Wesley said on 7/Sep/08
ive seen the superman movies and have them on dvd and id say cristopher is about 6'4" and im 6'1" at 14 years old and im still growing so its not hard to beleive that he could be that tall.
clark said on 14/Jul/08
All things being equal --which they are not....most people will be aware of their maximum height, as compared to the unknowing victim whose is being sized up. IF, Christopher Reeve was asked to stand at his straighest and tallest--because someone was checking out his height--I believe the numbers would be different. 6'3" becomes 6'4" or close to it and the reverse can be applied to 6'2" and 3/4 becomes 6'2" even, when relaxed. Most people who know anything about Reeve know he had bad posture and his torso would sag into his hips. And by the the mid-eighties he developed problems with a lower disc in his back.That is why he did not lift heavy weights at all prior to Superman IV.Unless one can say--yeah I use to see him in '84 or '85, but that was over 20 years ago.
Jason said on 8/Jul/08
supermanfan380: Arnold Schwarzenegger was not 6'0", but 6'1.75" in the 1970s. Today he shrunk due to three surgeries down to 5'11" - 6'0". He weighed 225 lbs for the 1975 Mr. Olympia because he lost too much weight for "Stay Hungry". In 1974, he weighed 240 pounds for the Mr. Olympia and in 1971 he weighed a ripped 250 pounds for the Olympia.
Ghost Rider said on 8/Jul/08
I met Chris several times at equestrian shows, and he was all of 6'3" but not more, as I am 6'2.75", and he was barely taller than me if at all.
clark said on 22/Jun/08
That is a load of.... Christopher Reeve is/was not 6'2" maybe if he slouched. I saw him plenty of times in the Upper West Side. He had bad posture at times, but you could see his height when he stood straight and tall. A good friend of mine worked in "Daytime" and they worked out at the same gym. My friend is 6'3" and he always said Chris had about an inch on him, but had poor posture.
RobertJ said on 19/Jun/08
Joe S - your very mistaken or just lying. While Reeve may have been 6'3'' and some change flat, it's impossible he wore lifts in any of the superman films.
Supermanfan380 said on 31/May/08
When did you meet him Joe?
I can't believe anything less than 6'3" for him, and I have hiim at 6'4".
He may have looked shorter than that, to you, as he did tend to slouch. My wife is 3" taller than I am, and if she slouches just a little the difference looks much less. If her footwear is thinner than mine, it looks like she is only 1"-2" taller. So if Reeve had slightly thinner shoes, and was slouching, then sure he may only feel 1"-2" taller than you, but if his stood up with good posture it may look differenct.
Joe S said on 31/May/08
I have met Reeve several times in NYC. I am 6'1 and he was not much taller than me. I'd say Reeve was a solid 6'2 but appeared taller because he was so lean. The eyes play tricks people. And don't forget in the Superman movies, he had lifts in his shoes as Clark and Superman. You couldnt see them but they were inside the boot, at the heel. The lifts made him about 6'4 I would say.
Supermanfan380 said on 23/May/08
So if you are say, 212 pounds, at 21% bodyfat, that is not a good comparison to say,
Supermanfan380 said on 23/May/08
Guys, I said "about 150 pounds", just to drive the point home that he bulked up for the film. Sure, he may have been 180 for a starting point.
I do think he may have been 212 pounds only, even at 6'4", and looked exactly as he did.
212 pounds with very low bodyfat%. The low BF is what makes the difference. You cannot compare a guy who is 212 with 8% bodyfat, to a guy who is 212 and 20% bodyfat.
The difference there about be 24 pounds, either being muscle or fat.
Muscle is put on the outer silhouette of your body, shoulders, chest, upper back, etc
jenny said on 5/May/08
he is no less than 6-4, 6-5 i guess! but editor rob seems right!
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
i have 5 pics with reeve.the other pics will be seen one day.looked 6-2 in some of them i think.but he was a legit 6-4.
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/08
he makes arnie look 185 peak max
Kevint said on 24/Mar/08
Joe: If so, the weight numbers were off, if we're talking 6' 4" in stocking feet. He was slim, but still too heavily built in the shoulders and chest to be 6' 4"-212 pounds.
Jake Is Back said on 24/Mar/08
6'4" 212 lbs isn't thin. At 6'4" you need to be 190 lbs or less to be thin.
Joe said on 24/Mar/08
kevint. reeve was easily 6'4. he looks smaller because hes slouching and hes about a yard or 2 behind Glenn who is a full 5'8.
Kevint said on 23/Mar/08
Considering the 212 pound figure cited for his post-makeover body weight, I can't see him realistically at 6' 4". 76"/212 lbs. is thin. Reeve was a bit on the slim side, but not that slim.
Also, the above photo sort of speaks for itself. He looks 6' 2", max, unless Glenn is standing on a phone book.
Of course there's John Wayne Syndrome to consider--posthumously, any beloved, square-jawed hero actor will not only rise to his full "publicity height" but grow an extra inch or two. It doesn't surprise me that someone below posted that Reeve's "real" height was six foot five.
Clark said on 16/Mar/08
Honestly, I belive Chris Reeve was around 180-190 before he started lifting weights for S-man, but the 170-180 was reported so much nobody ever challenged it.
Actor Paul Satterfield stated that it was like meeting his double, and both stand at 6'4". Paul has a very similar build to Chris.
Joe said on 10/Mar/08
Very well observed Anon and so true!
RobertJ said on 8/Mar/08
It's not like Routh needed those thick boots, Singer just screwed up big time in the design of the suit..as well as the entire film really.
patrick said on 5/Mar/08
Very well observed Anon and so true!
Anon said on 2/Mar/08
By the way, I've seen Reeve's boots in the Superman movies, and they are very thin with no heels. It was like he was walking around barefoot.
Compare that to Brandon Routh's enormous lifts in his boots.
patrick said on 29/Feb/08
SuperAnonymous, I would tend to agree with you. No less than 6
Clark said on 26/Feb/08
Supermanfan...Chris Reeve did NOT start off at 150lbs for the Superman role, that is insane. He was between 170-180 and then bulked up.
Joe said on 19/Feb/08
I would say an easy 6'4 for Reeve, maybe a tad taller. What was he like in person, Glenn? You're so lucky to have met him before he passed. R.I.P.
SuperAnonymous said on 14/Feb/08
Christopher Reeve was more than 6'4". He was definitely 6'5" in his prime. He had the "tall man syndrome" where he used to hunch and slouch to reduce his height by about an 1 - 1.5 inches. They time he walked with a straight back in upright posture was when he did superman movies. He is
supes78 said on 17/Jan/08
Okay, so I've put together a photo montage of Reeve with various tall celebs (most of whom have pages on celebheights.com) and the dates the photos were taken;
Click HereNow, is there still doubt of Reeve being a solid 6'4" tall?!
supes78 said on 17/Jan/08
No problem. But in the original photo you posted, Reeve looked a good 2 inches shorter than Gossett so I knew that wasn't a great camera angle either. Here's a more straight on photo and probably the best one that exists from that event;
Click HereKeep in mind that Reeve is slouching slightly and cocking his head downward while Gossett's head is tilted more up. Regardless, both men look about the same height with Reeve possibly getting a little more height had he stood more erect. Gassett would have been in his mid 40s at the time and still at his peak height, which this site lists at 6'3.5" tall.

Editor Rob
yeah, Reeve looked looser posture.
supes78 said on 16/Jan/08
Here's a much better photo of Reeve standing side by side with atleast 6'3" Louis Gossett Jr from the 1983 Oscars;
Click HereIs there still doubt that Reeve was a solid 6'4" tall?

Editor Rob
actually it's poorer also because with high angle the person who is slightly further - i.e. Reeve - has his height amplified a bit.
D said on 11/Jan/08
He said he was 6'4", 215 lbs. in his book.
clark said on 8/Jan/08
TJ: I was referring to the mind set of Arnold--he does seem comfortable being "6 feet" and in the past saying he was 6'2"-- he has avoided questions about his height..not that is a big deal to me, but to him it is....
TJ said on 6/Jan/08
Clark, in what way is 6ft + vertically challenged?
clark said on 6/Jan/08
Does anyone have pics of Chris with verically challenged Arnold the governor.
Any pics with Supes and John Wayne after the 1st Superman movie.
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
So Sad that Christoper suffered and then died and his wife who took care of him died shortly thereafter. Tragic.
clark said on 31/Dec/07
Something about the Louis Gosset picture looks fishy!! As though, Reeve's picture was cut out and re-fitted. The fact is, in the first Superman movie, Christopher Reeve grew about three inches when he took off his glasses and said "Lois, there is something I have to tell you." ... That Superman is 6'4" when he stops slouching!!

Editor Rob
for folk who don't think 70 year old men can lose near 3 inches that gosset is clear example.
J.J.F said on 11/Dec/07
Chris Reeve was a class act. He didn't overdo Superman and he was vastly underrated as a character actor in the years after. See Remains Of The Day for one of his best, if rather short, performances.
He was easily 6'4". Very thin soles on those superman boots he had on remember - compared to all the rest with 1" heels
Daniel said on 29/Nov/07
David Prowse (Darth Vader) who trained him for Superman and was 6'7, in a Superman documentary said that Reeve was 6'5.
Chad said on 15/Oct/07
I knew Chris many years ago in 4th and 5th grade in Princeton. He was a super guy, very bright, and just started acting. I fully believe that he was at least 6'4" as an adult.
Supermanfan380 said on 8/Oct/07
Even I don't think he was 6'5", more like 6'4" and change.
Maybe right when he would get out of bed he was 6'5", but by noon he would be back to 6'4".
Reeve really was a tall guy. 10 times the superman than the super"boy" that Routh looked like. Reeve had a lot more muscle on his frame too, even if his arms lagged.
CRYSTAL C. said on 8/Oct/07
RobertJ said on 24/Sep/07
Wow I never heard of Paul Satterfield, he really does look like Chris.
Terry said on 2/Aug/07
I met Christopher Reeve when he was travelling with his wife and baby (on his back in a baby carrier) through Customs when they came to visit in Canada. He does not have an overbearing presence - probably because he didn't wear makeup, not to mention the fact that he had a baby on his back lol. What DID strike me was that his wife, without makeup, was very, very homely looking. I was really shocked to think Superman would marry a dog. But it just goes to prove that he sees people for who they really are and not how they look. A good indication that he was a good man inside and out.
RobertJ said on 13/Jul/07
Interesting pic supes78, Clive has boots on in the pic and bending somewhat but Reeve whose more or less barefoot looks eye to eye to him. You could argue it's the angle or Clive isn't his publicized height.
supes78 said on 11/Jul/07
6ft 5.5in actor Clive Mantle (who has a page on celeheights) facing off against Reeve, then Hackman in deleted scenes from Superman IV:
Click Here
Franco said on 6/Jul/07
doesnt look anywhere 193cm in that picture, looks 188cm at most
Supermanfan380 said on 7/Jun/07
I would not be shocked if Reeves was really just under 6'5" at his tallest.
He was very skinny before Superman was filmed, and he trained with David Prowse (sp? Darth Vader), to bulk up for the role. Reeves went from about 150 scrawny pounds, to 220-225 built pounds for the role.
Unfortunately he had lagging arms, but as far as the rest of him he was a big dude when he donned the tights.
Back to the point.
Skinny tall guys are often conscious about their hieght.
There are guys who are 6’8” who look under 6’4” because they slouch to look shorter on purpose. Bend the knees a little, stoop forward, let the shoulders slope. Some will even make an effort to be leaning against a wall, and sit down whenever given the chance to hide their height. They do this to “blend-in”, and for the most part, it works.
If they ever stand up all the way, straighten out and stand at attention, then people who have known them for years say “ohh my god, I never realized how tall you are, you really need to get better posture”.
These tall guys who hide-it always tend to be skinny. Reeves is a classic example.
Muscular tall guys usually stand straight, and will sometimes even pad an inch or two on their height, but the skinny ones will do the opposite.
Reeves having been the latter, at least in his youth, was possibly over 6’4” at his tallest.
One of the few examples of a guy on this site NOT needing to be knocked down an inch or two.
Da Man said on 24/May/07
What? A 2 inch difference in height is VERY noticeable. That's basically the difference between Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman. Now watch The Prestige sometime, 2 inches can be the difference between "normal" and "tall" as it was in that movie.
Guy said on 12/May/07
Reeve was about 6 4 in his prime. He may have even been a bit taller. I had read somewhere that he was always a bit reserved and embarassed about his height growing up, so I can't imagine why he'd lie about it, if anything I would think he would probably understate it a bit. I remember in the Superman movies, he used to tower over most of the people in the movie, even though he wasn't wearing any shoes in that superman costume.
Gossett is probably about 6 2 and a bit, which is why you can't see much of a difference between their heights. People don't realize that 2 inches really isn't a huge difference when it comes to height. Most people would barely be able to tell if someone is an inch or two taller than another person most of the times due to posture and shoes.
Elisabeth said on 9/May/07
That is about right.He looked like a really tall guy before he became paralized.Especially on "Somewhere in Time".
Da Man said on 26/Apr/07
Now, was Louis Gossett Jr. ever really 6-3.5?
RobertJ said on 24/Apr/07
Neat pic Rob, in the other pic Reeve looked way shorter. He looks like he's leaning a bit, what do you think?
Ben said on 22/Apr/07
i've always been a big Christopher Reeve Fan and i've got to say that he allways has looked like a solid 6'4 to me...and they say that hackman was a very solid 6'2 maybe even 6'2,5 in his younger days but there still was a big difference between them...
DaMan said on 14/Mar/07
I think that pic with Reeve and Hackman is misleading. Reeve has 3 minor advantages there - he *is* marginally closer to the camera, Hackman *is* slightly slouching, Reeve is extended and the ground MAY be uneven.
Click Here
This pic is more inline with the vast majority of Reeve/Hackman pics I've seen.
lillo thomas said on 8/Mar/07
reeves to me in that pic with hackman looks like a legit 6´4.
Viper said on 8/Mar/07
Hackman is barely even slouching at all. The only argument against it would be the uneven ground I think.
supes78 said on 8/Mar/07
Reeve is not closer to the camera, just look at the size of their heads.
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/07
I'm not sure Reeve looks a solid 6-4 in that pic with Hackman. Reeve is closer to the camera and Hackman is slouching.
And no way was Prowse 6-7.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/07
He built up for the part of Superman. He was fairly skinny when he was cast apparently. The huge David Prowse who was 6'7'' and well built was surprised at Reeves being cast if my memeory serves me right. He thought Reeves lacked the bulk, Prowse was up for the part but really was too old and wasn't a proper actor in the sense of being able to carry a film. Reeves was superb as Superman though all told. The first 2 films are brilliant. Reeves struck me as very honest, I don't think he would sneak an inch with his height. Although I do remember him being on a show with Penn and Teller the magicians and he was noticeably shorter than the giant one of that pair. This was years ago of course so my memory might be wrong. If I has to guess I say 6'3'' to 6'4'' for Reeves.
Viper said on 5/Mar/07
Wow, thats a great picture Supes.
supes78 said on 4/Mar/07
Reeve in a candid pic from 1978 looking a solid 6'4" beside then 6'2" Gene Hackman, footwear for both men clearly visible:
Click Here
Nevio said on 13/Feb/07
Is it true Glenn that you grew even in 20-s a few cm?do you remember how tall were you at age 17,nearly 18?
Glenn said on 6/Feb/07
Ive been taking photos with celebs 17 years.I dont work for the site.I kindly contribute.
Ronald said on 6/Feb/07
btw Glenn,you had a photo with reeve before his accident?i thought always you started working on celebheights just few years ago...
DaMan said on 25/Jan/07
Ben, and you must be naive. I'm not "downgrading" anyone, but I do believe most of the population "give" themselves an inch, actors usually more. There is a poster below who claimed to have met Reeve and that he claim to being just over 6'3", which IMO, jives with the evidence. Wierd.
Jordan said on 23/Jan/07
Rob, in that Reeve and Gasset pic, does it appear to you that Reeve could be hunching, becuase your right he does look shorter then usual there.

Editor Rob
yes, Reeve could be loose posture, just its just shocking to see louis nowadays...
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/07
I would agree with daman here, except for Reeve could possibly 6'3 1/2 rather then a hair over, but it is possible Kerry could be 6'3. The only reason I say Reeve could have been 6'3 1/2 is him and Kerry look the Same but Kerry has more hair on his head, and Reeve seems to have his head down a little. So it possible Reeve could be taller then Kerry by a little more.
Daman said on 22/Jan/07
Jordan, and I believe Kerry is 6'3". I also think Reeve was 6'3" or just a hair over - 6-3 1/4".
Jordan said on 20/Jan/07
DaMan, most of the pics you posted have Kerry looking 6'3 to me. And next to Clinton he does look 6'4.
DaMan said on 14/Jan/07
Kerry has a thin, gangly build which I believe can make him appear taller than he really is.
Viper said on 8/Jan/07
Kerry has always looked an easy 6-4 to me.
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/07
Dude, he was 6'4". Let it go.
Most of your pics are awful since everyone is crouched over in them. And it's never a good idea to judge height by a picture of a tall guy and a much shorter guy, since chances are the tall guy will slouch a bit to make the shorter guy feel more comfortable.
supes78 said on 1/Jan/07
And yet not a single documented source including Kerry's military record from the 60s reports him as being any shorter! Sorry DaMan, but virtually all those photos show Kerry at awkward angles or stooping so they can hardly be called conclusive. Too many tall people unconsciously lean in when around most people because so many are shorter. I not only found pics that were dead-on but also cited varied references for his height. In fact, not a single google search listing for John Kerry states anything shorter for the man. You would think that if the man wasn't really 6'4", Bush's camp would have exposed that during the election. Hell, even Schwarzenegger's long touted 6'2" height was constantly contested by the media and non-supporters during the California election. Would a Presidential candidate's inflated height claim have received any less scrutiny? That makes absolutely no sense!
Back to the real topic though, how come the couple of naysayers that doubt Reeve was 6'4" can't offer anything but opinion to back up their claim? Where's the reports and quotes from Hollywood insiders that state he's shorter? Where are the proof-positive photos? Why do none of the unauthorized biographies of Reeve not state that the man lied about his height? It's just nonsensical to not have atleast one shred of documented proof where he or those that knew him like doctors (who've repeatedly stated he was 6'4") have differed about his height. In fact, virtually every tall celebrity from James Cromwell, to Dolph Lundgren, to Conan O' Brien, to Michael Clarke Duncan, to David Hasselhoff, to Liam Neisam & so forth will have some height variance if you do an internet search for their heights. But I couldn't find a single listing for Reeve that stated he was any shorter. Yet I'm sure more opinions including references to the way he appeared in a particular film (which is the most laughable way to gauge a person's true height) will be offered up as "proof"...
Gotxo said on 1/Jan/07
Supes, not only that in europe Kerry was billed being a lil taller than that even 194cm instead the 6'4" conversion (193cm).
Whe don't see the ground but they both seem pretty much being the same heigt.
Anonymous said on 30/Dec/06
Reeve had pretty much no soles in his boots, and I've always thought of Hackman as more like 6'3", especially in his prime and especially with those curly locks he had in the Superman movies, so it's no wonder they looked close in height. Reeve looked maybe half an inch taller.
DaMan said on 29/Dec/06
I see 3.5" between Arnold and Reeve there.
Jordan said on 20/Dec/06
Actaully when i was 8 years old, Superman movies were so great for me. I really miss those days of Chris Reeve, Poor Routh had to fill Reeve's shoes.
AA said on 19/Dec/06
Tall guy, 6-4 for sure... maybe even taller!
Ed said on 17/Dec/06
Reeve was a notorious sloucher in all his movies. Maybe he was trying to downplay his height, but most of the time he stood with his shoulders rounded and his head down a bit , with the exception of when he was Superman where he stood up straight . In the pic with Arnold he's not standing up straight, plus he's closer to the camera than Arnold by a bit. From the top of Arnold's head to Reeve's head is 4 to 5 inches, at least that's the way I see it. If they were standing next to each other Reeve I'm sure would be at least 3.5 to 4 inches taller, if he was standing perfectly straight.
TJ said on 17/Dec/06
5 inches or more? Please look again at the pic. Line up Arnie's eyes with Chris and where do they come to? Just above the tip of Chris' nose. Now measure the distance between your eyes and that part of your nose. If it's 5 inches, you are a medical curiosity lol. OK, Chris does have his head down a little and Arnie his head up a little, but even straightened out I don't see more than 3 inches.
Jordan said on 15/Dec/06
Wow Reeve looks to have 5 inches or more on arny. Even if the rumnors about a 5'10 arnold are tru, Reevs would still be 6'3. If arnie is 6'1.5 then reeve is an easy 6'4
Inaneko said on 14/Dec/06
I've had the pleasure of meeting the three people this discussion seems to be about. I actually spoke to Reeve about his height, circa 1989. Said he was a tad over 6'3". Hackman is and has always been 6'1", and Routh is a little taller, about 6'2". Remember, it is has always been the case that celebs up everything - genetically, they are the same as everyone else!
Anthony said on 4/Dec/06
Towering to me is 6+ inches.
CC-Tron said on 3/Dec/06
It's just opinion but....DaMan, 6'4 guys don't tower over 6'2 or 6'1 guys. 2 or 3 inches difference is not exactly towering. Taller yes but towering no. I consider towering to be almost a head taller.
Franco said on 16/Nov/06
doesn't look 1.93 there...looks 1.85. but i take into account the cam angle so he should be 1.90cm maybe.
supes78 said on 8/Nov/06
According to the follwing article, Reeve's youngest son Will is already 5'11" tall at only age 14.
Click Here
DaMan said on 1/Nov/06
Routh's lifts are ridiculously big, and people think Kane (the wrestler) wears big lifts...he's got nothing on those.
I still don't think Reeve looked a solid 6'4", he never towered 6'1" - 6'2" co-stars like a solid 6'4" guy would. He was definitely tall, he just looked more 6'3" to me.
supes78 said on 30/Oct/06
In Reeve's autobiography "Still Me", not only does he once again confirm that he was 6'4", he also adds that he comes from a really tall family. His dad was also 6'4" and his mom was 5'9". Reeve's younger brother Benjamin is a tad over 6'4" but he doesn't state how much exactly. Gae Exton, the mother of Reeve's two older children has been freqeuntly described as "a 6 foot tall London model" so Reeve's kids are also tall. In an episode of Oprah from the late 90's, Reeve said his daughter was nearly 6 foot tall (she would have been in her mid teens at the time) and she could be a full 6 foot today. Not sure how tall Reeve's oldest son is but he also looks in the 6'4" range. And if you think about it, if Reeve was 6'3", why would anyone increase that height since that's the exact height of Superman in the comics? Not to mention that Reeve has stated that his height has worked against the type of character-driven roles he's always wanted as opposed to action movie roles that his stature was more right for. So he would want to downplay his height if anything, not increase it.
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/06
Actually, Routh was wearing fake muscles under the suit, and lifts in the boots. Reeve wore no soles in his boots (essentially barefoot) and no padding at all. He was actually quite a bit bigger than Routh, if you look at pics of the two shirtless. Routh's physique is quite average, suprisingly, whereas Reeve had a six-pack and defined arms.
rj said on 25/Oct/06
Supermanfan380 makes a good point about selecting Routh to play Superman. They should have looked for a comic book Superman instead of a Reeve look-a-like. Reeve didn't actually "look like Superman" but rather "gave Superman a look". But there are certain characteristics needed for Superman, Reeve had most of it, Routh had some:
height (both Reeve and Routh had it);
muscles (Reeve just barely had it, Routh had it);
broad shoulders (Reeve had it, Routh didn't);
thick neck- very important for the Superman look (Reeve had it, Routh didn't);
voice (Reeve had it, Routh DEFINITELY NOT!!!- cannot portray Superman with a whiny voice!! Very bad!)
Reeve took a unique approach to create a character for Superman. He did not portray a muscle-head Superman like the cartoon "Up, up, and away!" He made Superman into a gentleman. Most impressive, I think was the nerdy, unpopular character he portrayed as Clark Kent. That created a sensible contrast between Superman and Clark, unlike George Reeves' well-respected Clark Kent in the '50s series. That didn't make sense- no distinction between Clark and Superman.
I always thought someone like WWE's Vince McMahon (back in the late '60s or early '70s) could have played a good muscle-head, comic book Superman. Probably just tall enough or slightly lacking height (about 6' or 6'1" I think), but he definitely had the size, the build, the voice, and the look (disregarding drama or romance skills which I have no idea- though he can definitely act... like an idiot).
DaMan said on 20/Oct/06
Welling isn't shorter than Routh. Don't know where you are getting that Viper.
Reeves never looked a solid 6'4" to me, more 6'3" - 6'3.5".
Danimal said on 18/Oct/06
He was 6'4" and 225 pounds in the late 70's (Superman era).
supermanfan380 said on 18/Oct/06
Routh is shoter than Reeves was, Routh is skrawny compared to Reeves. Reeves had a musculen body structure, Routh has an hourglass figure, and efeminate hips.
Routh resembles a younger version of Christopher Reeves, but sadly will not ever look more masculen that he does, and will not ever ever have the "superman pressence" and intimidating pressence that Reeve had. I think they should have found some one who looked like Superman from the comics, instead of finding a guy who looks like Reeve. Routh is sort of like a copy of a copy, after several copies.
Viper652 said on 18/Oct/06
Tom Welling physically looks bigger than Routh at times, even though he is shorter. I think they casted Routh because he looks a lot like Reeves.
supermanfan380 said on 17/Oct/06
I think he was 6'4", maybe 6'3", either way legit TALL.
I just don't think he ever got credit for how big he really was. By Superman III he was about 235 pounds, and was the right weight for the character, people just say he was too skinny today because he had "lagging arms".
It is common for guys who lift weights, even bodybuilders, to have a body part that just does not want to respond to training with growth in size the way it should. Even if they gain a lot of strength, some times a muscle group just does not catch up with the rest of you.
For Reeves it was his arms. He had a thick back, chest, even quads, and he was very tall, he just had laging arms, and keep in mind arms do NOT acount for a great amount of body weight. If his arms were about 2" bigger around, just his arms, they would have matched the rest of him, and he would have been about 10 pounds heavier in total weight tops.
I always thought Brandon Routh looked too small to be superman, and that they should have found a guy the size Christopher Reeves was for Superman III, and had him train with a bodybuilder for 6 months before filming. Hoepfully he would be built like the S3 circa Reeves, with better arm development, that would have been a perfect translation from the comics to film for the height and build of superman.
Glenn said on 15/Oct/06
I never met him.all my friends have.real jerk.not sure of the height.around 6-3.
RobertJ said on 15/Oct/06
Hey glenn you've seen Brandon in person? If so, how did he act and how tall do you estimate him to be?
Glenn said on 30/Sep/06
Brandon is always having a bad day.
Anthony said on 27/Sep/06
Routh probably let fame go to his head. His Superman, while impresssive considering the shoes (boots) he had to fill, wasn't even half of what Reeve's was, so he has no reason to be stuck up.
Glenn said on 25/Sep/06
In time I will.one or 2,might be lost forever.saw one the other day.thanks.
George H said on 25/Sep/06
Very likable guy. I think I read somewhere that he claimed to have grown about an inch after picking up body building, when he was in his early twenties.
supes78 said on 24/Sep/06
Glenn you should upload your other photos with Reeve onto imageshack, we'd love to see them.
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
5 photos with him.sweetheart of a man.
Anthony said on 23/Sep/06
6'4 from head to toe, looked it with ease. One of the greatest men to ever grace this Earth.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Yeah,Jordan I met her.I remember 5-7 tops.5-6.5 is perfect actually.
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Kidder 5-10? she seemed shorter to me.could be wrong.
Anon said on 11/Sep/06
The character Superman is actually supposed to be 6'3" in the comics, so for the movies they had to add an inch and call him 6'4" because of Reeve. Margot Kidder is 5'10" and Reeve made her look tiny.
nathan said on 25/Aug/06
in the movie superman returns the superman character claims that he is 6'4 which could possibly mean that chris reeves was 6'4
Jordan said on 12/Jul/06
Reeves was in Superman boots in the scenes with Hackman who had a bigger heel advantage with his dress shoes, thats why reeves dont look the full 6'4---but he defenitly has to be 6'4
sam said on 29/Jun/06
Well, the difference between Hackman and Reeve seemed to be about 2 inches to me. Reeve was a definite 6'4".
Editor Rob said on 17/May/06
Also said in 1986 talking about Superman role, "You wouldn't catch me dead in a gym. No way. I was 6'4" and I weighed 190. By July of that year, I weighed 215, and it was all newly acquired muscle"
Brett said on 10/May/06
In superman the original, Lois asks him his height and weight to which he responds "6'4" and "225 pounds", although those were supermans dimensions, I think he really was around this in person.
316 said on 24/Feb/06
Nice hair style Glenn. Coming to reeves, i guess there is absolutely no doubt about this guy being 6'4. I feel more than his height, its his deeds which will be remembered more. A REAL LIFE SUPERMAN..
J-Dog said on 19/Jan/06
A definite 6'4" even taking into account the angle which is in Glenn's favor, Reeve towers over Glenn.
Gotxo said on 30/Nov/05
when in a dubbed scene someone says that he's 180cm they prolly mean 6 feet.
The Raymond Chandler books where translated to spanish like this:
Philip Marlowe's height is given as 180cm in one book, later another character is described as about 2cm taller, 185cm. How could it be? The reason behind:
183cm is not a reference on Spanish-French culture as 180cm & 185cm are you directly round up or down to ciphers that end in 0 or 5. Saying xx3cm sounds as whimsical as whatever and 1/2" or 3/4", nobody says it if not asked with that grade of precission.
LMAO said on 30/Nov/05
gotxo, thats so funny. same s*** happens in that costner movie the messenger where someone asks kevin about his height and he says "im around 1.80"...when costner is about 6-1
Gotxo said on 29/Nov/05
It's clear, he was 6'4", but let's forget of that balcony scene for it was part of the plot. The producers/director luckily chosen a big guy to portray a big guy.
There was needed no more than the Super-robes and the special effects to make him fly (not to make him taller). BTW in the Spanish dubbing of that film, in that precise scene Supes answers he's 182cm!!! LMAO (we were about 5'8" in the 80's, mebbe a little less, so to make him not a giant ...)
supes78 said on 28/Nov/05
In the first Superman movie, it is stated on 3 occasions that he is 6'4". I have no idea where "areyouhigh" fot the 192cm measurement from. Perhaps in a different dubbing of the film that wasn't entirely accurate.
mac1 said on 28/Nov/05
Christopher Reeves was no doubt 6foot4... and on the balcony im almost positive he says 6foot4 not 192cm? Bottom line: he was no shorter or taller than 6foot4.
Jason said on 27/Nov/05
Why do they give a metric height for Superman in the comics?
Gotxo said on 26/Nov/05
Well supes, in fact he was one inch taller than most comics gives for superman (modern ones), and the first actors to play superman where 6'1". So he improved the model.
supes78 said on 25/Nov/05
Reeve was one of the rare examples of a Hollywood star being the exact height as his comic book counterpart. I'd read that Christian Bale was 6'2" tall like Batman is in the comics, but now it appears that he's closer to an even 6 feet.
narianoresponse said on 16/Nov/05
ya why u think they chose christoper reeve for film , cuz hes same height and weight as superman ...6'4" 192cm , 104kg 230 lbs ...
Mario Nariano said on 15/Nov/05
192 cm is the height of Super Man in the comics.
areyouhigh said on 14/Nov/05
in the superman movie he tells lois when she does that interview on her balcony: im 192cm , and 104kg so hes 6'3" 1/2 , and was near 225-230 pounder ... so 6'3"-6'4" is on the spot , and he does look it ...
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Oct/05
From Playgirl 1982: "I was very tall and very awkward. I was six feet two inches by the time I was 13 and I wasn't well-coordinated. I had Osgood Schlatter disease, which makes the tendons grow faster than the bones"
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Oct/05
In St Augistine Record he said about auditioning for Superman: "I was 6 foot 4, but I was pretty skinny -- probably weighed 185, 190"
supes78 said on 19/Jul/05
I agree with J.J.F.'s comments about the different soles for their shoes. If you look closely at the Superman movies boots, the soles were very thin, not sure what the rational for it was. But when you've got a Superman who's 6'4", it didn't matter.
J.J.F said on 18/Jul/05
'Sorry supes' - you havent really thought this through, have you? Hackman was wearing proper shoes whereas Reeve had very thin soles on those red boots. Hackman was close to 6'2 back then
supes78 said on 13/Jul/05
Since when are movies a good way to tell people's heights? Hell, that would make this website unnecessary. Reeve was 100% 6'4" inches tall and it's never been disputed because there's a ton of proof in the form of eye witness accounts, candid photographs and interviews verifying it.
Sorry supes said on 29/Jun/05
Reeve looks only 1.5 inch taller than hackman in superman and many people say hackman is 6'1 or 6'2. Makes me wonder if Reeve was 6'3.
Sorry just noticed a difference in height.