Editor Rob said on 14/Jun/22
Saw in People article this snippet:
"One thing hasn't changed about Haynes either — he shows me the lifts in the shoes he's wearing and quips, "Today I'm six-foot-two.""
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Mar/22
Colton plays one of Kai Anderson’s shorter Cult members in American Horror Story Season Seven, understandably named ‘Cult’!
He’s not the smallest of his followers but next to Cheyenne Jackson, most guys would look kind of short….
The Cult has many members who are humiliatingly tall, and could possibly be picked for that reason.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 5/Feb/22
Average guess is too low. Looks 5'8 range in the pic above.
Elene said on 4/Sep/21
Why is average guess so low?he doesn’t look that short.
Leaf said on 5/Mar/21
i think hes around 6' because in the show teen wolf he seems like hes around the same height as the other actors. the tallest actor is 6'1 and the shortest male actor is arount 5'5 so 6' seems right cause hes on the taller side. im going to guess 5'10 1/2 thought because thats the tallest theyll let me guess
slim 6'1 said on 29/Jan/21
I would put him at 172.5 like Joaquin Phoenix
slim 6'1 said on 4/Jan/21
Weak 5’8”
Andrea said on 29/Oct/20
That sounds a lot better! 😉👍
slim 6'1 said on 26/Sep/20
i think 172.5cm at his low
Slim 6'1 said on 20/Sep/20
Overlisted, 172cm

Editor Rob
FiveEightJake said on 1/Sep/20
I don’t understand what’s with the downgrading on this page? He’s clearly taller than loads of people who are listed as 5’8 and he holds up well next to most people. Listing seems spot on.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
cool dude, jealous haters will downgrade to 171
JohnMoore-162cm said on 10/Apr/20
"Five Nine...kind of short" - claiming 5ft9 whilst you are 5ft8 is kinda absurd as well !
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Jul/19
Andrea said on 27/Mar/18
LOL, 5'9??? I suggest you to remeasure yourself, chr88. The question is: is he even as tall as his current listing? He looks barely 5'8 next to 6'4 range Boris Kodjoe here: Click Here Click Here
Thats not the first time Andrea, next to Paul Wesley who Rob met and verified as 5'10"
Click Here
That guy below saying he is 5'9" ...he looks 2.5" shorter than a legit 5'10", maybe instead of attacking Rob go measure yourself haha.
Sorry Rob I was too busy laughing and put 3.5".
khaled taban said on 16/Jul/19
No way 5'9", this guy is lucky if he measure even 5'8"
Nik said on 17/Jun/19
It would be great to see a picture of Rob and Colton Haynes!
Nik said on 13/Jun/19
5'9" is not kinda short!
Buser said on 22/Oct/18
@Editor: can he be under 5'8?

Editor Rob
On arrow, he never looked less than 173 range, and that's without realising he didn't have as thick footwear as others like Amell had.
Littlelee168cm said on 5/Oct/18
He isn't super short looks 5ft 8
Easy Peasy said on 13/Jul/18
no chance he's over 5'7, he looks super short on arrow
Mark bryan said on 31/May/18
He's a great actor love him especially In Arrow but he looks like a solid 5 ft 7 or 5 ft 8. His partner is apparently 6 ft 1 (185 cm) and it looks like they have a 12 cm height difference
Click Here
cruiser said on 21/Apr/18
man he looks much shorter than this, 170cm would be the absolute top I could give this guy
chr88 you're more likely 5'6 or 5'7 then
Andrea said on 27/Mar/18
LOL, 5'9??? I suggest you to remeasure yourself, chr88. The question is: is he even as tall as his current listing? He looks barely 5'8 next to 6'4 range Boris Kodjoe here:
Click Here Click Here
Kylag said on 16/Jan/18
Really? Here's a picture of him with 5'5.5" dave franco. they're exactly the same height
Click Here
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/17
Didn't he admit to being 5'6? He looks so short on Arrow,lots of actors tower him and are listed in the 6'0 range.
Peter175 said on 10/Sep/17
Why are the guesses for him so low?
I thought he was at least 172 in arrow. I doubt he's above 5'8 though
Slim 181 cm said on 8/Jul/17
Update: shave of the quarter inch, definitely unnecessary.

Editor Rob
on Arrow he sometimes wore a 0.7 style sneaker, while Amell had boots, I think half the time he was at a footwear disadvantage.
Slim 5'11.5 said on 5/Jul/17
A very hard shell to crack, seen all his arrow scenes and watching teen wolf now, I will check into this page to post my opinion updates . 173 is plausible at the moment.
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17
😂 flat 5'8 is closer to the truth.
Average height and slim said on 22/May/17
171- 172 cm(5"7.5) anything higher is just overly optimistic.
Christian-196.8cm (6ft5.5)Noon said on 16/Apr/17
I could be wrong, but he probably admitted he was 5'7" by joking that "I'm actually 6'5, camera takes 10in", because 6'5" - 10" = 5'7"
Balrog said on 15/Apr/17
Unless he is a chronic lift wearer, I can't see him under 5'8". He looks in the 5'8" range most of the time. I do suspect he gets a boost at times, so if we confirm he's a lift wearer or use elevatoe shoes, he could be under 5'8"
SAK said on 14/Mar/17
The classic, 5'8 guy claiming to be 5'10.
He started out as a model, so I wonder what his agency listed his height as.
5'8 is about 3" off the minimum of 5'11 usually required for modelling. But there are always exceptions, so we'll done to him.
Jackson said on 10/Mar/17
total dwarf in arrow, 5'6
Mike said on 22/Feb/17
Rob, didn't he just indicate he is 5ft 7 by saying camera adds 10 inches?

Editor Rob
I think he's just having a joke.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 8/Nov/16
The footwear that both had on:
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 8/Nov/16
With Ryan Lochte who seems to be 184-185 CM by Sylvester Stallone, Novak Djokovic, Kellan Lutz Dwyane Wade and Donovann McNabb.:
Click Here
172.4cm guy said on 18/Oct/16
What?! A slight upgrade for Colton? No, 5'8.25" is about one inch too much. Looks like a 171cm guy.
a said on 16/Oct/16
There is no way in hell that hes 5'8" what a joke , 5'7" , 5'7.5" @ most.
NotKyra said on 16/Jul/16
Nice to see someone who knows the power of FACE.
Francis said on 14/Jun/16
as tall as willah holland
EzioAuditore711 said on 8/Jun/16
5'7" barefoot. 5'9" in lifts.
Botenga said on 10/May/16
@mikey t
Because he has FACE that looks better than most of the population.
mikey t said on 1/May/16
How could he model with being that short?
Sammy Derrick said on 28/Apr/16
I was never good at Math back in High School,but based on this statement:"I'm actually 6'5, camera takes 10in" and also "I'm 5'10" ,if you take away 10inches from 6'5 you get 5'7...
Click Here From-0:20-0:35=He hints that he was 5'7 to 5'8 at 14,it's possible that he stopped growing(I personally stopped growing at 15)
Luckily for him his strong jawline,high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes give the illusion that he is taller.
It's ironic that he said that he was 5'11 and the character Roy Harper(Arsenal) is actually 5'11 in the comic books.
@Editor Rob Is it possible for him to be in the strong 5'7 range?

Editor Rob
just can't see him that low.
shl said on 23/Apr/16
5'10 :;D id feel sttrange claiming that
Ayush said on 23/Apr/16
Maybe even shorter than 5.7 feet.In arrow season he looked too short to Stephen Amell (6.05 feet).What do you think rob

Editor Rob
can't see him as short as 5ft 7
Ayush said on 23/Apr/16
Maybe even shorter than 5.7 feet.In arrow season he looked too short to Stephen Amell (6.05 feet)
Abercrombie said on 14/Mar/16
He is much shorter than 5ft8
Tom Cruise would be taller than him in person I bet 1000 dolars
Ron said on 16/Feb/16
I'm sorry, still see nothing anywhere close to being above 5'7 for this guy, the 5'10 thing is laughable! Manu Bennett dwarfed him
Mat said on 20/Jan/16
Rob,, he claimed 5'10 write it on the top. Andrea posted you the link below

Editor Rob
I mentioned it on this thread in 20th March 2015, although I do think he was kind of joking.
Rey said on 16/Jan/16
5'8 sounds about right ,with shoes he's definitely 5'9 I would see why he would claim it
Andrea said on 15/Dec/15
He even claimed 5'10 on Twitter:
Click Here
Arrow said on 4/Oct/15
So Rob what did your friends say?, he seems in the 5'7-5'8 range

Editor Rob
she wasn't really that sure when I asked if he was the same as me!
NangaParbat said on 12/Aug/15
Hey Rob, how are you?
Any news about this guy?
Frofor said on 28/Jul/15
He seems very short when I watch Arrow
how tall is he?
Misha said on 16/Jul/15
already met him at comic con?
Misha said on 12/Jun/15
did your friend meet him?
looks 5'7

Editor Rob
no, it's in July he's doing an event.
Ed2882 said on 27/Apr/15
I'm happy to see Colton downgraded. I really hope you stand next to him one day Rob. He just looks so tiny on Arrow; even the women stand taller than him. In my mind I can't help but think he's 171cm, but 173cm works for now.

Editor Rob
unfortunately the convention he is at, I can't go as it clashes with another I'm going to!
Marshall said on 27/Apr/15
Sure, a 6'3" Stephen Amell is realistic
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
I've not seen enough to think he was as low as 5ft 7, but remember you could easily be 5ft 8 and be an inch under a 6ft 1 guy's eyes.
In fact, a guy in my height challenge
Guy in my height challenge is 6ft 1.25 and I'm 5ft 8 1/8th, yet I'm an inch under his eyes in photos.
Wagner said on 23/Apr/15
Rob, why are you so resistant to go with 5'6"~5'7" listings? In the show he meantions in a conversation with Tea Queen that "what lacks me in height I have in skill" or something like that.
He is for sure, shorter than you

Editor Rob
I don't think 5ft 6-7 is realistic.
Height183 said on 11/Apr/15
If Colton is 5'8'', then how on earth is Joe Jonas listed here at 5'7.5''?
Click Here
Click Here
Come on Rob, I know that you know there is more than a 2cm difference there! Lol. Rob please downgrade Joe, keeping him in the 5'7'' range is quite harsh to guys who are actually 5'7''.
Ron said on 9/Apr/15
It seems the majority here are thinking 5'7.5 but Rob is reluctant to downgrade that far. That's fine, it's only an inch argued about at most. It annoys me that he claims 5'9 if he's that much less, though, as it sort of makes people think of 5'9 as a lot shorter. 5'9 I think is a hugely underestimated height these days: my brother is 5'9 and when he stands next to 5'11 me people dont believe it, they all say things like "but you're tall!". Ironically when I tell people I'm 5'11 9/10 times I get a disapproving look and something like "in your dreams mate". It's the effect of so many people trying to claim they're taller than they are, and people thin thinking they're an expert on height judging. What I'm saying is, Haynes looks 7.5 to me, but in claiming 9 he's contributing to a delusion that related heights are short. Compare him to a real 5'9, say. Paul McGann (who may even be 8) - there's mo question McGann looks taller, sure they're not often stood together but compare Haynes and Amell and McGann and Elba - in the former Amell towers, in the latter Elba just looks "taller". I'm trying to see above 7.5 hot Haynes but really... I'm finding it difficult.
By the way Rob were you at Birmingham Comic Con, UK a couple of weeks back? I was there on the Saturfay in full Batman Dark Knight armour (actual armour, not a fabric costume) and at about 3pmish I could have sworn I saw you in a que near the cosplay corner. Just wondering!

Editor Rob
yes I am now back attending Expo's and was standing around that area!
MD said on 9/Apr/15
Gonna suck when they tell you that he was shorter than you, then, huh? ;) You'd tell us if they told you that, wouldn't you? :)

Editor Rob
well they should know whether he is my height or like a 5ft 7 range person, hopefully....
MD said on 8/Apr/15
Wait, were you going to tell us when your friends met him?

Editor Rob
they haven't, but I think I've seen enough to go with 5ft 8. If they say he looks taller than me, maybe he'll go back up ;)
Damon said on 7/Apr/15
So you downgraded him to 5'8" because you have been convinced of it or because your friends met him and listed Colton as 5'8"?
My guess is 5ft7.5

Editor Rob
there's enough evidence to say he is in the 5ft 8 range, I've not seen enough to say he is under that though.
Morgan said on 6/Apr/15
hey rob take a look at this video
Click Here
So, we know that the maximum height Amell might have is 6ft1
And Colton looks at most a 5ft7.5 next to him in this video
Zarth said on 1/Apr/15
he should be downgraded to 5'7"
a 5'9 almost would never look two heads shorter than amell

Editor Rob
5ft 7 might be a bit much, but yes 5ft 8 flat is probably a bit closer.
MD said on 1/Apr/15
Rob, meet who? Colton Haynes?

Editor Rob
yes some friends will meet him, they at least know what 5ft 8 looks like.
NangaParbat said on 31/Mar/15
@MD Check this out :
Click Here
More 5'7" max 7,5" comparing with Furnish and Elton. Let's see what Rob will say after meeting his friends!
Gabe said on 31/Mar/15
Colton is the first 5'8.5" man that makes 5'10" Paul Wesley looks 6ft tall
Click Here
MD said on 31/Mar/15
With David Furnish listed at 5'8" on the internet, so who knows how much he really is?
Click Here
Click Here
I mean, perhaps it's time to at least shave off the half-inch.

Editor Rob
after I see a few friends who meet him, I'll be able to see some more in person opinion.
president snow said on 29/Mar/15
this guy is definetely 5'7"~5'8", there is no chance a 5'9"-5'10" guy would look that short in arrow. NO CHANCE
he is short. and what is short? below 5'8, and I would definetely go with 5'7" on the dot
184.3cm said on 20/Mar/15
Claiming 5'9 maybe would have been 'worthless' but claiming to be 3+ inches taller is stupid. No wonder they were angry. He looks shorter next to Paul Wesley than Rob did went he met him. With Rob there was a 2 inch difference with Colton it looked 2.5 inches..so i agree with poster Josh that he is more likely 5'7.5-5'8. That is why he feels "kind of short" .

Editor Rob
I'm sure he mentioned 5ft 10 on twitter recently, but I'm not sure if the context of saying it was more a joke...
NangaParbat said on 16/Mar/15
Rob, guys, check out the last pic in Colton instagram with Serena Williams (here listed as 5'9) I think it is the prove Colton is around 5'7: they are side by side, she is in tennis clothes so she's not supposed to wear heels, and she is on bent knees..take a look and write what you think! Ciao from Italy!!! :)
Ron said on 8/Mar/15
I've really tried to see him as 5'8-9 now as I'm catching up on Arrow, but try as I might I just can't make it fit. He frequently appears to be of shorter stature to the other male cast members, and if he were a 5'9 solid you wouldn't really notice it so much. It'd be there, but compared to a guy like Barrowman or Amell he wouldn't look so much smaller.
I mean, say Manu Bennett is the 5'10 he claims, or the 9 some people argue for, Haynes doesn't measure up to Bennett at all, whereas you don't really notice Bennett's height because he's tall enough to fit in with the taller cast and stocky enough not to tower the shorter ones, Haynes still appears far smaller than him. Can't see him above 5'8, probably closer to 7.
Not knocking it though! There seems to be a vocal bunch saying the Haynes downgrades are just jealous of him - why? Height can't be controlled, and there are benefits and disadvantages to all heights, it worries me that so many people seem to judge people based on it, to be honest, you might as well judge someone based on the number of hairs under their left armpit with the same logic. He's who he is, and he's got a fantastic career, well-worked body and well-kemt appearance - height doesn't matter a jot compared to that!
Josh said on 5/Mar/15
Maybe at the most 5'8. Next to Amell and Ramsey on Arrow he looks 5'7.5-5-8. On teen wolf he was shorter than Tyler Posey who looks his listed 5'9.5 by at least 1.5-2 inches.
MD said on 3/Mar/15
He was trying to get into modeling. If you're going to lie in that industry, you'd lie big. Claiming to have been 5'9" would have been worthless.
184.3cm said on 2/Mar/15
What is puzzling is why didnt he just claim 5'9 or is 5'11 the minimum for a male model?
MD said on 2/Mar/15
I was only asking you to add the quote, is all, since I know how loathe you can be to correct a height due to a quote. I think it's an important piece of self-admission, though, and worthy of being in the description. It's rare you hear to someone admit to such a thing. The only debate is what age he was talking about. I think we'll eventually see, that he's below what he's currently listed, though.

Editor Rob
I think in the video it's clear he's talking about his younger years: "I got my start in modelling when I was 14....I actually lied about my height and said I was like Five Eleven and I think I was Five Seven or Five Eight or something....and they [DNA] flew me to New York and they weren't very happy, they made me stuff socks in the back of my shoes..."
Unfortunately I won't be able to meet the guy as he's at one con that I can't go to, but I have friends who will see him and will ask what they think he is up close.
existential.man said on 1/Mar/15
so he basically admitted that he is 5'7

Editor Rob
it's in the video, I think it's clear he's talking about when he was 14-15 and starting in modelling and lied.
MD said on 28/Feb/15
Can you add that video as a link in the header?
It seems to me we finally caught him telling his real height, though, he hedges enough that there can still be debate about it.

Editor Rob
he did seem to start young, he could have been saying 5ft 11 when age 15-16 range, I'm not sure what age he is talking about.
MD said on 25/Feb/15
This will probably get a lot of hits, here, and there will be a debate over how far back he's talking about the lie, but he said he lied about his height for modeling saying he claimed 5'11" when he was 5'7" of 5'8"
Click Here
I'm still of the mind that he's currently a bit overlisted, now, so I'd take it that his height is the same as it was then.
James 6ft said on 9/Feb/15
174cm... really?
170cm at best and early morning
Connor said on 6/Feb/15
5'8.5 theory is gone
Click Here
Here he is with Ian Somerhalder, a legit 5'9 and he is definetely 2 inches shorter
Can you please downgrade him Rob?
MarcusTheSwede said on 24/Jan/15
Needs a downgrade Rob. Colton is same height as Ryan Seacrest, might be 1cm over Seacrest but its a stretch 172 173 is his height. Handsome as hell anyway
NangaParbat said on 15/Jan/15
Hey rob check out this interesting pick with gregory smith ;) what do you think?
Click Here

Editor Rob
he can look 1.5 inches smaller
anon said on 10/Nov/14
he is listed as being 6ft tall on this page:
Click Here

Editor Rob
it's quite a generous, 3 inches more than what he claimed himself :)
marcus said on 31/Oct/14
At 1min 55secs colton claims he's 5'9, he also has pictures of him on the lift kits website. So he's a 174cm guy who wears 2 inch lifts(like every other celebrity) who knows he might be a 5'8 guy claiming 5'9
Andy said on 12/Oct/14
Colton is 5'9.
SAMMY DERRICK said on 29/Aug/14
Let's go with 5'8 flat.
Gilp32 said on 6/Aug/14
So much hate... Colton is at least 5'8. Okay he looks short because 5'8 (Im 5'8 and i find myself short) is a short height, but he's not 5'7!! Y'all need to stop being jealous. He's handsome and you know it, so stop criticize his body...
ItalianArrow said on 22/Jun/14
I don't think he is 5'8" ! In lot of pics he looks a flat 5'7"; he is a liftwearear for sure, but in arrow and in some pics he is a clearly 5'7''; @Rob dont you think he needs a downgrade?

Editor Rob
I'd be very surprised if he was only 5ft 7 as I think he generally can look in the 5ft 8 range
lol93 said on 20/Jun/14
Wow there is much hate here calling short an average height very good looking dude he looks around 5'8
MD said on 11/Apr/14
Another with 5'10.5" JC Chasez:
Click Here
The angle is not preferable, but that's still more than a two inch difference. I'd argue that a flat 5'8" is a much more appropriate starting listed height for this guy.
lelman said on 10/Apr/14
He looks about 5'6 there thanks to his short legs.
Vecrotus said on 9/Apr/14
I've always felt he was closer to 5ft 7in than 5ft 8.5in. Manu Bennett stands about 5ft 10in and he has a clear 3 to 4 inches on Haynes.
SAK said on 4/Apr/14
Chris says: I feel pretty bad for him. A gigantic head on his short body looks pretty ugly.
He does have a slightly big head for his body, but nothing that can't be fixed by adding some extra weight.
Chris said on 3/Apr/14
Narrow face? Not really. I feel pretty bad for him. A gigantic head on his short body looks pretty ugly. Although a big head genereally is unpleasing for the eye
Balrog said on 3/Apr/14
Perfect listing and yeah this guy can look 5'10" so must be a lift wearer, and looking at the pic I'd say he also likes wearing clown shoes.
NangaParbat said on 3/Apr/14
@MD Look the second shot with JC Chasez you have posted: Colton is next to Shawn Pyfrom who is listed as 5'7'' and he is even on his toes..So he is really a multiform guy definitely.
MD said on 3/Apr/14
He can look taller in shots from the waist up in solo shots because of a long torso and narrow face, but he has pretty proportionally short legs.
With 5'11.5" Tyler Hoechlin:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
With 5'10.5" JC Chasez (second shot is to show footwear):
Click Here
Click Here
A 5'8.5" listing may be pushing it, a bit. And, he's definitely an occasional lift-wearer from what I can judge, because there are also times when he looks as tall as the other 5'10"ish guys in the cast.
NangaParbat said on 2/Apr/14
Closer to 5'8'' than 5'9''; this guy is a great liftwearer, and there are some pics in which he looks even 5'7''..very hard to say ;))
UWhatMate? said on 2/Apr/14
Dat Jawline though i agree with the Listing
Off Topic
What would be your guesses for vanilla ice ryan Sheckler And Novi Novak?

Editor Rob
Ice claims 6ft 2, but doesn't look it, other 2 I really don't know
Chris said on 2/Apr/14
Doesn't he have a big head? Is it around 9,5 inches?