Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/21
That was a dramatic episode of 'Casualty' just now. A couple of brothers have had a scrap together and one is stupid enough to have used a knife, stabbing his own flesh and blood in the chest, commuting fratricide.
Derek's Charlie Fairhead was one of the main characters in 'Casualty', and I always think of him when I'm about to watch an episode. I was pleasantly surprised when Derek turned up in 'The Long Good Friday', starring alongside Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren.
5ft8.5 peak and half-an-inch less today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/20
I am watching a very interesting Christmas episode of 'Casualty', which I remember viewing with my Mum years ago. We both laughed as a member of staff fished some roses out of a bin after they were rejected by the original recipient, but being a hospital drama, this is always going to be a serious side to the eventful hospital soap.
There is a young man who has been bitten by a snake and Derek's character, Charlie Fairhead, is wondering as to the best course of treatment. Amazingly, there is an anti venom for each and every snake bite. Well, I never knew that! 🐍💉😣
Fortunately, the patient knows which type of snake bit him, so he should be just fine. 😁👍 (BLAST - he didn't make it. Just as well it isn't real....)
Derek gets 5ft8.75 peak and 5ft8 today.
Nik said on 24/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!
I will be visiting celebheights when I am 70, of that there is no doubt! Age is just a number and your body and mind can be a different age to your actual one through doing the right things with them, To be honest I am searching round myself for comments that I have missed, and I will also be doing replies to them shortly, I know there are a few I have missed from you and CD.
My health tips are on the "General Height" page dated the 18th October so when you feel ready to pop round to that page they will be there for you.
Derek gives me more of a 5'7" look to be honest but I have not seen enough of him to be 100% sure, I would be interested in comparing Charlie Fairhead to Dillon see who is the tallest.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Oct/17
@ Nik - Hi there! I will certainly be visiting celebheights when I am 70; you and Rob won't even be in your 60's then! I am assuming I have all my faculties, of course!
I am searching around now for comments I have missed from you, Gladstone and anyone else, to do replies. I have been a bit lax with replies of late. Then I will be sure to check out your new tips! Cheers for now!
Danimal said on 18/Oct/17
He's 70 years old. The average 70 year old male loses 1.12". If he was 5'8.5" at his peak, he's at best 5'7.5" today. Not sure why you don't follow the average height loss when giving your current height estimates Rob?
Nik said on 18/Oct/17
@ Sandy Cowell
I was surprised to find out that Derek is 69 years of age, he certainly looks much younger to me!
You can both be sure that if I am still alive I will be visiting celebheights when Rob is 70! I will be the same age also, as i always am of course, that is for just under 10 months of the year!
Health tips: part 4 will be submitted to the "General Height" page later this afternoon!
Slim 6' said on 17/Oct/17
5'8.75" prime
5'8.25" today.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Oct/17
@ Rob - It doesn't seem as though 'Casualty' has been going for 30 years, does it?
If you are still doing Celebheights right up until you're nearly 70, I'll still be visiting, providing I'm still around, of course! By then, people will be so used to being able to simple look up someone's height that there would be a public outcry if the service suddenly ceased!
Well, that's my prediction, anyway! 😉

Editor Rob
I think if you find a job you like, it is a great thing in life, because many people slog their prime years away in jobs they don't like. Of course, sometimes we can't choose and have to take a job to get by...
I'm happy doing this site. 13 years is testament. Charlie at 30 years must have really enjoyed doing it!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Oct/17
Derek is most famous for his role as Charlie Fairhead in 'Casualty', but his film work is equally unforgettable! His demise in the film 'The Long Good Friday' still lingers away in my memory! What a messy way to go - yuk!
My Mum prefered his part in 'Casualty' - and who can blame her?
Derek can have 5ft8.75 for his peak and 5ft8 for his height now, which is not bad going!

Editor Rob
I don't know if I could play the same role like Derek on Casualty for 30 years...but then, sometimes you find a role that is comfortable, but never that boring and so enjoy doing it through life!
Maybe I will do the same with celebheights, you never know, I might still be here at age 69 too!
Nik said on 15/Oct/17
Thanks for adding Him Rob! I think he is probably slightly smaller nowadays.

Editor Rob
I don't think Derek's lost much height by late 60's, he seemed to have a decent posture on Casualty...his 5ft 9 claim seems a bit much though.