Primetime said on 31/Mar/23
Bill Skarsgaard looked like he had a good 2 inches on him in John Wick 4. Skarsgaard might have had a footwear advantage though, couldn't tell.
berta said on 24/Jan/23
this guy is one of the best well built actors that didnt use it to put on mucles and to action roles. He have big hands wide shoulders and huge head, very manly voice. Thyis guy did have a great career, well still have but i think he deserved to get leading roles. He is a actor you dont forget. Beside Tim robbins he did look 2 inches shorter. But i think TIm was 6´5. Legit 6´3 peak. in highlander he pulled of 6´4. 6´3 peak and tiny fraction under now but bad posture these days.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/22
He says guys of his size are usually thugs. Well, Clancy doesn’t do too bad a job when he played the Sheriff in Pet Sematary Two, and that was even before he was mauled to death by the dog he’d killed while protecting his master, his stepson Drew, who then buried him in the Pet Sematary and comes back more evil than ever.
My favourite funny scene used to be when he sits eating beans at the table with Drew and Jeff (Edward Furlong), but this time round, it was when he catches a bully boy attacking 13-year-old Jeff with his bike. The guilty boy says, “I was only ••••ing with him!”
Then Clancy’s Sheriff character, Gus, turns the tables onto the bully, who has a motorbike. Gus picks it up, turns on the engine and says, “I’m only ••••ing with you!”
The boy doesn’t have much time left to apologise, and then the evil Sheriff decides to reek even more havoc and bury him in the accursed burial ground.
Clancy’s non-stop maniacal laughter is funny, if disturbing. When he lifts the motorbike, you can see what a big strong guy he is, who would have played an excellent patient in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as his facial expression is perfect!
I’m going with 6ft3.5 for his peak and 6ft2.75 for today’s height.
Andrey200 said on 10/Jul/22
I think the difference between him and Robbins in The Shawshank Redemption more signals that Robbins was taller than listed, rather than Brown having been under 191 peak (we can certify him at least thereat).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/May/22
In that case , under 6ft3 peak is a joke coz Morgan was certifiably a very strong 6ft2 guy
Andrey200 said on 20/Apr/22
@Rampage yeah, he was. Toward the end they're in a cell close together and he's a few centimeters taller than Freeman.
191.5 peak
189.5 now
Myers Haddonfield said on 25/Nov/21
Billed at 7 foot in highlander. 6-3 min peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/May/21
Was he taller than Morgan Freeman in Shawshank though?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/21
strong 6ft3 peak and still clears 6ft2 easily now
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Mar/21
Ha ha - brilliant! I'm watching the 'Medium' episode starring Clancy again and now I can verify that it's from Season 7 and is Episode 6.
The very tall, deep-voiced Clancy towers over petite Patricia Arquette, despite her wearing high shoes.
Peak - 6ft3.25; Today - 6ft2.75
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/21
🎊🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Clancy 🎁🎂🎈🎊
A Very Happy Birthday to the gorgeous Clancy Brown, who shocked the living daylights out of me the second time I saw him act - in 'Pet Sematary II', the first time being in 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Since then, I've gone out of my way to see his films. He has an attractively deep voice, and no doubt, this contributes to many of the powerful roles he takes on, not to mention his tall height.
Clancy can have 6ft3.25 for his peak and 6ft2.75 for his height nowadays.
He's 62 today. 😀👌🍻🍰 XX
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Dec/20
Rob, maybe a bit over 6ft3 peak?

Editor Rob
maybe a better chance of slightly over than under in his 20's and 30's
Andrea said on 20/Nov/20
No way is he that tall today, Junior. As I said on Ludwig's page, he was clearly shorter than him BACK IN 2014:
Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/Nov/20
He might end up a measurement small fraction taller than Routh and Welling. Still a very imposing 6'2 1/2 now.
Bobadob said on 29/Oct/20
Peak 6-3 minimum.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/20
I was very pleased to see that Clancy Brown was in an episode of 'Medium' yesterday night. Comparing him to Patricia in this seemed an exciting prospect, but Ms Arquette always seems to be wearing reasonably high shoes, and she did in this episode when she and the menfolk visited Clancy's office. We did get two chances of seeing Patricia brush past Clancy, but her heels concealed the difference of well over a foot. Shame....😭!
I said to my brother at the onset of this 'Medium', "I bet you he plays a baddie!" 😟
He did!
Clancy has a deep 'tall man's voice', and this evening, the Capricornian, curly-haired actor can have 6ft3.25 for his peak and 6ft2.75 for today's height. 😁👍
Daycringeothon said on 8/Aug/20
In Shawshank there is a reliable scene with him and another prison guard. Brown is standing very loose posture and the other guard is standing abnormally straight. In any case Brown still looks 188.5cm-189.5cm tall. The other guard also wearing the prison cap still looks a good 2.75-3” shorter than Brown so about 181.5cm-182cm. If he were standing similar posture to Brown no more than 180cm to Brown’s 189cm.
Hulk.23 said on 5/Aug/20
In Highlander he could pass for a 6’4 guy so I think 6’3/191cm is reasonable. Don’t know about today but I trust Big Rob: 6’2.5/189cm
Ian C. said on 30/Jun/20
He played Frankenstein's Monster in The Bride (1985). He claimed six foot five, but just when he was making that movie.
OriginalAnon said on 27/May/20
Peak height 190cm max. His proportions as well as favourable casting may have given him a taller perception to many.
berta said on 10/May/20
in shawshank he didnt look over 189-190 cm beside tim robins if he is 6´5. He was also same height as morgon freeman. so going from that movie i would say 189,5. but from all other movies he pull of 6´3 easy. i think the listed height is pretty spot on.
Andrea said on 17/Apr/20
From rewatching The Shawshank Redemption, I still can't buy any less than 2 solid inches between him and Tim Robbins. Plus, he really didn't look much different than Morgan Freeman:
Click Here
6'2.5 would be a much more believable listing for his peak height, and certainly the most I'd have guessed him at in the movie.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/20
🎂🎈🕯️ Happy Birthday Clancy! 🕯️🎈🎂
The great, and often sinister actor Clancy Brown turns 61 years old today. Congratulations to him - love his dynamic roles! He turned the follow-up to Stephen King's original 'Pet Sematary' ('Pet Sematary 2') into something WELL worth seeing!
If Clancy's in a film, that's recommendation enough for me and I will invest in a copy.
I wish him a fantastic Birthday! XX
6ft3.25 peak and 6ft2.75 today. The actor is VERY tall!!!
cmillz said on 17/Dec/19
As listed peak, 6’2 range now.
Paddy said on 26/Nov/19
I agree with @Spencer looks indeed close to 6'4"...6'3 1/2 peak for this man, looked massive in Highlander too. All around big guy.
Tunman said on 8/Aug/19
So this is the guy who voiced Neo Cortex in the Crash Bandicoot games.Unbelievable!I haven't put my hands on a video game since 2008 yet I remember very distinctly the name Clancy Brown in the games credits because it was an uncommon one(at least for me).Funny to see how something futile seen like 15-16 years ago could remain in the mind while some interesting things are promptly forgotten.
Yourdad said on 14/Dec/18
If it isn't lex luthor,Mr crabs and Bradford form tmnt 2012
Spencer said on 10/Aug/18
He looks close to 6'4" in Shawshank. 192 cm peak.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/May/18
In 1994 The Shawshank Redemption he does look 6'3 with Tim Robbins.
Tall Sam said on 27/Apr/18
Good actor and honest claim. In this excellent interview he talks about towering near George Clooney, Paul Giamatti & Christopher Lambert:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Mar/18
Strong 6ft3 peak, strong 6ft2 today
Powerhouse said on 24/Feb/18
I think 6’3 peak and 6’2.5 now is a perfect listing.
Jim Hopper said on 21/Dec/17
Legit actor for once telling truth on height
StephenB said on 16/Nov/17
6'3" peak is spot on. No taller. His large head makes him look slightly shorter.
Daryl Dixon said on 2/Jul/17
He's like 6'4
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/17
189m peak is too low. Looked minimum 191cm in the 80's-90's.
Giorgi said on 13/Feb/17
Rob, I think it's worth mentioning that this guy did the voiceover for Mr. Krabs. It can be appealing to Spongebob fans like me. ;))
6 foot guy with small head said on 18/Jan/17
in blue steel he walks side by side with richard jenkins aka coakley, and hes barely 1 inch taller. jenkins 6'1".... 5 inches taller than sean penn in badboys....his head is huge which gives him added height....this guy must haveva huge brain. hhhaa
berta said on 7/Jan/17
his head is one of the biggest i ever seen. its half inch bigger than a guy like dolph lundgren and he have a big head. this guuy have always looked 191 range. only one that made him look in the 189 range is tim robbins but he was probably 196. i feel he was taller than vinve vaughn. todya calncy may have lost a little ore stand poorer
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Dec/16
I'm near certain he's also claimed 6ft4 in the past...
Jodie said on 2/Oct/16
He looked huge in Highlander
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jan/16
He was in a movie years ago with Peter Weller and Jeff Goldblum. He towered over Weller and was only 1in shorter than Goldblum
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Jan/16
At least 6ft3 peak.
S.J.H said on 19/Sep/15
He keep in good shape and solid 189ish
Andrea said on 16/May/15
Well, there's simply noway he was only 1.75 inches shorter than Tim, that's pretty clear, if you watched the movie! He looked more 6'2 with him, if he was really only 6'4.75 at his peak! Rob, you think Tim might have been 6'6 at his peak? Today he really doesn't look much over 6'4...
Judd said on 14/May/15
IMO he was at peak 6'2.5" max 6'2.75" and today something in the 6'2" range...
I recall everybody that in Starship Troopers he did not look a legit 6'3" next to Casper Van Dien (5'9.25").
Only in highlander he looked very tall...
Sam said on 13/May/15
I'd believe 6'2.5"-6'3" peak for Clancy...IMO he looked a solid 2 inches under Robbins, although I'd admit some shots it looked like 2.5+ inches difference.
Andrea said on 12/May/15
So, you think he actually was only 1.75 inches shorter than Tim Robbins? Some people suggest Tim was more 6'6 when younger, this listing certainly would put him closer to that mark! Also, are you really seeing 4.5 inches between Henry Ian and him, considering he was probably still near enough is peak?

Editor Rob
Clancy seems a guy who could have lost some height...I'd say he doesn't look
Over 6ft 2 with that Jude chap but then 6ft 2.5 peak isn't ruled out.
Andrea said on 11/May/15
Rob, do you really think this guy was a big 6'3 at his peak? Tim Robbins looked noticeably taller than him in Shawshank Redemption... He really could look 2.5-3 inches taller in that movie! Also, look at him with Henry Ian Cusick, in 2006 (when i doubt he had lost more than a small fraction):
Click Here
Is this what you call a legit 6'3 guy?

Editor Rob
I think he wasn't far off 6ft 3, today he can still look 6ft 2.
moe said on 4/Feb/15
I saw him on set for Hale Caesar. He's 6'3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Dec/14
Wasn't he like 6ft6 range in boots when fighting Sean Connery in Highlander. That was the 1st thing I ever saw him in and I naturally assumed he was that. Then I saw Shawshank...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/14
Rob, what happened to 192cm peak?

Editor Rob
he came out with the 6ft 3, so I'm going with his claim.
Lonestar said on 21/Aug/14
I think on a good day he could be 6'2.75 range. He only look 2.5inch lower than 6'5 Tim Robbins
mike said on 24/May/14
Rob, what happened to his 6ft 3.5 peak? he looked more than 6ft 3 flat at peak.
Jordan said on 23/Dec/13
Strong 6'3" guy, possibly 6'2.5" night height
Shasa said on 24/Sep/13
Look at him in Highlander. He is over 6 ft
Rusty said on 17/Sep/13
Rob, how did this guy lose an inch already?
Bakura said on 19/Jul/13
6'3 nowadays... don't think he'd lose a full inch by age 54.
Emil said on 6/Jun/13
El Mariachi says on 15/May/13
Tim Robbins had almost 4 inches on him in the Shawshank Redemption. Anything more than 6'0" for Brown is a lie.
6'0? What did you smoke before watching Shawshank? He looked no more than 2 inches shorter
Yaspaa said on 25/May/13
6'0, hahahahaha.
El Mariachi said on 15/May/13
Tim Robbins had almost 4 inches on him in the Shawshank Redemption. Anything more than 6'0" for Brown is a lie.
TonyO said on 21/Mar/13
Yes, in "Shawshank Redemption" Robbins looked noticeably taller than Brown but no "bigger".
Yaspaa said on 13/Mar/13
Where exactly has this one inch been lost from? This height loss thing gets taken out of proportion. A healthy guy loses an inch by his 50's? 6'3 then, 6'3 now.
Ice said on 14/Jan/13
he did looked a lot shorter than Tim Robbins in the Shawshank Redemtion . Maybe his peak really was 192 cm , id be supprised tho
JeffG said on 24/Sep/12
I am 6'3", met him at convention in 2010 and he was exactly my height.
matt678 said on 20/Sep/12
the problem with tim robbins is hes a solid 6 ft 5 but he always hunches so 6 ft 3 clany brown could look coolose to him
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Jul/12
Still looks close to 6ft3. 189-190cm is right for today.
I know Rob would disagree but I can still picture him being
6ft4 at one point. He looked huge in Shawshank Redemption
even with the even more intimidating Tim Robbins.
Smarty said on 12/Nov/11
In Highlander Clancy wore 3' elevated boots (same boots that
Vin Diesel wears in most of his movies) that made him a look over 6'5 next to a scrawny 5'10 Christopher Lambert. He's height at the time was a little over 6'2 but by the time be began filming Shawshank Redemption he was no taller then 6'1½ at most.
I don't know how he lost most of his height but from what I've heard about Clancy he seems like a pretty physical guy so premature height lose really doesn't surprise me.
thebad7 said on 10/Oct/11
Another underrated, underappreciated actor. He was always best in tough guy roles--my favorites with him are 1986's HIGHLANDER and 1987's EXTREME PREJUDICE. Aside from his intimidating presence, he also has a great, booming voice. Clancy Brown to this day is a big, tall man. I don't think he was ever quite 6'4" but he's definitely a strong 6'3". I think peak he was 6'3 1/2" and even now in his 50s, I still think he's close to this mark. 6'3" for sure for Clancy.
Ajax said on 4/Sep/11
Even if he was 6'3" I'm not gonna lie. He did look much smaller than Tim Robbins in Shawshank.
Lebesdorf said on 2/Sep/11
I think 6'3''. In Highlander they made him look to be like 6'10'' or something. The role demanded it.
Lenad said on 11/Jun/11
i doubt he was ever over 6ft3
James said on 6/Jun/11
6'2.5 (189cm) peak
rafa said on 25/May/11
In Shawsank Redemption he looked very tall, more than 6'3" although Tim Robbins looked about an inch taller than him. 6'3.5" seems near to his peak height.
Anonymous said on 13/May/11
He is enormous, I just worked on a film with him and would say that he's easily 6'2", very nice guy as well.
mohammed said on 3/Apr/11
tim robbins looked 2 inches taller than him in shawshank redemption when they both stood straight, and freeman looked bout the same height as clancy.
Ajax said on 8/Mar/11
He looked 6'1" next to Tim Robbins but, definitely in the "tall" category by today
s standards.
Mike said on 2/Feb/11
Yea I agree with what K mart had to say in Pet Sematary 2 he had a strong 6 ft 3in look to the film
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/11
In he Highlander I heard that Chris Lambert is like 6 ft 1 and clancy back then was like 6 ft 3 so Chris would have only been 2 inches short and the Kurgan was supposed to be 7 foot Clancy is alot shorter than 7 ft so they had to have him wear combat boots as you see in the film he towers over the 6 ft 1 Lambert the boots probably make him about 6 ft 7 in order to really tower over Lambert in some movies you see him now he looks alot shorter like 6 ft 2 plus he's getting old he probably shrunk an inch
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Dec/10
Is 6"4(193cm) peak possible, Rob?

Editor Rob
I doubt it, by shawshank he was my age and I can't think of him looking that tall
Hugh 190cm said on 1/Jul/09
I can buy 6ft3-6ft4 in the 80's. Today a shy of 6ft3. 190cm?
Lenad said on 30/Jun/09
A solid 6'2 today and a solid 6'3 peak
Lenad said on 29/Jun/09
He was about the same height as Ashton Kutcher in The Guardian. I also now think Brown was 191-192cm at peak. A strong 6ft3
rob89 said on 6/May/09
This guy definitely had around 3 inches, minimum 2.5, on Bakula (who is more like 5'11.5-5'11.75 than a full 6' imo) in the episode of Enterprise he was in. 6'2.5 sounds about right for him nowadays, and a solid 6'3 at his peak.
matthew_w said on 13/Apr/09
I've read he's over 6'2 in here, but if you see him in Starship Troopers during the 'adminstrative punishment' scene he does not look more than 3 inches taller than Casper Can Dien who is reportedly 5'9-5'10 here.
Hugh 190cm said on 3/Apr/09
In Shawshank Redemption he could look close to 6ft4 at times. It's possible he was that tall when he was younger.
Lenad said on 9/Feb/09
I can buy 6'2 1/2 at the lowest for his peak.
Hugh said on 3/Jan/09
6ft4 in his prime certainly. He was and still is a very tall guy.
k mart said on 25/Dec/08
As i said before, Clancy is tall and suave!! he seems like a man of his word... I will give him the benefit of the doubt for his 6ft 4in peak claim...
sarah said on 16/Dec/08
good actor.i honestly dont think this guy is any less than 6'2.5,at his peak height its possible that he was 6'4.
Lenad said on 19/Nov/08
In some shots at the end of Shawshank Freeman was marginally taller but when you compare him to other guys he seemed to have a similar amount of height over them as Freeman did.
Lenad said on 7/Nov/08
He was never a full 6'4 thats for sure
Lenad said on 5/Nov/08
Maybe not quite a full 6'3 at peak
Hugh said on 2/Nov/08
I think it's safe bet to say Clancy was 6ft4 at his peak and these days stands tall at just under 6ft3 (6ft2.75).
Zach said on 31/Oct/08
True ed, if you see my post below (from 2005!) I made the same point, Brown was looking up to Morgan, if only fractionally. If anything Brown would more likely have more of a heel on his shoes being all suited up in his uniform.
ed said on 31/Oct/08
the final scene in Shawshank with Morgan and Clancy standing side by side in Andys empty cell, Morgan is 1 inch taller than Clancy... on even ground in the cell, cant see the footwear. Clancy has the guards hat on and Morgan is still slighly taller.
Andy said on 24/Oct/08
We see him in Enterprise standing next to Bakula and he's a good few inches taller than him so I think 6 - 3 is about right.
Gunther said on 11/Oct/08
He is described as a "7 foot luntic".
So that's probably what he is.
adam said on 14/Sep/08
This man looks tall, no doubts. He looks tall (like 6-4) in Shawshank and STILL Robbins looks clearly taller. And strangely Morgan Freeman also looked slightly taller.
I do believe this guy is at least 6-3 and could be more. Robbins on the other hand... it is very hard to buy his 6-4
k mart said on 1/Sep/08
clancy is tall and suave and still towers over most actors. i think he is no shorter than 6ft 3in tall. he is one big guy
Hugh said on 29/Aug/08
192-193cm at his peak and looks a solid 6ft3 today.
Big Show said on 20/Aug/08
Watched Shawshank redemption a few weeks ago for the first time. He only looks 2-3 inches shorter than Robbins, but in one of the last scenes he stands side by side to Morgan Freeman is a little shorter than him.
Have to watch the Guardian, because if he's indeed 2 inches taller than Costner, it makes little sense as Costner was basically the same height as Freeman.
In the Highlander movie he was referred to as 7 feet, so he probably had to come off as being a very tall person (with the aid of camera angles).
In Starship Troopers he looked shorter than Jake Busey to me (and he's listed here at 6'3).
Lenad said on 23/Jun/08
He looked a solid 1-2 inches taller than Kevin Costner in The Guardian so 6'2.5 today sounds right.
Lenad said on 13/May/08
Thought he was around 6'3 after I saw Shawshank. Its weird angles that can make him look shorter in that film thekidd.
thekiddd said on 15/Apr/08
Well Tim Robbins is definitely not taller than 6'5". I will confess that he did look about 6'1" or 6'2" in Shawshank, but in his other films, he looked at least 6'2".
Scott B. said on 1/Apr/08
I just watched The Gaurdian again. Brown is 2 inches taller than Costner.
Scott said on 12/Dec/07
Clancy Brown is at least 6'2. He was at least an inch taller than Kevin Costner in the Guardian.
myspace celebrity said on 24/Nov/07
i agree with dave, he's 6'3 at the least and 6'3 at the tallest, especially in highlander
Dave said on 8/Oct/07
just watched shawshank again, and i really think that clancy is NO MORE than 2 inches shorter than robbins at any time. Infact many times it seems like one inch, a 6'1-6'2 guy does not look that tall next to a legit 6'5 guy.... clancy is at least 6'3 here, maybe more.... 6'3.5
Dave said on 7/Oct/07
Click Here
heres a pic from this guy on some random site, hes beside leno here... leno is clearly leaning on him and playing the 'pushing down trick'.... plus leno is at full stretch, and the other guy is not straight up, and his neck is nowhere near straight... if leno is 5'11 then this guy is too IMO, if he were straight and if leno was not all over him and trying to make himself appear taller.
Click Here
Now heres the same guy at the same party only standing very straight beside an old clancy brown (after back surgery etc) clancy looks near enough 6'3 to me here, opinions? I dont think its hard to imagine this guy at 6'4 back in his day, i put him just getting about 6'3 nowadays, and i can easily see him at 6'4 when young.
Click Here
for further evidence, heres this same guy with drew carey (legit 5'10), a bad pic admittedly, but from this pic we can still agree this dude must be about 5'11 minimum
Halb said on 24/Mar/07
I'm watching Shawshank now, Robbins is taller but he doesn't tower.
I remember watching Highlander and thinking this guy was massive. Then I later realised it was all angles.
thelasttiger said on 18/Sep/06
From my point of view. He is a tall guy but one thing I know for certain, he is not taller than Morgan Freeman so I think he is about 6'2 or 6'2 1/2". I wouldn't go any less though.
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/06
How tall is this guy? I think he genuinely does look in the 6'3'' to 6'4'' range is some stuff. This is the height he claims for himself as is mentioned above. However I can't explain the fairly significant height difference in Shawshank with Tim Robbins looking a good 3 or 4 inches taller in some shots. I really don't know about this guy. Anyone got any ideas?

Editor Rob
last thing I can remember seeing recently was a couple little scenes with the sayid guy in lost, he still looked tall, hard to say exactly
thelasttiger said on 28/Jul/06
Well we all know he really insn't 7ft like that one woman said in the movie.
xyz said on 27/Jul/06
In Highlander, he looks taller than Connery and much taller than Lambert.
Anonymous said on 27/Jun/06
sam2, he wasn't much shorter that Jeff Goldblum in Buckaroo Banzai. An inch tops.
sam2 said on 5/Jun/06
Brown is 6' 1" on his tip toes!! More like 6' or 6'.5" Robbins towers over him in Shawshank and Freeman is a good inch taller, maybe more. He was nevr 6'3" and if he was then Robbins is 6'8"!!
larry said on 27/May/06
Hmmm, maybe he is just 6'2" flat. maybe 6'3" before he got back surgery. Just a little change in mind.
thelasttiger said on 8/May/06
What year did he get back surgery?
Mikex said on 17/Apr/06
Think I might have to revise my opinion a little, maybe he was never quite 6'4''. Perhaps he was 6'3'' when young but now about 6'2''.
Laos said on 9/Apr/06
An inch and a half isn't really that much of a difference you guys. I know alot of people who say they are 6'4 when they are really 6'2.5" If you think about it. 2 1/2 inches is quite a difference. So that looks noticable enough to me for a reason to be a shade under 6'3".
larry said on 8/Apr/06
Hmmm... Clancy was only about one inch shorter than 6'4" Jeff Goldblum in BUCKAROO BONZAI (nice, camp movie). TO MY eyes he looked 2" shorter than Tim Robbins in SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION. Hard to say, he's played monsters a few times. I'd say 6'2.5"
Noname said on 7/Apr/06
Just give up guys. We all know the truth on Clancy's height. Except the editor who keeps on persisting that he is 6'3". If he's shorter than Morgan Freeman and alot shorter than Tim Robbins then he probably is 6'1" but lets just move on and not try to keep bringing this up.

Editor Rob
actually nowadays, he could be 189cm I agree with this.
anyway, freeman in shawshank was near enough 6ft 3, and brown did not look shorter than 6ft 2.5 in my own opinion, which might be the most accurate height to list him ;-)
I say this again, on the rooftop when he walks up to square to Robbins, it is hard to argue this guy is 6ft 1, as he is only a few inches short in that scene...the guy from aliens who is near 6ft was looking a few inches up at Brown, and in the cell freeman is a little closer to camera - maybe you saw noticeably 1.5 inches taller, but to me they are very similar in height.
Mr.X said on 3/Apr/06
Um Editor, I seriously think it's a bit of a conisidence to have more than 1 camera angle where someone looks much taller cause Morgan Freeman is 6'2" but shorter than Robbins and Taller than Clancy. I don't think it is very likely that they would do it about 3 or 4 times in a movie.
Georgie said on 30/Mar/06
Who knows? maybe Tim Robbins is really 6'7" instead of 6'5"
Mikex said on 30/Mar/06
How about adding his Carnivale co-star John Caroll Lynch to the stats. Also I remain convinced that Mr. Brown is no shorter than 6'3''.
sam said on 28/Mar/06
I really don't remember the difference between Robbins and Brown as being all that much. If Brown was really 6'1"-6'2", then Robbins would have skyscraped above him (I am almost Robbins height and in pictures with people who are 6'1"-6'2" the height difference is quite pronounced), but the difference seemed to me to be more like 1 to 2 inches.
Georgie said on 27/Mar/06
I only saw him in Shawshank, He is alot shorter than Tim Robbins. He is shorter than Morgan Freeman. He's 6'1". I saw him in the library with Tim Robbins in the movie and he looked spot on 4 inches shorter than Tim Robbins.

Editor Rob
yes, that's what I that scene he could look 4 inches shorter, but perspective plays a role in making objects that are closer appear taller (if the camera is shooting upwards from a lower position) and making objects appear taller if they are slightly further back (if camera is shooting from a higher up, downward position).
We could argue this guy to death, 189cm might be the closest...
Maxi said on 26/Mar/06
I think we should say on this site that it is possible that he is 6'1" but not definitely on the description on how tall he is.
LSD said on 26/Mar/06
I think this editor is also in denial. CLANCY IS 6 FOOT FRICKIN ONE. 6'2" AT THE MOST. MORGAN IS TALLER THAN HIM!
LSD said on 18/Mar/06
More liek 2x a couple of inches shorter than Tim Robbins, just face it. You guys look at him at a heroic 6'4" but he really isn't that tall. 6'1" is about average height. You don't see to many men past 6'1 these days.
Mikex said on 16/Mar/06
Again with the comments saying he's only 6'1'' in Carnivale he looks about the same height as John Caroll Lynch who is quoted on other sites as 6'4''. Lynch does look big and tall in films or TV. Also to repeat what I stated below on UK edition of Shawshank the director in interview describes Brown as gigantic. He can't be only 6'1'' to be decribed as gigantic. He does look a couple of inches shorter than Robbins in film though.
LSD said on 15/Mar/06
Shawshank he looked alot shorter than Tim Robbins. a little bit shorter than Morgan Freeman. I'd say about 6'1.5 or 6'2"
Noname said on 4/Mar/06
I think he's 6'1 or 6'2". He looks to small to be a man who is 6'3".
Bill said on 20/Feb/06
Go back to his earlier movies, like Buckaroo Banzai. His story of having lost height from 6'4" looks credible to me.
Mikex said on 29/Jan/06
Just watched the interviews on the UK dvd of Shawshank. The director describes Clancy as 'gigantic'. This must mean he is 6'3'' or taller. However he does look a fair bit shorter than Robbins in the film. Maybe Robbins is taller than 6'5''.
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/06
He's 6'1" lets just face it
Mikex said on 2/Jan/06
On Carnivale he does look very tall. I don't see any reason why he would be wrong about his height. He's not a macho man actor or hearthrob who might add on a couple of inches for effect.

Editor Rob
as noted in the comments further down there really isn't much between freeman and him in one of the scenes they have...
Anonymous said on 21/Dec/05
HAHAHAHA NO. HE IS ABOUT 6' 6'1 at the most . Tim Robbins is almost 1/2 foot taller than him.
Man of Death said on 14/Nov/05
Yes, he is shorter than 6'2 Morgan Freeman, and he was at least 3.5 inches shorter than Tim Robbins so he´s probably about 6'1.
RLG said on 27/Oct/05
I stumbled across the quote by Clancy about being 6'4" and now 6'3" because of back surgery:
He says there that directors have always been trying to make him look shorter so he doesn't tower over the lead actor and director Paul Verhoeven even said to him: "You will never work with Arnold".
RLG said on 8/Jul/05
I remember reading he was 6'4" but lost an inch due to back problems.