Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/23
I wouldn't rule out 186-187cm zone as a peak but it's virtually impossible to find anything of him earlier than the 90's
John Sulu said on 14/Apr/23
Hey Rob, although 5ft 11 is about the average peak height for male celebrities on this site, is it above average for an adult male who has already lost height?

Editor Rob
Yeah. The average is a bit skewed as it includes all the passed celebrities now at their peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Mar/23
Editor Rob: Could be the case then 6ft 1.5 range peak!
That is something we can't dismiss. Hard-pressed to find anything of him the 70's-80's though. There's a number of guys on here who got fame late who arguably weren't quite at their peaks.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/23
There’s a bloke on Dickinson’s Real Deal who’s trying to sell a chest of drawers. It has a drawer missing! 😆
So far today, I’ve seen two guys on the programme who have actually been taller than David, which is unusual.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
David still sports a fine head of hair! 👌🏼
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Mar/23
Rob, shouldn't we also take into account that he became famous a bit later in life and was already in his late 50's?
If he was looking 6ft1 then, I'm wondering if he was taller than that in his 30's

Editor Rob
Could be the case then 6ft 1.5 range peak!
Gian 181cm said on 29/Mar/23
It looks like in the 6ft range in this photo (5ft11.5 - 6ft.5).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/23
Might still clear 5ft11

Editor Rob
I think the last few years he lost a bit more height. In 70's could still look 6ft range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/23
Still looks over 6ft in the above photo and would have been in his mid-60’s by then. Rolf is edging the guy next to him who Rob has met and has at 5ft9½ so at still least 5ft10 here. Richard Wilson had already lost a fair bit of height by this point…
6ft1 range peak is likely for David I reckon
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/23
David certainly looks tall in the above picture - the tallest of the bunch, which includes comedy acts Ade Edmonson and Richard Wilson, and they aren’t exactly short!
Yes, I can see 6ft1 for his peak and for today’s height, he can have 5ft11.5.
Halflifecrab said on 26/Mar/23
Why does the average guess have him at 5’0 💀

Editor Rob
I reset it, was a bug.
mark thompson said on 26/Mar/23
look at the average, peak 6ft1 and current 5ft0 lol he lost 1ft1 inch due to old age

Editor Rob
Hah, a bug I'll reset it to 5ft 11 current!
Arch Stanton said on 26/Mar/23
Cheap as chips!! ;-) He was a guy who was much taller than you'd immediately think, probably because he has a robust frame, easy to think of him as average height. I noticed it once a long time ago that he usually seemed taller than most people and then it was obvious when I saw him with Leigh Francis he was over average. Doesn't Charlie look lovely here, not ashamed to admit I used to have a bit of a crush on her haha! Cringe cringe at Rolf's jacket and bowtie, with the benefit of hindsight there were some signs there that something wasn't quite right with him haha!!

Editor Rob
From looking at a few clips from the 90's, he does look over 6ft to me, just a question of how much.