Mariot said on 7/Dec/22
Looks barely over 5'5 to me, maybe 5-5.25 is more like it.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jun/19
Drew had his word 5 foot 6 and a 1/2 with his hair. So 5'5.5" seem legit also how he looks it with Nick.
DJ said on 12/Mar/18
That's about right.. 5'5.5" or 5'6" depends on how tall Nick is.. If Nick is 5'9" or 5'10" yeah I'd say that's right.
John said on 19/Feb/17
Brothers can take after different members of their families, simply because genetics is a very complex code. I've got my own case and I know many more cases of brothers and sisters, parents, etc, who have very different statures.
Marc said on 30/Dec/11
well i had read that fellow 98 dgrees member Jeff is 5ft8 and Drew is not that much shorter than him however other fellow member Justin's height is in betwene Nick's (5ft9) and Jeff (5ft8 supposivly) so maybe Jeff is 5ft7 and a half and will give this guy maybe a weak 5ft6
MD said on 17/Jan/11
How many inches do you see between Drew, and his 5'9" brother Nick Lachey, also listed, here?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
in that photo he looks close to 4 inches shorter
Tony said on 16/Jan/11
He plays indoor soccer at the same place I do. I'm 5'7", my mom is 5'5", and he is shorter than her. 5'5" is probably closer to accurate, but I think even that is generous. But no way he is even as tall as me with his hair...
Bornin1986 said on 12/Feb/09
5"8 claim is ridiculous, maybe in footwear. 5"5.5 to 5"6 barefeet is accurate, and his brother Nick looks a tad under 5"9, about 5"8.75.
Brent said on 6/Jan/09
5'5.5 is dead on accurate
Zoe said on 26/Oct/08
I agree with Josephine. Broadway stars on playbills normally lie about their age, their weight, and their height. You can pretty much say what you wish there is no control over this.
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
He is probably 5'5", 5'6" with the hair.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/08
He is 5 foot 6 inches. I would know this coz if you watched him on the tony danza show he is only a touch smaller (3 inches) and tony is 5'9"
Amoney said on 23/Oct/07
This is true cuz my brother is 6'2 and am 5'11 with my other brother being 5'9...Meanwhile the 6'2 is the youngest out of the 3 followed by my 5'9 the oldest so it happens....i have tall extended family members so i believe thats where he got it from or he just drank a whole lotta milk when he was
Real said on 11/Jul/07
my dad and uncle are 5 inches apart.. it's crazy! 6'1-5'8, and aunt is 5'6
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/07
I didn't see the live show. But I can tell you that he was standing on a box. It blended in with the floor so you didn't notice. I had to take his photo for something else, therefore I still have it if someone needed it and they took it off the web. But he is standing close to her on this blended in box to make him higher.
anonymous said on 10/Feb/07
Drew is short, because he stood very close to Miss USA Tara Conner before she was crowned. She was wearing 2-3 inch heels and they were the same height. He looks 5'5.5 to me.
Anonymous said on 16/Nov/06
Bumped into Nick and Drew awhile back. Nick was only about 5'8" (definitely not 5'9) and Drew was more like 5'5 (maybe even 5'4 but that might be me downgrading him more from shock). He was short, took me a minute to realize it was him. I was in 2" heels that made me about 5'7" and I was at least an inch taller and then you got to account for his shoes, sneakers. Any extra height difference between brothers I would account to the fact that Nick must wear lifts on the red carpet. I think on the Newlyweds show, Drew was only about an inch taller than Jessica but she was in 4" heels.
MD said on 13/Jun/06
And, yet, Nick Cannon remains listed so much taller than he really is despite my many, many pictures. :)

Editor Rob
I've been waiting till that name popped up again, I will finally post the smoking gun picture on his page...
Viper652 said on 12/Jun/06
I saw a picture of Nick Cannon looking an inch taller then Nick Lachey. That pretty much confired for me that Nick is no more then 5-9.
MD said on 10/Jun/06
That, or match up Drew, accordingly. It's pretty nailed down that Nick is a 5'9" guy.
MD said on 9/Jun/06
Rob, do you want to look at this. For comparison, here's Nick, who we have listed at 5'9", currently:
Click HereThat is definitely more than 3", and Nick is even leaning a bit.
[Editor Rob: time to give nick back his 1/2 inch perhaps!]
Neezzzie said on 7/Jun/06
Azarea it doesn't matter what race you are.. I mean me and my brother are both black and he's 6'1 1/2" almost 6'2" and I'm 5'7 1/2" almost 5'8".. but it definatly is possible for brothers to be quite a bit a part.. but then again that's my step brother.. me and my 1/2 brother about 4-5 cm apart.. he's 5'5 1/2" so he's about 166-167 meters... and I'm like I said almost 5'8" so I'm about 171-172.. so i'm between 4-6 cms taller than my older brother
Azarea said on 11/May/06
wow, i didnt think it was tha common for siblings to be far apart in height, Dont get me wrong i have it in my family, but im of mixed race so i thought maybe thats the reason y some of my bros take after one side and other take after the other.
kevin said on 4/May/06
sure they can im 181 cm and my brother is about 10 cm shorter then me. im 20 hes 23.
MD said on 4/May/06
If twins can be born of different genders, and if Little People and regular-sized people can be born of the same parent, why not?
Azarea said on 3/May/06
could brothers really be 7 cm apart?
tgri said on 5/Mar/06
this guy clamed 5'6 , 5'7 (with my hair ) , but people mag list him as 5'8 lol . what a joke.
trueheight said on 23/Feb/06
No, this guy is not 5-6, Have you ever seen dancing w/ the stars? 5-6ers don't look that short
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/06
Stacy Keibler (not even standing up straight) and the very small Drew
You can see 6-3 P in the front of the frame.
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/06
I agree with Jake. I watched that epidsode of Newlyweds too, and he looked like a tiny little kid. I'd be surprised if he's even 5'5".
jake said on 1/Sep/05
No way he is 5'6, on the newlyweds there is many a time when he is not up to nick's eyebrows (top of head to eyebrows is 4-5inches depending on person normally 4) and nick at tallest is 5'10 so id say aroud 5'4 or 5. he msot of the time an inch taller than jessica