Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/May/23
DDP claimed recently he's still 6ft4.
I think compared to most of his peers, he's held reasonably steady
Slamo said on 1/May/23
I take back my original guess. Met him on Saturday in Manchester. I’d say he’s 6-3.5 min still. Yoga could be helping him hold height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Mar/23
berta, DDP could be a guy who regained a little height through the yoga...and an example for other wrestlers who want to repair any damage done
Slamo said on 21/Feb/23
Crazy how he’s 1” taller looking than hogan today. 6-3 now. 6-3.75 peak.
Sup said on 28/Jan/23
Rob ddp seems a good inch shorter than Victor webster even in footwear advantage
Click Here
I never try to argue over 6ft3 flat for him today

Editor Rob
Tricky to tell as tiling might have slight slope. I believe that footwear DDP is wearing is thin.
berta said on 16/Jan/23
i think he still is over 6´3. beside that photo with 193 cm victor webster he looks little shorter. Diamond is in thoose new kind of workoutshoes that give couple mm in height ( made to feel like your barefoot and cliamed to be healty) Victor stadning on the mat that gives him half a cm. So basically both have the same groundlevel. Victor look 1,5 cm taller. He claims 196 if i remmeber right? Atleast 193 in reality could be 193,5. that makes dallas at worst 191,5 or 192. Thats what i think he measure today if he really stand tall. Peak legit 6´4 Only half inch loss at soon 70. At his age people always look shorter than they measure. You think somwhone have lost 2-3 cm and then measure them and see its only 1 cm in reality. Just my guess.
Jay said on 12/Dec/22
@James B 172cm, cause he mostly fought Taker and Kane.
Darksol64 said on 2/Dec/22
Just going from the video of DDP standing with BBB the 7 footer from YT, it's obvious DDP is still a strong 6'3 today, possibly still capable of measuring a solid 6'3.5 later in the day. He definitely looks it there and with Rob.
I'm going to do something I rarely do and guess a little higher than Rob's listing, 6'3.5 from me.
Full 6'4 peak, no doubt.
James B 172cm said on 2/Dec/22
He seemed shorter in his wwe run compared to how tall he looked in wcw
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Nov/22
No, looked every bit of 6ft4 in WCW
Deswanto said on 11/Sep/22
and anyways, personally i can't believe everything the data that Mexican Mentor gave,he had andre 13 cm taller than he's supposed to be, if it's only 1-4 cm it's not a big deal at all, but this is straight up cap, especially due to the fact that andre is at least 1 inch shorter than wilt chamberlain in photos, most likely more than that, he also had prime Billy Gunn at 6'2 flat, i can't see a 6'2 guy would put 5'8++ guy like Rob in their mouth level, that would put him instantly at strong 6'3 range with some push, so his data maybe more accurate than the commercial billing for the sake of entertainment,but doesn't mean it can be treated like a scripture as well
Deswanto said on 11/Sep/22
viper said on 8/May/19
"I was just talking about being the TALLEST 6'4'' guy alive yesterday."
At least Dwayne Johnson and Shawne Merriman have never said anything like this, lol
yeah but they would end up being goofier than DDP because they would be lucky to be measured close to the 6'3 today and the rock was max 6'3
viper said on 8/May/19
The Mexican mentors wrestling list had DDP at 188cm I believe
hard to believe it as his prime height, imo he was a very strong 6'3, idk about the full 6'4, that's arguable, but now i can agree with other commenter, he's on 6'2-3 range but no more, in the chart, the top of his head was not quite in the middle between 6'2 and 6'4
Jordan87 said on 16/Aug/22
I mean with ROb he looks 6'2.5", they both are leaning , Rob more so. I don't see him as over 6'3 with Rob.
Annonymous said on 13/Aug/22
Three wrestlers who should have pages are Wardlow, Buff Bagwell, and Ken Shamrock. Would be interesting to dig into the true size of each of them, my guess is Wardlow is 6'2 270 lbs, Ken Shamrock in the WWf was 5'10.5 245 lbs, and Buff was 5'9.75 235 lbs.
Joec-192.5cm said on 8/Aug/22
@Rob how many inches do you think are between DDP and this YouTuber who claims 7'1
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could look near his mouth, but the big fella was leaning in a bit (or looking down)
berta said on 31/Jul/22
prime not a mm under 6´4 i could see a case for 1/8 over it actually. 192,5 average guess is to low. i tihnk he still can look 192cm. only 1 cm loss and son 70 years.
Linke said on 6/Jul/22
Rob, you may want to add Wardlow to this site. He claimed 6'3" recently, if DDP is 6'3 today, I recon Wardlow will be between 6'2-6'3. He also talks about how he had a massive spurt during his high school.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/22
Decent 6ft4 in his prime
62B said on 25/May/22
I will say that a young DDP looks a solid inch or more taller than Lex Luger who I have seen up close and can say was in the 6’2.5” range.
62B said on 23/May/22
I had an interesting conversation today with my coworker about DDP. Apparently, my coworker recently had an opportunity to talk with DDP for a little bit. I asked my coworker how tall he thought DDP was, and he said about my height, but maybe just a little shorter. I am a lanky 6'2 1/4" that gets mistaken for 6'3 or even 6'4. At my peak I was just over 6'3". Granted I wasn't there in person for my coworker to compare directly, but if he is right, then I can't see how today DDP stands much over 6'2" if any. At least barefoot.
Bob Nunya said on 28/Feb/22
The reason Michael Wardlow looks so tall is because he wrestles for AEW, and most AEW wrestlers are shorter than 6'. Bryan Danielson, who is one of the best wrestlers in the world, is a billed 5'7", and compared to these little guys Wardlow looks like a giant. If he were in the WWE, he would look average sized or even a little bit small, because Vince loves hosses.
Jaden Volchoff said on 24/Jan/22
I met thought he was 6’3 thought I was about two inches taller. Met hulk hogan a couple months later and we were about the same height
Jordan87 said on 25/Aug/21
That's about Right, he isn't over 6'3 now.
Hotspots said on 22/Jun/21
I’d say just under 6-4 peak and now 6-3 here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/21
No way is he below 6ft3
Annonymous said on 15/Sep/20
He looks 6'2ish in a picture standing beside Kevin Nash but footwear is unknown and that's just one picture. Other times Wardlow looks 6'3''. But his weight and strength is the impressive part, kinda like a young Batista or Lesnar.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Sep/20
Yeah, his 267 listing seems legit as well. I still don't get why AEW only bills him at 6'2" though. He could be built up to be AEW's Lesnar, if they book him right. He has pretty much all the tools to be a huge success.
Annonymous said on 9/Sep/20
Wardlow is mighty impressive Christian. 6'3 and 270 lbs I would guess.
Kan said on 28/Aug/20
Rob are you sure ddp is over 6ft3 today ?
Next to 6ft4 victor webster barefoot he does not looks as tall as him
Click Here
And probably still a good half inch shorter

Editor Rob
6ft 3 today is what he may measure.
Ethan99 said on 18/Aug/20
I would give 6'2.75-6'3 for DDP now. For Wardlow's case, I would list him in the neighbourhood of 6'3-6'3.25
Canson said on 5/Jul/20
Wouldn’t surprise me if the following were true:
Out of bed 194-194.5 Or just 194
Afternoon 192-193 or just 192 6’3.5/.75
Out of bed 192-193
Afternoon 190/191 (6’3)
SeanR said on 1/Jul/20
DDP looked very close to 6’4.5” Hulk Hogan during the mid to late nineties.
DDP was very close to 6’4” at this time maybe a fraction below: 6’3 3/4” or 6’3 7/8”
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/20
Oh, look! Diamond is very happy to meet our Rob and then I read in the first comment that Djg89 has met him too!
Being so personable, I can't see him being the sort of fellow who'd try to sneak in an crafty inch, and why should he? He's got a great height, a successful career as a wrestler to his credit and he's a superstar! Even I'd heard of him, and I don't really watch much wrestling....
Peak height - A definite 6ft4
Today - 6ft3.25
Djg89 said on 5/May/20
Near to 6ft 4 definitely. I was just below eye height when I met him at
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Apr/20
I feel that DDP would have the slight edge on Hogan, but then again, Hogan's posture is worse, so I'm not too sure.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/20
Peak: 6ft4⅑
Current: 6ft3⅜
Canson said on 20/Mar/20
@Christian: that’s the exact range I have for Hulk Hogan is 6’3.25 max and 6’2.75 worst case. I would really put him right at 6’3 so maybe DDP could be the same
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Mar/20
6'3" today is reasonable IMO too. Best case is what he's listed at, and worst case at 6'2.75"
Canson said on 16/Mar/20
I would give him the full 6’3 today but nothing higher. He’s similar in height with Hogan imho
@Sotiris: In the pic with Webster and DDP, the two are wearing different style flip flops. As for Boris, he does look around 6’3.5” there
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 13/Mar/20
I get that he's relatively unknown, but have you considered adding Wardlow? AEW bills him at only 6'2", but he looks taller than that, next to guys like DDP and Cody Rhodes. He was gussed at 6'3"-6'4" on commentary when he faced Cody, which isn't unbelievable. Maybe not 6'4", but 6'3"-ish is likely.

Editor Rob
I can say that he does claim 6ft 3, which isn't too hard to imagine.
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Feb/20
Aleks Paunovic w/ Dan Payne...
Click Here
Payne w/ 6'4" Jared Padalecki...
Click Here
Paunovic w/ Victor Webster...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Webster w/ 6'5.5" Rick Fox...
Click Here
Funny how Google has Payne at 6'4" and Webster at 6'3".
Go back and look at Webster vs. DDP.
James B 172c, said on 21/Feb/20
He looked very tall indeed back in his wcw days. Seemed a bit shorter in his wwe run back in the the early 2000s.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Feb/20
Sub-6ft3 is a joke
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Feb/20
Boris Kodjoe (who everyone thinks is max 6'3.5") w/ listed 6'2" Cameron Mathison (2019):
Click Here ,
Click Here
Victor Webster w/ Mathison (2020)...
Click Here
Webster w/ DDP...
Click Here
Kodjoe looks taller than Webster.
Jeffery Holcomb said on 8/Feb/20
He's 6"02. He cane to Iraq in 2006 to visit the troops at the Base Camp Victory MWR, I got a pic with him. I was wearing tennis shoes and so was he. He was the same height ad me; he's under 6"03 because Im 6"02.5 with my shoes on and we are the same height; period
Mikey97 said on 11/Jan/20
In my opinion I would say he was never 6'4" but around 6'3.5" peak and 6'3" flat now.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/19
I've seen DDP looking slightly shorter than 6'2" listed Wardlow on AEW. Wardlow could very well be one of those very rare guys who's underlisted. He looks a bit too tall to be just 6'2".
Xpac99 said on 6/Dec/19
I doubt jake Roberts is only 1 inch taller than ddp today. I remember Roberts is about 6ft4 today.
Click Here
But i doubt he is only an inch taller than ddp today
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
And jake is in bad posture in every pic
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 30/Nov/19
Worst case today 6'2.75", but not 6'2" flat.

Editor Rob
Unless he's shrank another 2cm in 5 years I doubt he's sub 6ft 2.75
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 28/Nov/19
6'2" for him is very hard to believe, although in the very upper 6'2" bracket like 6'2.75" is believable today.
Roderick said on 27/Nov/19
@viper I guess that seals the deal then.... 6'2" for DDP.
I have been fooled by DDP and his footwear.
A poster here said he met Rollins and said he was maximum 5'11.5" and 6'1" in his boots.
A poster from 2007 said that she met Kane and he was no taller than 6'6".
viper said on 22/Nov/19
The 1996 mentors list had him at 6-2 I believe.
What are the chances he was never 6-4
Jeff Holcomb said on 21/Nov/19
DDP is 6"02, I have a pic with him. I met him in Iraq in 2006; he was wearing tennis shoes with thick soles and I was wearing flat boxing boots in the MWR at Camp Victory. We were the same height and I have a photo to prove it.
Josue said on 11/Nov/19
Looks 6'2.5" next to Jericho.
Click Here
Xpac99 said on 4/Nov/19
Victor webster that you listed at 6ft4 is 1 inches taller than ddp
Click Here
And ddp is in shoes while victor is barefoot
Click Here
Ddp today is not over 6ft3, maybe even 6ft2 1/2
Roderick said on 27/Oct/19
Tbh I don't think DDP wears lifts. His shoes don't look weird or anything, typically look like normal running shoes. I'd say 6'3" flat minimum
Dream said on 24/Sep/19
Rob, should Trevor Moore get a downgrade? He didn't look much taller than this guy, and Nick Thune looked taller than Trevor Moore.
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Sep/19
Here's an interesting pic of Sheamus w/ DDP...
Click Here Sheamus is max 6'2", so that's either thanks to footwear, tippytoes, or a combination of both.
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Sep/19
I don't doubt he looked the height Rob pegged him at when meeting him, but I'm of the belief it was thanks to footwear. Rob had Bret Hart at 6'0", and just downgraded him to 5'11", thanks in part to pics I provided. The thing is, Hart is max 5'10".
Rob is great at guessing height, but there's no way of guessing accurately when guys fool us w/ footwear. Maybe I'm wrong and DDP is closer to 6'2.5"...
Sheamus is a max 6'2" guy that used to fool ppl into thinking he was closer to 6'4". On that, I think we're in total agreement...
Titus looked max 6'2.5" next to 6'3.5" (listed 6'4) Jameis Winston... Roman Reigns looked max 6'1.5" next to Titus... DDP/Reigns
Click Here
Here he is looking nice and tall (thanks to footwear) w/ Joe Manganiello (2015):
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Sep/19
Sorry but 6'2" for DDP is too hard to swallow. Rob wouldn't have listed him at 6'3.25" if he was as low as 6'2". Rob's too good of a height guesser to mistake a 6'2" guy for 6'3.25", being that he personally met him.
viper said on 18/Sep/19
Winston measured 6-3.6
He's 6-3 1/2 at most
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Sep/19
Titus doesn't look that low next to Vernon. Vernon edges him out but not by much.
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Sep/19
I genuinely believe the pics I've submitted prove he's max 6'2", and I seriously doubt he was ever really 6'4" w/o enhanced footwear. This was DDP next to Joeyb33, which was 100% thanks to footwear...
Click Here
Joey w/ max 6'2" Hogan...
Click Here
Is Jameis Winston really only 6'3.5"? Could it be that he's actually 6'4"? If Winston is only 6'3.5", then all of these wrestlers are even shorter than we think...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
I get that he can look max 6'2" next to 6'0" Cody, but DDP at 6'2" is way too low. I can see 6'3" today worst case though.
viper said on 12/Sep/19
Titus might be just 6-2.
He looks barely 6-2 with 6-3.5 measured Winston and 6-2 with 6-3 Vernon Davis
viper said on 12/Sep/19
The Mexican mentors list had him at
Roderick said on 12/Sep/19
Is Austin standing on a box or is he tippy toeing in that shot? Austin looks 6'2" there..
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Sep/19
Sotiris gravas@
Wow, he is barely 6'2 with Austin
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Sep/19
W/ 6'1.5" height-loss Mick Foley...
Click Here
DDP is a 6'2" guy.
P.S. W/ Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre...
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
Lowering him to 6'3.25" was a good move. He looks 6'3" and change next to Rob anyways.
Sotiris Gravas said on 12/Sep/19
Here's poster Joeyb33 (claims 6'2.25") w/ Cody Rhodes...
Click Here Joey said they were both in boots and that Cody looked under 6'0" (not Rob's listing of 6'0.75).
DDP w/ Cody...
Click Here
Does DDP look taller than Joey? Obviously not.
Cody w/ Jack Ryder...
Click Here
Ryder w/ maybe 6'2.75" (measured 6'3.25" morning) Dean Muhtadi, aka Mojo Rawley...
Click Here
DDP gets 6'2" from me. If he ever looks taller, it's thanks to footwear.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Sep/19
Rob, really closer to 6ft3 now?

Editor Rob
I believe he is heading nearer that today.
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19
6'3" Titus w/ listed 6'4" Jameis Winston...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Titus (sneakers) W/ DDP in foot glove shoes...
Click Here ,
Click Here ,
Click Here
Titus (dress shoes) w/ DDP (sneaks)...
Click Here
Just a reminder, here he was w/ listed 6'5" (maybe 6'4.5") Cam Newton:
Click Here
DDP is now 6'2".
@Editor Rob How much height were you dropping in that 2012 pic? No way are you standing straight there.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 9/Sep/19
Click Here..
I don't think he is close to 6'4"
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
I think this listing is safe. He never looked less than 6'4" in the 80s/90s and nowadays looks a little over 6'3". Great work Rob 👍
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jul/19
@Sotiris Gravas Enes Kanter is probably 6'9 a low not over.
Sotiris Gravas said on 13/Jul/19
DDP w/ 6'9.25" Enes Kanter (2019)...
Click Here
Kanter and 6'4.25" Kaepernick (2019)...
Click Here
Again, DDP w/ Big Cass (2019)...
Click Here
Roderick said on 6/Jul/19
I can buy 6'4" for his peak height
Alex 6'3.25 said on 6/Jul/19
He never was a legit 6'4, probably he's a solid or strong 6'3.
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Jun/19
DDP and Marc Mero (both Barefoot)...
Click Here
Mero and 5'8" Mean Gene...
Click Here
Recent video footage of DDP and Big Cass...
Click Here
Beeje said on 23/Jun/19
I'm 6'1.5" and I've stood face to face with the man in Dallas back in the 90's. He was towering over me, so I'd say yes he was 6'4"in his prime.I don't look upward to alot of people, but I did him.
Ironman092289 said on 14/May/19
Even 6'3.25" for today Rob is a little too much. He was never 6'4", you're slouching in the pic and even then DDP doesn't hit 6'4" on the mugshot line. He's 6'2" tops to me, peak and now. Maybe I'm wrong and he was 6'2.5", but no more than that Imo
viper said on 8/May/19
"I was just talking about being the TALLEST 6'4'' guy alive yesterday."
At least Dwayne Johnson and Shawne Merriman have never said anything like this, lol
viper said on 8/May/19
The Mexican mentors wrestling list had DDP at 188cm I believe
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/May/19
An addendum to my previous post:
Here's Mario Lopez w/ maybe 5'8.25" Robert Duvall...
Click Here
Footwear for Lopez and Victor Webster...
Click Here
Webster is not 6'4' and neither is DDP.
Here's DDP and maybe 6'4.75" Charles Barkley in their prime...
Click Here
DDP and 5'10.5" peak height Jay Leno...
Click Here
DDP and Garth Brooks (never 6'0")...
Click Here
Garth Brooks and Leno looked close in height from these pics, visible footwear, no cowboy boots...
Click Here , (2013)
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/May/19
Here's Victor Webster w/ maybe 6'2.5" (not 6'3") Tahmoh Penikett...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Webster w/ max 6'1" Roger Cross...
Click Here
Webster w/ 6'4.5" Aleks Paunovic and 6'3.5" Ed Quinn...
Click Here
Aleks Paunovic and 6'5" Dan Payne, footwear visible...
Click Here Payne is only listed as 6'4" online.
Dan Payne and 6'4" Jared Padalecki...
Click Here
Paunovic and Padalecki...
Click Here
WHICH BRINGS US TO DDP AND VICTOR WEBSTER... Webster is not 6'4", maybe 6'3.25".
Here's DDP and Webber, footwear (or lack thereof) visible...
Click Here , (barefoot)
Click Here
DDP w/ max 6'4" Drew McIntyre...
Click Here
McIntyre barefoot here w/ DDP...
Click Here ,
Click Here
Here's DDP looking taller than Drew thanks to lifts...
Click Here
One more for good luck: Victor Webster and 5'8" Mario Lopez...
Click Here Funny how he looks shorter here than he did w/ Editor Rob...

Editor Rob
Webster in person looks near 6ft 4, but maybe some would guess him shorter as he has a sizeable head.
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/May/19
I forgot to include this pic of our max 6'2" lift-wearing friend, DDP. Here he is next to Robert Maillet (aka Kurrgan) in 2013...
Click Here
Robert Maillet and 5'8.25" Mamun...
Click Here
Kevin Nash and Mamun...
Click Here
Nash and Maillet...
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/May/19
@Ironman He is 100% a lift-wearer, just like you said. And he's not the only one. A perfect corollary to wrestling being fake.
Here's DDP w/ a young 6'3" Sebastian Bach...
Click Here
DDP and Adam Carolla (claims 6'2", but isn't)...
Click Here
Carolla and Sebastian Bach now...
Click Here
Carolla and 6'4.5" Pete Holmes...
Click Here
Carolla and 6'5.5" Brian Posehn...
Click Here
Look at DDP w/ now max 6'1.5"
Mark Henry...
Click Here
DDP and 6'2" Mick Foley...
Click Here
W/ max 6'2" Roman Reigns...
Click Here
W/ 6'3" Titus...
Click Here
W/ 6'4.75" Cam Newton...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'4.75" JBL (and 6'1" Ron Simmons)...
Click Here
Here's DDP looking taller w/ maybe 5'11.5" Christian (2018)...
Click Here
W/ maybe 6'0.5" Stephen Amell...
Click Here
6'4.5" Echo Kellum and Amell...
Click Here
Here's DDP in lifts next to Kevin Nash...
Click Here ,
Click Here
W/ max 6'9" Big Show...
Click Here
W/ 6'9.25" Enes Kanter...
Click Here
W/ max 6'6" Deontay Wilder...
Click Here
Long live the Avengers!
Ironman092289 said on 4/May/19
6'2 barefoot. He is obviously a lift wearer and a tippy-toer. Even just visibly looks shorter than other 6'3" and 6'4" range guys.
Nik Ashton said on 26/Feb/19
He looks mighty tall!
Matthew james hill said on 26/Feb/19
Hes taken down the instergram photo of him with drew McIntyre and jinder mahal but it did show that drew was 3 inches taller ddp and jinder were lifts there no more than 6ft2 to 6ft2.5 flat were drew is a legit 6ft4.5
Matthew james hill said on 25/Feb/19
On ddps Instagram theres a picture with ddp drew McIntyre and jinder mahal were drew looks about 3inches taller than so maybe ddp is 6ft2 and weres lifts in public to look 6ft4 or drew is standing on higher ground area in the house
Jordan87 said on 21/Jan/19
@ Peter 180cm,
" He certainly doesn't look a legit 6'4 with Rob"
B/c he is not 6'4". 6'3.25 would be closer to reality.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Jan/19
191cm is possible but no less. My guess is 6'3.5"
Peter 180cm said on 12/Jan/19
He certainly doesn't look a legit 6'4 with Rob,more like he means a legit 6'3 and change.191cm for me.
rawdshaq said on 11/Jan/19
I think he is 6' 3"
James Brett said on 3/Jan/19
Rob was he 6ft3.5 or 6ft4 peak?
Canson said on 28/Dec/18
@Christian: I don’t think a legit 6’4 but 6’3.5 like you said
Canson said on 28/Dec/18
@Christian: I don’t think a legit 6’4 but 6’3.5
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 27/Dec/18
I'm certain Rob wouldn't mistake a 6'3" guy for 6'4". He's a great height guesser. I'll give the possibility of him being 6'3.5" but not 6'3".

Editor Rob
6ft 3.5 is a possibility, but 6ft 3 flat I am not convinced on that one...well, at least back when I saw him.
Jordan87 said on 26/Dec/18
@ Christian,
As for Rob's Pic 6'2.5" is my Bad, but doesnt he not pass 6'3"? He could be leaning back a little with Rob than Maybe I could see the 6'3.25".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/18
He obviously looks taller than just 6'2.5" in both pics. He's standing further away from the camera than Joey yet he's still taller. Even in the pic with Rob, he looks at the very worst 6'3.25"
Jordan87 said on 17/Dec/18
@ Joeyb33,
He looks 6'2.5" with you, same as he does with Rob. Not sure why he is listed at 6'4" on here, he doesn't look it.,
Joeyb33 said on 12/Nov/18
Hello Rob!
Correct I saw him slightly shorter than Randy Orton and about 6 foot 3.5. He has impeccable posture, probably all the yoga!

Editor Rob
I think his Yoga has probably helped him lose less than some other wrestlers.
Joeyb33 said on 11/Nov/18
Click Here
I’m 6 foot 2.25 in the black t shirt

Editor Rob
How much taller can be a bit tricky, I'm sure you saw him as taller than yourself, but 6ft 3.5 today?
Ali said on 12/Sep/18
Click Here
Just wondering if we're going with DDP as 6'4 listed, how tall does that make NXT's Undisputed Era Kyle O Reilly and Bobby Fish? Both are listed 5'10 to 5'11 but look more weak 5'10 or even weak 5'9. What would you say Rob? Anyone?

Editor Rob
Those might be 1/2 to 1 inch too high a listing.
Bobby said on 9/Aug/18
I can't see 6'4 for this guy, his head doesn't even touch 6'4 on the scale.
James B 171.5cm said on 2/Jul/18
him and kevin nash in 1998
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 22/May/18
Most likely Randy. If peak maybe DDP.
Kane said on 18/May/18
Who is taller ddp or randy ?
Nik said on 11/May/18
😁😡🤕. Error report! 🤕😡😁
I meant 6'3.5"!
Nik said on 10/May/18
He does look 5'3.5" however maybe the average vote is correct!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/May/18
His eye level's not straight. His right eye's at 5'10" but his left one's at about 5'10.75". And he only touches 6'3" because he leaning down. I think he's about 6'3.5" in the pic.
Jason 6'4 said on 7/May/18
It's weird, he looks taller than 6'3 in the pic based on his eye level, but his head only touches 6'3. Same thing with Billy Gunn.
y2flu said on 1/May/18
I'm 6'3" and he was bigger than me when we met. His height is legit.
Samir Yusuf said on 23/Apr/18
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Apr/18
Tallest 6'4 was a joke. There are a few legit 6'4 guys taller than DDP in this site.
I don't know what you say here. He looks 6 inch taller than 5'8" Ross in the picture above.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Apr/18
Tallest 6'4 was a joke. There are a few legit 6'4 guys taller than DDP in this site.
Samir Yusuf said on 5/Mar/18
I was next to DDP in 1997 in my Dingo boots, with almost 2 inch heel. I would have thought he was 6'3⅛ but we're outsider on uneven ground so 6'3⅜ is possible.
JJStyles said on 10/Feb/18
i thought diamond was 6'2 he never looked 6'5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/17
berta, guys like him could make it 70 odd with minimal loss. I think he could still measure close to 6ft4 now. A fraction over it in his 30's is arguable.
berta said on 1/Dec/17
he do alot of yoga i think he is one wrestler thata will lose height late in life. at most 1 cm by now
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 30/Nov/17
Strong 6'3" today
EM said on 27/Nov/17
I think it'd be more than fair to give him 6'4" peak 6'3.5" current. I could even believe 6'3.25" current.
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
Deserves peak and current. No way 6’4” with Rob. 6’3”-6’3.25
Bard said on 3/Nov/17
He probably shrank a little by now. If that 6'4 claim was when he was younger it's probably pretty accurate.
Ricky said on 1/Nov/17
His peak was 6'4" and present is about 6'3.25".
Junior said on 14/Oct/17
Karl Malone must be about 6'7.75" range compare to a peak DDP.
Click Here:
Ebis said on 24/Sep/17
He looked more like a 6 ft 5 guy next to kane
Junior said on 23/Aug/17
I believe solid 6'4 peak, DDP had lost some height now.
176cm guy said on 21/Jul/17
Click Here DDP describes himself as "6 foot 5, 252 pounds."
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 9/Jul/17
SJH is right, he's not anything above 6'3.5" here with Rob. He's not 192-193cm Rampage, at least not nowadays.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/17
Peak: 193-194cm
Today: 192-193cm
I think he'd still measure near 6ft4
S.J.H said on 29/Jun/17
Diamond Dallas Page had the camera advantage on rob. He look to clear 6'3 but maybe 6'3.5 nowadays
World Citizen said on 14/Jun/17
@Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8)
Thank you for your response.
Slim said on 12/Jun/17
how the hell does he not look 6'4 with Rob????
Canson said on 4/Jun/17
Christian said it best he's not 6'4 with Rob but peak I'd buy a full 193 maybe 192.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 25/May/17
@World Citizen
His peak height was 6'4", but he shrunk by the time he met Rob.
World Citizen said on 24/May/17
You listing him as 6 ft 4 but looking on the height chart he looks under that mark, how is it possible?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/May/17
Rob, how likely is 6ft3 flat for DDP?

Editor Rob
I think he still would measure over it, but 6ft 3.25-.5 today is very possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/May/17
194cm peak, Rob?
FLU said on 12/May/17
I met DDP before and he was every bit of 6'4" -- I'd actually say closer to 6'5". He doesn't exaggerate his height like 99% of wrestlers do.
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 24/Apr/17
Peak 6'4"
Today 6'3.25"
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 22/Apr/17
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/17
I think he might still be 6ft4. All that yoga has kept him in sick shape. Jake Roberts with all the crap he's put his body through still looks about the same height now as he did 30 years ago give or take a fraction. Probably the yoga aswell...same with Scott
Doesn't look 6ft4 here with Rob though.
James B said on 22/Apr/17
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/17
How so James?
I think what he's done for Jake Roberts and Scott Hall is saint-like if you ask me....he does come off as a bit over the top at times though but "douche" is extreme
He just seems like the sort of guy who looks down his nose at other short men.
miko said on 22/Apr/17
Rob do you think he's likely dropped 1cm with age? He did look a very solid 6'4 in his prime though.

Editor Rob
6ft 3.5 may well be what he is.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/17
I think he might still be 6ft4. All that yoga has kept him in sick shape. Jake Roberts with all the crap he's put his body through still looks about the same height now as he did 30 years ago give or take a fraction. Probably the yoga aswell...same with Scott
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 21/Apr/17
Looks 6ft3-6ft3.25 with Rob here.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/17
How so James?
I think what he's done for Jake Roberts and Scott Hall is saint-like if you ask me....he does come off as a bit over the top at times though but "douche" is extreme
James B said on 19/Apr/17
still not far off 6ft4 and he seems like a bit of douche.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/17
Peak: 194cm
Today: 193cm
berta said on 12/Feb/17
i dont think he have lost any height at all. he is doing yoga everyday.this guy will probably not loose height intill the age of 65
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jan/17
He was billed 6ft4 and 6ft5. May have been between them in his youth?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jan/17
Roberts and Hall were both 6ft5 in the 80's-90's
Noshenanigans said on 20/Jan/17
Strange cause he was always billed at 6'3
184guy said on 6/Jan/17
There's no way DDP is 6'4 today,not even with his YOGA
With also listed 6'4 Victor Webster
Click Here
More than 1 inch
Rob,is time for a peak and current height to DDP
He certain looked 6'4 and a little more during WCW days.
Peter 179cm said on 1/Jan/17
He's at most 6'3.5 with Rob,maybe more 191cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/16
Yeah Jordan, he's a tall guy. Even with all drug abuse and various injuries from wrestling...he looks roughly the same height as 30 years ago. Maybe the DDP Yoga helped him gain some height...
Jordan87 said on 14/Dec/16
Agree with the Snake Being around 6'4-6'5 today. He always struck me as tall, even among other wrestlers.
RP said on 7/Dec/16
Curt Henning is on his tip toes slightly in that pic...
James B said on 3/Dec/16
Did look 6'3.5-6'4 compared to the rock
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Nov/16
Today: weak 6ft4
Peak: strong 6ft4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/16
DDP would have bare minimum 1in on Routh
Ren said on 5/Oct/16
Rob, if he is 6'4 then why he looks same as Routh when you met him he is in the same range as DDP. What's going on in this Photo. Is he struggling with 6'3 like Routh, Welling and Dax Shepard. I thought he is same height as Randy Orton and Drew Mcintyre and even taller. I'd this the case then is they are same height at 6'3 Explain me our Rob please

Editor Rob
he could be 6ft 3.5 today.
Routh is shorter in person than legit 6ft 3 guys.
Michael said on 4/Oct/16
6-3,25 now and 6-4,5 peak for DDP
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/16
Yeah he held his own opposite guys like Nash, Sid and Undertaker.
193/194cm range peak. I think he's also claimed 6ft5 on another occasison.
James B said on 18/Sep/16
A strong 6ft4 peak is very belivable when you see him up against giant wrestlers like Kevin Nash in wcw he doesn't look that short.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Sep/16
He really looks identical to how Hasselhoff was w/h Rob. Both still look 6ft4 today and could well have been slightly over it in their younger days.
Johno said on 11/Sep/16
Rob probably could probably stand 0.3-inches taller if he wanted to here.
DDP's heights looks comfortably under 6'3 here and you check with the chart to and it is quite suprisinging but than again, checking how tall Edge, Booker T and some other wrestlers looked with Rob, maybe it is not such a surprise.
James B said on 1/Sep/16
6'4.25 peak rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Aug/16
Rob, is a fraction over 6ft4 peak a possibility?
Really did look 194cm in the WCW days§

Editor Rob
he seems to claim himself as a solid 6ft 4, I think he could have lost a fraction, going from strong 6ft 4 to weaker 6ft 4 by 50's.
Johan said on 24/Aug/16
His mouth is around the 5'8" mark in this pic. Thats my eye level so he would be around 3 inches taller than me and Im a 6'0.75" guy. I think he is 6'3.5" -6'3.75" he claim was a legit one most likely in the 90's.
If he would straighten his head , his eyebrows would be very close to 6'0" but not quite. Its on average 4 inches from there to the top of your head so again...he can't be under 6'3" here and it seems to be a good pic.
Also his eye level is in the 5'11" range even if he has a smaller one of maybe 4.5 in then he is 6'3.5".
Quan said on 23/Aug/16
Canson said on 21/Aug/16
Looks about as tall as Michael phelps with Rob honestly. Looks 6'2.5
He can't be only 6'2.5". If you click on the photo, you'll see the height chart. He looks every bit of 6'3" and he's even dropping height a little by tilting his head down. In my opinion DDP looks weak 6'4" range here.
Canson said on 21/Aug/16
Looks about as tall as Michael phelps with Rob honestly. Looks 6'2.5
Johan said on 21/Aug/16
Still looks a 6'3.5" guy here, impressed that he has lost so little height.
Nobody said on 19/Aug/16
The only thing that makes me think he's not 6'4 is the fact that he never looked taller than Scott Hall who never looked taller than 6'4, DDP always has had great posture though.
The Man said on 5/Aug/16
Same thing with Billy, Diamond looks 6'3.75" these days. In his peak he was definitely 6'4" though, and might even have been a tad over.
heightchecker34 said on 20/Jul/16
DDP was a legit 6'4 man, and a prime example how tall a 6'4 guy can be next to average people (i mean that height wise Rob.. im only 5'9 myself). He never looked to short in his WCW days next to big men like The Giant and Kevin Nash. Today he might have dropped to around 6.3'5 (192 cm)... feel the bang!
dicksock said on 14/Jul/16
Well, he's clearly around 8" taller than Rob. He's an obvious 6'4" guy if I ever saw one.
James B said on 9/Jul/16
Nah 6'4 peak
Strong 5ft9 said on 29/Jun/16
You think adding Christian is worth mentioning. He might be 183 or 184 cm tall.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/16
Christian is 183/184cm range. A solid 6ft
Strong 5ft9 said on 24/Jun/16
Hey Rob, how tall do you think Christian is? 6ft?
Click Here

Editor Rob
he doesn't look under 6ft with ddp there.
James B said on 25/May/16
His hairstyle in wcw probably helped him look taller. Impressive actually that he doesn't look that short next to Kevin Nash back in 98
Click Here. Nash back then was in a different height catergory though being a legit giant whereas DDP was just a very tall guy.
Rob could DDP be under 6'3.5 now?

Editor Rob
now he could be 6ft 3.5, under it? I think you'd have to measure him to say.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/16
Hall still edges DDP. He could be a strong 6ft4 today and 6ft5 peak. Looked massive in the 80's-90's, probably about 6ft6-7 range in wrestling boots...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/May/16
He can still look a good 2in taller than Austin today. I think a strong 6ft4 peak and weak 6ft4 today.
Johno said on 2/May/16
Why is he looking sub-6'3 in here?
Rob's posture is not even great in this shot and yet DDP is still looking sub-6'3?

Editor Rob
he's likely a bit shy of 6ft 4 at his age now
James B said on 2/May/16
DDP- 6'4
Scott Hall 6'4.75
Jake Roberts 6'4.5
Sean said on 28/Apr/16
DDP - 6'4"
Scott Hall - 6'5"
Jake Roberts - 6'5"
DDP - 6'3.25"
Scott Hall - 6'4"
Jake Roberts - 6'4.5"
Captain Baskets said on 18/Apr/16
Jake was about 1" taller than DDP in "The Resurrection Of Jake The Snake"
James B said on 10/Mar/16
Comes in 191cm tops on the height chart
Johno said on 7/Mar/16
Looks way off 6'4 under this height chart, he even looks under 6'3, like 6'2.5 or something.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Mar/16
DDP looks all of 6ft4 and I reckon his height loss is minimal at worst because of the yoga. Scott Hall and Jake Roberts with their health problems may have lost a little bit but I think they both clear 6ft4 because they consistently edge out DDP. Three tall guys
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Feb/16
Jake Roberts in the 80's-90's looked 6ft5 for sure. Today closer to 6ft4 but no less. Him and Scott Hall look to be edging DDP
James B said on 19/Jan/16
Just curious rob did DDP have footware advantage over you?

Editor Rob
that weekend I was in .75in, I think he had a nike free, but not the thicker version, so probably similar range to me.
James B said on 19/Jan/16
Rampage I'd say peak jake wasnt a legit 6'5 more like somewhere in the 6'4 range.
But yeah I do agree that in photos jake does look near 6'5 if DDP is 6'3.5. But then jake did not look a full 6'5 compared to 5'10 Paul barer in the early 90s and next to randy orton with footware advantage he looked no taller than 6'4.
Rob did
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jan/16
Jake Roberts still clears 6ft4 today. Not sure if he's 6ft5 anymore though.
James B said on 18/Jan/16
Paul said on 14/Jan/16
@James B
That's because Jake isn't anywhere near 6'3.5". He's 6'5", while DDP is 6'3.5", hence the 1 1/2 inch difference.
Jake didn't look over 6'4 compared to randy orton 11 year ago (with bigger footware)
Paul said on 14/Jan/16
@James B
That's because Jake isn't anywhere near 6'3.5". He's 6'5", while DDP is 6'3.5", hence the 1 1/2 inch difference.
James B said on 28/Dec/15
Weird he looks 6'2 in a lot of photos with jake the snake who can't be over 192cm today
James B said on 14/Nov/15
Orton and ddp are very close in height.
joe @@ said on 6/Oct/15
Height183 said on 28/Jun/15
That picture is very irrelevant since we can't see the footwear. DDP is probably wearing some big old boots with those jeans. I think Orton would slightly edge out DDP if they were standing barefoot back to back.
but I could have had the impulse of footwear
jordan said on 12/Sep/15
hall was definitely 6-5+ peak. Probably lost some height with his age and health issues. DDP taken much better care of himself and seems every bit of a strong 6-4 these days. (in wcw hall edged out ddp height wise if i recall)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Sep/15
Watch the episode of Raw. I'm telling you DDP edged Orton by 1cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Sep/15
Hall is around 6ft4 today and was 6ft5.
Michael said on 27/Aug/15
No, DDP isn´t taller than Orton, he is shorter. Page is approximately straight, while Orton is tilted to one side. Recognizable by Orton's neck. Moreover, Orton is clearly taller than Page, compared with Robby and Jake the Snake.
nickkname said on 8/Aug/15
Also rob i'm almost certain that jake the snake roberts as old as he is and out of shape he is now , is still taller than hall ddp and orton , here's almost a good enough proof
here's now ddp still taller than orton
Click Here
also here are some pictures of the now ddp and jake the snake
Click Here
Click Here
and here's one with scott hall imnvolved as well
Click Here
nickkname said on 8/Aug/15
razor ramon aka scot hall might have been 6'4 at some point but the man's 6'2 at best nowadays and to top that all he slouches a lot
here's ddp and scot hall now
Click Here
and here's razor ramon back in the day with vinnie mac
Click Here
also here's scott with his '' 6'8 '' son cody
Click Here
Mighty_- said on 31/Jul/15
Jake the Snake always looked tall but I remember a Royal Rumble when in full attire I was suprised to see he looked noticeably taller than Razor Ramon, and more surprisingly Mabel..
And Jake once again looks noticeably taller than DDP in the video where they are talking about DDP yoga in a show.. and his posture isn't the best tbh
I think there's no way DDP was under 6'4 prime and he was probably 6'4.5..
I can't see Jake under 6'5.5 prime , most probably around his billed 6'6 at his tallest standing tall. And he seems to still be a almost if not the same height
James B said on 27/Jul/15
Exactly same height when both in prime
Height183 said on 28/Jun/15
That picture is very irrelevant since we can't see the footwear. DDP is probably wearing some big old boots with those jeans. I think Orton would slightly edge out DDP if they were standing barefoot back to back.
Andrea said on 26/Jun/15
"Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 2/Jun/15
Edges Randy Orton
Click Here "
Nope, he doesn't...
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jun/15
It's one picture though. I'm sure DDP in his prime would have edged Orton.
James B said on 19/Jun/15
Looks 6'4.5 with orton
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jun/15
Edges Randy Orton
Click Here
James B said on 10/May/15
You ain't a legit 6'4 today ddp
joe 193cm night said on 3/May/15
Diamond Dallas Page peak 6'4.25 (194) now still looks likely 6'3.75 6'4 but he still legitimate 6'4 today, look here with jake snake can look 6'45 (194) these days
Click Here
James B said on 2/May/15
DDP 6'3.75
Billy Gunn 6'4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Apr/15
This guy clearly looks taller than Billy Gunn

Editor Rob
I think Billy would measure a little taller really.
James B said on 30/Mar/15
Rob could he have been 194cm in WCW? He didn't look all that tiny compared to kevin nash.
James B said on 30/Mar/15
Peak he would have been 6'5 out of bed for sure
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Mar/15
He claimed 6ft4 and 6ft5 I think.
Thomas said on 24/Mar/15
Obviously no longer 6-4, more like 6-3,25 now. That fits with
Sid Eudy at RAW 1000 (2012) who had 2,5 - 3" on DDP.
pablo77bar said on 22/Mar/15
Look DDP with 6 ft 5 Joe Manganiello
Click Here
nayhole said on 19/Mar/15
Thought DDP was 6'6 he even said so before... lol guess not.
James said on 17/Feb/15
6'3.5 today 6'4 peak rob?
In WCW i actually thought he could look 6'4-6'5 range at times.

Editor Rob
he could be a cm shorter today.
Chris said on 12/Feb/15
If DDP is 6'4, how tall is Hall, towering him back to back.. https://twitter.com/RealDDP/status/565873485491486721
marcuscofficial said on 12/Feb/15
DDP are 6'4 (194 cm)! On your top of head down to your eyes are 4 inc (10 cm) and down to your shoulder are 1 foot (30 cm).
John B said on 9/Jan/15
A very realistic height update on the tall guys of wrestling....Kevin Nash was a legit 6'10 to day looks 6'9 or just under. Big Show was 7 feet now 6'11 ...undertaker was 6'7 now around 6'5-ish .....kane was a good 6'8 but still coming in around 6'7 these days....guys that dropped a good bit Hulk Hogan from the 80's at 6'5 and a half to 6'3 ....Roddy Piper went from 6'1 to 5'9 :( ....Ric flair down from 6 foot to 5'10 or just under....HHH was billed at 6'4 but came in at 6'2 for real but is lucky if his 6'1 to day ...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Oct/14
I wouldn't go under 6ft4 for Hall, even today.
Hogan described Hall as being 6ft8!
Steve said on 24/May/14
Scott Hall looks at least 6'4.5-6'5 next to his son
Click Here
Kenn said on 19/May/14
Matt Morgan is not even 6'7 the guy, is more like a 6'9.5-6'11 mark he is huge I met him once and I was under his shoulder level and I'm 5'10'' tall myself not to mention that I measure my height.
Nick said on 30/Apr/14
To Freddy. Where have you got the figures you stated from exactly?
person said on 25/Apr/14
around 6'3.5
James B said on 12/Mar/14
Big show 6'11.5 currently
Kevin Nash 6'9.5
Undertaker 6'7.25
Kane 6'7.75 peak 6'7 flat today
Matt Morgan 6'9
Vegas said on 3/Mar/14
Freddy says on 21/Feb/14
This site is ridiculous, always downgrading people's height
Big show = 7'0
Kevin Nash = 6'9.5
Undertaker = 6'8.5
Kane = 6'8
Matt Morgan = 6'7
i have stood next to all those guys in hotels except nash and no way is kane taller than morgan, he looked shorter. undertaker looked shorter in person than morgan too.
Freddy said on 21/Feb/14
DDP is 6'4". This site is ridiculous, always downgrading people's height.
Khali = 7'1
Big show = 7'0
Kevin Nash = 6'9.5
Undertaker = 6'8.5
Kane = 6'8
Sid = 6'7
Matt Morgan = 6'7
Albert = 6'6'
Test = 6'5.5
JBL = 6'5.5
Tommy Ace said on 2/Feb/14
Diamond Dallas Page - 6'3
Scott Hall - 6'4
Jake Roberts - 6'4
James said on 7/Jan/14
Looked a little under 6'4with booker t last night on raw.
Click Here
6'3.5 today and 6'4 peak seems right
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jan/14
I reckon 6ft5 out of bed for this guy. I'd love to try his program. I'll want to stay at my peak height for as long as physically possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Dec/13
"Diamomd Dallas Page's height is 6ft 4.25in (194cm)"
He might've claimed 6ft5. Similiar to Jake Roberts who was easily 6ft4.5-6ft5. His yoga has done wonders for him. Hes losing a good couple of centimetres with Rob with the lean but back is so straight.
Seems like a friendly bloke. Any feedback Rob?

Editor Rob
he's not shy and seemed like he enjoyed meeting people that day
Lu said on 19/Dec/13
Doesnt even look to be a full 6'3 with Rob so i agree with Peyman, no way near 6'4
calvinator said on 17/Dec/13
Met him at my gym in the 90's, Im 6' foot and he was about 6'4".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Nov/13
Jake Roberts still looks a little over 6ft4. So, does Scott Hall (did look 6ft5 in the 90s).
Same for DDP.
peter hung said on 26/Nov/13
jake the snake is 6'4 and looks much taller than ddp
Peyman said on 13/Nov/13
I always thought he is 188-89
193 is a joke.
I still believe my own estimation, no more than 1 inch taller than #8.
he is just a weak 190cm guy.

Editor Rob
DDP is a lot nearer the 6ft 3.5 challenger than the 1.5 guy!
Mathew said on 26/Oct/13
Viper says on 17/Sep/13
Its at least 7 inches, not 6.
I agree it's gotta be a strong 7" advantage, maybe not as high as the full 8" but certainly 7".