the shredder said on 27/Nov/15
MD , how tall are you?
MD said on 25/Nov/15
@joe joe, to be honest, I'm not sure if someone actually studied this. All I was able to find that anything above 5'9"' is considered not to be a signifinicant disadvantage. I'm sure the optimal height is above that, but that only once you get below 5'9" does this seem to be the huge falling-off point. I'd also imagine that even more than in other track events that leg length is probably the better measurements, and that while height and leg length generally correlates with height it's not so close that there isn't a significantly large group of exceptions.
Anyway, it'd be interesting to see if a study has been done on hurdlers as it relates to height. My only real point is that Jackson isn't particularly short, even for a competitive hurdler; he's definitely in that range where small disavantages can be overcome/traded off with other advantages he may have.
joe joe said on 23/Nov/15
@MD I think you will find the average Height of most 110m hurdlers nowadays is around 1m88. True Colin and Allen Johnson aren't that tall But under 6'1 in high hurdles and you start needing to make adjustments. I have heard Colin mention that his height put him at a slight disadvantage
MD said on 13/Nov/15
While height help in a lot of sports, and hurdling is no exception, they aren't particularly or tall athletes. So, if he was good at his sport, it's not as if he had to overcome some exceptionally short height. He's not particularly short for someone who hurdles. In fact, some of the best generally range between 5'10" and 6'1". I've heard that once you get below 5'9" then it really gets more difficult. So, Jackson falls right in the middle of optimal, really.
movieguy said on 12/Nov/15
Similar to jessman years ago I walked past him in a shopping mall in Cardiff or at least I think it was him. Not sure if he actually was a full 5'11''. Either way though considering how high the hurdles are he must have been some athlete. For a not particularly tall man to be flying over them takes some doing.
jessman said on 11/Nov/15
I walked past him in a shopping mall in Ireland about ten years ago. His physio was based in Ireland at that time. He was 5'11. I was a bit surprised because I had always reckoned him to be 5'9 up to that point. Lots of photos of him with 6'6 listed swimmer Mark Foster. Useful for comparison. Foster is definitely 6'5 minimum, probably 6'6.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/15
"Colin Jackson's height is 5ft 11⅛in (180.6cm)"
MD said on 11/Nov/15
Considering he's listed at 1.82m most places, he's more honest than most, it seems.
Big C said on 10/Nov/15
Rob you don't think he's 181cm? He does look a solid 5ft 11 anyway.

Editor Rob
I think between 180 and 181cm, the 5ft 11 mark is fine for him.