BirchGirl said on 30/Mar/16
@Anon_V Giada De Laurentiis really is little. If she is really 5'2" like other sites say, then she honestly has really bad proportions. I would believe it if they told me she was 5'0" and under. She has a really large head, short arms, short legs, and big hands which makes her appear really short especially if the camera isn't covering her legs (like it is in almost all the shots in her cooking show). Look at her full-body shots and you'll know what I mean.
da_truth said on 19/Oct/15
honestly thought she looked more 5'6" ish
Anon_V said on 9/May/08
Absolutely love Giada! I would have guessed she was very tiny but when she faced off with Rachael Ray on "Iron Chef" she was a little bit taller (heels perhaps?). I think Rachael is listed somewhere as 5'3 so Giada could be taller than that? Hard to say.
sweet tooth said on 23/Jan/08
what is Giada's acual height?
Anonymous said on 31/Dec/07
Click HereI can see why so many people are searching for Giada's height. Her bodily proportions are insane and not so typical of most petite women.
Anonymous said on 30/Dec/07
I think it's already established that Giada is petite--here's a quote:
Giada:(On how she can still be in good shape while being a chef)
"I have to say that this is by far the question I am most frequently asked, and my answer is always the same: genetics, portion control and fresh ingredients. If you've ever seen my mother either on the show or in photographs, you'll notice that she is quite petite, trim. So I have her to thank for getting me off to a good start. In addition, I've never been one to sit down to a meal with a large plate of food and eat every morsel until I was uncomfortably full. Rather, I graze - eating small portions of food all day long. And the ingredients are clean and fresh. Yes, I absolutely love chocolate, and I do eat it, but just a bite."
Anonymous said on 30/Dec/07
I found this article that says that Giada, the "petite powerhouse" is just under 5'2".
Directly from the article-
"Large/small: it's hard to spend time with Giada without considering contradictions of size. The thirty-six-year-old is just under five feet two."
Click Here
glenn said on 25/Nov/07
im only kidding rob,but maybe you should add her on this page.i have no clue who she is too.
glenn said on 25/Nov/07
rob,sounds like we need to add a page to this major celeb everyone keeps asking

Editor Rob
actually there is more searches for this chick's height than some bigger folk on this site, but since they end up on dino's page when they search on google, that's why they ask for her...
Kristanna said on 24/Nov/07
hey anyone know about his daughter, Giada? He's short and she looks a little on the tall side...
Anonymous said on 5/Nov/07
"[Editor Rob: I'm not familiar with who she is, first I heard of her was this mentioned thread.]"
She's a chef on The Food Network Channel. Her show is called Everyday Italian. She also has another show that airs on the same channel, Giada's Weekend Getaways.
glenn said on 24/Oct/07
i never heard of her either so maybe you make a point.sorry about that.but consider it or research he if you have time which i doubt you do.

Editor Rob
having a quick glance at first I'd say 5ft 5.
glenn said on 23/Oct/07
rob-thats 3 requests.dont ignore it please.

Editor Rob
I'm not familiar with who she is, first I heard of her was this mentioned thread.
Anonymous said on 22/Oct/07
Yes, please add Giada De Laurentis' height. I'm curious to know how tall she is as well. Thanks!
Anon_V said on 21/Sep/07
Rob, please add his granddaughter Giada as well, thanks. She's the little hottie who hosts Food network's "Everyday Italian" show. I say "little" but I honestly don't know how big she is. She SEEMS little.
Megan said on 24/Jun/07
Can you please add the height of Giada De Laurentiis too? Sometimes she seems average height, but most of the time she seems very petite so I was just wondering. Also, could you please add some other Food Network stars, like Rachael Ray. Thanks!
Nolifts81 said on 19/Feb/07
I've met Dino De Laurentis many times in Italy. He is really a legend!!!However he is about 5'4", the editor is right.
glenn said on 17/Feb/07
happy to run into this legend.
Anthony said on 17/Feb/07
Glenn's luching quite a bit. If he stood up straight it woud be an easy four inches between them.
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/07
That looks like less than a four inch height difference in that photo.
Jason said on 14/Feb/07
He produced the Conan movies - what a legend! Would be pics of him with Arnie in the early 80s.