Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Sep/21
Dita has the confidence of a much taller woman, and I'd have believed 5ft9 for this stunning beauty. I read an article about her in Harper's Bazaar magazine, which I bought primarily because Liv Tyler was on the cover. It was way back in October, 2008.
What an outstanding example she is to the shorter woman, who at 5ft3, is officially petite.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Jun/21
Yeah she's nowhere near 5'5. I love her style, one of the stars who look genuinely like they've come out of a time machine from the 50s. You could imagine her in Hollywood in the day with Liz Taylor and Marilyn Monroe. She likes a bad boy I suspect. She hasn't crawled out of the woodwork and complained about Marilyn at least.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Sep/19
🎉💐🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Dita! 🎁🎂💐🎉
Dita Von Teese turns age 47 today and I'm sure everyone would like to join in to wish her a very glamorous and enjoyable Birthday!
Mouse22 said on 12/Jun/17
5'3" at the most but even that seems tall for Dita. Put her next to any random women and she's likely to reach their nose, she always looks short; the glam pictures make her look taller but in photos in groups she's usually small.
Ana said on 8/Jun/17
Dita is a hottie whatever height she has.... i luv u dita!!!
Pp r so ****in jealous n stupid man. Only theyd do is to crtisize
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Dec/16
Dita doesn't look very tall in this picture, does she? I think I am going to choose a height between the one that is written up here and the one she says she is: 5ft3.5 seems reasonable!
I wonder how many people know that she's really a natural blonde. Why is it that we, women in particular it would seem, always want the opposite to what we actually have? If we're fair, we crave luscious dark locks, if we're brunette, we want to hit the bleach!
Small girls crave more height, while tall ones wonder what it's like to be petite!
The one thing we CAN change is, of course, hair colour, as Dita has clearly discovered. She has turned her black hair into her trademark!
We should take a leaf out of the animals' books and be content with how we were made! Some chance!!!
lollipop1995 said on 9/Mar/15
Looks to be around the same height as Cheryl Cole. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago at some fashion show
Click Here
Lara said on 17/Mar/14
She isn't 5'5 or 5'4. Look at pics of her next to Nicole Richie- its pretty obvious she is neither of the heights that she's claimed. I'd estimate her honestly no more than 5'3, or maybe just under, I think Rob has her height right.
L-Vaughan said on 16/Oct/13
Heightgirl, Kelly's got a beehive in that photo which is why she looks taller, if you look at the eye level, Dita's taller
little sue said on 22/Sep/12
Well we can't see footwear but probably both wearing very high heels, she looks about half inch shorter than Kelly so certainly not 5ft 3.
Heightgirl said on 20/Sep/12
Dita was photographed next to admitted 5f2 Kelly Osbourne, who looks the same height as admitted 5f2 Kim Kardashian, and she looks a bit smaller? Maybe it's the shoes? I doubt that she's less than 5f2.
Click Here
Carol Cologne said on 11/May/11
She's actually shorter than 5'3... She is about an inch shorter than her friend transsexual icon Amanda Lepore, who is 5'2 even. I'd estimate that she is 5'1 actually. I've met her several times and she is only 5'5 1/4 in her most extreme heels (5'1 1/4 barefoot plus 5 for heel height??.) She is straight up lieing.
kookierx said on 28/Feb/11
for sure SOLID 5-3 :)
even 5-2.5"/5-2" barefoot would pass too
MD said on 19/May/09
It'd be nice if you included a link to that Tweet.
SSF said on 18/May/09
Per her Twitter:
five foot four and a half, so like anyone would I usually round up-lie- and say five foot five when asked!
maisie said on 20/Jan/09
illsay it again, i have her book, under her height is states
why would shelie in her own book.
maisie, shortie who everyone thinks is under 5 foot..
5 ft 3 said on 6/Jan/09
She is 5 ft 3. I GOT TO MEET HER!!!!!! We were both wearing 2 inch heels and we were the almost the exact same height. She was just 1 cm shorter than me, so she rounded up her height.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
guess im 6-4.
maisie said on 1/Dec/08
shes foot 6! it says in her book
Heightgal said on 11/Nov/08
She's 5f3 because she was the same height when next5 to 5f3 Victoria Beckham. Both were in huge heels with a platform.
Emily said on 3/Oct/08
hi, well the antm models are all like 5'9" - 6'0 or even taller so against them i would say she's about 5'1" - 5'3"
kayla said on 2/Aug/08
are you kiddin me?! i saw her from america's next top model and she was so small, compare to the models though.., and btw she's already wearin high heels. i give 5'1
Josephine said on 12/Jul/08
Normally pin up girls are about 5'4" tall or less. It's hard to emulate 30's or 40's pin up bodies styles when you are 5'7"!
Lizabeth said on 6/Jul/08
She doesnt have myspace page, it is said on her official site, =]
DaynaD. said on 22/Jun/08
On her myspace page under GENERAL it says that she is 5'6. :/
Click HereWho knows!
Slaz said on 31/May/08
She is definitely no more than 5'3
She is known to wear 4 to 5 inch Monsterheels, that's where the wrong claims come from. Many people claim M Manson 4-5 inches taller too, because he also wears huge platformboots all the time ...
DITA FAN said on 25/Mar/08
I am ONLY 5 FT 1 in, and I was wearing a pair of vintage shoes,with high hills not bigger than 2 in,and in the other hand, she was wearing these huge Christian Louboutin shoes,and do you know what was our difference in hight? probably 1 to to 2 inches! I am serious! She is so beautiful,looks like she's made of wax, and her eyes are soooo beautiful.Love u Dita, but you're a shorty just like moi.
Maw said on 5/Mar/08
I met her as well and I would say she is definately UNDER 5'3, possibly 5'0.5- 5'2.5. I am 5'8.5 exactly and I was wearing 3.5 inch heels putting me at 6'0. She was way shorter than me and I had to bend down to get in the frame of a photo with her. I would say in the standard 4-5 inch heel she is 5'6, making her under 5'3. She definately is NOT 5'3 because my friend is 5'3.5 and is definately taller than her and they both wear really high heels.
Charlotte said on 26/Jan/08
Google said she was 5'6", but I'm 5'7", and when I met her she seemed much shorter than me...if only I could remember which shoes I was wearing...
Anonymous said on 24/Jan/08
There is a picture of her on perez hilton where she is at least 2" shorter than Victoria Beckham. Camera is tilted in Dita's favor and their heels are about the same height and Beckham is not standing up as straight.
glenn said on 1/Jan/08
thanks jessica!
Chris said on 31/Dec/07
To convert centimeters to inches, divide by 2.54. 160 / 2.54 = 63 inches or 5'3"
glenn said on 31/Dec/07
perez hilton took it ;-)
Jessica said on 31/Dec/07
Great photo Glenn!!! I don't have any reason to doubt Dita is 5'3, she does look it and almost every article I've read on her puts her at this height, she even says it herself. She tends to wear the highest of high heels though- if you take a look they are at least 4.5 inches!
Rachelle said on 31/Dec/07
Who took this picture, Glenn? It's awesome!! ;)
AshnarLynx said on 31/Dec/07
I thought Manson was 6'3.
glenn said on 27/Dec/07
had big heels of course for those who always ask.
glenn said on 16/Dec/07
got her a month ago.5-3ish,5-4.more on the 5-3ish.a real doll too.
Austrian said on 15/Dec/07
"US erm, 'Celebrity' of some sorts."
har har :)
funny how she gives herself a supposedly german name but cant pronounce it right then

Editor Rob
she bses about being 5ft 6 too...
Elena said on 15/Oct/07
I think this girl is 5.3 no more. Definitely
Eve said on 6/Oct/07
No way a 5'3. Anyone who says that is just envious of her. She is 5'6 at least
Franco said on 29/Aug/07
in big heels for sure with Marilyn manson.
Click Here
Franco said on 29/Aug/07
hmmmmmmmmm....... i watched a few videos and pix...
at first i thought 163cm would be her height ,but on one scene standing straight
and with heels didnt look tall at all, looked 169cm at most.
Dita is definetely 160cm no doubt.
Erin Vixen Laiho said on 23/Jun/07
5"3 end of story.
Mike said on 29/May/07
I'm just saying that she is definitely shorter than her claimed 5'7 on her site.
Mike said on 27/May/07
I always thought her legs were a bit too short for a legit 5'7'', but she looks a bit taller than actress Scarlett Johansson, who is around 5'3. I'd say Dita is 5'4 -ish, 5'5 tops.
Krisztina said on 10/Mar/07
That's strange cause in her book "The art of Glamour and the art of fetish", she claims to be 168cm (sorry I'm European, I can't convert that in inches...:S)
But I'd personnally say 160 cm, as said here, cause when sh'es next to Manson, with high heels, she barely reaches to his shoulder... Anyway this chap is a giant like 185 cm, plus 10 cm of enromous new rocks or stunning boots. They were a great couple.
D. Ray Morton said on 6/Mar/07
Recently met her. She was with Manson. Not especially friendly or unfriendly. Just kind of..."not there." I would say 5'2" barefoot, but hard to tell.
Alexa said on 16/Dec/06
Click Here
and the video, oops.
Alexa said on 16/Dec/06
Dita looks ridiculously small in this video of ANTM, but when I was at a party with her, we were around the same size. She may have been a tad shorter since I am 5'3.5, but am very petite(28-22-34-i have large hips). And someone sayiing Dita is 5'7, uhhhh, that's with high heels. She's a pint sized woman.
Sarah said on 14/Dec/06
There is a picture of her standing with other actresses and celebs including eve who is only 5"7 but who looks 5"10+ compared to dita so theres no way dita is more than 5"3.
naomi said on 20/Nov/06
she's is like 5'3 i saw her on AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL..
and she lloookkked ssssssssssssoooooooo
Becky Shuman said on 11/Nov/06
i didnt she was that small! But, ive always though she was my height or taller! thats because she wears very big heels!5'3" is correct id say
Lena said on 3/Oct/06
She was standing next to Lisa-Marie Presley( and Presley is 1.55cm) and was almost unnoticeably higher then Lisa.Dita is tiny and I like her, she`s is like a sweaty doll, so 5.3 is her height
razer said on 18/Sep/06
your wrong about dita von teese. she is 5ft 7''.
Clyde said on 4/Jun/06
I knew she was petite! Numerous websites list her as 5'6", which is ludicrous because I remember seeing a photo of her standing head-to-head with a 5'3.5" Fergie. 5'3" sounds about right for Dita's height.
D. Ray Morton said on 3/Jun/06
She's a celebrity mostly because of the company she keeps. Model/Burlesque Dancer would be her job description.