Samantha said on 21/Dec/14
I think Derek is really handsome, but part of that is the character he plays on Baby Daddy. He's such a lovable giant, kinda goofy, but the kind of guy who was in love with his neighbor way even back when she was overweight. The reason I bring it up is because someone below wrote they don't know the kind of character he plays on tv. Also, between tall and lanky and short and stocky, I'd take tall and lanky any day! But Derek doesn't really qualify as lanky...
Jay said on 24/May/14
Why would he need lifts Rhonda? You need more proof than dissecting one picture. He's 6'5 or close to it.
SAK said on 25/Apr/14
@MD, I also have not seen this show. But it would be interesting to see how they would deal with such a height difference, whether they even acknowledge it.
And I would say, Derek is not simply a tall guy but are very tall guy.
MD said on 25/Apr/14
I was also being conservative in my estimate between Bilodeau and Mowry. I tend to be fairly conservative in my estimates despite quite a few people thinking otherwise. Yes, it's more than three inches, which is why I qualified it with "at least." Mowry and Bilodeau are short and below average, respectively, and Derek is a legit tall guy.
I've actually never seen the show, and I wonder if they took height into a huge part of their casting for the show? What are the attitudes they write for the three guys?
SAK said on 24/Apr/14
@MD, great pic again.
To me there looks to be more then 3" between Mowry and Bilodeau, maybe 3.5/3.75" difference. I think Mowry is between 5f3.5-5f4.
MD said on 23/Apr/14
I agree, SAK. As tall a guy as Derek is and with a proportional head length, it's possible we could be talking ten whole inches different between the two. I just said 5'8" to be conservative.
BTW, here is a photo of all three to try and nail down Mowry's height:
Click Here
I think Bilodeau has at least three good inches on him.
SAK said on 22/Apr/14
Thanks MD, the 2nd pic is great for comparison. I would go far as to say Bilodeau looks 5f7.5/171cm next to Derek.
MD said on 22/Apr/14
SAK, that's really not the best photo to try and judge, but there are others without the angle showing Derek a full head taller than Bilodeau and Mowry is even shorter than Bilodeau. So, Bilodeau can't be any taller than 5'8":
Click Here
Click Here
BTW, anyone notice he poses in all of this solo shots? He angles the left side of his body towards the camera and bends at the waist. You really see guys do this.
Mario said on 21/Apr/14
(Not srs).
Mario said on 20/Apr/14
6ft 5 is the new 6ft. Anything 5ft8 to 6ft2 is normal in developed countries. 6ft3/4 is tall, 6ft5 is wow. 6ft used to be wow like 50 years ago.
SAK said on 20/Apr/14
Derek Theler is 6f5/196 how tall are the guys next to him?
Click Here
Jean Luc Bilodeau (left) Tahj Mowry (right)
Jay said on 19/Apr/14
I thought this site was about discussing height? Watch Baby Daddy or anyone he's near. Dude towers over everybody.
Chris said on 18/Apr/14
Is there anything dumber than the term alpha male? No, there isn't.
xaoxio said on 17/Apr/14
A lot of ridiculous stuff here. Just take a look into history so u would know that the vast majority of great men(politicians,actors, singers,scientisits, conquerors, etc) - therefore real alpha males - were average or slightly below average height. Height has nothing to do with masculinity. You're either alpha male or not, regardless of height...
No Surprises said on 17/Apr/14
I've got to say, some people on this page are coming across as severe Small Man Syndrome sufferers. It's pretty well established that a small, muscular man will not attract as much attention as a taller man, regardless of physique. If he's tall AND muscular, like Derek Thaler, he's definitely on to a winner.
nolifeloser said on 17/Apr/14
Looks like he is wearing lifts yet he his meant to be 196cm?
SAK said on 16/Apr/14
1.85 m, 83 kg says: @SAK Extremely childish response. If the criterion for being an alpha male is height or good looks, fine, he is. What I'm saying is not in this age - it's intelligence. Others are saying it's muscle mass/speed, which is more logical to me. french guy 183cm described him as a "good example" of an alpha male. I strongly disagree.
I find most of the negative comments on this page more childish.
Derek Theler is good example when a very tall guy looks after himself and therefore looks very impressive. People below 6ft never seem to really look that great no matter how in-shape they are.
Mario said on 15/Apr/14
@185 83kg Yes I was giving an opinion but so where you. You are giving an opinion too. Don't state it as fact. It works both ways. Peter Crouch possess excellent height. Muscluture is less important when you are tall from what I have observed. I hit the nail on the head.
1.85 m, 83 kg said on 15/Apr/14
Nobody's "busting on" the tall and thin, a few people have just picked up on the BS in french guy 183cm's comment.
You're describing the alpha male requirements for an ape. "No one admires a short man walking into a room, no matter ho muscular"? That's your opinion, don't state it as fact. You can go and admire Peter Crouch by yourself. Life's tough, deal with it.
Extremely childish response. If the criterion for being an alpha male is height or good looks, fine, he is. What I'm saying is not in this age - it's intelligence. Others are saying it's muscle mass/speed, which is more logical to me. french guy 183cm described him as a "good example" of an alpha male. I strongly disagree.
@Arch Stanton
You pretty much hit the nail on the head.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Apr/14
We have rather a lot of 6'5" guys on here now don't we Rob!!

Editor Rob
there is probably a lot more percentage wise on a site like this, than you would find if you took 5000 random men off the street to measure.
Arch Stanton said on 15/Apr/14
I don't know about alpha male but he clearly looks a good looking guy. He doesn't really look 6 ft 5 proportionally in the photo though, unlike most guys that height he has quite short legs.Looking at the photo actually I'd have guessed 6'2-3" but I'll take Rob's word for it he generally looks a proper 6'5".
Mario said on 14/Apr/14
@SAK I know right, lmao! We all know its true, when a tall guy walks into a room, everyone admires, regardless whether he is rich/poor . It's just human nature. No one admires a short man walking into a room, no matter how muscular. Life's tough, deal with it.
Emmett said on 14/Apr/14
Mathew says on 12/Apr/14
His twitter quote is a weird way of answering and makes me suspect he's not a real 6'5" but I honestly have not seen enough of him to say.
[Editor Rob: it's not as obvious what he is inferring...]
He measures himself every day ;)
SAK said on 14/Apr/14
There are some very jealous and bitter comments on here for this guy. I agree with @french guy, Derek does represent the quintessential alpha male in terms of physicality.
Mario said on 14/Apr/14
My take on 1.85cm question - He is tall. He does not need to lift to be ''alpha'', his height is a stand out feature. He is alpha for similar reason as to why American presidents have always been over 6ft. Height indicates intelligence, power, confidence. His height indicates he would be a good breeding partner in terms of physical characteristics, something women are unconsciously attracted to. Lmao as to why people need an explanation.
Sam said on 14/Apr/14
Hey, stop busting on the tall and thin everyone...I wouldn't say it makes you "alpha" to be tall, although in this case, the guy's got handsome looks, so that might help with the ladies. Of course, strength doesn't equal height but I don't remember anyone arguing "Theler must be strong". Generally, those with the most success in our society are those with intellect, work ethic and aggressive business senses not necessarily stature.
1.85 m, 83 kg said on 13/Apr/14
I don't doubt that women would flock to this man, but as for being alpha male? Is he a weightlifter? Is he a fighter? What's his IQ? What alpha male traits does he fulfil?
Powerhouse said on 13/Apr/14
@ Emmett ....exactly and some people fail to realise height isn't size. There are plenty of short stocky strong dudes and some skinny lanky weak tall dudes. Tell me who is the bigger man a guy 5'9 195lbs or a guy 6'0 160lbs? Thats just my point anyway.
Emmett said on 13/Apr/14
Being very tall does not make a guy an 'alpha male', nor does it mean he can have any girl he wants. Enough with the alpha male bull; we don't live in a society of caveman where the best adapted members are always the biggest, most physically imposing ones.
Mathew said on 12/Apr/14
His twitter quote is a weird way of answering and makes me suspect he's not a real 6'5" but I honestly have not seen enough of him to say.

Editor Rob
it's not as obvious what he is inferring...
littlesue said on 11/Apr/14
Does nothing for me, way too tall and look at his short legs!!
french guy 183cm said on 10/Apr/14
Here, you have a good example of an alpha male, the kind of man who get a lot of respect and any girl he wants.