Brady Baylis said on 23/Sep/19
Boy oh (little) boy. I'm short at 5'81/2",but I thought David Faustino (Bud Bundy) was 5'5".FIVE-TWO????My mother was five-two!!!!Where IS David Faustino today ?
adpop said on 28/Sep/13
176.53 CM: Let me help you too. While correcting carolyn5148, you make the same mistake, o the irony! Also it is English, not english.
carolyn5148 said on 10/Jul/13
Illustrator33 your english and grammer needs help. "Where have u hears that." I think should be "Where have you heard that. "Could deer bud bundy" Not knowing him he could be an animal, but deer should be dear.
Illustrator33 said on 8/Jan/13
How do u know faustino has been wearing lifts. Where have u hears that.
Illustrator33 said on 6/Jan/13
Could deer bud bundy be at the tallest 5ft3? And his shortest 5ft2.5. Your thoughts,rob.

Editor Rob
he could still be 5ft 2-2.5 range I think
5feet4orshorter said on 4/Jan/13
Hey rob do yoy corin nemics height from parker lewis can't lose fame. Also rob when I get my physical the physicians assistant measures me barely touching the stadometer to my head. I feel it only grazing my hair,pressing down only slightly and he measures me at 64 and 1/8th inches. When I measure myself on the hospital grade stadometers pressing the bar firmly on my head until I can feel the bar agaisnt my scalp, I measure at 63 inches to 63 and a half. Is there a wrong way in measuring height. Is this 20 something physcians assistant not pressing down on my head with measuring barm firmly enough? Shouldn't the bar be firmly pressed flat agaisnt my scalp. Not only on my hair ad it feels this happens during my anual physical. Any advice to my inquiry rob...thanks.

Editor Rob
nemic claims 6ft, I know he was on stargate and could look a little shorter than 6ft michael shanks, and sometimes quite close...
Marcus said on 11/Jun/12
Faustino has been wearing lifts similar to Robert Downey, Jr. for many years. He is 5'2.5", exactly what Rob has him listed at.
Etoile said on 1/Dec/11
Citation for 5 foot 3:
Click Here
the AMAZING Babushka said on 8/Nov/11
he shorten than i even thought. I would have given him at least 5'4", but i buy 5'2".... he looks really small
Paul Berger said on 28/Jul/11
David Faustino's height is now 5 ft. 3 in. (160 cm)
Meriton said on 6/Nov/08
Com'on the height doesnt really matter.I liked him at Married with Children he is a great actor
Davey said on 5/Jun/08
another child star that is very short.
mr. blue said on 6/May/08
Looked no taller than 5'3 in married with children, i think he was honest about his height, much respect to him, nearly every other star claim 1-2 inches min. over their height thats why i usually dont trust stars height claimings.
Plom said on 17/Dec/07
A generous 5'2". No more, probably no less.
Jon Doe said on 16/Jun/07
Runt it's not just that people aren't honest about their heights, some people actually don't even know their own height.
runt said on 6/Jun/07
He could celebrity box quite a few actors if they were honest about their height like he is!
CelebHeights Editor said on 17/Aug/05
In TorontoSun 2003 he said in relation to celebrity boxing, "I'm five-foot-three. Who am I going to fight, Minnie Me?"