David Chatman said on 6/Mar/22
Why is everyone,acting like,anyone,chose how short or tall they would be when they grew up? He should make himself taller. Is that what you want? Maybe that's why they designed doorways shorter, for John Wayne. And made sure the others around him were shorter.
Engjell Mestanovski said on 27/Feb/22
Big on attitude, short on height. He's got the Napoleon complex!
Toby Barrett said on 6/Dec/21
5'7 and claims 6'0
John 6'0" said on 28/Oct/21
It’s fairly obvious what was meant by “larger than life” homie... If being 6’5” is your only personality trait that’s cool, but it doesn’t mean you should get offended when a 5’7” guy has more respect than you. LMAO
Gene Campbell said on 21/Dec/19
I believe that he MUST be considerably taller than that. In every scene, he's taller - and much larger - than everyone else around him.
Taylor Jones said on 15/Jul/19
He looks tall because he mostly wears cowboy boots and has 5 inches jacked up in his hair. 5-7 is close to average height for males.
Littlelee5ft6 said on 26/Jun/19
His wife was not 5ft 7 or 8 must have been about 5ft 5 at best does this sound acurate rob?

Editor Rob
Probably 5ft 3-4 range for her.
Anonymous said on 28/Dec/17
Holy crap! Had no idea this guy was so short!looks 6' on the tube.must be like Sly and wear super lifts and surround himself with short people lol!!
Smegmantis said on 2/Aug/17
I believe Dog is less than 5'5" and Beth probably 6' - if you include her mouth.
Height professor said on 1/May/17
Dog is 5'6" on a good day....
Gary Deceder said on 7/Nov/16
what is Dog Bounty Hunter shoe size I'm making moccasins for him
Aza said on 2/Nov/16
@Christian-196.2cm ...Larger than life = aura of greatness...got nothing to do with height sunbeam.....lol...lol.
James B said on 30/Oct/16
looks taller on TV.
Not really a big fan of this guy. Maybe it's his voice?
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 30/Oct/16
Aza said on 23/Oct/16
Larger than life character .......literally!
How is he larger than life when he's only 5ft7? Lol
Aza said on 23/Oct/16
Larger than life character .......literally!
Brandon said on 21/Aug/16
Gosh i always thought he was like 6'2 or something. He looks massive on his show, i had no clue he was this small
gregorio keanu rivera said on 21/Aug/16
here for tech422 plan english or if you could read duane 5-6 to 5-7 and to taylor he's a punk i am 5-8 255 solid he knows better when i saw him in n.y.c st
Randomdude said on 12/Dec/15
Dog 5'7
Leland 5'6 - 5'6.5
Daune Lee Chapman 6'0 - 6'0.5
Tim Youngblood - 5'11.5 - 6'0
viapto said on 19/Sep/15
I saw a chapter of his show, and he comment that he was 5 8', and that he used boots with 4 inch to look 6 feet taller.
GABOY said on 13/Aug/14
Saw him with wife and their children few years back at Disney World. Was surprisingly small. He is no taller than my wife who is 5ft7in, probably shorter. Don't know where people get that he is well built. Would be hard pressed to find a GA redneck that he could cuff and stuff. Honestly, for some reason he had fear in his eyes and it couldn't have been due to the ride he was about to get on. Getting VIP treatment for his family on a train jungle ride.
Tech422 said on 4/Mar/14
Gregorio??? Wish I could understand what you wrote. Time for a English lesson.
Dave in cali said on 2/Oct/13
Met him at the beach one year. Am 5'9 and my wife is 5'4 we talk for a little awhile untell his daughter needed help loading the truck. He is a inch shorther then my wife! So he his roughly 5'3! Was a nice guy though
Jim said on 20/Jul/13
I watched him fight his son in the ring, he could not box his way out of a cardboard box, absolutely no skills. He rarely chases down anyone that is really dangerous. A very silly chap.
Andrew M said on 16/Jun/13
Gosh, I AM genuinely surprised. I thought he'd be about 5'9" - 5'10". Guess the long hair and his bulk help, and the fact that he doesn't stand shoulder to shoulder with all his family just so we can compare them. I've never really noticed that he's all that different in height from his brother(s?) and son.
His wife must be tiny! (Yes, I mean height-wise! Cheeky!)
I'm not really a fan of the show, although they all seem like good enough people, but from what Tony Robbins wrote of him, he's sincere, and really good at his job.
Taylor said on 14/Apr/13
Who knows how tall he is, likely 5-7. But I know he would likely wipe the floor with all of you.
Gregorio Keanu Rivera said on 7/Jan/13
Dog is 5-7 wears lifts in his boots met him in staten island n.y.c and Beth his wife was very nice sweet heart I got a book bio off him to sign he did sign when I asked his wife Beth to sign she said yes very nice he said no very angry told Beth no she look shock he told me with a wise guy look I said no brotha I paid 30$ for his book waste off money he had police with him and security was a dick and a fake he won't last a day in n.y.c bounty hunting he will get killed he is a punk gallo whole story 5-7 thinks he is 6 foot but 5-7 is too tall for him more 4-11 snookie height .
jasperwazap said on 28/Jan/12
Dog has got some big guns on him. His arms make mine look kid-like their bigger than my leg. but i have an ectomorph body type the skinny guy syndrome but with a high body fat. i don't know exactly how much since i don't have skin calipers and charts to go by. if GSP (ectomorph) didn't train like he does he would look insignificant like me and just about every other average dude.
Dave Ireland said on 8/Jan/12
v 'really wimpy looking like europeans??'... you DO realise that europeans are actually on average bigger than americans? have a look at globally verified average heights etc. And i hope this comment gets posted, because that vv coment from 'tmac' got posted. The average height in netherlands is like 6'1 whereas in america its like 5'9 - 10... do your reasearch before making such remarks.
Cro-cop said on 1/Jan/12
I was at the beach in kona today...him and his family were set up close to us. I'm 5'9 ish and he was a few inches shorter then me. So I think 5'7 is pretty accurate.
tmac said on 30/Dec/11
He's not very tall, when he was young he was really wimpy looking like Europeans...
UzzyB said on 28/Dec/11
"fat, ugly & white trash his wife Beth"..y'all must be the folks that love the runway anorexics. She is definitely White Trash and would be best loosing some weight...but she is smaller than lots of Americans.
pikespeak said on 27/Dec/11
Do you notice that Dog always goes for women that have big racks & a few commented how fat, ugly & white trash his wife Beth has; well Dog is no George Clooney or Brad Pitt in the looks department - Birds of a feather, flock together!
Legend said on 4/Sep/11
Yeah he looks around 5'6. He's probably lost a little height by now.
Legend said on 3/Sep/11
Rob, what do you think of Mr. R's eyewitness account? :)

Editor Rob
I wouldn't bet on 5ft 3-4 range
jtm said on 3/Sep/11
yeah but you usually change your estimates mr.r.
Mr. R said on 3/Sep/11
@ shredder,
Yeah, Dog is btw 5-2 and 5-3. Sorry if this bursts your bubble, but I know what I saw. By the way, since I live in Hwood, many of my commentaries on celebheights are based upon ny eyewitness accounts. NOT analyses of pics without full context.
Mr. R said on 1/Sep/11
I saw Dog last night in Hwood. Even with his 3 inch boots and two inch hair, he was only about 5-6. He is btwn 5-2 and 5-3. He actually called himself "Canine" during the meeting. Hilarious!
june bug said on 12/Jul/11
Dog is 5'6 tall and Beth is 6 feet wide and needs to drop about 100 pounds. For being fat, ugly, and white trash she has a crappy attitude.
Stacy said on 25/May/11
I think that Dog is around 5'5" or 5'6". This explains why he has those 3in. heels on his boots, in an attempt to look taller.
Trevor Chapman said on 22/May/11
Dog Chapman : 5'7''- 190 lbs
Danimal said on 18/Mar/11
He claimed 5'7" years ago and with his custom made boots that added 3" he was 5'10". Straight from his mouth on the show. Quite possible 5'7" was his youth height. Not a young man anymore, may be a flat 5'6" now barefoot.
victor said on 18/Mar/11
im 5'8 with boots 5'9 to 5'10, ill tell you this son, boots or no boots, 6" or taller, you will still get knocked, size aint everything other than intimidating, the bigger, the harder they fall, remember that son.
Hot Jack said on 12/Mar/11
leland and dog are short guys, 5-7 is probably exact, although if leland was 5-6 i wouldn't be surprised. the other son, duane jr, is a lot bigger. he looks 6 foot, 220. maybe 6-1. he's at least five inches taller than dad and brother. anyone remember the episode where they were after the samoan minor league football player? and leland walked out on the practice field after the wrong guy, who was probably 6-3, 300? leland looked like a 12 year old trying to get his arms around george foreman. before that, i always thought he and his dad were basically average size guys. wrong, they are well shorter than average.
staceyannalee said on 7/Mar/11
duane lee junior is about 6 foot and his dad looks about 3 foot shorter
john said on 9/Feb/11
I am watching his show right now he said he's 5'7. It's an episode where they have to catch a guy named Michael jackson lol. Really though the guys name is Michael jackson.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/11
He is just a little dude, about 5'6 and 175 lbs, and not a 'real" tough guy- that is why he has that silly hair weave and wears that silly hollow ween looking costume. what a tool
Las said on 9/Dec/10
Now you know where comes his name. He said once "I'm same toll as a sitting dog". He was right.
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/10
Dog said on his show that he is 5'7" and orders his boots with 4" heels to make him close to 6', he's not shy about his height.
RisingForce said on 27/May/09
5'7" is right. Obviously he looks taller than that, that's the whole point of wearing 3 inch boots!
Danimal said on 16/May/09
Donatello says on 2/Apr/09
Dog definately downplays his height. He looks like 6ft with his boots so I'd say hes about 5'9". Hes just one of those guys who really doesn't care about his height and downplays for god knows what other reasons. When you see him arresting criminals that are like 5'6" hes a good 5-6 inches bigger then them. I'd say Leland is 5'6" 1/2 or somethin like that.
He doesn't care about his height YET he has custom made cowboy boots to REACH 5'10"???? Yeah, those are the actions of someone who doesn't care about their height...haha
Danimal said on 16/May/09
HE HAS SAID HE IS 5'7" and in his custom made boots he said he's 5'10". Why do people GUESS when it has come out of his VERY MOUTH on the show??
duanedog,chapman said on 16/May/09
duane,dog,chapman,the,bounty,hunter,my,name,is,maria,annlee,iam,41,years,old, and,iam,on,medcationspills,and,iam,onneedles,and,everything,right,now,are,you coming,too,see,me,right,way,iam,going,too,kill,my,self,right,now,iam,going,too overdoseingon,mymedcinepillls,right,now
Dr. Steve Brule said on 30/Apr/09
Click HereThose are the custom boots everyone is mentioning. I wonder if you could shove some lifts in the boots aswell. I believe him when he says 5' 7 - those boots look like they have 3 - 4 inch heels.
Donatello said on 2/Apr/09
Dog definately downplays his height. He looks like 6ft with his boots so I'd say hes about 5'9". Hes just one of those guys who really doesn't care about his height and downplays for god knows what other reasons. When you see him arresting criminals that are like 5'6" hes a good 5-6 inches bigger then them. I'd say Leland is 5'6" 1/2 or somethin like that.
HoneyBee said on 16/Feb/09
Who cares how tall Dog is or any of the rest of the family?I think the whole family is totally awesome.Dog is an outstanding man and a hero.I think the USA goverment should have back Dog and the family up they did a job our country couldn't do with out hurting the Mexican goverment feeling and causeing problems,so get over it.Beth is a super Mom and a great wife weither she 5 foot 5 or 6 foot 2 she total woman and makes the Dog happy.As his sons the just gooding men and they need a break and if Leland a player with his looks he can be.I just don't like people messing with Dog's Family.
Jack said on 8/Dec/08
I met Leland on a flight last week from the Big Island to Honolulu where he sat in front of me. He is a muscular kid but has a small bone structure.
Tony said on 26/Nov/08
Barry says on 22/Oct/08
Leland is 5'5'' and Beth is around 5'4'', she is a usually same height as him on tv but she wears huge heels all the time. Dog looks a lot bigger because he's well built. Dog says on the show ''im 5'7 but with these cowboy boots im 5'10''... Ive just measured myself, im near 5'8 actually and a good pair of boots makes me look 5'9 or 5'10 maybe. His cowboy boot heels must be pretty big.
Barry i saw the same show where he said he said someone passed him up looking for dog cause he was in tennis shoes and that he was 5'7 and 5'10 in cowboy boots i believe they were at a hotel on the show when he said that
Ruk said on 22/Oct/08
Direst quote from "The Dog" on one of his episodes, "I'm nothing special 5 feet 7 and 200 pounds dripping wet."
Barry said on 22/Oct/08
Leland is 5'5'' and Beth is around 5'4'', she is a usually same height as him on tv but she wears huge heels all the time. Dog looks a lot bigger because he's well built. Dog says on the show ''im 5'7 but with these cowboy boots im 5'10''... Ive just measured myself, im near 5'8 actually and a good pair of boots makes me look 5'9 or 5'10 maybe. His cowboy boot heels must be pretty big.
Elrod said on 26/Sep/08
I cannot believe Dog is only 5' 7".I always thought he would be about 6' 2".I guess it was because of his powerful physique that gave me that impression but oh well...
brad said on 29/Aug/08
Leland is 5'5'' 1/2... i fought him in the ultimate fighting rumble in the jungle 2 in lahaina and he was listed as that... and our weight class was 145lbs... im sure he walks around at 150-60lbs... Ive seen his brother lately and hes been workin out.... 6'1'' is about right but bigger than 220 now.. i say about 250lbs...
ozzfest said on 28/Aug/08
I know Dog is 5'7" because he stated that on one of the episodes. Duane Lee on one episode told his dad he was 6'1" and 220 lbs. Baby Lyssa has stated she's 5'1" and 110 lbs. Beth, umm....its hard to tell. She really looks about Baby Lyssa's height because she's so big around..but i'd say she's 5'4" or 5'5" based on standing next to Dog. Leeland I'm pretty sure is close to 5'6". Tim, I really don't know!
Holly said on 14/Jul/08
I have a police photo of'em on wich you can see their height...but I am not able to post it here - no idea why.
JD said on 6/Jul/08
i always thought dog was about 5'11 to 6'0 and just looked a bit shorter because he's real wide, i guess he is 5'7 though!!
glenn said on 13/Mar/08
you would too if you had his job.
sven said on 12/Mar/08
glenn why this guy wears boots so big?Have serious height issue?
Little Boy said on 12/Mar/08
What more evidence do you need other than hearing it from Dog himself & clearly showing everyone his true height? He said he is 5'7 & he looks around that mark! Quit saying he's wrong & that he's really 5'8! That's just stupid for you to say! Oh & Beth sure as hell isn't 5'7! She's more like 5'5!
glenn said on 25/Jan/08
finally saw this guy last week.seemed 5-9.5 with his special boots.so yeah,5-7.
Barry said on 24/Jan/08
Yeah he said it on his show once. He said im 5'7'' but these boots make me look taller while he was buying cowboy boots in Denver. Im 5'7'' myself and usually with my Nike sneakers i wear i reach 5'9''
gton said on 22/Nov/07
thnks Danimal Leelands 5-5 and a half man he look pretty solid 4 his height , they quite muscular men lol
Danimal said on 22/Nov/07
B-rad says on 22/May/07
Alright everybody listen : Duane Lee Jr. : 6'1'' 220 bls, Leland Chapman : 5'5 1/2'' 155 lbs, Duane 'DOG' Chapman : 5'7'' 200 lbs, Beth Chapman : 5'4'' 210 lbs (Leland, Tim and DOg height from
Mugshots) (Beth height, research) (Duane Lee's height, episode)
Seems about right.
Danimal said on 22/Nov/07
I know that Duane has said on his show that he is 5'7" and had special custom made boots that give him 3", bringing him up to 5'10" GTON, he has more than one son on the show.
gton said on 22/Nov/07
How talls is his son on the show ?? ne answer ?
Dan said on 24/Oct/07
Well, he's quite beefy. I'd say he's definitely taller - having said that, he's not majorly taller than his wife and she's definitely not tall.
dave said on 1/Oct/07
He looks like he's standing at 5'11 or 6'0 in his boots, but keep in mind his hairstyle probably adds another 2 inches!
Leon said on 14/Sep/07
The show rocks. Have you ever noticed, however, that Dog never runs after fleeing fugitives, he just shouts at Leland and Tim to "get 'em!" and when he tries running he looks like he's got a bit of cramp. That has to be because of the lifts he's wearing. You can walk fine in them but not sprint. Still, I'll give him nearly 5'8" barefoot. He seems very modest and I think he might play down his height a tiny bit to seem closer to his son, Leland. And before people shout me down, think about it: He wouldn't have even mentioned that he wore lifts if he wanted people to assume he was 5'11" or 6', which he looks being such a strong bloke. We would've been non the wiser.
Tatiana said on 12/Sep/07
It doesn't matter how tall/short The Leland is. He's not afraid of standing up to anyone. In my eyes he is a sure fine specimen and his height suits him. The show isn't on in the UK anymore :( so i have to rely on the inyernet to get my daily fix. I should act my age really....I'm a thirty year old teacher....just can't help it!!
cat said on 29/Aug/07
baby lyssa is around 5'3. she used to come into my old job, and she's not much taller than me. beth is around the same, little shorter...and leland is probably 5'6 or 5'7. i've seen him in person, walking around and stuff. and girls, i know you're all infatuated with him and stuff, but he's a player!!! (i know the dirt)
Georgio said on 18/Aug/07
How tall is Tim aka Young Blood? He looks about Dog's height in the show, maybe a bit taller but he doesn't wear cowboy boots like Dog. So would that make him around 5'10" barefoot?
jay said on 4/Aug/07
He said himself that he is 5'7 and buys special cowboy boots with 4inch heels, the camera followed him one episode to go pick up his boots and thats when he said it. Im actually suprised he did look tall to me in the show but i guess its the boots. But he has said himself on his show, he is 5'7.
luckylady said on 27/Jul/07
i can confirm that leland chapman is 5'7" tall. I saw a mug shot on a website of him standing in front of the height chart in prison where they take your photo, and he was 5'7", guarenteed
KaMiKo said on 26/Jul/07
Met Dog at Star Market in Kalihi. I am 5'11, 185lbs and I was looking at the top of his head. He was not wearing his boots, and he looked to be about 3-4 inches shorter than me and 20 lbs bigger than me.
Corinne said on 24/Jun/07
Duane Lee isn't a Jr. Dog's middle name is Wesley, which was the name of his father and his oldest son. In the episode "It's Good to Be Home", Chapman claims that he is only 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m) and his cowboy boots raise his stature to 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m). At least he's honest about it.
B-rad said on 22/May/07
Alright everybody listen : Duane Lee Jr. : 6'1'' 220 bls, Leland Chapman : 5'5 1/2'' 155 lbs, Duane 'DOG' Chapman : 5'7'' 200 lbs, Beth Chapman : 5'4'' 210 lbs (Leland, Tim and DOg height from
Mugshots) (Beth height, research) (Duane Lee's height, episode)
KingNick said on 15/May/07
Arcane wrote this a while back, Dog's boots make him 5'10" but he himself said he's 5'7". He said something along the lines that he wears the big boots to appear more intimidating on his hunts.
bronson said on 12/May/07
i saw dis guy in eva one time he looked 5'10"but he wears those boots so i think he is jus 5'7"
glenn said on 5/Apr/07
yeah,funny i knew friends that sadly became a junkies and were 5-9ish and claimed i was taller.they claimed 5-7.weird.
immoral_animal said on 4/Apr/07
I've noticed alot of these repentant, born-again types with checkered, criminal pasts have an odd way of conspicuously playing themselves down about stuff like height, among other things.
I had a friend who's dad was a former crook/drug-user/born-again Christian who would always say stuff like "I'm just a skinny little 5'6" old man!" when the guy was obviously about 5'8" tall and maybe 180 pounds. It's a weird reverse-exageration thing they do, and Dog strikes me as exactly one of those guys.
I notice he talks with a corny high-pitched, baby-talk voice on the show sometimes, when it's obvious the guy's natural speaking voice is pretty deep. He likes to play himself down with people.
The "I'm only 5-foot-7!" and baby-talk thing is some kind of repentance thing for his years of being a thuggish crook. He's prolly, like 5'8.5" or something like that.
Vince said on 28/Mar/07
Wow, he is surprisingly short. I always thought he was this huge guy (at least 6 foot). I guess his solidly-built physique left me with the impression that he was taller than he actually was.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
baby lyssa is 5'1 and 108lbs. she said so on a show when comparing herself to a fugitive
LANA said on 13/Mar/07
Does anyone know Baby Lyssa and Beth height??
tank said on 11/Mar/07
i'll have to admit i started watching the show a few months ago. dog isn't as TALL as i thought he was but he's definitely thick and burly. i'd say he's about 5'8" give or take .5 inch. looks strong too, esp. for his age. they showed him working out with some monster weight on a show i saw a while back. leland looks like he's 5'6"-5'7". i know that's taller than what a lot of people say but when dog and leland are both barefoot there really isn't that much difference. i mean height difference, lol. there's probably at least a 70-80lb weight difference, lol.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/07
In one show while talking to a girl they had just arrested Lyssa said something like "we're almost the exact same size, 5'1.." then said a weight which I don't remember...So, Leland is not much taller than her...He looks about 5'4...
KASSI said on 24/Feb/07
Hi!! Does anyone REALLY know how tall Leland is??? What about Baby Lyssa?? I think she is shorter than Beth maybe more of Leland's height??
Anonymous said on 19/Dec/06
Just a few nights ago on the show Dog again stated he was 5'7 while giving a speech to people staying at a halfway house. "I ain't nothin' special - 5'7 200 pounds soaking wet..."
Adam said on 4/Dec/06
He is roughtly 5' 7'... i've got a 5'9 friend who met him
Peter said on 5/Oct/06
On last nights show they picked up a girl who was 5'9 and next to Dog she didn't look much different, maybe an inch or so shorter. Next to Leland she was a giant, he was a good 4-5 inches shorter. She was just wearing sneakers. Everyone says that Leland is 5'6, I'm not so sure about that. I'd say under 5'5.
Dagger said on 17/Sep/06
HelloKitty, why do you continue to say that Dog was not being accurate about his height when he stated it at 5'7 on the show?
kristen said on 16/Sep/06
dog is 5'7 and criss is 5'10 dog is shorter thats so wired criss looks shorter than dog lol bye dog grow tall lol aloha
Bleemo said on 15/Sep/06
If he is only 5'7 and can look 5'10 in his shoes I think this is a good example of how much these special boots can give the actors too.
HelloKitty said on 15/Sep/06
I met the Duane and Leland. Duane wears average cowboy boots which makes him 5'10-5'11, no lifts. He was downplaying his height when he said he was 5'7, he is 5'8.5-5'9 barefoot. The Dog was arrested in Hawaii today for arresting the bad rapist guy in Mexico a few years ago. The Dog and his bounty hunters are HEROES.
Arcane said on 3/Sep/06
Dog wears lifts in his boots giving him at the least 3 inches in height over his natural 5'7" tall. Saw the episode where he was having a new pair being made. So, if he and Criss -look- the same height in those scenes it means Criss is at the least 5'10" tall.
Kelly said on 3/Sep/06
I saw what Jean wrote. It doesn't bother me that he's short. I'm only 4 feet tall so that's perfect for me! I also want to thank the people on this site, not a lot of bad language.
Jean said on 30/Aug/06
My husband and I met them last year in Honolulu Intl Airport. My husband is 5'11 and Dog was slightly shorter 5'10 with his cowboy boots on. He has said he is 5'7 without the boots, no man is going to say he is shorter than he actually is. Big guy, muscular, wide wing span. Nice man, very friendly, charismatic. Can't say the same for his wife. Tim was slightly taller than my husband 6' - 6'1, very friendly. Now the young girls are going to hate me but his son Leland is a small man, sorry but it's the truth. I'm 5'3 and he didn't have more than 2" on me, tops, and skinny. He is a skinny little guy. Doesn't look anything like his dad. Very quiet stood in the background. They were with an entourage of men, all big guys.
Peter said on 29/Aug/06
It doesn't make much sence for Dog to say he's 5'7 when he's 5'9. What would the point be? I doubt Leland is 5'7, he looks smaller when you compare him to the criminals they bring in which they often give a height listing for. I'd say he's about 5'5 but with the bounty boots maybe 5'6.5...
HelloKitty said on 25/Aug/06
I've met Leland, he's 5'7, with his boots 5'8. His father Dog did say he was 5'7 on his show, but really he is 5'8-5'9 barefoot, with boots Dog is 5'10-5'11.
john said on 24/Aug/06
Dog Chapman is 5'7 he wares lifts in his boots, yes he did mention that on his show his boots makes him look 5'10
Dagger said on 5/Aug/06
That should read "Tim and Leland"..not "Time and Leland"
Dagger said on 3/Aug/06
Nope, thats not the one. It was his pic and then to the left on the same page had his stats listed out. Height was there as "5-06". I think at the bottom of it was also pics of Time and Leland, must have been from the Mexico arrest a few years back. I searched the web but I couldn't find it again. Guess until I find it there ain't much more to say except that Dog said himself that he's 5'7...
RobertJ said on 31/Jul/06
Click HereThis pic Dagger? I'm not sure about the numbers behind him.
Dagger said on 26/Jul/06
There is a mug shot on the web somewhere, I coudn't find it last I looked, but its different than the usual one standing by the height chart, it had his height listed as 5'6. If I can find it again I'll post the link.
Glenn said on 19/Jul/06
Correct F1.my friend met him.he is 5-7 or 5-8 barefoot.
F1 said on 18/Jul/06
I met Dog in downtown Denver about a month ago. He was between 5'9" and 5'10" with his big boots on. Had shoulders as wide as a truck, though. Tim was also there. He looked about 6'1", if you want to use that for comparison. I would say his footwear was mighty suspicious.
15and5'8.5 said on 11/Jul/06
dang criss angel's only 5'7''-5'8''? well come to think of it he does have some suspicious lookin shoes
Glenn said on 11/Jul/06
Dog and criss angel are both 5-7 or 5-8.I saw my friends pics with them.
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/06
Man... I just saw 2 episodes and was fascinated by the show. Most important thing: I was so wrong! Dog at 5'7''? A few minutes ago I guessed him at between 5'11'' and 6'1'' and Leland at nothing under 5'6''. He's so skinny! MAybe Leland is 5'4'' and 110lbs, Dog 5'7'' 220 or more... man, I was so wrong!
Peter said on 9/Jul/06
You got to c&p that link to see the mug shot. Doesn't it seem like those height numbers are a bit off or something though?...Maybe he's not standing really close to the wall, looks like they might be back a ways from his position. I'd say he's at the 66 or 67 mark though.
Dagger said on 7/Jul/06
Seeing as Leeland Chapman doesn't have his own page here, I thought I would link his mug shot. He's just over 65 inches there, but I'm guessing thats with his bounty hunter boots on, so about 5'5 seems ok.
Click Here
Dru said on 5/Jun/06
I've met Criss Angel several times and he's definitely taller than me (I'm 5'6"). Criss is 6'0".
"Look at that Criss Angel & Dog picture, they're both barely taller than Dog's short fat wife. I'd say they're both 5'7""
Dagger said on 16/May/06
Who said Leland is 5'6?...In one show they picked up a woman who was said on the show to be 4'11, and when she walked past Leland -he was standing in a doorway leading her in the cop shop- he was not 5'6. He may be that tall with the boots, but I don't believe he's that tall without. Maybe 5'4-5'5. I think on one show Dog said something like "Leland's a small boy...but he can punch"...I think he's pretty small.
trueheight said on 10/May/06
Naw, I think justin is like 6'2. i stand by my assertion that Dog is 5'8. I've met Leland and he looked 5'7(about 5'8.5 wearing work boots). If you own a late model suburban like me, its quite easy to judge these guy's heights based on how much they go in and outta their cars and such
k said on 7/May/06
he said in one of the shows he gets custom boots, without them he is 5'7 and with them he is 5'10
Stretch said on 21/Mar/06
I saw him walking through the HNL airport. You have to like a guy with such an ugly/friendly weather-beaten face and female blonde hair extensions hanging off a surprisingly balding head, who can't be over a greatly "lift assisted" 5'9". Without those black boots he couldn't be over 5'7". Does he arrest Munchkins?
Jo said on 19/Mar/06
His son, Leland is 5'6 or 5'6, and he's not much taller than that. His nephew, Justing is 6'0 and TOWERING over him. Beth is 5'6 or 5'7 which is pretty average in itself.
trueheight said on 13/Mar/06
NO way, I'd say a smidge under 5'8, i got to meet leland, his son, who is a strong 5'7(with an enormous wingspan). and Dog can easily look 6ft in his 4in heels
Viper652 said on 9/Feb/06
He looks shorter then 5-7. More like 5-6 at best to me.
trueheight said on 9/Feb/06
btw, exact height: "I'm (only) five-seven" -Dog
not surprising, one of his sons is only 5'6, but very muscular
trueheight said on 9/Feb/06
Rob, Yes not only "say", he more like "declared" as being only 5'7" and even takes us to his shoemaker who makes him special boots. You really need to check out the episode and the whole series, which is probably the best doc-drama ever created; its truly a great show. And Dog is truly a "man" for not making his height a big deal and trying to hide this fact from the audience. He does this so he is more "intimidating" to his victims
dougfm said on 7/Jan/06
Look at that Criss Angel & Dog picture, they're both barely taller than Dog's short fat wife. I'd say they're both 5'7"
J. said on 19/Nov/05
On the show, he specifically said "I'm only 5'7" but WITH THESE boots I'm about 5'10". This is exactly what came out of his mouth on episode of the A&E show. So, 5'7" he is.
MD said on 19/Nov/05
Yes, my mom loves this show, and isn't really interested in height. But I remember her telling me how he revealed that the reason he wears such large boots is because he's relatively short. As a bounty hunter he has to look impossing.