How tall is Cristiano Ronaldo - Page 2

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Average Guess (848 Votes)
6ft 1.14in (185.8cm)
mordor said on 7/Dec/21
@ok recapa.Btw i didn't know that the height guesses at this site were about dinner time.That's then the absolute low of anyone's height.So yeah at dinner maybe Ronaldo dips under 186 by some millimeters then.But i will continue to guess anyone's height based on his midday height not dinner height.Maybe that dinner height is more relevant to footballers (night time match).Best guess in my opinion is when someone has lost half of the average height loss the average human loses.Maybe around midday or even sooner.Even 3-4 hours after bed someone may have lost half of what is gonna loose all day.So then exatcly is the time to measure your height.Right in the middle of the daily height loss.It doesnt matter if that happens few hours after bed.After all most dont dip more than 2cm if not less.
CR7=186,2CM midday:)
recapa said on 7/Dec/21
@Mordor , this site is based on dinner time heights not midday but yeah i agree that cristiano is around 186 when its midday and i also agree that he probably wants to be taller as he tiptoes in almost every team pic to look taller but what i dont understand is why. he honestly has the perfect height imo but guess people can be insecure about the pettiest stuff.
mordor said on 6/Dec/21
@Canson I didn't say that i have the absolute truth of his height, i just give my opinion with pics.I believe he is 186cm about afternoon.And about that laser measurement i am not sure if it is really trustoworthy to get his real height beacuse i don't know what time was that measurement taken and also when i saw that video i clearly saw CR7 had his legs wide apart when getting measured with laser certainly not standing tall.So considering those two parameters i just say he is like 186cm about afternoon maybe 185,(8-9)cm.Late night i believe he dips down to 185,5cm.But again one's height is when u get measured about 2 hours after bed.Whether someone is a strong lets say 6ft1 u cant know for sure depends on what exercise u do and also depends on your spine structure.
mordor said on 4/Dec/21
@recapa He is 186,2cm flat around midday.I don't give much importance to night height.Someone must measure max 2-2,5 hours after bed to get his real height and claim that height.Anyway i believe and - that's a bit off topic - that Ronaldo is a bit height obsessed too and likes to look taller at team pics.He would pay millions to be 6ft2 i guess :P The same with Trump to be the 6ft3 he claimed :P
Canson said on 4/Dec/21
@Mordor: although he can look a strong 6’1 at times he only measured 185.1 and 185.8. I think Rob has him listed appropriately as he isn’t 186 afternoon height
Jawilder said on 3/Dec/21
@recapa agreed he’s 6’1 at a low
recapa said on 3/Dec/21
@Mordor, here is cristiano with kaka back in the 2009-2010 season Click Here cristiano is clearly the shorter of the 2 by at least a 1cm and here is another one from the 2007 ballon d,or ceremony again cristiano is indeed shorter than kaka by 1cm or so also cr7 was 22 years old there so fully grown and kaka isnt a 187 guy .he is a strong 186 guy and he always looked it.
recapa said on 3/Dec/21
but he can be 186 in an inactive day.
mordor said on 2/Dec/21
@recapa, Sorry man, Cristiano is always visibly taller than almost all 6ft1 listed people as far as i know.Maybe u didn't check my pics too, while i did check what u told me.So u seem not to care about what i send which prove what i say.He is 186,3cm.I wouldn't go that far as 187cm for him but 186cm is pretty accurate for him and my pics prove it-he is closer to 6ft2 than 6ft1 and that's why he is always taller than 6ft1 guys.And i mean 186cm at about afternoon for Ronaldo.At night he may dip a little under that mark but who cares about night height.He is a footballer so he dips more than a normal person does anyway.Sorry @recapa, check my pics before u argue with me again as i did with yours.
recapa said on 2/Dec/21
@Mordor ,i,m sorry but he isnt simply a legit 186 guy befre bed as he is always shorter than strong 186 guys such as kaka, ruben dias, pepe and many more more .cristiano is in the 185-185.5 range and always has been.
mordor said on 1/Dec/21
@recapa With Ruben Dias if he stands together with him i am sure he gonna be about same height.And i mean
milimmeters only separate them.Maybe Ruben 186,5cm and Ronaldo 186,1cm fro example.He is not under 186cm
and he may only dip to 185,5cm at night during a match my previous pics definitely prove that.Strangely the only guy that seemes to be noticeably taller than him was Mikael Lustig the Swedish left back who is slim and tall listed sometimes as 189cm and others as 190cm.Would be inteeresting to see Mandzukic and Lustig standing together.
GET wider no 2 said on 30/Nov/21
185 very short
Wehrmacht180 said on 28/Nov/21
185 cm sure
186/188 cm NOOOOO!!!!!
recapa said on 28/Nov/21
@Mordor, not until you explain the ruben dias pic first and no ruben isnt 187.5 or anywhere close to it he could be 186.5 but thats it.
mordor said on 28/Nov/21
@recapa, Well those measurements with laser at 185.1cm and 185.8cm are not accurate and the reason is that his legs are wide apart not standing tall as when u get measured.if u have your legs wide apart you can easily loose some height when you measure even if they are not very wide apart, its so simple.Afterwards,check these pics with 4 guys at 188-190cm (i will give their listed heights):
Ronaldo with 189.5cm Mikael Lustig listed officially as 189cm-190cm:Click Here
Ronaldo with 190cm listed Luis Maximiano goalkeeper:Click Here
Ronaldo with 190cm officially listed Joao Palhinha midfielder from Portugal:Click Here
Ronaldo with 188.7cm(my guess) Mario Mandzukic listed officially as 190cm:Click Here
Well 186.3cm for Ronaldo not less :)Waiting for comments :):)
recapa said on 27/Nov/21
@Mordor,yeah lol,he aint Click Here they are the same height if not ruben dias being a hair taller .dias is listed at 186 in the internet i totaly believe it and cr7 doesnt look any taller beisedes he measured at 185.1 and 185.8 before so why should he be listed as something he didnt measure .cristiano is a 185-185.5 guy and always has been maybe he can measure 186 at his best day but thats about it as for ruben i think that he is in the 186-186.5 range.
mordor said on 24/Nov/21
someguy who will measure his height tomo
No your pics aren't indicative of Ronaldo's height.As i told you my opinion is that Ronaldo is about 186,3cm.Here are two pics with Ronaldo and 186cm listed Ruben Diaz and 189cm listed Ruben Semedo:
With 186cm Ruben Diaz:Click Here
With 189cm Ruben Semedo:Click Here
Waiting for comments :)
Original said on 20/Nov/21
Somewhere between 185.5 and 186.
someguy who will measure his height tomo said on 20/Nov/21
yeah i thought about it but what about other pics ? rob what do you think ?
Tunman said on 19/Nov/21
Rob,maybe 6'1 1/8 is possible since he was measured at 185,8?.Since he got the 186,5 likely 2-3 hours out of bed the odds are that he will dip a little under 186 at the end of the day but maybe not that much.He looks visibly smaller than legit 6'2 guys but very similar to someone like 186 Kaka.They could be about the same,I'm unable to tell who's taller from one pic to another.
Anyways I sometimes wonder how he might look with people whose height is undisputable
With Magic Johnson he doesn't look more than 6'1 for sure Click Here
Editor Rob
Might come down to time of day...he could be classed as a solid 6ft 1 who might measure a bit over it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Nov/21
Out of bed: 6ft1⅞(187.6cm)
Morning: 6ft1⅝(187cm)
Lunch: 6ft1⅜(186.4cm)
Afternoon; 6ft1⅛(185.7cm)

Ajax (5ft 9 3/4 - 5ft 10 5/8) said on 17/Nov/21
@someguy Beckham does wear sneakers in your pic, Ronaldo does sink into the grass with his soccer cleats. There is a clear footwear advantage on Beckham's side.
recapa said on 17/Nov/21
Cristiano isnt any taller than his measured 185.8 and the fact that he measured 185.1 once proves my point eeven more .cr7 is in the 185-185.5 range imo so a solid 6ft1 guy i, understand some of the 186 guesses since he can look it sometimes but saying that he is 187 is pushing it.
someguy who will measure his height tomo said on 17/Nov/21
@mordor let's stop argueing on that picture well you say he might be somewhere between 186 187 but i say he is probably 185 4 let's find out ....
Click Here

see david beckham is listed as 180 i don't
see 6 centimetres between them .

Click Here
see ... bale is 184 to be honest are there any difference

Click Here
benzema is only 183 and yeah ronaldo looks taller than him but not more than 1.5 cm
you could search for more pics goodluck ah i hope the links open
mordor said on 17/Nov/21
@someguy who will measure his height tomo
Yes, but consider that Ronaldo has quite a bigger neck than Mandzukic and even if Mandzukic doesnt standas as straight as Ronaldo does there, it doesn't change the fact that Ronaldo is at least 186cm there next to 188,6cm Mandzukic(i would put Manzukic that range).I think you are in the minority by the way who underestimates his height.I wouldn't go that far as 187cm flat for Ronaldo, but hey 186,4 cm seems right on spot for him.No way 184cm or 185cm as you may think.I would personally be shocked if he is under 186cm flat.
Floch said on 16/Nov/21
Rob,do you think he's tall not only due to his hard work during his younger years in the Lisbona academy but also for his genetics (his dad seems 5'10 or weak 6)
Editor Rob
He certainly is likely to have reached full potential. Now if he were not as fit growing up, may he have ended up an inch shorter?
someguy who will measure his height tomo said on 16/Nov/21
@mordor that pic actually shocked me cuz i hadn't seen that much of difference between heads and shoulders see his shoulders i don't know what to say perhaps mandzukich has a terrible pose but and if mandzukich is really that tall (189) then based on his head ronaldo is 187 which is so unlikely but based on his shoulder ronaldo is about 184 5 which i think he actually is that tall
mordor said on 15/Nov/21
Yes Rob i agree, about 2cm.So i think an upgrade to Ronaldo's height to 186,4cm(1cm upgrade) would be fair,as Mandzukic is in my opinion no less than 188,5cm.Even 189cm would be believable for him.
So i think that old Madrid website listing was pretty accurate for him.Thanx for your fast responses Rob,
i appreciate that.
mordor said on 14/Nov/21
Hi Rob.What's your estimate for Ronaldo with Mario Mandzukic(188,7CM)?Here:
Click Here
Guys waiting your guess too :)
Editor Rob
2cm maybe
Nik Ashton said on 12/Nov/21
@ No way man - Your name says it all!
recapa said on 9/Nov/21
@Cold Water,wrong page bud.
Cold Water said on 7/Nov/21
Max Carver: 183-184 cm
Charlie Carver: 177-178 cm
Click Here
No way man said on 31/Oct/21
6"1.50 is ok
berta said on 30/Oct/21
at worst 185, at best 186,5. I think he could be very close to 186 but maybe just under.
Jawilder said on 29/Oct/21
@recapa Exactly, this listing is perfect for Ronaldo. Can’t see him being 6’1.25” at a low.
recapa said on 27/Oct/21
i dont get the 186 gueeses if he meausred both 185.1 and 185.7 before its not like they are crazy gueeses or anything but i,m curious why whether if he is a strong 185 guy or a weak 186 guy is an interesting question.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Oct/21
186cm isn't possible but 187cm? as an afternoon/evening figure it's quite unlikely. He generally gets edged by legit 6ft2 guys by a fair margin.
181cm dude said on 25/Oct/21
I can't see him being anything lower than 6'1
I say 186 in the Afternoon for him.
Nik Ashton said on 21/Oct/21
Cristiano Ronaldo and Patrick Bamford could be height twins! 😂😂😂
mordor said on 20/Oct/21
Old photo with 190cm listed Mikael Lustig and Ronaldo.
Click Here
GET wider said on 20/Oct/21
İ think ramos kg 83.3
Height 183.5 ok
Cold Water said on 20/Oct/21
Ronaldo: 187.5 cm, 83.5 kg
Bale: 185.3 cm, 81.8 kg
Benzema: 185.3 cm, 81.2 kg
Ramos: 183.8 cm, 82.2 kg
Robbie Murphy Lee said on 18/Oct/21
I’m 5’9 where size 12 US 6’1.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 14/Oct/21
Ronaldo looks as listed by Novak Djokovic. Ronaldo is wearing a hat, and it appears that Novak is dropping some height. There’s no way Ronaldo would measure the same as Novak.
GET wider said on 12/Oct/21
Varane taller than mctominay and pogba

Pogba 1.91
Varane 1.93
Floch said on 12/Oct/21
Click Here guys how much yours think was tall Cristiano's dad? (0:03,Cristiano was already 1,85) to me looks 5'10-6ft
recapa said on 11/Oct/21
@Cold water , 189 is till too low for varane he is somwhere between 191-192 and degea is soemwhere between 189-190.
Cold Water said on 9/Oct/21
Maguire: 193 cm
Pogba: 191 cm
Mctominay: 190 cm
Varane: 189 cm
De Gea: 188 cm
GET wider said on 9/Oct/21
Varane 1.88?? Are you Serious?
Easily 1.93
Jawilder said on 8/Oct/21
@recapa Yeah Ronaldo at 6’1 flat is best bet. Maybe an 1/8 over...
Original said on 7/Oct/21
Def closer to Lindelof (listed as 187) than to Diego Dalot (listed 183).

185.5 - 186cms makes very sense for Cristiano Ronaldo.
184guy2 said on 7/Oct/21
lol Varene 188.5
The guy is easily 191-192 cm tall
recapa said on 6/Oct/21
@Cold water, cristiano is not 186.5 he is in the 185-185.5 range and lidendolf is listed at 187 at the interner i doubt that he is taller also varane is the same height as strong 191 guy pogba and could be even a hair taller also de gea is a strong 189 guy and maguire is a strong 192 guy and luke shaw is somewhere betwen 178-179.
Cold Water said on 6/Oct/21
Ronaldo: 186.5 cm
Lindelof: 190 cm
Luke Shaw: 176.5 cm
Pogba: 191 cm
Maguire: 193 cm
Mctominay: 191 cm
Varane: 188.5 cm
De Gea: 187.5 cm
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21
Cr7 could edge jim parsons and be eye to eye with peak Jim carrey
Slim 6'1.75 said on 4/Oct/21

To be fair ronaldos knees are bent if he was standing up straight he’d look taller

I think 186-186.5 is possible

184 should be ruled out at worst he’s a flat 6’1” like Costner and Obama
GET wider said on 30/Sep/21
Lindelof Said 1.89?
RJT said on 30/Sep/21
2cm shorter than 187cm Lindelof
Click Here

He is not taller than this listing
rlheight5'11 said on 30/Sep/21
@Rob his shoe size is a bit small for height, Size 8/9 UK I think and prefers to wear a smaller boot when playing matches as well. I'm two inches shorter than Ronaldo and I'm an 11, whereas he's a 8 or 9.
Editor Rob
For his height, a size 10uk would be quite common.
Pere said on 29/Sep/21
Cold Water said on 27/Sep/21
Out of bed - 188.7 cm
Before bed - 186.8 cm
Soetan said on 24/Sep/21
Out of bed - 186.7 cm
Before bed - 184.8 cm
184.8cmJeff said on 23/Sep/21
@Rob I really do think he is ever so slighty over 6ft1, I would guess about 6ft1 1/8th, do you think there is a chance of that over time? he always looks over 6ft1, but not quite 6ft1.5-6ft2.
177cm said on 22/Sep/21
Solid 6’1” guy. Could be 6’1.25”
Slim 6'1.75 said on 22/Sep/21
Rob add Diego costa and hulk

Diego costa looks 6’1” wether as hulk is solid 5’10”
Editor Rob
Costa has a page, Hulk doesn't though.
Nik Ashton said on 21/Sep/21
@ Rob - What do Manchester United list him as?
Editor Rob
I think they got rid of height/weight on their stats page for players.
Nik Ashton said on 21/Sep/21
@ Slim 6'1.5" - That’s true and it looks like it could be happening again!
rlheight5'11 said on 20/Sep/21
185.5-6. Ronaldo knows he's a tall guy and even said before in a interview.
OriginalAnon said on 20/Sep/21
RJT, Irwin called him 6'2'' because he doesn't know his actual height haha. The vast majority of the general population don't have a clue about height and do not care about a couple of inches difference. Ronaldo is 185cm. Clearly not over.
David Tang said on 19/Sep/21
legit 6'1 guy. rob do you think he is one the few guys who emasures exactly 6'1 at the dot?
Ggt said on 19/Sep/21
You're right CR7 in the afternoon looks 6ft 1 or 186 but when he wakes up its very likely he is a tad under 6ft 2 at say 187 and above I think his lowest is like 185.5 after strenuous exercise
Bagheera said on 18/Sep/21
Cristiano 185-186 cm
Jawilder said on 17/Sep/21
Out of bed 187.5
Before bed 185.5
RJT said on 17/Sep/21
Dennis Irwin called him 6'2, probably he meant in shoes
Click Here

I'm a fan of him, ever since his first ride with United at 2003, but 6'1 is the tallest for him imo.

Click Here solid 2" shorter than Rio Ferdinand

Click Here Taller than Rio there but look at his feet... tip toe give you 3", and in that shot he look only 1" taller than 6'3 Rio, so 6'1 is his height.

@Editor Rob

How tall is Vidic if Rio is 190.5-191cm range? He looks 2cm shorter there going with tophead
Eric W Tam said on 16/Sep/21
AFter consulting more images/these comments I can safely say that 187 cm is indeed Ronaldo's real height AFTER his peak morning height expires.
Alan mctavish said on 16/Sep/21
I always thought ronaldo was 6'2" then i saw him standing next to a goalkeeper who was 6'2" i cant remember his name? But the two of them were standing up strait as a corner was coming in and ronaldo looked an inch shorter than the goalkeeper. Becouse the goalkeeper made a great save that most goalkeepers wouldnt have got to, and i can still remember the commentator mentioning the goalkeepers height at 6'2" before him and ronaldo stood shoulder to shoulder. The keeper made a brilliant save and the commentator said "what a save and the big man needed his full 6'2" frame to get too that one, he was at full stretch there to just get a hand on that to tip it round the post. And it was when ronaldo was with real madrid. I didnt even know ronaldo was 6'0" if that when he joinend man utd. I hate that when i cant remember a name. My friend used to say "dont thinck about it and you will get it" wich is true. But cristiano ronaldo is the greatest player i have seen since George Best.
Cold Water said on 14/Sep/21
Benzema 185.2 185.5 cm
Ramos 183.5 184.5 cm
Casillas 179.3 179.2 cm
Ronaldo 187.5 188.4 cm

Click Here
jal said on 13/Sep/21
He is a pure ectomorph which can make people look taller, and look at his giraffe neck also.
I really think he wakes up at 6ft 2 and sleeps at 6ft 1
I give him a Strong 6ft 1 (something like 186-187 is perfect)
31 ?ek said on 12/Sep/21
Ronaldo 185.1 (Scan)
Bale 1.84
Benzema 183.5
Ramos 1.83

Ahh come on man very short......
(İ think)
Ronaldo 1.86 187.5
Bale 1.85 1.87
Benzema 1.84 1.85
Ramos 183.5 184.5
GET wider said on 12/Sep/21
Although I am 82 kg, I am slightly muscular and thin
BB9 said on 11/Sep/21
I have no idea, I wanted to appear leaner so I went on a diet and exercises, I didn’t plan to lose up to 16kg but I did. Now I need to gain weight, I must’ve had it wrong with the diet and all in the first place. I agree, 80-90kg is ideal. I have two younger brothers, one stand at 6’3 1/2” and weigh about 71kg(yup, he’s underweight), the other is at 6’0 1/2” and 80kg. Among us siblings, I was the heaviest before any weight loss at 86kg but I’m the shortest at 6’0 1/8”. The way I see it, 80-90kg will work wonders for people our heights. My father is 87kg at 6’1” and it suits him perfectly fine. I guess you can be 88-90kg and still look your best!

@GET wider
You’re taller than Sergio Ramos, but I’m not sure how much he weighs. Your height is similar to that of Kaka, maybe you’re a bit bulkier?
Rory said on 11/Sep/21
I feel he might have edged Brown out in their video. At times they looked very close but at other moments i felt Ronaldo clearly looked taller, but, probably better posture, probably more footwear and favourable camera angles might have assisted with that.

Id still say there's a chance of CR7 solid 6ft1 and Brown 6ft0.75.
Harez said on 10/Sep/21
Wake up: 187-188
Night: 185.5-186
A VERY strong 186 for me
Muclis Umar said on 10/Sep/21
Rob, is this what you call shoulder height? this guy is 1 inch shorter but looks like he will be the same height as Ronaldo even taller Click Here
Editor Rob
Shoulder wise Brown and Ronaldo looked similar.
rlheight5'11 said on 9/Sep/21
@Rob another photo, pictured with Ronaldo recently at the training ground. Click Here assuming similar footwear?
Editor Rob
it can look near 3 inches, solid 5ft 10/6ft 1 are arguable for both.
rlheight5'11 said on 9/Sep/21
@Rob 3 inch difference here? Click Here
recapa said on 9/Sep/21
i believe that kaka and cristiano swapped measurements back in 2009 which makes sense as kaka always appeared the taller between the 2 and i believe that their measuremnts were later in the day 185.5 for cristiano and 186.5 for kaka.what do you say rob ?,do you think that their measurements were swapped i belive kaka should be given a 6ft1 3/8 (186.5) to match his measurement.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Sep/21
It would have been interesting to track the average guess recently!
Time Travel said on 6/Sep/21
Bale: 184.4-184.6 cm
Benzema: 184.4-184.6 cm
Ronaldo: 186.3-186.5 cm
Ramos: 183.0-183.2 cm
Kroos: 182.6-182.8 cm
Hyper said on 6/Sep/21
I agree with Rampage.

When you’re trying to be in top shape as an athlete, you can’t exactly have distractions.
GET wider said on 5/Sep/21
1.85 too low
1.87 ok
181cm dude said on 4/Sep/21
Rob, I sincerely think an update is due for this man.
He seems taller than other 6ft 1 folk.
Certainly wakes up at 187 maybe even 188
Before bed: He is comfortably over 185
Obsidian 6'2" said on 4/Sep/21
I'd say 185.5 before bed and close to 188 in the morning
Edward Mullen said on 3/Sep/21
Looked about 181.5/2cm at 18
Jawilder said on 3/Sep/21
6’1.75” out of bed
6’1” before bed
recapa said on 2/Sep/21
185.5-186 before bed and 187.5-188 out of bed.he is back at man utd too.
recapa said on 2/Sep/21
185.5-186 before bed and 187.5-188 out of bed.
Hong said on 1/Sep/21
Click Here with 5ft8.75 listed Jason Statham he's looking a comfortable 6ft1.
GET wider said on 29/Aug/21

My height 1.86
Weight 82
My build looks Like Sergio Ramos
Slim 6'1.5" said on 28/Aug/21
He grew taller in his man utd days he was only 184 but grew to solid 6’1
Slim 6'1.5" said on 26/Aug/21

How did you lose so much weight?

Lol during lockdown I ballooned up to 82kg
Slim 6'1.5" said on 26/Aug/21
I can see ronaldo as tall as Jim parsons and Gerard butler

Rock solid 186 with 188 out of bed
Slim 6'1.5" said on 26/Aug/21

I’m 6’1.5 at my low


But hopefully I’ll end up between 80-90kg

A bit skinny now but my muscles are still growing
Cr7height said on 13/Aug/21
Hey rob I wonder how tall is he's wife Georgina Rodríguez she listed everywhere 5'6 but she look super short next to him how tall do you think she is??!
Elene said on 10/Aug/21
I can see 186 cm for him
Tato said on 3/Aug/21
189 cm morning height
188 cm lunch height
187 cm night height

Listed 189 cm Click Here
BB9 said on 2/Aug/21
Slim are you really 6’1.5” with shoes on? Or 6’1.5” without? I’m 6’0” (183.3cm) barefoot, I was 86kg before the lockdown and now I’m only 70kg. I guess men with my height or taller should weigh more than 70kg…just wondering what’s your weight?
BB9 said on 2/Aug/21
Slim are you really 6’1.5” with shoes on? Or 6’1.5” without? I’m 6’0” (183.3cm) barefoot, I was 86kg before the lockdown and now I’m only 70kg. I guess men with my height or taller should weigh more than 70kg…just wondering what’s your weight?
Slim 6'1.5" said on 30/Jul/21
184 is impossible but so is 187

He should be getting 185 and 186 guesses

He clears 187-188cm out of bed

Pretty tall guy if you ask me 👍
Slim 6'1.5" said on 24/Jul/21
David tang

6’1.5 187cm
David Tang said on 21/Jul/21
slim are you 6'1.5 or 6'1
slim 6'1 said on 12/Jul/21
Am I the only one who’s gotten jealous of cr7?
David Tang said on 3/Jul/21
tall guy.
highly suspect said on 1/Jul/21
186cm. he edges out every other actor, footballer, athlete that’s listed 185
Cbrady said on 30/Jun/21
@ John Londero I personally feel like he is closer to my height. More like 184.7-185 cm at a low. Another guy who I believe would measure that range is Roger Federer. 185.5 cm at a low would be a guy like Mark Gatiss in my opinion.
John Londero said on 28/Jun/21
I think that this guy is 187.5 out of bed and 185.5 before, how does that strike people?
Nik Ashton said on 26/Jun/21
@ Rampage(-_-_-)Clover @ Arch Stanton - I agree, we should all follow his example and ensure we have all these qualities on display when we are looking to accomplish anything. Cristiano will be like he is because he loves the game so much. We can all achieve just as much as Cristiano simply by caring and looking after others and by looking to be healthy ourselves and we can achieve these things by showing all the qualities he possesses when we are looking to achieve these great things.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/21
I agree, people mistake Ronaldo's razor-sharp discipline and work ethic for arrogance...guy is just so focused and doesn't let distractions derail him
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jun/21
Guessing he doesn't drink Coca Cola then LOL. Only Agua! One of the worst things you can have for creating hunger by elevated blood sugar levels! A solid 6 ft 1, and an exercise regime and life which is exemplary to all, he deserves every bit of his success as he works much harder than most. He's like the Arnie of the football world in terms of mindset.
Editor Rob
yeah, he is a good example of looking after himself and fitness. Still probably another couple of years at the top level in him.
Blackpanther said on 22/Jun/21
What height does count?
Is it the one in the morning, lunch, or evening?
Canson said on 18/Jun/21
@Slim: I doubt it. A guy his size doesn’t lose an inch. 6’1.75 out of bed and 6’1 flat more likely
John Londero said on 18/Jun/21
Does anyone have opinion on his leg length to torso ratio or arm length as well? I am not so good at telling this but I think it can affect perception of height. What inseam would you guess he wears? 33?

I do think he is a strong 6'1 and might warrant the 6'1 1/4 listing.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 18/Jun/21
He definitely clears 6’2 out of bed
Spider-x said on 18/Jun/21
1/4 shorter than Kaka. Cristiano 6'0 7/8(185cm) and Kaka 185.6
Philip550 said on 15/Jun/21
6'1 ¼ / 186 cm is the most realistic.
pov said on 15/Jun/21
Let's be honest, we all see Ronaldo at his lowest (after strenuous exercise). And he looks a solid 6'1. I think he does measure 187cm in the morning as listed by Real and Juve. And even his laser scan at 185cm didn't do justice as it was measured after he's been active and done numerous obstacles.

I strongly believe, Ronaldo would measure 186cm mid-day barefoot with moderate movement not intense exercise. Ronaldo gets a 186cm from me.
Raging said on 14/Jun/21
@Ajax509, the 185.8 cm measurement was a morning measurement so I can't see him measuring 6'1 in the afternoon, he would be more 6'¾-⅞ at that time of the day
ajax509 said on 12/Jun/21
He got measured 185.1cm (185.8cm second screen) in socks.
Tiko said on 11/Jun/21
188.1-188.5 cm out of bed. 187 cm lunch. 186.1-186.5 cm before bed.
Raging said on 11/Jun/21
@Rory, Rashford is definitely taller than Ronaldo, Ronaldo is more 6'0.75, always looked clearly shorter than Kaka, and was also edged out by 6'1 French Montana. This listing is generous if you ask me, he was measured at 185.1cm too in football boots
Rory said on 5/Jun/21
Why would you think Rashford is taller than Ronaldo? I dont get that impression at all. 184cm is wide of the mark for Ronaldo, i dont care what he was listed at 15 yrs ago in some obscure place, the guy almost never looks under 6ft1 and can fairly routinely look 6ft1.25-1.5.

Gatiss/Luke Mitchell height twin.
Zampez said on 4/Jun/21
Click Here here with 190 listed Rui Patricio. Cristiano solid 6ft1.
Nzuben said on 4/Jun/21
6'0.75 barefoot, 6'1¼ in football shoes
QM6'1.5"QM said on 3/Jun/21
Nzuben said on 27/May/21

Absolutely 100%.
Also he was listed (profiles, «panini» stickers) 184 cms at 19-20 y.o - 2004-06'.
He's always been 1/4 under Kaka and Buffon had good 2in on him.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 3/Jun/21
He’s nothing under 6’1 and could be a hair under it
Slim 6'1.5 said on 2/Jun/21
Def not two inches between cr7 and morata
ajax509 said on 1/Jun/21
Suspect the laser measurement included his hair, 185.1cm standing normal tall and 185.8cm busting a gut. Can't tell if he did lose a few mm by his wide stance.
Nzuben said on 27/May/21
How can someone who usually measures 185.1-185.8 cm in morning measurements be a solid 6'1? He no more than 6'0.75 before bed for sure. Y'all stop all these 186cm jokes. He has a -4.5in eye level which helps him look like a solid 6'1 guy, but if measured in the afternoon is definitely not that tall, there's no way he's as tall as a solid 6'1 guy like Rashford
Leo2001 said on 26/May/21
Listed as 185cm in the World Cup(2018):

Click Here

Click Here
recapa said on 24/May/21
@Lava,no he doesnt .there is no way in hell that morata has 5 cm on cr7 but i agree with youn on cristiano,s height tho.
Lava said on 23/May/21
Morata 189-190 cm. CR7 185-186 cm. Click Here
Lava said on 21/May/21
Morata looks 189-190 cm. Ronaldo looks 185-186 cm. Click Here
Chaitanya Sinha said on 17/May/21
Flat 6'¼" and 6'2 ir more with soccer shoes
Emad said on 16/May/21
Believe me he got taller
recapa said on 9/May/21
i think that morata could be a 6ft1.75-6ft2 guy.
183.4 said on 8/May/21
Rob you should try get a solid picture beside cristiano ronaldo then draw a conclusion fact
Ronaldo lowest point 185.1cm highest point 187.4 cm on average he would be 185.8 most of the time

Click Here
Slim 6'1.5 said on 8/May/21
If that’s true that puts morata at 6’1.75-6’2
Dom5'11.5 said on 7/May/21
185.1 lowest after a game before bed. 187cm in the morning
Lancaster said on 5/May/21
Cristiano is 1/2 inch shorter than Alvaro Morata.
BB9 said on 1/May/21
Not so sure who’s taller between cristiano and rashford if you put them side by side. I know that kaka is taller than cristiano, so the listings of 6ft1 1/4in and 6ft1in respectively seems spot on.
Cbrady said on 30/Apr/21
I wonder why he was listed 185 cm in a half inch boot? Shouldn't he be standing 187 cm in that scenario?
recapa said on 30/Apr/21
@Ronaldo,nvm you were right,he is 6ft at best .here he is with 182cm range ramos Click Here is weak 6 foot too.
Comfort said on 29/Apr/21
6'1.5 out of bed and 6'0.75 before bed. Those measurements were taken in the morning so he's definitely a weak 6'1 guy before bed.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 29/Apr/21
Yeah I can see 188-189cm out of bed with 186cm before bed

Rampage no doubt he edges out zidane and bale

I doubt he’ll stay in Italy any longer.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/21
Taller than Bale and Zidane so 184cm range is out the window. He'd likely still be above 185cm at a low (i.e. after a match). 188cm first thing wouldn't surprise me at all...I remember he was briefly listed 6ft1½ here and while he can look that, it seems less likely he'd measure it afternoon. The 186.5cm figure he probably did get earlier in the day

Honestly if we're gonna give someone a 6ft1⅛ listing here, Ronaldo is a shoe in for it . The 185.8cm listing is all the convincing you it's not just guesswork, he's actually measured it!
Slim 6'1.5 said on 27/Apr/21
186 is likelier than 184.5 👍
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 21/Apr/21
Casemiro is definitely NOT 6'0.5, he looks shorter than Benzema or even Ramos in many photos, and also, Casemiro is tiptoeing in many teamphotos too (don't ask me why ;). Casemiro is 182cm range, for real. Even his hair makes him look taller and even still looks shorter than
183.5cm Benzema. I always thought he looked 182cm.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 21/Apr/21
@Canson Thats right. Zlatan is obviously atleast a 1/2 inch taller than Pique. Also Haaland and his idol Zlatan could be really, really similar in height. Would be nice to see them face each other in football.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 20/Apr/21
185 cm max no more

186/187 cm imposible
recapa said on 18/Apr/21
how about adding another name from the real,@Rob,how about kroos.he is listed at 6 foot .he is shorter than 182-182.5cm ramos .i feel like he is 5ft11 flat at best.casemiro is another name worth a page he is listed at 185cm(6ft1) but he doesnt look the full 6ft1 next to cristiano but he seems taller than legit 6ft guy benzema in this pic (cristiano is tiptoing btw dont ask me why lol ) .if i were to give a listing to casemiro i would give him 6ft0.5.
recapa said on 18/Apr/21
how about adding another name from the real,@Rob,how about kroos.he is listed at 6 foot .he is shorter than 182-182.5cm ramos .i feel like he is 5ft11 flat at best.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 8/Apr/21
184 and below should be dubbed impossible just like 187 and above
He’s a solid 6’1 dude
185 at worst case 186 at best case 👍
em97 said on 2/Apr/21
185.1 cm is what he was measured at with a laser or what ever you call that measuring device in the sports science movie testetd to the limit and im sue that was late on the day where he was active so Ronaldo is for sure a solid 6“1 guy i would go for 186 cm for him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/21
Rob, should there be a cut-off point with the average guess where you decide whether to upgrade/downgrade someone?

Ronaldo's pushing 600 votes with an average of just over 6ft1
Editor Rob
It's interesting for visitors to see that option.

If I think another figure might be closer I do consider it and change listings. I am aware of many names people generally think could be a fraction higher (or lower) than the current figure.

Sometimes it is a 50/50 for me. If you were going with ranges, then I would agree Ronaldo has a greater chance of 6ft 1 to 1.25 than 0.75-1.
Ethan Larsen said on 29/Mar/21
My guess:

187 cm out of bed
186 cm during the day
Alexy1 said on 27/Mar/21
6ft to 6.1ft is very believable
Omar 6' said on 25/Mar/21
6'1 not more
Eusebiu - 6'1" (185 cm) said on 25/Mar/21
His 187 cm listing is obviously inflated and out of the question.

I wouldn't go as high as 186 cm because Kaka (listed 186,1 cm) is visibly taller then him (I see 1 cm between them).

Many people estimate him taller because he is fit and lean with a small head which can create an illusion of being taller than he actually is.

Most of his medical reports put him in the 185 cm range because he was measured on different ocassions from 184,9 cm up to 185,8 cm - also, note that medical reports and measurements are taken in the morning, usually 2-3 hours after waking up !

I believe Ronaldo is a strong 185 cm guy and the 6'1" (185,4 cm) listing is spot on.
Lava said on 23/Mar/21
187 cm
Slim 6'1.5 said on 12/Mar/21
A solid 6’1 worst case scenario
Canson said on 11/Mar/21
I’ve seen more pics on the field. I’m not so sure he even goes below 185. He may well be a full 6’1” at a low

@Renaldo: I see what you’re saying now. I also wonder if Pique busted a gut. I could see Ronaldo as a guy that measures maybe low to mid 187 out of bed. That’s sort of where I have Pique. Mid 194 range out of bed and 192.4 afternoon. Could be 5/8” between Pique and Ibrahimovic
Rory said on 11/Mar/21
His 6ft2 claim to Piers Morgan should probably be included at the top of the page. To my knowledge its the only time hes claimed a height.
6ft6 said on 8/Mar/21
QM6'1.5"QM said on 4/Mar/21
Flat 6'1"!
plycploc said on 3/Mar/21
Rob why the comment section is blocked for the celeb request?
Editor Rob
at the moment I spend more time looking after parents, so my time is unfortunately a bit more limited.
Tajaun said on 28/Feb/21
I can see 186 cm for him tbh.
Original said on 28/Feb/21
186cm is what he can pass for.
hydra said on 23/Feb/21
He dips to 185.4 at the absolute lowest, I’d say that’s his extreme low. He’s likely 187-187.5 range when he gets out of bed.

186.5 cm is perfect for Cristiano.
BB9 said on 21/Feb/21
Never under 6ft 1. He is somewhat shorter than rio, thierry(slightly taller than cristiano) and ruud van nistelrooy, so i would assume 6ft 2 is out of the question. If kaka is 6ft1 1/4(186.1cm), I’d say 6ft 1 is a spot on for cristiano. Anywhere between 185.4cm-185.8cm is arguable.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 18/Feb/21
@slim 6'1 nah, only by Busting a Gut he may just reach that mark. But ur somewhat right though, for those saying he can't hit that mark, how did he hit 187 even though that wasn't even out of bed? That was like 1-2hours after waking up so right after waking up with busting your guts fully air inside, he could hit that mark. 187 is out of the question if he already hit that even though it wasn't out of bed. Strong 187cm out of bed with normally measured yeah.
Erdem said on 18/Feb/21
Hey Rob, what do you think of CZN Burak's height? Google claims he is 1.95m.He looks 6 ft 2 next to Ronaldo and 6 ft 4 next to Will Smith.

with Ronaldo 185.4cm(6 ft 1):
Click Here
with Will Smith 186.7(6 ft 1.5):
Click Here
Editor Rob
6ft 3 range maybe
johnnysidgursson said on 14/Feb/21
About the photo of the world cup 2006, he was only 21, maybe with the amount of exercise that an athlete is exposed he may grow an inch
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 13/Feb/21
Guys I burst into laugh when I saw Lorenzo Insigne who's 160-163cm, listed at 1.93 by google 😂😂🤣 Is Google actually okay?
slim 6'1 said on 12/Feb/21
Easily clears solid 6’2” out of bed
Genau said on 10/Feb/21
Flat 6ft1 is fair but nothing higher
slim 6'1 said on 8/Feb/21
@Rob, add robin van persie
slim 6'1 said on 8/Feb/21
Bale and cr7 are underlisted
Anton_186 said on 6/Feb/21
@winkler91 I’m absolutely agree with you! For example, I am 186,3 cm out of bed and 184,2 cm before bed. My extreme low height - 184,0 cm. I think Cristiano extreme low height - 185,0 cm, but no less. I am almost have the same height like him. That’s cool)
Maybe I can grow 1 cm to be like CR7, but I am already 21 years old. What do you think I have a chance?
winkler91 said on 5/Feb/21
187.3 out of bed
185.4 his low

But remember CR7 does sports throughout the day. I think he often falls to his extreme low after soccer game at 185cm. I think on a normal day without too much sports he will be easily 185.5-186cm in the afternoon.

His 187cm listing means he maybe listed 186.5 after 1 hour and then was decided to list him at 187cm. In reality he is nothing over 186cm. 186cm is good in metric.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Feb/21
⚽🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Cristiano! 🎁🎂⚽

Here's wishing Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo a splendid 36th Birthday. I remember my 36th - it snowed! ❄️

6ft1. 👌😁🍻😆👍

Goodfood said on 2/Feb/21
Good 1.87
1.83 Man tall said on 1/Feb/21
Ronaldo 6ft3 hmmm
Bale 6Ft4 ok
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Feb/21
Okay if Bale is 187cm then Ronaldo is verging on 6ft3!
1.84 yeah said on 30/Jan/21
My height is 1.84 Bale taller than me yes. He was with me.
Bale was definitely above 1.85 like 187.5
I agree that Ramos is 1.82 1.83
Like Benzema 1.83
Same as Ronaldo Bale
ajax509 said on 29/Jan/21
Ronaldo 6ft 1
Bale 6ft 1/4
Ramos 5ft 11 3/4
Benzema 6ft 1/4
slim 6'1 said on 28/Jan/21
Cr7 at 186
Bale at 184
Ramos at 182
Benzema at 183
berta said on 28/Jan/21
i think 186 is his real height
Bang8501 said on 26/Jan/21
6ft1 is fair for him.Click Here
1.83 Man tall said on 26/Jan/21
Ronaldo 1.86 but
Bale does not mean that it is 1.84 Bale is mostly slightly hunched 1 cm
If Ronaldo is 1.86
Bale 1.86 1.85
I think they are the same
johnnysidgursson said on 24/Jan/21
Hey Rob, looking at various photos, You have considered that he is over 185?, because he is almost the same height as 189-190 boys like Bonucci, De Ligt and Khedira
Editor Rob
He can look 186cm a fair amount
Rory said on 22/Jan/21
I think when it comes to measuring height its best to claim what you measure at a normal time. Practically no one measures their height out of bed so that's out, and very few people will measure their height at their absolute low either say after being on feet for 15 hrs. So I think recording your height at around lunchtime, maybe having been up for 5-6 hrs and done some moderate exercise, gone to shop etc is fair. What you measure then is probably 1cm higher than your absolute low range and maybe 1 or 2cm lower than your out of bed height. Seems fair to class you as that height imo. I think at that point a guy like Ronaldo would measure roughly 186cm.
Mikester said on 20/Jan/21
sampex, with those measurements wouldn't he be 6ft1.25/6ft1.5? or do we measure our before bed height as our height? doesn't make much sense to me consider our absolute lowest, right before bed, height to be our absolute height, so to speak.
Jean Bodt said on 20/Jan/21
Click Here @editorrob how much is De light? He is listed as 1,89 to me looks 1,86.7 next to Cristiano
Editor Rob
might be near 6ft 2
Sampex said on 14/Jan/21
187.5/188 out of bed
185.5/186 before bed
Solid 6ft1
Guessheight said on 14/Jan/21
Definitively 185cm at his lowest,186-7 in morning, this measurement is accurate,I remember in fifa him being measured at 185 and 186, also 184 in Manchester utd whe he was about 20
klaw said on 13/Jan/21
How tall is Joe La Puma from Complex sneaker shopping? Ronaldo looked 3" taller, I was surprised because I assumed Joe is 6'.
Editor Rob
I thought in the past maybe 5ft 11, his height varies a bit in those episodes
pov said on 13/Jan/21
I have commented countless times Rob on this post, I usually agree with your listings - But don't you think it's a little harsh to list him as a flat 6'1?

Considering he was measured 185cm after rigorous exercise. I personally believe he'd measure 6'1.5 mid day without exercise. We see him at his lowest all the time. I don't doubt he'd measure around 187cm in the morning, as real madrid and juve have listed him at.

He's 6'1.5 for me.
Editor Rob
a majority would give him probably 186cm, 6ft 1 could be a low range for him.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 13/Jan/21
But still Canson, if Ronaldo got already measured 187cm (think he was Busting a Gut) But, that wasn't even out of bed, that was like an hour or two after waking up, so imagine how tall just out of bed and BUSTING A GUT too. So then 187cm is out of the question. 187 is too low then, so this is my point. Yeah a good 187cm actually a little over out of bed but 187cm with fully a Busting a Gut he is much above.
Canson said on 12/Jan/21
@Ronaldo: I see what you’re saying. Was he legit 187? Or did it specify? I ask because he may have been 186.5.
johnnysidgursson said on 10/Jan/21
Almost 6'2, he got a good posture, 185-186 guy
Mikester said on 8/Jan/21
6ft1 and an eight.
Im sturdy 1.83 said on 8/Jan/21
In advanced body measurement, there is a 3 cm error margin during height measurement, it shows you shorter, while in the tape measure, it shows you close to 5 cm.
Rory said on 8/Jan/21
Solid 6ft1 man so 187.5-188cm out of bed and 185cm at his absolute worst. Typically though during a normal day at lunchtime 185.5-186cm probably.

Busting a gut doesn't give you an extra third of an inch. Difference between standing tall and Busting a Gut is about 3mm.
slim 6'1 said on 8/Jan/21
I believe a nibble over 6’1” is possible 👍
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 7/Jan/21
@Canson Yea but you did you notice that I said "Fully Busting a Gut"?. He is sure 187 or more out of bed yea, but Busting a Gut.. He is def 188cm range with fully Busting a Gut because If he was already measured 187 at Madrid, because if were other players then measured 2cm more than they actually are and not EVEN out of bed, which means theyre more out of bed, how isnt ronaldo then? And Consider the fact that he was measured 187 and wasn't oldvsn out of bed, imagagind out of bed with fully busted a gut, 187 is out of the question in this case. 187 too low, he is 188cm range and 187.2cm with a normal measurement. I know Canson he is 187 or more, but I'm talking about Busting a gut not simple things.
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 7/Jan/21
@Winkler91 that’s more like a legit 6’1 I think
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 6/Jan/21
@Canson Well did you notice how I said fully Busting a Gut). I know 187 or more actuallay out of bed that's too basic things but 188 could be with fully busted a gut. With including that, if 188 is still then too much for you, then 187 is too low for him. 187-187.3cm out of bed but Busting a Gut increases 5-7mm so he is 188cm range prob Busting a Gut. Thats what I meant.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 6/Jan/21
@Canson yea but see I meant that FULLY Busting a Gut right after waking he could hit that range. But as I said like you, he is 187.2-3cm range but right after waking up with fully Busting a Gut he could be
Canson said on 6/Jan/21
@Progking: yea that’s what I was thinking but the afternoon and low wouldn’t vary. Maybe 185.7 lunch and 185.4 afternoon/evening. Possibly he is a solid 6’1” and 6’1.75 out of bed maybe like you said 6’1 7/8 and 6’1 1/8
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jan/21
Canson, I would say 188cm is definitely within reach out of bed...
Progking184 said on 6/Jan/21
@winkler91 he could be a strong 6'1, or 6'1 1/8, and not fall below 185.4 at a low and be like 185.8 in the afternoon.
Canson said on 5/Jan/21
@Ronaldo: I doubt he’s 188 out of bed but 187 range I can see being he has a good chance at a classic 6’1” like listed. He could be like Ibrahimovic where he is what he’s listed out of bed (196 in Ibra’s case) and falls to 194 range. For Ronaldo I could see a chance at 187-187.5 out of bed and 185-185.5 afternoon. In his case if he measured 186 range an hour out of bed he likely got his 187 listing from that. Seems consistent with Pique who is listed 194 (2 cm less than Ibra) and looks about 2 cm less than him.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 4/Jan/21
@ChaosControl 6'2.5 No, Real list him as having measured 187, so he was measured that mark prob an hour after waking up, I think he busted a gut (If someone doesn't know what that means, it's basically breathing air in, which makes you around 5mm taller (5-7cm). So an hour after waking up possibly that mark but out of bed possibly 188 with fully busted a gut. So he is slightly over 187cm prob, not 187 flat like Winkler said but it's possible too but considering that measurement he is around 187.2-3cm.
Lafferty said on 3/Jan/21
I would think 6ft 1 1/4 is very possible for Ronaldo.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 2/Jan/21
@winkler91 I could see as a smidge over 187 after waking up. 187.2-3cm could be possible depends on whether he is Busting a Gut or not. If he would Bust a Gut, he could possibly just hit that 188cm range.
QM6'1QM said on 1/Jan/21
winkler91 said on 31/Dec/20

Amazing guess 100%! :)
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 1/Jan/21
I think his team listing him 187 is just them bigging up one of their best players
winkler91 said on 31/Dec/20
My guess:

187,0 out of bed
185,4 afternoon
185,1 night

186 flat possible in a 2-4 hours measurement.
Im sturdy 1.83 said on 31/Dec/20
@Ronaldo 185.4cm
Bale easily 1.85
Bale 1.83 1.84 blah imposseble
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 30/Dec/20
@Im sturdy 1.83 How is Bale taller than Ronaldo when Bale measures shorter than Ronaldo, Bale 185 in the morning and Ronaldo 187 in the morning too, and he looks shorter in most photos.

@winkler91 If 187 is "too much" for ronaldo, then 185 is "too much" for Bale too.
Slim 6'1" said on 30/Dec/20
186cm is arguable
winkler91 said on 29/Dec/20
He is a 186 max guy. 187cm claim is too much. 6'1 afternoon is a good listing.

He is legit 6'1 who might claim 186 in cm.
Im sturdy 1.83 said on 28/Dec/20
@Ronado 185.4cm
İ think Bale taller than ronaldo
Lava said on 26/Dec/20
2 cm Grew / 2009ㅡ184,9 cm / 2017ㅡ187 cm
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 25/Dec/20
@183.4 No, he is not 184, Ozil was also measured at 1.73m when he is 1.77m in real life. Also, Ronaldo's 185.1cm measurement on 3rd Laser Scan without standing straight and legs widely open, can tell that he is a very solid 185cm guy. He is above 185cm, 6'1 is perfect. He is about 2cm taller than both Bale and Benzema
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 24/Dec/20
@183.4 No he is not 184, Ozil was 173 on the pose too, even though he is 177cm range in real life. 185.1cm measurement while not even standing straight in a 3d Laser Scan in the afternoon , doesn't lie. He is about 2cm taller than both Bale and Benzema.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/20
Christiano looks taller in the picture above! Perhaps that's because, when faced with a true 6-foot-1 guy, we see just how tall he really is.

He can have 6ft1.25. ⚽🎄🎅⛄🎁
Slim 6'1" said on 21/Dec/20
186cm is likely for ronaldo
183.4 said on 21/Dec/20
If cristiano ronaldo stands 185 cm in this video that means he is 6ft1/2 or 184 cm barefoot because he had a flat shoes on Click Here
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 11/Dec/20
@RJT Thats not near the best photo to use, look at Nistelroy and Rio, in reality their height difference is around an inch or 2.5-3cm and in the photi difference is there like 8cm and also look at Rooney looks only like an inch shorter than ronaldo but in reality much more so in that photo seems like the more you go the right the taller they appear. And, dont go as 6'1, the highest you could go with, 6'1 in reality is almost like the most legit you could go with.

And I rhink Ronaldo was 184cm range in his early days at United.
Hyper said on 10/Dec/20
Rob, here’s more of the 2cellos with other people.

Here’s them with Vitali Klitschko — Click Here

And here’s them with Michael Strahan. — Click Here

And compare them with Cristiano Ronaldo — Click Here

I wasn’t sure because Vitali and Strahan are slouching. So I assumed the taller one (Luka) is over 6’1” and the shorter one is over 5’11”.
Canson said on 9/Dec/20
If there was ever prototypical 6’1” this is it. If anything he may dip to 185cm here and there but not less

Julius Butler said on 28/Nov/20
I think Ronaldo is more like 6ft3. If you compare him to Imbrahimovic, who is like 6ft6, it seems right.

Ibrahimovic is 194cm. 6’4 3/8 or 6’4.5
GTB172cm said on 9/Dec/20
@Julius Ibra 6’6? Really? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s over 6’4 but Pogba’s 6’3 and Ibra isn’t 3 inches taller than Pogba. I would go 6’4.5 for Ibra and 6’1.25 for CR7.
RJT said on 8/Dec/20
Knew him since 2003 cause I am Man utd fan
Click Here

In 2004, got towered by 6'3 Rio and look 2" shorter than 6'2 Nistelrooy so probably was weak 6'1 as he was 19 then.

Honestly this listing is the tallest I'd go.
Vincent Caleb said on 7/Dec/20
First of all, no I did not use bad pictures. One was in dark lighting, the others were good, where he appeared to be flexing. I posted a good pic of him if you actually looked at my post. Also, if you think he looks 8% at MOST even in the pic of him in the darker lighting, then you need to get your eyes checked. Maybe 9% is possible, but no less. As far as his height goes, no he is not closer to 6’2”. You say 6’1.75” afternoon, then 6’1” at an absolute low, but unless he wakes up at 12:00 pm then there is no reason he would lose another 3/4 of an inch. He is 6’1” flat. Afternoon doesn’t really vary much from night height, even on extreme lows usually not more than a quarter, definitely not 3/4. You encouraged me to look up lighting, I encourage you to actually look up his diet. You say he has a zero carb diet(which is ridiculously ignorant to think) yet I looked it up and it is definitely not zero carbs. To further destroy your argument, he is even quoted saying he eats lots of carbs-“I eat a high protein diet with lots of wholegrain carbs, fruit and vegetables, and avoid sugary foods,” he continued. Beyond alcohol, he has previously said he steers clear of “sugary sodas and processed foods”. I also read that he eats 3000 calories a day in the same article. So before spewing random bro science in the comments, fact-check what you are about to write. Cheers
Inches_to_cm said on 5/Dec/20
Rob, what do you think about Man United's latest signings- Donny Van De Beek and Edinson Cavani. Both are listed at 184 cm.
Editor Rob
I did give a page for Cavania at that height...not sure Van de Beek seems as tall as 184.
aero said on 1/Dec/20
@Vincent Caleb

You used the worst possible pictures to decide his bodyfat percentage and he still appeared to be 8-9% range.

All of the pictures you chose of him were in the worst lighting possible, and then you compared him to someone in ideal lighting. If I were you I’d look up a video on how lighting affects what physiques look like. Oh and also one of the pics you showed was of him in the offseason while on vacation and he STILL LOOKED SUB 10 PERCENT RANGE.

End of discussion, his abs, chest, legs and vascularity all show he is 8% at an absolute high. He’s very lean, he has a close to 0 carb diet which means his caloric intake is low, further indicating he keeps no excess energy/fat sources.

Not to drift off of the main topic at hand, he’s closer to 6’2” than he is to 6’1”. 6’1” at an absolute low, 6’1.75” in the afternoon.
Erim said on 29/Nov/20
He's like 187(min) = 6ft 1 3⁄4 clearly. And who are arguing about his body fat go and watch Greg Doucette aka most informative doctor on the planet . He knows everything about %99.5
Julius Butler said on 28/Nov/20
I think Ronaldo is more like 6ft3. If you compare him to Imbrahimovic, who is like 6ft6, it seems right.
Ronaldo 185.4cm said on 24/Nov/20
What I also noticed is that guys with bent legs can look shorter and their legs too but when you look at ronaldo from a front view, his legs are completely straight his body is completely straight and has a straight tall body. Actually sometimes looks like his legs go a little more outside than normally. A guy like Varane looks also very tall with those little outside going legs and thought he was taller at first.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.