ANON said on 30/Dec/08
Typical,here we go again............certain individuals from a certain country are always trying to belittle (no pun intended) British celebs?
Christopher Lee is a modest chap and is 6ft 4in,by the by there's plenty of chaps over 6ft in the UK it's not just the USA,ok!!
Ed T. said on 28/Nov/08
Adam , I agree that Lee appears more like 4 inches taller than Moore ( at least in the famous back to back scene) in "The Man With The Golden Gun". Although , I don't see Moore being any taller than 6'1" barefoot and possibly only 6'0.5".
adam said on 24/Nov/08
Was he really only 2-3 inches taller than Moore? I remember that the difference was like 4 inches?
In THE DEVIL RIDES OUT Lee was around three inches taller than Charles Gray who was probably 6-2.
deano said on 18/Nov/08
when I saw Christopher lee in man with the golden gun he was from the range of 2 - 3 inches taller than roger who I take as 6 ft 1 1/2 so that would make christopher 6 ft 4 1/2 at tallest.Can someone tell me if roger was 6 ft 1 or 1 1/2 in man with the golden gun, I mean he was 45 then so does thaT MEAN HE WAS 6 FT 1 1/2 OR EVEN AT 6 FT 2.
deano said on 18/Nov/08
I think Christopher lee was at 6 ft 4 1/2 at tallest or, if you have the eveidence that he was 6 ft 5 at younger age then I guess he was.
Ed(1) said on 1/Nov/08
The Wicker Man was on TV last night, and strangely Lee looked all of 6ft3 tops in that film, and that was 1972 I believe! He didn't give off the impression of a 6ft5 man like he's done in other films!
Elf said on 22/Oct/08
I still think Lee looks near 6
adam said on 20/Oct/08
In Dr. Terror`s House Of Horrors (good film) Lee looks clearly taller than Donald Sutherland. The difference could really be as much as solid 2 inches -and Sutherland was 6-4! You cant check it on youtube.
Big King said on 25/Sep/08
I hate it when people are downgrading their heights! 6'5" or maybe 6'5 1/2" was Lee's height when he was younger.
adam said on 23/Sep/08
Never seen that film. Peck is a solid 6-3...
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
And just to add, he looks a lot bigger than an inch next to Gregory Peck in "Captain Horatio Hornblower."
Anonymous said on 17/Sep/08
If he is 6'4" then he wouldn't have had as much trouble as he claims he had with his height, because he would only be an inch bigger than Gregory Peck who was pretty much at the top of Hollywood, so 6'5" would be more likely because he's then a whole two inches bigger than a leading Hollywood actor.
adam said on 12/Sep/08
Lee has always been a slender man with a perfect posture. This guy seems to care about his height though he only claimes 6-4. He sure is 6-5, no doubts. Half an inch more peak? Maybe.... How they got that? I guess 6-5
Big King said on 4/Sep/08
A german website announced Lee's height as 197cm (6'5 1/2"). If this is true is the big question but Lee looked easily four inches taller than Hayden Christensen in Star Wars Episode III.
adam said on 1/Sep/08
Yep, he was 6-5.
King said on 29/Aug/08
Lee stated 6'4" but that's nonsense. He was 6'5".
Sam Troy said on 24/Jul/08
His height was a great feature when he played such characters as Dracula and Frenkenstein's monster.
Kingston said on 10/Apr/08
Lee looked at least four inches taller than Hayden Christensen in Star Wars Episode II and III.
Anonymous KinG said on 2/Apr/08
he looks much taller than 6ft3 donald sutherland to me.. hes like 6ft4.5..
Robbie H said on 20/Jan/08
he must of shrunk at least an inch now thats hes in his 80's, he looks about 6ft 3 now, 6ft 4/5 prime. in 'star wars:attack of the clones'he looked an inch taller than the 6ft 2 samuel L jackson.
joseph dean said on 9/Jan/08
well he does awsum for his age. i dunt no many 85 year olds that are 6'5. 0r if hes now 6'4 or 3 now. he is 85 after all. but a legend.
D-Lurker said on 17/Dec/07
Catsman i do remember bernard bresslaw. he was one of my favoruite creatures as a child. i thinks its 'Rell' from the movies commentary, His height was described as 6' 5"...
unreal, lee has lost alot of height if 6'3" is correct
Anonymous said on 15/Dec/07
I've heard the character of Scaramanga being sited as 6'4", but Christopher Lee himself looks a good 6'5" standing next to 6'1" Roger Moore in The Man with the Golden Gun.
Marcelo C. said on 7/Dec/07
More of his films show him at 6
Marcelo C. said on 2/Oct/07
I do agree Michael, in "The man with the Golden Gun" 6-1 Moore looks quite shorter than Lee. So, 6 ft 5/6 will do.
Michael said on 12/Sep/07
I think it is possible that Christopher Lee was infact 6 ft 5 to 6 ft 6 ins with shoes in his younger days. He looked large in a lot of films. My aunt used to work for a television company in the 1970s and saw this very large man with big hands, which were of Lee. She never commented about his height. However, when I read a profile of the Saint and James Bond actor, Roger Moore in a Film Preview book from the late 1950s or early 1960s, it said his height was 6 ft 2 ins, which of course would make Christopher at least 3 inches or more taller in the Bond movie - The Man with the Golden Gun.
Catsman said on 12/Sep/07
He got his big break playing a monster when Bernard Bresslaw's agent asked for too much money and Hammer didn't want to pay. They were two of the tallest quality actors working in Britain in the 50, 60, and 70s so they got all those kind of parts. Rob, you should also list Bresslaw, he was a star.
Chip said on 17/Aug/07
He must keep himself in great health. He was born in 1922, and he doesn't seem like he's lost any height. Christopher Lee rules!
Mr. T said on 2/Aug/07
He's in pretty astounding shape for an old man. Much like Clint Eastwood, but Lee's voice has nearly the same gravity as it did in his youth.
glenn said on 24/Mar/07
he was a great i hear he doesnt sign much and he makes posing with him difficult.he does do it.but will sometimes not.
Jordan said on 23/Mar/07
Glenn, Lee is a cool cat, I think he would be nice to you and grant a picture.
Viper said on 23/Mar/07
Rob, are you sure he only looked 6-2-6-3 back in Oct. 2006? I thought he looked around 6-4 in fairly recent pictures.

Editor Rob
yes, put it this way, about 10-15 minutes earlier I saw matt frewer and he gave more of a 6ft 3 impression than Mr Lee did, surprisingly.
glenn said on 23/Mar/07
really? i saw 6-4 in 1989.i was so nervous i didnt ask for the photo with.i didnt start this yet
Brad said on 23/Mar/07
The guy was a legit 6' 5" during his Hammer Dracula films.
Glenn2 said on 14/Mar/07
i met him there about a year ago when i was with my brother. My bro is dead on 6'3 and Lee was eye to eye with him
Gotxo said on 3/Feb/07
Let's give him a current 6'3", in an interview dating back 2001 (El mundo, Spanish newspaper) he's described as "only" a plain 190cm.
He might have declined a bit more in height but probably is quite near to it.
Jordan said on 17/Nov/06
Lee is way taller then 6'1.5 and rarely ever looks shorter then 6'3. So 6'1.5 is really unlikely. If that was the case Roger Moore would be 5'8.
Ed said on 14/Nov/06
Ralph, where do you 6ft1.5 from? It's apparent Lee has shrunk a bit, but did you see the 2005 premiere pics for Revenge of the Sith. If Lee is only 6ft1.5, than that would put Sam Jackson at 5ft11.5 and Christensen at around 5ft10. I can't see Lee anything less than 6ft2.5 or 6ft3, with Jackson at 6ft1 maybe a hair more, and Christensen at 5ft11.5. Rob saw him recently, and pegged him at about 6ft2 to 6ft3, I'm guessing that's a barefoot estimate since he didn't say, so that would put Lee at between 6ft3 and 6ft4 with shoes.
ralph said on 13/Nov/06
Like Fidel Castro, he was in the 6'4"-6'5" range at young age, but they both became old and shrunked. Both men are 6'1.5" now.
Ed said on 12/Nov/06
I completely agree Viper, I think Jackson was near 6ft2 at one time and that's it.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/06
Jackson looks 6-1 Max now.
Franco said on 11/Oct/06
i'm 6'4" (1.93cm) exactly and i saw Christopher Lee on 2 occasions in Italy walking in the streets of Venice he was purchasing a little gift (arlecchino doll) and i said hi to him, i noticed he was about 1 - 1.5cm taller than me so i guess he is 1.93cm, and i agree his posture is great. really kind man and he even joked with a few italian words he knew. :-D excellent actor too.
so from personal experience i'd say he his real height is 1.94cm and with shoes about 1.95cm, i say so because i am 1.94cm with shoes and since he was 1cm taller and the street was EVEN, then he is 1.95cm with shoes and 1.94cm without.
he can't be 1.93cm because that would make me 1.92cm (unless i shrink that day) lol which is highly unlikely.
Mikex said on 11/Oct/06
Jordan, yeah Lee had trouble getting acting parts when young because he was tall. This was at a time when 6ft was tall let alone 6'5''. Also he had dark exotic looks at a time when the preference in leading men was for those with typical Anglo-Saxon features. It's seems to have worked out for him in the end though. His distinctiveness seems to have aided his longevitivity.
Stephen said on 11/Oct/06
At least 6'4" without shoes. I'd say about 6'4.5". Great actor!
venus said on 10/Oct/06
He has a small frame for his height,very thin but I don't buy that he is 6'5.Maybe a half inch shy of 6'5. He has great posture. He appears to have taken very good care of himself in his old age.
Jordan said on 19/Sep/06
You are correct. Personally I dont think Lee wants to be refered to as a giant so he says he is 6'4. Remenber, in lee's bio it states he had a hard time getting jobs b/c of his height. I think lee rounds himeself down to 6'4, but in reality he is taller.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 30/Aug/06
in the pics below i say jackson and hayden are both 6'1 will lee is a solid 6'4
Mario said on 17/Jul/06
A lot of tall actors seems to be round there height down or at least that is what I think.
Editor Rob said on 16/Jul/06
In a 1977 interview he also said "I'm 6ft 4".
Anthony said on 8/Jul/06
I was watching a making of documentary for "The Man With The Golden Gun" the other day, and they were discussing Herve Villechaze, who I believe was somewhere between 3'6 and 3'9, and they mention Lee's height as being 6'4.
Personally, I think he was 6'5 in his prime. The man obviously takes very good care of himself and probably has very good posture as he hardly appears to have shrunk at all.
Gonzalo said on 1/Jun/06
Someone said in Donald Sutherland page, that Lee was an inch taller than Sutherland, so 6`5 for Lee sounds about right
Almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 26/May/06
well editor Rob again was that height with or without shoes? Most people quote their with shoes height, not barefooted height.
Joe22 said on 26/May/06
Chris lee is i think officially recognised as the tallest actor in a lead role at 6'5", i dunno would that honour pass to vince vaughn now that hes making it big in movies, vince is like 6'5". I know Lees 6'4" now due to his age and posture, but hes always been a presence on the big screen, being 6'4" myself i admire the credit hes given tall people on screen. By the way heres one for the movie/height buffs..has anyone seen The Legend of Fu Manchu starring Lee? You should check out Lees sidekick in it, the chinese guy looks to be 6'8-9"!! Hes huge, Lee himself remarking afterwards that the lad was "head and shoulders over me"
Editor Rob said on 26/May/06
"By the time I was 17 years old I was 6ft 4" - from biography.
Viper652 said on 26/May/06
Almost, there is no way in the world Sam Jackson is as short as 5-11. So you think he wears lifts? The absolute shortest he could be is 6-0.5 barefoot, but I think hes pretty much 6-1.
Almost 40 and still watching wrestling said on 24/May/06
well Chris Lee is probably 6-4 in shoes, or 6-2+ to 6-3ish without shoes. Now 6-4 is a very tall man, you don't see many 6-4 people walking around period. Jordan is about 6-6 with shoes, so about 2 inches taller than Lee. Roger Moore is about 6feet+ with shoes, or 5-10+ to 5-11 without. Samuel L.'s wax statue at Madam Toussant is about 5-11, but he might be 6 feet or a bit over with shoes on in real life. So Lee's got 4 inches on both of them with shoes on, that's a big difference especially on film.
Viper652 said on 23/May/06
Almost 40 is downgrading everyone to ridiculous levels.
sam said on 23/May/06
OK, let's imagine that Samuel L. Jackson is 5'11":
that would make John Travolta about 5'9", Kevin Spacey & Colin Farrell about 5'7", Robert De Niro around 5'5",
Ben Affleck just over 5'10"...I could go on but this is just crazy talk.
Ed said on 22/May/06
This is getting comical, there's no way Sam Jackson is 5ft11! I know a lot of these stars are shorter in real life, but that's a little absurd. Unless it can be proven, I'll say for now Lee is 6ft3 1/2 barefoot, and Jackson is 6ft1 to 6ft1.5 barefoot, with Christensen pushing 6ft. Jackson has always been tall in all his films for too many years, 5ft11 is hilarious.
Jason said on 22/May/06
There looked like about 4 inches between Moore and Lee in that back to back shot in The Man with the Golden Gun. I would say Moore was about 6'0 1/2'' and Lee about 6'4 1/2''. I agree with you
Michael Jordan is only 6'4 1/2'' minus shoes, though. He might seem a little taller than Lee because he has a small head and thus more body length.
Almost 40 and still watching wrestling said on 22/May/06
Roger Moore is not 6-1, he's a normal sized man who's around 6 feet with shoes. Lee was taller than Moore in Man with Golden Gun but no way is there 5 inches separating them, at most 3 or 4 inches, which would make Lee about 6-4 with shoes, or 6-2ish without, which by the way, is very tall.
Samuel L. Jackson is about 5-11, saw a life-sized statue of him at Madam Toussaint's at time square, not a tall man.
Michael Jordan is 6-4.5 barefooted, Chris Lee is NOT taller than or same height as Jordan. No way.
J-Dog said on 20/May/06
Who usually gets 2" of height from their shoes? I have running shoes and boots and both of them give me 3/4" of an inch and the boots gives me 1 and 1/4" inch of height. And secondly let's not go too crazy no way is Samuel L. Jackson only 5'11" 6'0". He looks big near Samuel L Jackson.
Ed said on 20/May/06
I suppose the shortest I could go with for Lee would be 6ft3+ barefoot these days. He's in his 80's now so I'm sure he shrunk a bit, but he was just to tall back in the day to be anything less than 6ft4.5 to 6ft5 barefoot. Look at The Wicker Man, The Man with the Golden Gun, Dracula, even more recent movies like Lord of the Rings and Sleepy Hollow, the guy has consistently loomed over everyone else in the casts. When he stood back to back with the 6ft1 Roger Moore, in TMWTGG he was way taller, easily 5 inches.
OnCapeCod said on 20/May/06
Lee is a VERY tall man met him at the MOMA in NYC (1986-7?) and he possesses a HUGE physical presence much more than any other actor I have seen.
Jason said on 20/May/06
I would guess about 6'4 1/2'' in his prime and a flat 6'4'' today. I don't think he's lost much height to speak of suprisingly.
Glenn said on 20/May/06
Get a girlfriend.
Almost 40 and still watching wrestling said on 20/May/06
so you are saying Lee is as tall as
Michael Jordan? Are you kidding me??? If Lee is 6-6 with shoes on, he would look like a giant, he looks tall, but not like a giant, on the big screen. 6-4 with shoes.
Ed said on 19/May/06
There's no way Lee is only 6ft2+ in his barefeet, and 6ft4 with shoes. Scroll down this page and look at the pic under Editor Rob's name, the one with Sam Jackson, George Lucas, and Hayden Christensen. If Lee is only 6ft2+ barefoot, with shoes he'd be maybe just pushing 6ft4. If that's the case what is Sam Jackson 6ft barefoot, and 6ft1.5 with shoes because there's clearly a big difference in height between those two. Christensen would be 5ft10 with shoes on in that pic if that's the case. There's at least 5 to 6 inches between Christensen and Lee, and 3+ between Sam Jackson and Lee.

Editor Rob
you never know, lee could be in lifts ;-) Maybe after seeing Lucas' extensive collection at skywalker ranch he borrowed a pair!
Almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 19/May/06
right, 6-4 with shoes on.
Glenn said on 19/May/06
He is 6-4 barefoot in his prime.I met him when I was a kid.he was the tallest person in a building full of people.everyone was commenting on his height.sweet guy then.heard this changed.
Gonzalo said on 19/May/06
He has always looked very tall in his movies. I think he was definitely 6`5 in his prime. He towers over everybody
Almost 40 and no girlfriend said on 18/May/06
Well Lee says he's 6-4, and I think that's a with shoes measurement, so about 6-2+ without shoes. 6-4 barefooted would make him about 6-6 with shoes, an astounding height for movies.
Michael Jordan is 6-4+ without shoes and look how big he looks on TV, even compared to Sat. Nite Live's Kevin Neelan, who is over 6 feet himself. No way is Lee as tall as
Michael Jordan. Come on now!
del Mar said on 30/Apr/06
Can someone please tell me what the Billy Crudup trick is?!
Ed said on 27/Apr/06
So he's 6ft2, that's hilarious! So Sam Jackson is 5ft11/6ft, and Christensen 5ft9/5ft10? It's all clear now!
30 something and no girlfriend said on 27/Apr/06
lee got seriously boosted in height here, i mean he's 6-2, close to 6-4 with shoes and yet he's listed as 6-5 barefooted, lol. if he's 6-5 barefooted, that means he's close to 6-7 with shoes, ludicrous.
Ed said on 21/Apr/06
So if he is shorter, which is possible considering his age, what does that make Sam Jackson, Mckellan,and Christensen? If he's only 6ft3 now a days, than the rest of those actors are a lot shorter, than their projected heights. That picture with him and Loken is at kind of an odd angle. Almost looking up at the two of them, and she looks like she's wearing big heeled boots. Still. could he have shrunk that much in 3 1/2 to 4 years?
sam said on 21/Apr/06
Based on the Loken and McKellen pictures, I think the guy's just starting to shrink. He has stood impressively tall for a long time, but he is turning 84 this year after all. He looks like he loomed rather taller just a couple years in those pictures with Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen and George Lucas.
Lone said on 20/Apr/06
Lee is absolutely not 6-5. 6-3 max judging from the McKellen and Roger Moore photo. Roger is more like 5-11. He could be 6-4, no way is he 6-5.

Editor Rob
Mikex said on 18/Apr/06
When he started acting he was told he was too tall and exotic looking to play an Englishman.
Paul said on 18/Apr/06
Most people do start to significantly shrink as they move past 75 or 80 but Lee defies this rule. He is 6'4 minimum even now as Rob and Ed say.
Ed said on 17/Apr/06
Rob, I'm not the most computer savvy person, and I saved a few pics from the Hayden Christensen site, but I'm not quite sure how to post them. I'm sure you have other sites to look into, but if you can, go to( look under gallery, followed by public appearances, and then choose 2002, there is under Attack of the Clones London Premiere, May 14th, 2002, Several really good shots of Christopher Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, and Hayden Christensen standing together. There are some good full shots of them, with them lined up in a row, standing right next to each other, all with what appears to be normal footwear. Lee towers over all of them, including Jackson who is considerably taller than Christensen. I thought you might find these interesting to post since I'm slightly retarted in that department!
Ed said on 16/Apr/06
Rob, he has to be standing on his toes with Lee, if he indeed is 5ft10 that would make Lee 6ft2ish. I highly doubt that, in that case do check out the Christensen site if you can, because Lee still towers over all of them, including Sam Jackson, who now would be lowered to 6ft if Lee is 6ft2.5 now! I can't buy it.

Editor Rob
McKellen has pulled a Crudup before, so you never is possible with Lee
Elio said on 16/Apr/06
You know when you've been 'Cru-duped'.
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Poor Chris has shrunk! And a lot! But he's now about 84 so I can understand why.
And that photo of McKellen and Stewart proves that Stewart is no more than 5'8"! Those shoes on McKellon look like some bizarre type of sandals. And he looks to have a bandage on one foot. And we can't tell if Stewart is wearing lifts, but in that shot seeing he's about two inches shorter, I doubt it. He wasn't wearing lifts when I spoke to him.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
To confuse you even more Bloomed looked 5-11 to me.I got your back Frank.wait,that dont sound right either!
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/06
Well, if that's the case then some changes are in order. I've been willing to take a new perspective on all heights that I've had preconceived notions about. If Mckellan is indeed 5ft10, than my suspicion of Bloom being shorter would make sense. I'm still puzzled by Mortensen and Bean though. In Patriot Games there didn't seem to be much of a difference with him and Harrison Ford. Unless Ford is only 5ft11ish. In all the scenes in the Lord of the Rings movies Mckellan seems the tallest of the Fellowship. In all premiere photos and candid behind the scenes footage the same applies. Maybe all these guys are just a lot shorter than they seem on film.
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
Thanks Glenn. When I saw him he was standing up straight.....well maybe not straight....wrong word.! Well, he was standing tall! How's that?
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
Frank is fact,he was hunched over,and I thought he was my height.
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
I saw McLellan in the lobby of the Shrine during the Oscars. I walked right past him and I was slightly taller. Then I saw him as we were leaving.
Ed said on 13/Apr/06
That's interesting Frank2 that you say Mckellan is only 5ft10 because that would make Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, and Sean Bean all 5ft10 or less. The 4 of them in the Lord of the Rings films are all almost identical in height with Rob's listings at 5ft10.5 for Bloom, 5ft10.5for Bean, 5ft11 for Mortensen,and5ft11.5 for Mckellan. If Mckellan is 5ft10 and not 5ft11.5 then is Mortensen 5ft9.5, and Bloom and Bean only 5ft9 each? You said you saw him, does that mean you met him up close or viewed him from a distance? Just curious.
Frank2 said on 10/Apr/06
I met Lee at Universal back in the very early 1980's and he was at least 6'4" and could have been 6'5". But not 6'6". No way. Ian McKellan is about 5'10". At least that's how tall he looked to me when I saw him. What surprised me was how much taller Peter Cushing was in person. In all those Hammer films he did with Lee he looked short. Then after I realized that Lee was at least 6'4" I came to think that Cushing was 5'10". Then I met him and he was my height! So Peter could have been 6' when he was younger and Lee 6'5".
Ed said on 9/Apr/06
6ft4 sounds totally accurate for Christopher Lee. In The Lord of the Rings films he stands toe to toe with Lawrence Maokore(the Uruk Hai Chief Lurtz) who is 6ft4, and Lee is still a bit taller. He looks a good 5 inches taller than the 5ft11 Ian Mckellan(Gandalf) when they are walking together in the Fellowship Of the Ring. As far as the Star Wars films go, he definitely shows his height when sharing the screen with the 6ft Hayden Christensen and 5ft9.5 Ewan Mcgregor. How about his cameo in Willy Wonka, in his scenes with the 5ft10 Johnny Depp he looks massive. I think he was 6ft5 maybe more in his younger days, the man is in his 80's and has put on a few pounds in his later years. Still, for those interested I mentioned this on the Hayden Christensen height page, that if you check Hayden's fansite, it's ridiculously called and look up pics in the gallery area of the Star Wars film premieres, in particular Revenge of the Sith, you'll see how much taller Christopher Lee is than any other cast member save Peter Mayhew(Chewbacca). The two of them dwarf everyone else!
Meathead320 said on 9/Apr/06
I would also put him at 6'4", but you could also call him 6'5". My reason for this is that taller people, even men, will round down when it actually hurts them to be taller.
I know a guy who is 6'6.75", most people think he is 6'8"-6'10", and he is infact closer to 6'7" than 6'6", but since he is just a hair under 6'7" he rounds DOWN and says 6'6" to make his weight, 350 pounds at his heaviest, sound more impressive. He is a bodybuilder and that is a sport (if you want to call it that) where tall height, especially rarely tall height, actually hurts you. Some of the shorter ones will round up, but the ones who want their weight to sound more impressive will round down.
Now what does this have to do with Christopher Lee who is skinny as a broom stick? Well it is for a different reason, but in his proffesion extreem height can be a limiting factor, when trying to get roles as a "leading man", or other main roles that do NOT call for extreem height, or playing a villian in a role where it would NOT be good to make the opposite leading man seem short.
So he Probably rounds down from 6'4.5" or even 6'4.75", and says 6'4", when he is infact closer to 6'5".
Ok that is my $ 0.02 on why some taller guys might round down.
RedBull said on 26/Mar/06
Christopher Lee is a very tall Sith Lord.
I think this guy rounds down, which many really tall people like to do.
I could believe 6'5" mabye 6'6?
Bleemo said on 17/Feb/06
He was counted as the tallest leading man decades ago, it wasn't a modern edition.
TNTinCA said on 16/Feb/06
Curious about that mention of him being the tallest leading man. Isn't James Cromwell taller? Guess they didnt count him for the movie Babe since he technically wasnt the lead. :-)
CelebHeights Editor said on 14/Feb/06
"He is a massive, tall man, 6-6 or so. He takes three or four stairs in a stride. Watch THE HORROR OF DRACULA, watch him go up the stairs. He doesn't take steps. He covers them in bounds" - John Carpenter, 1998
TNTinCA said on 14/Dec/05
I happened to watch an old Chris Lee movie the other night called The Wicker Man. Chris absolutely dwarfed everyone in that film. I don't think there was a single actor or extra that even came close. 6'5" is easily believable.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/05
hes a big guy alright. anyone any idea how tall peter cushing was/
Brett said on 14/Nov/05
haha Hayden isnt 6ft, he looks like 7 inches shorter then Lee, I reckon hes like 5'11 odd, or Christoper Lee is 7 ft haha.

Editor Rob
I mentioned how smitts seemed more than 2 inches taller in their 1 scene in star wars...and the kevin kline pictures with hayden do suggest this...
robert said on 19/Aug/05
Everyone else seems to say 6'5" for Lee as a younger man, but in his autobiography he says 6'4" at least a few times. Maybe 6'4" is his height as a more "mature" man...definitely a very tall man with good posture for someone in their 80s.
Anonymous said on 12/May/05
Sleepy Hollow is a movie of 1999 and he was 77 at that year. I think that he was really 6'5 ft at is peak.