How tall is Clint Eastwood - Page 23

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Average Guess (463 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 3.36in (191.4cm)
Current: 5ft 11.8in (182.4cm)
upandaway said on 13/Jun/06
well..I saw a special features thing on a movie..and he said he IS 6'4 but because of back problems, now he slouches and seems around 6'2.
Ed said on 7/Jun/06
Does anyone know if Eastwood has admitted to any health problems that could cause such a loss in height. I think 6ft3 to 6ft3.5 would be accurate for Clint back in the good old days, but now he can look just a little over 6ft. I've seen info on osteoporosis at the doc's office, and have read Larry's comments, but does Clint really show these signs. He still seems to have great posture, is in great shape for his age, doesn't seem too hunched, but seems 3 inches shorter, what gives?
Larry said on 3/Jun/06
Thanks Gotxo! :-) Calcification can occur in any vertebrate (even reptiles) and is caused by (usually): injury forming a protective SITE, arthritis, or a misaligned joint. The spinal colume IS a very complex hinged joint. Your friend's case IS typical. Loss of one vertebrate in most locations on the spine CAN result in the loss of an inch. It COULD occur in less time than 6 years. A vertebrae CAN be replaced with a "place-keeper" made from a spongy "block".
Sam - You say Clint has a hump? Hmmm, THAT's a sign of osteoperosis. That condition IS more common in females of European extraction who are of slight build. BUT, it DOES hit males too. Clint's been pretty skinny most of his life, but he bulked up in the 80's. Now he's skinny again & has a "caved in" look to his torsoe; that can be a sign of osteoperosis as well. I had an 80 year old aunt who had lost 5"! So, maybe...???
Gotxo said on 2/Jun/06
I like your opinions, you show why you think something and leave space to people to form their own opinion. Yes 2'5" it's excessive, one of my frineds had to be taken several intervertebral disks and has decreased to 184-185cm from his former 187cm, this has happened continously in a slow shrinkage during a 6 year time-span. He lost at least one disk and some parts of others, the cause was calcification.Is that normal?
Larry said on 2/Jun/06
I must admit I resisted believing Clint had shrunk 2.5 inches in height, but these photos are "wearing me down". He DOES look 2-3 inches shorter than in his glory days as an actor. From the angle of a developmental biologist I can tell you that the MAJOR cause of height-loss in bipedal mammals is osteoporosis, followed by several varieties of spinal curvature. Sculiosis could do it, but is normally a condition that manifests in childhood. Spinal injuries that require a fusion or a removal can cause height loss. I recently had a hip replacement (& femur) due to a crash & they have been very attentive to the length of my affected limb. Part of the therapy is stretching the muscles & tendons out manually by the therapist. So, I wonder if Clint has suffered spinal problems?
Gonzalo said on 1/Jun/06
The pic with Daniels is taking in a boat, so it is not the best place to compare people heights.
Eastwood was 6`4 in his prime but he looks much shorter nowadays. Around 6`1 at the most
Mikex said on 30/May/06
Funny thing is although he looks a good 2 or 3 inches shorter than in his prime his posture seems unaffected. He stills stand straight and upright.
Gramps said on 20/May/06
Clint with the 6'2" Sheb Wooley...
Click Here
Gramps said on 20/May/06
Clint just seven years ago with the 6'2.5" Dennis Leary...
Click Here
Gramps said on 20/May/06
Clint about 35 years ago with the 6'3" Charlton Heston...
Click Here
Gramps said on 19/May/06
Only seven years ago with the 6'2.5" Dennis Leary...
Click Here
Ted said on 16/May/06
My sister walked past him on the street in San Fran and said he was about the same height as her husband 6'3" (this was probably about 10 years ago)
Bleemo said on 15/May/06
Hmm but if Tim really is 6'5 I'd say Clin is about 3 inches shorter still making him 6'2ish in his 70's. I've watched the fistfull trilogy lately and one thing that dawned on me is this, he's most famous for cowboy roles i.e. Gunsmoke, fistfull trilogy, Josey Wells, Pale Rider, Unforgiven.

Put a lean, 6'2 inch man in cowboy boots and a hat and he will appear like a 6'4 man easily. I'm not saying that he WAS only 6'2 at his peak, but I'm not totally counting it out, this is Hollywood we're talking about afterall. Personally I think this guy was atleast 6'3 though, he was a lanky dude.
the rock said on 14/May/06
one can easily make out in the movie the good the bad and the ugly that this guy towers over most ....
clearly a 6 ' 4" guy ..... with shoes 6'6" +
Gramps said on 14/May/06
Yes, best to remember Clint in his "glory days," but appreciate his great directing today!
mcfan said on 11/May/06
I watched my grandfather go from being 5'8 at age 70 to 5'4 at age 86 now. Clint is an old man. He has horrible posture. It almost looks like his chest and stomach caved in. If you watch Unforgiven, he's taller than Freeman. A decade later he's shorter than Freeman. He's definitely shrinking.

We know he was once 6'4 as Lee Van Cleef once said.

[Editor Rob: he looks to me he might be developing doweger hump a bit.]
Gramps said on 10/May/06
Comparing Clint to the 6'5" Robbins and 5'10" Bacon in the picture offered by Anonymous, Clint looks about 6'1" IMO.
Anonymous said on 10/May/06
Again I'm amazed by the difference between Clint and Robbins, Click Here

I know the angle may exaggerate a little but even so the differnce is really big. Guys usually just lose an inch or at most two inches in height as they age. If Clint was 6'4'' when young he looks to have lost about 4 inches.
Viper652 said on 9/May/06
I was looking at the pic of Robbins with Eastwood, and I thought, Robbins looks taller then his stated 6-4.5, or even a little taller then 6-5. It wouldnt surprise me If he is downgrading his height a little bit.
Glenn said on 7/May/06
The most Robbins looks to me is 6-5.5. 6-5,the least.
Anonymous said on 7/May/06
With the shot of Tim Robbins and Eastwood where there is a big height difference I wonder if Robbins is actually taller than 6'5'' but knocked his height down to make it easier to get parts when starting out. Because Robbins is officially 6'5'' no one believes that Clancy Brown who he stared with in Shawshank is 6'3'' or 6'4'' as Robbins appeared to tower over Clancy. Eastwood does seem to have gone into shrinking hyperdrive though.
Glenn said on 7/May/06
Its the weidest thing.cant figure it out.
The Horse of FUNK said on 7/May/06
What caused him to shrink so much? Osteoporosis? Back injury? Purely gravity? I know genetics can play a role, too.
Glenn said on 6/May/06
I agree.he was the tallest person in this event of about 200 people circa 1992.looked 6-5.but its true,saw him a few times in the last 3 years and he is now 6ft!
Ron Burns said on 5/May/06
I saw CLint 20 or so years ago when he was mayor of Carmel. He looked very tall
6-7 or so!! But he had shoes on, but I can't believe he was less than 6-4 without shoes. He was a giant. You can't go by movies - they do funny camera angles to make people look taller or shorter as they want to show. Same with pictures - sometimes depth destorts - pics are not 3-D. But I was close to Clint back then and was absolutly amazed by his height. Haven't seen him since - haven't a clue if he's a lot shorter now - but I doubt he could be down to 6-0!
Mikex said on 30/Apr/06
I think Eastwood was 6'4'' when young but has shrunk more than most. As I mentioned on Rock Hudson's page, I saw a clip in which they appeared briefly on screen together. Clint was the same height as Rock and no one doubts whether Hudson was 6'4'', some claim he was even taller. Still, in that shot with Robbins that is linked from this site there looks a 3 or 4 inch height difference. Strange.
Ed said on 29/Apr/06
I think Clint had to be close to 6ft4 in his early days, maybe really 6ft3.5. If you watch the Dead Pool like Mikex mentioned you can see he's maybe an inch shorter than Liam Neeson. Worst case scenario is that he was 6ft3 in his prime, and by the time of Dead Pool maybe 6ft2 to 6ft2.5, with Neeson being a little shorter than he's cited. If that's the case than a 1.5 inch to 2inch loss is possible. I saw a chart at the doctor's office a while back explaining osteoporosis in elderly people, and a 2 inch loss is very common. At least that's what the chart said!
dmeyer said on 26/Apr/06
the pick height is important since evrebody shrink after 50 or 60
Gramps said on 21/Apr/06
If you watch Clint in any of his movies (or "Rawhide") from the fifties through at least the mid-seventies, Clint certainly looks all of 6'4" - - and there are plenty of full-form shots from which to judge. I personally believe he now suffers from some medical condition that has amplified his loss of height through aging. Based on several recent photos shown here, I can't see him any better than 6'1" today (+/- 0.5").
Mikex said on 20/Apr/06
In photos with Tim Robbins the height difference looks very substantial, a good 4 inches. It's difficult to know what to think. Is Robbins taller than 6'5'', has Clint shrunk more than most, was he ever really 6'4'' to start with? It's complicated by the fact that people who claim to have seen him in person estimate his height at anything from 6' to 6'4''. I think the consenus on this forum is that many celebrities for whatever reason are actually an inch or two shorter than their official heights, in the old days any actor of 5'8'' or above seemed to be described as a 6 footer in publicity material. Clint does look like a tall guy in all the photos taken of him when young and often seems to tower over other actors including guys who are supposed to be tall. However any height loss over 2 inches in guys is unusual.
Link said on 19/Apr/06
shrinking 4 inches would make him a hunchback, he either wasnt 6'4 when he was younger, he has a major spine problem, or hes simply still 6'4 maybe 6'3
MOF said on 18/Apr/06
Met him during Flags, I'm 5'11 and he looked 6ft, maybe 6'1...
Frank2 said on 18/Apr/06
Stanley, do me a favor. Take out a tape measure and then measure from the center of your eyes to the top of your head. If you have a normal-sized head for an adult male you'll probably come up with about five inches. Taking that into account, looking at shots where people come up to eye level, they are about five inches shorter. I realize it's not exact science, but it's close enough to make an estimate. Of course it's better to be next to someone, especially for a while to really judge their height properly.
MHouillon said on 18/Apr/06
I guess Eastwood was 6'3-6'3.5 at his peak and rounded up to 6'4 (sounds better for a guy like him). Now looks like a 187cm guy, just like Rob has listed him at.
Stanley said on 17/Apr/06
Frank2 I don't mean to be rude, but what are you measuring your assumption on?
How can you look at a picture and say someone is 5 and a half inches taller than someone else? I think you measure people by your height! I'm 5'10 even in stocking feet, I usually wear nike shoes with a 1 1/2 inch sole. I have a friend tha's 6'0 even and I know I'm not taller than he is, but I can only tell that when we walk past anything that shows us a reflection. I can see that he's a little taller than I am, but when we're standing together I'd swear we're the same height.
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/06
isnt that quite ironic, an actor who hates cameras?
sam said on 17/Apr/06
Rob, please stick to these heights (6'4"/6'1.5") matter how many people say he was 6'3" in the day and 6' feet even or under today.
Frank2 said on 16/Apr/06
Eastwood is five and a half inches taller than Penn: Click Here
That makes Clint about 6'1.5". Penn is 5' 8". Clint lost two and a half inches, but he's now in his seventies so that's expected. But then Sean just might be pulling a....what did you call it when you stand on your tiptoes?

Penn with Eastwood: Click Here

Penn and Kevin Bacon who some believe is only 5'10": Click Here
It looks like about a two inch difference to me.

Editor Rob
the crudup technique, maybe...currently 6ft 1.5 looks about right for eastwood, maybe he's lost more because he is noticeably taller than average
Frank2 said on 16/Apr/06
Penn is on a box with Eastwood.
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
I saw him look 6-4 in 1992.and 6ft in 2004.hates cameras.
Gramps said on 15/Apr/06
Stanley, can I have a pull on that doobie?
Mikex said on 15/Apr/06
There is a picture on the Rock Hudson height showing Clint as a young man. He was defintely 6'4''
Stanley Foreman said on 15/Apr/06
I remember in a pop idol book back in the 60's, that's equivalent to today's
16 magazine Clint Eastwood was listed as 6'1 then when he was on Rawhide.
They were wrong then, and I think you're all wrong now! Clint Eastwood still
appears to me to be 6'3 or 6'4 easily. His spine may be slightly bent forward, but I'll be if you were to meet him in person, he'd be a lot taller than you
think he is still.
Gramps said on 14/Apr/06
Boy, it's hard to believe I may finally be taller than "Blondie!" (I'm 6'0 1/8" barefoot today.)
Gramps said on 13/Apr/06
If you go by this photo of Clint with the 5'8.5" Sean Penn, Eastwood looks 6 feet even at most!
Click Here

Editor Rob
yeah, maybe he's developing a kind of Dorringer's Hump in his latter years. With Ang Lee who is maybe nearish 5ft 8
Gramps said on 13/Apr/06
It's sad to see how much height Clint has lost over the years. He was a genuine 6'4" in his prime:
Click Here
...but now can't reach 6'2". My mother is nine years older than Clint and has lost three inches since her prime - - she's now 4'9". The same percentage loss would put Clint at 6'0.25" in his eighties, so 6'1.75" now is very likely, perhaps even generous.

Editor Rob
still fit for his age, by what I've read about him...
Mikex said on 11/Apr/06
Just watched the Deadpool and there is not a great deal of difference between Neeson and Eastwood. Gievn tha Clint was already late 50s or early 60s by then a height of 6'4'' for his prime seems reasonable. I don't believe that he was ever shorter than 6'3''.
Superman said on 26/Mar/06
Jim Carey is listed at 6'2", but Morgan Freeman was taller in "Bruce Almighty," by and inch and a half. Clint Eastwood and Liam Neeson, both listed at 6'4", but Liam looked an inch taller, but was wearing boots. Clint's posture has changed, and differnet ethnic groups and people (genetically) shrink at a different rate. Morgan Freeman looks about 6'3" in his prime. In the movie, "Street Smart," with Christopher Reeve who IS a solid 6'4" (Man of Steel)--Chris is over an inch taller or more. Gene Hackman in his prime was 6'2', but has lost height over time. I saw him eye to eye with 6'2" Warren Beatty. And Hulk Hogan is only about 6'4". Pierce Brosnan is not 6'2", but maybe 6 and a half inch. Sly Stallone is about 5'8 1/2". Rick Springfield is a tall 6'2".

Clark In Texas
mike c said on 8/Mar/06
Horatio, please look carefully at the recent pics of CE..his posture is not excellent..he tends to bend slightly to one side and favors one of the legs...great posture during the spaghetti westerns, not debate on this, but now, age and pain, I suspect, are taking their toll...6'4" without a doubt in debate on that..Still one of the best in my book..up there with the Duke...
Horatio said on 4/Mar/06
I don't know about Clint Eastwood's height, but the man has excellent posture, and possesses a certain youthful energy rare for a man of his age. Possible he might have shrunk, but not by much. Height loss is something that's more of a concern amongst women due to hormone changes after menopause.
larry said on 1/Mar/06
Clint wears tennis shoes when he's directing. I've seen a number of photos of him directing everything from "Unforgiven" to "Million Dollar Baby". And they don't look like the magic type either. :-) So, they might only add 1/2" to 1" to height, whereas cowboy boots add anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 inches. I've seen full length photos of him at awards shows and benefits and he was clearly wearing regular dress shoes, NOT cowboy boots. He ceratainly looks a solid 6'4" in most of his movies over many years, but maybe has lost a cm or two. He looks about the same height as Morgan Frreman in "Unforgiven" and 6'2" Gene hackman (if he IS 6'2") is looking up at Clint. So, I think he's at least over 6'2" now. But he looks 6'3" or more to me. I've never seen him personally, but have seen many of his movies. DOES he have back problems??? I've never heard that verified.
mike c said on 24/Feb/06
Sangrehoven, you do know that Kennedy is 81 yrs. old..back in the late 80's he was pushing sixty-five..everything I've ever read about him lists him as 6.4.5" tall...everything I've ever read about CE states his height as 6.4" ..take into consideration camera angles, etc...that's why he and GK are the same height in the Eiger do yourself a favor and buy The Duke, A Life in 77 shows Clint with John Wayne (6.4- 6'4.5") and Jimmy Stewart (6.3")...look at the shoes and tell me Clint was 6'1" tall or there abouts....look who standing next to him....research Lee's height.

sangrehoven said on 24/Feb/06
I don't know how tall Eastwood is now or when he was young.I always assumed between 6-2&6-4. I have noticed in his early films, he was photographed a lot of the time with the camera shooting up at him. In the late 1980's I worked on the "Dallas" tv show and saw George Kennedy and Patrick Duffy together and they both appeared to be the same height. Duffy is listed at 6-2 and Kennedy at 6-4. Possibly Kennedy shrunk some in old age? If Kennedy was really 6-2 and Eastwood really 6-2 that explains them being the same height in the Eiger Sanction. I'm 6' and Duffy appeared to be 2 inches taller than me.
dmeyer said on 15/Feb/06
he lokked 6'1.5" when i met him on million dollar baby he was about 4 cm taller than me but i had 1.25" heels and he had 1" heels so 6'1.5" sounds good
mike c said on 21/Jan/06's grandfather was 6' in his youth...down to my height, 5'6" at 90...curvature of the spine, legs bowed, etc. you get the do know about gravity!? ps..CE's posture is not ok when you take a careful look..he was 6'4" in his prime, today, mabye 6'2"...who cares, he's still a leyend.
316 said on 21/Jan/06
And to think this guy was said to be 6'4 in his earlier days, sheesh is a 2.25" really possible for a guy whose posture luks kinda ok even today, compared to lots of other old hollywood stars.
Tiger said on 14/Jan/06
McFly: Why would you put non-height allegations on a website that discusses height? Even if true, and I reckon not,this is no one's business. Please give all of us the name of the source or book or website where Clint is "insecure about his real height of 6-1". When interviewed for an AMC tribute to Clint in the mid-90's, Locke was very pleasant and quite receptive to the questions being asked. There did not appear to be any animosity, nor did she mention anything you've created here. Disappointing again!
tomking said on 8/Jan/06
This is the correct height of him. When he was younger in the western he was 189cm without shoes.
patrick said on 26/Dec/05
189cm tall by his early 70's. currently 185.5 to 187tall at most correct mearsurment..
Gramps said on 23/Dec/05
Height Tracker: BINGO!
Height Tracker said on 22/Dec/05
I agree Tiger; McFly just loves writing a bunch of crap on this website and offering no evidence whatsoever. If you go on almost any actor's site on this page, you'll see that McFly has made some ridiculous post and that he has not given anything to back it up.
Codex said on 21/Dec/05
it is obvious from Clint's films in the 70's that he was indeed 6'4 inchs tall.
Bottom line is without a measuring tape how would we know for sure?
Look at the way he towers over his co-stars in his old films, and his general posture is clearly around the 6'4 mark.

So clearly he has lost some height over the years, this is to be expected, the height loss could have started as early as the 1980's, if you watch the film Dead Pool, made in 1988, you will see Clint stands about the same height as Liam Neeson who is 6'3.
Tiger said on 21/Dec/05
Show me where Sondra Locke even knew John Wayne. Where and when did she say that Clint wore lifts? Interview, magazine article, etc.? Come on McFly, you are diluting the discussions!
Tiger said on 20/Dec/05
McFly: please direct me to where it is documented that Clint Eastwood wore lifts in ANY film. Where is this well-known fact located? Is everyone in the universe 5-11? You have already shown you have no idea what you are talking about(one should read your comments on the Elvis page). You would make an excellent journalist: a lot to say, but no facts and no documentation.
mike c said on 18/Dec/05
irshdavey..think before you write.Just because most people don't agree with you doesn't mean they're idiotic...It just means you can't back up what you a child who insists he's right because..just because...
bob said on 17/Dec/05
At his peak, Clint definitely was 6'4" (you can see from films like Dirty Harry, Kelly's Heroes (when he's next to Donald Sutherland) and some of his westerns where he's next to other tall actors). Apparently he's had back surgery which has, along with increasing age, made him lose about 1-2 inches in height so he is about 6'1" - 6'2" now, as you can see from the Tim Robbins photo from the Oscars.
mike c said on 17/Dec/05
He wore a toupee! So do millions of men.!.I don't, because I'm perfect! even though I'm balding as I write...wore lifts! Of course! How tall was he with lifts...6'6"? If not, he still was 6'4" tall..not in the later yrs. after his surgery, but 6'4/6'4 1/2" nontheless in his prime!!Go back to the 30's and 40's...just too many movies and situations to be anything less...than 6'4" tall!!!!
J. said on 17/Dec/05
A petty nit-pick: you should put him as a US actor/director. He's directed several high profile films.
Tiger said on 15/Dec/05
The movie that Bigfan refers to when he says "Clint wears no boots in some sequences " is 'Coogan's Bluff' from 1968. Clint does appear a bit taller than his 6'2" co-star Don Stroud. Don Stroud has done a few movies with Clint (including 'Joe Kidd' from 1972). Clint definitely has Don beat by 2-3 inches from my perspective. But, as has been stated, camera angles, depth, etc. do come into play.
Gramps said on 14/Dec/05
Bigfan: is being a "nazbrock" something good? It sounds good. Or is it just an utterance of the delusional???
mike c said on 14/Dec/05
NO offense taken Bigfan!.I'm sure Gramps agrees, but try to be original when you write a comment...ok?..I know this is all in fun, considering that the only way to find out is to corner Clint and physically measure him....I don't think any of us has the balls to do it..his lawyers would put us in the poor house yesterday! But, come on, really, try to be original..I've seen all his movies! I remember each title, all the characters....? no, but he's was one tall guy!.In the mountain climbing movie he is face to face with George Kennedy ..George is 6'4"...maybe I'm wrong, but they're the same height...Gramps, some guys just don't get it..try the beer experiment..the worse thing that can happen is you learn about camera angles and the way movies make stars appear taller than they really are.... and the beer can be good..but, can't dispute face to face with shoes the the Ralf Moeller pic. look at Clint's right hip...come on, a blind man can see the posture ...also, draw a straight line from Arnold's chin to Clint's chin...basic math, the way, I don't mind a little sarcasm..but, no name calling because that means you don't have a leg to stand on...get the picture?. ps. are you referring to The Gauntlet?
Tiger said on 14/Dec/05
When and where did they say this? Duke did a lot more movies with other actors/actresses than he did with Mitchum. I can't think of any movie he did with Darin. IF TRUE,shouldn't there be quote after quote after quote that suggests Duke wore lifts, not just one or two? Shouldn't it be very easy information to track down.I believe Mitchum was being sarcastic about "Duke being buried in them" because according to the Orange County Register of 6/13/79: "... the Wayne family had a private and short service at an unknown location. The service and reception was for family only. Duke was laid to rest in an unmarked grave..." No mention of Mitchum being anywhere around during the funeral and other ceremonies.
John said on 14/Dec/05
Robert Mitchum and Bobby Darin confirmed the Duke wore lifts. Mitchum even said Wayne was buried in them!
Bigfan said on 14/Dec/05
I'm 6'1.25" exactly and many people say that I appear taller, I think height can be increased or decreased by the weight, because I'm 65Kg.
Eastwood is very slender , so I think it's possible that Clint was 6'1" or 6'2".
Sorry if I hurt you, Gramps or Mike c, you nazbrocks!
If Clint was 6'4", it means that he was 6'6" in westerns?
Mike c, watch this movie, in New-York, Clint wears no boots in some sequences, won't tell you the need to do some research!
Tiger said on 14/Dec/05
John: can you name ANYONE who did NOT wear lifts ? Also, you say this matter-of-fact. Where did you find these pieces of information on these stars wearing lifts ? What book, magazine article, interview, or website did they come from ?
John said on 14/Dec/05
Yes he is. Many other Western stars like John Wayne and Elvis Presley wore lifts, so why not Eastwood.
Gramps said on 13/Dec/05
I agree with you completely, Mike. BTW, that Ralf Moeller picture is excellent. Moeller is listed here (and everywhere!) as 6'6". I would say Clint is about 3.5" shorter than Moeller, especially considering Clint is slouching and looks to be standing on one foot. Even if Moeller was only 6'5.5" here, that still puts Clint at a solid 6'2" today. (Ignore Arnold - - God only knows how tall he REALLY was in this photo!)
J-Dog said on 13/Dec/05
Tiger, I couldn't agree with you anymore mate. The people who just through out the
"lift" comments and suggest that everyone must wear them is wearing thin. No one has any proof that any celebrity that appears to tall to one's ego, must then be wearing lifts. I can understand educated downsizing but doing it for other reasons seems funny to me. Clint Eastwood is not 5'11", and he certainly isn't 5'11" now. Hahahahaha.
Tiger said on 13/Dec/05
Clint Eastwood is 5'11? Are you absolutely kidding me? I think I've seen it all now. I thought people on the Elvis page were bad. Holy cow! 6-4 to 5-11! I think all these 'lifts' people should be held accountable for their comments. Give us a reference and/or some evidence to where this is stated. It seems that if someone can't back-up what they say nor has any leg to stand on, the celebrity must be wearing lifts. This is RIDICULOUS! Here is how silly this sounds: I have no idea who Editor Rob is, know nothing about the man. I think he may be 6', but only because he wears lifts. Sorry Rob; just an example of how silly this has become :)
Codex said on 13/Dec/05
Here is an interesting photo, Arnold Schwarzenegger on the left Ralf Moeller in the middle and Clint Eastwood on the right.
John said on 13/Dec/05
I walked past Clint on the set of "Flags of Our Fathers" and he was no more than 5'11 in ordinary shoes. I reckon he was 6'1 at his peak and always wore lifts to make himself look 6'3 or 6'4 on screen.
Gramps said on 12/Dec/05
1) Clint is 75 years old here.
2) The camera angle is favorable to Robbins. The camera is at about chest height pointing upwards with Robbins more in the foreground and therefore "taller." Granted that Robbins is several inches taller than Clint here, and now, but that does not speak for Clint's height back in the '50s.
mike c said on 12/Dec/05
Guys, take two cans of beer, and put them side by side on your dresser or something that is approx. 4 feet high.....step back about 6 feet..the cans obviously are the same in height.( I'm 5.51/2 so you tall guys might not be able to appreciate this), move the can on the left straight back about 5 inches or so..step back to your initial position( 6 feet from the cans)..the can on the left is now slightly taller..(we all know it's not, but the illusion is there-really guys, there's no such thing as magic, unless you work for the government).NOW, take a giant step to the right (you were still about 6 feet from the dresser when you moved to the right)...the can on the left is still taller..I think that's the angle of the photo everyone is referring to with Tim Robbins..if I'm wrong, drink the beer anyway...Clint was 6.4, but now gravity has taken its you agree Gramps?
Gramps said on 11/Dec/05
Mike: I sanction your comments. ;-)
mike c said on 10/Dec/05
Bigfan..let me get this straight.!..Blondie is tall, but he's no taller than 6'1" - 6'2"...great observation!, pray tell,.did you arrive at that? I don't think you have seen all his movies...if you had, you did not observe..just like the Duke's movies in the 30's and 40's...guess you observed him with Van Cleef in the Italian movies...and Freeman in're right..couldn't have been taller than 6'1"....!!..of course the height goes up with boots...he's in WESTERNS!! Sandles/dress shoes are out in westerns!ps I'm sure you saw the movie where he climbed mountains..just as tall as the co-star..who, by the way is/was 6'4".......won't tell you the need to do some research!
Gramps said on 10/Dec/05
Bigfan, you must be about 5'6", cause saying 'Blondie' was only 6'1"-6'2" is utterly ridiculous.
Bigfan said on 10/Dec/05
I saw all his movies and I think he has never been taller than 6'1"-6'2" at his peak, but 6'1" is not small and with boots on, he seems to be 6'3"-6'4" at least. Moreover, he is really fit and slender and that increases his height. But he is tall.
mcfan said on 9/Dec/05
Women typically lose more height than men in their later years. I did have a great-uncle, though, that seemed to keep his 6'2 inch frame until his death in his 80s. This is apparently pretty rare. Most people do lose some of their height at least. If you look at the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger were pretty much the same height during the British Invasion. Mick today is about 2 inches taller than Keith.

Eastwood's height really shot down over the last ten years. He was slightly taller than Morgan Freeman in "Unforgiven" but probably an inch shorter than him in "Million Dollar Baby."
Gramps said on 6/Dec/05
My mother is almost 85 and has dropped from 5'0" to about 4'8". Yikes!
Mario Nariano said on 6/Dec/05
There is nothing strange about losing 4 inches. I have grand-uncle who is 72 years, he was 5 ft 11 at his peak (according to himself) and when he was last measured he was 5 ft 6.5. I know more poeple who have losed that much height. I also know a friend (69 years) of my grandfather who says that he was 6 foot at his peak, and he claims that he is still 6 ft. He does look it.

The Avarage person lose 2,5 inches when he has reached the 75 or 80 years.
Gotxo said on 6/Dec/05
Thnx Gramps & Mike, hope when i'm on my 58 im so healthy as you both.
0.25 to 0.5 is not a great concern, give me your formula!! :D
Gramps said on 6/Dec/05
Gotxo: I am 6'0" barefoot today at 58 (measured by both my wife and son) and was 6'0.25" at my peak at twenty or so.
mike c said on 5/Dec/05
Gramps, you're right on! Like John Wayne, people don't take the time to view the movies when he and Clint were in their prime...they don't take the time to observe...I was 5'6" when measured by the army recruiters in '66....about 5'5 1/2" now on a good day..did a lot of heavy weight lifting/gymnastics in my time...paying for it now...also celebrated 40th high school reunion this yr..many of my friends have indeed lost some height. For the record I'm 58!
Gotxo said on 5/Dec/05
You frighten me Gramps!
I hope i'll be the same kind of guy as you in the future and not the incredible shrinking man as your friend! BTW wich is your age? One of my best frineds was an exact 187cm (measured for the basketball team) and he had had removed some intervertebral disk due to calcification, that happened when he was 24 and hasn't lost many height, he's still over 6'1" .
Gramps said on 4/Dec/05
Guys, guys! There is absolutely no way possible that Clint Eastwood is 5'11" today. None. I believe he was near 6'4" in his twenties, but that he has shrunk a LOT. I mentioned elsewhere on this site that I attended my 40-year high school reunion last summer and was shocked to see an old friend of mine who had been a strong 6'2" but was now no better than 5'10". During that same interval I had only lost maybe 1/4". I think some people have other factors at work, whether disease, hormones, lifestyle, etc. that may affect their declining height. Clint is obviously one of those people.
MOF said on 4/Dec/05
I repeat, I was there as well Picture... I am 5'11 and he was taller than I was and we were wearing the same shoes. He is 6'1 max.
Jason said on 4/Dec/05
I guess Clint must have been 6'4'' in his cowboy boots.
Picture said on 4/Dec/05
Eastwood must have worn lifts in his earlier movies because he looked 5'11 max this summer.
MOF said on 3/Dec/05
I was there as well Picture, he is not 5'11, I'm 5'11 exactly and he was about two inches taller. He's definately not 187cm, more like 184-5cm.
Picture said on 3/Dec/05
I was standing near Eastwood while he was filming "Flags of Our fathers" this summer. There's no way he was 6'4 even at his peak, he's no more than 5'11.
sam said on 17/Nov/05
I find it hard to believe that Lee Marvin was less than 6'2" at his peak. In those pics with Eastwood, I think the ground is in Eastwood's favor. I definitely think Eastwood at the time of Paint Your Wagon was had at least 2 inches on Marvin. Eastwood- 6'3"-6'4" at peak (6'1"-6'2" today); Marvin- 6'2" at his peak (6'1" or a little less by the late 1960s).
MOF said on 17/Nov/05
During Flags of our Fathers he seemed to be struggling with 6'1, he is not closer to 6'2, I stood next to him and talked to him and he was just about 2 inches taller than me (5'11).
Gramps said on 16/Nov/05
I guess you could say that about anybody on this site in an effort to prove a point. Let's see the facts!
Gramps said on 15/Nov/05
Marvin must have been a "tall" 6'0", because here he stands beside another 6'0" actor, Lloyd Bochner:
JimmyW said on 11/Nov/05
I was told, second-hand, from a friend who meet Eastwood on a San Francisco film set years ago (in the late 1980s) and he said he was really tall, 6'4"ish. It's hard to deny that he has lost a couple of inches, and everyone here seems to agree that Eastwood was once 6'3"-6'4" and is now about 6'1.5".
Gramps said on 9/Nov/05
Yes, in all of Clint's early work (1950s through mid-1970s), he ALWAYS looked very tall. In the past 20 years, though, he has definitely lost 2" or a bit more.
John said on 9/Nov/05
Eastwood only looks 1 inch taller than the 6'3 Heston in that picture, which I assume was taken in the Seventies. Eastwood was for sure 6'4 in his younger days, little over 6'1 now.
mike c said on 5/Nov/05
Great photo, Gramps!like John Wayne...he was 6'4" at peak...people who say different have not seen all his movies...people shrink with age..already said, my grandfather was an even 6' feet tall all of his young adult life...was my height (5'6") when he was in his 90's..who cares how tall he's now..still kicking ass directing movies and acting...he's one of the best!
Gramps said on 22/Oct/05
Clint was a solid 6'4" in his prime - - he towered over everybody. Check this 30 year-old photo of him with Charlton Heston, where Clint is a good 1.5-2.0" taller.
Unfortunately, Clint looks to have lost a good 2" with advancing age as he now blends in well with others and no longer towers over them.
mike c said on 9/Oct/05
Clint in Bloodwork is as tall or taller than Daniels, who's 6'3".
mcfan said on 17/Aug/05
This photo might help somewhat:
CelebHeights Editor said on 7/Aug/05
Here is a quote from Clint from A racquetball interview (in July 2003) - "I'm about 6'4' and weigh around 205 pounds".
TNTinCA said on 27/Jul/05
Did anyone see Million Dollar Baby? Was it my imagination, or did Clint appear shorter than Morgan Freeman? (Who is 6'2 and change)
I am a huge Clint fan and seeing earlier movies with him in there, he really did appear to be very tall. I think a lot of this height decrease is age related. His posture was very bad in Million Dollar Baby. I would have put him at the 6'1" range. But honestly, in the Dirty Harry movies, he really did appear to be 6'4". Is it possible to lose 3 inches with age?
McFan said on 19/Jul/05
One thing strange about Eastwood is in the way he stands. He looks very hunched over in the back. Maybe this would account for him looking smaller than he really is.
sf said on 17/Jul/05
Stood a few feet away from Clint Eastwood when he was in Iowa filming "Bridges of Madision County." This is the truth - he was shopping by himself, at about 11:30 at night, in a supermarket in West Des Moines, Iowa (Bridges is set in Winterset, not too far away). I couldn't believe my luck to have gone to the store at this time - certainly didn't expect to be shopping with Clint Eastwood. Anyway, even at this time (still being in his 60's) I put him at 6'2' or 6'3". He was pretty tall.
8-ball said on 8/Jul/05
Older folks with that Eastwood hunch may not measure as tall as they once did, from head to toe, but you can still see there's 6'3-4"(190cm) worth of person there. It's not that they've "shrunk," but rather settled like an old house. Moreover, they still look tall...or large at least.
Parker said on 1/Jul/05
I remember an interview with him in the 80's - He mentioned he was 6'4 at 16. They had one boy in his school taller at 6'5.
Andy said on 28/Jun/05
Looking at Clint standing next to 5'5 Dustin Hoffman at this year's Oscars, he's clearly no more than 6'1 now. In the 1960s he was definitely 6'3, not as tall as John Wayne but still very tall.
Hallber said on 21/Jun/05
I don't know. He looked pretty tall and lanky in Dirty Harry/westerns. I think he was taller (6ft 3-4in) as a young man but he is almost 80. So I expect he has shrunk to around 6ft 1 or 2. My father was 5ft 9 when I was a child. When I got to adulthood, I grew to 5ft 8in and, just before my father died, he barely reached my earlobe - which meant he was about 5ft 4 - 5ft 5 when he died, shrinkage of 4 - 5in. So it is possible.
sam said on 31/May/05
Maybe he was always a little over 6'3" as a young man, and just rounded up to 6'4" for a nice rounded number. This is no way an unusual practice among actors.
Anonymous said on 30/May/05
I think he was 6'3" or so in his heyday. To me 6'4" height at his 30's implies a too big shrunkment if it's not explained by medical reasons (spine disk removals or the likes). He's indeed very tall, has a slim frame, he play's though big guys, he's a star...etc. Aren't those reasons enough to stretch an inch the reality?
Mr Luis said on 27/May/05
In Unforgiven (1992) he looked an inch taller than Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman. But Indeed those days he no more than 6 ft 1.5
sam said on 5/May/05
I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere that he was measured at the age of about 30 and was 6'4". Sure he is much shorter now (6'1 1/2" sounds right) but he does have a very bent spine.
Frenchie said on 4/May/05
Clint seems to be very tall (and he is tall) because he is very slim, and don't forget that in westerns he was wearing boots and it increases your height.
Clint: IVE SHRUNK! said on 4/May/05
He was about 6"3 in the good old days but probably 6"1 now.
deth row pimp said on 29/Apr/05
6'1.5 sounds right cuz my dad saw him and my dads 6'1 he said they were about the same. clint was barley taller he said so that sounds right.
Sabre425 said on 27/Apr/05
I think Eastwood has never been taller then 6-1.
Chris said on 27/Apr/05
Well, I doubt that he was 6.4. I guess maybe 6.2, 6.2½ max when he was younger. But today, 6.1 for sure.
dmeyer said on 1/Apr/05
i was a boxing fan on million dollar baby clint was wearing regular sneakers and he was around 187 cm 6'1 1/2''
Jimmy said on 27/Mar/05
Saw Clint down at the Oscars. I walked past him and I'm 6 foot exactly and he was definitely about 6'1" tall, about one inch taller than me.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.