even said on 26/Dec/17
6 foot 7 ( past ) , 6 foot 1 ( now ) = at 70 years old he has already shrunk over half a foot , which means if he lives to the age of 90 he is going to be shorter than rob , something isn't right
Starlo said on 16/Dec/17
Never really gave off much of a 6'8 vibe standing next to Luke. Yes he towered him, but not by well over a foot even with helmet and boots. I would say 6'4-6'5 range, but hard to tell.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Dec/17
6'6" was probably a shoe height for him.
Mister lennon said on 13/Dec/17
Agree. 6'5 is the maximum for him at peak. But i see him more as a strong 6'4 guy. But yes, 6'5 could be too.
Jordan87 said on 11/Dec/17
@ Tree,
Id say 1/2" to an Inch maybe for Ian's posture.
Jordan87 said on 11/Dec/17
Good FInd. I have seen that Picture Also Keep in mind the 5'9 McDiamid is sort of Playing a old man and you can see he is not at Full Posture there, however yes this is more or Less the Tallest I have seen Prowse look.
If we go by Eye Levels, Prowse is around 8" Taller than Ian There ( Again, playing an Old Man), Dave is a good 6'5 here though, yes.
Look at the width of him though! And He was 47 years old when Jedi was Filmed.
tree said on 8/Dec/17
Maybe this is the only time he looks 6ft5,with 5ft9 Ian Mdiarmid
Click Here
Ian could have bad posoture there but i don't think he dropes more than half an inch compared to Vader
Jordan87 said on 21/Nov/17
I wanted to take this chance to share some pics of Dave in his Heydey since lets face it, his health has deteriorated quite a bit.
As I mentioned I think he was around 6'4 in his prime, I take nothing away from the Man's Accomplishments. Take at look at the link below which features Dave in the 1960's. Keep in mind FOlks he was an all natural Bodybuilder, no roids. This is not debated anywhere. Guy was an Absolute monster in his prime, also maintaining an Gentlemen's personality. Truly great man. His Size and Body language were just as Important to Vader's Success as the voice.
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 16/Nov/17
I don't know but I guess it's not impossible. An overwhelming amount of celebs exaggerate their height and also a lot of celebs listed here are listed a bit higher than they really are IMO
Mister lennon said on 15/Nov/17
6'5 peak is possible too.
Anonymous said on 15/Nov/17
CHristian-6'5 3/8",
I doubt Prowse was as Tall as you. I think you would look down on him about an inch honestly. Or Course In his heyday he would be built like a Truck so I doubt the Inch would make you feel that much " Bigger " Than him Overall. Dave was around 240-260 I think when He did Star Wars.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 15/Nov/17
Not as tall as 6'6" peak, but I couldn't see him being anything under 6'5" either.
Mister lennon said on 14/Nov/17
I think he looked more 6'4. 6'5 is possible too, but i see him more like a 6'4 guy. Only seeing him next to malcom macdowell or harrison ford . Or with the darth vader suit next to peter cushing, he looked a smaller heigth difference tha christopher lee did with cushing. And lee was about a 6'5 guy.
I cant see more than a 6'4 peak prowse.
Jordan87 said on 14/Nov/17
@ Rampage,
In the photo I posted Below of Dave and Malcolm, Dave really has 8" Tops on Malcolm and that's with Some Footwear Advantage there. Assume they had the same footwear ( I do not believe they did, I need to watch it again to be sure) , Malcolm Comes up to Dave's Bottom Lip which only Puts 5'9 Malcolm at 7" Shorter. Dave is nowhere near 6'6 there.
I think based on those Pics, Above 6'5 is just not Possible. ( I am a True Dave Prowse fan, 100% My Word- But he did inflate his height).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/17
I can see an argument for just under 6ft6 but no way was he just 6ft4...
Jordan87 said on 13/Nov/17
Actually Danmial,
Click Here
If you take into Account that Dave's Footwear was higher, he would be more 7" on McDowell putting him at around 6'4 Tops really.
Jordan87 said on 13/Nov/17
No Way.
Click Here
He didn't look 6'6" near the 5'9ish tops MalColm Mcdowell. There was no Way he had Malcolm by 10" and that was when he had a Footwear Advantage in the scene I belive Malcolm had Slippers. 8" Tops. 6'4" is more accurate .
Mister lennon said on 13/Nov/17
Never looked a 6'6 guy for me. 6'4 maximum.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/17
Danimal, how believable do you think 6ft7 was?
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Nov/17
@ Danimal - Hi! 'Poor' David lost height from a 6ft6 height, so as long as he's free of pain now, and I hope he is, he isn't really a poor David anymore at all! That's one of the advantages of being tall! If you lose height, you don't end up feeling freakishly small! 6ft1 is still an incredibly desirable height from both sexes' points of view!
He did go through some rather unpleasant hip operations though, there's no getting away from that! Reading about them again just now made my eyes water!
6ft1.5 - today's height.
6ft6 - original height.
Danimal said on 12/Nov/17
Poor David today:
Click Here
Danimal said on 12/Nov/17
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jun/17
It's hard to believe that David once stood six-and-a-half feet tall! He's suffered an exceptional height loss, and if some of it was due to a hip-replacement op, it must have been a painful way to lose it, the poor sausage!
It's clearly not all hip replacement height loss. You can see his upper torso is very short/compressed with Rob. He's lost a lot of height in his spine as well. He was at least 6'6" in A Clockwork Orange.
Jordan87 said on 10/Oct/17
Rob in the Link you Provided in your Description (
Click Here), does that give his weight at 260 pounds right next to his height at 6'7? I cannot make it out .

Editor Rob
260 pounds.
Bobby said on 7/Oct/17
Wow, he lost a lot of height. Was there an injury involved?

Editor Rob
ankle, hips, spine, he's lost height through a few injuries over the years, although I think the argument is whether Dave was a big 6ft 6 range or a weak 6ft 6 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/17
lifting heavy weights every day for years possibly but balancing it out with calisthenics, stretching etc. would do nothing...dieting and rest also
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Sep/17
I'm not as convinced you lose height from heavy lifting as you do from injuries and just not looking after your body...

Editor Rob
very heavy lifting over years will certainly raise risks, but moderate lifting might not do anything, unless poor form and bad extensions cause herniation..
Jordan87 said on 27/Sep/17
Ronald McDonald,
Do you see a 6'3-1/2" Man with Rob in the Picture? If you Do I think you need an upgrade in your Glasses.
Ronald McDonald said on 27/Sep/17
Rob, come on, please! No human has ever the possibility to lose 5 inches! I would give Prowse 6'5"-6'6" as his peak height and about 6'3 1/2" nowadays.

Editor Rob
he's certainly nowhere near 6ft 3 today. He has to wear an elevator sneaker because he has lost nearly 2 inches on one of his legs.
you can see
His shoe...
I seen him standing with 6ft 5 Dan Naprous, well trying to, he looked a bit deflated...one time he was as tall or taller than Dan, now he's 4-5 inches shorter.
You can see with
Mayhew he was a very tall man. With heavy weight-lifting in his 30's, it might have knocked him down a little, because I know many agree around time of Star Wars he looked maybe 6ft 5.
TonyG said on 10/Sep/17
I had the pleasure of meeting David Prowse in 1984. I was 180cm or 5'11" then, and when David stood straight upright, the top of my head reached the nub of his chin with both us standing on a flat concrete surface. So, I personally can assure all in this blog that he was at least 8" taller than me; which would've measured him at 6'7" in 1984.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 4/Sep/17
196cm guy at his peak but listed as 198cm on here, same situation as Hulk Hogan.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/17
I think a solid 197cm guy at least peak.
berta said on 31/Aug/17
i still dont believe this guy have ever been taller than me. 196-197 peak seems more realistic and today 185.
Paul said on 26/Aug/17
Losing half a foot is definitely possible. Ever hear of Mick Mars?
even said on 22/Jul/17
the are two men in the picture , the one the left is 5'8" and the one on the right is 6'1" . boys listen to me , losing half a foot is not possible unless you cut off a limb , he was never over 6'4" , its just a biological certainty .
Richardspain said on 20/Jul/17
Peak a strong 196cm
Nowadays 185cm
David Prowse wasn't a strong 6'7 was between 195 -198
I give him 196cm
Jellybean said on 13/Jul/17
Must hurt to lose that much height.
even said on 11/Jul/17
i just know one thing losing 13 centimeters is extremely unlikely ( one in a hundred thousend )
SW - 6'0 said on 3/Jul/17
Gives off a big impression just from the picture but christ almighty that's a big height loss.
Jordan87 said on 27/Jun/17
You see a 6'3.5" man in the Picture above with Rob? Think before you type.
C. Giant said on 24/Jun/17
The reason why Prowse first claimed his height with the words "When I played him I was 6ft 7 and 20 stone" is because I'm sure that he was 6'7" anbd 20 stone with boots and helmet. He claimed his height as 6'6" with his own words when he was younger. He later claimed his height as 6'5" after operations and that's realistic because a human can loose an inch after operations because of bone issues. So I would say that Prowse stood 6'6" in his younger days and nowadays as an old man he could hit 6'3 1/2".
Jordan87 said on 21/Jun/17
It would appear in your Picture that Mayhew has Dave by 7". Mayhew is still taller than Kristian Nairn ( Spelling) who is at least 6'8 with Rob. Mayhew is still around 6'9 and he is 73 with Multiple Operations. Peter may have been a Good 7'0" when he was younger, putting Dave at around 6'5 so your post makes sense.
Sam said on 19/Jun/17
I think he was never more than a strong 6'5" guy, Rory McCann-size, I'd say 6'6" was rounding up from a half or quarter inch less and 6'7" maybe a booted height. He more or less looks 4 inches taller than Harrison Ford (I know some of which are previously posted), when it should be a more than 5 inch difference if he was 6'6". I also think he looked more a 6'5" kind of guy in that photo Rob posted with McDowell on the Clockwork Orange set.
Click Here
With Mayhew, I'd say he might look near 6'5.5" at times.
Click Here
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 15/Jun/17
No more than 6'5.5" peak.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jun/17
It's hard to believe that David once stood six-and-a-half feet tall! He's suffered an exceptional height loss, and if some of it was due to a hip-replacement op, it must have been a painful way to lose it, the poor sausage!
I'll give him 6ft1 for today's height and 6ft6 for his (night-time!) peak. As he argues that he once stood 6ft7, he probably must have had that reading at some stage in his life. He doesn't strike me as the type to bull💩!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jun/17
I think he'd make 6ft1 range today and 6ft5 peak is too low. He looked near 6ft6
Wow said on 9/Jun/17
Jesus Christ the guy lost 13cm...he's lived two lives !
Although in the pic with rob guys he obviously looks a strong 187-190cm
That does NOT look like only a 15cm height difference...

Editor Rob
that photo is about 9 years old, he lost another inch since then.
World Citizen said on 7/Jun/17
185 cm and no less than that.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jun/17
Given his height and build peak I could imagine around 18 stone, 19-20 stone though seems a bit much. 260 pounds would seem nearer but not impossible he did weigh 19 stone.

Editor Rob
I did see him again up close...I feel today standing as tall as he can he may still be 6ft 1. He does use crutches to get about the last few years.
Jordan87 said on 26/May/17
I think sometimes weight is harder to guess then height! For example I am to the eye much leaner than my one friend of Equal height yet I weigh more than him.
WHen Prowse said he was 280 pounds for the role, Id say its possible if he is one of those guys then has alot of lean muscle. To the eye, most of the Prowse pics in the earth 1980's I would have guessed around 240, but it's really hard to tell without meeting someone.

Editor Rob
I think there is much more of a weight range in guessing than height. You can narrow many heights to say 173-4, but sometimes with weight it might be 165-180.
Jordan87 said on 26/May/17
I belive you, look at the size of his Hand on Rob's Shoulder. Catchers Mitt.
MSJC said on 21/May/17
I met him at Devcon in Plymouth last October, unfortunately he wasn't in the best of health and was sat down for the entire event, however i did get to meet him and shake his hand, even sat down he's a pretty large guy.
Scarlett Rose said on 18/May/17
I have dug out my old Star Wars scrapbooks. In one, there are the profiles of six of the major stars of the Star Wars saga at the time they were published in a British magazine (1982). They were Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, David Prowse (Darth Vader), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). This is what it said about David Prowse...
Birthdate: 1 July, 1935
Birthplace: Bristol (UK)
Birthsign: Cancer
Height: 1.99m (6 ft 7 in)
Weight: 121kg (approx 266 pounds)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Grey
Home: Croydon, Surrey (UK)
Hobbies: Fitness, swimming
Pets: A cat and rabbits
Married: Yes, to Norma
Children: Three - Steven, 16, James, 14, and Rachel, 11
Fav. food: Anything that contains protein
Fav. drink: Tea and coffee
Car: Audi, Volvo Estate
Previous jobs: Sports consultant for Harrods, now runs a gymnasium in London
Previous films: Casino Royale, Frankenstein And The Monster From Hell, Star Wars, Clockwork Orange, The Empire Strikes Back, Jabberwocky
Other appearances: Green Cross Code Man
Likes: Children
Dislikes: Rude people
If you want to read about the other five stars of Star Wars, seek the pages dedicated to them. 😊
Jordan87 said on 15/May/17
Notice Prowse said he was 20 stone ( 280 lbs) when he played Vader. Is that really possible? I thought he was in the 240 Zone myself, 280 is 30 Pounds Heavier than Anthony Joshua which I really don't think Prowse Ever Looked, especially as Vader.
Another Questions is , if Dolph Lundgren and Dave Prowse Faced off in their primes, who would you think was the bigger man both in height and mass?

Editor Rob
maybe he had a few extra pounds and wasn't quite as lean as he used to be?
I think 260 range is very believable for him.
Richardspain said on 22/Apr/17
I don't believe it! Prowse lost a lot of height, I'm feel sorry for him, but the important is his health.
Sometimes, taller people, have problems with their spine, backs,bones etc..
And giants people never arrive very old.
About Prowse's height, my opinion is;
Young: 197cm not more..
Now: 185/186cm not less
Rob; Is Prowse alive today??

Editor Rob
the force is still strong with David.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/17
Rob, how likely is less than 6ft today?
Such a horrific amount of loss...my grandfather was 6ft5 and stayed pretty much the same into his late 70's...a health finatic though

Editor Rob
not seen him in last year, but he may well not be able to stand that tall, I'm sure he will - if able - look 6ft to people.
berta said on 19/Apr/17
i wonder if "son of former ......." is telling the truth. i have a hard time belvieing he was 201 cm peak. never looked taller than max197-98 to me and now 184-185 probably
Jordan87 said on 14/Apr/17
Son Of Former neighbor of David Prowse,
( Long name, dammit)
Interesting Story to say the least. Prowse would have had to Shrink from the 90's to now another 3.5 inches more or less b/c he isn't even over 6'1" Now.
I did however see a Video of Prowse in the 1990's returning to his Green Cross Code Man Stint walking with a Cane with some School Children. He did appear still a very tall man either way.
Son of the former neighbor of David Prowse said on 12/Apr/17
To conclude the debate. David Prowse has suffered from arthritis since the 1950s, and has been losing around an inch a decade since then. When he was twenty in 1955 he was measured by his physician at 6 foot 7. His height decreased to about 6 foot 5 in the seventies. When my father met Prowse in the 1990s he claimed Prowse was 6 foot 3.5, My father is 6 foot 2. My father had many long conversations with Prowse about this when they were practically best friends in the late nineties. David said in a 1980 interview he was 6 foot 6, when asked in 1999 about this he said that he had miscalculated how much height he really lost. Prowse told my father that weightlifting helped keep the arthritis at bay. I apologize for any spelling errors as I am typing on mobile.
John said on 4/Apr/17
Peak: 6'5.75
Now: 5'11.5
Adijos said on 21/Mar/17
Yes! I do Rob! I think David Prowse peak height is 6'6" (198 cm) and today 6'1.25" (186 cm) tall.
berta said on 9/Mar/17
196 max peak. he never looks huge and if he was 198 he makes harrison for d6 foot 1. not a chanseeeeeee
Jordan87 said on 27/Feb/17
Cosmo does look about 6'0.5" Solid, and Dave looks a bit taller when I put the two pics Side by Side so I would say you are right.
But Basically if you took away he 1.5" Shoes, he would look around 5'11.5 with you?
Jordan87 said on 27/Feb/17
Based on Just Eye Level, how much would Dave have on you in your pic do you think.?Top of your heads ignored, say again just eye level?

Editor Rob
Jordan, back then he was over 6ft 1...looked actually about an inch taller beside Malcolm (the photographer) than someone like James Cosmo.
But, he only got that high because one of his shoes had like a 1.5 inch external lift to balance his leg length discrepancy.
josh jeffords said on 24/Feb/17
Dunno guys a loss of 5 inches is a big one he actually only looked about 6 6 in the vader suit which appears to add at least 1.5 to 2.5 inches.
Also the fictional character is supposed to be 6 6 in the suit over 300lbs, and 6 for the man forget weight maybe 200..
Ive not seen him out of the costume but if he were 6 8 or so in suit luke would have looked more like a hobbit not just short.
Yes I know its sacrilege but the new fake bs cg version of vader looked bigger.
Bottom line my money says if he stood next to the awesome Chris Lee he would not tower him.
mister_lennon said on 15/Feb/17
Agree with jordan.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 21/Jan/17
6ft5.5 peak, was never quite the solid 6ft6. Still, he was very tall regardless.
mister_lennon said on 20/Jan/17
Curiously, christopher lee give a taller impression next to peter cushing than prowse did next cushing. And prowse was in the darth vader costume.
berta said on 19/Jan/17
i think this guy was 196 peak and 198 out of bed and cliamed his morning height and with shoes 201 and sometimes went with that
mister_lennon said on 7/Jan/17
194-195 peak. Not more.
berta said on 5/Jan/17
godd update on listign. probably at best 185 now but chances are very big that he is not over 183. Peak i still dont think he was mutch over 196. never looked huge.
Blake said on 1/Jan/17
Rob, I think Glenn would want you to come back to New York and pose back to back with him if you lost as much height as David Prowse!

Editor Rob
Blake, maybe he will want remeasured, I still have the Miracle Growth Tape measure 😲 😵
Victor said on 28/Dec/16
He looks like a weak 6'2" in the picture

Editor Rob
the picture is probably the last time I seen Prowse able to stand pretty well, since then he always sat down in photos and when on his feet has gotten shorter.
In fact it is hard to tell how he'd measure because he wears an elevator shoe because one leg is 2 inches shorter...so he'd measure an inch less than he looks barefoot.
miko said on 27/Dec/16
Big Dave is coming to a Comic-Con event in Burton on Trent in February where I live so I'm hoping I'll catch him, I doubt I'll see him standing but you never know!
Omar said on 23/Dec/16
Imagine going from 6'6" basically taller than 99% of people to whatever he is now...
5'2 said on 22/Dec/16
i say the peak height is 6'5" and the present height is 5'11"
Puma said on 21/Dec/16
How did a man lost 13 cm at 73 years old, Rob?This is so amazing.

Editor Rob
Puma, spine,ankles,knees,hips, he's lost height in all these areas.
anyonmious said on 16/Dec/16
i think he has lost at least 6 inches.
Jordan87 said on 16/Dec/16
I still have a lot of Respect for Prowse. He was the first Brit to deadlift 700 + Pounds and keep in mind this was pre-steroid era, and if you Look at Dave's physique when he was younger, it was not a " Roid Body". Still, to deadlift 700 Pounds in the 60's is quite a thing to brag about.
Click Here
Look at his forearms. My Father always told me. If you are going fight someone, look at their Forearms, not their biceps to judge how strong of a Lad they are.
Jordan87 said on 8/Dec/16
Rampage, Rob.
This is some height loss!
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Nov/16
So, Rob is this guy a candidate for losing 6in?

Editor Rob
yes rampage, at least 5 inches by now, but I haven't seen him for a while now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Sep/16
Rob, do you think he may still measure 6ft2 but just walks around shorter?

Editor Rob
honestly no, he can barely walk these days that well without sticks. He could be 6ft 1 at most, but because of his imbalanced leg lengths, if measuring him he might be lop sided and not even manage above 6ft!
berta said on 2/Sep/16
maybe 184 now if he can stretch up when measured otherwise he may be measured to 182 these Days. at peak i dont really Think he was 198. that is a very very tall height. people Always exagirate. i have meet many guys that claim 2 meter one guy claimed 202 and when i told him to stand back to back with me ( who is strong 196 ore weak 97 depending on day) the people around said " youre the same height". So if he was 194-5 at peak he could easily get away with claiming 198 a 170 guy wouldnt really see the difference.to be onest i Think 1 out of 5 people really tell the height they are. most guys that are 177-179 say 180. most gius that are 180-182 say 6 feet the guys that are 6 feet say 6 foot one and some ever 6 foot 2.it when they are 6 foot 5 ore over they often dont care and say the height they really are.
mrtguy said on 28/Aug/16
He lost height especially over 80 years
The Man said on 8/Aug/16
David has lost so much spinal height over the years that his legs look disproportionately long, especially when he tucks his shirt inside his jeans.
Jordan87 said on 2/Aug/16
Mayhew is around 6'9 nowadays, He wasnt 7'3. He was maybe 7'0 in his day. Either way a tall Dude.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/16
Probably looks 6ft-6ft1 walking about but might still stretch up to 6ft2 when measured...
JAsper said on 31/May/16
To think that Mr. Prowse might have played the Wookie (Peter Mayhew) who stands at 7'3 would have been interesting.
berta said on 5/Apr/16
Rob is he still 188? Wich person have lost most height that we now of from this site? I read ion a newspaper some years ago about a lady who hade shrunken from 155 -141. BEcause she hade extremely weak bones. This guy seems to be around the same.197-98 peak and probalbe closer to 185 now?

Editor Rob
barefoot it would be hard to say because I posted a link many comments ago showing the kind of elevator shoe he has to wear. Take him barefoot and he could be 6ft to 6ft 1 range under the stadiometer. But he walks badly last couple of events I seen him, impossible to really tell as he needs the crutches.
Jordan said on 2/Apr/16
Rampage, in boots the slipper wearing McDowell came up to his top lip. Look at robs picture with prowse above . His top lip would make prowse ( in boots) 8" taller than the 5'9 McDowell making him 6'5, except McDowell had the footwear disadvantage putting Dave about 6'4 in reality.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Apr/16
I imagine 6ft7-8 in boots
Jordan said on 29/Mar/16
Based on the Prowse/Mcdowell Pic since McDowell only comes up to Prowse's Top lip, ( and has slippers in the scene) suggest not even a 6'4 for prowse? It boggles my Mind I almost cannot believe it

Editor Rob
I think Prowse does have a bigger head than average so wouldn't have thought he looked less than 6ft 5 there.
James B said on 25/Mar/16
suprised that was him in clockwork orange.
He looked well over 6ft6 but would not have guessed 6ft6
Jordan said on 9/Mar/16
Click Here
5'8.5 McDowell looks like he comes up to Prowe's Upper Lip in this pic.
Thing is if you watch the movie, Prowse has thick heeled boots on and Mcdowell has Slippers so In reality Mcdowell would Comes up to Prows's Nose for only a 5 inch difference which is odd. Dave looks shorter than 6'6 in that picture. Looks 6'2ish actually and thats when he was supposed to be in his prime. Very Odd with this man's height.
Jack said on 1/Feb/16
Are there any pictures of him pre-Star Wars? Based on the images of him and Harrison Ford, I'd say he looks 6'4.5 tops.

Editor Rob
he could look
Like this in clockwork with 174cm mcdowell.
movieguy said on 27/Dec/15
Looked at this guy's website and he come across as pretty straightforward. Says he couldn't make it as a championship bodybuilder because he wasn't anything like as muscular as shorter competitors. Gives his peak height as 6'7'' which I actually believe. I suspect that the doubters would have been shocked to see him in his younger days before health issues took their toll.
Matt Zed said on 12/Nov/15
David Prowse doesn't seem interested in the new star wars movies.
Click Here
Cliff said on 11/Nov/15
I agree with you completely. I don't think he was ever over 6'5". Reread my post. I think you misunderstood me. I think he probably was the 6'5" he actually claimed way back in the day, but was likely a bit shorter just due to posture.
tumac66 said on 6/Nov/15
People do shrink with age. My grandfathers Army records have him at 5`9 and a half, by the time i was was full grown, at 5`7 and in his 60`s he was my height. By the time he was in his eighties,he was about 5`4. I think Dave could have been 6`6 at his peak.He looks well over a head taller than a 5`8 Malcolm MC Dowell in A Clockwork Orange
Pedro said on 13/Sep/15
My son and I met him a t an awards dinner. he had a hard time standing. BUT he was at least 6'4" as he was a little taller then my son who is 6'3". 6'6" at his peak is believable Plus he was a competitive weightlifter and that compresses your spine and vertebrae. Which causes height loss.
Jordan said on 11/Sep/15
Click Here
Rob, We know Jeremy Bulloch ( Left in the above Picture) is 5'10 with you at age 60 something. Lets say he was 5'11 in his Prime, and 6 foot with his helmet? Prowse seems at most 5 inches taller in the pic above.
I'm almost inclined to say that Prowse is a 6'3-6'5 range Guy, with more of a chance he was below 6'5 in his prime. ( The above pic he would have been in his early 40's, so not to much out of his Peak height.

Editor Rob
around Star Wars Prowse I think could have been 6ft 5, it's a question of whether he had lost any height by early 40's or not...generally it would seem unlikely, but he was a heavy lifter so I've never ruled out that by 40's he lost something.
Jordan said on 11/Sep/15
Prowse claimed 6'5 only after his operations. In his younger days he claimed 6'6, 6'7, and 6'8 at different times. Personally if you watch him with Boba Fett ( 5'10 Jeremey Bulloch-Proven on this Site) he was never 9 inches taller. More like 6 tops. In ESB Prowse was no where near 6'7. He was about 6'4 based on Pics with Him and Bulloch ( 5'10-5'10.5).
In the Cast Pics from 1977 Prose was 4 inches tops on Harrison Ford who was 6'1 at best. I doubt the man was ever over 6'5 people.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Sep/15
The "barely over 6ft" claims are absurd
Cliff said on 8/Sep/15
Look... He was no more than 6'5". I do believe he was that and with a slouch 6'4"..I think I'm under 6' with my ****ty posture, but I was 72.75" at my last doc visit and this was after being on my feet for many hours; I think Dave was very much the 6'5" he claimed, but hey, who can police their posture 24/7? This goes for Peter as well. :)
Rey said on 6/Sep/15
@Darth Nihilus says on 28/Dec/14 You can lose and incredible amount of height once you age and with an illness. Losing 3 inches of height or more is a medical science fact.
Chase Witherspoon said on 2/Aug/15
I can believe 6'5" barefoot peak (195cm) but anything more seems ambitious, or perhaps a rounded-up shoe height to achieve the 6'6" status..
Azrael5 said on 4/Jul/15
Mark Hamill is 165cm max tall.
Tarinator said on 14/Jun/15
Looks nearly 186-187 if he was standing upright.

Editor Rob
last 6-7 years he rarely can manage to stand at all, he's standing very well in that photo, he's lost height in back and legs.
Sam said on 4/Jun/15
He has a big enough head though and taller people generally have lower eye-level in ratio to their height because their heads tend to be larger, albeit proportionally the same as someone shorter with a smaller head.
G said on 25/May/15
Hello. I watched Star Wars Episode VI long ago and tried to compare Prowse with other actors like Mark Hamil. As Darth Vader, Prowse looked tall, but not as 6'6 or 6'7, but as 6'4 or 6'4.5. What do you think about that?
berta said on 13/May/15
hm i cant se his ever being taller than me and im strong 6,5. around 6 foot 5 peak and now down to just over 6 foot. must be some kind of recorc
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/May/15
6ft7 out of bed peak
Jordan said on 4/May/15
I have seen those photos and you are Correct. However is Cushing even 5'11.5?
N said on 1/May/15
He was never 6'6". His eyeline was only 4 inches over 5'11.5" Peter Cushing in starwars.
six niner said on 1/Apr/15
My son and I met him in 2010. He was a to me maybe 6'4"....my son is 6'7" and I 6'9" we both were much taller. I believe he was 6'6" in his prime.
Darth Nihilus said on 7/Feb/15
Rob, any possibility to downgrade Prowse's peak height from 6'6" to 6'4"?
Darth Nihilus said on 14/Jan/15
@Jordan: Let's say, Prowse stood a legit 6'4" in his prime.
Jordan said on 1/Jan/15
Darth Nihilus,
I agree with everything you have stated there. I know the scenes you are talking about in the movie, and there are some pics of the whole cast back in 1977, where Dave looked anywhere from 7 to 9 inches taller than Mark Hamil.
Hamil is about 5'7 Nowadays ( He has pics with Billy Dee Williams who is 5'10 with Rob) and looks about 3 inches under Billy. So I would call Hamil 5'7.5 in his prime and Dave about 6'3.5 to 6'4.5 Range.
Dave was extremely strong regardless of height, he was the first Brit to Deadlift 700 pounds and had a 490 pounds Bench Press!!!!
Darth Nihilus said on 28/Dec/14
I watched Star Wars Episode VI yesterday in the TV. There were enough scenes where Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) was standing beside Darth Vader (David Prowse), talking to him that he should turn from the Dark Side to the Light Side of the Force. And all I have to say is that Darth Vader looked only full 8 inches taller than Luke who isn't even a legit 5'8". Already 6'1" Harrison Ford as Han Solo dwarfed Luke by almost a full head. So 6'6" or 6'7" is a lie as Prowse's peak height. I don't know why he claimed that mark in his younger days because Prowse as Darth Vader looks nothing more than 6'4", maybe 6'5" with shoes and helmet and so on. Let alone 6'6" and the 6'7" claiming for Dave's height is ridiculous. A human in the size of 6'6"-6'7" looks almost gigantic and yes, as Darth Vader, Prowse looked tall but not gigantic. So 6'4" could describe Prowse's peak height. I wished, Rob could change Dave's peak height from 6'6" to 6'4" and yes, Prowse might have operations because of his unhealthy stature but that never gives a human the possibility to lose 3 inches.
bud said on 13/Nov/14
Rob any chance he was 6'4.5 when he played darth vader?Then he didin't look 6'5 to me,max 6'4.75.

Editor Rob
he could look anywhere in 6ft 4-5 range by Vader...question is if he had lost an inch or so by 40!
miko said on 28/Oct/14
Look at the camera David, use the force!
Click Here
He's aged quite fast in these last few years.
yenz said on 25/Sep/14
@Clay Thats what I suggest alot, you can roughly judge a person's height(or peak height), by taking note of their other body parts.
Like Clive Russell looks about 6'4" here on Celebheights, yet his wingspan looks over 6'6". Your wingspan should be the same as your height.
Frank said on 17/Sep/14
In his peak he was 6´4" or 6´4.5" top, barefoot of course.
It is big height really, with boots like Dark Vader he would look 6.6" easily and with the helmet a lot of bigger too.
6´6" or 6´7" barefoot sounds a joke...
Clay said on 11/Aug/14
You can tell he still has the limbs and porportions of a near giant-sized human, despite the huge height loss.
Oanh said on 5/Aug/14
About 6'2" in the photo, and 6'5 1/2"-6'6" peak. He never looked 6'7" to me.
Jordan said on 24/Jul/14
No Its a good photo bc Ford is leaning back also giving up height. Look at the other Pics from this event, Dave is no More than 3.5 Inches taller.
SaveUsY2J said on 19/Jul/14
@Jordan- That photo is awful for height comparison, Ford's closer to the camera and Prowse is slouching heavily.
mike said on 23/Jun/14
he looks good for his age here but recent pics from 2013 he looks terrible. but i did find a new pic on his twitter account he's looking better now!
Jordan said on 23/Jun/14
Click Here
IM sorry but there only looks to be 3.5 inches between Prowse and Ford ( Dave also has thicker shoes than Ford). I dont buy 6'5. Ford was 6'0-6'1 Tops Dave is at most 3.5" taller. 6'6, 6'7 are out of the question, even in 1977.
mike said on 23/Jun/14
i would just leave David at his peak he's not really doing much these days.
mike said on 22/Jun/14
he looks 188-189 here.
avi said on 9/Jun/14
@Jordan says on 13/May/14
New Photo from 1977 with a front View and Dave Prowse next to 6'0ish Harrison ford. They are both leaning so its ha...
I agree I think peak he was a strong 6'4. Looks like he'd be 3.5ish taller or so than Ford
Jordan said on 15/May/14
The picture I posted earlier I had not seen yet on the internet. Its similiar to the other Photos we have seen from that Groupd Shot.
What is your take on who is giving up more height in the Photo, Prowse or Ford?

Editor Rob
hard to tell who is standing better there
Jordan said on 13/May/14
New Photo from 1977 with a front View and Dave Prowse next to 6'0ish Harrison ford. They are both leaning so its hard to tell who is loosing more height in the pic. Prowse looks 3 inches taller at best.
Rob, Ford is leaning agaisnt a Poll and Dave is resting all his weight on one knee so I am not sure who is giving up more height in the pic but I dont see a 6'5 Prowse here. More 6'3ish tops.
Click Here
avi said on 26/Apr/14
this is looking like that picture i posted of me and the guy who said could look 5 inches shorter than me. here is another one of me and the same guy and htat difference is maybe .5 less than here.
Click Here
could Prowse be 6'1.5?

Editor Rob
last year he definitely could look between 6ft and 6ft 1, but his posture and all his body problems mean it's hard to say what he'd actually measure today. He'd lose an inch automatically because he's using 2-inch lifted sneaker to help balance the excessive loss in one leg/ankle...so when barefoot he's going to be losing some if both his feet were on ground for a measurement.
Heat said on 26/Apr/14
Peak height was 6ft 5in (196 cm)
Lorne said on 6/Mar/14
Really he looked barely 6'5 by the Star Wars era. Maybe I'm being harsh, but 196-197cm seems more believable than 198... Though he easily would have cleared 6'6 out of bed at one point.

Editor Rob
it is possible in 40's he had lost some height
avi said on 20/Jan/14
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 1/Dec/13
nooo. he was 6'5 peak i think. now a strong 6'2
@Arch Stanton says on 6/Dec/12
That's funny, you mentioned seeing another 6'5" woman recently in Glasgow too I think? I've only ever seen one woman legit 6'5" range.
i think he means she was 6'5 in the suit which still means shes probably 6'2ish
Luke Skywalker said on 12/Jan/14
I've never seen a human who has lost so many inches like Prowse.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/14
He'd still be about 6ft2, I reckon
miko said on 10/Dec/13
It must be quite depressing for David. He was likely over 6'7 in boots at his tallest and today might not even reach much over 6'0 barefoot.
It would be scary to see him standing next to his prime self.

Editor Rob
I've seen him a few times this year, I walked by him last month and got a still from a video showing his sneakers
Here, you can see it built up a bit compared to the other one.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/13
His legs come to Rob's torso. You can tell that he was very tall at one point. No problem believing 6ft6. Mightve been 6ft7 out of bed.
Frank said on 6/Nov/13
I dont think that he was taller than 6ft 5 barefoot in his life.
I dont understand why some famous lie about it....
In serie "Champions" he is in his peak, only 33 years and for me he does not look 6.6 barefoot, max 6.5.
I would tell without doubt, in peak 6ft 5 barefoot and with boots 6.6 or a little taller.
miko said on 30/Oct/13
I've seen some recent photos of Prowse and he looks terrible, no idea what is wrong with his eye and he looks incredibly frail compared to the photo he has with Rob.

Editor Rob
he had a car accident not that long ago, his eye got effected.
Matt 184.7-186.7cm said on 27/Oct/13
yeah his torso looks really short for his very long legs here
Connor 184cm said on 24/Oct/13
Darth vaders actual height in the star wars universe is 6ft 8 though Prowse looked 6ft 7 in the vader suit, 6ft 6 peak barefoot is believable from looking at his body size, now he looks no more than 6ft, rob i think the only possible way he could get measured probably is maybe if he laid down straight on the floor or bed and the person puts the tape measure flat onto the floor/ bed next to him perhaps?
Jordan said on 1/Oct/13
Rob would you say conservatively that Dave would have 6 inches on Bulloch in the pic I posted below a few days ago? If Dave has a 5 inch eve level he would be about 6 inches taller than Bulloch in that Pic ( who is 5'11ish with the Helmet) making Dave at least 6'5 there? Maybe 6'5 max and 6'3 min?

Editor Rob
I would say he looked about 6ft 5 in early 40's
Arch Stanton said on 26/Sep/13
Rob how tall would you guess that he measured in the Darth Vader Suit? He looks about 6 ft 6 in it to me. I think I read 6'8" somewhere though.

Editor Rob
with the helmet on maybe 6ft 7, but I think there is a good chance he lost some height by early 40's.
Jordan said on 26/Sep/13
I am trying to scale the pic I previously posted. Is there any way that Dave has less than 4" on Bulloch anyone? I see 4.5" but Dave's hair could be an extra inch so I am not sure.

Editor Rob
a guy like dave could have 5 inch eyelevel...I saw dave again recently, he actually can still be over 6 foot if he manages to stand tall, but with a 2-inch lift in one shoe, I don't know what he'd measure barefoot!
Jordan said on 24/Sep/13
Rob, May need a Star Wars nerd to help us out to see how much the Fett Helmet adds but it looks like Dave has him by 4.5 Inches? Bulloch is 5'10 with you plus his helmet height maybe 5'11, add the 4.5 Dave has on him and could Dave have been only 6'3.5 in his prime?
Click Here

Editor Rob
the helmet is probably giving an extra inch, in star wars era he could look about 6ft 5, but it is possible Prowse had lost height by early 40's when he did those films.
miko said on 23/Aug/13
I think Mayhew is having some big surgeries on his knees soon Rob.
Given how twisted and bent his legs currently are I do wonder if the surgery will push him closer to 7'0 again and he can still look 6'10/6'11 on occasion these days in good posture.
Click Here
miko said on 22/Aug/13
Rob have you considered giving him a downgrade into the 6'0.5/6'1 range which he looks closer to these days?

Editor Rob
he struggles to get around these days, so uses 2 sticks a lot. It's like Mayhew, he really is in a wheelchair most of the time last year or so, anytime he stands he needs stick
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Aug/13
Those are some long legs. Definitely a big 6ft5+ guy in his prime. Probably 6ft6.
avi said on 25/Jul/13
He lost more than Eastwood huh? Like 4 inches. He was never 6'7. 6'6 tops but still maybe 4.5 inches. Eastwood was 6'3.5 and lost 3 I think 3.5 maybe...wow..this is only for people 6'3 and above I notice. I think its just not right to be over 6'3 right? Too many problems...
Tim said on 5/Jul/13
A little over 6 ft one he is now, wow major height loss.

Editor Rob
I see him walking about a bit at cons, well walking with 2 crutches, possibly standing tall 6ft 1 range but how do you measure a guy barefoot who has one leg 2 inches shorter than the other?
Emil said on 22/Jun/13
Holy .... what a leg length. He had to be at least 6'5 at peak
Brandon said on 17/Jun/13
6'6 peak and 6'2 now is spot on
Connor 184cm said on 15/Jun/13
Darth Vader/David Prowse is no more than 6ft now but still a big guy though his heads enormous bloody hell he's massive for someone at that height.
Henrik said on 14/Jun/13
James Earl Jones claimed that the producers of Star Wars said 6'6 1/2".
Lorne$ said on 7/Jun/13
@maio: Why is it hard to believe'? Average height loss for a man by age 70 is 4-5cm. And Rob himself can attest the man has to wear a built up shoe! That alone accounts for 2 inches, or so. So really, he has lost a good 2 inches of spine, with the rest from his leg. So when you ignore the fact one leg is lOnger than the other, he's lost a good 2 inches, which is well within normal range. Of course, the total loss of 4 inches is extreme, but if the extreme cases didn't exist, we wouldn't have normal!!!
Balrog said on 8/Feb/13
David Prowse stood 6 feet 5 inches at least at his prime. This poor man has suffered since age 13 when first symptoms of arthritis appeared. I also red that he was near dead when his left arm became paralyzed, followed by his right. He was diagnosed with septic arthritis. Then a few years ago, revealed that he is suffering from prostate cancer. The amount of surgery has reduced his height by 4-6". This man is a true fighter.
Alex said on 6/Feb/13
I know, that's why am a bit shocked by that enormous height loss. Hope he has recovered by now...
Arch Stanton said on 3/Feb/13
Did you see him in his prime Alex? This guy was nothing under 6 ft 6. He's lost more height than Hogan or Eastwood.
Alex said on 30/Jan/13
Is it really possible to lose that much height? Health problems and advanced age aside this man lost 4-5 inches!
Connor 184cm said on 30/Dec/12
David does look like a genuine 6ft 2 guy next to you rob, i can clearly see a 6 inches advantage would he be 6ft now in 2012 or could he even get different measurements because of his bad leg he might struggle standing straight perhaps?

Editor Rob
this was last time to get a standing photo of when he could stand better than he has done in last few years...he walks about like a 6ft guy today, well uses sticks to help his mobility
Arch Stanton said on 6/Dec/12
That's funny, you mentioned seeing another 6'5" woman recently in Glasgow too I think? I've only ever seen one woman legit 6'5" range.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Dec/12
Rob says "It's like Jenny's dad. Used to be 6ft 2, last few years he wears a lifted boot. Here is a photo of it.". You sure that isn't a screenshot from that movie where Downey Jr stole a wheelchair from a hospital?
The amount this guy has lost is tremendous. Rob, what does he claim nowadays? 6'3?

Editor Rob
no idea what he says now, he does struggle to walk and uses crutches. Last time I saw him, there was a 6ft 5 lady who dresses as a stormtrooper at some of these events...she made him look a 6 footer...
Mightyman said on 4/Nov/12
He does seem to have suffered from osteoporosis his torso looks very bulging due to compression of the spine. My Cousin used to live in the same house and train with him in Bristol. He was a big guy.
Desann said on 29/Oct/12
Yes ok, when I look exactly at this pic, I recognize that Prowse has a head, a torso and legs of a giant. So 6'6" at his youth is where I put the money on.
fliper said on 21/Aug/12
It is not normal to lose more than 3 cm after 50 years, people think that settles over time, it is absolutely wrong!
It is probably of osteoporosis in the case of David Prowse.
Henrik said on 12/Feb/12
pedro says on 9/Feb/12
My son and I met him two years ago at an awards dinner. my son is 6'3" and Dave was about an 1.5" taller than my son. My buddy who is 6'4.5" says when he met Dave back in the 60's he says Dave was at least 2" taller than he.
I could buy the last part, but not the first.
pedro said on 9/Feb/12
My son and I met him two years ago at an awards dinner. my son is 6'3" and Dave was about an 1.5" taller than my son. My buddy who is 6'4.5" says when he met Dave back in the 60's he says Dave was at least 2" taller than he.
miko said on 7/Jan/12
Rob would you ever rule out him dropping to 6'0 or below?
Given how much he's lost so far, I suppose you can't rule it out!

Editor Rob
if he takes off his shoes one leg is 2 inches longer, so he's going to lose another inch if he had 2 feet on the ground and his posture would be effected for a measurement most likely.
So he could be 6ft barefoot.
It's like Jenny's dad. Used to be 6ft 2, last few years he wears a lifted boot.
Here is a photo of it.
If jenny's dad stands in slippers he's like a 5ft 9-10 man, he wouldn't measure over 5ft 10 today.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 7/Jan/12
Rob, in this pic he looks more like about 186. You think he would measure 6'2 today? And you think he was really 6'6 at peak? That's a big loss!

Editor Rob
last year I saw him standing and he was shorter than when i got this photo. I think this was the last time he could try to stand reasonably tall - at subsequent events I saw him sitting for photoshoots) - considering all his physical ankle/leg/back problems over the years.
Jim said on 3/Jan/12
I done a couple of power lifting demonstrations with him in the late sixties early seventies and he was 6'4" then
Henrik said on 2/Dec/11
6'4.5" max? Come on now. Ironically enough, my mother happens to know a man who looks very similar to Prowse (except the muscles) and claims 6'4.5" (194cm). My mother thought there was no way I could be 6'3" (190-191cm), because he looked so much taller than me. A hundred measurements on me or so can't be wrong, and the Prowse-lookalike was clearly more than just 1.5 inches (4cm) taller. I wouldn't rule 6'7" (201cm) out for him.
As for Prowse, anything under a legit 6'5" (196cm) peak is purely redundant. He could very well have been 6'6" (198cm).
ChiasmataX said on 22/Nov/11
He's 6 feet 1 (just compare him to the legit 186.8cm guy from height challenge # 8). Come on Rob stop inflating height of those over 183cm :P
jeremy said on 19/Nov/11
never ever 6ft6 6ft4.5 max
sdsds said on 7/Nov/11
Looks 6ft 1in in the photo with Rob
Henrik said on 6/Nov/11
Shaun says on 31/Oct/11
To me he did look 6'6" peak. 6'7" is pushing it. Probably 2 metres out of bed peak.
2 metres is basically 6'7". Rob stated recently that he saw Prowse again not so long ago without elevator shoes and that he'd be surprised if Prowse was a lot taller than 6' even barefoot these days. Losing more than four inches, which already is quite extreme? Hmm...

Editor Rob
he still has one elevator shoe to compensate for the leg that is 2 inches shorter. What I mean is barefoot I'd be surprised today if he could measure much over 6 foot because of the problem.
Shaun said on 31/Oct/11
To me he did look 6'6" peak. 6'7" is pushing it. Probably 2 metres out of bed peak.
LAN Jiao said on 22/Oct/11
Recently he look 6'1.2 in picture..
Big d said on 22/Sep/11
Never 6'7". Looking at some old pics from the 60's he looks around 6'5" at the very most.
Legend said on 14/Sep/11
I mean 6'2 sorry.
Henrik said on 26/Aug/11
He didn't look that much taller than supposed 6'2" (188cm) Julian Glover in The Empire Strikes Back. Probably three of four inches in difference at most. It wasn't a case of towering over. You may argue that General Veers (Glover's character) is standing fully straight up and Vader is slouching somewhat, but Vader has somewhat of an angle advantage. Plus, I wouldn't be surprised if the Vader gear included huge shoe soles, giving an extra inch or so.
He was probably around 6'5" (195-196cm) barefoot in his prime years.
DarthVader113 said on 16/Jul/11
He looks better than rob the navel to the location of more than 15 cm, then the upper body when he was young should be higher than it is now 10 cm.
Phillip Niemandt said on 17/Jun/11
Sure Dave may not be strong nowdays but beleive me he was a very strong man.
In 1996 i benchpressed 275 KGgs at a comp in Southapton and then did a strength demo at Daves Gym .
Dave was way past it and was having big time health problems but he did a work out with me and his upper body was still very strong especially with the bench press and close grip bench which was not that easy for a tall guy with long arms.
Give dave his due he was a big tall strong guy and he inspirred me to achieve what i did in powerlifting and that was to become a world champ. Regards
rob89 said on 13/Jun/11
Doesn't look 6'2" at all here, looks pretty much exactly 6'1", maybe add a quarter or half inch tops to account for the fact that he may not be standing as straight as Rob, kinda hard to tell.
James said on 3/Jun/11
186cm on the nose with rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/11
6ft5 peak
6ft2.5 today
Legend said on 14/May/11
Am I supposed to believe that he lost 4 whole inches? 6'4.5 peak...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/May/11
More of a solid 6"5 guy at peak...his height loss is without a doubt exaggerated, the same with Clint Eastwood.
Lenad said on 1/May/11
Judging by his build he may very well have been 6ft6 when he was younger. No more than that though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Apr/11
189-190cm now
196cm peak
James said on 24/Apr/11
He's still an exceptionally tall man at just over 6ft but he's nowhere near his peak anymore.
Aaron said on 19/Apr/11
He's a huge guy. I mean, dang, even in today's age of improved nutrition and growth hormones in the milk, there aren't many 6'6" guys who are as proportionate as Prowse was. Look at the size of this guy! Reminds me of my 6'5" great uncle; he also has arthritis.
6'3" now. I sincerely doubt his height is constant so it doesn't even matter, poor old chap.
Phil Niemandt said on 11/Apr/11
I met Dave in 1974 in his gym.
I had a friend with me who was a rugby player. He played lock and was 6.5 in his socks. Dave was at least 2 inches taller than Ben. I have remained friends with Dave ans saw him in Decemebr in New York where he recieved a life time achievement award for his contirbution to Strengh sport and he was around 6.3 as i am 6.2.
James said on 4/Apr/11
His hair makes him look taller with rob but in the pic that is a solid 5 inch difference. can't see 6'2.5-6'3 let alone 6'2 flat.
Avi said on 3/Apr/11
Haaaaaahaaaaa. Never ever was 6'7. He was a strong 6'5 now weak 6'3.
Chameleon said on 27/Mar/11
No way 189cm with Rob :S
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/11
Looks 189cm-190cm with Rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Mar/11
6ft5 at his peak...probably 6ft6+ in the Darth Vader Suit
Today he's 6ft2.5(189cm)
Candyman said on 23/Mar/11
SolidSnake says on 9/Feb/11
wow 4 inches lost? how did that happen?
Some people just have different bone structures. I mean look at the height loss of Hulk Hogan, Clint Eastwood and others over 6feet. I remember hearing that taller people usually lose height more often than shorter people. As we age the body usually cannabilizes the bones and spinal tissues for nutrients anyways especially if someone has a bad diet, though it is more common in elerly women. The fact that he has had bone surgery on his hips, knees, legs and ankles should be reason enough to have lost 2inches or more.
Chameleon said on 28/Feb/11
I agree with James....
James said on 28/Feb/11
185cm on the nose with rob
Mathew said on 27/Feb/11
I could see him 6'5.5" - 6'6" prime, but from the sounds of it he's lucky if he's even 6'2" now. It's too bad he had to go through so much physical stresses.
miko said on 11/Feb/11
Rob is it possible that without the elevated shoe he would look in the 6"0 range? And probably tilted over to one side!

Editor Rob
yes he'd be tilted at the hip a lot.
jtm said on 10/Feb/11
rob did he looked 6'2 to you back in 2008 or do you think he is that height nowadays?

Editor Rob
I think he looked around 6ft 2.
BUT this is with him wearing an elevated shoe to balance his short leg. His sneaker had 2 external inches of lift on it, so barefoot if he put his shorter leg on the ground he wouldn't measure as tall as he looked.
SolidSnake said on 9/Feb/11
wow 4 inches lost? how did that happen?
d wade said on 7/Feb/11
the Vader costum could give him 3 inches i say 6,5 at peak and 186 cm today
Spence said on 6/Feb/11
He looks close to 6'6 in Star Wars
James said on 23/Jan/11
If you look how is eye level measures up next to the top of robs head in the pic he actually looks under 6'2 in the pic for sure.
It could be the way the photo is taken? In the pic though he looks 6'1.25 (186cm).
tommie said on 16/Jan/11
He was 6'7 " I used to work for him 25 yrs ago. As for bodybuilding he played with it for a few years but was never any good.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jan/11
6"2.5(189cm) today
6"5(196cm) prime
EdgarHernandez said on 27/Dec/10
are you kidding?: this guy lost height for a big combination of, artritis, age, hip remplasement, and his ancle, the guy on top of that used to be a bodybuilder, so 4 inches dont surprise me at all.
are you kidding? said on 24/Nov/10
WHAAT i dont think a ¨human¨could become 10 or 11cm shorter just because his age, i mean 1 or even(EVEN) 2 inches would be rigth but 10 cm? this guy should be 190 at peak when young
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Nov/10
196cm-197cm at peak
188cm-189cm now. His height loss is exaggerated a bit.
James said on 9/Nov/10
He's looking 6'1.75 (187cm) with rob.
Zach said on 8/Nov/10
And I thought Hulk Hogan's height loss was bad...
Big King said on 29/Jun/09
Ed(1), on his website it is written that he stood 6'5"-6'7" tall. So 6'5"-6'6" as his prime height can't be wrong and a strong 6'7" in his Darth Vader armor.
Ed(1) said on 24/Jun/09
Big King, I too think that Prowse might have been no more then 6ft5 in his prime, but I don't think that the max he got from the Vader suit was 2".
Maybe he wasn't 6ft10, but I could see 6ft8ish.
Big King said on 23/Jun/09
So that would make Vader 6'9"-6'10" after Prowse's height claim as 6'7"??? Come on, Vader with his armor was tall, yes but not gigantic. I really think that Prowse was no more than 6'5" in his prime.
Ed(1) said on 14/Jun/09
Big King, the Vader costume had to give more then 2", I'd guess close to 2" for the helmet alone. Maybe he didn't wear super big heeled boots, but even if they were 1.5", he was still getting close to 4" in boost from the costume.
In this pic alone you can see how big the helmet was in relation to his head.
Click Here
Big King said on 13/Jun/09
Ed(1), I already told that Prowse has still a head and a body of a semi giant and with his Darth Vader costume, he stood 6'7.5" and there is a source for that. The shoes and the helmet gave Prowse at least extra 2 inches. So he could only be a weak 6'6" in his prime.
Ed(1) said on 13/Jun/09
It really sucks how our bodies give out on us as we get older, especially in the case of a guy like Prowse who has obviously lost a lot of height and struggles to get around. In the pic with Rob he looks a solid 6ft2, and with the great size difference of his head and hands it's safe to say he has the proportions of a much larger man.
I have a hard time seeing the 6ft7 peak height, but 6ft5 is definitely a possibilty. In his Vader costume, boots, helmet, etc., I bet he was pushing 6ft9,
Click HereNot the best angle, but I honestly can say I don't see a 6-7 inch difference between Ford and Prowse.
Not to mention with Peter Mayhew, who only seems to have about 7 inches or so on Prowse. I met him in 2002 and he was tops 6ft11, not the 7ft3 listing he's always had.
Hugh 190cm said on 13/Jun/09
Okay I'd say 6ft5.25 peak and 6ft2.75 now.
yoyo said on 13/Jun/09
looks a strong 6ft2 now. but i have never believe he reach 6ft6 or 6ft7 ever. my guess he is 6ft4.5 barefoot in his youth.. maybe topped 6ft5 at most.
Big King said on 12/Jun/09
And Prowse's official websites says that he stood 6'5"-6'7" tall. That would make him a legit 6'6" guy in his prime.
Big King said on 12/Jun/09
There are several evidences and sources that Prowse stood 202cm tall with his Darth Vader amor. So shoes and helmet towered him to 6'7.5". So his 6'6" claiming is correct although he was barefoot a weak 6'6".
Steve said on 10/Jun/09
Jordan, can you provide us that link?
Big King said on 2/Jun/09
Jordan, I also think that Prowse stood no more than 6'5"-6'6".
Jordan said on 31/May/09
I still say 6'5-6'6 as a prime height.
Martin said on 27/May/09
I agree with Big King completely. His head clearly shows that he is over 6'5 otherwise it would be mal-proportioned.
Big King said on 14/May/09
As we can see it on the pic. Prowse has a head and a body of a semi giant but because of his surgeries he's down at the 6'2"-6'3" rage. How strange that a human can lose so many inches only because of some surgeries.
Jordan said on 3/May/09
If he lost 3 inches than he still isnt 6'6 though. 6'5 would be more like it Bigd.
bigd said on 1/May/09
hes an old guy now. My dad is 70 this year and hes 5'11. he was 6'2.25" when he was measured for going into the RAF. a loss of 3 inches is very feasible for prowse.
Jordan said on 21/Apr/09
He was could have been 6'6.5 in his 20's but remember by the time of Star Wars he was already in his 40's so he could have lost height by then. I would call 6'6 as prime, 6'5 during Star wars and 6'2 now.
Sam said on 20/Apr/09
He looks 6'1 at the highest and how the hell can someone loose 4 inches on height. If the man is 6'1 now, than he coudnt have been taller then 6'5 in his hay day sorry. 6'6 and 6'7, nope.
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/09
I dont buy a 4-5 inches heightloss. he could have been only 6'3-6'4 peak
Big King said on 30/Mar/09
The original Darth Vader stands at 2,02 m (6'7.5") with his helmet and shoes, that can make Prowse only 6'6" on his earlier days.
Big King said on 27/Mar/09
Prowse was a strong 6'6". He could hit 200cm out of bed.
Steve said on 27/Mar/09
I would say Prowse was solid 2 meters tall in his youth.
Sam said on 23/Mar/09
In this pic he looks a decent 6'1-6'2.
Big King said on 23/Mar/09
Maybe Prowse was exactly 200cm tall and he tried hard to round that up to feet and inches. Although he wasn't a full 6'7" in his prime.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09
I thought he was 6 ft 7 at peak well thats what he say he was when he played vader in the first star wars.
Doug said on 9/Mar/09
He was definately in the 6'6" range peak though.
Doug said on 9/Mar/09
Looks in the 6'2"-6'3" range now. He has lost a tremendous amount of height like other heavy weightlifters like Hulk Hogan. The amount they lifted in their lifetime is just not healthy. I can't see anything over 6'6" prime same as Hogan. He has lost 4 inches which is an extreme amount.
Jordan said on 8/Mar/09
Steve, it appears that a 6'6 peak height is pretty acurate. Dave said he was 6'6, and has also been listed at 6'6 in powerlifting sites, so i doubt he was 6'7. His weight in his bodybuilding days had been listed at 238lbs and 266 pounds.
miko said on 2/Mar/09
4 inches height loss just seems ridiculous at first. But its possible, and clearly this guy has shrunken dramatically. It must be painful to lose over 10cm of height.