Paul Wood said on 15/May/21
I think 5ft 5.5in. Many celebs do add an inch or even two their real height.
Jane Lesley Wall said on 1/Sep/20
On the 4th April 1986 Friday Jane first time saw Cilla Black at Fairfield Halls Croydon also Cilla signed my book Step Inside
Jane Lesley Wall said on 15/Apr/20
Jane first saw Cilla Black for the first time at Croydon Park Fairfield concert Halls on 4th April 1996 Friday Jane was age of 18 Cilla signed my first book Step Inside
Les said on 4/Aug/17
I remember that show and the comment from Sandie saying that she was bigger than Cilla. Cilla missed a trick there. Instead of agreeing, she should have said "Taller yes, but definitely not bigger" at the same time staring at SandieĀ“s extremely revealing low cut dress. Cilla was always being teased for her flat chest, but alongside Sandie she looked like Raquel Welch.
Jane Lesley Wall said on 5/Apr/17
Look good great fantastic personality Celebrity one of my favourite singers in the world wide world I was first joined Cilla Black Fanclub at the Time with Sara Evans No 21 magazine December 1985 Cilla Circle of Fans the first time I saw Cilla was at Croydon Fairfield Halls Last Time I saw Cilla was Through the years 30 years I was devasted when Cilla died I was in France at the time saw the paper . I was so proud on 9th May 2014 also Cilla Black awarded BAFTA award also Achievement's award was on my birthday also loose women on the same day she was amazing star one of the biggest ever also she don't look it in the age
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Mar/17
@ Jane Wall - I enjoyed reading your comment on Cilla Black. She was a lovely woman and it was terribly sad when she died so suddenly. To think, that hours before, she had been posing for photographs with her fans, in typical 'Cilla' fashion, bless her!
I am sure that, by still getting so much from her music and her life, her memory is shining brightly and she would be delighted to know that!
It can be very rewarding to be a fan of someone who, for whatever reason, is special to us. You saw Cilla at the Fairfield Hall in Croydon, did you? I saw Atomic Rooster there! (They were energetic and brilliant!)
Cilla was part of my childhood with her music and fun programmes. I remember talking to my Dad when she passed on. He was upset too. I don't think anyone could have been unaffected. She was part of all our lives and, in people like you, she lives on!
I read an article when I was about 15 about Cilla in a slimming magazine and her height was given as 5ft6-and-a- half and 9-and-a-half stone. When she was a younster, it said she was a beanpole!
Jane Wall said on 1/Mar/17
I love Cilla Black I have seen her in real life 4 times first time I saw Cilla was at Croydon Fairfield halls concert last time I saw was Through the years at BBC Studio London with Dusty Springfield Cliff Rich and my first pantomime was Jack and the beanstalk London Piccadilly Theatre also I was in Cilla Black fan club at the time I like anything on Cilla Black including dvd's cd's book etc when I left off I want to start again
littlesue said on 5/May/11
Really!! I think she has awful legs, she has 'tennis ball' knees and no calves
Tom said on 4/May/11
cilla black is 5'6" and has the best legs in the world.
Sea said on 12/Nov/08
When Cilla and Paul were doing the RVP they were wearing the same size shoes and there was about a half foot difference in height. Paul is 6' so i would guess 5'6" at the most.
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/07
I allways thought she was 5foot 9 inches as allways read that in the papers
Editor Rob said on 27/Apr/06
In book, "Cilla the biography" it says: "Cilla's height takes the tape measure to 5ft 6.5 inches...when in best shape, hovers around 9.5 stone and she's a (uk) size 12"
Cilla Fan said on 7/Jan/06
Cilla's height was recorded at 5ft 5 inches when she was launched in the 60's. In her book, 'What's It All About' she claims to be taller...nonsense. Check those archives and you'll see she admits to being 5ft 5inches.
JonB said on 2/Jan/06
Cilla was 5'6" in her 20's & may now be slightly shorter now. I don't know where 5'8" came from! She used to have a show on TV & once had Sandie Shaw on who is that height but doesn't wear shoes. When she put on her shoes she was noticeably taller than Cilla and actually said "I'm bigger than you now"

Editor Rob
nowadays she looks in the 5ft 6 range, I thought she may have been an inch under her often quoted (well, in newspapers anyway) 5ft 9 ;) I've not seen much pics of her from 60's to compare yet, but I'll downgrade her as she isn't this height nowadays...although 13 years ago,
Zeta Jones and Cilla
Correction said on 1/Jan/06
Actually I've seen Cilla Black listed as 5'6, and I think that is closer to the truth. No way is she as tall as 5'8 or 5'9. If you notice, she always wears what seems to be at least 3 & 1/2 inch stilettoes, and if she were 5'8 that would put her up around 5'11 or approaching 6ft, and she is nowhere near that for sure.
I saw many contestants on "Blind Date" who towered over her. I recall one woman back years ago and Cilla commented how tall she was and she answered 5'10. The woman was wearing flat shoes and was still taller than Cilla in her usual high heels.
So I think 5'6, maybe even 5'5 is more closer to the truth for her height. She does have the appearance of being tall because of her build and her long legs which are very shapely, and that gives the impression of height.