Betsy said on 26/Aug/13
I think he must have lost just a bit of height after his back surgery in late 2008. The interview in which he said he was 6'1" was taken years before that. Now he seems to be in the range of 6'0.5" - 6'0.75", and most photos where he is with other people seem to confirm that.
Lurk said on 8/Aug/13
In the photo he looks nothing more than a flat 6 ft - even considering Rob's slight footwear advantage.
avi said on 26/Jul/13
If you look close Rob is also leaning in to match it. Yes he seems 6'0.5
Brad (181.5) said on 6/Jul/13
I don't know if it's the posture, but I can't see David Tennant as anything more than 6'0.5"? I can't tell for certain, if he was 6'1" his eyes would reach the top of your head, Rob! Then again, he does seem to be leaning forward.
avi said on 2/Jul/13
you can't honestly think there is 5 full inches difference here?? its obvious he is 6'0.5 at best

Editor Rob
I had about 1/3rd inch thicker sneakers...I don't think if he wasn't 6ft 1 he'd be very near it.
ken said on 16/Jun/13
There is more than 10 cm between noel clarke and him, if tennant is just 185, then noel clarke is 172-3 at most and not 175 as it is written everywhere
ken said on 13/Jun/13
If you see doctor who, you will see he is a a strong tall guy, eleven doctor is also tall, but i couldn't see anyone taller then him in the episodes, Im sure he is at least 6'1 but i can imagine for him 187 or 188 cm also.

Editor Rob
he's not over 6ft 1 although being skinny he could probably fool some folk
Johno said on 10/Jun/13
Note, tennant's eyeline does not seem as a large as rob's. It is most likely 4 inches.
LG69 said on 16/May/13
@richkid123, he's a solid 6'0...maybe a bit more. He's tall but, not "big" as you say.
johno said on 7/May/13
Actually, looking again, it appears tennant is raising his head a little and his forehead seems a bit shorter then robs.
Tennant 5'11.75 - 6'0
Mark said on 30/Mar/13
I would say a strong 6ft/weak 6'1.
Dmeyer said on 17/Mar/13
Top of your head slightly over his eyebrow so 8cm taller than Rob Max plus nearly 1cm footwear =9cm wish makes him 182.2cm 5'11.75 , looks 6'0 in the pic , but i believe Rob

Editor Rob
he was with Joe Flanigan at one point near the green room and I think flanigan 181-2 range and Tennant 185 range when they were beside each other...
Josh B said on 6/Mar/13
Rob, there's a shortage of 6'0.75 heights, reckon that would be fairer for David :)
Johno said on 2/Mar/13
About 6'0.25
richkid123 said on 25/Feb/13
doesn't appear that big of a guy
Mathew said on 3/Feb/13
He looks no more than 184 cm here, of course accounting for footware that turns into no more than 185 cm. Weak 6'1".
James said on 2/Feb/13
He defo looks more 6ft with rob
Trent said on 23/Jan/13
I say 6'0.75 considering the sneaker advantage.
Josh said on 18/Jan/13
6'0 the most
Bakura said on 16/Jan/13
@Aragorn- Even though he clearly looks 6'1 in the photo?

Editor Rob
Aragorn 5'11 said on 16/Jan/13
6'0 or weak 6'0.5. Never 6'1!!!
1.85 m, 83 kg said on 6/Jan/13
He looked fractionally taller, I don't know what you saw.
LJ said on 6/Jan/13
Looked fractionally smaller than Jonathan Ross on his show last night. If Ross really is 187, then 185 sounds right for Tennant.
Trent said on 26/Dec/12
Somehow I missed the part about Rob's sneaker advantage. In that case I agree with you Larc.
miko said on 24/Dec/12
184 seems closer, maybe more 185 earlier in the day.
Larc-186.7-188.6cm said on 21/Dec/12
He has less sneakers, and he's bending a bit, he can be 6'0.75 or even 6'1.
thorterr said on 20/Dec/12
6ft 1 hands er heads down
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 19/Dec/12
Looks more like 6'0
Trenton said on 14/Dec/12
6'0.5 could be more on the money.
The Exorcist said on 8/Dec/12
I do think he looks 6'1" on screen but he's not looking it in photo above.
dmeyer said on 4/Dec/12
looks 182cm
Arch Stanton said on 29/Nov/12
Good photo, shows he is exactly as listed.
miko said on 29/Nov/12
Great photo Rob, how much posture is he losing here?

Editor Rob
I don't think much
Editor Rob said on 29/Nov/12
I think he's close to his claim, I saw him at this event beside Joe Flanigan and he was a good 3-4cm taller...
UK183cm said on 28/Nov/12
I seem him as more 184cm than 185, and I'm quite confident he is not 186. He is probably something like 186 out of bed, and 184 at night, with 185 at around midday. Just my opinion though
Nick NB said on 30/Sep/12
After having watched 'Doctor Who', 'Hamlet' and 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', I hesitate not in agreeing with the facts which suggest that he is a strong 6'1" (1.86 m).
It is worth noting that as well as being very self-conscious, he has a huge stage presence and this, with his vast array of facial expressions and accents, makes him the versatile actor that he is. How effortlessly he slips into Estuary English from his Natural Scottish is just a sample of his various talents.
He is of course a fantastic actor!
UK182.5cm said on 8/Aug/12
I have seen pictures where Matt Smith is the same height as benedict cumberbatch, and there are good pictures showing Benedict cumberbatch is the same height as david tennant. My current opinion is that Cumberbatch and Tennant are both 184cm and Smith is 183cm.
Michael said on 26/Nov/11
Dear hugewhofan, Davies is 6 ft 6, that's probably why. Haha.
Nick B said on 1/Sep/11
Having watched, 'Doctor Who' and 'Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire', I hesitate not in agreeing with the facts which suggest that he is a strong 6'1", 1.86 m, 186 cm and is a fantastic actor.
hugewhofan said on 2/Jul/11
i can't believe that David Tennant is so tall! He is shorter than Russel T. Davies, which is an even bigger suprise!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Jun/11
Hard guy to pin down. Can look anywhere between 6ft-6ft2. Ron is over or under 6ft1 more likely?

Editor Rob
I think 6ft 1, the height he claims is a fair estimate
Carol said on 13/Jan/11
to Paddy French
I don't have an evidence but a retired teacher from my school looks really similar with David Tennant and he has grey hair. Perhaps you saw him?! O.o
you can see how he looks like in youtube. type tiffin girls school in the search bar and click on the one with a man with a grey hair
Paddy French said on 27/Nov/10
I agree with 'Chris' about David Tennant standing firmly, minus plinth, in the 186cm camp. I walked past somebody who looked like Tennant yesterday, and the gentleman was topping out at the 1.86m mark. I'm not sure if it was the Scottish actor as his hair was unusually grey, though this could have been a wig, which presumably would have added countless millimetres to the equation. I am six feet five inches tall – honest – and have poor eyesight, though I was wearing my glasses. Both my steep vantage point and the bizarre quality of my refracted vision could account for the strange concavity I observed in Tennant's face. 'Tennant'.
In conclusion, would the gentleman who passed me on Tavistock Square yesterday evening please contact with photographic evidence of the following:
a. his height
b. him being David Tennant
My own 1956mm frame prevents me from visiting the local opticians as they have a low ceiling; proof positive of my recent brush with celebrity would therefore save both time and money. Before anybody replies, I should say that I tried to verify the resemblance by zooming in on a photo of DT I found online, but the closer I got the more his features went out of focus. Needless to say, this result did nothing to boost a sagging confidence in my own faculties of perception.
Ray said on 15/Nov/10
Maybe your taller than you think!!
Richi said on 14/Nov/10
I have something to add to Chris's rather uncompromising post. I met David twice, both times on the set of Doctor Who. Standing next to him, we were both wearing the same shoes (All Star Converse), both standing straight, both times, and he was easily my hiehgt (6'1"), possibly sligtly smaller, but no less that 6'0.5" for sure. If he had been further away I would have guessed taller, maybe 6'3", but up close he really was the same as me. So there you have it. 2 conflicting posts, both with evidence and experience to back them up. Leave it to be public to decide :)
P:S, if you look at David next to the TARDIS in Doctor who, the height of the TARDIS door is about 83 inches, try to figure it out from that if you want, bearing in mind that he may be leaning on the inside of the door and taking into account the size of the TARDIS base and caps...
James S said on 15/Apr/09
When he was on Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson he looked 6ft 3, he was almost eye level with JC but I think he's really 6ft 1 or maybe a weak 6ft 2
Rachel said on 28/Dec/08
He is 6'1" - and that is FACT, thank you
Hugh said on 4/Dec/08
Pretty lanky guy. I'd say 6ft1 is about right. Maybe 186cm on a good day.
OutBenchThis said on 12/Oct/08
Looks taller than 6'1". Perhaps 6'1.5"
angie said on 22/Jun/08
he's a tall guy - i met him a little while ago. not INCREDIBLY tall but still pretty tall. and because he's very slender, he looks even longer =)
Snoodle said on 22/Jun/08
Agreed he's about 6' 1" (why would he lie :p?) and as stated below, that's not counting the massive presence of his hair...which is really a celebrity of it's own XD
kramer said on 16/May/08
he was a good 5 inches taller than derren brown, in his barefeet, on his show. If Brown is 5ft 9 then Tennant is 6ft 2.
Chris Hughes said on 7/May/08
I dont think DT is 6.1 or 6.2.
In the other nights episode, he was standing in a door way, now a door way is approx 6ft or 6.5 depending on differences.
He came to at least 4 or 5 inches lower than the lintle, witch is where i basically measure, and i just scrape under 6ft, barely. so im guessing DT is approx 6ft, slightly taller than me.
I work with a guy who is 6.5, and he is massive, to say DT is 6.2 i dont blelieve, cos if he was, hed duck everytime he enters the tardis.
catherine payne said on 2/May/08
i think that david is a litle taller than 6 ft1 because when freemer is wearing
heels she only comes up to his shoulder
Bruce said on 19/Apr/08
6'1" is very accurate for DT because Catherine Tate is just underneath the top part of his head and she is 5'8" making his 5 inches taller than her. I am a 5'10.5" and i am very good at telling peoples height. For a guy to described as "TALL" he has to be 6'1.5" and above because average heights depending on different countries start from 5'8" to 6'0". Anytime i go out I seem to be very tall than most people and anytime i feel short then am probably standing beside a 6'3" person or above.
Sam Troy said on 6/Apr/08
John Barrowman is 6'0", and David Tennant seems quite a bit taller than him, so I'd say he's about 6'1.5" or 6'2".
TJ said on 11/Dec/07
Richey, if he was the same height as your 5'9 sister when she was in 3 inch heels, how does that make him 6'0 to 6'1? Three inch heels give a little over 2 inches in truth, so she was probably standing at less than 5'11.5. He was in shoes too presumably, so you're anecdote suggests he is 5'11.5 in shoes or around 5'10.5 barefoot. That said, I think he's certainly taller than that.
Richey said on 9/Dec/07
He's either 6 foot or 6'1...he was the same height as my 5'9" sister when she wore 3 inch heels...if you didn't inculde the height of his hair.
SW said on 19/Nov/07
Someone being very slim doesn't make them 'seem' taller! My BF is very slim, much like David Tennant, and 6ft 2!
LC said on 17/Nov/07
I really didn't think DT was 6ft 1! That's taller than I thought he was. I guess was a little taller than Peter Davison in last night's Children in Need thing and this site has Peter down as 6ft.
Ted said on 27/Oct/07
Becky, my wife is 5'9 im 6'1. Even when she is in high heels, Im still 2-3 inches taller. Unless you are wearing 6" heels, and if he is in normal shoes 1" he will still be slightly taller. 6" heels still wont give you over 4" in height. You would need to gain 5".
AD said on 25/Jun/07
Hahaha..yes I agree on both points there Claz, even though I'm english!... definately 6'1" definately the most charismatic presence on the TV at the moment, both 'in character' and in real life on behind the scenes, interviews, documentaries etc.
Claz said on 20/Jun/07
I think he is 6'1 why would he lie about his height. Also david tennant is the best actor in the uk. Mon the scots
6'3'' JK said on 26/May/07
He is not tall as 6'1'', more likely 5'11'' - 6'0'' max
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/07
i absolutely LOVE him
his height and his charismatic personality while acting just makes me completely fall for him
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/07
becky i'm 6ft 1 and my gf is 6ft2 so don't know how you can say that when you are a mere 5ft9.
fetish dude said on 31/Mar/07
well he may be tall but i wouldn't care if he was smaller just so i get to see his sexy feet! cant believe he was barefoot for the entire episode today! omg!
Becky said on 21/Mar/07
As a 5'9" woman, 5'10" for a man certainly does seem very small LOL. Not sure 6'1" is tall enough either - I wouldn't be able to wear heels. Unless of course he did too :-)
MT said on 2/Feb/07
lmao, 5'10" isn't 'very small' btw
Carrie said on 30/Sep/06
LOL When I first saw him on film, I thought he was a very small man - about 5"10. Since I LOVE tall men - I was kinda cool about the whole Dr Who role.... but when I found out he was 6"1 - I almost swooned. LOL
Philip said on 5/Jun/06
6'1'' is about right. Chris Eccleston is 6'2'' without a doubt and eccleston looks taller than Tennant when he stands next Billie Piper.
AJ1983 said on 27/Dec/05
Usually when someone - like David - is very thin, they look taller than they actually are; David is taller than I expected. I had him down at about 5'11"
CelebHeights Editor said on 14/Dec/05
Said about a co-star, "that's why his love rival is Rupert Penry Jones, who's 6ft 2in". Hmm, I'm not sure about Rupert. He done the four feathers with Heath ledger, but for life of me can't remember if he was same size/taller.
CelebHeights Editor said on 8/May/05
Said in Metro: "How tall are you? ....I'm 6ft 1 in"