Sandy Cowell said on 7/Feb/23
I’m watching Pinhead, the thieving, ransacking Clergyman in Inspector Morse’s ‘Twilight of the Gods’, which has loads of big names, including John Gielgud.
5ft11 peak, though his priestly uniform makes him look shorter. 5ft10 today.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Nov/22
Doug starred in a great many of Clive Barker’s films, and he wasn’t always nasty!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
Silly me! I was talking about Andrew Robinson in the last part of my comment!
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Nov/22
I find Clive Barker’s ‘Hellraiser’ one of the scariest films ever. I saw it at the pictures, and felt that I couldn’t take any more! Well, I saw the next two too…. 😂😂😂
When he cuts himself on the nail, he behaves like a pussy! Little does he know what fate has in store for him.
Peak - 5ft11 and 5ft9.5 now.
Mike voorhees said on 2/Feb/22
Now looks 5-9 range
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/21
I found out this week that the Butterball Cenobite, who was played by Simon Bamford, is only 5ft6 at the very most and was the original leader of frightening bunch. The one I find vaguely amusing is the Chattering Cenobite - what a funny term! 😂
The thought of seeing another actor playing Pinhead prompted Doug to say that it would feel like a kick in the teeth for him. Quite right too, Doug! You made Pinhead who he is and sent chills racing down our spines. The movie was ground-breaking when it came to our cinemas in '87 and I remember thinking that I can't take any more of this terror!
Peak - 5ft11; Now - 5ft10. I nearly went lower for his today's height but then I re-examined the above picture.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jul/21
Doug must be great friends with horror writer, Clive Barker. As well as playing the part of the famous scary demon, Pinhead, Clive has cast Doug in his films 'Nightbreed' and 'Clive Barker's Book of Blood', and I wouldn't be surprised if there were more.
5ft11 peak; 5ft10 today.
MaskDeMasque said on 23/May/21
I get he's leaning Rob but still a 2 inch difference? Seems hard to believe he's anymore than 5'9.5 in above pic.
Eric W Tam said on 19/Dec/20
Rob you should just claim 5'9.5 because of pics like this one.
Sandy A Cowell said on 11/Apr/20
I remember reading an article about a celebration the “Hellraiser” cast attended at the time of the movie’s release and hardly anyone recognised Doug out of his Pinhead outfit and make-up! I didn’t know what he looked like until the second offering, when you get to see him as he was before ‘opening the box’! He doesn’t look as tall either, DEMONstrating 👹 how one’s clothes can add height or take it away.
Sandy A Cowell said on 7/Apr/20
@ Beja74 - Hi Beja74!
I came across your delightful comment the other day, and I was really pleased to read it. It’s a shame I hadn’t found it sooner; now we are in the middle of a real life world wide horror story, and we don’t know where we stand. Being shut in all day is hardly new to me but I know how it’s taking its toll on many others. My brother feels claustrophobic a lot of the time and hates only being able to go out once a day. I’ve heard people have been resorting to the bottle, which only solves things for such a short amount of time, during which time one is liable to do all sorts of stupid things, and basically, not give a to$$ about who we are near etc etc.
Anyway, I have my copy of “Hellraiser” to hand, ready to be watched. I own Hellraisers chapters 1-8, but only really enjoyed the first 4 of them. I saw the first 3 at the cinema.
If someone had told me that Doug was 6ft-6ft2, I’d have believed it from the first couple anyway! His voice is that of a tall man. It took an episode of “Inspector Morse”, wherein he guest starred, to realise that he was only slightly above average - slightly being the operative word nowadays especially. But he’s a cracking actor and the “Hellraiser” films without him are akin to different films altogether.
I wish you, your family and friends as safe and happy a time as is possible under these circumstances.
All the very best!
Sandy XXXX So great to speak with you again! 😀👍
5ft11.25 peak; 5ft9.5 now.
Baja74 said on 12/Sep/19
Hello Sandy. It's been a long time. Hope all is well.
I just watched Wrong Turn 5 the other night. I have to admit that Doug's role in that was purely entertaining. I had to rewind several scenes just to see/hear him do it again. He was looking pretty short compared to his Pinhead days. But Pinhead is usually in the shadows and not standing face-to-face with anyone. Not that anyone would want to get that close. lol. But He clearly had a presence about him that made him look 6 feet or taller. But today a weak 5'9" and a multitude of pounds heavier. I don't think we'll see him as pinhead anymore. I still haven't seen the latest Hellraiser with the new guy playing Pinhead. And I don't think I ever will. It's not the same in my opinion.
Mr. Doug Bradley is the one and only Pinhead!
Anyway, hope you are well Sandy. I enjoy reading your comments throughout the site.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Sep/19
5'9.5" max with Rob
favellah said on 6/Sep/19
looks the same height as you here
Bobby (5'10) said on 26/Sep/18
Not a good picture for this listing. He looks at minimum 5'9.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Sep/18
I saw Doug the other night starring in 'Wrong Turn 5'. He seemed quite out of character, because in his 'Hellraiser' films and the episode of 'Inspector Morse', called 'Twilight of the Gods', he is well-spoken, and when he swears, it sounds somewhat out of character! Not in this though - he played a real rotter who kept the lousiest of company, and I don't say that lightly!
I did definitely notice a drop in Brad's height, but I fervently believe he is made to look taller in the 'Hellraiser' films, because he looks shorter in the 'Inspector Morse' episode, and that was made around 1990. 'Wrong Turn 5', however, was made in 2012, and yes, he looked noticeably shorter. I reckon on 5ft9.75 for today's height and 5ft11 for his peak and that DOES take into account that his 'Hellraiser' character, Pinhead, looked at least 6ft! 😁☝️
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jul/18
Doug doesn't half look tall dressed as Pinhead and as I've probably mentioned before, I thought him to be at least six foot! The Hellraisers that I have just seen are the second and the third ones and I enjoyed the both of them enormously as the storylines were as good as the effects. I thought when the Pinhead version of Doug's war hero character 'absorbed' the decent version of him was reminiscent of a David Cronenburg film as far as the special FX are concerned!
There was a great opportunity to notice that Terry Farrell was slightly taller than Doug when they walked about together, Doug wearing normal clothes and actually appearing to her in spirit form, telling her that she had just stepped back (through her window, the brave girl!) to the year 1921.
Terry was then 182cm in height and Doug will have been his full 5ft11.
His peak - 5ft11 and today's height - 5ft9.5.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jun/18
⭐️ Correction Time! ⭐️
Manelia spelt her name without an 'h' at the end, which I put in my comment to Baja.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jun/18
@ baja74 - Hi, my friend from across the pond!
I hope you are well! I just popped over to Doug Bradley's page to see if I had mentioned the name of the 'Inspector Morse' episode that he'd been in, (for another comment I wish to write), and I came across your comment from last October, the 21st, to be exact. Sorry I have not replied; a great deal has happened since then; I lost my beloved cat Maneliah to a stinking wreckless driver the day before, so I was desperately sad at that time, and numb. She was the second cat I lost in just over four months, as my dear little Peelio was run over and killed on the 11th June. Then my big gorgeous Tom Cat, Cordercy, died suddenly, presumably of natural causes,on the 28th December, and just recently, on 3rd June, a very ill Barleenie lost his life. These events have really shaken me up.
I had my hip replacement surgery on the 19th February, and the pain was unbelievable, but I would go through it all again to bring them back.
On a brighter note, I am seriously into the 'Insidious' horror franchise at the moment. I really rate the actress Lin Shaye, and she has recently been put up on Celebheights and then even added to the 'Horror Actors' page by Rob, at my request! Two days ago, I saw 'Insidious - the Last Key', and it is brilliant! Then yesterday I gave the third 'Insidious' film another watch and really enjoyed it. It is amazing how all these films link up. There are no mistakes made with the facts as you go from movie to movie, and the more in this series that you see, the more sense they make. In the fourth film, you even notice the little boy, Ty Simpkins, loitering about in the dark chasms of the 'further' when Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) ends up there herself! I read via Google that he is now 175cm, in other words, all grown up!
Are you into the 'Insidious' films, Baja? I think they are awesome, and I am sure you do too, and if, which I consider doubtful, you haven't seen them yet, I thoroughly recommend them.
I hope you and your family are keeping well.
Kind regards,
Doug's peak height looks to be a strong 5ft11 and now, I think he has gone down a bit to 5ft9.5!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/May/18
In Wrong Turn 5 he can look 5'9.
baja74 said on 21/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - I can't believe you nodded off while watching Doug playing a cannibal. Hahaha. I will admit it's a rather silly movie. But you must've been dog tired. So, you really got to try that again. And let me know what you think. I did check his upcoming films and doesn't look very good. Nothing to do with Wrong Turn or Hellraiser. I assume he is finished with that stuff.
Thank you for your wishes. I extend good wishes and fortune to you and your family as well. Things across the pond are going well. This time of year is my favorite because of the Halloween atmosphere. And speaking of which, are you aware of the new Halloween movie coming out next October? Carpenter is doing this one and has Jamie Lee Curtis coming back and will be the official part 3 and will follow part 2 after the hospital. But many years later. There was a gag article coming out that said Michael Cera was to play Michael Myers. I posted my displeasure on Cera's page. But it turns out it was a joke and that Carpenter will keep that a secret on who's playing Michael. Not sure if you are a Halloween fan or not. But I am excited about that. Michael needs to be played by a stunt guy of at least 6'0" tall and 200 lbs. Nothing like Tyler who was way too big at 6'8".
Always a pleasure Sandy!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/17
@ Baja74 - Hi! You wouldn't believe it, but I only nodded off in the film the other night! That's no reflection on what I thought of it, mind you! I was extremely knackered last week as I had appointment after appointment, in fact 4 in 3 days. We haven't spoken in a while, so I haven't told you that I am awaiting a hip operation. Until then, it won't be easy to get about, and it is also very painful but I will have to put up and shut up, and do my best to concentrate on the good things in life, like all the exciting films I have in my collection, and Christmas, which isn't far off now!
I have quite a few new horror films to watch, and there are always good films on offer on the 'Horror Channel' that we get here in the UK; in fact it is probably because the standard of films on offer on this particular Channel is so high that I have such a backlog of films to watch from my own collection.
Ironically, I have recently had the urge to watch Doug Bradley in 'Hellraiser' again! Then I think I will be likely to watch parts 2,3 and 4! I am not as fond of the others, parts 5 - 8, but it might be worth seeing them all again. One has Lance Henriksen in it and another has Marc Warren, both well-known actors, especially Henriksen, who is American, like you. He is on my TV right now - in a film called 'Piranha 2: The Spawning' - which, yes, is on the 'Horror Channel', and worth seeing as it's directed by James Cameron!
I hope you are enjoying life in Oklahoma. It's always great to see you back after a while's 'break'. You are one of the very first people I chatted to on this fabulous website, which has been a big and enjoyable part of my life for over a year now! Enjoy the week ahead, Baja. All the very best to you and your family across the pond in America from me and my family in England! 😊👋🙌😁
MSJC said on 13/Oct/17
Possibly a tad under 5'10 i would guess now.
baja74 said on 13/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Always a pleasure. How are things on your end? I'm surprised you remember that Bradley is the main antagonist in Wrong Turn-5. He amused me a great deal in that movie. Just raw and nasty attitude that his character is. In fact, since your brought it up, I will watch it tonight myself on Friday the 13th.
He certainly does look shorter in this film due to his age and weight gain. Not the slim gaunt look that we know for Pinhead. For Pinhead he can look over 6'0". But for Wrong Turn-5 he looks about 5'8".
Since I am all about the horror film actors and old classics, I am mostly posting on those pages.
Enjoy the movie!
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/17
@ Baja74 - Hi! How are you doing? Well, I hope! I remember last year that you mentioned Doug Bradley is in 'Wrong Turn 5'!
Well, it is showing tonight on the 'Horror Channel' for the first time! I am looking forward to it because Doug Bradley is in it, so I'm expecting it to be a cut (!!😨) above the rest!
Take care!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Oct/16
@ beja74 - Hi! I have read your reply and am amused at the thought of there being a Hellraiser 9 without Doug Bradley! Doug Bradley IS Hellraiser! I tell you, I won't be seeking out THIS sequel!
Thank you very much for your reply, by the way!
baja74 said on 28/Oct/16
Sandy - Yeah, I've been a collector and avid fan of these older horror films. I just now got the whole Hellraiser pack. So, I've been watching them. In the 3rd one called Hell on Earth, he must have lifts in his boots. He was standing next to the main female star of the film Terry Farrell and was towering over her. She is listed at 5'11".
Bradley was awesome in Wrong Turn 5. He played a perfect backwoods hillbilly. He wasn't in costume or anything, so you see him for how he is. Definitely put on some weight. He turned down playing Pinhead in Hellraiser 9 due to issues he had with the script. I won't even watch that one if it doesn't have him in it.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/16
@ Beja74 - You've raised some very good points there about his leanness and shrinkage over the years and he does seem to be slightly less overwhelming in Hellraisers 7 and 8, for example. I take it that even demons age then!
You did well to spot Bradley in Wrong Turn 5. I don't think I've seen beyond 4 yet so I will look out for him when I do! Cenobites and cannibals - you know your horror films, don't you, and what a delightful topic to talk about at my breakfast table!
Have a nice day!
Baja74 said on 27/Oct/16
Sandy - I agree that he is a fantastic 'Pinhead'. He did appear taller when in character. But very difficult to guess his height among the other cenobites. So, maybe 5'11" is a bit of a stretch in my opinion.
I just saw him in Wrong Turn 5 where he played one of the main cannibals. He looked rather short in that one. Probably because he isn't as lean as he was in the Hellraiser movies.
So, I will go with 5'10" at his max and now 5'9" - 5'9.5". Especially seeing him next to Rob in this picture.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Oct/16
@James - Too right it's difficult to tell how tall Doug Bradley the Demon is in the Hellraiser films! I don't think he's a very personable demon either and I wouldn't have thought he'd warm too well if someone demeaned him over his height!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Oct/16
Doug couldn't have been less than 5ft11 in the Hellraiser movies, surely? I think he played a fantastic 'Pinhead' and I have also noticed him in at least one other Clive Barker film, not forgetting to mention that he played a man of the cloth in an 'Inspector Morse' episode!
Scott said on 25/Oct/16
Has a slight lean, so maybe 5'10.25'' max, standing straight up.
James said on 17/Oct/16
In the Hellraiser movies, it's hard to guess a height for him. But after seeing him with Rob would suggest a clear 5'9" to me. Even if his posture was better. Maybe 5'10" for a max in his earlier days.
noscoper said on 25/Mar/15
he looks 1.75
might be the position of his neck
Dave said on 20/May/14
What would you guess Ashley is Rob?

Editor Rob
maybe 5ft 4
Dave said on 19/May/14
Thanks Rob beside Andrew Robinson she looks 5-3/4 maximum shes a stunning woman though

Editor Rob
well she definitely was a few inches smaller than myself when I was standing near her before she was going to do a talk (she had basic heels), a shame I never got a standing picture...but I can understand the photographer having to use no flash, it was easier not to have it standing...
Dave said on 17/May/14
Rob how tall would you say Ashley Laurence is, she is listed at 5-6 but she doesnt look that tall

Editor Rob
no, she is smaller, unfortunately one of those where the photographer decided to put her on a seat because she didn't want flash (eye issue I guess).
checkpoint said on 6/Jan/14
In this picture he looks 5'9 max, that's weird.
gian92 said on 20/Dec/13
Rob if he is 5'10 Tyson is more than 5'11.
matheuscore said on 26/Jun/13
In picture he looks 5'8.5-5'9
Elijah said on 2/Feb/13
An inch loss at only 51-52 (age in the picture)? I doubt that. Probably he was just never near 180 in the first place.
I could understand maybe a cm by that age but not 2-3cm...
mr.6ft said on 14/Dec/11
i met him this past year in may 2010 at Texas frightmare weekend. now i am 6 feet on the spot! i have been accurately measured on Stadiometers much like the one you use in your Youtube videos Rob. barefoot of course! now when i met Doug he had on shoes that had about an inch on the heal. i had an inch on my heal as well he was not much shorter then me at all i mean i would say 5'10 1/2 or maybe 5'11 still!! however in those pics he seems not much taller then you guys!! its crazy it must be your shoes or his posture!???
Sean73 said on 12/Dec/11
Careful of what you all say-have you seen his earlier work!He is what he says he is!
ChiasmataX said on 22/Nov/11
A legit 178cm guy has the eye-level half way across the middle forehead of a legit 173cm guy in pictures. Consider his posture I think he's at most 175-176cm up straight not quite a legit 178cm guy.
Martin said on 3/Sep/11
Ffs Rob, you are being way too generous sometimes. This guy is clearly nowhere near 5'10 in this pic if you are not wearing heels that is. Nice logo by the way.

Editor Rob
I seen him a few times since that photo, and do think he's lost an inch of posture in the above photo for sure.
Kian said on 28/Aug/11
thats not right if Rob is 5'8 then hes 5'8.25
Mr. Tempus said on 15/Jun/11
he looks more like 5'9'25 in this pic
Dean said on 26/Nov/10
Im a tad taller at 175 and am slim but a bit broad..look a bit wider than rob yet im only 150-152lbs..I think maybe its because I have literally no fat on my frame..
Gene Frisco said on 12/Feb/09
From this photo he looks no more than 5'9.5(and he really is not leaning all that much just that his head is slightly tilted), mabey people remembering him as pinhead makes him seem taller.
Alex said on 29/Oct/08
Unless Rob has a footwear advantage I wouldn't say he's more than 5'9 1/2 there. He does seem to have looser posture than Rob but still wouldn't look 5'10. In Hellraiser he can pass for being a lot taller though.

Editor Rob
he does have looser posture.
bigjack said on 23/Oct/08
mon the hoops rob
Anonymous said on 30/Sep/08
wtf?they look the same height
Lenad said on 23/Sep/08
Big King he is leaning and still looks at least an inch taller.
Captain Spaulding said on 23/Sep/08
If he stood more straight itd be more like 1.5 inches or 1.75 maybe.
Big King said on 22/Sep/08
Rob, Bradley looks only an inch taller than you.
Captain Spaulding said on 20/Sep/08
Looks 5'9.5" in the pic.
MIA said on 20/Sep/08
Yeah I agree with Alex. He certainly looks only one inch taller than Rob.
Alex said on 23/Oct/07
I was just watching Hellraiser 3 today too and he looked at the least 5'11. He has shrunk down to 5'10ish since Rob said he had very loose posture in the pictue above.
Alex said on 22/May/07
I thought he was at least 6'0-6'1 in Hellraiser. He doesn't look over 5'9 with Rob.
daver said on 20/Feb/07
are you standing on a stool rob? if he's 5'11" then why does he look no more than .25 of an inch taller than you at 5'8"

Editor Rob
no noticeable footwear difference, but I am certain he had a stance with one foot forward and more loose, 5ft 11 peak.
Incidentally after this pic I went round to see the kid from attack of clones and then pulled a very loose posture and dropped an easy 1-1.5 inch from my normal stance. I made him look taller than he was so to speak...
S.J said on 27/Dec/06
he doesnt look much more than the 5,8 man next to him i would say 5,9
Glenn said on 26/Dec/06
I always he assumed he was really tall.walked around here in costume once.on the street! wish I was there.
6'2'' JK said on 26/Dec/06
Rob, His peak musthave been 5'11'' but with you he looks nothing more than 5'9''
Del Mar said on 26/Dec/06
Seems 1.74 with you Rob. He must be slouchin big time!
Glenn said on 29/Nov/06
Welcome back!

Editor Rob
that's a Mase song is it? Good to be back.
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/06
yep glenn, seemed like a great guy too. That seems true of most horror celebrities I meet. Rob probably should upgrade him to 5'11 1/2 though. I think pinhead is a tad above 5'11.
Glenn said on 17/Oct/06
Interesting.makes sense when I think about it.
wcstats said on 15/Oct/06
actually i met him at a convention and he's not as tall as 6'3. he's more like 6 fooot give or take a quarter of an inch maybe. I think he's a bit over 5'11 though.
Glenn said on 5/Mar/06
I thought he was 6-3.