Nik Ashton said on 16/Nov/19
Cool guy, cool height! Cool girl, cool height!
Nik said on 8/Oct/19
The photographs above are really cool!
Jammes said on 9/Feb/19
Wow hes shorter than Seth Green and SMG? Good actor and nice he found work as filmaker
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 26/Dec/17
He comes up to 5'9 ish Spacey's shoulder, Danny Strong is a strong 5'1 at most.
Xavier said on 5/Dec/17
He makes 5 foot 5 Alexis Bledel look like an amazon woman.
5 foot 1 and a half. Even 5 foot 1 is possible.
Travis said on 17/Nov/17
Iβd say heβs 5β0.75β. Jenny towers over him.
Pierre said on 18/Jul/17
Picture number two=jenny and Danny have around the same posture just Danny's head is tilting a little=Jenny is not a complete head taller than him,the peak of Danny's head is around 1 inch under Jenny's mouth.I would say around 155...
oscar 5'9 said on 1/Mar/17
makes Jenny look 6'3"! π
Tipper said on 27/Feb/16
God dang Jenny is looking hot on the right!
Bishop said on 22/Mar/15
Looks 5'1" to me.
A6'1Guy said on 24/Jan/15
@Shaun While he could be borderline dwarf by what you say, his proportions don't seem to be like a true "dwarf". His arms look long enough to still look what are considered non dwarf like proportions, as I've seen that true "dwarfs" don't have.
Bammer said on 18/Oct/14
I would say max. 5'1" as he is shorter than Liza Weil on the "Gilmore Girls" and she's max. 5'2"
FlameBoy said on 17/Oct/14
Did you meet him in person to Rob ? if so who Looked smaller in Person him or Devon Murray ?

Editor Rob
no, jenny did, I didn't.
lelman said on 18/Sep/14
Who would you say is taller, him or
Kevin Hart?

Editor Rob
there's a chance danny could be a weaker 5ft 2 than Hart
Brad said on 25/Apr/14
Looks 5.0.5 to me
dicksock said on 16/Apr/14
He definitely looks more like 5'1".
Sarah said on 18/Feb/14
Possibly 5'1 Rob?

Editor Rob
it is possible
Mike T said on 15/Oct/13
Yeah I agree with you. On the right photo he looks 5'0". He's probably 5'0.5 MAX yikes!
Rusty said on 19/Sep/13
The guy barely comes up to jenny's lips. I think hes struggling with 5'1"
Rusty said on 23/Aug/13
in the photo on the right anything over 5' is generous for him
truth177cm said on 3/May/13
closer to 5ft1 maybe.
cd said on 6/Jan/13
He has a rather big forehead, so without it he would be more like 5'1".
marla singer said on 28/Nov/12
He looked much taller! I guessed about 5'5 or 5'6
Simone said on 23/Nov/12
Wasn't he on Gilmore Girls?
Duhon said on 28/Sep/12
"Extremely tall" i'd say once you get past 6'5".
Duhon said on 25/Sep/12
5'2" is extremely short if you look at a height graph it would probably be in the bottom 1st percentile. Meaning 99% of men would be taller than that.
Including dwarf with medical conditions into the equation skews the results.
HabermanJ said on 24/Sep/12
He is hot! And his height enhances his hotness. :)
Shaun said on 28/Aug/12
Yeah 5'2" is extremely short for a guy, but I think under 5'0 is a true dwarf. That said I've met a guy who I think was around 5'1" and he looked borderline.
FiveNine said on 12/Nov/11
For all you dudes who feel short at 5'9 --Get over it.!!!
Kyle said on 3/Nov/11
Just rewatching BtVS right now and even Sarah Michelle Gellar towers over him in Sneakers (just watch the scene in the clock tower in the episode "Earshot"), so I doubt he's even close to 5'3. Even the 5'2 seems too much.
Physics Enemy said on 19/Oct/11
LOL he looks shorter than 5' 2". I'm sure he's not over 5' 1". Rob's being kind on the guy it seems.
Shaun said on 30/Sep/11
5'3"?? The right photo struggling with 5'2" let alone 5'3"!! This guy's parents were probably 5'2" and 4'8" or something.
Shaun said on 30/Sep/11
Could you imagine if this guy stood next to Daniel Cudmore?
Phil said on 28/Sep/11
Rob, is 5 foot 3 possible? I mean.. a weak 5 foot 3?

Editor Rob
I doubt it
Legend said on 10/Sep/11
That is one tall girl lol Jenny looks 6'1 next to him.
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 28/Aug/11
The top of his head would be exactly at my shoulder level, 5'2 max.
5'8.76786 said on 19/Aug/11
That's more like a 5'0.5, Rob, even counting on Danny's big forehead.
FiveNine said on 31/Jul/11
Jenny at 5'8 is Towering - 5'8 can definitly be tall as shown here...
violatorjames said on 30/May/11
Wow, Jenny is pretty big.
mike said on 26/May/11
If Jenny is 5.8.25, he's 5 ft even.
Phil said on 24/Apr/11
5 foot 2 might be considered very short instead of just short like 5'4 or 5'5
SolidSnake said on 17/Feb/11
Wow extremely short. He definately looks shorter in the pic on the right. 5'1 in that one and 5'2 or 3 in the other
Goliath of Gath said on 20/Jan/11
5 ft 2 on the nose.
Brad said on 13/Jan/11
Justin, here's your TV show co-star bro.
Charles said on 5/Jan/11
Much closer to 5' or 5'1". He looks ever shorter next to Tom Lenk, who can't be taller than about 5'7", if that.
Larry said on 29/Dec/10
Amen brother, I feel you.
Matt said on 3/Dec/10
in the 1st pic looks 5ft 2 in 2nd pic is clear 7 inch difference so 5ft 1
ryan said on 1/Dec/10
I think he is closer to 5' or 5'1"