Joe said on 22/Dec/14
@Height183.. Jericho doesn't wear regular footwear, he pays special attention to his footwear, even his sneakers (1"-1 1/8"" soled) have inserts in them of at least 1/2" adage so already there you must add 1.5" to his height
I truly believe Jericho is at all times 5'10" with "regular" footwear on, so minus the 1.5" sole from that...= 5'8.5"
Omid said on 22/Dec/14
@Height183: with all though respect for you and Alex, Heyman with a bald head was clearly taller than a Jericho with that hair style in boots...Although I wouldn't go as low as 5'8 for Jericho but I strongly doubt that he is anything more than 5'9 or 175cm and that's assuming he doesn't wear lifts...If and only "IF" he wears lifts, he could be 5'8.5 and that needs further proof so for now, 5'9 or 175 is a good listing for Y2J....
miko said on 22/Dec/14
I've only seen Jericho the once and he looked 5'10 but was in pretty chunky footwear. He's a solid 5'9 guy nonetheless, no way under it, 5'9.5 is certainly possible.
Height183 said on 22/Dec/14
@Joe: There's a user called Alex on this site who is a legit 6'0'' guy like me. He's met Jericho in person and said Jericho was 5'9'' and around 5'10'' in sneakers. He's also met Kurt Angle and has a picture with him. Anywhere in the 5'8'' range for Jericho is a bit too low. He's an average height man. He's neither short or tall.
Vegas said on 22/Dec/14
Joe says on 21/Dec/14
Cena's real height is around 5'11 3/4", punk is 5'10.5", heyman 5'9", jericho 5'8.5", daniel bryan 5'7 3/4", dolph ziggler, 5'9 1/4"
talked with cena and ziggler and stood extremely close with bryan and jericho. ziggler 100% is not as short as 5'9. rob has hugh jackman at 6'2 which for me is maybe a little too tall but ziggler even with a footwear disadvantage isn't look that short from 2min 20secs
Click Here
meltzer is height obsessed and claims 5'8 for himself so you can work out heymans height from that
Click Here
regarding jericho, i stood about 3 feet away from him last month. he is not short and he was wearing dress-shoes. i met ex liverpool/man utd player paul ince only a few minutes after that. jericho wasn't as tall as him
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
Cena's real height is around 5'11 3/4", punk is 5'10.5", heyman 5'9", jericho 5'8.5", daniel bryan 5'7 3/4", dolph ziggler, 5'9 1/4"
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
The most obvious sign that in reality Jericho is 5'8 - 5'8 1/2 " is his visually short legs in almost all pics, take a look for yourself.. the man is always wearing lifts.. he is the type of guy that need to think he is perfect to cover up his slight pyhsical flaws
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
@Oscar since when are boots only 1" heeled???
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
Rob with all my valid arguemental points on his height, which I believe are validated, I truely believe you must downgrade Jericho to no more than 5'8 1/2"
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
Heyman on Monday Night raw with Jericho in the ring....
ok Heyman is 5'9 let's footwear= 5'10 1/4" Jericho... Boots heels are 2"
If you guys are saying Jericho is a 5'9" man then add 2" boots= 5'11"
Did Jericho look almost an inch taller than Heyman= a big NO
On the contrary, Heyman looked a solid 1" taller than the math!
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
Heyman with regular men's ( 1 1/4" heeled) shoes= approx. 5'10 1/4 -5'10 1/2"
Jericho with regular men's (1 1/4" heeled) shoes (not boots)= 5'9 3/4"
So minus 1 1/4" from Jerichos height in shoes...there you go= 5'8.5....
footwear does ALOT on illusion
Height183 said on 21/Dec/14
I'm really surprised by how tall Heyman actually is. I thought he would be something like 5'6'' - 5'7'' Lol. He looked about the same as Jericho, maybe even slightly taller.
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
Jericho is definetly not a decent average guy, he is slightly below average. Average in USA is 5'9.5" Jericho is slightly shorter than that...5'8 1/2"
he's always wearing inserts and/or heeled boots... Testimonial to his real height is the pic with him and Chris Benoit. Benoit a legit 5'9" man, Jericho looked 1.5" shorter!
Joe said on 21/Dec/14
@omid.. exactly true about the hair thing, Jericho gets away with the big funky hair too. I GUARANTEE you he ain't much over 5'8 1/2" at all. Jericho, I believe, always is wearing some sort of height inserts , whether its in his personal shoes or boots to give the illusion that he is 5'9" -5'10"
He is by no means a tall guy, you can even see when he comes out in his intro , his legs look so short (and a bit crooked, too)
Clay said on 20/Dec/14
Heyman only visually looks like a portly 5'9'' guy.
Omid said on 20/Dec/14
Height182: personally, I don't categorize anyone above the 173cm mark as short (I myself stand at 5'10.5 or 179cm) I would call Jericho average
Omid said on 19/Dec/14
Snoopydupe, Heyman was 5'10 and he was taller than Jericho in boots, there is absolutely no way he is taller than 5'9, a 5'10 man, even a 5'9.5 man looks taller, he is still towered by almost everybody on the roster, except Bryan...there are many 5'10- 5'11 guys on the roster and they all look at least an inch taller than Jericho....and just imagine Jericho is bald, don't take his hair into consideration, with them he is 5'11.....
Height182 said on 18/Dec/14
@Omid: Very true. He looks like a decent average height guy to me. I wouldn't call Jericho ''short''.
snoopydupe said on 18/Dec/14
Also the picture with Tyson, yes he is in wrestling boots but he is also further away from the camera making him appear smaller. He is probably around the same height as mike tyson in reality, whatever that is....
snoopydupe said on 18/Dec/14
I still say 5'10 based off nothing but meeting him. My wife says he was taller than me by an inch or so (i'm 5'9) and he wasn't wearing wrestling boots then.
HeightGodAnalyzer said on 18/Dec/14
Jericho isn't a millimeter taller than 5'9" (On a good, relaxed day)
Jericho is a SOLID 5'8 1/2" THATS IT
5'8 1/2" + 1 3/4" boots = 5'10 1/4" "wrestling height"
he was shorter than Benoit by 1-1.5" in those pics which Benoit was tops 5'9 1/4"
Omid said on 18/Dec/14
Height182: although i agree with 5'9'ish as if he is closer to 5'9 on both sides, meaning he can wake up in 5'9-5'9/5 range and sleep in 5'9-5'8.75 range
Omid said on 18/Dec/14
@Height182: 5'9"ish seems about right....
Height182 said on 18/Dec/14
@Omid: Alex said Jericho was 5'9''ish, I believe him.
Joe said on 17/Dec/14
@fsd..bang on.. Jericho is 5'8-5'8.5"
(he wears obvious wrestling lifted boots) he looks like a shrimp wearing high heels when he comes out
Joe said on 17/Dec/14
@Height182..LOL... I think you are wrong about Rob listing Jericho as 5'9.5" being accurate.. If you look at Tyson and Jericho, Tyson is wearing ordinary men's shoes that have an ordinary 1 1/4" heel (measure your dad's'll see) Jericho is (LoL) 100% wearing lift wresting boots you can clearly tell a smaller guy looking to be tall... Jericho is nowhere near 5'9" in real life, those boots are 100% designed to give him 2" of height so let's see Jericho is still an inch shorter than Tyson in that pic regardless of Jerich's 2" wrestling boots therefore Jerich is a 5'8" man without wrestling boots , with wrestling boots he is 5'10". Tyson is a 5'11 1/4" man with regular 1 1/4" heeled men's shoes
Joe said on 17/Dec/14
Ok Heyman + Jericho in the ring Monday Night Raw Mon.Dec15,2014... look Heyman was clearly 1.5-2" taller than Jericho at all times in that ring...
Heyman= a 5'9.5-5'10" man with regular 1.25" men's shoes= 5'10 3/4" - 5'11 1/4"
Jericho (was 1.5-2" shorter than Heyman on Dec.25/'14 Raw
Jericho= a 5'8" man with boots of 1.5"-2" = 5'9 1/2"- 5'10"
= there is your height difference between Heyman and Jericho. Therefore Jericho is really a 5'8 - 5'8 1/2" man with 1.5"-2" footwear
Joe said on 17/Dec/14
@ Clay ... you are exactly right, 100% true... I noticed those boots too and he still wasn't taller than Heyman, he was clearly shorter than Heyman
Joe said on 17/Dec/14
If you watched Monday Night Raw on Monday Dec.15, 2014 Chris Jericho was in the ring with Paul Heyman for quite some time and Paul Heyman Clearly was about 1.5-2" taller than Y2J at all times... Y2J looked abvioulsy smaller and 1.5-2" shorter... and we know Paul Heyman is no taller than 5'10"... therefore Jericho's height is in the neighbor hood of 5'8"5'8.5"
Just watch the will see. (you have to remember too most wrestlers wear 1.5"-2" boots/footwear
miko said on 17/Dec/14
Lesnar looked taller than I thought he would with Jericho considering Y2J had footwear advantage. 6'2 for Brock.
Clay said on 16/Dec/14
Look at the boots jericho was wearing last night... my god what is he gretting from them.
Height182 said on 16/Dec/14
@Kourosh: Lesnar is slightly under 6'2''.
Omid said on 16/Dec/14
Height 182, yeah....i wouldn't go less than 175 or 5'9 for him either but above that, I seriously doubt it.
Height182 said on 16/Dec/14
@Omid: Yeah, Jerichos boots are still a mystery. I think he is below 5'10'' too, but only by a hair or two.
Kourosh said on 16/Dec/14
Jericho looked 4 inches shorter than Lesnar in last night staredown. if Lesnar is 6'2 which i believe he is, then 5'9.5 for Jericho is a good call.
Omid said on 15/Dec/14
@Height 182: Jericho is still in his wrestling boots, god knows how much they elevate him and Tyson is not standing straight, he is slouching a little and still Tyson looks noticeably taller (excluding Jericho's hair) and camera angle is would you please post a better picture? I still think Jericho is well below 5'10...
Height182 said on 14/Dec/14
Rob, Here is Mike Tyson with Chris Jericho
Click Here
I have to give you credit Rob, it looks like you've got Jericho spot on.
Clay said on 29/Nov/14
Danimal says on 30/Oct/14
You have him WAY WAY WAY overbilled Rob. Here he is with 5'6" Lars Ulrich (both in street clothes): Click Here
Come on man you know better than that, Ullrich's closer to the camera with Chris slouching substantially there.
mike said on 28/Nov/14
@ danimal... camera angles have every difference in height affect at the slightest angle change
Omid said on 21/Nov/14
Koroush, after last weeks smackdown, I seriously doubt Jericho is anything above 175....If we consider Bryan as 172 which i believe he is, Jericho's 175 measurement would be accurate...PS, i cant emphasis it enough, Rob knows this well too, Hair style is a lot more effective on a person's perceived height than anyone would except, For example my brother is 178 about 1cm or 0/5 cm shorter than me however almost most of the time he looks a bit taller than me, the only time that our real difference could be noticed is when we are both in front of the mirror and i tell him to just put his hand on top of his head while doing the same myself to eliminate any hair advantage, now my Bro's hair is nowhere as "up in the air" as Jericho's is,so my vote is 175 nothing above that....
Omid said on 21/Nov/14
Snoopydupe, HHH slouches during talking...Also just look at him near Stephanie McMahon in the video I posted, the same Stephanie that looks about 3cm shorter than 183-184 Cena In her 10 CM heels....where does that put Stephanie? 171cm or 170 meaning in heels she is about 181 or 180, as a 178-179 man myself, when I put on standard men's shoes, I can easily pass as 181-182 (even more if I work my hair) but in the video I posted Jericho is clearly 2-3 cm's shorter than Steph, besides dont get tricked by hair style, Jericho's style creates the illusion that he is taller but watch my clip again this time, Imagine Jericho is Bald....
Kourosh said on 21/Nov/14
jericho is a strong 5'9 (176 cm) barefoot who can easily be over 5'10 with his boots.
5'8 is just nonsense. he was clearly more than an inch taller than daniel bryan
snoopydupe said on 19/Nov/14
But when he's face to face with triple h there is very little difference from what i can tell. Or is he wearing thicker shoes than Triple H.
I've met him once before and i would say he's 5'10 at the very least definitely had a few inches on myself at 5'9 in trainers but i have no idea what his shoes were like.
Omid said on 15/Nov/14
This Video is from The Jericho Highlight reel from this weeks SmackDown Now Jericho's shoes gives him a 2.5, 3 CM advantage so if he is 177cm barefoot, he is 180 with these (at least)....Stephanie McMahon is said to be between 170cm and 173cm putting her between 180 to 183cm with a 10 cm heel? like the one she is wearing here....Jericho isnt really standing straight but neither is Stephanie but she is Obviously 2, 3 (maybe more?) CMs taller than him in several shots and we know Stephanie even in heels is 3 maybe 4 or 5 cm shorter than a 183- 184 John Cena in this Video : knowing all this Stephanie seems to be 180-181 in her heels and according to the first video that puts Jericho to 175 no more no less.....what you think Rob?
snoopydupe said on 14/Nov/14
Doesn't appear to be much at all between Jericho and Triple H on tonight's smackdown...both in shoes. Triple H is somewhere between 6'1-6'2 right?
BestInTheWorld said on 12/Nov/14
177 cm sounds about right.
andre said on 6/Nov/14
Benoit is listed as 5ft9 and eddie at 5ft8 how in hell in that picture benoit looks like 6ft1
Now for sure eddie is only 5ft6.5 and benoit is real 5ft9 but some how he looks 6ft strange :$
Rob can you tell me why benoit towers over 5ft8 eddie in that bellow picture?
In my opinion eddie is 5ft6.7 / jericho 5ft8.5
fsd said on 5/Nov/14
with 5'9ft listed chris benoit
Click Here Click Here jericho is between 5'8.5 - 5'8 ft
andre said on 1/Nov/14
In my opinion from what is showed on tv is impossible for him too be 5ft8 but he is using high hells
Jericho can real look 5ft10 too 5ft11.5 even tough he have small arms but yea in reality he is no more then 5ft9(175cm) 5ft9.5 is is wrestling boots
downgrade the men rob
miko said on 31/Oct/14
It's not out of the question he wakes at around 5'10 and drops towards 5'9 later in the day. 5'8 or under is insanity.
Danimal said on 30/Oct/14
You have him WAY WAY WAY overbilled Rob. Here he is with 5'6" Lars Ulrich (both in street clothes):
Click Here
andre said on 20/Oct/14
Rob in a video chris jericho claims at age 18 he was 5ft8 , do you think he is your height or about 5ft9?

Editor Rob
he can pass for taller than 5ft 8
Vegas said on 16/Oct/14
Soldier, he clearly states in that video "when i was 12 i wanted to be a wrestler, the fact i was 5'8 and 140lb or whatever didn't seem to bother me"
Soldier 6ft 0.25 (183.5cm) said on 15/Oct/14
i thought chris was a least 5ft 10 tall but in this video he say from 1:03 to 1:06 that he is or he was 5ft 8 & 140 pound
Click Here
Height181 said on 28/Sep/14
Danimal says on 22/Sep/14
He's really not a tall guy. 5'8"-5'8.5" guy
5'8'' is just too low for Jericho. Go to exactly 1:59 on this Video
Click Here Cena has exactly 2.5 inches on Jericho, putting Jericho at 5'9.5''. Alex guessed this one about right when Jericho walked past him.
Rory said on 27/Sep/14
Good call here Rob. I think Jericho has weird proportions. He has short leg and has a big head so he looks smaller than he is lol
miko said on 25/Sep/14
Caught a glimpse of him in 2011 and he looked a weak 5'10.
5'9.5 is on the money.
Clay said on 24/Sep/14
176-177 CM as always, with 5'11.75 Christian both in sandals.
Clay said on 24/Sep/14
Danimal says on 22/Sep/14
Alex 6'0 says on 22/Sep/14
My first impression of Jericho when walking by me was solid 5'9 range, 5'9.5 I wouldn't rule out but no way did he look 5'10 range
Jericho was on That Metal Show and 6'1" Jim Florentine (he stated his own height) had a good 4-5" on Jericho. 5'9" Roddy Piper edged him out a couple of years ago (this was after Pipers MAJOR height loss). Even Glenn was barely shorter than him a few years back in their pic together. He's really not a tall guy. 5'8"-5'8.5" guy.
Since when is 176 CM tall?!? 5'8 is bull and you know it.
Kourosh177cm said on 22/Sep/14
Alex between 5'9.5 and 5'10 is just 9 mm to 1 cm. I can look 5'10 with my sneakers on. I wouldnt rule out 5'10 for jerciho with good footwear.
Barefoot 176cm
shoes on 178cm for chris jericho
he is pretty much my height.
Danimal said on 22/Sep/14
Alex 6'0 says on 22/Sep/14
My first impression of Jericho when walking by me was solid 5'9 range, 5'9.5 I wouldn't rule out but no way did he look 5'10 range
Jericho was on That Metal Show and 6'1" Jim Florentine (he stated his own height) had a good 4-5" on Jericho. 5'9" Roddy Piper edged him out a couple of years ago (this was after Pipers MAJOR height loss). Even Glenn was barely shorter than him a few years back in their pic together. He's really not a tall guy. 5'8"-5'8.5" guy.
Alex 6'0 said on 22/Sep/14
My first impression of Jericho when walking by me was solid 5'9 range, 5'9.5 I wouldn't rule out but no way did he look 5'10 range
Sans said on 17/Sep/14
5'9.5 flat
5'10.5 max in footwear, with haircut looks taller
Kourosh177cm said on 9/Sep/14
minus the hair thats a 4inch difference between the two. i dont know about the footwear but if HHH is 6'2 with dress shoes, Jericho is 5'10 with whatever footwear he is wearing in that photo.
oscar said on 8/Sep/14
Click Here
look at this recent picture of jericho with hhh, looks a weak 5'9.5 to 5'10
jericho 5'9.5 max, 5'10.5 max in boots
hhh 6'1.75 max
Kourosh177cm said on 5/Sep/14
rob 176 cm is possible for jerciho?

Editor Rob
you couldn't rule it out
Zoro said on 5/Sep/14
This gif, showing 5'10 MAX Angle and Jericho walking together, testifies that there are more than 0.5 inches (1.25cm) between them.
Click Here
Chris Jericho 175 cm
Dorian said on 5/Sep/14
Chris Jericho 5'9.5
HHH 6'1.75
Seth Rollins 6'1.5
Randy Orton 6'4
Kane 6'7
John Cena 6'0.5
Roman Reigns 6'2.5
SaveUsY2J said on 2/Sep/14
HHH isn't shorter than Seth Rollins, he almost always edgrs Rollins out....
SaveUsY2J said on 31/Aug/14
Alex, yeah I was hoping he'd stand for photos at that event, but HBK, Bret and Jim Ross had all done similar events with the same company in the past (which I couldn't afford at the time) and they sat down for their post-show photoshoots so I never had high hopes. To my understanding I could have gotten a standing photo with him as well if I'd been able to attend the pre-show meet and greet but that was only included in the VIP pass which you had to pay an additional £55 for (I think that's the equivalent of about 90 US dollars)
It's a shame there aren't many good clips/photos from the Attitude Era of HHH, Rock, Austin, etc. with Al Snow, since he's the one wrestler besides Jericho and Lita I've met (Dolph Ziggler was doing a signing at one point in my hometown late last year but I couldn't make it as I had uni that day) , and the only one who stood long enough for me to accurately judge the height of. I'm around 6'0, a similar range to yourself, I thought he he looked an inch or so shorter than myself, so likely 5'11, maybe 5'11.5 at the absolute max (never did buy his 6'1" billing) Here's the photo, but I don't think it's of much value for height comparison as we're both leaning and he's a fair bit closer to the camera:
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Aug/14
SaveusY2J, that's a good picture even though its not standing. Sometimes Jericho and Benoit looked about the same and sometimes Jericho a bit taller. Both were shorter than Kurt Angle though who was no more than 5'10
donnie said on 29/Aug/14
Click Here
here is a picture of chris jericho with eli roth. roth is listed here as 5'11 and jericho only looks a little shorter than him.
jericho 5'9.5 max and 5'10.5 in footwear
SaveUsY2J said on 16/Aug/14
Click Here
I don't know, Jericho looks slightly taller than Benoit in most photos of the two together. I'd be really surprised if Jericho measured a full 5'10 but I'm not convinced he's as low as 5'9 flat.
Also, nice photo, Alex- here's my own, thought obviously it has as much value for judging height as yours does as he's again sitting down. If I'd paid an extra £55 I'd have been able to attend the preshow meet and greet and get a photo with him standing up- but sadly I'm not blessed with an overabundance of money, lol.
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Aug/14
Angle looked an inch taller than Benoit in most occasions. Looked about the same on Jericho as he did Benoit. Puts Jericho and Benoit at 5'9.
SaveUsY2J said on 14/Aug/14
He did look a bit shorter than Kurt Angle but I don't think it was a full inch.
Weak 5'10 is an okay listing. CM Punk has two inches on him
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Aug/14
Jericho was also a bit shorter than Kurt Angle and looked the exact same as Chris Benoit back then.
miko said on 11/Aug/14
5'9.5 is fair enough for Jericho, he could be a hair under it. In thicker boots he can look 5'10 at times.
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Aug/14
This is the pic of me and Jericho from 2010. Not standing but still a good pic. Just would post it anyway to show you guys
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Aug/14
Height181, no I didn't mean he looked 5'9 in his sneakers. I actually meant is he looked 5'9 range minus his footwear that looked to be normal footwear. When I look at someone I see height in shoes then minus the footwear and get a more accurate guess. With heels its hard since you never know how much the heels are giving exactly. 5'9 range barefoot but looked 5'10 range in shoes. He looked around 3 inches shorter than me from a few feet away. 5'9 for Chris seems fair but some will say he's shorter then some will say he's taller.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Aug/14
I only have a picture with him sitting down and I'm bigger than him weight wise. He had walked by us in line from just a few feet away and I thought he looked 5'9 range in sneakers. He was known as a lift wearer.
Kourosh177cm said on 31/Jul/14
chris jericho is just like me
im hovering from 176cm to 178cm. most of the times i look a weak 5'10 or strong 5'9. My height in evening is 176.5 which is my lowest. i believe jericho is just like me. My morning height is close to 178 cm (177.7cm) and 176 and abit over at late night .i go with 177cm tall. jericho is like me. 176-177cm
SaveUsY2J said on 24/Jul/14
Have met him personally, but he sat down for photos so it'd be no use posting it here. He does look closer to 5'10" than 5'9" though, this listing is probably fair, 182cm range CM Punk looked two inches taller during their feud in 2012
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Jul/14
Seen him walk by me a few feet away. Looked 5'9 range
Dynamic Raides said on 2/Jul/14
Chris Jericho is 175.3cm which is 5.9 But he looks shorter than 5.9
Aloha said on 1/Jul/14
Looked below 177 next to the miz, who I would expect is 6', if not slightly below. Same for CM Punk, who is just below 6' aswell, I cant imagine him being below 5'9 but there appears to be a 3 inch gap between jericho & punk and jericho & miz
TopKek said on 30/Jun/14
With Edge and Paul Heyman:
Click Here
Zoro said on 8/Jun/14
176.5 seems really the most he could be, personally I would guess just 176
Two Pump Jump said on 6/Jun/14
Not 5'12"... maybe 5'13" though
noonie09 said on 3/Jun/14
I think he is 5'12
Blaze said on 29/Mar/14
I think he is actually 5'10, im going by morning height.
Alex 6ft 0 said on 20/Mar/14
He has claimed 5'11 before too. I don't even buy 5'10 for him though. I have a pic of him but he's sitting down BUT on the line waiting he walked by me witin a few feet and my guess was 5'9 range. At best he would his listing on here
truth said on 3/Mar/14
mickey he's actually at least 2 inches taller than Floyd
Click Here
Definitely a 5'10" inch god of a man!!!
Lorne said on 27/Feb/14
He was billed at 5'11 in WCW. And the rumors of him wearing lifts have been floating around for years...
Nogli said on 25/Feb/14
Stood right next to him, and 5'9" sounds about right. Wish I'd got a photo now!
Kourosh177cm said on 25/Jan/14
floyd is 5'7 not 5'8.
jericho is 5'9 barefoot
Marc said on 19/Jan/14
On Im chris jericho there is an episode were he and collin mochrie (6'2) go back to back in barefoot Jericho didn't look that much smaller than him.
Mickeyflo said on 14/Jan/14
I remeber Chris Jericho was face to face with Floyd Mayweather whose 5'8 and he was maybe one inch taller. So Chris Jericho is a legit 5'9.
Jeffery said on 11/Jan/14
Wears lifts for sure. 5'9 to 5'9.5 barefoot. Could be 5'10 in the morning.
Marc said on 24/Dec/13
5ft9 really!? I thought he was 6ft so he said. Though he is a smaller guy in the rwestling business he actually looks taller than that.
JOE G said on 24/Dec/13
Id say hes about 5'9 barefoot but I do believe he does wear lifts because one time on raw in 1999 chyna said that even though his heels are bigger than hers shes still taller than him when they were fueding.So say 5'11-6'0 lifts.
Ash said on 16/Nov/13
He's same height as me. I met him in Plymouth white rabbit, he's 5'10 at least.
Nick said on 16/Nov/13
I am 6ft, and having met him and stood beside him, I can confirm he is absolutely not 6ft. I think that even 5'9.5" does sound about right.
gnops said on 13/Nov/13
Scott Thompson was in Jericho's web series "But I'm Chris Jericho" and they looked the same height at 177cm...Thompson may have actually had a slight edge over him.
Clayton said on 29/Sep/13
Especially from 0:14 to 0:17 he clearly is taller than Eva Marie. I would say a weak 5'10 barefoot but in the 5'11 range when in boots.
AdamT said on 28/Sep/13
He said in a video about 10 years ago that he was 5 foot 11, but that he was 5 foot 8 at 17. That's quite a jump for a male of that age.
He's also said he's 5 foot 10 in interviews, but he's always been billed as 6 foot, although wwe regularly add a few inches to wrestlers.
Iv also seen someone say they met him at one of his concerts and asked him his height and he told them 5 foot 9, but no idea if its true that they met him.
I'd have said he is about 5 foot 9 to 5 foot 9 and a half. Average height but he will always be awesome lol
clayton said on 12/Sep/13
Click Here
Doesn't look short next to Eva Marie who can look 5'9 5'10 in heels
Antonio said on 12/Sep/13
Seriously are you people ignorant, look at the photos on my link and see for yourself. Jericho clearly is not that short and is certainly not 5'8. Please look at the photos and see for yourselves on Jericho, Cena and Ambrose.
maxwhatma said on 3/Sep/13
I have met Jericho I am 15 and 5"8 and he was taller than me around 5"11 5"10 and Daniel Bryan is 5"8
Kyuss said on 4/Aug/13
They once listed him as 6-0" and actors...tut tut.
John95 said on 18/Jul/13
Chris Jericho isn't much taller than 5'7 Daniel Bryan and 5'7.25 Michael Cole. Jericho is around 5'8.5 - 5'9 in 2013. Peak height was maybe 5'9.25.
Antonio said on 1/Jul/13
@Rob What do you think of my findings and estimations for Jericho, Cena and Ambrose
Mike T said on 1/Jul/13
Then maybe Teddy Long is 5'8" or something.
Antonio said on 30/Jun/13
Click Here
here is a photo of Chris Jericho next to Adam Jones from the Baltimore Orioles. Jones is listed as 6'3 but is also listed as 190cm making him also possibly 6'2.8, either way in the photo Jericho looked just below eye level. Therefore I would say Chris is around 5'11 in boots and weak 5'10 barefoot. There is also a picture where Adam is stood next Cena and is noticeably taller by like 1 - 2 inches, making Cena 6'1 in sneakers and 6'0 barefoot. There is also another photo where Adam is stood next to Dean Ambrose, who has been billed at 6'4 which is definitely too much but from the picture with Adam he seems to be shorter by an inch, do not forget Dean is leaning down a bit in pose. Possibly, in my opinion, Dean is 6'1 to 6'2 in his SHIELD boots but 6'0.5 barefoot.
Stanley said on 30/Jun/13
Jericho is closer to 5'10 than people think, I fail to see him as a 5'8 guy because that is too short for a man who was once billed as a 6 footer.
Mike T said on 26/Jun/13
MBH If Teddy Long is 5'7" what would that make Daniel Bryan like 5'6" or something because Daniel Bryan is at least 5'7"(5'7.5 max) from what Mr.realityortruth said and Teddy Long is taller than Daniel Bryan.
phil said on 18/Jun/13
Click Here
here in this video with 5'9 nikki novak, at 3:20 they are standing together barefoot and chris edges her by an inch, chris is more 5'10 and nothing less
Wanyama said on 18/Jun/13
5'9" max. He's known to wear lifts.
Van said on 10/Jun/13
Jericho with 5'9 Michael Cole and 6'3 Rock. 5'9.5 sounds just right IMO
Click Here
Mathew said on 15/May/13
I'd say 5'9.5" for Jericho is about right, he looks about 7 cm shorter than Cena, not really more than that.
Mathew said on 15/May/13
5'9.5" is believable.
Mr.realityortruth said on 26/Apr/13
Mikey T says on 16/Feb/13
He's 5'9"-5'10". If you look back on raw he was backstage with Daniel Bryan back in July 2012 and Daniel Bryans 5'8" (5'8.5 max) and Jericho wasn't too much taller than him
Daniel bryan is not5-8(5.8 max).- more like 5-7(5-7.5max), and jericho looked like he had about 2 inches on him and so jericho is about 5-9(5-9.5max).
MBH said on 30/Mar/13
Mikey T says on 17/Feb/13
and also he is like an inch taller than Stephanie Mcmahon(who is 5'9") and he was a little taller than Theodore Long who is also 5'9" so he's probably 5'10" or close to it.
the WWE site lists Long at 5'7 so Jericho is between 5'8 and 5'9
Rallzy_Danger said on 8/Mar/13
Met Jericho after a RAW show in 2005. I'm 5'9, Jericho and I were at eye-level . Don't think I have ever met anyone famous who stood at such an equal height as me. He had on dress shoes with a heel, while I was wearing canvas loafers with barely any heel. He did seem to have a bigger head (or at least bigger hair) than I did, but no way is he any taller than his listed 5'9.5.
dat guy said on 28/Feb/13
anyone remember that pic of jericho and glenn (dude who got booted from the site)? jericho was about two inches taller than him. jericho is 5'9" MAX
Mikey T said on 17/Feb/13
and also he is like an inch taller than Stephanie Mcmahon(who is 5'9") and he was a little taller than Theodore Long who is also 5'9" so he's probably 5'10" or close to it.
Mikey T said on 16/Feb/13
He's 5'9"-5'10". If you look back on raw he was backstage with Daniel Bryan back in July 2012 and Daniel Bryans 5'8" (5'8.5 max) and Jericho wasn't too much taller than him
Conti said on 17/Jan/13
John Cena is at least 6'0,as you may know most of them want to be taller with there shoes.Chris Jericho is 5'9 without boots.
MBH said on 8/Jan/13
look at these pictures with john cena (who is 6'0), how short he looks in the first one eventhough he is probably wearing shoes
Click Here
Click Here
MBH said on 8/Jan/13
Click Here
with Lars Ulrich who is 5'5.5 that makes Jericho about 5'9
tab said on 23/Dec/12
I met Jericho at a Fozzy concert, and my dad is around 5'8" and Jericho was well taller than him, so I would put him at 6'0"
KCP172 said on 5/Dec/12
I met Jericho last week. What an awesome guy! I had my pic taken with him, and he was easily 5'11"!
I know that may come as a shock, but I've met the dude, and he is 5'11" minimum, possibly 6'0". No joke!
MBH said on 21/Nov/12
punk is believed to be 5'11/5'11.5 max so were does that put jericho in this pic
Click Here
MBH said on 11/Nov/12
Jericho is 5'9 CM Punk is about 5'10.5 (5'11 max!)
Clay said on 2/Oct/12
Danimal says on 1/Aug/12
He was on that Metal Show and the hosts towered him. Looked nothing over 5'8" to me.
I truly and sincerely doubt I would have an inch on him.
Alex said on 13/Sep/12
I'm 6'1-6'1.5 range in my sneakers and Jericho looked a good 5'10 or so in whatever footwear he was wearing. They looked like normal footwear. I can't see him wearing lifts to an autograph session haha. Based on that I estimated him at 5'9 around 195-200lbs
Chris Jericho mark said on 13/Sep/12
Met him at Uproar in Atlanta, got a picture with him and the band... I'm 5'10.5" in the morning without shoes, I had on Sperrys and he had his cowboy rocker boots on... I was maybe a half inch taller.
I love the man.
Sammy derrick said on 27/Aug/12
Well in a video in youtube he was 5,8 AND 170LBS WHEN 17.AM 16 5,8 AND 140LBS BUT MEN CAN GROW UPTO THE AGE OF 21.
Sammy Derrick.6,0 when am 30
tom said on 26/Aug/12
saw him in his band fozzy,im 6'2.5,hes around 5-11.5 in combat type boots,was stood a few feet away.
Primo said on 23/Aug/12
please he is 5ft9 its proved he is only 5ft11 in wrestling shoes please
Primo said on 17/Aug/12
Please Rob for sure he looks 5ft9.5 or even 5ft11 but infact he is 5ft8 please
change is height thanks
the shredder said on 10/Aug/12
He said WAS 5'8 .
MBH said on 8/Aug/12
once again he states he is 5'8!
Click Here
andre said on 4/Aug/12
my father who is legit 5ft8 take photo with him some years ago in 1998
have ask my father woow he is your height have also asked jericho what is your legit height and he told us well my normal height is 5ft8 but with soles im 5ft10 / 5ft11
told him this im only 5ft5 need to grow some height so can be wrestler also
he told me never give up kid the important is your heart you need to have lion heart like me lets rock JERICO :D
he is infact 5ft8 please change height
andre said on 1/Aug/12
please Rob we want chris Jericho legit height not with without the soles to getting taller is proved That Chris is legit 5ft8 without the soles
please change is height too 5ft9(175cm)
Danimal said on 1/Aug/12
He was on that Metal Show and the hosts towered him. Looked nothing over 5'8" to me.
Alex said on 30/Jul/12
Ive met Jericho and at an autograph session and he walked by me a few feet in front of me. He does look a legit 5'9 guy
Hullywood said on 27/Jul/12
Hey Rob, please comment this photo of Jericho with your opinion. He saids on twitter, that this is him on the picture. I think he really looks taller then 1.77m here. I´m 1.75m and wouldnt look so tall in this picture.
Click Here

Editor Rob
it can be hard to tell from a photo like that
MBH said on 12/Jun/12
Click Here
he claims 5'11 now and 5'8 when he was 16/17
however studies show that when you're 17, you measure 99.8% of what you will measure as an adult, he said he was 5'8 when he was 17, I find it hard to believe he grew 7 cm after that, he is probably 5'9 max!
Rich said on 12/Feb/12
jericho today would probably hit 5'9.5 in the morning on a good day. other than that only about 5'9. Giving the boots he wears could easily pull off a 5'10-11
MBH said on 8/Feb/12
this monday on Raw he was face to face with punk how is about 5'11, Jericho looked an inch samller but he was wearing huge boots. I'd like to believe he is 5'9.5, but it justs seems he is about 5'8.5 max!
MBH said on 16/Jan/12
176 in the morning, 174 the rest of the day
hs2011 said on 30/Nov/11
There are pictures in Jericho's autobiographies of him with Chris Benoit (listed at 175cm in the Super J Cup 1994) and ~5'6.5" Eddie Guerrero and he looks 5'9.5" with both those guys.
Alex said on 25/Nov/11
Jericho walked by me and was within a few feet of me and I didn't feel like I had more than 3 inches on him. I would say 5'9 for him unless he was wearing lifts but not sure he'd wear lifts to an autograph session
Rich said on 23/Nov/11
After looking at a few of these links hes definetly smaller than what he says. Though Ive been to many wwe events and i usually sit very close, about 15 rows from ringside, this guy is no small man. Maybe its just because of him being stocky, but up close he looks a solid 5'10-6'0. Yet again i wouldn't count out the possibility of a 5'8-9 guy.
Tman said on 19/Nov/11
Vegas maybe Jericho is actually the full 5'10?
Vegas said on 10/Nov/11
Danimal says on 28/Oct/11
Again, NOT 5'9.5". If you're a fan of Maiden and know how short the guys are, you'll see that Jericho is MAX 5'8
max 5'8 would put him 5'7 range
does he look 5'7 range in dress-shoes next to bret hart pause at 7mins 36secs, remember thats after 9pm at night
Click Here
next to george lopez 2min 48secs onward
Click Here
next to mario lopez
Click Here
Parra said on 8/Nov/11
He is between 5ft 10 or 6ft, no more than 6
mister said on 30/Oct/11
This is the real height for him
5ft8(174cm) its real possible
Danimal said on 28/Oct/11
Again, NOT 5'9.5". If you're a fan of Maiden and know how short the guys are, you'll see that Jericho is MAX 5'8" (if my below comment wasn't enough to prove that anyways) and notice the THICK boots on Jericho here:
Click Here
Danimal said on 26/Oct/11
You guys are all so off. I've been saying 5'8" for years for Jericho and now I have proof. Jim Florentine (from that Metal Show and Howard Stern is 5'11" (it says in his bio on i m d b and elsewhere). Here is Jericho looking 4" shorter than Jim:
Click Here
hs2011 said on 21/Oct/11
Jericho is closer to 5'10" than 5'9" IMHO.
tell-em said on 11/Oct/11
chyna is more like 5'9" flat.
Alex said on 9/Oct/11
Jericho was usually billed 225-230lb range. Has been billed at 23l before. He didn't look more than 205lbs max when I met him and 205 is still good size for a 5'9 guy. Even 195-200lbs solid at 5'9 is big so he could have been that too.
Legend said on 8/Oct/11
Thanks Alex, because he's billed much heavier than that.
Legend said on 6/Oct/11
Alex, do you have any idea how much he could weigh?
Alex said on 6/Oct/11
Legend, Jericho has claimed 5'10 and 5'11 before. 5'9.25 could be bang on. I seen Jericho from a couple feet away walking and he looked 5'9, maybe 5'9.5 at the very most.
Alex said on 6/Oct/11
Corey Taylor is 5'7 I've read before but he looks under that with Jericho but if you look at the picture Corey is wearing sneakers and Jericho is wearing some biggish boots it looks like.
Legend said on 5/Oct/11
5'8.75 maybe, maybe all the way up to 5'9.5, and honestly my gut tells me he's 5'9.25 even though people say I add .25 to heights a lot.
Rick said on 29/Sep/11
Jericho is definitely 5 foot and 9.5 inches. In an interview Chyna said that her legit height is 5 foot 10. Jericho's size (including his big shoulders) may give the illusion that he's taller but in this image they both look to be the same height. Plus I'm sure he was wearing bigger lifts than Chyna.
Click Here
the AMAZING Babushka said on 24/Sep/11
wow 5'6" tops for Cory taylor, what a small dude, with a freakishly big neck.. He is awsome though , huge fan
WSM said on 23/Sep/11
I think height is ,or was, the last thing vince ever thought about when putting guys out for promos or matches. By putting Jericho out with Shaq and Big Ben doesnt mean Vince was making a height statement, it was because he was acually the leading guy(heel) at that time and was just out for a promo.
linke said on 22/Sep/11
No way is christian 6'2.He's 6' flat imo.
Danimal said on 21/Sep/11
Vegas says on 21/Sep/11
jericho and lars ulrich Click Here
Poor Lars is bald now at 47 years old. He's also seriously leaning into Jericho. I can live with 5'9" for Jericho, but nothing over that.
Vegas said on 21/Sep/11
jericho and lars ulrich
Click Here
Gabe said on 21/Sep/11
Christian is around 6 foot 2 I have met him in person.
Danimal said on 20/Sep/11
Looked about 5'8" on That Metal Show. 5'11" Jim Florentine had inches on him.
Alex said on 19/Sep/11
Yea Jericho does wear bigger footwear sometimes but when I saw him up close walking by last year he had casual type shoes on. To me he didn't look under 5'9.
Dan90 said on 18/Sep/11
Yer Jericho did claim 5'11" himself, but is clearly under that. Jericho gets listed as 6' on the official WWE website and numerous other wrestling related sites. Although his profile lists him as 5'10" which is obviously more accurate, probably isn't the only website that lists him at that height too.
Clay said on 17/Sep/11
It's under 5'9'' which is the crazy bit.
MBH said on 17/Sep/11
if he is 5'8 claiming he is 6'0 is riculous, we are talking about 10cm!
to conclude 5'9 or 5'9.5?
MBH said on 17/Sep/11
he is not 5'8 it would be absurd if his billed height is 6'0, 10cm bigger!
so to conclude he is 5'9 or 5'9.5?
MBH said on 13/Sep/11
5'9 seems ok to me. more than that is crazy
Legend said on 13/Sep/11
I noticed in a lot of times he wears huge footwear. I could swear he looks like a 5'8.5 guy in huge lifts/boots sometimes:
Click Here
Alex said on 12/Sep/11
Dan, Jericho doesn't claim 6'0 actually. He heard him claim 5'11 before.
Alex said on 9/Sep/11
Legend, when I seen him walk right by me from a foot away at the autograph session he looked 5'9 range. Could pull off 5'10 with his hair
Dan90 said on 8/Sep/11
Agreed on this, he looks nothing under 5'9.5" and is 5'10" max. Doesn't look 6' at all.
Legend said on 6/Sep/11
@Alex yeah lol I just mean he's a little over 5'9 :)
King10 said on 5/Sep/11
he was wearing lifts on Ellen and he didn't look much taller than her, so if ellen in 5'7 then there is no way in hell he is over 5'9, most likely to be 174 max
Alex said on 1/Sep/11
Legend, 5'9.25 could be bang on but I notice a lot of your estimates are X height and 1/4 inch lol
Y2JJ said on 30/Aug/11
For the record, i agree with this listing however in this video he claims 5'11
Click Here
Godred said on 26/Aug/11
I buy 5`9 for Jericho and 5`11 for Christian.
MBH said on 25/Aug/11
i follow him on twitter, he had a photograph wit james hetfield, who is 6'1 (185) and he cleary looks 10cm bigger at least, so jericho is 5'9 (175) max (176)
SAM RICK said on 21/Aug/11
Chris Jericho:5'9.5(1.77M)
Alex said on 18/Aug/11
Vegas, Christian was the only wrestler who was underbilled for a while at 5'10 when he really looks 5'11.5-6'0. He looks 6'0 with Angle there. He was billed 5'10 for a while then finally was listed at 6'1. 5'11.5-6'0 is his height. 6'0 more so I think. Was only 3 inches shorter than Edge?
The greatest person alive in the world today said on 9/Aug/11
6' is absured. If he is going to lie at least make it believable.
Lou said on 7/Aug/11
Click Here
heres the link I promised, Christian at 5'10
Dan sut said on 3/Aug/11
they say hes 6ft
Godred said on 31/Jul/11
5`9 for the king of bling bling.
Lou said on 30/Jul/11
I would think hes between 5'8-5'9.
Click Here
Chris looks close to 2 inches shorter than christian, 3 inches at some points. Im not totally sure how tall christian is but ive heard about 5'11 to 6'0 for him. there is a wrestling site having him at 5'10. I'll post the link as quickly as possible.
MBH said on 30/Jul/11
i think 5'8.75 barefoot
Sweep The Leg said on 30/Jun/11
The guy is probably between 5'9" and 5'10" barefoot, probably more towards 5'9", but could pass a s 5'10" with his wrestling boots on. guys like him are gonna look short, because some of the WWE wrestlers are huge
SAM RICK said on 24/Jun/11
In a game called 'RAW' Chris Jericho HEIGHT:6'0 WEIGHT:231LBS back when he had a head of full blond hair.But when I googled him BILLED HEIGHT:6'0 HEIGHT:5'10 (and looks it.)So final judgement 5'10.MR.PAUL HOW MANY WRESTLERS (both male and female) are in this site and who is your favourite past and present.
joes said on 23/Jun/11
I thoung he has 5 ft 10,5(1,79),but triple h doesn't looks very taller than jericho.
Alex said on 4/Jun/11
Hes 5'9. Benoit looked about the same as Jericho. Eddie looked in the 5'7-5'7 1/2 range.
Jake T. said on 22/May/11
Chris needs an upgrade, he looked the same with Kurt Angle so I'd give him 5'10 and nothing less.
Slammin Salmon said on 12/May/11
he's 5'9", ive never met him,but ive seen him on tv many times, and he looks 5'9", i would bet money on it
Viper said on 16/Apr/11
5-9 MAX. Hes always looked 5-9
mideel said on 15/Apr/11
i can't believe it, i thought at least he is 180-183
tell-em said on 15/Apr/11
Vegas says on 28/Mar/11
there is a recent shoot on youtube with scott hall where larry zbyszko is tearing into jericho and describes himself as 6ft tall and jericho as 5'6, scott hall corrects larry and says "he is closer to 5'10"
and then some guy in the backround says "hes more 5'9"
Davy Jones said on 15/Apr/11
Jericho's 5'10". Hes an inch taller then 5'9" Benoit.
hs2011 said on 31/Mar/11
Jericho was always 1" taller than Chris Benoit and ~3" taller than Eddie Guerrero. Nothing under 5'9.5" IMO.
Vegas said on 28/Mar/11
there is a recent shoot on youtube with scott hall where larry zbyszko is tearing into jericho and describes himself as 6ft tall and jericho as 5'6, scott hall corrects larry and says "he is closer to 5'10"
Vegas said on 23/Mar/11
well he looked same height as tyson in gear 2mins 40secs
Click Here
Viper said on 22/Mar/11
5-9 at most. Never 5-10
LG69 said on 22/Mar/11
Watched him on DWTS, he looks a about 5'10" at most. He's quite bulky--probably 220lbs.
tell-em said on 21/Mar/11
benoit was a bit shorter than chris jericho. and about 1 inch shorter than angle.
Alex said on 15/Mar/11
Angle had at least an inch over both Benoit and Jericho in their faceoffs. Benoit and Jericho were about the same, maybe 1/2 inch taller for Jericho.
Angle- 5'10
Jericho- 5'9
Beniot 5'8.5-5'9
I met Jericho. Didn't get a pic with him standing but he walked right by me and he could have pulled off 5'10 with his hair but really was more 5'9.
Clay said on 12/Mar/11
tell-em says on 17/Feb/11
kurt angle - 5'10"
chris jericho - 5'9.5"
chris benoit - 5'9"
We agree? No way!
tell-em said on 17/Feb/11
kurt angle - 5'10"
chris jericho - 5'9.5"
chris benoit - 5'9"
Clay said on 16/Feb/11
Angle was the tallest ever so slightly probably at 5'10. Jericho is a stronger 5'9, Benoit was a weak 5'9.
undercaker said on 30/Jan/11
On one Yahoo answers page a bunch of people said 5'11''. One guy even considered 6'0''. And this is coming from guys that said they met him. WTH?
If he's really the same height as Santino then he's pretty small. I saw Santino up close recently. I'm 5'11 1/2'' and I dwarf Santino.
Frank and Fair said on 25/Jan/11
The heights of Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit all need to be re-evaluated. I assumed they were all 5'9 but check out these pics.
Click HereClick HereRob what do you think?
Frankstein said on 12/Jan/11
jay says on 22/Nov/10
chris and santino marella exactly the same......Santino presently is billed at 5'10
Click Here
minus both of their boots, each could be only around 5'9. give or take
agreed, give or take.
5\'7.37 said on 10/Jan/11
he's 5'9 and Benoit is 5'10.5, the same as Kurt Angle. Jericho used to wear humongous boots back in the Y2J days, maybe he is actually 5'8, i don't know.
MikeSCORPION said on 29/Dec/10
He is 1 Inch taller than me...He's 5'10-5'11 (178-180) cm! Without the WWE boots.
Clay said on 26/Dec/10
At 6'1+ you're going to have a hard time seeing the difference in 5'8-5'10.
® said on 24/Dec/10
Y2j is 5'9
Peter Cohen said on 15/Dec/10
I met him last year very nice guy my height is 6'1(sometimes 6'1/2) and he seemed pretty short he has short limbs and is 5'10 on a good day and was wearing lifts for sure I wore flat sneakers.My guess is he's a solid 5'8 barefoot may hit 5'8.5 in the morning.
hs2010 said on 15/Dec/10
Jericho was 1" taller than legit 5'8.5"-5'9" Chris Benoit and the same height as ~5'10" Mike Tyson and Santino Marella. He doesn't look under 5'9.5" IMHO.
The Ben said on 5/Dec/10
I met him at a fozzy concert in 06 and he looked 5'9ish.
He had proper stumpy limbs though, very short arms and legs and thick wrists and for arms.
I was stood at the guard rail for the full show, only about 300 there.
Clay said on 4/Dec/10
Al - yeah 205 makes sense, classic short guy on a mesomorph frame who will visibly look bigger than what he actually is. I am the same - lol.
Clay said on 24/Nov/10
Santino is 5'9.5-5'10. He was 5'11 on his mugshot in sneakers.
jay said on 22/Nov/10
chris and santino marella exactly the same......Santino presently is billed at 5'10
Click Here
minus both of their boots, each could be only around 5'9. give or take
Alex said on 3/Nov/10
He was built but IMO he looked a bit smaller than me muscle wise I think. I would have given him right around 200-205lbs probably.
Alex said on 30/Oct/10
I met him today, but couldn't get a picture with him standing since at the signing they said none of the talent would be standing since it had a big line waiting and it would take more time to get done. But he did walk right by me a foot away and he looked 5'9 to me.
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/09
Well, frankly he looked at most an inch shorter than John Morrison billed at 6'1. Either Morrison is more 5'10.5-5'11 or Jericho uses boots with lifts.
Clay said on 8/Jun/09
Peak heights and weights:
Benoit - 5'9 225 ibs
Jericho - 5'9.5 225
Eddie - 5'7.5 210
Mysterio - 5'3.5 175
chris harish said on 3/Jun/09
I think he is 5.10 correctly . he is 2"inches shorter than john cena 6'0 and 1"or 1/2"inches shorter than 5.11 hbk because we are seen in many raw episode he is not more than 5.10
The Ben said on 7/May/09
I'd say jericho is 5'9-5'10 MAX!!! i stood right next to the stage at a half empty fozzy concert for 90mins and had plenty of time to check.
He has real short guy arms and legs...he's pretty stumpy..
He looked prob just over 200lbs at the time...
Peter said on 3/May/09
did anyone watch wwe smackdown this week cm punk towered Chris jericho by atleast 3 - 4 inches
the man said on 28/Apr/09
wana bet? i aint no liar. get lost if you cant take the truth. Chris Jericho and Doink the clown= same person lolz
Anonymous said on 24/Apr/09
jerichos an inch taller than steamboat
Click Here
hs2009 said on 23/Apr/09
Benoit was listed at 175cm at the New Japan Super J Cup in 1994. No way was he over that, but I do believe that he was 5'9". He was also described as 5'9" on his divorce papers.
Danimal said on 22/Apr/09
The man says on 22/Apr/09
look Chris Jericho is my uncle he is 5"10 bare foot. and 225 pounds guys. for those of you who dont know 180cm=5"11 178cm=5"10 and 175=5"9 and 173=5"8.
Chris Benoit was 180
Benoit was never over 5'8" and you're a liar.
The man said on 22/Apr/09
look Chris Jericho is my uncle he is 5"10 bare foot. and 225 pounds guys. for those of you who dont know 180cm=5"11 178cm=5"10 and 175=5"9 and 173=5"8.
Chris Benoit was 180
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/09
i Have met Chris Jericho and he is 5"10 and Chris Benoit was 5"11 and Eddie Guerrero was 5"8
Clay said on 8/Apr/09
First of all Morg, you're the idiot. Second of all, I didn't say anything about Jericho, just Benoit.
Hugh 190cm said on 27/Mar/09
182cm in boots
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/09
5'9.5? Surely he's a bit bigger than that. Rob seriously I saw him tonight on WWE Raw sqaure up to 5'10.5 Ric Flair and if anything Chris looked taller.
M.o.r.g said on 26/Mar/09
Clay says on 3/Mar/09
Rich85 says on 2/Mar/09
Hi guys, I met Jericho when he was over in the uk with Fozzy. Im 5'8"and a half and he was an inch bigger with heels. Id say we are the same height. Beoit was 5'7, the add 3inch to most wrestlers.
You lose all credibility calling Benoit 5'7. Sorry champ.
clay you are an idiot who has never met him.Like i said before my cousin saw him with fozzy and said he was 5'8-9