Rory said on 21/Dec/16
Bale has also been listed 186cm on occasions although clearly he's not that height, although out of bed I think it's entirely possible. For me there's no way Bale is a flat 6 footer, I see him as 6'0.25 or 6'0.5. He edges out pretty much every other player listed as 6foot, and pulls off 6 ft 1 at times. Look at him with people like Ashley Williams,Rio Ferdinand,Harry Kane,Ronaldo,Arbeloa he looks over 183.
Josh said on 21/Dec/16
James, you are more pedantic than dogmatic
MDV said on 21/Dec/16
I always thought like you that Bale is no more than 183. He looks a solid 183 and sometimes even weak 184. But why he has always been listed at 183 if he was really 184 cm?
I consider Bale a little over 6 ft... Let's say between 6 ft and 6 ft 0.25...
Ramos has always a good posture and can look a legit 6 ft but not a solid one like Bale...
Benzema ( listed at 187 lool) can look between 5ft 11.75 and 6 ft.
Ronaldo a solid 6 ft 1
This is how i feel regarding those players. What do you feel?
What do you think about James Rodriguez? 177 cm? He always looked shorter than Ancelotti listed as 180 cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Dec/16
Out of bed: 187-188cm
Before bed: 185-186cm
James said on 20/Dec/16
@Rory Take under consideration Bale isn't taller than 6 ft Xabi Alonso:
Click Here
I don't know why would Real Madrid downgrade their own players. If Bale has been officially listed as 6 ft, I think that's a reliable measurement.
MDV said on 20/Dec/16
Benzema is not a solid 6 footer but a legit 6 ft; very similar to Ramos that has perfect posture and looks taller. And I m not sure Bale is that tall; sometimes look a just over 6 ft and other times 6 ft 0.5.
Rory said on 20/Dec/16
Ronaldo - 187.5cm out of bed, 185-185.5cm lowest height. Solid 6'1
Bale - 186cm out of bed, 183.5-184cm lowest height. Decent 6'0.5
Benzema - 185 cm out of bed, 182.5-183cm lowest height. Solid 6ft.
Rory said on 20/Dec/16
Naa he doesn't fall to 184.4 Imo. I've always thought with Ronaldo he's likely to measure a touch over 6'1 than under it. Some people claim 6'1 and just don't really look it and are actually 182-3, Ronaldo is someone who I think if he claimed 6'1 many would be startled because especially women would probably assume he was 6'2. lowest possible mark after a match is probably 185cm flat, I doubt he ever dips below that. In the afternoon on a relaxed day he'd be very near 186cm.
James said on 20/Dec/16
I am starting to think if Cristiano is a solid 6 ft 1, then Gareth Bale could be 6 foot. The reason why we reject the idea that Bale could be 6 ft is because we have the preconception that a 6 ft man can't look really tall like Bale does.
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I see at least 2 cm of difference. If Cristiano is 1.85 then Bale must be 1.83 for sure. Other Real Madrid players are overlisted, but Cristiano and Bale measurements are very reliable as 1.85 and 1.83 respectively.
James said on 19/Dec/16
@MDV Solid 1.85/Weak 1.86 are synonyms. A solid 1.85 is a person who is 1.85 in the evening and at least 1.86 during the morning. Yeah Cristiano is a weak 1.86 because he is that height part of the day. But if you read my comments above I said he should be listed as 6 foot 1, since he is 185.5 cm in the evening :).
@Josh I am not dogmatic, I gave you three logical ways of refute the official listed weights of Cristiano Ronaldo. You linked an unofficial (therefore unreliable) claim from a reporter.
MDV said on 19/Dec/16
Ok. So for you, Rob Paul should be listed 174cm because this is a height of his day?
No way. Cristiano as strong 185 is ok but not a weak 186. 186 is his morning height and around 185 in afternoon/evening. Otherwise all people in this site would need a bonus of "weak" 0.25 in due to the fact that in morning are that tall.
James said on 19/Dec/16
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover @Johnson I agree with you guys. Cristiano is probably 185.5 at teatime/evening so 6' 1" is a perfect listing for this site. He was listed as 186.5 at years ago because it was a very early measurement.
Josh said on 19/Dec/16
First you said he was definitely not skinnier than Ramos at 81 Kg. You asked if I was "really suggesting" that and added "No way". I see now you accept it because Real Madrid lists it, but no apology of course. If you don't want to believe ABC interviewing Nadal and reporting that he lost 2 kg from a new diet (and they had his right starting weight) and need it actually coming from his mouth to believe it (why would they randomly make it up, they could do the diet story without listing his weight) then I don't know what to say. That's your prerogative but it's not rational at all, and again looks like you just want to be right at any costs, rather than being rational.
James said on 19/Dec/16
@MDV Cristiano is a weak 1.86 because he is part of the day that height. If he were a strong 1.86 he would be most part of the day in that range.
James said on 19/Dec/16
@Josh. If you wanna refute the 2 last official Cristiano's listings of 84 and 80 kg, then you have three options:
Option a) Show me an official Real Madrid's document where Cristiano is listed as 78 kg.
Option b) Show me a video of Cristiano weighing himself over a bathroom scale.
Option c) Show me a personal interview with Cristiano where he personally claims to be 78 kg himself.
MDV said on 18/Dec/16
weak 186 for me is a guy who is around 185.8 in the afternoon.And cristiano is for sure less. So he can be a solid 185 but not a weak 186 @James
And do not post pic where you can't see footwear or if the soil is flat; total useless like your last comment.
Josh said on 18/Dec/16
James he is listed 80kg at Real Madrid site which was last updated in 2014. Do you think the reporter just made it up? I mean really. This is a bit ridiculous you won't accept this, it makes it look like you just want to be right and not look facts. Disappointing. Your analysis of his height is wrong also and doesn't make sense. This site defines how it lists people's height, which is barefoot low or at best height after being up several hours. Again, looks like you just want to be right, when all evidence points towards between 185-185.5 afternoon/night height for C. Ronaldo.
MDV said on 17/Dec/16
@ Rampage
Is very unbelievable because otherwise he will be listed at 1.86. He is often listed at 185 cm. He uses tricks to look taller like internal lifts, perfect posture, tip-toeing. He has completely cheated you.
Rob, can you please add Sergio Ramos? He is in extraordinary shape and very discussed in the world for his goals in the last minutes of his matches ! Best defender at the moment in the world!
6 foot is perfect for him: always 2 cm more than Casillas
MDV said on 17/Dec/16
I agree.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/16
Ends the day at 185.5-186cm
Johnson said on 17/Dec/16
I think there are errors in measurements that's why Kaká 185.6 and so in a bad day for him. Cristiano 185.5 tea time, medical tests around 186 cm is reliable
James said on 17/Dec/16
@MDV Where do you see only 1 cm between Bale and Ramos?
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James said on 17/Dec/16
@MDV First, don't be disrespectful. Don't say again "I'm not smart" at something because I have never been impolite with you. Second, I do think Cristiano is 1.86 in the morning, that's why I say he is a weak 1.86. I know this site considers evening height, but not exactly the lowest, I read Rob saying he considers teatime height. I guess teatime means 6 pm, that's not the "night" height or lowest in my opinion. I think Cristiano at night (11 pm) only can be 1.85 flat at most. At teatime I guess he is around 185.3 or 185.4 cm as you say.
James said on 17/Dec/16
@Josh Cristiano didn't say "I weigh 78 kg", the journalist concluded that for himself. Not reliable. Cristiano should be the one saying it. The journalist never asked his weight to Cristiano, that is not even an interview.
This is part of the original text:
"Ronaldo is said to be determined to gradually lose his fabled muscle mass in order to maintain his speed as he ages, with ABC reporting that he has shed two kilograms since January 2015 to be at his current weight of 78 kilograms."
First, they say "it is said", so it's only a guess. Second, they say he has lost 2 kg and now he is 78 kg. How do they know he was 80 kg, when he was officialy 84 kg at real years ago? Not a realiable source, therefore not an evidence.
An "evidence" would be an interview where the interviewer ask personally his weight to Cristiano.
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 16/Dec/16
Why would real madrid downgrade any of gareth bale or cristiano ..there is actually a lot of players in real Madrid that aren't very popular "won't have tv programme measuring them" upgraded or used to be upgraded like casillas or like morata, pepe, benzema... I'm madridista and I watch football "soccer" alot and the different teams height state Is alot of times not right..they used to have ronaldo taller than kaka at 186.5 but after different companies that cristiano works with measured him at 185 ..they downgraded him.
Canson said on 16/Dec/16
I agree with James in that Renaldo is likely a good 6'1" guy. Now yes height varies throughout the day but I can't see Renaldo dipping below 6'1" flat (185.5 cm), which to James's credit is essentially weak 186. May even be 185.6-185.7. He looks 6'1" more regularly and properly than most other 6'1" guys on this site do tbh. I mean I guarantee this guy is at least as tall if not taller than Roger Federer or Nadal who are both listed 6'1" as well
Rory said on 16/Dec/16
I think 6 foot is fine for Ramos. Is visibly taller than Casillas who is at worst 5'11, and possibly a tad more. Usually looks within a half inch of Bale who might be 6'0.5.
Josh said on 15/Dec/16
@James, absolutely a reliable source. It was ABC news and they interviewed him. Unbelievable how people argue in the face of evidence.
MDV said on 15/Dec/16
Your not so smart in judging height. Why Cristiano should have been listed at 185 cm if he is 186 for you? He always look shorter than Morata (187) and Kaka (186). I agree with you if you consider him 186 in the morning, but at the end of the day he is always closer to 185 than 186. Plus he is a guy that really cares about his height, so he always have a perfect posture to make other people (like you) think he is taller, and sometimes he tip-toeing. Without those tricks he looks really 185. Take a new look at him and you will see that if measured with both feet at the ground he will be 185 at night.
My estimation at night in cm:
Ronaldo 185.3
Bale 183.9
Benzema 182.8
Ramos 182.9
Casillas 181.0
James said on 14/Dec/16
Canson is absolutely right.
Click Here
Ramos is 2 cm shorter than Bale, therefore 1.82 at most.
@Johnson Real Madrid past medical tests are not reliable. For example, Cristiano was listed as 1 cm taller than Kaká!
Rory said on 14/Dec/16
I'm not sure there's such a thing as a strong 6'0.75, I think you'd just call that person 6'1.
Johnson said on 14/Dec/16
@Canson No, I mean barefoot in medical tests. In shoes Ramos would be 185 solid in medicals
Canson said on 14/Dec/16
@Johnson: youre listing the heights in shoes. Ramos is at most 182 barefoot.
Canson said on 14/Dec/16
Ramos is at most 182
Johnson said on 14/Dec/16
Ramos solid 183 cm (183.1 183.2 or 183.3)
James said on 13/Dec/16
@Josh Not a reliable source.
Josh said on 13/Dec/16
James, why are you arguing?...there is no mystery here. It has been reported on several sites and hes been interviewed about it. You can find it easily. He himself stated his weight at 78 KG beginning of this year and said he plans to further lose a kilo a year to prolong his career. He is currently around 170 pounds. He has lost weight over the years and said so himself. Many people who are slim and ripped look bigger than they are, but again there should be no room for debate.
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James said on 13/Dec/16
Cristiano weak 1.86 and Ramos 1.82
Click Here
I see 4 cm of difference here
James said on 11/Dec/16
@Josh I also remember the complete list of Real Madrid players' weight listed at
Click Here in 2010:
Click Here
Cristiano 186.5 cm 84 kg
Sergio Ramos 183.2 cm 81 kg
Casillas 182.2 cm 85 kg
Are you really suggesting Cristiano is skinnier than 81 kg Sergio Ramos? No way.
James said on 11/Dec/16
@Josh He can't look so muscular with only 77 kg. He is obviously around 81-82 kg with his height (weak 1.86). If he were only 170 lbs he would look so skinny like Beckham. And that's not the case.
Btw, doesn't Sergio Ramos look under 6 ft in this pic?
Click Here
James said on 10/Dec/16
@Rory I personally don't think Bale is crouched down in this picture:
Click Here
Anyway, thanks for being a rational man. I agree, 1.84 is definitely too low for Cristiano.
Josh said on 10/Dec/16
Sewell, you can find an article saying he is 172 pounds (78 kg) and losing 1 kg per year to prolong his career, that was at the beginning of this year, so I'd assume he is around 170 now.
James, sorry you're wrong. He's clearly lost a bit of weight, around for it and you will see several articles from official sources verifying it. He went on a fruit heavy diet.
joe### said on 9/Dec/16
Kaka and maldini is 186 cm, The two are taller than cr7
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/16
Kaka looks a bit taller than Ronaldo, I'd guess him 186-187cm zone
Rory said on 6/Dec/16
@James why do you keep using that useless photo though ? Bale is basically crouched down there in that shot and so naturally looks about 2 or more inches shorter. We all know the real difference between Bale and Ronaldo is 1-2 cms. Ronaldo definitely isn't 184 though, he'd measure 185-6 range evening.
James said on 4/Dec/16
@SewellAnthony In 2010, Cristiano was listed as 186.5 cm and 84 kg in Real Madrid webpage. He is obviously over 80 kg. Around 81-82 kg.
James said on 4/Dec/16
@Persk Troll detected. Get out of here.
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How can Cristiano be 1.84 when he is noticeable taller than 1.84 Gareth Bale?
panini said on 3/Dec/16
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He was 21 so done growing.
SewellAnthony said on 3/Dec/16
Rob how much do you think that Ronaldo weighs?
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Google has him in 80kg(176lb)but in this vídeo seems a bit less considering he's 185cm
persk said on 2/Dec/16
solid 184cm
James said on 20/Nov/16
@joe### At best? Anything under 1.86 is literally impossible for Kaká. Kaká is 1.87. Can look easily 6' 2" in the field.
joe### said on 19/Nov/16
Kaka at best is 186cm with kobe and looks 1cm taller than Roger Federer
Original said on 18/Nov/16
Kaka is 6'1.5/75" (187cm), listed in Sí£o Paulo FC.
Ronaldo is prob. 185,5 with Ramos being 182 and Bale 184.
James said on 9/Nov/16
Click Here
Look at this video. Cristiano Ronaldo is 6-7 cm taller than Ronaldo Nazario. Ronaldo Nazario is even shorter than 1.82 Sergio Ramos in the video.
Remember that Cristiano Ronaldo was listed as 186.5 cm at Real Madrid website in 2010.
Cristiano Ronaldo 1.86
Ronaldo Nazario 1.80
ly said on 5/Nov/16
Rob if the laser scan didnt exist what would you peg him?

Editor Rob
I could have bought the fraction over 6ft 1 as a good possibility.
James said on 2/Nov/16
@6 foot 17 yrs still growing Good question. He had his legs noticeably open when he was measured. In that pose you lose height. When you are measured, preferably your feet should stand together to have an accurate listing.
Jay 184cm said on 2/Nov/16
@ James Good photo. I can't see more than 2cm between Ronaldo and Ramos here. Not much between them. Ronaldo has a weird body shape - long legs etc - that makes him look proportionally taller than he actually is.
Interesting to see Toni Kroos there too. Listed as 182cm but not standing as straight as the other two. If he did, I think he would just about hit 182cm and be a fraction shorter than Ramos.
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 2/Nov/16
If most of the opinions thinks he is never below 6 ft 1 ..can someone explain 185.1cm measurement and it was shown in the document that it was early in the day .. really confusing
James said on 28/Oct/16
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Does Cristiano look 186 cm compared with 6 ft listed Sergio Ramos?
James said on 28/Oct/16
@Rory I agree with most things you say.
@Z187 Yeah Cristiano is standing on tiptoe barefoot... But Pepe is standing on tiptoe WITH SNEAKERS!!!
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By the way, I doubt Bale is under 184 cm. He always looks in the 184-184.4 cm zone compared with other 6 ft listed players like Sergio Ramos.
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Mayank said on 28/Oct/16
as I said and am saying again and again in 2008 I saw him by face in London airport he is 1.86 m 100% truth believe me why don't you believe me I sawed him by face
Steve said on 27/Oct/16
Solid 6ft1, no more, no less.
Z187 said on 26/Oct/16
@james .... In the pic of ronaldo in socks he is on his toes...not sure how you missed that??? ... And if he was measured in shoes for a wax and meased with a laser scan on the documentary at 185.1 early ish in the day... Then why do think he's 186 or over? Like how much more actual evidence would you want... I would say bale is 183.5, (6'0.25) as does rob... And ronaldo 185 ( 6'1) as he is also listed here. Id say those two are pretty spot on.. And useful to compare others...
Rory said on 26/Oct/16
I suppose 186cm flat he could measure at 11am or midday, but I just feel it's not a mark he could hold into the evening when Imo he'd be nearer 185.
Rory said on 26/Oct/16
Well Pepe like Diego Costa isn't 6'2, potentially not even out of bed. I do see him as being 186cm though, and there's no way Imo he's shorter than Ronaldo. I've always felt both guys were very close but due to Ronaldo having more hair and possibly slightly better posture, Pepe when measured might edge him. I think I'm prepared to accept Ronaldo as being 2cms taller than Bale, but I think there's an equal chance there's just a half inch between them. Don't underestimate posture in these comparisons, Ronaldo is a guy who stands well, and a legit, lean 185 guy standing tall will easily look 186 even 187 at times, equally a 184 guy slouching might look just 183, even 182, and so in a picture you've then got over an inch difference between two guys who may actually measure within a similar range.
mordor said on 26/Oct/16
CR7 is 186,5 cm most of the day.Thats for sure.
James said on 24/Oct/16
Cristiano is even taller than Pepe barefoot:
Click Here
Another good pic:
Click Here
Ramses said on 22/Oct/16
Ronaldo consistently looks above 185cm.
I'd have pegged him at 186cm,probably 187cm but for the fact that he's been caught tiptoeing quite a number of times.
I still believe an upgrade to 186 makes sense. But Rob seems to have good reasons for keeping him at 185.
By the way, I never have believed that Diego Costa is 188cm tall. He doesn't look it. Around 185-186 is my guess
Rory said on 21/Oct/16
On Diego Costa, I'm not rly sure if that guy is above 185cm, if you compare him to 187cm guys like John Terry and Thiago Motta, plus he looks identical in height to Ivanovic (185).
Rory said on 21/Oct/16
James, I don't think your pictures are very reliable though, I think Bales posture is pretty loose in most of them..when you see them in live footage in the football tunnel or wherever there's only about half an inch between them. I say Ronaldo is 6'1 legit, hardly dipping under that mark at all, and Bale 6'0.25-6'0.5.
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MDV said on 21/Oct/16
Cristiano 186 cm
Bale 184 cm
Ramos 183 cm
Casillas 181 cm
Bechkam 181 cm
James said on 20/Oct/16
Very interesting pictures of Cristiano with 188 cm listed (186 cm real height) Diego Costa:
Click Here
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Is it me or they are identical?
James said on 18/Oct/16
@Rory The suggestion that Cristiano is only 1 cm taller than Bale is incompatible with pictures.
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Cristiano is 2 cm taller than Bale.
James said on 18/Oct/16
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Russell Westbrook is 190 cm with 187 cm Derrick Rose
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Cristiano looks 186 cm in comparison with Westbrook
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Click Here
Cristiano also looks a solid 186 cm next to 188 cm listed (186 cm real height) Pepe
Rory said on 18/Oct/16
If we're strictly going by afternoon listings then yes I think Ronaldo would be 6'1.25, but I doubt he'd measure it at his lowest, more just a flat 6'1 then.
Ami said on 18/Oct/16
Seems like 186cm
James said on 18/Oct/16
@Gung Ho Exactly, any of them has their listed height.
Cristiano 186 cm
Bale 184 cm
Ramos 182 cm
I am not completely sure on Cristiano, so I accept criticism.
Gung Ho said on 18/Oct/16
You guys using the likes of Bale, Ramos and Casillas as the golden baseline, if you ask me this just calls into question that they are all not the height they claim or listed...
Rory said on 17/Oct/16
Those pictures aren't a good reflection of the height difference between Ronaldo and Bale, based on them I'd say Ronaldo is 2 inches or more taller than Bale which just isn't the case. When stood with even posture Ronaldo looks just half an inch taller.
dpp said on 17/Oct/16
he make bale looks 6ft flat,but bale tower ramos near2cm ,so he closed to 186.
James said on 17/Oct/16
@hijopotamus That's simply stupid. There's no way Cristiano is 184 cm.
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James said on 17/Oct/16
@Gonzalo Next to Westbrook I have to admit that Cristiano looks 185 cm. But in comparison with Bale, Cristiano looks 186 cm.
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And before claiming Bale is just 6 foot, look at him with Ramos. He's 2 cm taller:
Click Here
Cristiano is probably either 6' 1" or 6' 1.25". I'm not sure about the likeliness of 6' 0.75".
Johnson said on 16/Oct/16
Westbrook grew up since draft. He is no less than 191 cm... if not, Cristiano would be 183 cm...I don't believe that
hijopotamus said on 16/Oct/16
Met him, Im 182 and he wasnt much taller, 184 max.
joe### said on 15/Oct/16
Westbrook measured 6'2.25 barefoot
Click Here
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 14/Oct/16
Rob.what do you think is his out of bed height?

Editor Rob
maybe six two on the nose
Gonzalo said on 13/Oct/16
I was surprised to see he looked clearly shorter than Russell Westbrook. Since many NBA players are listed with shoes on I thought Westbrook (listed at 1`91) was probably around 1´88 but next to Ronaldo he did not look shorter than 1´90
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Johnson said on 11/Oct/16
@James in that picture Arbeloa looks taller what he is. I think he is 183.5 as in the leaked listing but no more
Johnson said on 11/Oct/16
@Mark Bale has bad angle, look Bale and Kroos 182 cm... last year you have the team picture with Zidane and Bale, looking exactly the same height
James said on 10/Oct/16
@Mark We have a discussion on Cavill's page but here I totally agree with you. 186 cm is probably Cristiano's height. Maybe Bale had a relaxed posture and Zidane a forced one, that would explain the height difference in your pic.
Click Here
Here Bale looks taller than Zidane. I would say both are 184 cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Oct/16
He's more than likely to measure 187-188cm range straight out of bed.
rdesinoz said on 10/Oct/16
My cousin's boyfriend has met him several times. He says they're more or less the same height and I know her boyfriend is 184-5cm in shoes. This would put them at 182-3 barefoot.
Mark said on 10/Oct/16
Click Here
This is literally the most all things equal pic there is. same clothes, even ground, straight posture. Ronaldo - 186, Zidane - 184.5, Bale - 183.
What do you think Rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Oct/16
He always edged out Zidane. 186cm is better.
Rory said on 7/Oct/16
No chance at all that he's sub 6'1 and Kaka Imo is 6'1.25-5.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Oct/16
185-186cm is closer for him than 184-185cm, IMO...
John V. said on 6/Oct/16
he isn't as tall as Kaka, so if he is 6'1 he must be a really shy one. at most i see him as a 6'0.75 and pretty close to 6 ft at night
James said on 4/Oct/16
@Chio He had a horrible posture with McGregor with his legs completely open.
He is 186 cm when compared with Zidane:
Click Here
Truth said on 4/Oct/16
I'd bet he spends most of his day at 186
Chio said on 3/Oct/16
He looks 6'0 flat with Connor McGregor
mickey said on 2/Oct/16
he might be 6ft1.25. it might be his exact height...
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 1/Oct/16
As I saw in tested to the limit with fine posture .. and in the morning as shown in the start of the video and with some good activities he was measured 185.1 cm .. let's say that's his 5 pm measure in a relaxed good day for height.. that will make him wake up at something like 186.6 cm just out of bed
Johnson said on 29/Sep/16
@anon because Rob lists famous with evening height. Evening height for CR7 is 185.5 cm that is approximately 6'1.
James said on 29/Sep/16
Click Here
Cristiano 186 cm and Zidane 184 cm?
anon said on 27/Sep/16
Rob why the **** you just don't change his mark for 1.86 everybody is sure about him having that height
MS said on 27/Sep/16
He never looks under 6'1. So he could be 185-186 cm
Mayank said on 26/Sep/16
1.86 m legitimate saw him by face in London in 2008 100% 1.86 m truth
MS said on 26/Sep/16
Yes.. He is a perfect example for 6'1 (185 cm). I totally agree...
Mayank said on 24/Sep/16
As I said I saw him by face in London legitimate 1.86 m 100% truth
timon said on 20/Sep/16
@James nah I know most of the guy's 169cm range and even below have gfs or married. It's up to them if they wanna be alone all their lives and think about height, it's all in the head.
I know some dude who's about 164cm and is below average looking(I don't wanna call him ugly!) and he somehow married to a woman who's better looking than him and he's not even rich! He drives a average car and has a average job.
James said on 18/Sep/16
"It's really up to the own person to make either his height a bad or good thing." -Thomas6ft1
Messi is rich and famous, of course he doesn't care. But normal people always prefer to be 6' 1'' than 5' 6.5". How many 169 cm men have been rejected by girls only because of his height? From an objective point of view, it's better to be 185/186 cm than 169 cm (unless you are rich or famous).
Thomas6ft1 said on 18/Sep/16
I don't think Messi is jealous of anyone. He is one of the best players, if not the best, in football. He has every right to be treated with great respect. In terms of height, I don't think he lets it get to him. It's really up to the own person to make either his height a bad or good thing.
Ben said on 17/Sep/16
@James why would he be jealous? Messi is beeing praised by football's greats and is often compared to Pele, Maradona etc. Ronaldo meanwhile is compared to Messi most of the times. You can see the difference there. Also Ronaldo has an ego as tall as his height, going on in public saying "I'm the most searched sportsman on internet". lmao
James said on 14/Sep/16
He is 100% sure the next Ballon d'Or and 186 cm. If I were Messi, I would be very jealous.
Canson said on 11/Sep/16
@James: yea that'd be very late night to lose the extra 1/4". I'd be surprised on a normal day if he got below 6-1
Canson said on 10/Sep/16
187.5-188 out of bed 185.5-186 at his lowest
Canson said on 8/Sep/16
@Rampage: I agree with you. I can go as high as 6'2/6'1.25 or maybe 6'1.75/6'1 as a low but I agree with you and James he looks a strong 6'1. I can say strong as he'd be no less than that at his lowest or a true strong meaning he would be a hair above at his lowest like 186flat 6'1.25"
Canson said on 6/Sep/16
Actually James after looking at him more he could be a legit 186 or maybe where I had right before bed. Meaning he'd hold 186 almost all day. He could be a 1/4" higher than I thought like 188 or almost upon waking. That makes sense 6'2 out of bed or a hair less would bring him around their at night 6'1.25
Canson said on 6/Sep/16
@James: agreed. I could see that. He looks like he's certainly be nothing under 6'1. Like meaning he's one of the most legit 6'1 guys on this site
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Sep/16
@Canson: That mark is definitely arguable. He usually looks on the stronger side of 6ft1, sometimes as high as 6ft1½. I know he's also been listed at 6ft2 in the past but that might be going a tad too far even though he'd easily get away with claiming that. But if he is 186cm he'd be 188cm out of bed then.
James said on 4/Sep/16
@Canson: At his lowest, I mean, in the exact moment when he goes to the bed, he could be a bit under 186 cm. But for the most part of the day he can be 186 cm. Just my opinion :)
Canson said on 3/Sep/16
Original: I can easily see him as that earlier in the day or maybe 186 as a low. Just not sure when he was measured (time of the day) and what his actual measurement was. but, I will say he doesn't look below a flat 6'1. If hes the flat 6'1 (185.5-.6), hed be about 187.2 or so out of bed or 6'1.75, if a flat 186 at his lowest, hed be a full 6'2 out of bed.
Original said on 2/Sep/16
He actually looks like he is 186,5.
Canson said on 1/Sep/16
@James: if he isn't 186 he is certainly no lower than maybe 185.5-185.7 (almost 186). He definitely is a legit 6'1 guy looking at more and more pics. He'd easily carry flat 186 after maybe two hours on his feet and prob dip to 6'1 flat. Prob a good 187 out of bed
James said on 31/Aug/16
@mordor I personally see Cristiano in the 186 cm range compared to 191 cm Lustig.
Andrea said on 31/Aug/16
He claims 191... I think he's an honest 191, considering he does look a good couple inches taller than Cristiano!
mordor said on 29/Aug/16
So if Lustig is 190,5-191 cm what's your take about CRr7 in the video i posted?Go to 1:17:44 till 1:17:53 and see them Both here:
Click Here
Andrea said on 29/Aug/16
Rob, how tall would you say the journalist is?
Click Here

Editor Rob
can look 6ft 3 range in the clip.
Canson said on 28/Aug/16
@James: yep I saw the same too. I'd say If he is in the 190 range it's like 190.5-.6 a dead on 6'3 to where they would call it 191 and it'd be legit.
Rory said on 25/Aug/16
@BilboBaggins, Yh he looked an inch taller than Jonathan when they shook hands, but then Ross' posture these days looks pretty poor at times. I reckon today he typically stands like a 6 footer does, but would still measure I'd say 6'0.75, and probably 20 odd yrs ago could measure 6'1/1.25. On the same show was David Tennant(184-5), and he looked similar to Ronaldo, although may have had slight footwear advantage if I remember rightly. Anyway, watching that I felt was good evidence of Ronaldo being a solid 6'1.
ly said on 25/Aug/16
I think lustigs case is the same as fontes case who is listed at 187cm but is taller than pepe at least 4cm.I think 190-1 cm is much more likelier than 189cm
BilboBaggins said on 25/Aug/16
Ronaldo can look a solid 6' 2" at times. When he walked on set to be interviewed on The Jonathan Ross TV chat show in the UK in late 2015, he actually looked noticeably taller than Ross (who is 6' 1"/6.1.5"). Both were wearing similarly heeled footwear.
Rory said on 23/Aug/16
@James I don't think some of those pics with Bale and Ronaldo are actually representative of the difference between them. In one or two of them Ronaldo looks 1.5 inches taller, but I've seen them together countless times for Real Madrid andthere's not a huge difference between them, more like half an inch. Ronaldo for me is legit 6'1 guy whose athletic build and good posture means he can pull off 6'1.25 with ease. Bale I think is 6'0.25 or 6'0.5.
joe### said on 22/Aug/16
lustig not look 192 but something around 190 ou191 Jonas olsson time he looks short
mordor said on 22/Aug/16
Lustig 190-191 cm he is not 192 cm for sure.Cristiano is 2.5 cm taller than Bale.I believe Bale 184 cm CR7 186,5 cm.
Can u comment Lustig with cr7 i posted a vid too.Here is not ibra's topic.
James said on 21/Aug/16
Click Here
Lustig is the number 2. Ibrahimovic the number 10. Go figure. Of course Lustig is 191-192 cm.
James said on 21/Aug/16
@mordor Can you comment something on the height difference between Cristiano and Bale?
James said on 21/Aug/16
@Rory YEAH let's ignore my comment that Cristiano is 2 cm taller than Bale as usual.
mordor said on 21/Aug/16
I found one good video with Ronaldo and Lustig next to each other during a match back in 2013.Lets assume here that Lustig is in
190- 190,5 cm range.So whats your take about CR7 compared to him?Go to 1:17:44 till 1:17:53 and see them both here:
Click Here
Canson said on 20/Aug/16
@mordor: Lustig poss could be in the 190 range but it'd appear more like a strong 190, 190.5ish or 190.6 (solid 6'3). That fits with Renaldo at around 185-186. Renaldo also looks nothing below flat 6'1.
Rory said on 20/Aug/16
Yh the idea we're just meant to accept Lustig at 189cm without scrutinising that claim and then have that somehow prove Ronaldo is under 6'1 is silly. Lustig = 190cm.
mordor said on 20/Aug/16
I don't doubt Lustig may be 191 m.At world cup page 2014 he was listed 190 m.So you can compare him with Ronaldo and i have already posted some good vids here to see them walk nex to to each other.Lustig is one of the few players you know he can't be less than what he is listed to be.He is one of the guys that seem to tower Ronaldo.Personally i think Lustig is 190cm Ronaldo 186,5 cm.
Click Here
James said on 18/Aug/16
Comparing him with Bale, I am of the opinion that he is 186 cm (6' 1.25").
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Both Bale and Cristiano are officially listed under their real height. Neither Bale is 183 cm nor Cristiano is 185 cm.
186 cm is not ridiculous for Cristiano since he was even listed as 186.5 cm in 2010 at Real
mordor said on 18/Aug/16
You can compare cristiano with Mikael Lustig (189cm).He seemed to tower him.One of the few people at 189 cm to tower him.
truth said on 17/Aug/16
still 186- 185 most likely his low
Christian-196cm (6ft 5.25in) said on 17/Aug/16
Ronaldo is an excellent example of how a solid legit 6'1" person should look like. I certainly wouldn't rule out 186cm for him.
Canson said on 17/Aug/16
@James: the more I see of Beckham, he can look 179 range maybe like 179.4-.5 Where as Ronaldo maybe inside like 185.4-.5 (a solid 6'1).
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
Actually nah, black socks.
Johno said on 15/Aug/16
@James, in the laser measurement you put up, after 0.18-seconds into the video, you can see they measured him in White football shoes.
James said on 15/Aug/16
@Canson: I agree with you that Cristiano is no less than 6' 1".
Click Here
Personally, I don't see only 5 cm of difference between Cristiano and Beckahm.
If Beckham is 180 cm, then Cristiano is 186 cm. If Beckham is 179 cm, then Cristiano is 185 cm.
Canson said on 15/Aug/16
@James: for Beckhami can see maybe not a flat 179 but inside 179-180 range. Maybe179.5
Rory said on 14/Aug/16
For some of those measurements though there's no way he was stood with measurement posture, he was loose and his feet wide apart, he could still gain half an inch I'd say if standing fully. So his footwear advantage was offset by his posture. 6'1 is bang on for this guy, he's one of few celebs who you could bank on being their guessed height without measuring them.
Canson said on 14/Aug/16
@James: specifically for Ronaldo I'd say he's exactly 6'1. A bit inside of the 185 range
Canson said on 14/Aug/16
@James: hard to tell with that pic but beckham I've always heard was 5'11. To me he looks 180 honestly but 179.5 isn't impossible neither is 180.5. The half cm could be off for shoes hair stance etc
James said on 14/Aug/16
@Johno I was talking about the laser measurement! He was barefoot and with the legs obviously open... and still 185.1 cm. In the Tussauds measurement he had his legs extremely open losing almost 2 cm, as well as wearing virtually flat shoes platform.
Nope, there is no way he is 184 cm.
He is 185-186 cm range.
Click Here
Here he looks 2 cm taller than Fernando Torres.
James said on 13/Aug/16
@Canson Do you think Beckham could be 179 cm?
Click Here
Johno said on 13/Aug/16
@James, i have never ever realised that his 6'1 laser measurement was in footwear to.
His Tussauds measurement was 6'1 in footwear.
Football shoes usually just give you 0.5-inches on grass and his feet were more-or-less together. I guess his 6'1 laser measurement for me needs to be reassessed.
He can only be 6'0.5-6'0.75 barefoot or 184 cms.
Mark said on 13/Aug/16
Rob, I've seen Pics of Ronaldo with Pogba and Terry and he looks a legit 6'2 beside them?

Editor Rob
more 6ft 3 than 2!
Mayank said on 13/Aug/16
Legitimate 1.85-1.86 m sawn him by face
Canson said on 12/Aug/16
Measurement looks on point. 185cm
James said on 11/Aug/16
Click Here
Cristiano looks as tall as 187 cm listed John Terry
James said on 10/Aug/16
Click Here (Pause at 0.33)
Click Here
Click Here
Kaká can look 187 cm next to 184 cm Zidane in these clips.
Click Here
If Beckham is a legit 180 cm man, then Cristiano is 186 cm for sure.
James said on 9/Aug/16
Click Here (pause at 10:27)
He was measured barefoot and with the legs noticeably open (feet should be together when measuring height).
Rory said on 7/Aug/16
Yh I don't think he gained much after joining United, when you look at pictures of him with Ferguson from 2004 the height difference between them looks very similar to what it did in say 2008. I'd say at 18-19 he was 184 but 20-21 age range gained a cm to push him to 185.
Mayank said on 6/Aug/16
Legitimate 1.85 m saw him by face in London
Luckylegion said on 6/Aug/16
Growing after 18 isnt wierd. I was 5'9 at 18 and im 186cm now at 21
James said on 5/Aug/16
"His height was first listed at 5'10.5 at age of 18 or 17. How did he get that much taller. Basically about 4 inches and he was already 18" -Ronny
This claim need reference to reliable sources. I think this is an internet myth.
Anyway, Ronaldo signed for Manchester United when he was 18 years old. This is a report written the SAME day he signed for Manchester United:
Click Here
In the report, Ronaldo is said to be 1.84 m and 75 kg. So he was already listed as 184 cm from Sporting Lisboa. And he was playing for the first team since he was 16 or 17 years old.
Ronny said on 4/Aug/16
His height was first listed at 5'10.5 at age of 18 or 17. How did he get that much taller. Basically about 4 inches and he was already 18
MD said on 3/Aug/16
Well, that, and continually repeating that Conor is 5'9" doesn't make him so.
James said on 2/Aug/16
@175 cm. Not looking for ideal pics, just reality. I always say Cristiano is at least 2 cm taller than 184 cm Bale. But no one here is considering seriously that argument.
With regard to Conor pics, Cristiano has his legs more open than him, therefore he is losing more height.
I think most users here agree that Cristiano is no less than 6' 1''.
heightchecker34 said on 29/Jul/16
Before I became interested in height, Cristiano Ronaldo and David Gandy for me personally made me believe 6'1 and 6'2 respectively was really tall. Now dont get me wrong, they are both legit above average heights and I would kill to have it (5'9 here), however I think I fell for their star vibes rather than just the person. Because I work with 6'0.5 and 6'1.5 guys and I don't feel really short, I realized its because of their ectomorph look, and standing alone, they can give off a tall vibe, heck even I do in some pictures! Cristiano Ronaldo is a perfect 185 cm specimen and anyone denying it, is being insulting or
trolling on purpose.
mordor said on 29/Jul/16
Compare him with 189cm Mikal Lustig.
Click Here
pauly e said on 29/Jul/16
Rob, did you see this:
Click Here
Conor is listed at 5'9 and Ronaldo is in shoes. What would you say the difference looks to be there? 4 inches? which would make Ronaldo 6'1 in shoes if Conor is really 5'9.
gian92 said on 28/Jul/16
James Morata is 187 cm by fan juve
The Man said on 28/Jul/16
Anything under 6'1" for Ronaldo is absurd IMO. He is that height at least. In photos he towers over most people he stands next to. Maybe because everyone around him is short. Nevertheless, he needs an upgrade to at least 186cm. Wouldn't be suprised if he was listed as 6'2" on his player profile.
James said on 27/Jul/16
Cristiano next to 189 cm listed (185-186 cm real height) Álvaro Morata:
Click Here
In the pic Cristiano really looks taller than Morata, 186 cm at least.
By the way, Morata is taller than 185 cm listed Fernando Torres:
Click Here
Original said on 26/Jul/16
He can be 6'1, either 6'0.5 or 6'1.
Original said on 26/Jul/16
Video: 3:00 / 3:07
5' inch difference. Really is probably about 4' inch. difference between McGregor and Ronaldo. McGregor is between 5'8 and 5'9. Probably Ronaldo is about 6'0.5" or 184cm, 186/7 with shoes.
LI said on 26/Jul/16
I think this is wrong, have you seen the new picture of him with conor mcgregor who is listed 5'8?
Check those pictures up where hes standing next to him in an octagon (cage). Conor mcgregor is also not wearing shoes while cristiano is wearing white airmax shoes which are like 1-1.5" inch thick or 3 cm. At the same the tip of conors head is just below cristianos eyebrows. I think cristiano is 182cm.
James said on 25/Jul/16
I think Cristiano could be listed here 6' 1.25" (186 cm).
Cristiano and Bale:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Let's be realistic Cristiano is 2 cm taller than Bale.
And Bale is not 183 cm you only have to compare him with Zidane, Sergio Ramos or Xabi Alonso:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
His Waxwork's measurement made him lost almost 2 cm with that pose (only 1 cm if we take under consideration the shoes).
SportsHeight said on 25/Jul/16
Rob, what do you think of these reports that Ronaldo has cut some muscle mass in recent years? Do you think he weighed more, say, around the time of the Tested to the Limit documentary than he does now? Does he look slimmer now to you?

Editor Rob
if he's cut much it's only a couple of pounds, he has looked the same for a good few years visually.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jul/16
189cm in shoes isn't impossible if he is inface 186cm
Johno said on 23/Jul/16
Gareth Bale seems to be 6'0.25, 6'0.5.
Johno said on 23/Jul/16
I would not class Ronaldo as a 6'0.5 individual, i don't tend to give their lowest heights but rather 6'0.75 because he also measured 6'1 before thus, his range includes those parameters. I believe he has Nike Vapours on for those measurements, which are not far off an inch. 6'0.75, maybe 6'1 but that would be ignoring his lower half range. These listings would be be pretty fair and i agree with 175cm, that the Tussuads measurements ought to be included in his height bio above.
Average 6'0.75
mordor said on 23/Jul/16
CR7 almost 6'2.In fact i wouldn't be surprised if he actually was 187cm.As fot that passport that lists him 189cm no way.Mikael Lustig sedish defender at 189cm towered him.
James said on 22/Jul/16
@Johno I think he's losing more with the posture, but I agree with Rob and @175 cm that he has 0.5 inches of shoes platform.
Anyway, just look at Cristiano with Bale.
Click Here
Click Here
I think there are more chances that Cristiano is in the 6' 1"- 6' 1.25" range. Honestly, there is no way Cristiano could be as "low" as 6' 05".
Johnson said on 22/Jul/16
@175 cm in the paper it puts 189 cm. I guess he was measured with sneakers
heightchecker34 said on 20/Jul/16
A 6'1 guy for sure... although he can appear taller due to his lean frame. Once again, a great height.. not to tall, not to short. I do believe 6'1-6'2 is probably the most desired height by many men. You can still be hold your own even if you are with tall women, (5'7-5'9), yet not be considered a beanpole!
Johno said on 20/Jul/16
Yeah James, Ronaldo is losing some height in that stance and it is the same stance his wax figure is in or is presented.
I believe i may have listed the shoes he has on below in the page, i believe he is getting 0.8-inches out of them and then add 0.3-inches back on for possible posture loss and he is around ~ 6.0.5; i think we could take those measurements to the bank, thus he can measure 6'1 and 6'0.5; his range likely include those figures.
James said on 17/Jul/16
@Johno thanks for the interesting information! I didn't know about his measurement for Madam Tussauds.
But look here:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (pause at 0.08)
He had his legs extremely open, losing 2 cm with that horrible posture. Plus that shoes were virtually flat.
If Cristiano were standing with his feet together and wearing Reebok classic (2 cm of platform) he could be easily 188 cm.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (pause at 0.07)
When I see Cristiano compared to 184 cm Gareth Bale, I think he is a legit 186 cm guy.
Johnson said on 17/Jul/16
@Sean Pepe is not 188 cm, he was measured 187,1 cm at Real Madrid. The picture with Quaresma is not good Quaresma is being hugged
mordor said on 16/Jul/16
cr7 is flirting with 6ft2 range.
Borats Chicken said on 15/Jul/16
Rob, you think his foot size is small compare to his height it said that his foot size is 9

Editor Rob
it might be a size or two smaller than average for a plus 6ft man
Pucko said on 14/Jul/16
Leo 5'8
What's wrong with that? Everyone has their own preferences, if you went to Scandinavia 80% of males would choose to be 190cm over 185cm, if you ask me 185-190cm is the ideal, the differance between 185-190cm is much less compared to 190-195cm
jajamen said on 13/Jul/16
Rob, possible for him to be 6'1.25?
Leo 5'8 said on 13/Jul/16
Ideal height in Celebheights is 6'1.25 - 6'1.5, but for Cristiano the ideal height is 190cm or more, he has problems with his height.
Sean said on 12/Jul/16
Click Here
With Ricardo Quaresma (175cm), why does he look 187cm here?
He even looks taller than Pepe in some pictures, and Pepe is listed as 188cm. I believe he is between 186-187cm.
What do you think Rob?

Editor Rob
I don't think he could be 187 if he is measured near 186
Andrew said on 12/Jul/16
Imo he is 185cm at his lowest. He towers over so many people(mostly athletes)which proves that 6'1" is indeed the start of solid tall/very tall in general. It's the perfect height. I can't believe someone said 6'1" is average nowadays lol
James said on 11/Jul/16
Kaká looks 187 cm to me
James said on 8/Jul/16
hijopotamus I totally agree with you that Cristiano always tries too hard with his posture, but there is 0% chance that he is only 184 cm. He was even listed as 186.5 cm in Real Madrid website years ago. With horrible posture (legs very open) he was 185.1 cm in the laser measurement.
Also, he is at least 2 cm taller than 184 cm Bale:
Click Here
Click Here
Leo said on 8/Jul/16
Clearly Kaka is taller than CR7, his listed is very fair. Sometimes he looks 6'1.25 with a very good posture and his small head.
hijopotamus said on 7/Jul/16
Met him at La Finca. Great posture, always standing to look taller, tries too hard tho', 184ish. Never 186!
Also met Beckham in Madrid at my gym long time ago. Very relaxed cool guy wearing sandals. Doesnt care about height and seemed 180 to me.
Casillas 180 or 181, humble and shy.
Ramos 183, friendly guy.
Raul was probably 179 and a big sloucher.
Johno said on 6/Jul/16
James i am not so sure that he is losing much height with that posture but even then, i am not a great a fan of laser measurements because i doubt they are that accurate when we deal with 1/4ths of inch moreover he was actually measured at 6'1 with Nike's on for Madam Tussauds thus, under a metric measuring tape he was 6'1 with shoes; granted time of the day matters but taking away 0.8-inches away from 6'1, leaves him around ~6'0.2 and then compensate for possibly height lost due to posture again and he would be around 6'0.5, point being ----- most definently under 6'1 during some part of the die and quite comfortably. I also remember him being listed 184cm from somewhere.
6'1, late morning.
Mark said on 6/Jul/16
Ronaldo is clearly at least an inch taller than Bale, both standing straight, face to face, after the game:
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think most people would say he looked an inch taller in that meeting...
mordor said on 4/Jul/16
CR7 no under 186cm, no more than 187cm.
James said on 4/Jul/16
Sorry Rob for my last comment. I know you told me the position of Cristiano on the laser measurement doesn't affect his height. But I still think that with this posture you can lost 1 cm. Sorry if I sound dogmatic, it's not my intention. It's only my opinion on the issue.

Editor Rob
a few mm's is possible, but I am not convinced the pose would lose 1cm.
James said on 4/Jul/16
Click Here at 10:26)
In the laser measurement Ronaldo was measured with his legs completely open, in this position you don't reach your peak height. Physicians normally measure height with the feets together like this:
Click Here
I am of the opinion that with correct posture Cristiano could be 186 cm. Real Madrid even listed him as 186.5 cm in 2010. And I am almost sure that Reeves is taller than Benzema.
Rory said on 4/Jul/16
The 185.1cm measurement though I'm not sure is Ronaldo stood at optimum posture. He's stood fairly well there, but I reckon he could gain a few mm if he forced posture.
Pucko said on 4/Jul/16
185cm is perfect for Ronaldo, i'd say he's about 186-187 out of bed, his lowest is probably around 184.5
Johno said on 3/Jul/16
That picture of Benzema with Keanu Reeves, Benzema is ducking and i really don't believe Reeves would measure taller if Benzema were stand upright.
Ronaldo looks between 0.75-1 inches taller than Benzema and would probably be taller than Reeves.
Ronaldo measured both 6'1 under a laser and 6'1 with footwear on by Madam Tussauds; he can't be listed above this height because is stands to reason Ronaldo could probably measure 6'0.5 in the evening.
Ronaldo 6'0.5-6'1
Benzema 6'0 max
Reeves 6'0
Sammy Derrick said on 3/Jul/16
Click Here
It says 185.1cm,I don't know whether it factors in the hair as well.And it was shoot in the evening/afternoon.
@EditorRob Where did you see 185.8cm?

Editor Rob
I don't know exactly where, but I remember at the time the 2 figures from the video.
M said on 3/Jul/16
I watched a documentary called "Cristiano Ronaldo: Tested to the Limit" a few years ago. He was measured with a high-precision body scanner. His height is 185.1cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/16
Rob, do you think Ronaldo maybe got measured at 186.5cm in the late morning?

Editor Rob
I think 10am measurement
James said on 29/Jun/16
@Azam Shoulders are irrelevant. The most important thing to determine height is the head. As you can see in the other pics that I posted, Cristiano is clearly taller than Bale.
Azam said on 27/Jun/16
@james shoulder wise bale taller bale has big shoulders
berta said on 26/Jun/16
looks lie 185-86 guy
James said on 25/Jun/16
Cristiano looks 2 cm taller than Bale:
Click Here
Click Here
In the picture posted by Azam, Cristiano has a strange head posture. I wouldn't take any conclution based on that picture.
Azam said on 24/Jun/16
ny said on 24/Jun/16
Gareth bale has to be atleast 187cm because in this pic cr7 is like 2 or 3 cm shorter than him check the link
Click Here
James said on 23/Jun/16
To me, Cristiano looks 1.86 m:
Click Here
I'm not sure if 1.85 m is another possibility. 1.84 m is impossible.
Original said on 22/Jun/16
Ronaldo sometimes looks strong 6'1, but probably he is 6'1.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Jun/16
OK, though I'm surprised that some of those TV presenters you added (who are always sitting down) also get people looking for their height!

Editor Rob
There's varying interest in heights of TV/news presenters, much like the interest in really can vary tremendously. I have a lot of data available and even I scratch my head at the interest (or lack of interest) in some names...
This might be of interest to a few people, or not...
Last month on Google there was about 130,000 impressions (searches) on a term like
"lebron james height"
I don't rank great on that term because not only do you have the plethora of measurement sites, you have the big sports sites which also mention heights.
Those sites are not specifically on the topic of height, but a mention of it can mean they rank easier due to the perceived worth/trust that search engines like Google assign.
I might only end up with barely 400 visitors over the month from that term...there's certainly room to work and attempt to get better rankings on such pages, but it is a time-reward consideration.
At the lower end you have say for instance Matthew Santoro...a youtuber, who is basically unknown to mostly everybody outside youtube.
There's little competition on the term 'matthew santoro height' so it's easier to rank on it.
I don't even have a page for him, he's just one of 50 in the youtubers page list...
He might get about 600 searches a month on google and I might get 150 click-throughs.
Sometimes it is easier to spend some time working on low hanging fruit than spending all the time fighting over the apples near the top...
Azam said on 21/Jun/16
Bale is taller than ronaldo check 4th pic
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/16
Chris Coleman is a lucky guy being married to Charlotte Jackson ;-) I wonder if he has some sort of Indian/Hispanic blood in him, he looks unusually dark skinned for somebody from Wales, not too dissimilar to my cousin who is half Honduran.
Click Here His skin and hair is more typical of a South American or Indian.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/16
Rob, would you consider adding Roy Hodgson and Chris Coleman? I saw Hodgson with ROoney the other day and immediately though 5 ft 11 range but then he's my dad's age and not too far off 70 now so might have lost a bit. A guy like Hodgson might have been 6 ft in his prime, I might be wrong about him looking 5 ft 11 ish though. Chris Coleman I caught with Gareth Bale at the end of the match and he looked near 2 inches taller, I'd say Coleman was a legit 6 ft 2.

Editor Rob
there's not much search volume on those guys, I don't know if they are worth adding...
Arch Stanton said on 21/Jun/16
I was watching him with Portugal the other night and he can look a tall 6'1 I think because he has a smaller head and long neck which can affect how you view somebody I think. He can look a bit taller than 185.
giant said on 20/Jun/16
183cm: probably
184cm: probably
185cm: weak
186cm: weak
Rory said on 18/Jun/16
182cm,183cm-impossible..184cm-unlikely..185cm-probable..186cm-possibility...187cm-unlikely...thing with Ronaldo is he was measured with the laser at 185/6cm, now if he was given that yet looked 180 I'd be suspicious ...but the reality is he was measured 185/6 and looks it too ! So where people get 182 or 3 from is beyond me. It has to be
James said on 18/Jun/16
Click Here
In this picture, Keanu Reeves looks 185 cm and Benzema 182 cm.
(Remember that 2 cm is less than one inch, and in the picture the difference between them is not less than one inch).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/16
186cm could be it
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/16
182cm - 0%
183cm - 0%
184cm - 10%
185cm - 45%
186cm - 45%
James said on 18/Jun/16
182 cm: impossible
183 cm: impossible
184 cm: impossible
185 cm: weak
186 cm: probably
Z187 said on 17/Jun/16
Benzema had a photo with Keanu Reeves recently, and Keanu was at least an inch taller. Looks like it makes Keanu taller than cristiano too...
Click Here
tiny said on 16/Jun/16
182cm: weak
183cm: probably
184cm: probably
185cm: weak
186cm: impossible
mordor said on 15/Jun/16
Ronaldo 186.8cm most of the day.No doubt.Taller than Pepe.
truth said on 11/Jun/16
Ozil is 5'10 at best.
plus said on 8/Jun/16
@James Ozil can be 179.5 exactly
Rory said on 6/Jun/16
With 6'1.75 Morata and 5'10.5 Ozil.
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Rory said on 6/Jun/16
James, struggling to find evidence of Benzema looking 182 so reposting the old ones ? That won't help your argument. Benzema is 6ft, Bale is 6'0.25-0.5. I've not seen one shred of evidence when Benzema is stood tall or when the camera angles are fair to suggest otherwise and I've made the case perfectly well, I've posted numerous items where Benzema looks at least 6ft, so I don't know what more I can do to correct people's views. I think people jump to conclusions. They see Benzema looking 181-2 at first in a particular instance and they then file him Under 182cm and stick rigidly to that view. Yet a closer inspection shows the guys 183cm.
James said on 6/Jun/16
Benzema is 5 ft 11.75 in (182 cm)
James said on 5/Jun/16
@Height I have to agree with you. Videos are generally more reliable than pictures.
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2 cm is not a big difference, take a metric ruler and see how little 2 cm are. 2 cm is less than one inch! Benzema is 182 cm. He is 2 cm shorter than Bale.
Bale is not positioned nearer the camera, stop with the excuses. Is not a matter of posture. Bale is taller, is so simply as that ;)
Height said on 3/Jun/16
@Rory No offense, but those pictures aren't any good since you are comparing them at a distance (as in not standing side by side, back to back or close together ) and one of them has a weird angle.
Randomguy said on 3/Jun/16
Bale is taller than cr7 and benzema go on fourth pic
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Rory said on 2/Jun/16
Rob, out of interest how tall do you think Benzema is ?

Editor Rob
wouldn't have really guessed over 183cm.
Rory said on 2/Jun/16
Actually you can see their shoes and they're the same...Anyway footballers typically will have similar footwear, not like one will be in training kit in cowboy boots and the other in plimsoles.
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I don't believe Bale is 2cms taller than Benzema when Karim is stood well. I think he's one cm taller, generally when they're both stood well they look similar or Bale only just shades him.
One picture I'd like to reveal is this one though, as it shows how when Bale slouches like how Benzema often does suddenly they become the same height...point is Bale stands well mostly and I think is 6'0.5, Benzema doesn't stand as well and so often looks 5'11.5 or 5'11.75, but would actually measure 6'0, perhaps even 6'0.25.
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Height said on 2/Jun/16
You can't see their feet, so there is no guarantee the 3 player have the same stance. Benzema clearly always seems shorter than Bale by 1.5cm-2cm.