WalkingTall 6ft 3.25in said on 15/Aug/12
Although i was pretty sure he is a six footer,i'm not anymore :D, 182 cm could be bang on for him,but he does have a frame of a taller man
SAMMY DERRICK said on 15/Aug/12
HollywoodFan said on 10/Aug/12
There was a stand-in casting/audition notice just prior to Captain America seeking a male with dirty blonde hair who should be no more than 5'10" in height. The same stand-in qualifications were being sought for The Avengers. It's gotta be for either Renner or Evans.
Yitzhak said on 5/Aug/12
Based on the pics with Hemsworth I would guess 184 cm morning, 182 cmish night. Very strong 5'11", close to six flat. Great proportions.
Rob I have a question - when people shrink do they typically lose most of their "extra" height from morning to evening within a few hours of waking up or they they typically lose height throughout the whole day? People seem to always quote "evening height" as being less than "afternoon height" but measuring myself I am seemingly exactly the same height say, four hours after waking up as I am at night.

Editor Rob
there's a fast loss in the first few hours from waking up.
I've said it before on here many times, by lunchtime I'm pretty much near my low, maybe another 1-2mm loss...and from people I've measured it's very common for most height to be lost in the 5-6 hours after waking, and only a much smaller amount from afternoon to evening, sometimes you might already be at your low at lunch time.
Jake said on 1/Aug/12
He is 6'0" flat. If anything based off recent pictures, he looks slightly taller than 6. Not shorter than 6 feet though
theblacklab said on 1/Aug/12
Rob, didn't you once have him at 5'11"? I think he looks about 179-181cm, most likely 5'11". He doesn't look that much taller than 5'8" to 5'9" Robert Downey Jr.

Editor Rob
no he wasn't just 5ft 11, he's hovered around 6ft for a few years, possibly a fraction above or below for a while before.
Rikashiku said on 31/Jul/12
In Chris' pics he actually looks shorter than Ioan by an inch. Even in the last to pics he looks shorter even when he is closer to the camera which makes him look bigger than he really is. 179cm-180cm.
Chris said on 7/Feb/12
Josh B.
Evans is half inch taller than Gruffudd but not quiet a full 6'. 5'11.5 (182 cms) for the Cap would be bang on.
Soviet_Rebel said on 16/Jan/12
NO WAY HE'S 6 ft. Strong 180cm. Full stop. Evidences are in the comments below.
Ras_ said on 31/Dec/11
Yeah Chris,I agree with you 181-182cm.
Chris said on 29/Dec/11
I said he's a solid 5'11 guy, means that his minimum height would be 180, but i think during the day he's over 5'11, but doesn't reach the 6'. Probably 5'11.5 (182) guy.
Bakura said on 29/Dec/11
Evans looks taller than Gruffudd in the last two pics, Chris. Always looks a solid 6ft to me.
TruebloodFan said on 28/Dec/11
@Chris says on 15/Dec/11
'Looks same height as him. Evans seems taller beacuse of his body build, but to me he's a solid 5'11 guy, just like Gruffudd'
I doubt he's 5'11. the guy is tall.
Chris said on 16/Dec/11
With legit 5'11 guy (listed here) Ioan Gruffudd:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Looks same height as him. Evans seems taller beacuse of his body build, but to me he's a solid 5'11 guy, just like Gruffudd
Chris said on 15/Dec/11
With legit 5'11 guy (listed here) Ioan Gruffudd:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
He looks the same height as him. His body build make him look a 6 footer, but to me he's a solid 5'11 guy, just like Gruffudd
Godred said on 19/Nov/11
@Yuno - does seem a 6 footer to me.
Yuno said on 16/Nov/11
Average height, 5'10" - 5'11". 6'0" is out of the question.
Shortish86 said on 8/Nov/11
I think he's 182cm.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 2/Nov/11
yeah he's around 6'... i think he's like 182-183! good height!
jay said on 28/Oct/11
egnagel says on 22/Feb/11
i dont know about his 6'. Hemsworth looks like 6'5 guy if Evans is 6'.
Click Here
hemsworth is standing straight up with good posture and evans is leaning over, if evans was standing straight up too, itd prob be around a 3 inch difference
HollywoodFan said on 25/Oct/11
Same height as Joss Whedon
Godred said on 24/Oct/11
@Tempest - Yes but they shot it that way to make him look tall,looks 6ft in everything else I`ve seen him in.
Tempest said on 23/Oct/11
I thought he looked 6'2" in Captain America. He was taller than TLJ.
jaypee said on 17/Oct/11
does anyone have a better photo of Chris Evans? he looks to me like he could be between 5'11 to 6 ft but the only way to make sure is have a great photo.
L said on 14/Oct/11
honestly he looks 5'11-5'11 12
Godred said on 8/Oct/11
@Max - no chance he`s 6 ft flat.
Max said on 26/Sep/11
If you watch the marvel conference thing on youtube, chris evans stands next to chris hemsworth and he's 6'3" and chris evans and he looks about 2 maybe 2 and a half inches off him, so around 6 and half an inch to 6'1" i'd say!
MBH said on 17/Sep/11
hahaha chris evans 5'9? really?
leonari said on 12/Sep/11
Andrew:Dude... Ridiculous claim for Evans. 3 inches below his height... downgrading is fun ha?
Andrew said on 12/Sep/11
In "Cellular," next to Eric Christian Olsen -- who is listed at 6'1 -- he looked about 3.5 to 4 inches shorter in some shots. He has to be 5'9 or 5'9.5
Original said on 11/Sep/11
For me, he's 5'11.25" and 200 pounds.
HollywoodFan said on 8/Sep/11
Just saw him up close in NYC a week ago (Saturday) during filming of the Avengers...he stands just under 6 feet (between 5'10.5"-5'11"), and around 185-190 lbs. The film's definitely going to be epic!!
Godred said on 21/Aug/11
@winkle - nope, they just shot it to make him look taller, he looks 6 ft in everything else, like Sunshine.
Winkle laltlanchhunga said on 19/Aug/11
Judging from captain america i thought he would at least be 6'2" maybe??
HollywoodFan said on 16/Aug/11
Saw Chris on Jimmy Fallon's late night show here in NYC recently and he looked, dare I say, a half inch under Jimmy Fallon. Also saw a casting for a stand in for one of The Avengers actors, male with dirt blonde/light brown hair. Guessing it could've been for Jeremy Renner...or Chris Evans perhaps? Either way, hope he manages to maintain his weight/size for the role. In recent 'Avenger' pics, he looked as though he's begun to shed a few pounds.
r3v001 said on 11/Aug/11
as always makes sense thanks rob!
r3v001 said on 10/Aug/11
lol treets!I believe they said he was 5'6 and 90 lbs actually! Rob is there some way for me to be notified if someone on the site cmments on something I say or asks me a question???

Editor Rob
I've kept it bare bones for a number of reasons. One was when I sat down to work out the 'computing power/bandwidth etc' needed to cope, it would triple the costs.
I felt at the moment I was better spending money on trying to keep getting photos for the site.
Treets said on 9/Aug/11
He looked 5'7", 120lbs in Captain America.
brad said on 9/Aug/11
Wow! I thought he was a couple inches taller after watching Cap America. He played the role well. Idk what you guys are talking about with him being too small to play cap. Thats crazy talk. He was beefed up in that movie.
Alex said on 6/Aug/11
Looked 6'0 in Captain America but not going to be easy to tell the difference from 5'11 to 6'0 anyway. 5'11 1/2 at the lowest maybe?
perdy said on 5/Aug/11
saw the movie, this dude has put on abit of muscle since fantastic 4! id say a tall 5"11 and around 200lbs between 195-203. with the clothes on didnt look any bigger than any1 els in the movie. any1 under 200lbs in cloths dnt stand out as big till there shirt comes off and there ripped ie jason stathem, ryan renalds or christian bale all muscular but in clothes look normal and dnt strike u as big untill the loose a shirt
Richard said on 3/Aug/11
You wouldn't guess he's only 6' though just from watching that movie, he seems to tower over everyone else. Makes him on par with me, and I spent the whole movie thinking "Jeez... how huge is this guy?". Did they deliberatly cast all the cast members that would be in close contact with him deliberatly smaller or something, to make him look bigger?
Still, many people, especially round here, and in the movie buisness often get misconceptions about height.
6' is massive in the real world, but no one believes than anymore. Stand next toa 6' guy and if you actually look, they are way bigger than you expect. All these movie directors do people a disservice by always angleing for the taller bloke. You get so caught up un Superman's 6'2, or Doctor Who's 6'1, that you don't realise that there really isn't much difference, especially on screen, between them and a 5'10 guy. Sure, you can tell their shorter, but being about 5'10, your still likely to tower over most of the other supporting actors around you, it's only when you get them together you notice.
This annoys me in films, actually, because directors are always drawn to the taller ones. Look at Johnny Depp and Robert Downey Jr. Probably, I think, the 2 best actors in Hollywood, and definatly 2 of the shortest.
leonari said on 2/Aug/11
Chris Evans is built like an unemployed uncle... Yeah sure...STOP smoking that herb HERB. You are delusional. Evans is in amazing shape and perfect for playing the Cap.
Mamun said on 2/Aug/11
AGREED % 1000 !
HERB said on 1/Aug/11
This guy is WAY too small to play the pinnacle of human perfection. Entirely too puny. They should have got
Chris Hemsworth to play Cap and Tyler Mane to be Thor. Bane, Thor, Cap are all cast to be much smaller than they are supposed to be. Heroes and villains should be larger than life, not built like your unemployed uncle.
Jed said on 29/Jul/11
Brad completely agree. Great film. Caveman he looked tall enough - He was taller than the rest of the cast - the 2" on film didn't show. Physique wise I completely agree though. Needed far more shoulder / lat development. Looks under 190 tbh if he hasn't got big legs (which I don't think he'll have).
Brad said on 27/Jul/11
Just saw Captain America. Through camera trickery and big boots he looked 6'2 easily. PERFECT casting, Evans has charisma coming out his ass, probably my favorite performance in a superhero movie.
MOF said on 25/Jul/11
Tommy Lee Jones had an inch on Evans in Captain America.
CavemanRadio said on 23/Jul/11
Saw the movie last night. Amazing sets and props. Tommy Lee Jones and Hugo Weaving are great. Chris Evans walks through it and is nowhere near 220lbs (no delts, traps, lats, quads, hamstrings)...the storyline is so good that the FACT that Evans doesn't have the frame, jawline, musculature, or charisma to be Cap is minimized by the brilliance of the supporting cast and scenery. But once again, Samuel L Jackass portrays Nick Fury as an angry, ghetto, pimp...
Caveman said on 22/Jul/11
Chris Evans does not have the height or frame to be Cap USA, nor does he have the jaw-line/facial structure. Steve Rogers never had a pointy face nor such small shoulders/delts. Horrific casting...and the costume is awful. BTW, 2" inches is a big deal...the reason RDJ can be Iron man is because Iron Man is all about the SUIT, not the physical abilities of of Tony Stark...Duh!
HollywoodFan said on 20/Jul/11
I recall 6'4" Rebb Brown (he must've been around 250 lbs. at least), played Captain America on 2 CBS television movies back in '79! Physically, he was ideal for that role, although he had the silly plexiglass shield. I heard that he said Chris Evans playing Captain America is like a "little" version of himself! LOL! I'd say Chris appears to be around 6 feet tall and somewhere between 195 lbs. and 205 lbs.
Rich said on 29/May/11
I really doubt he is less than 6 feet tall and nothing more either. Captain America in the comics is 6'2" tall. Anyhow 2 inches is a marginal difference. Bale is 6 feet and portrays a 6'2" hero. For Henry Cavill this is a bigger stretch, as he is 6 feet flat but Superman is supposed to be 6'3" and broad shouldered.
Cranberries said on 13/May/11
Exactly. 6'6" is much, MUCH larger than 6'3", especially if the builds are similarly robust.
Not to mention, look at the last picture below me. Hemsworth may be 6'3", but he's a small 6'3", with a rather small head/jaw, a long neck, and fairly narrow shoulders, and chest. Yeah, he's muscular, and yeah, he's "tall", but he's not really a big guy from a genetics standpoint; he's almost like a vertically stretched Chris Evans. David Prowse is an example of a big guy from a genetics standpoint. Magnus Samuelsson too (unfortunately not an actor), even though he's not big-boned for a strongman.
Yeah, I think Thor should be truly big. Not just some tall-ish pretty boy with nice abs and cute little squinty eyes.
ThaMessenger said on 11/May/11
I met him in Boston. He is about 6'0 maybe a tad over but most likely flat on 6'0. It was said he put on 25-30 lbs for Captain America which would put him a about 200 lbs. Plus standing next to him was about the Difference between him and Hemsworth who is listed 6'3. Which is my Height.
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Click Here
TruebloodFan said on 9/May/11
lmao USYD your perception of height is funny. '190 cm is not small' - gotta write that down.
Evans is 6ft with ease.
gogo said on 7/May/11
im 178cm that exactly what i look near my 189cm friend
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/11
Looks a little below 6"0, probably 182cm...
Ron would you be able to add the radio presenter Chris Evans?
simon said on 20/Apr/11
chris evans is 6 foot 200 pounds for captain america no arguing about it.Look at christian bale in batman begins,chris bale is 6foot too and was great in the bruce wayne role,captain america and the batman have the same physical abilities chris evans should fit the role perfectly !
Chameleon said on 15/Apr/11
Hemsworth aint over 1.90 come on now.
Evans 180 is possible.
Nick said on 10/Apr/11
egnagel says on 22/Feb/11
i dont know about his 6'. Hemsworth looks like 6'5 guy if Evans is 6'.
Chris Evans looks around 4-5 inches shorter in this pic... i would give him a 5 foot 11 and Hemsworth a 6 foot 4 maybe even a fraction under 6 foot 5
Aaron said on 3/Apr/11
Evans is a solid 6'0" guy with a remarkable build; I wouldn't downgrade him by a hair. Hemsworth = lifts, btw. In everything that has anything to do with Thor, he's wearing lifts. He knows he's small for the part.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Feb/11
i'd say the difference is like 4.5 inches... maybe he looks so shorter because he's leaning! 4 inches he would reaches at least his eyebrows and he doesnt! i think he's just a strong 180! no more!
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Feb/11
i'd say the difference is like 4.5 inches... maybe he looks so shorter because he's leaning! 4 inches he would reaches at least his eyebrows and he doesnt!
egnagel said on 24/Feb/11
you are right Chameleon the difference is 4 inches. But Hemsworth is listed 6'3 so Evans is shorter or Hemsworth is taller.
Chameleon said on 23/Feb/11
6'5? U must be joking. The difference is at most 4'
egnagel said on 22/Feb/11
i dont know about his 6'. Hemsworth looks like 6'5 guy if Evans is 6'.
Click Here
SolidSnake said on 17/Feb/11
Not a very good picture here because mamun is so much closer to the camera
KOOL said on 31/Jan/11
Chris is 6ft height definitely. And he fitted into the role of Captain America perfectly. He's the most handsome guy.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/11
He's far to small at 6ft to play captain america! but he has buffed up so fair game. Seem i would say a solid 6ft
Mr. R said on 30/Nov/10
I thought I read somewhere that it between 30 and 40#.
Anonymous said on 30/Nov/10
Does anyone know how much weight he put on to pay Captain America? I can't find any mention of it, anywhere.
TruebloodFan said on 29/Nov/10
actually, Evans did look 6ft in the funny naked barefoot scene in 'Not Another Teen Movie'. and he was like 20 then?
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/10
He is immense. I think he's been taking the juice. As for his height I think he is maybe 6 foot even or just shy like 5'11.75 or so because he doesnt seem That tall.
Check this out btw.
Click Here
Mr. R said on 13/Nov/10
I just saw a pic of Chris in Entertainment Weekly as Captain America. HE IS HUGE! To show him as the scrawny Steve Rogers, they are using clever camera angles, costume trickery. and digital moves where Chris'face is superimposed on a skinny actor.
Sam said on 2/Nov/10
No Eric, Chris Evans gained alot of weight for the role...he is well over 200 pounds now and looks Big enough to pull it off...he may be 220 in some of the stills i have seen he looks to be about 25 to 40 pounds heavier than he was in Fantastic Four
MD said on 1/Nov/10
Wrong Chris Evans you're talking about, probably.
Anonymous said on 30/Oct/10
I've seen Chris up close, he is a big guy, actually I was surprised how big 6.3 at least, I'm relatively big, but he was bigger than me.
dmeyer said on 18/Jun/09
he is as tall as keanu in the all movie so either keanu is 6 ft ns is 6 ft 1
Bob said on 13/Jun/09
it say's 6' on his site rob, have you seen
Akirum said on 3/Jun/09
Chris Evans is 5 ft 11 1/2, and he honestly doesn't look much over 160. He's probably a half inch taller than Ioan Gruffud, and 10-15 lbs lighter.
Anya said on 24/Apr/09
linebacker...erm Chris is that you? or should I say Matt? lol with good shoes Chris is 6'0, but 5'11 min.
linebacker40 said on 29/Mar/09
A sturdy 5'11" for Evans. Can look 6'1".
Yaspaa said on 1/Mar/09
Yeah,I agree no lower than 181, 182 max judging from the pics I have seen with him 6'2 Forest Whitaker.
Original said on 26/Feb/09
He's 181cm, 182cm.
5'6er said on 22/Feb/09
i met him few times at least 5'11'' no less
Anonymous said on 11/Feb/09
Chris Evans is taller Ioan Gruffudd, Ioan sometimes look taller because of their hair style
Click HereClick Here
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/09
Good Day. We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others.
I am from Colombia and also now am reading in English, give please true I wrote the following sentence: "I strongly believe that if you follow the program, I can help you lose of your current body weight in days."
Waiting for a reply ;), Benett.
CK said on 21/Jan/09
Hmm Chris seems to be about 5'11 and I've seen Ioan Gruffudd listed as 6'0 by some sources. 6'0 for Evans including shoes sounds about right.
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/09
Excuse me. Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life.
I am from France and know bad English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "Talk to a program officer about how your area of science fits niaid mission and opportunities."
THX :D, Oriana.
jj said on 19/Jan/09
Chris Evans is not 6'0 ft because next to his co-star from Fantastic Four Ioan Gruffudd who is 5'11" Chris Evans is shorter than him. Chris Evans is probably a good 5'10".
yoyo said on 3/Jan/09
he looks 5ft11. no way 6ft for this guy..
Mamun said on 25/Dec/08
No my friend she wasn't there but I sure in GOD's name wish she was . She
left without speaking to the fans unfortunately !
Shahmeer said on 14/Dec/08
was Jessica Alba there,Mamun brother?
J-Sinn said on 18/Sep/08
Hey, I just watched Street Kings and in some scenes he looks like he is taller than Keaneau Reeves. He is listed at 6'1. Some scenes he's the same height. Not sure what kind of soles though.
Mamun said on 28/Aug/08
Your welcome james !
Mamun said on 27/Aug/08
I think she would have been 5' 10" to 5' 9.5 " barefeet . She was wearing
heels and was beautiful as ever . I can never forget her brief eye to eye
contact with me .
Clay said on 27/Aug/08
Chris is standing behind Mun' there if he bridged the gap it would be a 3.5/4 inch differnce leaving him at around 6'0.
Mamun said on 27/Aug/08
Your welcome james!
Derek said on 26/Aug/08
I've seen 6'0" and 6'1" listings for Chris. I think it's safe to say Chris is a sub-6 footer.
Mamun said on 25/Aug/08
Yes I am American but please don't tell anybody that America is not where I
was born . I was born on a planet that isn't there anymore . It's sad isn't
it ?
Clay said on 22/Aug/08
PapaJohn looked the same height as 5'10'' Adam Sandler. They were both humbly dwarfed by Khali though, heh.
Mamun said on 22/Aug/08
Well my good friends you have a college baseball listing of 5' 11" and then
you have a my picture with him ! It is all up to you to see the real estimate
of his height based upon these evidence .
Answering my good friend ROB's question , the answer is " YES " he is around
my height and we both wore almost the same level soled shoes . You can see
the shoes I was wearing that day because it was the same time I met Tommy
12th july 2008 !
Kind regards
Clay said on 21/Aug/08
Thats cool Mamun I know the actor you're reffering to. Come on Rob make it happen!

Editor Rob
I just viewed the pic of papa/mamun then khali having not downloaded it from my email. Mamun, is this Papa around your height, he looks it but got 5ft 11 listing in college baseball!!
I shall add him but better Mamun estimates what he appeared.
Mamun said on 21/Aug/08
My friend Clay I am more excited to get Khali, Shaq and show then you are !
I even pray to GOD that I do get a good picture with these men . But guess
what my friends ? There is a way you can put Khali next to all these other
giants that I have a picture with ! I have also got a very good standing
picture with this actor called Micheal Papa Johns ( The man who killed
spider man's uncle in spider man 1 & 3 ), who also stared with Khali in the
movie " Longest Yard " . This gentle man gave me an excellent signed photo
of him and Khali ( full body standing ) . I have already sent both of these
pictures to my good friend ROB . All you good people have to do is " Ask
the ROB " ! I can promise you these pictures would be an excellent comparison
pictures and you could also get a perfect height of Khali when you see them !
Kind regards
Clay said on 21/Aug/08
Also Mamun, could use describe what it was like next to 7'8-8'0 Naseer Ahmad Soomro?? You've been next to a lot of large men Mamun!
The Guy said on 20/Aug/08
Even in the picture beside Mamun, he only looks, MAX 3" taller. 5'11.25
Jake said on 20/Aug/08
That picture above is ridiculous. It makes Chris look almost as short as Mamun. How are we supposed to buy his claim of 6 feet by looking at that picture?
Clay said on 20/Aug/08
Chris isn't very photgenic, lol.
Mamun, you should try to get the Great Khali man. If you thought Kane looked gigantic imagine getting a photo with that guy!
Mamun said on 19/Aug/08
Yeah It's amazing Mike how all these celebs look so big and tall on the big
screen and then when you get to meet them in person they are all cut down to
size !How ever there are some exception to this rule !Kane is truely gigantic
and so was Kareem a super tall tower .
Mike said on 19/Aug/08
Wow you're a celeb Supermun! Your powers brought him to size. Chris looks more like 5'11" barefoot with this pic for sure! Haha, finally caught on film.
Don't count yourself down mamun! Lol Evans can't get away with no more than 6'0 max now!
Mamun said on 18/Aug/08
Thanks Brad !
Brad said on 18/Aug/08
Without question: THE best Mamun picture.
Mamun said on 17/Aug/08
Thanks every one for your kind remarks ! He looked six foot barefeet to me !
OutBenchThis said on 16/Aug/08
Mamun, How tall did he seem to you?
dutchguy1988 said on 16/Aug/08
Mamum, this is your greatest picture!
Clay said on 16/Aug/08
Mamun does look like the celebrity here look at Evans stare right into the camera. :D:D
Mamun said on 16/Aug/08
Actually Brad he was like looking for a challange ! remember he is the Human
tourch and It was going to be superman VS> Human tourch !
Brad said on 15/Aug/08
Chris wants Super's autograph. Mamun looks more of the celeb here.
Mamun said on 15/Aug/08
I am buying all you guys dinner ! what will you have ?
kind regards
D. Ray Morton said on 15/Aug/08
Wow. "The Mamum wax statue - now on display at Madam Tussauds."
Seriously though, Lynn is right. You look like the celebrity; he looks like the fan.
Mamun said on 15/Aug/08
Thank you LYNN !!!!
Lynn said on 15/Aug/08
Mamun, great pic.
YOU seem the Actor and the other guy seems a your fan!
Lisa said on 12/Aug/08
Come on y'all 5'11 isn't short, and seems right on for Chris [barefoot measure as others pointed out]. I agree 6ft with shoes, mystery solved lol.
Eric said on 11/Aug/08
dude I think there talking about barefoot measurement. Manson's vid for Tainted Love is bad evidence cause Chris looks shorter back then (filmed in 2001). He is probably right at 5'10.5 to 5'11 barefoot.
With regular footwear would put him at the 6ft-ish range.
dude said on 9/Aug/08
nah, he's 6ft. he'd look shorter in Manson's video Tainted love, Manson is 6'3'' no doubt
reality_sage said on 8/Aug/08
Yes son, 5-11 does sound about right for Evans, now back to your studies.
reality said on 2/Aug/08
he looks around 5-10 to 5-11 standing next to jason statham (5-8, 5-9) at Taurus World Stunt Awards, May 2004
M. said on 16/Jul/08
Lol Mr Money is your vision failing?! Putting Chris at 5"10 is rediculous. I have to agree with most of the others, he is likely in the 5'11 to 6 ft range. If 'the wonderer' truly did meet Mr Evans then the argument should be settled.
Jay said on 14/Jul/08
Watched Street Kings last night, other than the first scene when Keanu and Chris are walking together, Chris looks about 3 inches shorter through out the movie. The first scene when they're walking Chris looks the same height if not taller for some reason. None the less he was 3 inches shorter the rest of the movie. BY the way great movie if anyone hasn't seen it!
Mr Money said on 9/Jul/08
TV just look back at the pic with 6"1 Steve Nash, Chris barely looks 5"10. Even the street kings premiere he looks 3-4 inches shorter then Keanu and Forrest.
TV said on 24/Jun/08
got any proof to back that up "JMV"? Evans is no shorter than 5'11, take a look at the other claims and evidence.
JMV said on 19/Jun/08
He's 5'10, no taller.
guy said on 20/May/08
Proof Evans is 5.11 if not 5.10.5.
Click Here Pls study this pic rob
anonymous said on 3/May/08
keanu looks taller than forrest whitaker hear
Click Here And chris evans looks about an inch shorter than him as well.
derek said on 22/Apr/08
in street kings (evan's lastest movie), him and keanu are standing face to face at one point. keanu is definitely taller by about 1-2 inches. keanu is 6 foot 1, for a fact. chris evans is probably in the 5'11 to 6 foot range.
Anonymous said on 7/Apr/08
nge 6ft lang it shud be 6'4 thats taller than 6ft drink more milk and sleep
Tom said on 25/Mar/08
Wow "wonderer" that's cool that you met him. What was he like?
the wonderer said on 22/Mar/08
stood eyeball-to-eyeball shaking hands with evans at an espn party last week. we were wearing similar shoes. i'm 5'10" right on the money barefoot. that is a legit height for him. with typical male shoes on we stood 5'11" to 5'11.5".
Amber said on 5/Feb/08
lol it looks like "boxing fighter" has it in for Mr Evans. Chris is prolly 6'1" with shoes & barely 6ft without.
J.M. said on 1/Feb/08
Good points Matt. Maybe Chris is 5'11.5" w/o shoes?
Esme said on 27/Jan/08
All the evidence and such point to Chris being at 6ft tall. He's not 6'2" but he's at least 5'11" minimum ppl.
Matt said on 21/Jan/08
Boxing fighter, it looks like Marsden was likely wearing lifts or higher shoes since he is about 5'10". 6ft is about right in Chris' height defense.
Boxing Fighter said on 11/Dec/07
Click HereJust a little bit taller than James Marsden.
5ft10.5 max!
He is definitely not 6ft tall!
Boxing Fighter said on 11/Dec/07
I think that Evans looks 5ft10.5 max!!!
Ioan and Justin are both clearly taller than Evans.
I think that Ioan Gruffud is 5ft11.5, Justin Timberlake 6ft and Jessica Biel 5ft7.
Good post Shay. Huge difference.
dmeyer said on 9/Dec/07
in thats pic timberlake looks 6'1.5
shay said on 9/Dec/07
this def wrong! i cant believe he's listed as taller than Justin!!!
Check this:
Click Here vs
Click HereHUGE difference!
Bad Radio said on 7/Dec/07
I always thought he was 6'1.
Boxing Fighter said on 1/Dec/07
Is there at least on picture that proves that this is guy is really 6ft tall?
Because I only saw a bunch of photos showing him being shorter than Ioan, like those two:
Click HereClick HereI think is time to downgrade this guy (or change Ioan to 6ft1).
amazing grace said on 29/Nov/07
If you are 6ft healthy range is considered 80-85kgs if you are under or over its an average what works for some wont for others.
MAIN ADVICE eat more providing its healthy and you exercise you will be fine.
Boxing Fighter said on 28/Nov/07
Another picture that show Evans shorter than Ioan Gruffudd.
Click HereNo way he is 6ft tall! If Ioan is 5ft11, Evans is 5ft10 max!
JMurdock said on 12/Oct/07
Yea, Ioan def looks taller. He looks to be at least 6 foot, unless he's wearing lift in all of his pics. Perhaps he just has better postured combined with is hair.
As for the 6 footer weight. I'm 5'9 myself and I weight 165~ lb/75 kg. I decently built, but I'm def not huge for my height. So if you're under 80 kg and you're 6 foot, you might need to get some meat on your body. Of course it's not to say you're unhealthy, but you wouldn't have much flesh to survive off of in a stranded situation. I.E. Desert island/Cold mountain type of disaster that will probably never happen to you.
dmeyer said on 26/Sep/07
ioan can look 1 to 3 cm under chris so ioan can look 5'11.5 at times
Diaz said on 15/Sep/07
hi there i have checked out all the comments on this page and it seems a bit confusing! i am 6'5 and i only weigh 12 stone (75kg) is this gd or bad? if bad wot should i be? i also do alot of extreme activitys and forget to eat alot! usually miss both breakfast and lunch :( can anyone help out?
MOF said on 2/Sep/07
I think he's closer to 5'11".
PC said on 23/Jul/07
Click Here
I'd def. say that Ioan is a bit taller (if not equal) to Chris' height.
Either Chris' or Ioan's height is a little off on this website.
It's me said on 10/Jul/07
I noticed previously that there was some debate over Chris’s weight. My question is if you are 6ft and weigh 74kg are you under weight? How much shoe the average 6fter weight?
max said on 8/Jul/07
he didn't seem that much taller than 5'7 jessica biel.
Click Here
KylieBaby said on 22/Jun/07
stop with this steve nash bullsh*t...the only pics you've shown of them together were only shown from the chest up. you have no idea what shoes they were wearing, how they were standing, what the floors were like (if maybe one was on a step or something) etc. show some pics of the 2 that are actually LEGITIMATE (since thats clearly a word you like to throw around) and maybe ill buy it. but as is ive seen pic after pic that "proves" theyre the same height, but for every one of those theres another showing chris is taller. ITS ALL ABOUT THE ANGLE.
Leung said on 20/Jun/07
At my heaviest a couple of years ago I had BMI of 30.5 which is in the obese category in accordance to BMI measurement, I felt ok at the time but my doctor was adamant that I needed to lose weight and prescribed me a stimulant for weight reduction.
At home I got those electronic scales that also measures both weight and bodyfat %. In 8 weeks I lost 25lb, however here’s the thing, my bodyfat percentage only dropped 1% from 17% down to 16%, so even though I dropped a lot of weight most of it wasn’t fat loss.
MD said on 20/Jun/07
Rob, you could raise Ioan a quarter inch and Chris still isn't 6'0". Steve Nash is given 6'1", and he's clearly more than an inch taller than Chris, put that with him looking as tall as Ioan, and I think it's pretty clear that Chris isn't a full 6'0".
bebe-one said on 20/Jun/07
actually viper most health clubs skip the body mass index portion as it is only a height to weight ratio. the healthy range for someone who is 5'4 would be around 20 - 21...but thats not taking into consideration anything other than weight to height. one woman with a healthy muscle to fat ratio (which is 3:1) would likely be shown to be over weight because like i said muscle weighs much more than fat....and a woman who has very little muscle but much more fat would be shown to be healthy - er. bmi is an old and extremely general science that health clinics are gradually removing from their body composition tests bcuz it is far from accurate.
MD said on 19/Jun/07
I've just been shocked how in picture after picture, 5'10.75" Ioan appears as tall, if not taller, than Chris, and Ioan has a constant slouch/lean. I used to think that Chris was clearly the taller one, but that doesn't seem to be the case, unless Ioan is wearing lifts in all of his recent appearances. How can Chris be a full 6'0"?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
maybe I'll put iaon back up, its true he doesn't look slack 180cm, more 181 in those if evans is 6 flat.
Viper said on 19/Jun/07
I agree with Jason that BMI works well for most. The majority of the population do not have heavy bones or a lot of muscle mass. Evans has some muscle but I wouldnt call him heavily built or anything.
Jason said on 18/Jun/07
Well, that's your opinion of course, mate lol. Nothing wrong w/being slim in mine...
Leung said on 18/Jun/07
We have seen Chris Evans without his shirt and he looks athletic and good shape, so 170lb is good weight for him.
I have got 6’ friends who have different weights that range from 140lb to 220lb, and they are all healthy and fit, I agree with bebe-one that BMI is not always a good way to judge whether someone is healthy weight.
tom said on 18/Jun/07
im 6'1 and 84kg....which is like 184.6 lbs, NO MAN AROUND 6 FEET TALL SHOULD BE UNDER 170...they wuld look lanky and gross
alba said on 16/Jun/07
stand beside Ioan Gruffudd he looks the same tall as him.. 5ft11 for most..
MD said on 9/Jun/07
With 5'10.75" Ioan Gruffudd, for reference. Not the best angle, for sure.
Click Here
Benny Storm said on 9/Jun/07
Well he stated in Star Magazine that he was a legit 6ft and weighed 170 lbs!
bebe-one said on 6/Jun/07
again, drew you're completely off...i have several guy friends and most of them are 6' and the least any of them way is 175, the rest are all 180+ and there is NO way they are over weight. it's a little thing we like to call muscle. it weighs a hell of a lot more than fat, and chris evans has one of the most built bodies in hollywood right now. I'm 5'11, 155 lbs, and people consider me marginally UNDER weight. fact is fact, if he is as bulked up as he clearly his, there is no way in hell he weighs as little as 157...unless hes like 5'7 or something, which he isnt. Most BMI's are off, or just a general reading because everyone has different muscle to fat ratios ( i think i should know, i work in a health club ).
Crissy said on 1/Jun/07
I think 6'0 or 6'1 is accurate, but he is definantly HOT
bebe-one said on 1/Jun/07
so ive seen a lot of back and forth as to the changing height difference between ioan and chris.
Click Here
i dont care what kind of shoes either of them are wearing, there is clearly a 3 inch difference between them, and even if ioan is wearing flats, and chris is in lifts, there is still at least a barefoot inch between the two, if not closer to 2. i rest my case.
john said on 1/Jun/07
BMI does not account for people who are gaining muscle mass. It is a general outline for people to live a normal lifestyle with. You are refering to an actor who has to play roles in movies, and has to look a certain role, and this happens to be a role in which he is not a normal person. As for his weight, the link lested below is from '02. He weighed 157 lbs in '02, not '07 after being a superhero. 157 lbs could be his normal weight with a very low bfp butin the photos that you see him in after movies are not his typical body size. He gets paid to gain wieght and look a certain way. That would be like saying that Brad Pitt weighs the same in Seven as he did when he was in Troy.
Ed said on 31/May/07
MD, I agree. Evans looked exactly the same height as Ioan Gruffudd the other night on the Taurus World Stuntman Awards when they presented an award on stage. They stood side by side, neither slouching and there was barely any difference. Evans might have had a slight advantage.
MD said on 30/May/07
Recently, he hasn't been looking taller than Ioan Grufford (given 5'10.75", here), at least no more than .25-.5"
Viper said on 30/May/07
Evans looks 5-11 to me. And 157 pounds looks right for him.
Jason said on 30/May/07
Drew, you're right. Though 6'5'' 157lbs, though not underweight by BMI, would actually be because BMI becomes less accurate the taller you get. Because it doesn't take into account people grow o-u-t, as well as up. The same thing happens for short people, but the effect is vice versa.
Drew said on 29/May/07
Just watched "Cellular". He's described as 5'11".
Drew said on 29/May/07
"He looks to be carrying some muscle, and should be at least 180lbs at 6'0" or more."
That would put him close to being overweight...
Seriously, get your facts right already.
isabella said on 7/May/07
MD - why is your photographic proof anymore legit than mine? Jessica Alba's height is above average, and is always in 3 - 4 heels, and theres still atleast 4 (sometimes 5) inches between them. That "legitimately" puts him at atleast 6'...and you can only see them from like the waist up in your pics, you dont know what footwear either of them are wearing.
antron said on 25/Apr/07
you mean Phoenix Suns Point Guard Steve Nash, Kevin Nash was a wrestler I'm pretty sure
MD said on 17/Apr/07
Again, look at the picture of him and legitimately 6'1" basketball star Kevin Nash:
Click Here
Click Here
janet said on 16/Apr/07
Click Here
jessica alba is what? 5'6 maybe 5'7? shes wearing heels in this picture so shes probably at the 5'8 maaaaaybe 5'9 mark. shes reaches about an inch or so above his eye level. 5'8 (or 5'9) + 4 inches (its give or take a bit 5 inches from eye level to top of head) makes him about 6'0 - 6'1.
Viper said on 5/Apr/07
Cant see it, though Mcmahon is more 6-1 1/2.
AAAA said on 4/Apr/07
here he is with 6'2-6'3 Jullian Mcmahon what do you guys think
Click Here
The Height Wizzard said on 2/Apr/07
MD, that photo proves that Chris Evans may be a little over 5' 11" at his "minimum" height, and possibly JUST shy of 6 ft at his maximum.
MD said on 30/Mar/07
Again, look at his with the legitimate 6'1" Steve Nash I posted below.
The Height Wizzard said on 29/Mar/07
Although many women would consider this man to be a minimum of 6' 1" due to his freakishly flawless appearance as a whole, he remains at the tall height of approximately 6 ft on the dot, perhaps dipping a bit below this at the end of the day. With a basic shoe, (as seen in public) he is indeed 6' 1".
Bert said on 26/Mar/07
Funny how Ioan Gruffudd is listed as 5ft 10.75, and Chris at roughly 6 ft, when in many premier photos, Ioan appears to be taller than Chris. This problem must be solved!
MD said on 18/Mar/07
Editor Rob, what do you think of the most recent picture I posted? Steve Nash is a legitimate and maximum 6'1".
MD said on 4/Mar/07
With 6'1" NBA star Steve Nash, who looks even to be leaning forward a little:
Click Here
janet said on 4/Mar/07
and to 'xaoxio', are you kidding me? that picture has been edited to s**t. there's no way you can use that picture as evidence that chris is shorter. and even if he is using foot lifts (which i doubt), i've seen pictures of them at premiers, chris is definately taller.
janet said on 4/Mar/07
i saw a picture of chris and his ex jessica biel walking together. biel was the one closer to the lense, and chris had AT LEAST a good five inches on her. so if she's 5'7 than he's an easy 6' but i still wanna say he's closer to 6'1".
AA said on 11/Nov/06
He sure looks tall. 6-0.5 seems about right, Rob!
Kine said on 16/Jun/06
Just watched the Perfect Score and when he is standing next to the 6'3" Matt Lillard he looks very diminuitive (sic?) in height and general size. I dont think hes any more than a solid 5'11" with good posture, either that or M L is taller
ForensicNYC said on 6/Jun/06
Chris Evans looks the tallest of the F4...
Click HerePosters and Ads make 5'8" Michael Chiklis (The Thing)look towering...
Click HereOff screen, Chris stands as a legit 6'0"...with The Thing and Mr. Fantastic...
Click Here
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/06
I got to meet this guy who is, in my opinion the hottest guy in the whole world. At an after party for dane cooks standup. And I am about 5' 5" and he was REALLY tall. From my point of view he looked like a foot taller, but I know he wasn't. But he was like 6'1" at least. He took pictures with dane cook and his girlfriend jessica biel. And he was like an inch taller than dane. And dane is supposedly 6'0" so there ya go.
xaoxio said on 14/Apr/06
Rob, I've forgotten to say that you are right about this guy, he's 184 cms tall. My mistake.
Jason said on 8/Apr/06
Maybe he has stick legs. That can make you look bigger and heavier than your weight - at least in your upper body lol!
Brett said on 8/Apr/06
Yeh, before I started doing weights ( at about 18 years old), I was a winger and had like 8-9 percent body fat, and at 185-186cm I was about 78-79kg, and I looked really lean, with a little bit of lean muscle. Thats like 176lbs odd, so to think someone whoes slightly shorter then me ( say 3cm) who looks like he does is 157lbs, makes no sense at all, because he is carrying noticable muscle mass, more so then i did at 17 years old prior to my weight training, yet he ways 20lbs less. He looks to be carrying some muscle, and should be at least 180lbs at 6'0" or more. Nowadays I weigh 94kg ( like 210lbs), and have more or less the same body fat, and thats with alot of working out, granted I do lots of leg work for rugby( so maybe if i didnt Id way in the high 80s), but still, someone whoes built like that at 6'0-6'1" should weigh 30lbs more then he does, so it leads me to think theres something fishy about the dudes height. what you think rob?

Editor Rob
there is a little possibility of a a misprint...
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
5 foot 11.
Click Here
i always thought he was around 5 foot 9, but i guess he's a little taller. but look at the weight this cites.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/06
Chris Evans' 2nd cousin is my boyfriend (shawn). I have met chris on several occasions, at family get-togethers, and he is always in just some tennis shoes and casual clothing. I am 5' 6.5". Chris is a lot taller than me, I would def say he is at least 6' 0.5". He's, in my opinion, at least 6' 1". But that's just my opinion. When I asked him how tall he was he said "to tell the truth, I'm on the fence between 6' and 6' 1", it depends on the hairstyle" he was half-way joking but was serious about the height. So in my conclusion (haha) he is def at least 6' 0.5", and that's at least.
Drew said on 27/Dec/05
He looks around 2 inches shorter than Eric Christian Olsen in Cellular, so I'd say 6 feet even.
J. said on 24/Dec/05
I was watching the film "The Perfect Score" and I will say that not only like most actors is really pretty thin but seemed to force himself to stand tall throughout the film so he really can appear to be taller than the 6'0.5" that he's usually listed as.
MD said on 27/Nov/05
So Rob, what is your take on all of the additional information.

Editor Rob
this guy had been forgotten since July. I still think as said above 183-4cm for this guy, but the only question is if 184 is too high - the more I see, maybe xaoi will get the 1cm off him soon.
MD said on 10/Oct/05
He looks like a solid 5'-11" to me, and the pics by xaoxio and Tuco really seem to support that.
xaoxio said on 14/Jul/05
well Rob, finally the truth about Chris Evans's height is coming out.
Check these three photos considering camera angles and shoe advantages:
What's your opinion? I have to say that my first estimation hasn't been correct about this guy and he's definitely in 182-183 range but 184??? Looking at these three photos I don't see him being such tall. I would say Chris is 182 cm tall, may be 183 but not 184.
What do you think?
xaoxio said on 10/Jun/05
yeah Rob, I agree with you, I can't see full-size wireimage pictures either but if you can - just look at(http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing.asp?navtyp=SRH&str=chris+evans&styp=&sfld=C&nbc1=1&sortval=4d&PageNum=1)at the picture number(5161169)- you'll see them(Ioan and Chris) both standing in full height.I'm not sure but it seems to me that they are both in sneakers(I'm really not sure cause it's too hard to see). Yeah, the camera angle is in Ioan's favor but still ...
xaoxio said on 9/Apr/05
aha have found
(http://www.wireimage.com/GalleryListing.asp?navtyp=SRH&str=chris+evans&styp=&sfld=C&nbc1=1&sortval=4d&PageNum=6)- look at Chris Evans and
Jason Statham(more 5'9" I think )-there is no great difference between them(2-4cm).Please consider camera angle which is wee bit more convenient for Chris.
P.s.This guy knows how to stay on photos.
P.p.s. I think Rob that you can downgrade him at least a little bit cause he's no near the listed mark.
xaoxio said on 28/Mar/05
Rob excuse me for writing so often about Chris Evans but I've got another interesting photo.Agree that it's not very good but still just look at photo
Jason Statham (5'9"-5'9&1/2")and Chris Evans. Yes Chris is leaning but you've got ot consider the camera angle(definitely in favor of Chris).And you know what it seems to me that there is no great difference beetwen them.But.....
xaoxio said on 23/Mar/05
hey Rob check this out -(http://www.darkhorizons.com/2005/fantastic/fourcast.jpg)-from this photo you can see that Ioan Gruffudd is almost equal to Chris but Ioan's legs are spreaded much more wider than Chris's legs and if their legs are on the same level than - it's obvious - Ioan will be a little bit higher than Chris.Is it enough for you to be a prove?
xaoxio said on 23/Mar/05
and how do you think? He is in a superhero suit here. Defenitly he's using liftshoes.Have you seen small superheroes?And Ioan is described as just a simple man on the photo.Do LOOK when they are both in superhero suits. Than definitly it looks like Ioan to be higher than Chris.
xaoxio said on 22/Mar/05
MrCelebHeights Editor check this out - a photo is situated on the following link (http://movieweb.com/news/news.php?id=7123) - if you look at photo you'll see that Ioan is higher than Chris(they are both in identical clothes and shoes)- it's obvious . Ioan is solid 5'11" and Chris is about 5'10"-5'11". I know there is such practice in Hollywood when young actor become a little more popular than other young actors he always "grow in a magical way" and "add 1-3 inches in his height " but in real life his height remains the same it has been before fame. It's not right and you know it better than me. But everything depends on you - so I'll hope you'll reach a right decision.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/05
so do you want to say that Chris looks higher than Ioan on this photo or you just haven't another one which can prove or not my statement?
xaoxio said on 16/Mar/05
mr. celebrityheighteditor - are you going to check and to correct this data?