Rob G said on 1/Apr/09
Schwimmer's heigh listed here is about right, may be even dead on.
Hugh2 said on 20/Mar/09
But glenn do you think Alec is actually 6ft1?
glenn said on 20/Mar/09
i told you guys alec was 6-1 in the street to me alot last year.had some undetectable lifts on.
-_-_-(Hugh)-_-_-/ said on 20/Mar/09
Schwimmer looked the same height if not shorter than Alec Baldwin. It shows that Baldwin is a serious lift wearer. Both barefoot I'd say Schwimmer is 2 inches taller than Baldwin.
Ace said on 17/Mar/09
Anyway, he looks about 1.5-2 inches taller than perry here:
Click Here
Ace said on 17/Mar/09
Ian, do you see the way schwimmer is standing? Jason lee is standing straight, and schwimmer has his legs twisted, and is leaning in.
Ian said on 8/Mar/09
I bet there more than 1.4" heels I can see a pair of doc martin style shoes those add typically 1.3- 1.4" at the back on the edge of the carpet and schwimmers look twice as big plus they are not lace ups these are straps which points to lift wearing as you can see his foot raised going into the metatarsal area of the foot, it looks bulging out as if wearing raised lifts though I admit he could have a bulky fat foot some people do. I just can't see him being 6ft2 when he is smaller than Jason Lee by about 2 inches and Jason Lee is 6ft1.5
In kissing the fool there is several scenes where schwimmer is clearly smaller some where he looks the same height but you don't see their feet. The notiable ones are when schwimmer is on the kerb and jason lee is on the road and there are the same height. So Schwimmer is a kerb height smaller than jason lee. Another in Jason Lee house towards end of film where scwimmer looks 3-4 inches smaller than Jason Lee.
Click HereAnd Walliams is 6ft2 a strong 6ft2. He also states he is and he is clearly taller than schwimmer by a couple of inches. Brits also state height without shoes so I'm inclined to believe him more than an American who more than 9times out 10 state heights with shoes on.
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
David Walliams sorry is clearly taller than 6'2". He is almost as tall as 6'4" listed guys like James Cracknell and Vernon Kay. Walliams is nearer 6'3" without a doubt.
Doug said on 8/Mar/09
One thing is clear. Schwimmer has an easy 4 inches on 5'9" LeBlanc. I was watching it yesterday and Schwimmer was completely relaxed in posture and still had 4 inches on him. I would say 6'1" peak barefoot, 6'2" in shoes. Schwimmer has never been a legit 6'2" barefoot, these days looks around 6'0.5" to me.
ace said on 6/Mar/09
I doubt Ian that those shoes add 2 inches. Rob, out of curiousness, about how much would you guess those shoes add?

Editor Rob
I'd say 1.4, that looks like a shoe where the top most part of the heel is above the highest part of the insole.
It's like Nike Free's. Looking at them you think 1.25 inch, but they are a bit concave inside and give more 1 inch...
_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 6/Mar/09
He's quite close to 6ft2 rob? an upgrade maybe. 186cm.
Ian said on 5/Mar/09
The example Rob G is a good one just because he is tall than average doesn't mean he doesn't wear lifts to gain a bit more height. I forgot to put my name in below. Anon was me. If doc. martins can give 1.5" then certain those chunky footwear he has there is given about 2" it's about 1" at the front. Next to true 6f2" guys he is looks no more than 6ft. David Walliams a strong 6ft2 has him owned.
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/09
Look at his shoes Bam. There are massive. I've been saying this all along he wears massive shoes in friends always. The man is no where near 6'2. He's about 6ft2 in his shoes yes but not 6ft2 bearfoot. Those shoes look like 2inches of heel.
Rob G said on 5/Mar/09
Well of course it is silly, but it doesn't mean it is impossible,for example John Wayne, a very tall guy wearing lifts. I think that Schwimmer indeed makes use of chunky footwear at times, even though he is over 6'0"
bam said on 28/Feb/09
wears lifts? Thats silly. The man is close to 6'2, and has a choice for ugly clunky footwear.
Ian said on 24/Feb/09
Here is Schwimmer in his ever so chunky footwear. Look at the heel on these compare that with regular shoes(upper edge of red carpet). He has more lift on the front of his shoes than regular shoes do at the back. These are what he wears on a lot of occasions in friends too. I posted the screenshot from friends he had shoes like this on with massive chunks of grip and big chucky lifts.
Click HereClick Here
Ian said on 23/Feb/09
It would't surprise me if Schwimmer wears lifts. I also see him in shoes mostly in friends and on the occasions he is wearing trainers in friends he looks Chandler's height. Le blanc wears trainers a lot and in the one in barbados he wears flipflops and is just about Aisha tylers height who plays charlie(6ft she says. I dont see it for her because Joey is around the same height wearing flipflops ). Charlie is wearing flipflops and is not much under Ross who is wearing his shoes again.
Clay said on 22/Feb/09
Its not easy to judge because he was either beside someone who is kinda tall in his own (Perry, at 5'11.5) or an average guy who was jacked up on lifts (Le Blanc, standing close to 6'0 in his ''boots'').
Rob G said on 21/Feb/09
That"s why he is probably the heigh listed here, or a tad under. He never strucked me as a legit 6'2" guy, especially next to Elliot Gould or Tom Selleck. One thing is certain that he is 6'0" plus, if I were to guess I would say 6'0.75"
Rob G said on 18/Feb/09
Yeah but at times he could look 183cm, he is close to the height he is listed here, 6'0" to 6'1" range,not over though
luke said on 17/Feb/09
David Schwimmer is 6'1 (185 cm) tall.
Doug said on 14/Feb/09
I think 6'0.5" is more accurate look at the picture with Walliams. At least two inches difference.
Doug said on 14/Feb/09
Gabrielle Reece had about 2.5-3 inches on Schwimmer who is a legit 6'3" barefoot, in shoes at least 6'4". 6'1" is about right at the max, never 6'2". I thought he looked nearer 6'0.5" in comparison to Reece.
jonmim said on 6/Feb/09
we think he is well short because my friend jo yeah saw him and said he was like shorter than her and she is like 5'7'' yo blud
Rob G said on 2/Feb/09
Well I can buy him as tall as 6'0.5" , 6'0.75" (like 6'1" morning or something) but definatleyy in my eyes this guy is not 6'2' cuz for once if he is so how tall is Elliot Gould? 6'4" so prime 6'5" same case with Selleck, Scwimmer at 6'2" makes Selleck 6'5" and posiibly 6'6" in prime. Really that;'s hard to buy.
Clay said on 30/Jan/09
Schwimmer is more than 6'0 I can guarantee you that.
Big T said on 28/Jan/09
lol. Schwimmer was never 2-3 inches taller than Baldwin. Call it camera trickery or whatever you like, but there was no noticeable height difference in that episode. Baldwin looked taller as often as Schwimmer did. Al Gore looked taller than both of them.
Ian said on 27/Jan/09
Click HereClealy smaller than David Wallams who is 6ft2.5 who doesn't stand straight why do you need to when you are as tall as that.
Schwimmer looks a 6ft guy. He is employing his ever so straight posture again to look taller. Not forgetting his ever so big footwear he wears on occasions when he needs to look taller.
Clay said on 26/Jan/09
On a TV show like thats its easy to tell the heights of the stars as a lot of the time they are in socks, and he always passed as 6'1-6'2. Le Blanc on the other hand..
Hugh said on 25/Jan/09
Schwimmer was actually 2-3 inches taller than Alec Baldwin.
anonymous said on 24/Jan/09
On friends he looks like a solid 6 footer but in reality he is 6 foot 1.
Big T said on 23/Jan/09
Amazing. Schwimmer looks shorter next to Baldwin than 5'11" Dane Cook does
George said on 20/Jan/09
He looks maybe half an inch taller than 6ft Baldwin, plus Schwimmer was wearing converse, and Baldwin dress shoes. So I think he is a strong 6'1, probably 6'1.25.
I think he definitely looks more than 6', he always looked like a big guy on friends, but he definitely didn't look as big as 6'2+.
Clay said on 18/Jan/09
Baldwin is 6'0'', to be fair.
Big T said on 18/Jan/09
ok, so Schwimmer is the same height as 6'3" Krasinski and 5'11" Alec Baldwin. Amazing.
Clay said on 17/Jan/09
Again doesnt mean Scwimmer is 6'3'' but it puts to rest the stupid claims that people make like '' 6'0-6'0.5''. Wake up and smell the roses you downgraders because its just nausiating.
Clay said on 15/Jan/09
And Krasinski falls under the ''easily'' category Hugh.
Hugh said on 10/Jan/09
Wow! Schwimmer is the exact same height as John Krasinski whose supposed to be at least 6ft3.
Hugh said on 9/Jan/09
Schwimmer 186-187cm
Perry 182-183cm
LeBlanc 178cm
Hugh said on 9/Jan/09
The full 6ft2 i'm not so sure about right now. He's certainly at least 6ft1. I do think he's a bit taller though.
anonymous said on 8/Jan/09
Im starting to believe 6`2 more and more:
Click Here
Hugh said on 7/Jan/09
Glenn most of them I've seen up close or near enough to judge how tall they are. Fair few I've met.
Jan said on 3/Jan/09
I think he's arround 6 ft and 1/2" Look at youtube when he meets Gabrielle Reece:
Click Here
Ian said on 31/Dec/08
James I found that one with David walliams He is way smaller than him, walliams is slouching and leaning and Schwimmer is not lot taller than Matt Lucas who is 5ft6.5. Looks to me his eyes look slightly over Matt lucas' head. That would put his height around 5f11.5-6ft in my opinion. Schwimmer as usually has a stick up his ass posture. No way he is 6ft2 though this proves it.
Click Here
glenn said on 28/Dec/08
exactly clay.hugh says the same thing.and hugh met some people too.
Clay said on 27/Dec/08
Everything points to a 6'1 minimum Schwimmer actually. And Glenn (you know...the guy who actually MEETS these people and gets their picture?) said he was clear as day 6'2''.
anonymous said on 24/Dec/08
Next to matthew perry there is a 4cm difference. David is 6 foot 1 even though he doesnt look it.
anonymous said on 1/Dec/08
ian, there is no way willis is anything shorter than 5`11, and is probably closer to 5`11.5-6`0. and many will claim that he is closer 6`1.
Ian said on 30/Nov/08
Everything points to a 6ft maximum height for Schwimmer. He is taller than 5ft10.5 willis and 5ft11 Pitt and with the aid of his ever so chunky footwear he is able to reach heights no 6ft man can reach. Take a look on the heels on these shoes.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 28/Nov/08
I cannot say I'm 100% correct but I see this guy as a legit 6'0" maybe a shade under 6'1" in the morning, but next to Selleck or Gould he didn't look to me like a legit 6'1" or 6'2" guy. He has this kind of build that help him appear taller.
anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
If chandler is 180cm as people claim than ross is 185cm.
anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
Ross Fan, good pic, he does have quite a few against chris rock. my personal guess is still 6`0.5-6`1.25
Ross Fan said on 18/Nov/08
Hey next to 5'7" ben stiller.. David looks quite tall. definitely 6'1".. Another thing I wanted to say is That Matt Leblanc doesnt look quite as small next to david. so he is taller than the 5'8" - 5'9" people claim leblanc to be..
Click Here
George said on 15/Nov/08
yes, but if you'd watch the video, you'd see he was slouching, and he was wearing converse.
Ian said on 14/Nov/08
Glenn did you see the picture of Schwimmer in shoes appearing against a height chart at only 6ft1.5?
George you forget he is wearing shoes so that makes in about 6ft not 6ft1. If he only comes to the 6ft1.5 in his footwear that be about 6ft-6ft0.25 without. He wears big footwear.
Ian said on 14/Nov/08
Glenn did you see the picture of Scwimmer in shoes appearing against a height chart at only 6ft1.5?
Hugh said on 14/Nov/08
I saw about 2 inches between Selleck and Schwimmer. Selleck I think still is 6ft4. That makes Schwimmer 188cm.
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
i was watching some old friends episodes, and it is interesting. At times, he did look only around 6`0, but at other times, when paired up with elliot gould, he only looked about an inch or 2 shorter. Plus, he had a about 2 inches on brad pitt, and 2-3 inches on bruce willis.
Ray said on 11/Nov/08
I agree with Matt. 6' for Schwimmer. Nothing more
Clay said on 11/Nov/08
At least 6'1''.
Milosh said on 9/Nov/08
Wow, that definitely seems generous. I have to admit though, I've never met the guy like some of you probably have - I'm only going by comparisons to Matthew Perry, whom I have come across before.
glenn said on 8/Nov/08
seemed 6-2 to me.
Hugh said on 8/Nov/08
Has always looked big to me. 6ft2 is possible.
George said on 1/Nov/08
Forget what I posted about 2 months ago, I think he is 6'1 & 1/4"
Look on Schwimmer's myspace at a mugshot pic
Click HereThat is a still from a coke advert, the video is on youtube. He seems maybe an inch above the 6ft line, but if you watch the few seconds before that on the video, you will see that he is slouching a lot, so that would be about 6'1.75". Near the beginning of the video, you can see that he is wearing converse, he was also wearing converse for the season of friends that this was filmed during. So if you take away half an inch that's 6'1.25"
Click HereYou also have Perry listed as 5'11.25", Ross was always about an inch taller than him on friends.
George said on 1/Nov/08
Here's something interesting,
"As a boy, I was short and fat for a long time and then, when I was 17, I grew a foot in height."
Click Here
George said on 1/Nov/08
I think the difference between Schwimmer and gold always looked about 2 inches, not 3.
big-guy said on 30/Oct/08
185/186 is perfect for David.
181/182 Matt Perry.
177/178 Matt LeBlanc.
Joey doesn't seem to be that much shorter as he always wears big boots
anonymous said on 26/Oct/08
Matt, there was never 3 inches difference between elliot gould and schwimmer, it was closer to 1-1.5.
Matt said on 24/Oct/08
It is hard to believe that there are still people saying he is 6'2". Just watch this clip right here:
Click HerePause it at 2.04 and 5.22. That is David Schwimmer vs 5'11" Larry David.
If you want to argue that there is a 3" difference there, then you are insane.
Schwimmer is around 6 foot. That is a *strong* height by any standard. A genuine six footer will beat most people. That is a fact.
Schwimmer looks "pretty big" and "pretty tall", because he was so obviously the tallest man on the Friends set. But as soon as the likes of 6'4" Tom Selleck or 6'3" Elliot Gould came along, Schwimmer was comprehensively owned.
Schwimmer: 6 feet
Perry: 5'10" - 5'10.5"
Le Blanc: 5'8" - 5'9"
I feel Le Blanc is the hardest one to get right. My hunch is that he is certainly on the shorter side, mainly because that even *with* his infamous lifts he is incapable of looking tall. Somebody who is a genuine 5'10"+ can at least give the impression of looking tall when they wear lifts (such as Perry)
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
i might buy 6`0 if he didn't have 2+ inches on bruce willis (and brad pitt) on friends.
George said on 21/Oct/08
No less than 6ft, nor more than 6'2
Milosh said on 17/Oct/08
He'd be 6'1" in sneakers. I'd give him a flat 6'0".
Big T said on 21/Sep/08
Well, I don't see Schwimmer 1 1/2 taller there anyway! It's tricky to compare because of the different posture but I think Baldwin looks a little taller, especially looking at shoulder height. Also the angle seems to favour Schwimmer....the top of their heads (accounting for Schwimmer's cap and Baldwin's good head of hair) is at a similar height, but Baldwin appears to me to be the bigger guy.
This pic (and that whole episode) suggests to me that Baldwin and Schwimmer are quite similar in height, which means (a) Baldwin is probably no shorter than the 5'11 1/2" listed here, even though a lot of people seem to think he is, and (b) Schwimmer may well be as low as 6' flat.
anonymous said on 20/Sep/08
Big T, to answer your question, schwimmer was in flats:
Click Here
Big T said on 10/Sep/08
In an episode of 30 Rock, Schwimmer looked SHORTER than 5'11 1/2 listed Alec Baldwin (who has ppl at his page claiming he is under 5'11"!). How can this be?
In the same episode, Baldwin looked the same height as 6' 1/2" listed Al Gore. Is it possible that Baldwin wears lifts, Gore wears smaller lifts, and Schwimmer was in some very flat flats?
Ian said on 26/Aug/08
Agreed George 6ft bearfoot and from that Video Imiliano posted on the Matthew Perry celeb height we can see that Schwimmer is 6ft1.5 IN shoes and he does wear big healed dress shoes(1.5inch heal looks like).
George said on 24/Aug/08
Monica comes up to just below ross' lip giving him about 7 inches on her. We KNOW that she is 5'5" because she has said so many times.
So he is 6ft
Ian said on 19/Aug/08
In friends there is a scene where they are all playing American football. They are all wearing trainers. You can see there that David schwimmer is only a tiny bit more in height than Chandler and a couple of inches on Joey certainly not anything like 4 inches. When Schwimmer wears his BIG shoes like most of friends episodes he appears taller than he does in that scene.
Clay said on 5/Aug/08
That looks like a little more than 4 inches over Pegg to me.
Anonymous said on 22/Jul/08
Looks a inch between Chandler and Joey in the 3rd picture taking account of the raised hair style of Chandler there. Draw a line top from Joeys head it matches to chandlers hair. Joey's hair is flat. The other 2 didn't show for me.
anonymous said on 20/Jul/08
There does look to be 4 inches between schwimmer and leblanc (assuming schwimmer straightens up:
Click HereAlso, "Joey has the most relaxed posture in friends" Anonymous, how do you figure leblanc always slouches?
Click HereClick HereBy the way, a 5`10-5`10.5 matt leblanc is virtually impossible.
Anonymous said on 18/Jul/08
Rob G. In that pictures Joey (5ft9) looks taller than (6ft1) Schwimmer. I think there is no way a 6ft 1 guy could look smaller than a 5ft9 guy even with the way they are standing in that picture. I think a lot of people are going to have to revise their height estimates. There isn't a great deal between these 3 guys. I've watch friends for years and Joey sometimes looks as tall as Chandler and Chandler looks as tall as Ross. In some cases Joey looks as tall as Ross. So they is not 4inches between these guys. My theory is 5ft 10"-10.5" (Joey), 5ft 10.75-5ft11.25" (Chandler). 5ft 11.5-6ft0 (Ross). Thus depending on footwear and posture they can all look around the same. Ross has the best posture of all 3 in friends. He is always standing so straight that would gain him an inch over the other guys who regularly slouch and Joey has the most relaxed posture in friends. In that photo Joey is standing so straight, I've never seen him like that in friends.
Yaspaa said on 10/Jul/08
Is Simon Pegg 5'9 though,he doesn't quite look it with 5'8.5 Kevin Smith
Click Here
anonymous said on 5/Jul/08
He does have about 4 inches on 5`9 simon pegg:
Click Here
Matt said on 4/Jul/08
I think you're plucking some pretty wild numbers out of the air to fit your argument, anonymous! Schwimmer's pose is far from optimal, but there is no way he is losing 4 inches. And it is all very well and good saying that Le Blanc is closer to the camera, but at least be balanced enough to admit that Perry's shoulder is only significantly higher because he is tilting it (i.e. look how low his *right* shoulder is)
Look at this photo of Perry:
Click HereHe is beaten by the lax and 5'11" Bradley Whitford, putting Perry at around 5'10.5" tops. So if you're saying that Schwimmer is missing 4" in that picture -- where he and Perry are already pretty much level -- then you are saying that Schwimmer is nearer 6'2.5"!
Le Blanc: 5'9.75 - 5'10"; Perry 5'10.5"; Schwimmer 5'11.75" - 6'
If you need even more proof of this, check out the Curb Your Enthusiasm episodes where David Schwimmer guest stars alongside 5'11" Larry David. There are scenes where they are literally back-to-back, and Schwimmer has no more than an inch on LD.
The 6'1"+ claims are wild. Schwimmer has a small head on a broad, muscular body. He is a TALL six feet -- which will beat most men, especially in Hollywood -- but no more.
anonymous said on 3/Jul/08
Leblanc is closer to the camera. Perry's shoulder height appears a good deal higher than leblanc's which should give some idea of how much taller he would be if he straightened out. Also, schwimmer, who is leaning his neck and in a walking position, could be losing as much as 4 inches of height.
I always felt the schwimmer was about 6`2... til i came to this site and evidence showed that he was 6`1. I don't think he is as low as 6`0 matt. Most evidence does point more towards a 6`0.5-6`1.25 range. A weak 6`1 to a strong 6`1.
anonymous said on 3/Jul/08
What do you make of this rob:
Click HereIt would appear that while leaning, the top of his head is around the 6`1 mark. Is it legit?

Editor Rob
it's not great really.
Matt said on 30/Jun/08
Good spot Rob G.
It is a little difficult to gauge the accuracy of that picture. Obviously Le Blanc has impeccable posture in comparison to Schwimmer and Perry, as well as possibly being a touch nearer the camera.
But this photo alone -- if genuine -- ought to blow out of the water all those who reckon Perry is 5'11.5"+, or that Schwimmer is 6'2" (or even 6'1"). I've said all along that I *know for a fact* that Perry is no more than 5'10.5", and Schwimmer has never looked much more than a strong six footer.
I really do think that one of our main problems on this site is that people now equate "big" with starting at 6'1", 6'2". People see a guy like Schwimmer beating five castmates and figure "Yeah, he's a solid 6'2"" or whatever. People just aren't giving enough credit to just how tall a true six footer is, or even somebody who is 5'11.5"+
Rob G said on 28/Jun/08
Now that's interesting
Click Here look at around 1.01 min in this video. Schwimmer,Perry and LeBlack all barefeet, I know that only Le Blanck has great posture there, but still it seems that they are all close in height
Matt said on 23/Jun/08
little one & Jeff, I agree with the pair of you.
Incidentally, I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm the other day, and Schwimmer was guest starring. He was *no more* than an inch taller than 5'11" Larry David and, if I'm honest, the gap looked a little smaller than that.
Schwimmer is a strong six foot, which is a genuinely tall height; we just underestimate it. He got owned by genuine monsters Selleck and Gould on Friends, he barely beats 5'11" Larry David, and he never looked like he had Matthew Perry badly beaten.
Schwimmer is a strong-looking guy with a good physique, *impeccable* posture and, for a while, had hair which looked like it was 4" in height! He miiiight be a shade over 6 feet at 6'0.25" or something, but that's it. I think if he was genuinely 6'1" plus, then he'd have a much better track record against other actors.
little one said on 20/Jun/08
i was an extra on RUN FAT BOY RUN. scwhimmer is no way 6'2. i am 5'11 and he did not tower over me. i wouldn't put him any taller than 6'0.
Midnite said on 11/Jun/08
Saw him at a popular Chicago nite club, this guy is a legit 6'1, but not taller.
Ian said on 4/Jun/08
Yeah but the mad angles are in the backdrop draw the line on the head of them both it's easy as it is already there. See that line in the background. He 6ft 1 tops.
Clay said on 3/Jun/08
Ian notice how Schwimmer is standing behind both Jen and Prinze there? Ypu cant judge based off pics like that - there is mad camera angles going on.
Random Person said on 1/Jun/08
I'm not sure how people are seeing 6' here. He really does look 6'1" if you take into account he's further back than Glenn. I really am not buying 6'2" though. I don't recall him ever looking that tall on Friends except maybe against Brad Pitt whose height will be debateable for the ages. He seems a weak 6'1" to me. There's a barefoot scene in Friends between jennifer Aniston and him where he doesn't look more than 7 inches tall. I've yet to figure that one out. Anyway, 6'1" seems right.
Anonymous said on 26/May/08
To me in the pic he looks about 6 foot, judging him as looking taller from the pic of him standing next to the smallest man in the world is hardly fair.
I need to look at him next to matt perry....I just watched the episode of scrubs with matthew perry and he was exactly the same height as 5'11 Zach Braff..but David being 6'2 would put Matthew Perry at almost 6'1, which I know is not true.
xyzblast said on 25/May/08
that pic with the dude will back up even a 6'5 claim lol.
clark said on 24/May/08
His face looks tall or lean too, but I say he is about 6'1" if his hair was part of his skull you could throw on another 3 inches......
Clay said on 23/May/08
With Glenn its obvious he is 6'1/6'2.
glenn said on 23/May/08
well,that certainly backs my 6-2 claim.others dont want to hear it.
ACG said on 23/May/08
hehe, no glad to back you up any day, especially when I have photographic proof like I did this time!!
Rob, will you please consider an upgrade?
Viper said on 22/May/08
Yeah, Schwimmer looks closer to 6-4 If that dude is really 5-5.
Clay said on 22/May/08
He looks a foot taller than your 5'5'' friend, lol.
glenn said on 21/May/08
see,when real proof comes,we get the truth.amazing job acg.i see a solid 6-2 there,if not a hair more.thanks for coming through.people here assume too much without actually meeting the celeb.they should take my word more.
Ian said on 21/May/08
To be honest with you ACG comparing him with a 5ft 5 guy don't really say much. Well it does it says he towers over him but so does a 6ft guy I appear this much taller than my dad and my girlfriend' dad who are both 5ft 8. You need to get a certified 6ft guy standing next to Schwimmer to compare. He is certainly smaller than Jason Lee 6ft 1.5 and Freddy prince jr who is 6ft 1. I could give David 6ft 1 at his stretching tallest including hair a push but no more.
Click Here
ACG said on 21/May/08
I whole heartedly agree with glenn on the 6' fact I wouldn't cut out the possibility of David being taller.
This is a pic of my friend with Mr. Schwimmer. In the picture he is 5'5 and I know this for a fact because the last time I saw him I was also 5'5 and we were exactly the same height.
Click HereSo you can see that Schwimmer really can't be under 6' say he is less than 9 inches taller than my friend in the picture is unrealistic.
glenn said on 16/May/08
exactly davey.though here in new york city i have seen plenty of 1.5 inchers.but i mean on average,to even say 2 inches is ridiculous.
Davey said on 15/May/08
Dress shoes dont even give an inch these days.1cm i have found with the news syles,You really have to look hard to find ones that give an inch these days.
glenn said on 14/May/08
thank you dmeyer.
glenn said on 14/May/08
exactly anonymous.usually one inch.
anonymous said on 14/May/08
dress shoes giving 2 inches? Usually it is about an inch or so.
glenn said on 14/May/08
i forgot met him like i did.6-4 in dress shoes? what kind of dress shoes are those? even your shoe estimates are wrong.
Ian said on 13/May/08
I've watching Kissing a fool on the ITV2 right now and Schwimmer is about 1.5" smaller than Jason Lee in that film in several scenes. No way is that guy any way close to 6ft2. He'd be 6ft 4" in dress shoes and 2" inches of the top of a door frame and he's like 6" off the top of a door frame in that film and in friends.
glenn said on 12/May/08
are you kidding me? he looked 6-2.
Ivan 6'2.25 said on 12/May/08
Looks 5'11 next to Glenn
mark said on 3/May/08
I think he is 6'05
doesnty really look a full 6'1
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
he seemed 6-2 without the help of shoes,so dmeyers 6-1.5 claim is close.
dmeyer said on 29/Apr/08
he looked a solid 5 cm taller than 5 ft 11.5 azaria so either he is 6 ft 1.5 or azaria is 5 ft 11 flat
Jed said on 28/Apr/08
I happen to see these to guys together and dave is slightly behind him about 3". And standing behind someone would make you appear shorter. According to the 5'8" Glenn Dave is at max 6'2" which is in shoes in shoes and 6'1" or less. without them.
Hugh said on 25/Apr/08
Looks 6ft2.
tom shanks said on 4/Apr/08
out and about and depending on what shoes i'm wearing i am 6' - 6'ft1. bare feet 5'11.
Yaspaa said on 4/Apr/08
You certainly sound nuts.
livelove LI said on 3/Apr/08
alright this is how i feel about this morning height doesnt matter. whats important is how tall you are after walking around,exercise....but with your shoes on......because thats how people see you as............i for example am 17 and 6'1 and thats how tall i wud tell somebody i am.......i wudnt dare get into how im a certain height but only right outta bed....ppl wud think im nuts
tom shanks said on 3/Apr/08
Schwimmer was a good two inches taller than Pitt in Friends. apparently Pitt is around 5'10-5'11 - Schwimmer is therefore around 6'0 - 6'1 in my opinion.
glenn said on 2/Apr/08
then peruse the site and leave me alone.i only seem to have problems with foreigners.that nitpick.and are rude.not brits.brits are rude as celebs though alot.
tom shanks said on 2/Apr/08
if by 'foreign' you mean i am not from the united states, then yes, i am 'foreign'. I am from Britain. nobody is 'attacking' you as you state on the 'latest comments' thread.
it is not 'you' i am interested in. it is 'celebrities' and their heights that interests me.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
this guy must be 5-8 when i wake.5-7ish late at low as 5-7.25 possibly.5-7 up until 1994.i grew an inch since complex.i tried taking photos of my height to no height chart of course and where would i find one? do you want me to find time for you? do you even realise how busy i might be? case closed.
tom shanks said on 1/Apr/08
i feel i ought to make something quite clear here as various responses seem to be taking my original post as a personal attack on Glenn which it wasn't.
this is not a question of trust. it is a question of facts. i have never met glenn so accepting his height 'because he said so' does not tell me he is 5'8. I have no reason to believe he is lying and nor am i accusing him of lying. However, i am aware that when it comes to height (none more so than with celebrities or so it seems) it appears that what some people actually are and what they want to believe they are can be different. Let us say for instance that Glenn has a height complex (which I am not saying he has)and in his mind he sees 5'7 people as really short. This might lead him to deny that he could be 5'7 and every time he measures himself slightly lifts his head or feet leading him to the conclusion that he is 5'8 and thus in his mind just over the 'short' height when in reality he is 5'7 (which I'm not saying he is either as this is hypothetical).
Also take into account height shrinkage over the years. Glen has admitted he has been autograph hunting for over 20 years. Isn't it possible his own height has decreased over these 20 years?
Having someone stand next to a height chart would, I believe, help those interested in comparing heights which is, after all, why we are on this site.
If Glen doesn't want to do this then that is his choice not to do so. in his mind he may be convinced of his height but surely he and others can see that have never met glenn. asking me to 'trust him' without solid facts sounds like a serial killer asking me to 'trust' he never murdered 'those girls' because he said so...
anonymous said on 31/Mar/08
i think it wud be twice as important if glenn would tell us height with his shoes on (mid-day) it doesn't really matter what height he is barefoot because neither him nor the celeb is barefoot
and if you do choose to reply i wouldn't argue or disbelieve what you say....because i trust you
glenn said on 30/Mar/08
thanks yaspaa and anonymous.
Yaspaa said on 29/Mar/08
Tom,I understand where you are coming from,I also don't believe things until I see them for myself, but this site is very subjective by nature and 'I' will probably never be in the situation to gauge for myself,with my own eyes.Relying on Rob,Glenn,Mamun and other contributers is all we have and we have to trust them. This is a site on heights and the above mentioned ,especially Rob who runs the site put too much effort in to bother exaggerating their own height. Pictures are 2D and the world is 3D so pictures are never going to be totally accurate, which is why Glenn sometimes looks bigger or smaller,not to mention what lifts are or aren't being worn.
In 'Friends',Tom Selleck looked significantly taller,especially in one particular scene that stuck in my mind,more than 2 or 3 inches.
tom shanks said on 25/Mar/08
fair enough. although i do not see what the fuss is about. considering the fact we are using glen as a benchmark for a lot of these celebs, i thought it would be in his interest to show us irrefutable evidence of his height. it would certainly clear up debates on certain star's heights. glen's height does not interest me personally and i am not interested in harrassing him. as this is a forum for celebrity heights i am merely interested in correct heights. it seems to me that a person's height is relative depending on the observer. in any case, i shall stop harrassing glen, as you put it.
i resend this as tom shanks. my preferred moniker!
anonymous said on 23/Mar/08
tom, i really would not go down this path. Glenn does not take kindly to those who harass him on whether or not he is 5`8.
tom shanks said on 21/Mar/08
Glen, I'm afraid your pictures and the opinions of others do not count as evidence that you are 5'8". Even in your previous comment below you state you sometimes look 5'9" which means your height is debatable. If you are 5'8" and can look 5'9" does this mean you could also look 5'7"? Until you provide firm evidence that you are 5'8" your judgments on a celeb's height are not reliable.
glenn said on 21/Mar/08
i have pics.and several people on the site met me.and all agree on 5-8.i dont need to prove anything more on my height.i do this service of showing my pics for free.
tom shanks said on 20/Mar/08
I'm sorry if you take offense, Glen. As I said beore, I don't mean any disrespect, but my only interest is facts. My contribution this site is to categorically prove you are 5'8 so that we have a benchmark against which to measure the celebs. Please can you provide that proof?
glenn said on 19/Mar/08
what have you to contribute on this site except hot air tom? ive been meeting celebs for 20 years.and the same ones over and over again.and you wanna challenge my judgement? think before you speak next pretty well respected on this site as a excellent guage of height.and my height is clear in 1000 pics on the site.i look 5-9 in alot of them.when people dont hear what they want,they downgrade me or the celeb.
tom shanks said on 18/Mar/08
the problem we're having here is glen as 5'8 benchmark. where is the categorical, absolute 100% proof that glen is in fact 5'8...??? The other problem is glen's judgement. with all due respect, bruce willis is not, has never been and will never be 6'1. 5'11 TOPS.
anonymous said on 1/Mar/08
he looks 6`1 here
Click HereHe looks about a half inch taller than 5`11.5 alec baldwin
Click Here (although he was wearing converse
Click Here)
He looks 3 inches taller than chris rock and about 2.5 inches shorter than sacha baron cohen
Click HereHe looks like he could be 2 inches taller than perry if he stretched out his neck
Click HereHe looks like he could be close to 4 inches taller than leblanc if he stood straighter
Click Here
anonymous said on 28/Feb/08
there is no chance he is 6`3. 6`2 i am going to reserve as absolute max. He is probably 185-186 as Dmeyer said earlier. that is what he usually looks like.
Michael said on 26/Feb/08
I'll believe maybe 6'2" in shoes but how can he look 6'2" Glenn if you look only 2 or 3" shorter than him. That means you would be taller than 5'8" or someone is lying about how tall they truely are. And when brook shields was on there and mind you she's nearly 5'11" barefoot she nearly towered over schwimmer not to mention some of the guest stars.
glenn said on 25/Feb/08
i never said 6-3 for david.6-2 tops.but there is no way willis is less than 6ft.
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/08
If Glenn is 5'7.75 or less in this photo (i.e not straight morning height); I think it is safe to say that Schwimmer cannot be 5.25 inches taller than him (taking into account his hair). There is no way that he is 6.25 inches taller than Glenn (i.e 6'2) if that was the case, the top of Glenn's head would undeniably be coming up to Schwimmer's nose rather than higher even than the eyebrows. Conclusion- Schwimmer cannot be taller than 6ft, let alone 6'1 or 6'2 barefoot. I think many underestimate how big a half foot difference in height really is.
Jake said on 25/Feb/08
There's no way schwimmer is 6'3". He would've looked the same height as Tom Selleck who is 6'4". Scwimmer at his greatest with shoes on. Maybe close to 6'2" mind you looking at the photo of you Glenn he only looks 3.5" taller than you. So flat footed he would be a fag paper under 6'. And Bruce willis by the way is 5'10" in most photos. Thirdly 6' is considered tall and with shoes on it adds 1.5" so there.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
yeah dmeyer,but we know willis can look shorter.stretched out im sure he is taller.
dmeyer said on 24/Feb/08
david lookks an easy 2 in on bruce willis in friends so if bruce is 6 ft 1 then david is 6 ft 3,from all the work david done he looks 185 186 cm
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
what i have a problem with is people saying he is under 6-1.maybe it was his footwear,but he did look 6-2.i will put money on stallone being 5-10.75 and bruce willis being 6-1.
anonymous said on 24/Feb/08
i am not doubting your judgement glenn, but would you really put money on him being 6`2. most photo evidence does point to him being closer to 6`1.
glenn said on 16/Jan/08
he is 6-2.
donlad said on 16/Jan/08
glenn may be closer to the camera but he's not that much closer, is he? he's only just in front of david.

Editor Rob
they ain't on the same plane so you have to guess, or use reasonable judgement to guage the real difference, not the masked difference.
it could be 1/2, 1, 2. I'm not even sure about the correct tilt of the photo, you could easily say it's a 3 degree tilt in glenn's favor.
Ian said on 14/Jan/08
This puzzles me as I thought he looked 6ft2 but here looks only 3.5 inches taller than Glenn. That makes 5ft11.5. I guess it is his hair that gives him that height appearance and his slim build.
anonymous said on 1/Jan/08
for years i would have sworn 6`2. He really can look it at times. However, if mathew perry is only 5`11.25, that makes him 6`1 at best. I do think he is 6`1.
Joe said on 27/Dec/07
Tall guy, can be mistaken for 6-2. IMO He's just under 6-1, like less than half inch under 6-1. 6-0.75 seems just about right for him.
No way he's 5-11 like some people claim here.
brother_h said on 25/Dec/07
he doesnt look closer to the cam. their side by side.
or is the camera on an angle?
idk he looks 5'11-6'0 there.

Editor Rob
well he is. It's one of the more obvious ones.
Viper said on 23/Dec/07
Perry only looked 3 inches taller than 5-6 Jason Priestley in a Beverly Hills 90210 episode before Friends.
Anonoymous said on 22/Dec/07
wow he only looks maybe 5'11 there. Glenn looks tall! Unless hes really slouching no way over 6 feet. Im 5'9 and thats how i look with a six footer.

Editor Rob
glenn looks closer than david, so there'll be more difference in reality than is seen in the photo.
Matt said on 22/Dec/07
Perry is 5'10.5".
Curiously enough, I saw an early episode of Friends the other day (the one with the hockey). There was a shot showing Schwimmer, Perry and Le Blanc walking along a sidewalk. Interestingly, Perry did not look as tall as he normally does. He was only marginally taller than Le Blanc. For all the talk about Schwimmer being tall and Le Blanc being an elevator shoes guy...I am beginning to wonder whether Perry was actually guilty of wearing lifts for the best part of his career. If you have the Friends DVD boxset, check out that episode and see if you concur.
Viper said on 21/Dec/07
It would then make Matthew Perry at 5-10 max.
Matt said on 21/Dec/07
I still stand by 6' even, perhaps a shade over at 6'0.5". I don't actually think he has Glenn by THAT much in the photo posted above. Schwimmer's lean build, long face and massive hair can perhaps contribute to the illusion that he is taller than he really is.
Three things go against Schwimmer being any taller than 6' - 6.05" IMO:
1. He got owned by both Tom Selleck and Elliot Gould in Friends. Those guys are BIG. If Schwimmer was a genuine 6'2", then he would have been able to put up a much better fight against them. Instead of that, he was convincingly beaten.
2. As mentioned above, he has a body and hairstyle which boost his perceived height.
3. People underestimate just how TALL a genuine six foot individual is. 6'2"+ seems to have become the "new tall", but if you meet a genuine six footer then you will be surprised at just how tall they are. Hollywood is filled with actors who are actually shorter than you would think (5'7" - 5'10"), so a strong six footer like Schwimmer will usually look significantly taller.
Lmeister said on 16/Dec/07
Weird that you where measured shoes on.
donlad said on 15/Dec/07
i was an extra on schwimmers RUN FAT BOY RUN. i am bang on 5'11 at least. my doctor says i was 5'11 and a half but i told him i was wearing flat sole sneakers so he called me 5'11. schwimmer stood right next to me telling me about next shot. he was no taller than me. certainly not 6'1...6' absolute tops.
brother_h said on 9/Dec/07
he looks 5'11.
if he was 6'1 then his eyes would go right over glenns head.
Jason said on 8/Dec/07
If he's 6'1" and appears taller than he is on TV. That explains why he looks taller than all the guys on friends. First of all he has a slender build which would enphizise his height to appear even more taller than most. Secondly with his shoes on it would add an (1.05") to his height making him close to 6'3". Thirdly the settings on friends is made for people who are shorter to average height. Naturally I'll be taller than Dave cause like all tall and slender people i'm 6'2" and with shoes on I come close to 6'3" or 6'4" on some occasions, Hell in some pictures I look as tall as 6'6". The point is no matter what Height you truelly are except it cause in life people will be taller than you or some will be shorter. Some will be fatter and some will be bone thin. You want a 6'4" truelly put Bob Sagot up there instead.
Ray said on 7/Dec/07
Does that mean he's 6'3" in shoes ??? I find that very hard to believe. Sorry Glenn but that would mean there would be only around an inch and a half diff with Tom Selleck (6' 3.5"). On Friends, there was way more than this between them. I seem to remember someone posting on this page that there was a scene where they were both barefoot and there was 3" - 3.5" diff.
glenn said on 4/Dec/07
in person,in front of my face,he looked downgrading is ridiculous.that would mean 6-1 if i were wrong.
dmeyer said on 3/Dec/07
about 6'1 but no more in that pic, but i agree with 6'0.5 theory he does look 6'1 range in most pics you see him in sometimes even 186 cm
Danius said on 3/Dec/07
I question 6'1..I agree with Ray's statement.
Ted said on 3/Dec/07
always seemed shortish on that program. Never noticed him much taller than the others.
Ray said on 31/Oct/07
Hey Rob, if you've downgraded Tom Selleck then I think its time to downgrade Schwimmer to what he really is 6' - 6'0.5".
robbie h said on 22/Sep/07
looks 6ft to me, his hair makes him looks an inch taller
Bombay Rocker said on 2/Sep/07
i see 6 feet 1 at the very max in Glenn's pic maybe even 6 feet 0.5 inches, sorry Glenn but he doesnt look even close to 6 feet 2 in that pic, even if he comes closer to camera and his posture and your posture both look quite ok and he seems happy to be taking pic with you.
ted said on 29/Aug/07
He is 6-1 maybe with his haircut that gives him one inch.But what happens if he was bald?
anonymous said on 21/Aug/07
he had a solid inch over damian lewis, i.e. 6`1. however, damian could be closer to 6`.5 since he looked taller than livingston by a pretty good amount.
Ross said on 17/Aug/07
Larry David, who is supposedly 6'0, and looks it, maybe a bit under, is a few under Schwimmer. Based on that, I'd imagine 6'1 easy, 6'2 sounds reasonable. He looks quite tall, and in Band of Brothers, he towered over the cast. His character was quite tall in real life, and despite the cast being short, he was taller than Damian Lewis, who's 6'0. Just from my perceptions, anything under 6'1 for Schwimmer seems ridiculous, though I could be wrong.
dmeyer said on 2/Aug/07
le blanc looked the same as elle in 0.2 in heels 0.5 cm and he had 2 in so he must be 5'10
Matt said on 1/Aug/07
Revised figures for the Friends cast:
Schwimmer: Six feet even (1.5" shorter than 6'1.5" Jonathan Ross).
Perry: 5'10.5" (1.5" shorter than Schwimmer, plus I know it for a fact).
Le Blanc: 5'9" (managed to meet Elle Macpherson vis-a-vis, which would have been impossible for anybody shorter than that).
Anonymous said on 13/Jul/07
I've watched all seasons of Friends and studied some pictures of Mr Schwimmer must say that for some reason Schwimmer looks in 6'0 1/2 to 6'1 1/2 range. Definetly not shorter than that, but a bit schorter than 6'2 he claims, frankly the listening here is quite correct I think
dmeyer said on 11/Jul/07
to me he looks a solid 6 ft 1 in in that pics maybe not more but no less
anonymous said on 20/Jun/07
the problem is, you never know what is going on below their waist. for all we know, schwimmer could be standing in a gutter, which would make him something like 6`4. although he is certainly not 6`4, it is extremely difficult to tell.
l0ck n l0ad said on 17/Jun/07
Why is it I have Schwimmer locked on 6'0-1/2"... for some reason I can't accept him for anything under or over that.
anonymous said on 27/May/07
not towering matt leblanc, she has atleast 4-5 inches on him.
Ray said on 15/May/07
Looked an inch shorter than Brooke Shields (5'11")in Friends. Don't know what footwear but she wasn't towering over Matt Le Blanc. There is no way Schwimmer is over 6'0" barefoot.
dmeyer said on 13/May/07
great pic glenn he dosnt look more than 6'1 in that pic and you do look a legit 5'8
AA said on 12/May/07
6' 1.25" maybe... but he's sure pretty tall.
Dann said on 11/May/07
and glenn, how was his body type ? thin ?
glenn said on 11/May/07
he had casual shoes and was 6-2.
some guy said on 11/May/07
I heard he didn't grow to that height until later in college
Anthony said on 10/May/07
Considering just how deceptive photos are, and this one being a good example of that, I'd say David is 6'1-6'1.5.
Ed said on 10/May/07
He is obviously standing behind Glenn, as Glenn is very close to the camera. Just look at the camera's flash on his face and leather jacket, Schwimmer is behind him and over a bit. He does look only 5ft11.5-6ft at first, but if they were shoulder to shoulder and dead on straight I'd put him at 6ft1. What kind of footwear did he have on Glenn?
Matt said on 10/May/07
judging by the pic above with glenn I think 6ft or maybe 6'1/2" inch is right.
Viper said on 9/May/07
And Schwimmer at 6-0-6-0 1/2 matches up perfectly to Matthew Perry being 5-10 is just marginally under that.
Viper said on 9/May/07
Looks 6-0 in the pic. Doesnt look 6-1 or 6-2.
Anonymous said on 9/May/07
micky your pic please!
Brad said on 8/May/07
Saw him at a film fest. He's 6' 1" tops.
Anonymous said on 8/May/07
definitly 6'2-6'3 ! i ran into him a day and he was huge !
Dann said on 7/May/07
i don't think is soo lanky, thin ...
anonymous said on 7/May/07
he does seem around 6`0.5-6`2.
anonymous said on 7/May/07
he is slouching a little. you can tell by the angle of his neck. and the way his shoulders are placed
Berk said on 7/May/07
don't know glenn,you were with him...although my opinion is he's one of these guys who are very lanky and appear taller
glenn said on 6/May/07
he appeared are deceiving.
Berk said on 6/May/07
i think he's a little under 6-1,like 184
Franco said on 6/May/07
he got some tallish hair....actually looks about 6'0 not 6'1
HAHAHA ......SCHWIMMER :D Schwimm in the swimming pool lol
6'0.25 max
Chris said on 5/May/07
Glenn-It seems according to this photo he could be 6'1'', I trust you, but the difference between you and him seems to be 4 inches max.
Drew said on 5/May/07
Glenn, how come in the picture he looks 6'1" tops then, despite the fact that he seems to have good posture? There really doesn't seem to be a six inch difference to me. He doesn't look 5'11" though as some people are saying. At least 6ft.
Hey Micky, send the picture to Rob by email.
glenn said on 5/May/07
3rd time.he is 6-2.
Anonymous said on 4/May/07
Upload your picture to Imageshack. Use TunyURL to get a smaller URL, and post the URL here.
Josh said on 4/May/07
He looks about 6'0 in the pic with glenn
TNTinCA said on 4/May/07
In that photo, he honestly looks closer to 6'2".
Anonymous said on 4/May/07
he looks like he's maybe 6'0 in the pic with Glenn. Definitely looks 6'1 on Friends though...
MickyM said on 4/May/07
trueheight said on 4/May/07
no that looks like 5in. The camera is not a straight angle. It is shooting from a shorter position
Derek said on 3/May/07
6'1" minimum, possibly 6'2". Do you still stand by 6'2" Glenn?
glenn said on 3/May/07
the fact that you didnt know that jerk is actually good.those that know that disturb me.
Ed said on 3/May/07
It must be a weird angle, because Glenn he looks only about 6ft to your 5ft8. Was he wearing boots? I always thought he was at least 6ft1, you say he looked taller?
TheJerk said on 3/May/07
Ah, you are quite right my mistake he and Lisa were in fact on AI. I am not a fan of the show thats why I didnt know. He is probably what Rob lists him at here.
glenn said on 3/May/07
ive been saying all along he looked 6-2.
Myles said on 1/May/07
i work in a bar in chicago and saw mr schwimmer last nigt. i'm 6'1 and when he cames next to me, he was taller than me ! (and we wore both same kind of shoes). i don't know how much taller, but i had to look up when i spoke with him! but maybe his frame also distort his height. he's very buff i don't know if he workouts but i wouldn't have problems with him!
anonymous said on 30/Apr/07
i saw that seen, and i really only saw 2.5 inches. but as dmeyer said, not under 6`1.
dmeyer said on 30/Apr/07
there is a scene were david and selleck are barefeet and there isnt more than 2.5 3 in so david might not be over 6'1 but not under like 185.5 cm strong 185
to the jerk said on 29/Apr/07
dont speak before saying something stupid!!!
watch tv!!
schwimmer and kudrow were together on american idol this week!!! check youtube if u dont believe it!!!!!!!
TheJerk said on 29/Apr/07
Lisa Kudrow on American Idol? Perhaps you're confusing AI and Friends. Don't worry, we've all done that before ;)
Viper said on 29/Apr/07
I think Perry is 5-10, but what do I know. Hell Perry looks 5-9 in the Agassi pic,
Frank said on 27/Apr/07
I think perry looks 5-11 no way closer to 6'0
anonymous said on 26/Apr/07
next to lisa kudrow on american idol, looked about 4 inches taller (assuming she is wearing 1.5 inch heels).
anonymous said on 17/Apr/07
maybe not over 6`2, but he does look big.
Aaron said on 10/Apr/07
Perry at 5' 10 is a joke Viper. He's definitely close to 6' 0. He just has bad posture and is on the chubbier side. 5'10 for perry is wishful thinking for you, maybe you're short so you downplay other people's height or something. And Schwimmer is an easy 6'1. The listing is correct.
MJ said on 6/Apr/07
Interestingly, Schwimmer is convincingly beaten by his on-screen father Elliot Gould in an early episode of Friends that I am watching. Both are standing straight with no trick camera angles. On Gould's page, there is a strong argument for him being around 6'1.5" in modern times. Even if he was 6'2" back in '94 (when this episode was made), it would still peg Schwimmer at a touch over 6 foot.
FWIW, I think the perception of Schwimmer's height is exaggerated because of his body structure. He has "gangly" limbs and actually gives off quite a powerful appearance.
glenn said on 13/Mar/07
i make perfect sense because i met him 2 weeks ago.6-1 an appearence of 6-2.or he is.
Viper said on 12/Mar/07
Jay, makes perfect sense. Schwimmer at 6-0 1/2 tops and Perry at 5-10.
Jay said on 11/Mar/07
in an episode of friends he had his shoes off and when he stood beside Mathew Perry he was still taller than Perry in shoes, not by too much though but was definetly taller.
anonymous said on 8/Mar/07
really 6`2? 6`3 in shoes?
dmeyer said on 5/Mar/07
one think of schwimmer is the lenth of his body he looks aleast 185 cm possibly 186 cm
glenn said on 3/Mar/07
just got him.he seemed 6-2.
6'2.5'' JK said on 3/Mar/07
In the first season of friends he looked more 6'0'' to me
Brian 185 said on 3/Mar/07
i also thought he's pritty tall,186-187-188 range,but seeing some of these pictures and looking more closely...he's probably just 6'0.5 or even maybe 6'.he has that goofy lanky tallish appearance which makes him look taller.
anonymos said on 24/Feb/07
Are you refering to this?
Click Here
dmeyer said on 18/Jan/07
schwimmer is 6'1 but 6'1 strong like 187 morning
MLP said on 17/Jan/07
when he was on jonathan ross, jonathan looked a good 1 to 1.5 inches taller than david, not sure about footwear
hb45 said on 10/Jan/07
David looks really very tall, compared to the other actors of Friends. He's definetely over 6'1", maybe 6'2"
dmeyer said on 28/Dec/06
with 3.5 inches heels she is near 6'1.5 in shoes so dave is 185 186 cm
AA said on 27/Dec/06
David is 6-0.5. No way he's shorter. There's people who thinks he's 5-11, that's impossible...
maybe 6-0.75, but it's a remote possibility
Mr D said on 20/Dec/06
Was on Friday Night with Jonathon Ross a couple of weeks ago and self-proclaimed 6ft 1.5in Ross looked around 2 inches taller than him.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/06
6-0 1/2 Max is what I give him.
Viper652 said on 9/Nov/06
Looks more 6-0 to me.
dmeyer said on 8/Nov/06
rob i think you should give hin 186 cm he lookes it but hen you will have to give 5'11.75 to perry since the differance is 1 to 1.5 in no more
Maccahon said on 21/Oct/06
I have had the honnor it seems of meeting several celebrities, ranging from Christopher Lee, Matthew Perry, Michael Jordon, Vince Vaugn, Ru Paul, and many others. Fortunetly, I have also met David Schwimmer. As you may know, i am 6`4. When i met him on the street, he seemed to be about 6`2-6`3. I definetely don't think he's 6`1.
Horatio said on 30/Sep/06
I once met Schwimmer on the street. Now i am 6`2, and when i met him he seemed to be just as tall as me, so i would guess that 6,2 seems right.
dmeyer said on 1/Aug/06
a friend of mine who is 189 told me david was similar height with about 187 i think david is 6 ft1.5 in you should give him aleast 6ft1.25 but it is true that he is only 1 to 1.5 in taller than perry who i believe is 183 but u say 182 so who knows
Gonzalo said on 19/Jun/06
He was clearly shorter than Elliot Gould in Friends and also shorter than Tom Selleck. I don`t think he is 6`2. 6`1 seems fine for him.