Paul H said on 20/Feb/20
Another guy who has been billed at 6.6ft,6.5ft,6.4ft and 6.2ft by the WWE!I think 6.2ft is correct.
Yin Young said on 13/Feb/20
John Cena looks more a bit closer height to Triple H or The Rock but when it comes with Batista it becomes clear there is a lot difference.
184guy2 said on 25/Jan/20
6'3 peak , 6'2.25 now
Canson said on 23/Jan/20
Peak may have been over 6’2. I could buy 6’2.5 or 6’2.75 peak
Bob da cob. said on 22/Jan/20
6-2. Another lying claim. Never near 6-4 lol
Mikey97 said on 6/Jan/20
I don't think he's shrunk and has always been somewhere in that mid 6'2" range like 6'2.25"-6'2.75".
Guy who is really worried about his heig said on 27/Dec/19
Look at his pictures with Daniel Craig from Spectre . He is hardly 2 inches taller.
edwards said on 22/Dec/19
back then in 2007 when the guy faced undertaker.he was 4 or 4.5 inches shorter.taker in 2007 was near enough 6'7 or lets say 6'6.75 or 6'7.
Roderick said on 21/Dec/19
@Xpac I tend to think HHH was more 6'1.75", which puts Batista at 6'2.75".
@viper That looks a bit low. He looked more than a flat 6'2" next to Brock Lesnsr in 2001. At the time when Undertaker may have still been close to 6'7", Batista didn't look 5 inches shorter. I'd say Batista was a solid 6'2.5"-6'2.75" guy at peak.
viper said on 20/Dec/19
He was never taller than 6-2. He hasn't shrunk any
George Rodriguez said on 20/Dec/19
Click Here Batista would’ve edged The Rock at their peak by a quarter inch imo, 6’3.25 peak for Batista and 6’2.5 now. He deserves to get a peak height now i think.
Xpac99 said on 18/Dec/19
Click Here
He clearly looks 1 inch taller than young triple h in my opinion
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Dec/19
I wouldn't put him less than 6'2.25" today though.
Xpac99 said on 16/Dec/19
According to your list and joeyb33 which he met roman reigns, roman is 6ft2.25 or near that. Therefore Batista peak height would be only 1/2 of an inch taller than reigns.
Click Here
how much difference you see in this photo?
Even considering your list, 6ft3 for dave is very likely

Editor Rob
Could be close to 6ft 3 for Dave there
Roderick said on 16/Dec/19
Tbh Titus and Dave look pretty even there. I still think the difference is 3/4.
TheBat said on 15/Dec/19
Sometimes he looks 6'2" flat, but I think he could be 6'2.5" today, he would edge out The Rock by a bit.
Xpac99 said on 14/Dec/19
Click Here
Batista and edge back 2005. I don’t understand Why to give 6ft3 for edge and not for Batista. Upgrade. 6ft3 for peak, 6ft2.5 today
Xpac99 said on 13/Dec/19
Rob, do you really think that Batista was taller than goldberg in peak height or the same height is arguable for you?

Editor Rob
I can see why Batista could have a better chance of a full 6ft 3 than goldberg could.
Xpac99 said on 13/Dec/19
Click Here
Click Here
Batista looked in my opinion at least 2 inches taller than 6ft1 bobby lashley. I remeber lashely was taller than 6ft 1/2 John cena for sure.
6ft3 for dave?
viper said on 12/Dec/19
He looks 6-2 MAX next to 6-3 MAX Titus
Xpac99 said on 12/Dec/19
Click Here
In this segment back 2007 Batista looked as tall ad edge if not taller.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 10/Dec/19
Looks around 3/4" shorter than 6'3" range Titus O'neil.
Click Here
Bill White said on 10/Dec/19
I'm 6'5" and I've stood next to Dave Bautista and can tell you he's most likely 6'2". Celebs and athletes always fudge on their height. I have a picture of me and Albert Puljos (who claims to be 6'4") and there's just no way...It's also funny that people who "fudge" are always insisting that i'm taller than I actually am because it highlights their embellishment! Just be honest people! There's no shame in being short! Who cares?
Xpac99 said on 10/Dec/19
How was in your opinion the height difference between the rock and batista, comparing them next to triple h
Click Here
Caldonio said on 7/Dec/19
WWE s actually billed him as 6-6 at one point 💩💩😂😂😂
Roderick said on 6/Dec/19
He's probably 6'2"-6'2.5" now. Anywhere in that range is fine to me.
TheBat said on 2/Dec/19
6'2.5" today. Probably this listing at peak.
James B said on 28/Nov/19
He must be a freak of nature too look too skinny at 250
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/19
In his early wrestling career I don’t think he was far from 300lbs, he was absolutely gassed
Ben Bell said on 25/Nov/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Nov/19
265 lbs at 6'2 1/2 i don't think so. He could be 245-250 prob just claim heavier to match his 6'4 claim.
He weighed a legit athletic commission 265lbs in his MMA fight and he was noticeably slimmed down from his WWE days.
Think he said he got to 250 at one point and looked way too skinny. He’s a super wide dude
Roderick said on 22/Nov/19
A photo Titus posted on Instagram shows him looking similar to Batista. It's hard to say who had the edge bc of Batistas slouching.
I don't know how tall Titus is honestly, typically in WWE he always looked 6'4" in ring but outside next to NFL players he usually looks anywhere from 6'2.5" to 6'3".
Roderick said on 17/Nov/19
He doesn't look over 6'2.5" with Lesnar
Josue said on 11/Nov/19
6'2 3/4 is just fine. Definitely looks 1 .25" taller than 6'1.5" Triple H.
Click Here
viper said on 9/Nov/19
He struggled with 6-2 next to a 6-4.5 measured basketball player.
Anything close to 6-3 is really hard to buy
miko said on 8/Nov/19
Very close to a 6'3 peak, but fell just short. 6'2.5 range today.
viper said on 6/Nov/19
Don't think he's ever been more than
I could buy a bit taller listing for Edge, maybe 6-2.5
viper said on 5/Nov/19
He's bigger than Shawne Merriman and Merriman is 250 minimum.
I can easily buy 260.
245-250 no way
Roderick said on 4/Nov/19
Come on, don't upgrade his peak just so you can add a current of 6'2.5". I think 6'2.75" peak and 6'2.25" today is better
The peak listing is accurate IMO
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Nov/19
265 lbs at 6'2 1/2 i don't think so. He could be 245-250 prob just claim heavier to match his 6'4 claim.
bick said on 1/Nov/19
bautista seems shorter than chris pratt who is listed 1.87 ,he had shrank a lot
SeanR said on 1/Nov/19
Have you decided yet to change Batista to peak 6’3” and current 6’2.5”?
I’ve seen a lot of comments here saying that Dave’s measurements are practically the same as The Rock. I would tend to agree

Editor Rob
Not decided, but I can believe it might turn out fair option.
James B said on 23/Oct/19
Just saying rob when he’s says naturally 265 pounds.... too me that means he’s naturally that weight without making much effort which I find hard too believe.
James B 172cm said on 23/Oct/19
rob do you think he is really naturally 265 pounds or is that because of roids?

Editor Rob
I don't know which actors have used enhancements, but to get some bodies naturally obviously takes years of work.
I'm still waiting for my 6 pack to appear after 50,000 sit ups 😵
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Oct/19
Brandon Routh could not edge him out. 6'2 estimation is poorly executed.
Roderick said on 18/Oct/19
6'2" flat for Batista today is very, very possible.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Oct/19
@houss Lol. He wasn't standing well with 190cm Hemsworth and not 1" between them and 187cm Pratt look the about the same that picture because Dave had less footwear. Other picture from google images have prove near 1" or 2cm between Pratt and Dave. Dave we can argue 189cm not more but 6'2 flat is a bit too less. There is nothing to confuse when camera angle is shaky or people were standing on different angle or unlevel floor.
TheBat said on 9/Oct/19
Probably 6'2.25"-6'2.5".
houss said on 7/Oct/19
I made this video about his height
Click Here
Xpac99 said on 5/Oct/19
How tall is Batista today?
Paul the Puppeteer said on 5/Oct/19
The picture with Terry Crews means that he is just a little past the 6'2 mark. He was almost as tall as 6'3 Edge in 2004
6'2.2 current
6'2.8 peak
KoolKid05 said on 29/Sep/19
His mma page has him at 6'4" so ill say that is true. His 6'6" wwe billing is a bit exaggerated
Wrestling Fan said on 18/Sep/19
Can you post some photos of that?
viper said on 16/Sep/19
Absolutely looked no taller than a flat 6-2 next to 6-4.5 measured David Noel in 2006.
And Noel might have been measured at
6-4 3/8 and rounded up
K.A 188 ! said on 16/Sep/19
Bautista had the broadest shoulders I have ever seen on a wrestler and i say that as a wide guy myself.
Google some years ago used to list him at 198 cm which i knew was exaggerated, i would have easely believed a figure like 193 though, due to his massive shoulders because i was not height awared back then.
Orton always edged him so 6ft4 barefoot for Batista it's out of question.
But 6ft3 (190. 5) on the dot seems reasonable for a peak height .
Wrestling Fan said on 15/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
He was announced as 6'5" in WWE in the 2000's. I don't know where the 6'6" came from either.
Caldoni said on 12/Sep/19
More bs billing. 6-2 approx 6-3 weak peak.
Hopping hopper said on 11/Sep/19
Hahaha I’m 6-5 I’m 6-3 I’m 6-4 lol. Weak 6-3 peak. Now under definitely.
Canson said on 6/Sep/19
I’m not getting the 6’6” listings. He was billed 6’4” before in most places as well
Hopping hopper said on 4/Sep/19
Peak 6-3. Now 6-2
Roderick said on 1/Sep/19
I can't see a full 6'3" for his peak. I wouldn't upgrade his peak to 6'3" just so you can add a current listing of 6'2.5". I'd keep his current listing as it is and add a current listing of 6'2.25".
Wrestling Fan said on 31/Aug/19
I'd love to share a fact.
This man sabotaged his own growth.
His peak height might be somewhere around 6'3" or something?
He was that tall when he was only 16.
At the age of 16 this man started building body and lifting heavy weights etc.
As he said in his book that he lived in poverty in his teens and bodybuulding was the thing that saved his life,so he started bodybuilding at just the age of 16.If he wouldn't have done that maybe he would have been as tall as 6'5" or something.
I'd like to recommend you to finally give his peak and present height now,just giving an advise not an order.
Demon87 said on 27/Aug/19
Click Here
How tall wwe eddie compared to batista
Myself said on 21/Aug/19
I can't say for footwear; I know very little about it. If there's really an advantage for
Mark Henry then of course more than 0.5" difference.
Yeah I don't know how Henry could've possibly looked 6'2 to Rob. Even with Josh he's nowhere that (eyelevel disadvantage accounted)...
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
But Henry had thicker footwear in that pic though. They were probably 2cm apart. I agree with Rob's listing of 6'2.75" and 6'2" for them, although Henry nowadays is no more than 6'1.5" IMO.
Myself said on 15/Aug/19
Of course I agree that Batista is the taller of the 2, but I can't really see 1 inch. 0.5" I think is reasonable.
Myself said on 15/Aug/19
Yeah, by looking again I'm not sure about my statement; I may have overestimated angles+posture loss. But still, I think Henry generally stands more relaxed and it looks like he might be losing height with the forward-head posture. From other angles in that video they look pretty much the same.
In this photo
Click Here they look very similar, and yet again Henry is not having good "standing tall" neck/head posture; he usually prefers his "intimidation" stance.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/19
What? Bautista clearly looked taller than Henry.
Myself said on 13/Aug/19
How does he look 6'3 with Henry there? They look roughly the same. Henry has a big forehead too.
Importer said on 11/Aug/19
To my eyes this guy as one of the widest shoulders I ever seen on screen, which certainly make him look huge. If not for celebheights I would of thought he’s his billed height of 6’5”.
tree said on 10/Aug/19
Looked 6ft3 with Henry too
Click Here
If we look at him before around 2010 i think 6ft3 is a good listing for peak,later maybe he looked more 190,and today can still be over 189.
tree said on 10/Aug/19
was 1 inch taller then peak hhh
Ethyn said on 10/Aug/19
I saw they listed him as 6’6”, which I don’t buy it at all.
I’ll say 6 ft 2 and a half
tree said on 9/Aug/19
He definitely looked 6ft3 with Shelton Benjamin,and same height as peak Edge
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 7/Aug/19
Dmeyer said on 7/Aug/19
The rock has a hard time looking more than 1cm taller than 185 Obama and Can look 3in under 195cm barkley then Can look barely smaller than 192 today jasselhoff while in 1cm less shoes , and Can look taller than Bautista and and elba Can 6'1,25-1,5 UP to 6'3-3,25 but most oftenly looks 188-189.5cm 6'2-2,75 lately
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/19
But my question had nothing to do with the Rock. I was asking about Bautista. But I don't think Rock needs any upgrading IMO.

Editor Rob
I answered the question by referencing Rock's listing as also being a possibility for Dave.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 5/Aug/19
Are you considering giving Dave a current height like you recently did with Triple H?

Editor Rob
I have considere like the rock a 6ft 3/2.5 possibility, he probably has fraction, it's whether it is small or half inch range.
Roderick said on 3/Aug/19
He might have lost half an inch by now
Canson said on 3/Aug/19
6’2 today
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jul/19
Click Here Terry Crews look as tall as Dave.
Blahhh said on 26/Jul/19
The Rock 6’1.75” at the most
Batista 6’1.75” at the most
Seamus (not entirely sure?)
Reigns 6’1.5” at the most
Lesnar 6’1.5” at the most
Goldberg 6’1” at the most
Triple H 6’0.5” at the most
Roderick said on 21/Jul/19
It is possible that he is 6'2.25"-6'2.5" today and down from 6'2.75" peak. He hasn't lost a lot of height.
Big dave said on 20/Jul/19
Looks the same height as the rock, strong 6'3" peak , probably lost half an inch by now
Shane Gray said on 16/Jul/19
@Crane: this site is awesome, even though I disagree with not using out of bed, full heights. That is truly are max height. Anyhow, you are giving this site far too much credit in Bautista height being lowered. Many others online have not been lowered.
Shane Gray said on 16/Jul/19
@Crane: not everyone is trying to upgrade. Many people just think of their real height as their height in shoes. Yes, some people just lie but many others are claiming a shoe height. Lots of athletes and basketball players dont even think of a barefoot height.
Shane Gray said on 16/Jul/19
@Crane: not everyone is trying to upgrade. Many people just think of their real height as their height in shoes. Yes, some people just lie but many others are claiming a shoe height. Lots of athletes and basketball players dont even think of a barefoot height.
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Jul/19
@Johnson Bautista played Tong Po in "Kickboxer: Vengeance" (2016). The guy in the pic you posted w/ JCVD and GSP was Michel Qissi (born Mohammed Qissi), who played Tong Po in the original "Kickboxer" (1989).
For ppl who don't know what I'm talking about, here it is again (2015)
Click Here
Roderick said on 3/Jul/19
As listed, great work man 👍
Xpac99 said on 30/Jun/19
Click Here
Rob if batista was 6ft 2 3/4 how tall undertaker in this segment? Pause 4:33

Editor Rob
He's probably got a bit worse posture than dave, but I'd still expect him to be at least 4 inches taller
TheBat said on 28/Jun/19
6'2.5" I can see being possible. I personally think he could be 6'2.25".
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Jun/19
I would argue 6'3 peak and 6'2.5" now. Possible a flat 189cm as i can't see him a 3/8 over it.
Lovi Sarwara said on 20/Jun/19
Click Here recent picture of Rock and Batista
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Jun/19
Looks an inch taller than Seamus when standing straight there at start. To think that Seamus was billed 6'5"-6'6" he must be 6'1.5'-6'1.75".
TheBat said on 20/Jun/19
6’2.75 was his exact measurement probably 6’2.25” now. If you want a 6’3” upgrade, well Google has got you covered.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Jun/19
nice find Tree,
Either he’s 6ft4 or Seamus is 6ft2 tops!
Space said on 18/Jun/19
He’s the same height as Lesnar and Reigns and Seamus at 6’1.75” He’s not over 6’2” anymore.
Prem said on 18/Jun/19
Lmao 6'2 3/4 ?? You guys are more precize than rocket scientists. Just make it 6'3
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/Jun/19
He is strong 6'2 and weak 6'2.75" so maybe he can be 6'2.5" really not over.
tree said on 16/Jun/19
without shoes next to sheamus
Click Here
Jimbo hopper said on 15/Jun/19
Billed at 6-6 prime career. Utterly bull he’s 6-2 today
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jun/19
I think Dave Bautisa is between 6'2 1/4 to 6'2 1/2 might be 6'2 3/8 (188.9) and that unusual high eye level making illusion to Rob thinks that he can be 6'2.75".
Sonnecker said on 4/Jun/19
He left active wrestling at 41, at the right time, just with temporary and limited comebacks...
I don't think he'd lost anything noticeable. Still 190 cm in late day, I'd give him 6'3".
Rough321 said on 20/May/19
Peak Batista: 6’2.5”. Peak Rock: 6’2.5”
Today Batista: 6’1.5”. Today Rock: 6’1.75”
Peak Lesnar: 6’1.75”. Peak HHH: 6’1.75”
Today Lesnar: 6’1.5” Today HHH: 6’1”
Peak Orton: 6’3.5”. Roman Reigns: 6’1.5”
Today Orton: 6’3.75”
Nik said on 3/May/19
6'4" is not small for a wrestler!
Canson said on 20/Apr/19
@Yusuf: that wasn’t me. It was Crane
Yusuf Bei said on 19/Apr/19
@Canson: Yeah height is the most exaggerated thing in the world today. I see 5’6 guys claiming 5’9. But tbh almost everyone exaggerates with their height to the point where it’s become normal
Crane said on 17/Apr/19
@Johnson That's not Dave Bautista. That guy looks about 5'11 there with GSP and old man JCVD.
Bautista height list is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in Pro-Wresting history. I mean the guy was given 6'5 up to 6'8 while his real barefoot height is just 6'2.5.. It's really absurd. I'm fine if he was given 6'3/6'4 but 6'7/6'8 is just too much for a 6'2.5 barefoot guy like him. Him claiming 6'4 is fine, as far as Pro-Wresting height claiming honesty goes, at least it just 1.5 inches closer to the truth. For a 6'2.5 guy, 6'3/6'4 is one thing, 6'5 6'6 6'7+ is really another.
I was measured 6'4 3/8 6 hours after wake up and always claimed myself to be just 6'4.
I never understand those that upgrade themselves more than an inch.
It seems people always want to get taller and bigger now and then, I guess it's in their nature. It also has a lot to do with ego and personality.
Johnson said on 17/Apr/19
@Cristian @Crane
What about this picture of Bautista with George St Pierre and Van Damme?
Click Here
Crane said on 16/Apr/19
Batista 6'2.5 in his prime (1997-2010), 6'1.5 (2014-today)
Rock 6'2.75 in his prime (1995-2011), 6'2 today
Lesnar 6'1.75 in his prime (2000-2016), still 6'1.75 today (no sign of height loss)
Reigns 6'1.75 then and now
Space said on 15/Apr/19
There needs to be clarification on whether the average guess is the evening height of the celebs. If so, they all need downgrades, as Batista, Lesnar, Reigns, Rock, etc. are all listed at over 6’2” for their evening height?
Johan 185 cm said on 15/Apr/19
Click Here
Still taller than Triple H here who looks like he is in big footwear because of his posture.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Apr/19
Bautista may be a bit under this listing nowadays, but anything under 6'2" is a joke IMO.
TheBat said on 13/Apr/19
Agreed, Bautista at 6'3" would be spot on. Rob's listing is the lowest I'd go with.
Crane said on 12/Apr/19
@Rampage If we go by that ridiculous listing then Randy Orton would definitely be 6'4.5
Johnson said on 11/Apr/19
Anyone explain me the picture of Bautista with George St Pierre and Van Damme?
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Apr/19
I definitely think a 6ft3 listing wouldn’t hurt
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/19
No, he’s still safely over 6ft2 now.
Crane said on 5/Apr/19
@Junior He was NEVER a 190 cm tall guy.. At his prime he was 6'2.5 aka 189 cm.
Today, he's about 6'1.5 - 6'1.25.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Apr/19
Am i the only one notice Bautista had unusual high eye level? Looks a little higher than Kobe 4.6" looking eye level in the 4.4-4.5" range. Still strange for a 190cm guy to have a 11-11.4cm eye level..
Canson said on 1/Apr/19
He’s not this tall anymore
tree said on 30/Mar/19
Hey,am i the only one who saw his name as Batista,now this site and google has him as BAUTISTA.
He was certainly batista in wrestling,did u change his name rob?

Editor Rob
About 2 years back!
Crane said on 30/Mar/19
Sorry folks but a FULL 6’3 for Batista is outside the realm of possibility. How can he look 6’3 when a TRUE 6’4 Randy Orton had 4 cm/1.5 inches on him back in the Evolution days 2002-2005. And if he’s really a TRUE 6’2.75 then how on earth did he looked the exact same height as Chris Pratt who was either 6’1.5 or 6’1.75 in 2014 when they captured that picture. Don’t forget the fact that he was born in 1968, that would make him in 51 years old today. 6’2.5 1997-2008, 6’1.5 2009-2019.
Space said on 25/Mar/19
Batista was a legit 6’2.75” 265-270lbs in his prime.
6’1.5” 235-240lbs today
K.A 188 said on 24/Mar/19
ROB,who is taller today the rock or bautista

Editor Rob
Both are too close to call at times. You could make a case for both being 6ft 3 range and now 6ft 2.5 range.
tree said on 22/Mar/19
That is nothing,batista has his knees bent,not good for an exact guess,check him out with shelton who is 184
Click Here and with lashley
Click Here he was 6ft3,forget about 6ft2.5 peak
Crane said on 21/Mar/19
There was a face off between them for a brief period, between 0:17-0:21 in this video
Click Here
Bautista looks exactly at 6'2.5", no more no less.
tree said on 20/Mar/19
6ft8 for him?wcw was crazy
tree said on 20/Mar/19
Did u see a good face off between lesnar and batista in that match?i did not.
Space said on 19/Mar/19
Batista was a half inch taller than Lesnar in their match in 2001. I think it’s safe to say Lesnar was 6’1.75”- 6’2” then, so Batista was 6’2.25”-6’2.5” 270lbs
Crane said on 18/Mar/19
Many of you guys might curious about Big Dave's real Height. Let me explain.
Batista has been given 6'8 at WCW training facility in 1997-1999, when he was wrestled as an amateur.
6'7 at OVW (WWE's promotion member) around 1999-2001.
6'6 - 6'5 in WWE during 2002-2010.
Later changed to 6'4 at his return in 2014-2015 (Might be because nonsense WWE finally realized they can't have Batista at 6'6 and Randy Orton at an honest 6'4, LMAO) and then finally... down to 6'3 around 2017 to present day, thanks to this website.
So, let's judge him at his Peak during his 2002-2008 WWE run, since he was born in 1968 that would make him around 30 to 40 years old during that period and it would be the proper period to use the word "Peak".
He was always inch and a half taller than a legit 6'4 Randy Orton, that made him 6'2.5 in his peak. As for today, due to heavy steroid using and lifting 300 lbs for over 20 years+, his height has shrink down to 6'1.5 and that's what he looked with Chris Pratt in their photo shoot together back in 2014. Who knows, today he might fall as low as 6'1.25 or even 6'1 flat.
However, I will give him the extra 2014 sauce that would put him exactly as 6'2.5 in his Prime (1997-2010)and 6'1.5 from 2014-today.
viper said on 18/Mar/19
He was never 6-3.
Looked barely 6-2 with 6-4.5 measured David Noel in 2006.
edwards said on 16/Mar/19
dave is 6'2 currently and maybe 6'3 at peak imho
Canson said on 14/Mar/19
@Juggernaut: he is probably just 6’2” today
Space said on 14/Mar/19
Batista was 6’2.75” max in his prime, he was slightly taller than 6’2” Goldberg, 6’2” Lesnar, 6’2” HHH in the early 2000s
juggernaut said on 12/Mar/19
Batista is still 6'2' he is atleast an inch taller than 6'1'5 Triple H.. I'd say 6'2'5 for Batista, he doesn't have a good posture..
miko said on 9/Mar/19
Still 6'2.5 range. If he's lost any height it's not noticeable yet.
Maybe 6'2.75/6'3 down to 6'2.5 if anything.
Solarwarden said on 7/Mar/19
6’3” 265-270lbs peak
6’1” 250-255lbs today
Azad said on 7/Mar/19
RZA is shorter than Batista Mr Viper
Click Here
Tall Sam said on 5/Mar/19
I think in photos where RZA looks taller than Bautista, Dave might be standing a little looser or leaning more so, sometimes they can look similar in some photos. There's a chance that Bautista can still straighten up to 6'2" range today, but a little height loss is likely from his peak after presumed years of extreme weight lifting.
Rexasaw said on 4/Mar/19
Dude has thick face, neck and waist.
He’s 6’1’’ at age 50
viper said on 3/Mar/19
I can believe 6-1. He looks clearly shorter than 6-2 RZA
Vegas' said on 1/Mar/19
5'11 is nuts. I met him in 2004 and am ~180.5cm barefoot measured on a stadiometer. He was noticeably taller than me but obviously shorter than my 6'4 friend. Not buying he was walking around hotel in lifts either
Alex M. said on 23/Feb/19
A great, level line up:
Daniel Craig (5' 9 1/2" in lifts),
Christoph Waltz (5' 6 1/2"),
Ben Wishaw (5' 8 3/4 including fluffed hair)
right next to Bautista ... clearly looking exactly as I have assessed:
Big Dave: 5' 11 1/4" bare foot and scalp stubble over six feet in un-lifted, un-stacked shoes.
And remember, anything 5' 10" and above bare foot for a man enters respectable male stature often mistaken for "6 feet." Just look them straight in their eyes, alone, and ask Ah-nold and Chris Pratt.
Alex M. said on 23/Feb/19
Height Interpol, Baby!
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 23/Feb/19
Alex M: LOL. I guess at least you aren't as obviously wrong as someone like Charlie at least xD
Alex M. said on 22/Feb/19
Fellow height watchers, including Paul NS, accurate height measures evade most and especially for "celebs." However, I advocate truth based on close-up, physical observation and fairly assessing bare foot height. Stating true un-shoed, un-heelstacked, un-lifted, non-special effects height doesn't mean I like these characters any less or don't enjoy their showmanship. In fact, I appreciate their performances about 2 to 4 inches more.
rawdshaq said on 20/Feb/19
Is Batista is 5'11" then Hornswoggle is 7'1"
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 16/Feb/19
Alex M is a downgrade
troll. No use trying to reason with him.
TruthChecker said on 13/Feb/19
@Alex M
5’11 1/4” is a joke for Batista’s height today. Batista is at the very least 6’0.5” today, probably 6’1.25” today as is the rock 6’1.25” today.
Batista’s peak height was at least 6’2.25”, he was possibly 6’3”.
Philip McMullin said on 12/Feb/19
Hasnain Zia about 2.5 ins
K123 said on 6/Feb/19
Peak 188..current may be 187.check him with Vince diesel and Daniel craig.he was very similar to mark Henry when both were in dress shoes..appeared two inches taller than Bobby lashley who was 184 cms but with atleast 1/2 inch boot advantage.. one of the most overbilled wrestlers in his height range..Dwayne Johnson and edge were also similar to him..peak 188 and current 187
Public Enemy said on 3/Feb/19
Peak 191 cm
Current 189 cm
rawdshaq said on 3/Feb/19
A guy who was 6'2 3/4" got billed at 6'6", lol
tree said on 3/Feb/19
Now google changed him to 190cm
Hasnain Zia said on 24/Jan/19
this is the summerslam promo of 2008. rob how many inches do you think he has on cena here at 2;46 to 2;48
Click Here
Spencer said on 18/Jan/19
6'3" peak. 6'2" now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jan/19
Solid 6ft3 peak
184guy2 said on 4/Jan/19
They probably where identical
Solid 6'3 at peak and nowdays 189ish
Canson said on 4/Jan/19
6’2.5 today
dewie 5ft9 175cm said on 31/Dec/18
Batista 6ft3 undertaker was 5inches taller 6ft7.75 barefoot.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Dec/18
4.5" high eye level makes Bautista look taller. I would rule out 6'2 1/2 not more.
Canson said on 25/Dec/18
I doubt he was quite like the Rock. I see him being taller at his peak and today
heightchecker34 said on 20/Dec/18
I still believe Batista has always been a 6'2.5 guy at most. If he ever was 6'3, then it was before wrestling, because even in his early years in WWE, he always looked about an inch and a half shorter than 6'4 Randy Orton and half an inch shorter than 6'3 Edge, despite wearing bigger lifts. Even in his later comeback years, he always wears those big construction boots, and still didn't look too much larger than fellow 6'2-6'3 wrestlers. He is the same height as peak Bill Goldberg.
Hasnain Zia said on 10/Dec/18
rob i saw this video from 2014. this is batista with alberto del rio and if del rio is 6.2 then you can see that batista's head is higher than del rio. this would mean that he is still over 6.2 easily and may be over 6 2.5 also. the only problem is his posture and may also because of the fact that he has lost a lot of muscle. muscle can also make you look taller. what do you say about this rob.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I can see why many would give Dave 6ft 3 peak and 2.5 today.
Hasnain Zia said on 7/Dec/18
rob do you think he is taller than sheamus

Editor Rob
Well Sheamus is somewhere in 6ft 2 range, not really 6ft 3, Dave might at one stage been near 6ft 3, but still today I think looks 189-90 if he stands with good posture.
berta said on 7/Dec/18
190.5-191 cm peak and 189,5 today seems pretty realistic for him. dont think he really was under 6 foot 3 20 years ago.
184guy2 said on 26/Nov/18
Don't you think that a slightly upgrade to 6'3 PEAK is fair ?

Editor Rob
It may be a possibility, he could be like the Rock.
Hasnain Zia said on 25/Nov/18
rob how tall do you think he was when he used to make randy orton look short untill 2005. i think 6 foot 4. what do you say

Editor Rob
I can understand those who estimated him 6ft 3 and change
184guy2 said on 21/Nov/18
Well, Batista still looks close to the listed height :
Click Here
Click Here
184guy2 said on 21/Nov/18
@John Barrett
That's because Batista lose height . He went from looking 6'3 11 years ago to look ''only'' 6'2 nowdays . But he still edges Pratt .
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 16/Nov/18
@John Barrett In wrestling they wear thick boots and there's camera tricks to make them appear bigger. Batista is an example because with wrestlers like Randy Orton he looked around the same height even though barefoot or in the same footwear he'd be shorter.
John barrett said on 5/Nov/18
What's odd about Dave is he looks shorter then Chris Pratt who is 6'2 or just under it and if go look at photos of them two Chris looks taller? When wrestlers are with each other they look taller when they are with others they look shorter?
TheBat said on 30/Oct/18
Good listing for Dave. Though he could probably be 6'3".
miko said on 29/Oct/18
In comparable footwear it has always been a very solid 1/1'25 between Orton and Batista.
I do think at his tallest Orton is a fraction over 6'4 though. I think a flat 6'3 is the absolute maximum Dave was/is, the majority of the time he looks 6'2.5/6'2.75 range today.
maaa said on 29/Oct/18
Batista 189 cm peak 190 cm
Orton 192.5-193 cm
Triple H 186.5 cm
Iril said on 25/Oct/18
Everyone saying that he was taller than Orton on the instagram pic... than guys you have no idea of angles can do on a pic and Batista has all the top angle advantage.. He probably is 189 cm today and nothing over 255lbs
184guy2 said on 23/Oct/18
Oh yeah , Batista is 6'7 nowdays

Editor Rob
I'm sure in a good pair of High Heels he might get near it.
Manpreet Singh Virk said on 21/Oct/18
Bautista is currently around 6'5.
Guanzo said on 20/Oct/18
Click Here
3" taller than Orton
Joseph said on 20/Oct/18
People who saw Dave Batista in the SD 1000, and still argue that he's under 6'3 '' are dumb. Yes, he was wearing boots, they give him 4 cms (1.30 inches). In the photo of Randy's instagram, in some angles Dave tower him, (though randy was wearing shoes) I still admit that Dave is around 1.91 and randy 1.94 (6'4'') .Anyways, I'm anxious to get down here the so called "peek height". Then I have a lot to testify against the haters...
berta said on 20/Oct/18
Rob i really think 6 foot 3 1/4 peak and 6 foot 2 5/8 today. He looked 1,5 cm taller 10-15 years back
Juby said on 20/Oct/18
Dave's boots gave him 3-3,5 cm on SmackDown 1000, the rest guys add themselfs max. 2cm.
WhaleinaTeardrop said on 17/Oct/18
Dave was wearing Engineer/Biker boots last night which are usually good for an inch or two. HHH usually wears big boots when he's not in a suit which would explain why he and Dave appeared to be so close in height.
I'm 6'4.5" and had a good 1.5-2.0 inches on Frank Thomas(White Sox) when wearing my Harley boots and Orthotics while he had on Loafers at a book signing last year. I'd met him before and we were eye-to-eye when he had on loafers and I had on Nike AF1s and thin Orthotics.
juggernaut said on 17/Oct/18
Looked 6'3' at SD 1000, a full inch taller than Triple H and a little shorter than Orton..He looked same as Triple H in 2014 and around 2 inches shorter than Orton..Was Dave wearing inner lifts?? He looked a solid 6'3' no joke..
Desade said on 17/Oct/18
Dave stood face to face with Triple H (who could be slightly under 6'2) at Smackdown 1000th and looked around an inch taller than him so Dave could be just under 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Oct/18
Looks 6ft3½-4 w/h Cena
Hasnain Zia said on 10/Oct/18
He used to tower john cena. Just see this pic as he is in a relax posture and can easily tower cena by 4 inches. Doesnt that make him 6'4 in his prime. What do you say rob
Click Here

Editor Rob
You could argue 6ft 3 and half there.
Bobby (5'10) said on 5/Oct/18
6'3 is a believable claim for him, but 6'5? That's not believable. He'd be 6'3.5 out of bed.
tree said on 28/Sep/18
Alex B said on 10/Sep/18
I swear the WWE said he was 6.6 ft tall at the start. Most WWE stars have 3 inch heals. So 6.3 ft would make sense.
Are you kidding?most give only 1 inch
Zampo said on 18/Sep/18
Looks around 189 cm flat today I think. I still remember his intitial WWE gimmick, "Deacon Batista".
@Alex B, Yh. I think he was billed something like 6'6 but he always claimed 6'4 personally.
miko said on 17/Sep/18
Martyn Ford looks a weak 6'6 guy from what I've seen of him. 6'8 is impossible.
Alex B said on 10/Sep/18
I swear the WWE said he was 6.6 ft tall at the start. Most WWE stars have 3 inch heals. So 6.3 ft would make sense.
Lanky said on 7/Sep/18
Rob, what would you give his co-star bodybuilder Martyn Ford? He’s consistently claimed 6’8” but surely you could be forgiving for thinking he doesn’t look that alongside Dave here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Generally doesn't seem that tall. His proportions of course aren't condusive to looking anywhere near that tall on his own, but obviously he is still several inches over Dave, but as much as 5 or so? Maybe not.
Ashish said on 4/Sep/18
I'm sorry but it seems a lot of people here haven't seen Batista of 2002-04 , he always had strong 2 inches over Goldberg & Lesnar, I would say a fraction below 6'5 was his peak height, and now he's below 6'2 after the back surgery , and some 80 lbs lighter than what he used to be.
Crane said on 22/Aug/18
@Ndjdjk You got it right there, buddy!
It's hard to reason with these casuals, who know absolutely nothing about REAL height.
Ndjdjk said on 10/Aug/18
Peak height 6’2.5” 270lbs not 6’4”-6’3” 280lbs.
Today 6’1” 265lbs
viper said on 6/Aug/18
6-4.5 David Noel had an easy 2.5 inches on him at his peak height in 2006
Poemyboy said on 5/Aug/18
Probably closer to 6'2" now especially with the hunch and everything. At his peak he is probably a weak 6'4", being close if not the same as Randy Orton in height.
miko said on 23/Jul/18
He's always looked weak 6'3 range, and still looks close to that today. He might have lost an tiny fraction, but definitely nothing noticeable, he doesn't seem too damaged by wrestling and seems in good health compared to some other late 40's wrestlers.
When he very first joined the company he was being billed at 6'7 as Leviathan, and was wearing some pretty big boots. Which looked very stupid as 6 months later face to face with 6'4 Randy Orton he was a solid inch shorter.
tree said on 22/Jul/18
In his PEAK he looked every bit of 190cm,check him out with Lashley,Triple H,Orton,Cena..
Theanswer said on 22/Jul/18
Prime 2004-05 he was 6’3.5” 280lbs.
Today he is 6’1” 260lbs
Crane said on 9/Jul/18
@Christian @Canson @Gracian There's no way he was 6'2.75 even at his peak, let alone a FULL 6'3 or anything higher. But he does looked for sure, a proper 6'2.5 at his peak (1999-2010). Today, he's 6'1.5, a fraction shorter than 6'1.75 Chris Pratt.
Gracian said on 2/Jul/18
Rob, I think that both Bautista and The Rock need an update. Here is my opinion:
Dwayne Johnson peak 6'3.25" and today 6'2.5".
Dave Bautista peak 6'3" and today 6'2.5".
Although Bautista is 3 years older than The Rock, Johnson has a much greater tendency to lose height. Rob, do you see these numbers as possible for them?

Editor Rob
One day I think a 6ft 3 peak is probably fair
Canson said on 28/Jun/18
@Christian: yup 6’3 tops peak
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jun/18
I can see 6'3" peak but not 6'4", that's just a bit too high.
Hasnain said on 26/Jun/18
Robi think he was 6'4 at his peak. He has shrunk just way too much after that. If you see this video clip he looks taller than Randy Orton back in 2005. But now he is nowhere near his height. What do you say
Click Here

Editor Rob
He might have lost half inch.
MAD SAM said on 14/Jun/18
Bad posture gonna give him 188 cm though cause he’s nowhere close to
Chris Hemsworth’s height in infinity war
Goran Pavlovic said on 18/May/18
I always thought that he is 2 meters tall.
Ian555 said on 17/May/18
Hey Rob do you think Bautista could be 6’1 instead? I’ve watched both Guardians of the Galaxy movies and he looks shorter than 6’2 Chris Pratt. Plus there are a few photos online that show he might be shorter than him.

Editor Rob
Not seen enough to think he is that short.
Leno said on 15/May/18
I think he is 190cm, the main problem with him is bad posture I think, that is why guys like Pratt and Reynolds can look same height as him,even though he is a little taller
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/May/18
I doubt Copeland was the full 6'3" at peak. He looked no taller than The Rock who was 6'2.75" peak.
berta said on 8/May/18
i actually think bautista could be atleast same height as dwayne johnson 20 years ago. today 189-190 is about right but peak i can believe just over 190. he have that same bad posture as dwayne johnson.
Crane said on 8/May/18
@Christian-6'5 3/8 Peak Dave Bautista is half an inch shorter than Peak 6'3 Adam Copeland. You guys need to watch him wrestle in OVW (1999-2001). Back then Dave looked exactly on spot at 6'2.5, inch and a half shorter than 6'4 Randy Orton, 1 cm taller than 6'2 Triple H.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 5/May/18
Copeland might be a bit shorter than Bautista today but peak I think both were about weak 6'3".
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 3/May/18
Hardly believe that Copeland was shorter than Bautista.
62B said on 30/Apr/18
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 26/Apr/18
I saw "Avengers: Infinity War" yesterday and there was a scene with Thor standing 'face to face' with Drax. Chris looks 1-2 cm taller than Dave! Haven't seen their footwear, and Chris of course has fairs! But still, Bautista is shorter than Hemsworth.
I saw it too. I would guess Hemsworth has him by a good inch. But like you said. We don't know if anyone had a footwear advantage
Tall Sam said on 27/Apr/18
Compared to Dwayne Johnson, he looks like he's maintained more height, maybe he'd edge him by a solid half inch, and his chest and back are more formidable, he looks like a really strong dude.
goodini026 said on 26/Apr/18
@185 guy The Rock just has bigger arms and slightly bigger legs. Batista has a much bigger/wider back. Batista also outweighs The Rock by almost 20lbs
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 26/Apr/18
I saw "Avengers: Infinity War" yesterday and there was a scene with Thor standing 'face to face' with Drax. Chris looks 1-2 cm taller than Dave! Haven't seen their footwear, and Chris of course has fairs! But still, Bautista is shorter than Hemsworth.
Halb said on 25/Apr/18
Looked the same height as Tom on KImmel, with chunky boots too.
185 guy said on 8/Apr/18
Big Dave Batista was for sure taller than Randy Orton,6'4'', in his evolution days of 2002-5 he was 6'5.5'' for sure, if Undertaker was 6'7 in his peak days so batista must be 6'5 for sure and from 2010 to present, the Rock is actually physically just bigger than Batista and might edge out an 1'' on Big Dave, Undertaker only towered Batista by 2'' So the people saying the Big Dave is taller than BIGGER Dwayne are actually fools and should visit mental hospitals, and one more thing: When Big Dave returned on 2009 after injury he looked as same height as Randy Orton,6'4''. He had a little height loss from 2010 to 2014
185 guy said on 8/Apr/18
Big Dave Batista was for sure taller than Randy Orton,6'4'', in his evolution days of 2002-5 he was 6'5.5'' for sure, if Undertaker was 6'7 in his peak days so batista must be 6'5 for sure and from 2010 to present, the Rock is actually physically just bigger than Batista and might edge out an 1'' on Big Dave, Undertaker only towered Batista by 2'' So the people saying the Big Dave is taller than BIGGER Dwayne are actually fools and should visit mental hospitals
Canson said on 19/Mar/18
I would have Batista edging the rock out slightly. Today it’s hard to say but even today I’d still say he’s taller. Batista looks 6’2.5 still at times whereas Rock can look 6’1 at times and probably is a about 6’2 in reality
Crane said on 8/Mar/18
@berta Forget about 6'3 or anything higher... He's not even a TRUE 6'2.75 in his Prime! Just look at all his matches from 1999 to 2007, especially those matches he had with a TRUE 6'4 Randy Orton from 2004-2007. You'll see that he always looked at his best, a proper 6'2.5.
Crane said on 22/Feb/18
JR once said on Raw "The Animal Batista, 6'6 maybe 6'7, 318 pounds" That just insane! He always looked 6'2.5 at his prime 1999-2007. 6'1.5 max these days.
Shivam said on 22/Feb/18
Sorry for what i said on 18 Feb. I didn't knew that taker's peak height was 6'7 so 6'6 for a young batista
miko said on 19/Feb/18
Rock would edge out Batista if both stood tall.
Shivam said on 18/Feb/18
I've changed my mind now I will say that he must be 6'9 in his younger days. Can't believe? See his picture with undertaker
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Feb/18
Christian, an old wrestling site had him down at it. I'll look for it. I think occasionally he would get called that. Mainly 6ft5 though...
Shivam said on 17/Feb/18
Today he must be 6'2.5 but in his prime he must have been 6'6 for sure. Still one massive guy
Vegas said on 17/Feb/18
Jordan87 said on 7/Feb/18
Batista is no doubt in my mind taller than the Rock.
Go on YouTube and check how batista measured up to HHH upon his return on raw in January that with rock and HHH at Wrestlemania 31 and actually rock looks taller based on that
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 13/Feb/18
I’ve never seen or heard the Rock getting called 6’6”. Only 6’5” or 6’4”. If that’s true then that’s insane.
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Rampage: wow! 6’6??? Today that would be a huge inflation lol
Jordan87 said on 7/Feb/18
@ CHarlie CJ,
Honestly the Rock looking over 6'2 sometimes looks doubtful. He was barely taller than 6'1 Obama, check his page on this site. Batista is no doubt in my mind taller than the Rock.
Charlie CJ said on 5/Feb/18
Rob, is 6'3.25 peak possible for Batista.., he was taller than The Rock had about 1.25 on Triple H and always looked half inch short than Orton in evolution days and was same height as Edge in 2005 who I believe was 6'3.25-5 at peak..
Jordan87 said on 5/Feb/18
6'2.75" is what I think he is, I think he dips under the 6'3 Mark Slightly.
Juan said on 4/Feb/18
I've seen Randy Orton in the gym just feet away and he's a legit 6-4.
Bautista is around the same height. 6-4 in his prime.
rikashiku said on 2/Feb/18
Looking at old and newer pictures, I am definitely behind him being 6'2.5" or even less.
@ 62B said on 28/Jan/18
As people age their bodies start to slouch and compress. It particularly affects taller people who later in life can encounter back, knee, and neck pains. My brother when he was 22 measured 197cm, about 6'5.5". Now he's mostly measuring in at 195cm and 194cm. Between 6'4" and 6'5" at 34. He also weighs significantly more and that definitely doesn't help.
Philip Ford said on 2/Feb/18
Rob what would be his peak height in your opinion and when do you think will be right time to give him a peak height..

Editor Rob
He might be like The Rock, 6ft 3 and 2.5 soon...
62B said on 28/Jan/18
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 5/Jan/18
If Batista's only 6'2" today, he couldn't have been 6'3.25" peak. I don't see him losing 1.25" like that only at 48.
The absolute tallest I was ever measured was 6'3.25" when I was 19 and in the Army. Today I am 49 and I was measured 2 weeks ago at 6'2.25". I was shocked. I had the nurse measure twice just to makes sure.
Hamza said on 20/Jan/18
Batista 05’ = 193.5cm
Batista 08’ = 191cm
Batista 14’ = 190.75cm
Currently = 189.5cm
Shuvayu said on 16/Jan/18
Seriously doubt the credibility of this site ... the rock billed taller than edge here... which camera angles ever proved that
Shubo said on 15/Jan/18
Prime young Batista - 191cm
Current Batista - 189cm
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Jan/18
Or could've been thicker footwear
juggernaut said on 13/Jan/18
Christian-6'5 3/8 Not sure but he was a bit taller than Dwayne in inch taller than Goldberg and triple H..maybe he was in lifts who knows..he certainly looked taller than today..