American actor known for I Love Lucy. Age 28 in the Army he was measured 69 inches, Weight 176 pounds and was also reported as 5ft 10 and 165 lbs.
Rich Paul said on 10/Apr/23
Desi was 5-8. Same height as Kirk Douglas. Both wore huge lifts to appear 5-11 in regular shoes or 5-10 barefoot. If Desi was nearly 5-10 barefoot, with those lifts he wore he’d have appeared to be 6’ tall.
Pat F. said on 29/Sep/21
Watching "Lucy" again it, love it, love it!!! Episode:"Lucy's night in town " In restaurant scene, Desi is given a higher chair to appear taller than Lucy. Height:I'd say he was 5'6" or maybe 5'61/2".
Artie Mesone said on 27/Sep/20
Ricky was about 5 5” to 5 6” at the most. A man at 5 9” is considered tall and he would not have been conscious about his height and wore lifts thru out his career!!!
conselqa said on 28/Jun/20
I am a huge fan of the show, and as a tall person, I always notice height. Ricky is clearly around 5ft 6" but wore cuban heels. His trousers were made to hide the heels, but I spotted them quite a few times. I also noticed his odd gait when he was walking, because of the lifts/heels. Lucy mostly wore ballet flats in earlier episodes and then graduated to 2 inch heels in certain scenes. In sitting scenes, it looks as if Ricky is on a cushion. Ethel looks around the same height as Lucy, and of course Fred was an inch or two shorter.
richinkle said on 10/Oct/19
Desi Arnaz's US Military Discharge Papers indicated he was 5'-10".
I am in possession of an interesting Lucy & Desi "scrapbook", which I received for Christmas years ago, and you can still buy on E-Bay. One of the many inserts is a photocopy of Arnaz's official discharge papers: "Date of Separation (discharge) December 1, 1945; birthdate 3/2/1917; Brown Hair, Black Eyes; 5'-10", 165 lbs."
Georg said on 26/Sep/19
Desi was reportedly in the U.S. military, and I'd go with what the U.S. military records are for his height at that age. In the military, one is measured either in bare feet or in stocking feet (one's choice) only. Also, in the military, the height is rounded up to the nearest inch for those who are 0.5 inches or more in height; and down for those who are less than 0.5 inches. For example: If a soldier is 72.4 inches tall, than the recorded height is 72 inches. If, OTOH, the soldier is 72.5 inches tall, then the recorded height is 73 inches.
Light Worker said on 4/Mar/19
1:27-1:32, 2:12-2:15, 2:17-2:19, 3:06-3:09 You can clearly see him wearing elevator shoes… I Love Lucy (1952)
Click Here
Light Worker said on 4/Mar/19
Desi & Lucy at their ranch 1940s
Click Here
Desi & Lucy dancing 1940s
Click Here
Jug said on 15/Feb/19
In early Lucy episodes, Desi wears normal shoes and he is at best an inch taller than Lucy. He switches to high-heeled semi-boots later in the series and looks taller, especially when Lucy is wearing flats. I would place him at 5'7.5-5'8.
Dave Dee said on 27/Dec/18
No one in show business had elevator shoes like Desi’s!
Those shoes were built up so high; the inside had big lifts, the heels were very high. He was standing on his toes in those shoes!
Lucy wore dancer’s slippers on the show. At 5’7” she would have been taller than Desi if he wore regular shoes! There are films of them at their ranch and in later years, in Lucie Arnaz’s pool. Desi is shorter than Lucy. So he is less that 5’7”, that’s for certain!
I’d say that he was about 5’6”. If you’d u know that back story on the I Love Lucy series and the networks objection to Desi playing the husband, than you can understand why they had to have Desi taller than Lucy.
Pat said on 5/Jul/18
Mismo said on 3/Mar/18
Desi Arnaz may have been as tall as 5ft. 8.5 inches. in my humble estimation.
Annon said on 14/Dec/17
Desi Arnez was six foot.
Wanda said on 18/Aug/17
What size waist was Ricky Richardo??
Jug said on 12/Jul/17
On one episode of Lucy he says he's '5'11 and a half.' Obviously he was nowhere near that. When barefoot or in bedroom slippers next to Lucy once or twice in the series, they are the same height. So he was about 5'8. His elevator shoes made him appear near 5'10. 6'1 actors like George Reeves and Orson Welles looked three to four inches taller than him.
aimie said on 14/May/16
If you look at their official auto bios, Lucille Ball was 5' 6 1/2" and Desi Arnaz was 5' 9 1/2"
richinkle said on 2/Feb/16
Lucille Ball was between 5'-7" and 5'-7 1/2" in her prime, and held her height throughout her life. She consistently looked 1"-1 1/2" taller than many 5'-6"+ women, including Carol Burnett, Katharine Hepburn, Vivian Vance, Maureen O'Hara, Greer Garson and Shirley MacLaine. She was clearly at least 2" taller than women who were between 5'-5" and 5'-6", like Lily Thomlin, Goldie Hawn, Natalie Schafer and Valerie Harper. And she held her own at the age of 68 with Mary Tyler Moore, when they were both wearing the same size heel (MTM wore higher heels than Ball in her 1979 tv special).
Desi Arnaz was probably 5'-9"+ in his prime, but clearly shrunk considerably in his later years. Barefoot, he looks less than 2" taller than Ball. In his lifts he probably hit 5'-11 1/2", which may be why he reported himself to be that height in one of the episodes. William Frawley may have been as tall as 5'-9" in his prime. But he was approaching 70 during the Lucy series, and probably fell under 5'-8" by that time. He was clearly taller than 5'-6" Vivian Vance in the show. He was close to Lucy's height when she wore her ubiquitous 1/4" heel black slippers.
The picture below gives a good indication of the height relationships between the Lucy cast: 5'-7 1/2" Ball in flat shoes stands about the same height as 5'-7"ish William Frawley with Street Shoes and 5'-6" Vivian Vance in 2" heels. Arnaz is a good 3" taller than the rest of them, but that may be due to the photo angle or lifts.
Click Here
Look said on 29/Nov/15
If u look at the shows I can promise u each one of them Ricky is at least an inch or two taller even in the one when they are out in the country wearing their pajamas Ricky is an Inch or two taller than her even without shoes.Later on though he did wear heels on his shoes to make him look easily taller than Lucy. I would say his apoximate height was atleast 5 ft 10inches.if he was 5.4 even with heels on he would look shorter than Lucy because if so with heels on he would be exactly 5.7 they couldn't give him more of a boost than three inches because they didn't look tall enough to gone him any more of a boost than he was 5.10-5.11.
Look said on 29/Nov/15
If u look at the shows I can promise u each one of them Ricky is at least an inch or two taller even in the one when they are out in the country wearing their pajamas Ricky is an Inch or two taller than he wore heels on his shoes to make him look easily taller than Lucy
Ian said on 24/Nov/15
I've read all the comments below and I have to agree that Desi himself was no more than 5 ft 9 in tall (likely an inch shorter). In the early I Love Lucy episodes Lucy is only slightly shorter than Desi, and that is with house shoes. Later on in Season 3 or so we see Lucy wearing high heeled shoes more frequently, and Desi still stood over her, and that is likely when he started using lifts, at least more often.
Most I Love Lucy fans know Desi was given a higher seat cushion when sitting down in select scenes, because Lucy beforehand looked almost as big as he did.
A lot of actors/actresses lie about their height (those who are under 6 ft), because there have been many occasions where an actor or actress is met up close by a fan only to discover they weren't quite as tall as they claim. There was no way Desi was ever 5 ft 11, because if he was he wouldn't of looked quite so short next to John Wayne. Bill Frawley was no different, and Vivian Vance looked to be on par with Lucy height wise throughout the show's run.
Desi was more or less average with other leading men, and he was about as tall as the average man in America today. Lucille Ball was rather tall looking when compared to other actresses especially considering the 1930s-1940s had many actresses being barely 5 ft, or at most 5 ft 5. Katherine Hepburn and Maureen O Hara were about as tall as actresses got to (Hepburn listed as 5 ft 7 - 5 ft 7.5 in and O Hara listed as 5 ft 8 in). Lauren Bacall was somewhere in the 5 ft 7 in - 5 ft 8 in range and Ingrid Bergman was 5 ft 8 in - 5 ft 9 in.
The claim of Desi saying he was five feet eleven inches tall is false, because he would of easily stood over Lucy otherwise. Watch 'The Handcuffs' episode and one of the episodes where the Ricardos live in the country for proof.
Verticle Truth said on 24/Nov/15
Watching I Love Lucy reruns for many years and seeing Desi barefoot next to Lucy he was no more than 5' 8" at his peak. When wearing hills and lifts he was maybe around 5' 11". Guess which one he choose to pick for his official height? I'm sure as he got older he shrunk so in his later years more like 5' 6" - 5' 7". Even Wiliam Frawley claimed to be 5' 9" which is a scream as he was an inch or two shorter than Lucy and slightly shorter than Ethel who was more like 5' 6". William was 5' 5" - 5' 6", so they both added more than 3" for their official height.
Kay said on 26/Oct/15
So why do Lucie and Lucille Ball look identical in height, (photos in their bare feet) and Lucie's height is listed at 5"10?
Grealmo said on 25/Sep/15
I think that Desi Arnaz was probably about 5'7, may be 5'8.
Orry said on 10/Jul/15
Well, I was a little girl watching that wonderful show. My mom had pointed out to me that Desi was wearing heels because he wasn't tall enough next to Lucille Ball. He was absolutely NOT 5'11''!
Lucy was taller than the average woman. Desi was about 5'8".
Steve said on 16/Apr/15
Next to 6' Howard Duff, Desi was four inches shorter. One of the rare episodes where he didn't wear lifts. With Duff he's wearing tennis shows. Desi is barely taller than Lucy who was supposedly 5'7".
So I must conclude Desi was 5'8".
kara said on 3/Feb/15
if you look at the episode when they live in the country, and they are in their pajamas when they think they hear a burglar. Both of them are barefoot and are the same height. He is no more than 5Ft8
Danno said on 18/Nov/14
In one of the episodes, Ricky is asked how tall he is. His response? 5'11 and 1/2" ... I couldn't help but laugh out loud.
crazyCuban said on 25/Jul/14
No way for Desi to be taller than 5-4 or 5" - Proof is in the shows of I love Lucy - There he's clearly using lifts while she always wore flats. If both where in the same scene, he never, ever tower over her!
Dagwood said on 24/Jun/14
I met Desi Aranz in 1972 while I was a student at San Diego State university. Desi was offered a temporary professorship at SDSU to teach several classes in TV production. i had a long conversation with Desi. I am 6'1'' and Desi was no more than 5'4'' to 5'5''...
richinkle said on 23/Apr/14
When Desi Arnaz was wearing normal shoes, which he did for the first two seasons of I Love Lucy, he never looked more than 2" taller than Lucille Ball when she was wearing 1/4 - 1/2" house slippers.
During the 2nd or 3rd season, Desi started wearing lifts, which gave him an additional inch plus on Lucille.
Lorne said on 30/Jan/14
Lol, I don't understand people. He was clearly taller than her. Granted he did wear heels a lot, but even in regular shoes he looked 3 inches taller. I can believe 176-177, certainly no less than 175, he looked 3-4in over her with 1.5ers...
Jack said on 30/Jan/14
I don't know how tall he was but he was definitely taller than Lucy. In the episode "The Handcuffs" when they are in the bedroom, they both have no shoes on and you can cleary see he has at least 2 to 3 inches on her.
Hazel said on 27/Sep/13
He was above average height. Average height in the 50s was like 5'7 for guys. He was like 5'8 or taller.
Handbag Lover said on 27/Apr/13
Lucille Ball was 5'-7.5" tall and I believe Desi Arnaz was 5'-6" tall leaving him with his shoe lifts to make 5'-9" ish tall. You can see Desi's lifts mostly when he is singing in his nightclub, it is very obvious. Odd, how men want to be taller than they actually are - they lie about their height like women lie about their age and weight.
Stilts said on 26/Dec/12
Desi Arnaz was certainly no more than 5'6" tall, more likely 5'4.5" to 5'5". Please take note than in any of the multiple episodes of "I Love Lucy" where there are close ups of the lower half of his body where his shoes are visible, he is nearly always wearing ankle-height boots with what appear to be 3"+ heels. Also note, that Lucille Ball is seen to be wearing again almost always, flats. Lucy is without doubt at that time (early '50's), 5'7"-5'8" tall. They appear to be about equal in height on the tv screen Do the math. It is not a condemnation of Desi. Nothing as far as we know that he could control. He simply was short. Had no impact on his comedic or business talents.
popinjay said on 15/Dec/12
He was the same height as Lucy, at least he looked it, so how tall was she? In today's episode, she was in flats and he had his elevators on, and they were pretty much the same height. So I'd say he was more like 5'8" or whatever Lucy was.
Doc said on 22/Nov/12
Desi was a good man, a loyal American, but there's no way in the world he was 5'9.5".... With his elevators on, he may have reached 5'8".
Wide not tall said on 24/Aug/11
He did look average, 173 in his time.
Gained weight instead said on 20/Aug/11
No more than 173. He always wore thick shoes and lifts as well as havin big hair to appear taller.
Very short and stocky said on 12/Aug/11
177cm is with hair and shoes. 180cm would be with lifts. Desi was no more than 172-173.
Very short and stocky said on 12/Aug/11
Actually its because Lucy had big hair, Desi wasnt quite five nine, more like 5,8-5,8.5 at most, which was average at the time.
Diane said on 3/Aug/11
In the episode where they are driving to California and they end up staying in a cabin, by a railroad, the 4 of them are in pjs., and no heels or shoes. Lucy is definitely the tallest of the 4, Frawley the shortest.
Lebensdorf said on 3/Jul/11
In a couple of episodes, Rock Hudson and John Wayne guest star. Those guys were 6'5 and 6'4 respectively, and Arnaz didn't look shorter than 5'9 next to them, and he could have passed for 5'10.
richinkle said on 8/Jun/11
William Frawley was closer to 5'-7". Vivian Vance was 5'-6" (this was stated on "The Lucy Show" during one episode). Lucille Ball was 5'-7 1/2", and Desi Arnaz was 5'-9 1/2" (His army records have his height listed as 5'-10".
James J. said on 14/May/11
When standing next to 5'5" William Frawley on various "Lucy" shows, Des, in his two-inch plus elevators, looked maybe three inches, perhaps four, taller than Frawley.
Somewhat stocky said on 10/May/11
I think Desi was more 5'8-5'8.5 than 5'9. Lucille is actually 5'6.5.
richinkle said on 12/Apr/11
In an episode of I Love Lucy, Desi Arnaz claimed he was 5' - 11 1/2". Clearly a stretch. His US Army records put his height at 5'-10". I think 5'- 9 1/2" is pretty close. He was less than 2" taller than Lucille Ball, who was around 5'-7" to 5'-7 1/2".
genevieve au said on 17/Feb/11
in their jammies and no footwear, lucy looked a bit taller than desi; why was that so hard for them to accept??
marji said on 17/Feb/11
when they were both barefoot, he looked an inch shorter than lucy; he was no more than 5'6" tall, & if they ever told the truth, they'd have most likely admitted to 5'5"!
Jason said on 10/Feb/11
When standing next to a standard 6'8" door in films we have proportionally calculated that Desi was only about 5'8" tall. Like Frank Sinatra, also short, Desi often wore platform shoes which you can see in many of his dance routines with the band. Hollywood stars are often far shorter than they appear on TV or film. Only their egos are gigantic in many cases. Also if they seem to always walk extremely erect that is a dead giveaway they are short. Just like short politicians that look like their head is trying to stretch their neck to gain an inch.
Maribel said on 2/Jan/09
I'd say Desi was around 174m. The 5,10-11 claim was most likely due to lifts.
tina said on 24/Sep/08
He had to stand on phone books while recording. I watched the special of how the show was made and produced. I dont remember exactly how tall he wasnt much taller than lucy, and very short compared to other actors
Maribel said on 19/Sep/08
I think Desi was more like 5'8 or 8.5 and Lucy, 5'7.
Frank2 said on 31/Jul/08
Yep. Like General MacArthur, I have returned.
sf said on 31/Jul/08
Oh my God - Frank2 is back 2? Everybody's coming from out of the woodwork....!
Frank2 said on 31/Jul/08
Desi's lifts boosted him by at least two inches, possibly by two and a half. He was no more than 5'9". when Bill Holden guested, he and Desi were close to the same height with Holden possibly a half an inch taller. Back then Holden was a solid 5'11". Towards the end of his career he lost about an inch.
Lucy was 5'6". I know since I met her on several occasions. Her mom and my grandmother were both members of the Motion Picture Mother's Club. In heels she was about 5'9" which is tall for a woman. The last time I saw Lucy was on the Fox lot with her husband Gary Morton helping her walk. This was shortly before she passed on. By then she looked like she had lost at least a couple of inches. It was kind of sad seeing her in that condition.
light said on 25/Jun/08
When Lucy was in flats on the show, which she often was, she could have been no more than 1 1/2 inches shorter than Desi, I don't think. I would probably think 5' 7 1/2" for Lucy and 5'9" for Desi.
Linds said on 15/May/08
I definitly agree with richinkle. Watch love lucy. I swear they look near the same height when lucy has a little heel and they are walking next too each other~
richinkle said on 19/Nov/07
Desi Arnaz had at most 2" on Lucille Ball. Watch a few episodes of "I Love Lucy" and they are very close to the same height. But, be sure to check out the footwear.
Steve XIV said on 3/Aug/07
Desi Arnaz's height could very well be 5.9 1/2. I happened to catch an episode recently where Superman came to little Ricky's birthday party. Desi Arnaz seemed to be at least 3 inches, maybe a little more than George Reeves (6'1")
C said on 21/Jul/07
Desi had about 3.5 inches on Lucille Ball, you can check it out here at 8:07 here
Click Here where they are walking on the beach with their children. If Lucy was 5'6'', then Desi was around 5'9.5''.
robotix said on 7/Jun/07
Frank2, i think some near 6-footers wear lifts. Bruce Willis is an obvious case, and I think Alec Baldwin's variability can only be explained by lifts.
supes78 said on 30/Sep/06
I'm a huge "I Love Lucy" fan and have seen all 180 episodes more times than I'd care to admit. In episode #134 entitled, "the Ricardos are Interviewed", Desi does state that he is 5'11.5" tall. This was easily an exaggeration as he never seemed to have almost 5 inches over 5'7" Lucy on TV or in photos. However, some fans incorrectly assume that he was shorter than he actually was because he seemed to only be about an inch taller than Lucy in many of the episodes. But it's important to note that Lucy almost always wore high heels on the show, even when her character was doing house work, while Desi would wear a suit & tie and dress shoes, even when a scene would call for his character to spend a relaxing evening at home watching TV. I've always believed Desi to be a tad over 5'9" because on the rare occasions when Lucy was wearing normal footwear, she and Desi looked a couple of inches apart. Here's a photo from the episode entitled "the Audition", where both Lucy and Desi and wearing normal dress shoes;
Click HereIt's clear that Desi is atleast 2 inches taller than Lucy.
richinkle said on 17/Apr/06
I may be "inching" toward agreement with Frank on Desi's height. In the scenes on "I Love Lucy" when both Lucy and Desi are barefoot, they are definitely less than 2" apart, probably closer to an 1 1/2". That would put Desi at about 5'-9". Here's a photo of Lucy and Desi from the 1940's where you can see their feet, and you can tell he's not wearing lifts.
Click HereThey almost look the same height, although there's a slight distortion. Lucille Ball was at her peak height of 5'-7 1/2" at this time. Perhaps those other "official" heights of Desi's were measured in his various shoes. Desi, however, was a giant in the history of tv, and helped pioneer many of the techniques and ideas that are used to this day (including the use of film and the 3-camera system).
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
Carlson was my height or 5'11". Dick was very good friends with my mom and after my father passed away my mom went into real estate and handled the sale of Carlson's Sherman Oaks home. I saw him frequently and as a kid I even got to go onto the set of I Led Three Lives which was a syndicated TV series made in the 1950's. I still have his autographed photo given to me that day hanging on the wall of my den.
I've argued Desi's height until I'm blue in the face. Needless to say he wasn't close to being the height publicized. Desi was no more than 5'9". You don't wear lifts if you're nearly 6'. You don't have to. The same is true for Dean Martin.
Babyboomer said on 13/Apr/06
I saw part of a TCM movie today with Desi Arnaz, Lucy, and Richard Carlson. Desi and Carlson were in many scenes & Desi came up to Carlson's forehead. Lookerd like a definite 3-3.5 inch difference to me. How tall was Richard Carlson? Seems like Frank posted it somewhere on the site...???
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
And those are lifts on Desi in the photo with Conreid. I just watched the episode of I Love Lucy with Richard Widmark and Desi is exactly his height. But that's with Desi wearing his lifts. 5'10" Widmark wears regular shoes.
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
6'2" Hans Conreid with Desi and Lucy:
Click HereIf Desi was nearly 6' I'll eat my laptop!
Frank2 said on 20/Mar/06
I took that photo of the group with Desi and blew it up using Photoshop and low and behold those are lifts he's wearing! They're not boots.
Frank2 said on 19/Mar/06
One more time. If Desi was 5'11-1/2" as is reported or for that matter just 5'10" then why is it he's about seven inches shorter than 6'3" Fred McMurray in this photo?:
Click Here Here's a terrific shot of Desi seated with some of the famous of Hollywood. Standing in the back row from left to right are 6'1" Zachery Scott, 6' Howard Duff and 5'10" Richard Widmark:
Click Here I can't tell how big the heels are on Desi's boots. And no I Love Lucy fan has yet come forward to properly explain why Desi was the same height as Widmark and Desi wore his lifts in that episode that Widmark guested in.
Frank2 said on 18/Mar/06
Desi was never 5'10". At best he was 5'9". Ingred Bergman was never 5'9-1/2". She was more like 5'8". Desi's lifts were his own idea since he went around claiming to be nearly 6' so don't blame Lucy. By the way, George Sanders was 6'3".
richinkle said on 18/Mar/06
Desi probably wore lifts because in heels, his 5'-7 1/2" wife, Lucille Ball, who stood next to him on screen for the world to see on a regular basis, stood almost exactly the same height. Call it male ego.
I don't believe Desi Arnaz was ever as tall as 5'-11 1/2". I think he was roughly 5'-10", as indicated on his US Army Discharge Certificate. I would not estimate him as taller than this, despite the fact that he stated his height as 5'-11 1/2" on "I Love Lucy" episode #134 (Nov 14, 1955). The Mertzes think the Ricardos are planning to move, so Ethel's Aunt calls to ask Lucy how tall Ricky is to see if her husband, Uncle Elmo, can fit in the bathtub. Ricky : "five eleven and a half, why?". I think that's what Desi Arnaz claimed his height to be, and that's what his lovely, talented and dutiful daughter, Lucie Arnaz (a very tall gal in her own right, thanks no doubt to her mother's genes), presented as his height.
Lucille Ball didn't need, or want, any positive adjustment to her height. Quite the contrary. Being that tall was not an asset to her in her early years in Hollywood (1930's and 40's) trying to be a leading lady. Most of the major leading ladies were under 5'-5", and at least half of the leading men were under 5'-10". Katharine Hepburn at roughly 5'-7" was one of the tallest of the major female stars, and Lucy looks about an inch taller in their two movies together. Ingrid Bergman (5'- 9 1/2") was posed in myriad awkward ways to hide her height relative to her male co-stars. (Incidently, in the one picture I have of Lucy standing next to Bergman, they appear almost identical in height. However, you don't see their feet, and the angle is slightly distorting.)
By the way, Desi's lifts may have been Lucy's idea. She has always preferred taller leading men, so she wouldn't have to slouch or lean or reshoot scenes in flats to remain smaller than the man - which was absolutely derigueur in those days. George Sanders (with whom she was rumored to have an affair), Henry Fonda (whom she dated, and who was rumored to be in love with her) and Van Johnson were ideal for her to be paired up with. She could stand up straight and tall, and wear high heels. With her shorter costars - Desi Arnaz, Bob Hope, Mark Stevens, William Holden and Robert Preston, you can tell she's compensating. Before filming Mame, bossy and officious Lucy actually bought her 5'-10" +/- costar Robert Preston (whom she wanted to have replaced believing him too short to play opposite her) lifts to wear in the movie.
Frank2 said on 16/Mar/06
To richinkle,
why would a man who's supposedly nearly six feet tall wear lifts that boosted him by at least two and a half inches in height? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I was at leats two events where Lucy was present and on each occasion she was wearing a minum of three-inch heels and I was still a good two inches to three inches taller. Why in the episode of I Love Lucy with Richard Widmark as a guest is Desi the same height? Widmark was 5'10". Why was Desi and Bob Hope the same height in another episode of I Love Lucy where Desi was wearing the lifts you admit he wore? Hope was about 5'10" back then. Take a look at the photo of my dad with Hope at Hope's height listing on this forum. My dad was about 5'9 1/2" and he's almost as tall as Hope and my father never wore lifts. I have other shots of the two where they're about the same height. Desi was no more than 5'9". Nothing else makes sense.
Frank2 said on 16/Mar/06
Didn't you know that all the WMD's are stored together with the lifts that stars tried to hide from their public?

Editor Rob
Frank, see in the comment part, can you change where it says 'your name' from 'Anonymous' to 'Frank2' as the site remembers the last name
richinkle said on 16/Mar/06
I wouldn't hold my breath for that first prediction to materialize, Frank. But, I will save the political discussion for another website.
I never disagreed that Desi wore lifts on I Love Lucy. In fact, I confirmed it in my comments on the Lucille Ball page - he made no attempt to hide them. At first he didn't wear lifts, but started to after about the first season. I could figure out the episode they first appeared if I had the time. But I don't at the moment. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. I have the first two seasons of I Love Lucy on DVD, and I'm only up to episode 8. So far, no lifts.
Frank, the pictures you've submitted don't show any shoes, feet or context. I have many of the episodes and film footage from which your stills were taken. Lucy is much taller than she looks in the publicity stills. I have tried to take pictures of them on my television, showing the position of the feet and footware. Unfortunately, the quality is grainy, and most of my collection is not on dvd (where the quality of the stills is somewhat better). But, Frank, you've been in the business long enough to know that publicity stills are even more doctored than height records.
And your zealousness and repetition don't make your observations any more convincing or compelling, nor do your carefully selected publicity stills that don't show any feet or shoes. The proof is in the film, showing full context body shots, not the still photos.
richinkle said on 15/Mar/06
(Rob, that anonymous quote was actually from me.)
On page 198 of "Lucille", Kathleen Brady's biography of Lucille Ball, she notes that Vivian Vance's contractual obligation to be 20 pounds heavier than Lucy is fiction. I couldn't remember where I read it was a gag, though. I'll check a little more later.
Rob, I'm sending you photos I took of my tv while screening all the films and episodes I cited in my earlier comment. I try to show full-shots and footware wherever possible. I don't distrust your accounts, Frank,just the accuracy of your 40-year old observations, and your inflexibility just strengthens my skepticism. Also, your cherry-picking of photos to prove your point increases my skepticism, and reminds me of Bush/Cheney cherry-picking WMD intelligence that promotes their agenda. But I digress.
I've worked daily with certain people for over 10 years, and can only provide an estimate of their heights. Some times, people who seemed shorter than me one day, look taller than me the next. And changing posture and footware can alter your perception. I've been known to ask people their height, and I'll pull out a tape measure if I think they're underreporting. (I don't challenge people who I believe are overreporting because that would be obnoxious. As one would expect, women tend to under-state their height by about an inch, men over-state theirs.) Next time you come across a celeb, Frank, pull out a tape measure, and then take a picture, and I will believe you completely. Until then, it's just a sketchy estimate.
[Editor Rob:
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
"Your claim that Vivian is 5'-7" and Lucy is 5'-6" is verifiably absurd." Oh really? Check this out:
Click Here And this:
Click HereAnd this:
Click Here And this:
Click Here And this:
Click Here And this:
Click Here Vivian's listed height of 5'7" was in one of the bios I read on Lucy. Unfortunately I never met her. But I did see Lucy, Desi and Bill Frawley all in person. Lucy was 5'6" and Desi was 5'9" and Bill was about 5'5" possibly 5'6" at the most. Dann Cahn who was the supervising editor on I Love Lucy and who I've known since 1982 had several photos of him with Desi and Lucy in his office at Fox. Dann is about 5'7" and in the early photos Desi (with his lifts) is taller by about three inches. In later shots taken decades later they're about the same height. In photos where Lucy is present and she's wearing flats, Dann is taller by about an inch. If she's wearing heels he's shorter by two inches.
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
Pretty good memory! That Bacall comment was made on an old TV interview i watched. What she said was, "Bogie wasn't short. He was about 5'10"." Well, Bogie wasn't 5'10". If that was the case then I'm six feet four!
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/06
I read recently that the "cow clause" was a gag contract handed to Vivian Vance by Lucille Ball as a joke. I'll find my reference cite it for you when I get home.
Frank, all the pictures you show are deliberately posed to show Lucy as shorter than she is. The shot with Victor Mature and Lizabeth Scott is from "Easy Living" 1949. She was also in the movie "Seven Days Leave" 1942, with Victor Mature. She's never seen in the first movie with Lizabeth Scott, but is in several scenes with Mature in both films. She comes up consistently to just above his brow wearing 2 1/2 to 3" heels. You should watch the movie, Frank, and not just point to a useless publicity still. They're more posed and doctored than those government records you distrust so vehemently.
As for Bob Hope, I have all four movies they did together, as well as a number of tv specials. She is consistently about 1" shorter wearing 2 1/2-3" heels, altho starts to gain on him as he got older. In one very revealing scene from a 1960's tv special, they walk out together facing the camera and engage in some contrived comedic banter. She is almost identical to him in height. 10 seconds into it, she leans on her outer foot or steps out of her shoes (you can't see for sure) and instantly loses two to three inches for the rest of the bit. As for Vivian Vance, there is more footage of the two of them over the years, standing side by side in various footware, for anyone to clearly see that Lucy is easily 1" to 1 1/2" taller. Your claim that Vivian is 5'-7" and Lucy is 5'-6" is verifiably absurd.
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
By the way, the shot of Desi with Bob Hope and Lucy clearly shows that Desi was an inch shorter than Hope. I suspect he wasn't wearing lifts that day. You can also see that Lucy is about four inches shorter than 5'10" Hope which places her at 5'6" which back then was still quite tall for an actress or comedian.
Frank2 said on 15/Mar/06
That's correct. Vivian had to gain weight for the role. And I met Bill Frawley on several occasions and he was quite short, I'd say no more than 5'6". Vivian was tall, about 5'7".
theheightguru said on 15/Mar/06
SF-regarding your comments on Desi Arnaz and 'I Love Lucy', I heard that Lucille Ball enforced a 'cow clause', which required Vivian Vance to be (I think) 10 or 20 pds. heavier than she.
sf said on 15/Mar/06
Hell, there's nothing wrong with being 5'9" now. It's interesting on "I Love Lucy" how the only other male lead is much shorter than Desi and the other female lead is heavier than Lucy (which I saw on TV where Vivian Vance said Lucy required this). It seems like the two lead stars made sure they looked better in comparison. And, people don't think these stars are vein and will make things up?
Frank2 said on 14/Mar/06
And Lucy with Johnny Carson:
Click Here With three inch heels she was about 5'9" or two inches shorter than Carson.
Frank2 said on 14/Mar/06
Here's Lucy with 6' tall Richard Denning:
Click Here No way was she 5'7 1/2". Heres a photo of Lucy and Desi:
Click Here And another one:
Click Here And here's one of Lucy with 6'1 1/2" Victor Mature, 5'4" Lizabeth Scott and 6'2" Sonny Tufts:
Click Here And just for comparison, here's Lizabeth Scott with 5'10" John Hodiak and 6'1" Wendell Corey:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 14/Mar/06
Thank you, sf. Much appreciated. Believe me, Desi was only 5'9" and wore lifts. But remember that 5'9" was still above average male height in the US back in the fifties. Just about everyone under 6' tends to lie about their height. It's human nature. And to richinkle, sham marriage? Really? Think so? Noooooooooooo way! I mean everthing you read officially has to be true. What guys like me say is just BS.
richinkle said on 14/Mar/06
Frank, while I don't necessarily agree with everything you write, you've certainly added a lot to this website. the short gay Hollywood star the same nameless actor who just embarked on his second sham marriage?
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
I lied. That is I did do a little more searching. This is Pat Brown second from the left:
Click Here Granted he's stooping down a bit, but believe me, he was nowhere near six feet. Another shot of Brown:
Click Here And please answer why if Desi was almost six feet tall did he always wear lifts? He was the same height as 5'10" Richard Widmark on the I Love Lucy episode where Widmark did a guest stint. And Desi had on his usual lifts that boosted him by at least two and a half inches. Now had he been just under six feet he would have been seen to be obviously taller which he wasn't. Check this out:
Click Here That's Lucy, Desi and Ann Miller. Can you spot Desi's lifts? And the next time you watch the film Bataan, please notice that Desi is shorter than both Robert Tayler (5'10") and George Murphy (5'10"). The latter was a good family friend and I can swear to his height. Arnaz was at least three inches shorter than 6' Robert Walker. Arnaz was closer in height to 5'9" Lloyd Nolan. In the same film Barry Nelson was taller than Arnaz. He's 6' tall. When Desi appeared on the Tonight Show he was shorter than Johnny Carson. That does it for me.
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
Here's Desi with former California Governor Edmund G. "Pat" Brown:
Click Here Brown stood about 5'9". And please don't tell me he was six feet. I'm tired of digging up photos. But just to show you how short Brown was and to save me some time, check out this photo:
Click Here That's his screwball son on the left. He's my height. On the right is Nat King Cole who I met and he was just slightly taller than me so I'd say he was 5'11 1/2".
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
Here's Desi standing next to 6'3" Fred MacMurry:
Click Here Still think he was nearly six feet tall?
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
No problem. I understand. But please understand that much of what you read is made up. I've worked in the entertainment business for nearly forty years and I could tell you stories about the crap that went on and what was covered up for fear it would wreck a star's career and some of it would curl your hair (providing it's not curly to begin with). Publicity departments and press agents made up stuff all the time. Raymond Burr was listed as being married and having a son who tragically died. The truth was Burr was gay and was never married, at least to a woman. James Dean was bisexual. Montgomery Clift was gay. So was Rock Hudson, Dick Sargent and a host of other actors. One of today's biggest male stars is gay. (Hint: He's short) So don't believe the stuff written up in books and publications 'cause much of it is either out-and-out false or heavily "doctored" to make the celeb look good. This has gone on for time immemorial. It's been the reason why press agents kept their high-paying jobs. Trust me. Desi was short. Of all the so-called "Latin lovers" he was the shortest. Cesar Romero was the tallest at 6'2". And Cesar was gay! His nickname around town was "butch." Gilbert Roland was about 5'11" and Ricardo Montalban was 5'10 1/2" and wore lifts on Fantasy Island. Ricardo suffered continuos pain from a terrible back condition brought on by a bad fall he took while riding a horse. About six years ago he had a serious back operation. The last time I saw him which was at a benefit for Nosostros he was suing a walker.
Tiger said on 13/Mar/06
This 'Movie Encyclopedia' that I have has EVERYONE who ever appeared in movies up to 1985 (I believe that's the cut-off,0,0); it is an outstanding and very thick reference.Almost all referenced actors/actresses do contain some type of documentation on height (specific or general) and a whole bunch on each person's life and career. I bought mine in the early 90s at Borders Books in Las Vegas. I don't know if there is an updated version or if its even printed anymore. The Publisher is New York Press and copyrighted 1987 and is researched and put together by Raymond Williams, an entertainmant correspondent that has worked for the University of Rhode Island as a media professor and the ABC network. Awesome book!
Frank2 said on 13/Mar/06
No! No!! No!!! Desi was at best 5'9" and wore huge lifts on I Love Lucy. Even with his lifts he was still shorter than Bill Holden on the episode Holden was in and was the same height as 5'10" Bob Hope and 5'10" Richard Widmark. I met Desi later in his life and by then he was about 5'7". In the 1980's I knew and worked under Dan Cahn who at one time edited I Love Lucy and he confirmed that Desi was his height and Dan is short! I still see Dan occasionally. At one time he was head of Editorial at Fox for all the Glenn Larson TV series.