Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 19/Jan/23
Being a legit 5'8, i just fall 2 millimeters under 5'8 in active days, i could tell you that its funny and pathetic to have seen guys around my height adding over 1 inch to their real heights.
Daniel Lee 173 cm said on 19/Jan/23
@Rob He could hit the 5'8.5" mark early in the morning so that he claims 5'10.
(Adding 1 inch and rounding up)

Editor Rob
He is most probably at least 5ft 9 out of bed.
JayJay said on 15/Jun/22
5’8”-flat guy who fibs about his height.
MaskDeMasque said on 7/Jul/21
Wolverine was actually 5'3, they should have got Rob Schneider to play him lol. I see close to an inch taller than Rob but with 0.7 inch advantage means he's barely taller than Rob. 5'8.5 at most.
Sarah5ft9 said on 27/Jun/21
So I actually went on a few dates with Christian Kane when he came to Birmingham (U.K.) and London. I’m 5ft 9 (without heels) and when he was wearing his boots; he was around the same height as me. We were watching a movie in his room and we both took our shoes off. When he stood up, he was at least an inch shorter than me! So my guess is that he not only wears heels, he also wears lifters in his boots! My guess is that he is around 5ft 8.

Editor Rob
an interesting height estimate!
Matt6'5 said on 27/Nov/20
Hey Rob,
First off, I just want to say that I really like Christian Kane. I think he’s a cool guy. Most of the things I have seen him in Feature him wearing boots of some kind. I guess maybe this helps sell his “tough guy“ image (like Eliot in Leverage). He doesn’t seem overly conscious about his height, do you think he has a complex like
Vin Diesel ( Who never takes off his logger boots)?

Editor Rob
maybe just likes the boots and the bonus is a bit of extra height, but I did think he might be aware of height.
Editor Rob said on 13/Nov/20
Click Here
That was his heels that weekend, a decent thickness to them as there's also a small brown layer above the black layer.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Oct/20
You're probably fooled by his thick hair. I don't see anywhere near 5'10" for him, footwear or not.
Eric W Tam said on 27/Oct/20
Wow, are you sure he only had a 0.7 inch advantage? He looks like an above 5'10 guy here. But I guess 174 is good.
OriginalAnon said on 16/Jul/20
174 seems correct.
Blanc said on 9/May/20
Looks 5'9.5" so discounting the footwear and hair 5'8.5" seems right
JohnMoore-162cm said on 27/Apr/20
5ft8 1/4" , 5ft9 morning height
Peter 180cm said on 13/Jan/19
He looks 176-177 range with more footwear so about 175 is ok,at worst as listed but i'm thinking a fraction under 5'9 is closer.
Nik said on 1/Jun/18
I cannot understand the average vote of 5'7.88"!
star69 said on 29/Mar/18
Bobby said on 16/Jan/18
He's looking in the upper 176cm range in the top pictures. Maybe 5'9.5.
How could he be? He has a .7 inch footwear advantage, but is only 1" taller than Rob.
I'm seeing 5'8.25 max

Editor Rob
I wouldn't rule him measuring that mark, I think from the 2 events I seen him at and the shoes he had on, 5ft 8.5 is probably the most I'd estimate.
Bobby said on 16/Jan/18
He's looking in the upper 176cm range in the top pictures. Maybe 5'9.5.
KH said on 3/Aug/17
Is this guy an occassional lift wearer or maybe he shoes were thicker then Rob thought? He looks about 4 inches smaller then Rebecca Romijn to my eye watching them on TV I mean he definitely is not looking her directly in the eye which is something someone 2 inches and some change shorter could do.
Gerry Blue said on 21/Jul/17
Sometimes math just doesn't add up. If he's 5'8" then Rebecca Romijn is more than 5'11 and John Larroquette must be 7 feet.
Johan said on 10/Jul/17
Mr Kane claims 5'10" but in reality closer to 5'8" :)
Marquis said on 4/Jul/17
Has never looked over 5'8". I think Rob got fooled by his poofy hair.
Kane hilariously claims 5'10" elsewhere. Is not even close.
Oh, and what's up with him being a jerk to Jenny at the convention? Spoiled behavior, for sure.
World Citizen said on 1/Jun/17
He looks 5 ft 8.5 with you.
crusher said on 23/Dec/16
This page is full of comments by Christian Kane's "Reputation Management" agents.
jennifer said on 11/Jul/16
I have personally met Christian more than a few times and he has been , nothing but sweet and truly happy to see me . he may have been having a bad , day . He is human after all. And I'm curious as to why his height is an issue ?
Kris said on 11/Jul/16
I've had the pleasure of meeting Christian Kane on two occasions and he was gracious and charming. Even though he had a ton of fans surrounding him and was the recipient of a good bit of fangirl gushing, he signed posters, cds, dvds, and a fanfic story. If he refused to sign something, I'd hazard there was a good reason. He thanks this fans regularly and without prompting. Who cares about his height?!
Johan said on 14/Jun/16
5'8.5"? With 0.7 inch more footwear. I would say he is more equal to you Rob than anything else. I think thats a very generous listing for this guy.
kimmicip said on 12/Jun/16
I have been reading alot of these comments from the past few years..... and I really do not understand what the big deal is...??? Why are all of you so concerned with Christian Kane's height? So friggin' what!!! Does it really matter? He is GORGEOUS no matter how tall he is, plus he is a very talented actor and singer. And since he is human, maybe he was having a bad day when the "Jenny incident" happened. Perhaps he should have explained why he didn't want to sign her poster, especially after making her cry, but he never got the chance to give us his side. So, unless you know this man personally, maybe you all should stop attacking him... especially for his height???? Come on folks... get a life.

Editor Rob
yeah I thought Christian or his autograph assistant could have handled it a bit better, either giving the reason at the time and offering to sign one of the 8x10's instead....of course there's no intention to upset a fan over an auto.
We all have moments we can handle things better.
Harley said on 16/Jul/15
This all seems like most of you are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. Really, is there nothing more any of you nay-sayers can find to complain about? My younger brother was always the shortest in his class...or close to it. Their are male-related, & female-related problems that make some children and even the same people after they attain adult age feel bad about themselves by comparison to the golden boys, and slender, pretty girls around them. It's hardest on younger kids trying to keep from detesting their shortcomings. Add to that the bullying and often fights from their male counterparts, or being frozen out of the cool kids table at lunchtime. It's no wonder some deep, cruel treatment from your peers can stay with your subconscious for a lifetime. And if you're inclined only to 'play nice' when it suits you, you will never find your own inner peace, because you spend all your time heaping the same tired insults on one guy or gal from whom you suffered bad treatment one time in your life. Hey, none of can expect to understand what might be going on in someone else's life -- things that may be causing emotional hurt, the headache of a hangover, or just having low energy from the kind of schedules they have most days. I think it would make for a much better world to begin to comprehend we all have off days and our own personal problems. Maybe just a Few of us can be the adults in situations of character assassination. We ALL struggle with days when we're feeling down and out, and a combination of things culminates in our snapping or being rude in one way or another
Florinda said on 8/May/15
ive met him several times. I'm 5 ft and fit neatly under his arm, same as I do my son. Son is 5'8. Christian is the most down home, boy next door. But I've seen him get irritated when pushed too far by a fan.
James said on 23/Oct/14
Rob, just as a heads-up Kane now claims 5' 7 3/4" elsewhere. Time to downgrade him. It's also exactly what he looked like on Angel. His height edge on you in the photo above is due to hair, footwear, and him edging closer to the camera, obviously.
Oh, and I'm sorry he was such a jerk to Jenny. It's amazing how arrogant some stars can be, when in actuality they're nobodies without an audience and fans. He should have more class than that.
BS0625 said on 5/Oct/14
Just FYI saw an interview he did in the music world when "welcome to my house" was released. He says he is 5'10". But really, why does it matter how tall he is?
Jac said on 30/Sep/14
P.S. As to his height... It states that he's 5'7 3/4" (172cm). It could be his original stats at the beginning of his career. He is 40 years old, he could have shrunk. I think I have and still claim the 5'5 1/2". ;-)
Shana said on 18/May/14
I stumbled across this forum after watching S5 of Leverage and noticing a huge difference in Christian's height from other seasons. I just wanted to see if I was going blind or something so I looked up his height. (after reading comments, I felt compelled to say something)
As a 'newbie' of Leverage - yes, a newbie this year - I don't have TV service (5 years now) and just watched the series on Netflix. I fell madly in 'adoration' of all things 'leverage'- and not just him. Although, I have watched nearly all of his performances in/out of a bar (and bought his CD). I watched many interviews just for fun. I do not seek out 'Hollywood' because I know they live in a completely different world than I and honestly, just have no interest in meeting anyone from the 'movie/music' scene. If I were to run into someone by chance it's a different story and my expectations would be different than most people who are fans.
I made my own assessment of him based on what I viewed and the most telling, honest, respectful view I can give on him is this: he is honest, does not try and hide who he is and believe he has a huge heart (quite possibly broken many times) at 5.6 or 6.5, doesn't matter. :)
I honestly can't imagine being in the spotlight as most Hollywood people are. Yes, I realize they 'chose' it, lack of privacy comes with the job. With him though, I think if you stripped away at the Hollywood facade - you get the down home, country boy who hasn't forgotten where he came from, even in his off days (however many that may be) based on what he reports (and the story never changes): he moved a lot and had no friends in school and that alone can definitely mold a person. Add heartbreak to the mix and well, walls go up and are hard to break down.
I don't put him or anyone other 'star' on a pedestal because they are human, just like us. Most people have issues, some more than others and 'famous people' are not exempt. He dips - so what - most southern boys did or still do. Not like he is going to kiss a girl with big wad in his mouth for petes sake. HA
I watched an interview with him (well, many) explaining the 'Different kind of Knight'story - he was honest about why he wrote that and if that alone doesn't tell you the most 'telling' thing about him, nothing will. However...there is something about an honest man that should be respected, even if it's not what so many women want to hear.
Anyway...I will stick with being a fan from afar because even if up close to him, in whatever aspect - he is too far away.
I will enjoy his cooking shows, musical and acting talents for as long as he allows it to go on. As for expectations...keep it real and let him be who he is - he's not lying about it.
Bammer said on 20/Apr/14
So sorry to hear about your controversy with Christian Kane - there's always some very arrogant, and obnoxious pis*ants in the business, and apparently he is one of them. He should be ashamed.
Bernardo said on 27/Mar/14
5'9-5'9.5 IMO. at least 1 inch taller than you guys

Editor Rob
he has bigger footwear than us and is one of the few celebrities I have seen who moves nearer a photographer to gain camera advantage!
176,2Tunman said on 11/Feb/14
Rob,celebs acting this way are really a shame and don't deserve any respect.
What are people like C.Ronaldo, Cruise,Britney Spears,etc if not the millions of people that admire them?Nothing at all!!!!
Jenny is a nice girl and he allows himself to be that hateful with her.I Wonder what he would feel if he's one day ignored that way by his fans.

Editor Rob
without admiration, without fans who pay their hard earned money to watch them, buy the associated merchandise, a celebrity is a nobody.
the same can be said of a website! Without visitors it's worthless, so I will keep trying to do my thing, I may slip up now and again on the communication front, but last few years are tough from a personal point of view...
J.Lee said on 11/Feb/14
Rob, is Jenny's eye level higher than his?

Editor Rob
her eyelevel is about 4.2 inch so it is a slight advantage in any case, but remember he is a bit nearer cameraman (on purpose he knows what he's doing).
hrm said on 2/Jan/14
Sorry if this seems stupid: what did he do to Jenny? I can't see a comment that clarifies this

Editor Rob
well I had 2 posters (official) and I got mine signed and when Jenny was giving hers to him he said He wasn't signing it...no reason at the time, just 'ain't signing that'...
He should have told the organizer beforehand any item/photo he had a problem with.
Lorne? said on 2/Aug/13
My friends mom has met him, and said he seemed arrogant, and I believe her, after what he did to Jenny. Rob, could he be as low as 172? She insisted he was less than 5'8, said he is shorter than I am. She insists that with boots and good posture, he was a bit shorter than me when I wear my boots which gave near 1.8in. I mean, I'm not sure he's shorter than you or myself would be, but he really can look 172cm range on Angel, and with him and Riesgraf in trainers, he really doesn't look taller. Like I said, not sure if he'd be that low, but it's interesting and I just wanted too see if you could see him measuring under the 5'8 mark. Oh, and the woman in question is legit 176cm. (and I know this has been said, but I'm sorry about what happened with Jenny. Apparently this guy doesn't appreciate the fans whom without he would be nowhere.)

Editor Rob
not impossible, as the 2 events I've seen him, he's worn thick boots and definitely gets a decent boost from them...
Len said on 27/Jul/13
A 5'6" lifts-wearer. And a jerk.
Debbie said on 6/Jul/13
I'm a fan of his and noticed in Summer Catch he is the same height as two of the girl characters. As handsome as he is, he shouldn't have to lie. One website has him listed at 6' tall!
6\'1 said on 27/Mar/13
Looks 5'9
Connor 183cm said on 28/Jan/13
Yeah Barlog i totally agree celebrities like him dont deserve to be famous or even meet nice people like rob and jenny getting a photo taken with them or even put onto the site for that matter in fact instead of downgrading him rob should just delete him of celebheights for making jenny storm out crying her eyes out the guy should be ashmed of himself.
Balrog said on 21/Jan/13
You should downgrade him Rob for been such a jerk. And he might be shorter because if he stood closer to camera he's really aware of his height and wants to look taller.
Connor 184cm said on 1/Jan/13
Hey Rob tell jenny im sorry to hear about what happened to her she mustve been heartbroken anyway happy new year to both of you!

Editor Rob
thanks, happy new year aswell.
Connor 184cm said on 1/Jan/13
I dont know this guy never seen him or watched his films before rob i know this has nothing to do with height but was jenny okay after that the guy sounded like a real jerk hope you had words with him.

Editor Rob
no, I just shook my head at him and his assistant...he should have told the organiser or the organiser asked if anything he wasn't going to sign. A few other people had the same official poster...
it's not like the guy's been photoshopped sitting on the back of a donkey or anything...
but a real disappointment to Jenny (she bought the guys cd's before aswell, he's a singer too).
esther said on 4/Dec/12
OK, he's 5'7", really. The boots he used to wear had lifts inside and huge heels giving him about 3". On publicity stills there would be staging to make him appear taller. However, note that in season 5 of Leverage he is less concerned with his height. There haven't been concerts in the US to go to, but there have been sitings and he's usually in tennis shoes. Clunky ones, but still, he's allowing himself to appear more his real height. The love of a good woman can make a man confident enough to stop the fakery.
leonari said on 15/Oct/12
Not cool what he did to Jenny. He is nothing above 5'8". Likes big shoes and possibly a little lift...
thorterr said on 7/Oct/12
extra footwear and extra hair advantage ,,im really seeing 5ft 7ish here
Raunchy! said on 11/Aug/12
I had a photo with Christian in December 2011. I'm 5'10'' but had heels on making me 6'1'. without my heels Christian was the same height as me (& his heels weren't THAT big!!)
the shredder said on 9/Aug/12
This guy has douche written on him !
Danimal said on 9/Aug/12
Nesh! says on 8/Aug/12
Rob he's nowhere near 5'8. Looks pretty short in Leverage, I would say 5'6 at most. But he's really well built which makes him appear taller I guess.
Rob is over 5'8" and is standing right next to him. Genny is even taller than Rob and he's taller than her too, so how can he possibly be 5'6". I give him minimum 5'9" based on the pics and his .7" footwear advantage. Rob posts pics to SHOW height. What you see on TV can be an illusion.

Editor Rob
I don't hit 5ft 8 flat on the stadiometer, but Jenny regularly does and drops under that mark aswell ;)
I saw Kane again last December and think there is a chance he's 5ft 8 flat as with bigger boots (again) he really didn't look much taller but I wasn't paying for another photo, especially as he upset jenny aswell - although of course that has no bearing on estimating height - but I'll mention it anyway, after coming out of the autograph room she was crying because he refused to sign her poster (it was official aswell but seemingly TNT had done a bit of photoshopping to it that he wasn't happy with) - the other 3 actors had no problem signing it, but he just bluntly said 'I ain't signing that'.
Nesh! said on 8/Aug/12
Rob he's nowhere near 5'8. Looks pretty short in Leverage, I would say 5'6 at most. But he's really well built which makes him appear taller I guess.
jaypee said on 8/Feb/12
The more episodes of leverage, the more I think he is 5'6. beth riesgraf and him had a scene where they were both wearing trainers and beth riesgraf was taller by an Inch.
Ashley said on 1/Feb/12
I <3 Christian Kane!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had thirty-five or thirty-seven I go to him and marry immediately he!!!!!!
I LOVE HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ChiasmataX said on 23/Dec/11
He had the proportion of a 5'7 guy. I won't be surprise if he's around 171-173cm/ Tom Cruise's height if he's barefoot.
DRTY said on 13/Dec/11
There is NO way that he's 5'8". I work on Leverage every now & then and I've seen the boots he wears. I'm 6'2" and even with his platform boots on he doesn't come up to my shoulder. IMO, he's more like 5'6" - 5'7".

Editor Rob
I saw him up close just recently and he definitely can look between 5ft 8 and 9, but he does wear very thick boots.
he posted a photo of himself with an nfl guy
Here who from reading around seemingly got measured 6ft 2 5/8ths a few years ago, slightly taller than his combine measurement.
Adamz said on 23/Nov/11
He is closer to the camera and has high heels on. This guy is shorter than Rob.
Shelley said on 19/Nov/11
I can't wait to stand next to him at the photo op in Birmingham- I'm 6'1" !!!!
bob said on 29/Sep/11
He looks a solid inch to 1 1/2 taller than either person in the pictures up top.
NormanHigh91 said on 17/Sep/11
Short was a nice enough fella in high school, but his isn't 5'10" or 5' 8" without a ton of assistance. Really thought, does it matter?
Jewels said on 12/Sep/11
Ok. when u look Chris (if he doesnt mind) up it says he is 5'10. but i think if u take off his shows he is more like 5'8. and his hair is not given any hight. never meat him myself but he looks shoter then tim hutton on tv.I have seen alot of his pictures standin nixe to his fanes and there are alot of them that are shoter then he is. so maybe he is doin some thing to be taller. i dont know.
mon. sept. 12,2011 11:43pm
Jewels Miller, Julia said on 12/Sep/11
He is 5'10. im 5'2. with his shows i dont know. maybe take 2inches off for his shows. god duncan is so lucky. he is so hot. with his voice oh my god. no one can play Eliot Spencer better then Christian Michael Kane. Same for the rest of the Leverage Team. That goes for James and Cole and Collins. im glade chris (if he doesnt mind) loves bein a singer and actor. he does it so good. I also love that he loves doin his own stunts. but he needs to b more careful. **** broken legs and broken nose and broken ribbs.
lorne said on 12/Sep/11
[Editor Rob: yes he is height aware, I might see him again in the future and if so will pay for Jenny to be in a shot so we can 'trap him' ;)]
That gives me this great idea, about how we can pull a "job", where the goal is to prove Kane is a flat 5ft8, or 5ft8.25 max. Jenny can be the grifter, I'll be the thief, we'll get Shredder or Mr. R to be the hacker, and Mamun can be the hitter, and of course, you are the Mastermind!!!
What do ya think? You just gotta make sure this mysterious "G" doesn't beat you to it, else the world will be convinced Kane is 5ft10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editor Rob
knowing my luck, if we trap him he'll just go on his tip toes and have a big smile as he pulls another height con off!
lorne said on 8/Sep/11
Thnx for the tidbit! I did a quick internet search, and I am genuinely surprised at some comments, though google does have him at 5'8 now. To be honest, though, I thought Giamatti was 5'9, or close to it.
As for Christian Kane, 5ft8, FLAT. Even 5ft8.25in seems generous, and I simply can't buy 5ft8.5. Yes, I know Rob met him, and I have NEVER disagreed with Rob about someone whom he's met, but Rob himself says Kane moved toward the camera, and he had near 0.75in footwear advantage.All things considered, he's the same height as Rob here, maybe a tad shorter.Considering the pic with Rob and how small he looked on Angel, I don't see how he could be over 5'8 even.

Editor Rob
yes he is height aware, I might see him again in the future and if so will pay for Jenny to be in a shot so we can 'trap him' ;)
Legend said on 20/Aug/11
Is he JT on GH?
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) said on 15/Aug/11
Paul Giamatti is downgraded quite frequently, lorne.
Also, Christian has a big height complex. The guy can't be much more than 5'8".
julie justice said on 9/Jul/11
I just saw him in las vegas at a UFC fight.He is by far the shortest grown man I have ever seen.His shoes are gigantic like herman munster.I had always thought he was cute but I was wrong.I bet hes only 5"5.
leonari said on 27/Jun/11
Stocky ,muscular 5'8" guy. Given his choice of shoe he could be height conscious and packing a small lift on top.

Editor Rob
as I've said in the past, he was one of only a few celebrities who seemed to want to look taller by physically shifting forward a couple of inches nearer the photographer...
Matt said on 29/May/11
were his shoes by any chance, elevatos?

Editor Rob
I doubt it, just big thick cowboy heels.
HeightWonderer said on 4/Apr/11
Rob, do you think you can add the heights of his co-stars from Leverage, Beth Riesgraf and Aldis Hodge?

Editor Rob
there was a scene in leverage where the beth character's height appeared as 5ft 7 on some screen/file. She looks similar to gina on that show...who says 5ft 6 and 6.5 and looks no less than 169 I think.
BobE. said on 9/Dec/10
Chris Short is 5'6" tall, nickname "shorty" in high school.
jtm said on 8/Dec/10
there is one site that has aldis hodge at 5'9 which is bs. he didn't look that much shorter than will smith so he is 6ft at his worst.
SteveS said on 3/Dec/10
Chris Short is 5'6" and wears lifts. So many actors out here are short, and you would have thought them taller. Three inch boot heels and lifts. Work with what you are given.
sixftredhead said on 29/Nov/10
Leverage...Season 3 Episode 7 at 40:42. Kane, Hodge, and Hutton standing together. If Hutton is 6`0(Hodge appears around 6`0" himself), then Kane`s 5`8"-ish listing looks correct.
sixftredhead said on 29/Nov/10
Any chance of getting Beth and Aldis of the Leverage cast on here?
Adamz said on 13/Nov/10
The 174cm listing that Rob gave him is generous with those semi-munsterz he has on his feet.

Editor Rob
this is a kind of guy who when I stood level he moved forward closer to the camera!
Comets said on 30/Oct/10
he should stand next to zac efron cause i really don't think this guy is 5'8, he looks very short..
Salih said on 23/Jun/09
He looks 5ft9 or more tall
Ian said on 29/May/09
Is he getting 2" from that footwear? Rob you are wearing 1" so he is gaining 1" over his normal height. I think they look more than 1.6"

Editor Rob
not 2 inch, the minimum would be 1.6, but 1.75 is possible.
I had a weak 1 inch sneaker that day.
CindyD1000 said on 29/Mar/09
Casting for his stand-in requires a man 5'8 1/2" to 5'9 1/2"
Click Here
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/09
Wow those heels he's wearing with you are like 1 and 3/4 inches!
Josh said on 11/Dec/08
5'8 is right.
BackStageJim said on 7/Dec/08
I noticed in the LEVERAGE promo, that Tim Hutton and him appear to be 4 in difference in height. Hutton looks to be under 6 foot.
brittany said on 29/Aug/08
Shonda, I have a question for you. Is there any way I can contact you? Please let me know if you get this.
Shonda said on 21/May/08
I know him and his girlfriend is 5 '7 and he is at least 3 inches taller than her. I would put him at 5 '10. He is definitely not 5 '6 or 5 '7...that's hilarious...anyone that's stood next to him knows that. I'm not sure why this is such a big deal but I found it funny that people actually care about this stuff. He's a great guy!
ras said on 8/Jan/08
5ft10 if Rob is 5ft9.25 with shoes on. About 1/2 of difference.

Editor Rob
he looked 5ft 9 to me and is a few inches closer to the camera here, I'm in 1 inch shoes, he is in 1.6 solid inch shoes as the link shows them
The Prodigal Son said on 7/Jan/08
Those boots must have gave him some major height addition Rob,
I agree with the height you've got listed here he's no more no less.

Editor Rob
also, I was stood the same distance from camera, but he then moved his left leg and thus his body closer to camera, an old Stallone move.
Erik22224 said on 6/Jan/08
with his hair he looks 5'10
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/08
he looks 5'10 in this picture.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/08
He looks 5ft8.5 here though, how could he posibly be using those boots in that pic?

Editor Rob
he's doing a talk where you can fully see those shoes - the talk pic is a couple hours after my pic, same shoes/outfit.
Brubaker said on 5/Jan/08
That boot is huge - he's probably 5' 8"
Anonymous said on 17/Aug/07
He wears big shoes 5'8 seems right.
Norman High said on 3/Jul/07
Went to Norman High with Chris Short (graduated 1990), before he moved to LA and changed his name to Christian Kane. Chris was a decent enough guy. Hung out with the wrestlers and was about 5'6". Which was the same height he was when he was an ATO at OU a few years later. He may have grown a few inches, but when he was last around these parts he was 5'6".
Missy said on 13/Jun/07
i definitely wudnt put him at anything over 5'8"... in Angel he did seem really small compared to David Boreanaz, who's six foot
Matt Lemmons said on 26/Feb/07
I've posed for a convention photo with Christian. I'm 5'11" in sneakers and his eye level was even with my mouth, so he stands 5'8" in cowboy boots that looked to have heels *at least* 1 1/2"to 2".
DaMan said on 25/Jan/07
The guy looked pretty short on Angel to me. Angel even referred to him as the "Tiny Texan" once on the show. I was surprised to see him listed at 5'10", I honestly thought this guy looked 5'8" or less.
don said on 22/Jun/06
i dunno, i honestly wouldnt peg this guy over 5'9....stephanie romanov played lilah on angel and she was 5'9...she always looked close to 5'11 in her heels..and always, always 2 inches taller then kane..if he was 5'10 in a 1 inch heel they would have been close to eye to eye....so knowing david boreanaz is 6'0.5....lilah was always about an inch shorter..so at most she's 5'11.5 and so..at best kane is 5'9.5 but i would push for 5'9...just becuase he doesnt look that tall
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/06
Some sources list him as 5'8''.... I don't know. The guy can look tall - especially when he sports short hair - and the guy is very muscle and very heavy.