly as tall as me in the museum and thats how tall i am
:- ) said on 18/Dec/08
Haha, it looks like Mamun is in the process of insulting The Rock
Alex said on 18/Dec/08
Rock did look 6'3 in Walking Tall. In the Rundown he looked about the same, maybe a bit less. I thought he looked 6'3 in the Scorpion King too.
Clay said on 18/Dec/08
Dont forget Knoxville is 6'0.75-6'1.
Alex said on 17/Dec/08
Who is that in the picture with Rock to the far left?
Danimal said on 17/Dec/08
Zach says on 16/Dec/08
Man you'd never think that you'd get three pics by Mamun and Glenn and all three would be so bad for comparisons. No fault of theirs, seems mr Dwayne Johnson just cant keep still!
Any idea how tall Hogan was in 2002? These two were pretty much the same height at Wrestlemania 18 (in my opinion probably the best fight in wrestling history), hogan maybe fractionally taller.
Best fight in wrestlemania history would have to go to Ricky The Dragon Steamboat against Randy Macho Man Savage at WMIII.
Hogan was fractionally taller than The Rock in 2002.
Alex said on 17/Dec/08
I'm sticking with 6'2.5-6'3 for Rock. More likely 6'3. He never looks 6'4 to me anymore. Well only in shoes he does.
glenn said on 17/Dec/08
if he says 6-4,and i saw it,then it is.6-3 is possible too.
Big T said on 17/Dec/08
To me 6'3" is perfect and looks right in all these pics
Anonymous said on 16/Dec/08
lol I am guessing Mamun responded with, "IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK..."
Clay said on 16/Dec/08
Zach said on 16/Dec/08
The Rock: You realise how big I am.
Mamun: Hey back off big guy! I do powerlifting I'll have you know. Don't make me staaart on you!
Zach said on 16/Dec/08
Man you'd never think that you'd get three pics by Mamun and Glenn and all three would be so bad for comparisons. No fault of theirs, seems mr Dwayne Johnson just cant keep still!
Any idea how tall Hogan was in 2002? These two were pretty much the same height at Wrestlemania 18 (in my opinion probably the best fight in wrestling history), hogan maybe fractionally taller.
Dr. D said on 16/Dec/08
what did you say to him in that moment mamum? looks funny, like you too were fooling around.
very cool pic
TELLEM said on 16/Dec/08
hey mamun, rock doesn't look like a happy camper next to u, what happened?
Brad said on 16/Dec/08
Hey Kevin, Rob & I are idiots: 6' 3" dead on.
RisingForce said on 16/Dec/08
He surprisingly doesn't look like he'd be much over 6-2 with Glenn although I think he's atleast 6-3.
Danimal said on 16/Dec/08
James says on 16/Dec/08
Danimal but he does look an easy 6ft4 next to Mamun dosen't he?
Sorry can I ask again Danimal how tall do you think the big show is today and what do you think his peak height was?
I believe that Big Show was 7'0.5"-7'1" PEAK and today is probably 6'11.5"-7'0", even though he can look at FLAT 6'11" at times.
Vimal jacob said on 16/Dec/08
I met this man once .i am 6"2 and he might 6"5
adam said on 16/Dec/08
In those two pics The Rock has a great number of inches on Mamun. Around eight in the new one, about a head difference in the old one.
Danimal said on 15/Dec/08
Eddie meet Kevin. Kevin meet Eddie. Rock is not 6'4", 6'5" or 6'6". He is at most 6'3".
Alex said on 15/Dec/08
Clay, I wouldn't go that far. 6'5 can def look 6'7 from a distance and maybe even 6'4. Its like saying 5'8 can look 6'0 from a distance.
Clay said on 15/Dec/08
I swear from a distance 6'3 can look 6'7ish.
kevin said on 14/Dec/08
well we know who the blind people are saying 6'2
kevin said on 14/Dec/08
wow who ever thinks the rock is 6 foot 3 is an idiot, hes always been 6 foot 5
Danimal said on 14/Dec/08
Eddie says on 13/Dec/08
Dwayne Johnson has been recorded being as tall as 6 ft 5 inches! I can believe this was his peak height during the 90s'. But he's probably lost a good inch now.
RECORDED??? HAHAHA. He was BILLED at 6'5" in PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. He was never over 6'3" and still remains that height today. He is only 36 years old. The man (unlike Big Show) has not lost any height yet.
Alex said on 14/Dec/08
Rock hasn't shrunk. Only he shrinks throughout the day like we all do but hasn't lost any real height. The most he was recorded as being was 6'6 on TV a few times I remember.
Alex said on 14/Dec/08
I've seen taller guys give a shorter impression and times then give taller ones so you can't always go with the lowest.
Eddie said on 13/Dec/08
Dwayne Johnson has been recorded being as tall as 6 ft 5 inches! I can believe this was his peak height during the 90s'. But he's probably lost a good inch now.
Derek said on 13/Dec/08
Even if that's the case Viper, we know he isn't that low.
glenn said on 13/Dec/08
thats true viper.
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/08
hogan and rock from february 2002
Click Here
Viper said on 12/Dec/08
Glenn saw 6-1 the first time, lol.
Alex said on 12/Dec/08
Glenn also say 6'2 as well and say Rock gave a 6'1 1/2 impression as a point too but also said he can look 6'3 so its all over really.
Big King said on 12/Dec/08
littleguy, it depends on the camera angles too. Hulk has maybe a half inch on rock.
littleguy said on 12/Dec/08
When The rock faced hogan for the first time he looked a shade taller than the hulkster who had shrunk down to about 6'4 by then but when the match came at wrestlemania Hogan actually looked considerably taller than the rock when the stood face to face at the beginning of the match what the hell?
Clay said on 11/Dec/08
Glenn saw 6'4''.
Danimal said on 11/Dec/08
I peg The Rock at 6'2.5"-6'3". Most will agree with that listing. I used to think he could have been as tall as 6'3.5", but I no longer believe that, seeing Hogan was taller than him and I peg Hogan at 6'3.25" as of 2002.
Viper said on 10/Dec/08
Rock doesnt look any taller than 6-2 1/2 with Terry Crews.
TELLEM said on 10/Dec/08
mamun has stated that rock had huge boots on
Alex said on 10/Dec/08
Mamun is a bit closer to the camera and I still see 7 inches and could be as much as 8 if were the same level but that would put Rock at 6'4 which he isn't. Maybe a footwear advantage because Mamun does look about 5'8 in his photos. I think 6'2 3/4 may be Rock's exact height.
anonymous said on 10/Dec/08
Just give him 6 foot 4.
Lenad said on 10/Dec/08
Without his hair he looks 7 inches taller. This guy probably measures 6'4 in shoes and 6'3 without shoes.
Alex said on 9/Dec/08
6'2 3/4 may be dead on to be honest.
Lenad said on 9/Dec/08
I can buy 6'2 3/4 at the lowest.
Viper said on 8/Dec/08
Well, we know who the blind people are saying 6-5.
Clay said on 8/Dec/08
I have my doubts that my 6'3.5 friend would even be taller than Rock. So Rock has got to be at least 6'3, but who knows.
Alex said on 7/Dec/08
To be exact a 6'5 guy would have a full head on a 5'7.5 guy thats if his head is a normal 9.5 inches.
lillo thomas said on 7/Dec/08
He looked 6-5 next to mamum in the pic above ? ? huh? 6-5 guys are a complete head taller than 5-8 guys . I'm for example a compete head taller than 5-8 guys . The max you could give him in the pic with mamum is 6-3 .
Alex said on 6/Dec/08
Danimal, I agree. A peak Hogan would have had 3 inches on Rock. Hogan from 95-2000 would have even edged out Rock by 1-1.5 inches as well.
TELLEM said on 6/Dec/08
mamun even said the rock had chunky boots which is why mamun pegged him at 6'3
Spence said on 6/Dec/08
Dwayne often wear lifted shoe. i can see him a solid 6ft2. But a little much pushing 6ft3..He don't look this tall at all..
Danimal said on 5/Dec/08
James says on 4/Dec/08
Its interesting as well that the Rock always looked similar in height to Hulk Hogan back in the early 2000's.
Yes, in 2002, Hogan was probably 6'3 1/4" and Rock maybe a .5-.75" shorter. Ih Hogan faced off with Rock up until 2000, I am confident that Hogan would have had a cool 2" on The Rock. Hogan lost a lot of height in 2001 I'm assuming. NOW, a 1985 Hogan would have had an easy 3" on The Rock GUARANTEED.
Clay said on 4/Dec/08
Are you serious he looks 6'4'' next to Mamun.
lillo thomas said on 4/Dec/08
To me he look about 6-2 in the pic with mamum and maybe he could hit closer to 6-3 standing straight.
Vegas said on 3/Dec/08
in photos jackson is taller than nash at those awards, nash has adopted the rocks posture for this shot lol
Click Here
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
Id say Rock is 6-1 with his slouch, 6-2 standing well.
ed2 said on 3/Dec/08
The Rock with Will Smith:
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 3/Dec/08
To be fair the rock actually look about 7 inches taller than Mamum in the pic above and he isn't standing completely straight . the rob 6-3 listing is about right.
Viper said on 3/Dec/08
Sam Jackson is around 6-1 now. Hell he looked shorter than 6-1 Steve Nash at the Espys.
nick said on 3/Dec/08
the rock always does that slouch. Thats why people think he is shorter. People will say that he is an inch taller but in reality it is two inches because he has a slouch. The rock is 6'3 WITH HIS SLOUCH. i believe he is 6'3.5 6'4
Alex said on 3/Dec/08
6'7 210lbs is pretty thin but 6'7 145lbs is beyond rake thin.
Clay said on 2/Dec/08
I used to work with this guy who was 6'6.5-6'7 and he said he was 210 pounds, which he probably was, and he was slender.
RisingForce said on 2/Dec/08
If the Rock is under 6-3 then why is he clearly taller than 6-2, 6-2.5 Samuel L Jackson? The Rock is leaning while Samuel is standing straight.
Click Here
Alex said on 2/Dec/08
James, but weight is much tougher to guess than height. At least with height its right in front of you. With weight, things like muscle/fat ratio, body frame, bone structure all come into play which can throw you off.
Alex said on 30/Nov/08
James, one girl from online guessed me at 160 and another one at 170lbs based on just pictures but thats not in person though, in person I've been guessed at as low as 170lbs but a lot I'll get 210-220lbs from people. even 240 once from this kid, lol.
Alex said on 29/Nov/08
Derek, ever notice how some people guess your weight much more or less then you really are. I notice girls will underestimate you a lot. I mostly get overestimated by a little at least, sometimes my real weight then sometimes under.
adam said on 29/Nov/08
Im 6-2 and 200 lbs and Im quite slender. It depends how you are proportioned. Ideal weight for a 6-5 guy is 210 lbs ->. 145 lbs is an ideal weight for a someone who`s like 5-4.
anonymous said on 28/Nov/08
"A 6-7 145 pound guy would be on his death bed."
i know this is random viper, but quite a few people with marfan syndrome are about this height and weight... although they usually die very young.
Derek said on 28/Nov/08
Alex- I think darker colors hide muscles. In other pictures where you are wearing brighter clothers, you look more muscular. As for my weight, I was 160 last I checked, though I may be closer to 165 these days.
M.o.r.g said on 28/Nov/08
6'5 is giant.get over it.Just because you're not 6'5.And what are u,the word on people's sizes now? How many 6'4-5 people do u know,cos i know a lot.And u go about pretending to be 15 or 16 stone.How embarrassing.More like 12 at best.Oh turns out i was 13 not 12.Seriously my cousin would make u look small.He actually IS 6'1 and used to be at least 16 stone.
lillo thomas said on 28/Nov/08
6-3 guys aren't massive . 6-3 guys are simply tall . I would call a guy massive when he is 6-7 ( or 6-6 at least)
hollywoodfan said on 28/Nov/08
Saw the Rock close up several years ago; He was wearing some low heeled boots and looked a hair over 6'4" in them.
Alex said on 28/Nov/08
Derek, here is another one I have from more around 2 months ago. Same weight as in the previous one. Shows how what you wear can make you look different.
Click Here
Alex said on 28/Nov/08
Derek, you look skinny but with some muscle. You look athletic. Not soaking wet or rain thin like some skinny guys. At 6'2 I'd say you look around 160-165lbs. Is that correct?
Derek said on 27/Nov/08
Alex- I do have quite a bit of muscle mass. Here is a picture of me from a few months ago. The picture is a bit dark, but it shows that I'm not rail thin:
Click Here
Alex said on 27/Nov/08
At 6'7 145lbs I am suprised he is able to walk around much. Thats so thin that you can be hospitalized I would think. Thats insane.
Big Show said on 27/Nov/08
I had a colleague once, who told me he was 6'5, 147 lbs and he was very thin. He was still in his teens though. I can imagine someone being 2 inches taller and around the same weight. That's extremely thin, but I don't think he's in a life threatening situation.
I've seen a friend of my dad who had cancer. In the last few weeks of his life he only weighed around 75 lbs (he was around 6'1). Now that looked scary. It must've been horrible for his wife and kids to watch him slowly be torn apart.
Viper said on 27/Nov/08
A 6-7 145 pound guy would be on his death bed.
Big T said on 27/Nov/08
My best friend used to claim 196cm. He then started saying he was "6'6", whatever that is in centimeters". Now, this weekend, he claimed he was 6'6 1/2"! Seriously, I think the guy is in the 6'4" range, as in, a weak 6'5" at best. His weight fluctuates from 260lbs to 300lbs which probably makes him look shorter, but he just doesn't tower me that much. Actually in photos next to me he strangely only looks 6'2" or 6'3".
Danimal said on 26/Nov/08
Alex says on 26/Nov/08
Danimal, 6'7 140-150lbs? you serious? He looks that low? Thats very unhealthy then. I see guys WAY shorter than 6'7 and weight 140-150lbs and thats skinny, I dont wanna imagine someone 6'7 at that weight.
He told me he is 6'7" and weighs between 142-147 depending on the day. He is a RAKE with really bad acne. Poor guy sticks out like a sore thumb.
Viper said on 26/Nov/08
Crouch has got to weigh more than just 155 pounds. That seems too low at 6-7, even for him.
Alex said on 26/Nov/08
This kid in my class is 6'3 and 160 something and he is skinny. I can't imagine someone 6'7 150lbs.
Derek, 6'2 160lbs on a normal frame would be pretty skinny but you probably have some muscle mass where you wont look as skinny as someone your size who doesn't workout.
Clay said on 26/Nov/08
6'5'' officially a giant? Ahahahaha.
Alex said on 26/Nov/08
I dont consider 6'5 no giant. Most here will agree on that. When I see someone 6'5 I say he's a pretty tall guy but certainly no giant.
Derek said on 26/Nov/08
6'7" 155 seems unreal. I'm 6'2" 160 and while I'm not rail thin, I'm certainly not bulky either.
M.o.r.g said on 26/Nov/08
No 6'5 is officially considered a giant ffs.
Vegas said on 26/Nov/08
Danimals workmate will look alot like soccer player peter crouch i bet who is 155lb at 6ft 7
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