glenn said on 16/Sep/07
crazy pic.
Anonymous said on 15/Sep/07
This really is a ridiculous height for Denzel. How can this be explained, next to 6'4" Michael Moriarty?
Click Here
He looks easily 6'2"
James said on 16/Aug/07
Denzel has a buzzcut style haircut so maybe this might make him look slightly shorter.
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/07
i dont think he has lost any height max 0.5 to 1 cm so might have been 184 but i think he alwais been solid 6 footer and didnt shrink he might 6'1 morning
dmeyer said on 3/Aug/07
in inside man looks 6 ft0.25 to 6'0.5 in like 1.5 in under owen in the siege looks 1 in on willis so 6 ft to 6 ft0.5 4 in under lindo so 6 ft did look 1 in on walken so 6 ft for this guy
James said on 2/Aug/07
Here are my views on how tall Denzel has looked in some of his movies.
Manchurian Candidate - Throughout that whole film looked no more than 5ft11 esspecially in the scenes between him a Liev Schrieber (6ft2.7 inches) where there looks to be several inches between the two.
Pelican Brief - Stood next to 5ft8ish Julia Roberts, Denzel really does look around 6f.05 to 6ft1 inches.
Deja Vu - In this movie belive it or not to me in some parts looked as low as 5ft10.5 although that said he did look similar in height to Val Kilmer (6ft.)
Training Day - In that movie looked anywere from 5ft11 to 5ft11.5 in the scenes where he stands and walks next to Ethan Hawke (5ft10.5)did not really look 6ft to me in that film. Although that said in the premier photos for that movie did look about 2 inches aller than Ethan.
Man on Fire - Much like Pelican Brief looked 6ft to 6ft1.
In a film with him and Morgan Freeman cant remeber the name. Looked about 2.5 to 3 inches shorter than Freeman much like the difference between him and Schrieber. Throughout that civial war movie which was made back in 1989 Denzel again looked had lows of 5ft10.5 generally did not really look 6ft.
These are only a few examples but I really dont know what it is about this guy becuse most of the time does appear a bit smaller than 6ft maybe it's becuse o he has short hair who knows. As has alreadly been mentioned this guy's height can go up and down like a yoyo in his films.
That said he did appear on the Jonathan Ross show back in November 2006 and when he stood up to shake hands with (6ft1.5) Jonathan he did appear nearly as tall as him. I think Denzel Washington is one of those few actors who actually appears taller in real life than he does on screen.
18,181 said on 28/Jul/07
james,russel can be 5'10 or denzel may have footwear advantage.besides,wheres the pic.
Josh said on 13/Jul/07
Yeah he looks 6'0 I thought he was 5'11.5
James the second said on 12/Jul/07
Denzel might be 184cm juding from another picture I was looking through on the internet with him and Russel Crowe on the set of the film American Gangsta. Denzel in that picture is or is nearly 2 inches taller than Russel Crowe who is 5ft10.5 so maybe an upgrage to 6ft.05 is in order?
glenn said on 9/Jul/07
thanks dow.i thought he meant on this page.
Dow Jones said on 9/Jul/07
If you type in "denzel washington and jay z" in google images you will find the photos. there's even a photo that shows that denzel has a taller sitting height than Jay Z, which makes it unlikely that denzel has lift help.
glenn said on 8/Jul/07
james-i looked for the pic.i couldnt find it.strange.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/07
Viper look at the pictures with Denzel standing next to Jay Z he Denzel looks easily 6ft1
Viper said on 6/Jul/07
Denzel looked 6-0 in a picture with 6-1 Barry Bonds. They were not standing side by side but Denzel looked 6-0.
glenn said on 6/Jul/07
interesting james.ill look tonight.
James said on 5/Jul/07
Glenn if you do get time to look at the pics you will see that Denzel might be just about 184cm or something more like 6ft.25 inches. Although that said Denzel did look a fraction shorter than Val Kilmer in Deja Vu, but then again Val's hair is always sticking up.
glenn said on 28/Jun/07
i didnt look yet.thanks.
Anonymous said on 28/Jun/07
Have you found the pictures glenn?
James said on 27/Jun/07
Glenn, go on the Internet Movie Data Base and look through the images of Denzel Washington and you will see a picture of him and Jay Z on the set of TRL shaking hands. By the way I meant Jay Z not P Diddy lol.
glenn said on 27/Jun/07
where can i see the pic james? thanks.
James said on 26/Jun/07
Glenn have you seen that picture with Denzel and Jay z. Im probably wrong but the reason why they might have looked the same size is because judging by Denzels clothing he was wearing dress shoes on boosting his height to 6ft1 and P Diddy might have been wearing sneakers. Although his posture looked really bad in that photo explaning why they looked the same size in reality P diddy is an inch and a half taller than Washington.
glenn said on 26/Jun/07
exactly james and vandal.
vandal said on 25/Jun/07
the 5-10 sightings are definitely bad posture
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/07
that movie.. rendevouz or w/e
i wonder why his friend cop mentioned him as 6'3
James said on 22/Jun/07
Youre right glenn his height does seem to go up and down like a yoyo for example when I saw Denzel in Pelican Brief he looked about 6ft1 and in other films like Daja vu looked 5ft10ish.
James said on 22/Jun/07
Morgan Freeman is 6ft2.5 and three inches under that height is 5ft11.5 which is below 6ft if only a fraction. This looked to be the difference between Morgan and Denzel although I guess it could have been something more like 2 and a half inches?
Anonymous Rex said on 20/Jun/07
Morgan Freeman is close to 6-3. A solid 3" doesn't downgrade Washington below 6
glenn said on 20/Jun/07
i know the movie your talking about.never saw it.he is a tricky one.usually looks around 6ft.but has lows of 5-10.5.
James said on 19/Jun/07
glenn have you seen that american civil war film with denzel back in 1989, like you have previosly mentioned he does give the illusion of bein 5ft10ish. Esspecially in the scenes when he is stood up right in millitary posture next to Morgan Freeman there looks to be a solid 3 inch difference. Plus there was a picture posted on this site a few months ago with Denzel standing next Stallone and there about 1 inch difference between the 2 if that.
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
might be 185 cm and 183 night but to me he looks an easy 6 ft sometimes looks 184 cm might have been 6'0.25 to 6'0.5 in in 20s but he is in shape he eiter lost nothing or 0.25 in maybe 1 cm but no more in movies like deja vu were he apears tall he is bending over and his shoes are low cut 1.25 in heels
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
im with bam.makes sense.i saw him give the illusion of 5-10ish once.
bam said on 9/Jun/07
a while back gdag a poster mentioned this
In the book, By Any Means Necessary: The Trials and Tribulations of the Making of Malcolm X was 6'3", and Denzel says something about being a shade less than 6'. I bet he's 5'11.5" right on the money.
rob if this is true would you downgrade him immediately? He is tall but it came out of the guys mouth

Editor Rob
considering he's been saying 6ft 1, if he done an about turn then it would be of more interest. Someone must have read the book, its either in it or not
Leung said on 4/Jun/07
Mike, in Déjà vu that was just the fat man’s guess when asked to describe him.
mike said on 3/Jun/07
Hes 6,3 in de ja vu
Viper said on 2/Jun/07
Right, December of 1954. Hes 52
Mister Lennon said on 1/Jun/07
He was born in 1954.
Viper said on 30/May/07
Denzel just turned 52 a few months back. Hes not 53
glenn said on 30/May/07
thanks mister lennon.
Mister Lennon said on 29/May/07
He is now 53 years old. He was born in 1954.
glenn said on 28/May/07
have no idea on his age.
James said on 27/May/07
Glenn how old is Denzel now? Maybe he's lost a little height
gabriel said on 25/May/07
no way that hes 6 foot 3 6 foot maybe but he was shorter than val kilmer who i know is no more than 6 foot and a half
glenn said on 24/May/07
i saw denzel walk by me once and he looked 5-10ish.even my friend who isnt into height mentioned he looked short.
James said on 23/May/07
Watched 'Fallen' last night which was made in 98 and he gave me the impression of being 5,10. Although in scenes with Sutherland did look 6,1. Very strange?
Chris said on 5/May/07
Looks 6 feet. Could bee 182 cm, but I think not.
Bobbe said on 9/Apr/07
They describe him as 6`3 in Deja vu
glenn said on 24/Mar/07
yeah,he shrunk.even in person.
James said on 23/Mar/07
Judging by his recent film nowadays he looks more 5ft11.5
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/07
I think he's 6' 0.5", probably 6' 1" very first thing in the morning after 12 hours sleep.
dmeyer said on 18/Feb/07
after looking at getty images he seems exactly 6 ft
dmeyer said on 16/Feb/07
i wish i will met met him but i got back in the movie extra world so i might meet him on american gangster
Anonymous said on 15/Feb/07
6'3 in the movie Deja Vu, lol, where did they pull that out of.
Anonymous said on 13/Feb/07
have you seen him dmeyer?
dmeyer said on 13/Feb/07
he is 6 ft strong
dmeyer said on 11/Feb/07
looks 6 feet no more no less in john q he claims 6'1 might have been 6'1 morning and 6'0.25 night and now 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 morning and 6 ft flat night does look a legit 6 footer
Derek said on 3/Feb/07
He had quite a bit of height on Robert Duvall in John Q. Looked at least 6'.
Anonymous said on 3/Feb/07
he always looks at least 6ft, I would even say little over like 6.25 but in Deja Vu some angles he was same height as Val Kilmer and some he looked noticably taller.
dmeyer said on 2/Feb/07
denzel seems to be strong 6 ft like 6 ft before bet and 185 out of bed maybe he is 6'1 in the morning or 6'0.75 aniway a 6 footer is suposse to be over 6 ft in the morning so he is about 6 ft or 5'11.75 before bed like you rob you are 5'8 because you are 5'8.6 174.2 in morning and 172.7 at night so you are a true 5'8er you could get away with 5'8.25 like proper 173.3 cm
Big Dave said on 8/Jan/07
I think his listing here is about right. There is a scene in the film Out Of Time where he sees eye to eye with 6ft Dean Cain. I think at his peak he probably was 6'1 though; he certainly looked it in the early 1990's.
Spence said on 6/Jan/07
Hes pretty much 6'1 Hes a solid 6'0 184
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
Thats hysterical.
Gotxo said on 4/Jan/07
Huh & Viper:
That's quite funny cause in the spanish version (we always dubb 90% of films)he's described as 183cm and i was wondering what height was expressed on foot & inches on the original version.
3" more...big fat liars.

Editor Rob
a case of even the spanish translator not having any of it and giving the 6ft, nice
Viper said on 1/Jan/07
I laughed when they said he was 6-3 in the movie.
Huh said on 23/Dec/06
In the film Deja Vu-they claim he is 6-3 tall!!!!! what a lie, great actor tho
Glenn said on 22/Dec/06
See what I mean about Denzel? he has DMX posture.shrinking to 5-10.6ft max.
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/06
I don't thinks so.
Saw him on Jonathan Ross show, Denzel was about 3 or 4 inches shorter. Ross says he is 6'1"
SO I don't think he is the full 6 foot!
Glenn said on 15/Dec/06
Thank you Jerk.see what I mean.tricky guy.
Glenn said on 4/Dec/06
I never said he is 5-10,but he gave that strange illusion to my friend and he pointed it out to me as Denzel walked by.I saw the same.and look at my pic.Im sure he is at least 6ft in reality.
Anonymous said on 3/Dec/06
Glenn, you really witnessed him looking 5'10"? He's never looked short to me but before seeing this site I would have guessed him as a 6' tall guy in regular shoes or 5'10"- 5'11" barefoot, judging by what i've seen on TV of course.
APP said on 21/Nov/06
In his youth, 184cm. Now, 183cm - I think
dmeyer said on 30/Oct/06
i think 6'0.5 at peak ant 6'0 but steel look 184 most of thje times
Viper652 said on 30/Oct/06
He looked 6-0 next to legit 6-1 baseball player Barry Bonds. Fairly convincing for me.
Glenn said on 30/Oct/06
Like I said a few times.he is suspicious.I saw from 5-10.5 to 6ft,different occassions.
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
that pic with hanks proves he is around 6 feet and 6'0.25 is very accurate height for hanks since i am 181 at 2 pm and he was nearly an inch taller maybe less so hanks is in the 183-4 zone
dmeyer said on 29/Oct/06
in movies he does look in the 184 range slightly taller than bruce willis only 1.5 smaller than clive 1 in taller than dean cain and a lidl taller than walken
Spence said on 29/Oct/06
5'10? ur joking right. If there was ever a guy who looked a solid 6'0 it is Denzel. He is a solid 6' tall guy . Watch Malcolm X he looks big in it. I give him 184
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/06
To me, he has always looked a solid 5'10. He is known to wear lifts for roles. 5'10 barefoot max
sam said on 25/Oct/06
He is a big dude. Even though he may not be that much over 6 feet tall, he probably weighs at least 200 pounds, so he can look like a tank next to skinny people.
Austrian said on 24/Oct/06
yea Washington looks really big in the inside man
Glenn said on 17/Oct/06
Denzel,like LL are the only 2 black celebs that are chameleons of height.that I can think of.Denzel,me and my friends witnessed a low of 5-10.
Anthony said on 15/Oct/06
Tom Hanks is about 184 cm (listed as 6'0.25), him and Denzel look pretty much the same height here. 6'0.5 might be more accurate.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/06
I was actually surprised to see him listed this height. For some reason or another he always struck me as 5'10" or so. He just never looked that tall on screen. Having said that he did look 6' Compared to Chiwitell and Owen in Inside Man.

Editor Rob
looked an easy 6 footer in that film...
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/06
watch his films and tv interviews and watch him closely. he is 5,9 for sure

Editor Rob
I think strong 6ft is more reasonable
Chris said on 18/Sep/06
Rob, Denzel is listed as 6'½'' on a few places, do think he could be that, cause has stated his height as 6'1''.
[Editor Rob: in 2005 he was 6ft 0.25 here]
J. said on 10/Aug/06
I don't want to turn the site into a movie review forum, lol, but Rob, is Inside Man a snoozer, hence you not paying much attention to it? I'm asking because I have plans to rent it.

Editor Rob
its not a snoozer, I do work and sometimes have movies on the go on my tv, that's all...
Ed said on 9/Aug/06
Hard to make out, but Denzel looked about 1 inch plus shorter than Clive Owen in Inside Man. 6ft sounds pretty accurate!

Editor Rob
I wasn't paying much attention to this film, but yes he looked in most scenes a *solid* 6ft no less, beside dafoe and chiwitell...although sometimes on those sidewalks it varies
Viper652 said on 25/Jul/06
He really does look 6-0.
dmeyer said on 23/Jul/06
i think he is 183 pushing 184 cm
Glenn said on 16/Jun/06
I seen him look between 5-10 and 6ft.weird.
Steve Johnson said on 14/Jun/06
Been with him at a couple of events in NY and he was a gentleman
(we are not friends) he is about 5" 11.5" and no more.
wavemaster said on 19/Apr/06
6 foot sound right. He is about 4 inches shorter than Delroy Lindo in Malcom X
Pierre said on 12/Apr/06
he looked one inch shorter than owen in inside man. i'd say he is 6 foot one, maybe a cm more.
tgri said on 2/Apr/06
omg , i just met him yester day on a film set .hes 6'0.
yea said on 26/Mar/06
looked about 2 inches shorter than Clive Owen (6'2) in Inside Man
Glenn said on 22/Mar/06
Usually looks 6ft.on rare shocking occassion 5-10.5.I swear.
Jim said on 21/Mar/06
I don't think he's any less than 6'1. Pictures taken at the premiere of INSIDE MAN, show Denzel to be pretty much the same height as Clive Owen (listed as 6'2), when Owen and Denzel stood side by side.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/06
How come he looks shorter than Tom Hanks in Philadelphia if Tom Hanks is only 5'11"
Glenn said on 4/Mar/06
my friends witnessed his change in height.from 6-1 to 5-10.
yoto said on 27/Feb/06
he is tall.He is maybe near to 6'2''.Rob why you are downgrading Denzel.Put him at 6'1 he is a big guy.
Asi9 said on 26/Feb/06
In the photo, is Glenn the same Glenn that comments on this Board? If so how accurate is the reported 5ft 8in height? Considering that Glenn is standing a bit further away from the camera than Washington and is not wearing a hat, the difference in height between "Glenn" and Washington is not very great.
Tubbs said on 13/Feb/06
Yeah, I must admit Denzel is nearer to the camera, so as you say Viper, he is at the very least 6'0, the angle does give off the impression that he is 6'1 i suppose.
Viper652 said on 13/Feb/06
Also Denzel is so much closer to the camera, so it would appear he would be 6-1 from that angle, but If he moved in closer, he would look an inch shorter.
Viper652 said on 13/Feb/06
Really?? its hard to tell from that angle. What Im meant was, he is AT THE VERY LEAST, a solid 6-0 in that pic. He might be 6-1, its hard to tell since its a terrible pic to judge from. Since some people have said he looks below 6-0 at times.
Tubbs said on 12/Feb/06
Viper, whats up with your eyes pal? Denzel looks taller than Bonds, atleast 6'1 surely.
Viper652 said on 11/Feb/06
Looks a solid 6-0 there talking to 6-1 Barry.
CoolJ said on 10/Feb/06
Bonds is really about 6'1 I believe.. maybe Denzel is 1cm taller than we thought?
Its hard to tell from that picture really..
CelebHeights Editor said on 8/Feb/06
Guardian Newspaper, "He offers his hand and my own disappears within his grasp, like a child's. He's 6ft 2in, weighs a good 260 pounds"
cantstop25 said on 1/Feb/06
"he looked 6-1 one day,and 5-10 a month later!"
wow! that is very interesting
PhillySteph said on 21/Jan/06
I saw Denzel many years ago now in person, while he was filming Philadelphia, he is no way 6'; I'm 5.8 1/2, maybe 5'9" at the most and I had on flats and I looked him right in the eyes. He's no more than 5'10' unless he grew over the years. Men always lie about their heights, even non-celebrities or there's a different yardstick that they use on men. Women, weigh in.
Glenn said on 19/Jan/06
he looked 6-1 one day,and 5-10 a month later!
6foot116stillgrowing said on 17/Jan/06
looks like a 5 eleven man to me
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/06
4 inches shorter than lindo. 6'ft not an 1/4 less sounds perfect.
CoolJ said on 13/Jan/06
If Glenn comes forward in the pic next to Denzel.. I'd say Denzel is about 5'11.5 - 6'
dmeyer said on 13/Jan/06
he looks 6'
gdawg said on 5/Jan/06
In the book, By Any Means Necessary: The Trials and Tribulations of the Making of Malcolm X, Denzel talks about the difficulties of portraying Malcolm X. Malcolm X was 6'3", and Denzel says something about being a shade less than 6'. I bet he's 5'11.5" right on the money.
Ujane,Moscow said on 18/Nov/05
Gee, I thought he`s about 6ft 4in! I am surprised!
Big Dave said on 7/Oct/05
I would say that his listing here is accurate. You can see this by watching the film Out of Time. There is a scene where he squares up to Dean Cain(star of superman and they are exactly the same height. In some of his older films he did look 6'1 but he has clearly lost a bit since then.
MD said on 14/Sep/05
Actually, I saw him on the Tonight show too, last night (9/14/2005) and he actually looked .5" to 1" taller than Jay, but no more. I would guess 5'11".
1702 said on 14/Sep/05
I just saw Denzel sign Jay Leno's bike (on The Tonight Show 09/13/05) for the Hurricane Relief auction and it looks like he's an inch or two shorter than Leno. Most people here say that Leno is 5'10"; therefore, Denzel has to be shorter than 5'10".
Mr. R said on 13/Apr/05
I must point out that Denzel used special shoes when he played Steven Biko in Cry Freedom, so that he would be taller then Kevin Kline, who is listed at 6-1. Never doubt the power of the shoes!
Mr.K said on 12/Apr/05
Zach's opinion is correct. In The Royal Tenenbaums you can see him beside 6'0" Luke Wilson. The difference in height is very little. In the Enemy of the State he is at least 2-3 cms shorter than Will Smith (I don't agree with the Editor). There are many examples where he looks about 185 cms. In the movie Get Shorty against Travolta there is no big difference. Beside Jon Voight he looks 3-4 cms shorter.
Smoke said on 12/Apr/05
Here's a picture of Denzel with former German Light Heavyweight boxing champion Henry Maske. On Maske's official website, his height is listed at 190 cm, in his pic with Denzel he only looks about an inch taller. Someone's height is definately off here!