Sandy Cowell said on 20/May/17
@ Slothee - As someone born pre-1970's, I can honestly say that I don't think people spoke any differently about their heights those days!
OK, so I hadn't reached double figures age-wise back then, but my memory from that era is very good, not to mention when you're little, you DO get measured so often you'd think sometimes that your life depended on it!
Claudette's height will still have been described as 'five foot four', 'five four' and 'five feet four'! I hope my little bit of reminiscing has helped!
Slothee said on 17/May/17
Has anyone noticed how people two to three generations ago said they're "five feet four inches" and nowadays it's always "five FOOT four" or simply "five four"? I feel like saying "feet" or "foot" in the middle is something people born pre 1970s would say, whereas nowadays people just forget the middle and just combine the feet with inches. Perhaps this's all due to our shrinking attention spans over the generations, and in the next few decades people won't have time to list BOTH feet and inches. It'll be like "How tall are you?" "Six" "Alright, what about you?" "Five foot.." "Alright, you lost me at foot." -_-
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Oct/16
My Mum, a German woman of the same height and weight as Colbert, was consistently taken for the actress in the late forties when she reached full maturity. She was presented with a bouquet at an airport and people would stare! She married an Englishman and I came along in the 60's, after 2 sons. My mother could never remember the name of this star. I just knew that there was a famous double out there! When I saw her on TV as a child, I couldn't stop myself from laughing!
Arch Stanton said on 24/May/16
Looked a stronger 5'4 with Jennifer Jones in Since You Went Away, but Jennifer might have been a little shorter tha 5'6.5..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Mar/16
Rob, do you have any estimates for Henry Wilcoxon who played Marc Anthony in Cleopatry?
Click Here
Click Here w/h C. Aubrey Smith
Click Here w/h Bill Murray aged 80
Been described as 6ft4 but I think he may have been more 6ft3ish give or take.

Editor Rob
another actor I'd forgotten about, I think 6ft 3 might have been possible
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jan/14
She wasn't conventional "beautiful" as you say Sam, a bit broad faced with funny looking eyebrows, but she was certainly a very attractive and likeable woman. Quite endearing actually the older she got.
Arch Stanton said on 29/Jan/14
He looked very similar in height and build to Charlton Heston Sue I think. I think just shy of 6'3" 6'2.5-6'2.75" is a good shout. He definitely looked near 6'3" though. I'm just not sure he was quite as tall as somebody like Jimmy Stewart.
little sue said on 27/Jan/14
6ft 3 for Joel McCrae
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jan/14
Ah I didn't realize you already had him Rob, agreed on 6'2.5!
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jan/14
Mcrea does look near it, but I think 6'2.5" might fit him better, he looks the same height as Heston
Sam said on 27/Jan/14
Wow, she wasn't a typical beauty but could be very attractive, ravishing even. She looked about this height, fairly average.
little sue said on 27/Jan/14
Would agree on 5ft 4. good actress
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/14
McCrea is at 9-10 minutes not 6, my apologies.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/14
Rob what would you guess for Joel mcrea?
Click Here See 6 and 10 minutes for example. He looks a big 6'3" guy to me at a glance but I see he's listed at 6'2.5" which definitely looks about right don't you think? He does look similar height to Charlton Heston. Colbert is obviously in heels next to him but he still towers her.

Editor Rob
I had him at that mark...I looked again and found Joel himself actually claimed 6ft 3
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/14
Watching The Palm Beach Story now, definitely looks about right.
Arch Stanton said on 26/Jan/14
Thanks Rob! She was a very good actress. I saw Three Came Home the other day. Obviously not as good as Bette Davis but still a proper actress of that period. 5'4" flat seems about right, didn't look over it to me.