Roger said on 18/Mar/13
I remember seeing in the "55 Days At Peking" program booklet after watching the film in London in 1964, that Charlton Heston wrote that as a young man he had grown to 6'2" which surprised me because I thought that he was taller. My mother met him at the stage door to get me his autograph after Caine Mutiny Court Martial in London in 1985 and described him as being about 6'3" at least.
Roger said on 17/Mar/13
I read in the program book which I bought when I saw 55 Days At Peking in London in 1964 where Charlton Heston wrote that as a young man he had grown to 6'2."
Roger said on 15/Mar/13
I remember reading the program booklet which I bought for the movie 55 Days At Peking in London in 1963 or 1964. Charlton Heston did comment that he was 6'2" which struck me as strange at the time. My mother met him in 1985 in London at the stage entrance after the Caine Mutiny play to get me his autograph and told me that he was more like 6'3" in height.
Gert said on 13/Jan/13
Rex Harrison about Heston: Heston is an enormously tall man - if I'm six foot one, he must be about six foot three - and I asked my wardrobe man, as I was wearing long robes, to put a little lift in my shoes, so that I could gain a couple of inches, and meet Heston at his own level. The lifts were duly put in, and I eyed Heston and congratulated myself that at least he no longer towered above me. As the film went on, however, it seemed to me that he was growing. Eyeball to eyeball he was once more a couple of inches taller than I. I looked down at his feet - not a sign of lifts! He must have grown through sheer tenacity. Nether of us made any comment, nor did our wardrobe men - it was a very funny, silent contest. - On making Michelangelo - smerte og ekstase (1965) with Charlton Heston
Gert said on 12/Jan/13
can't explain the second Cox/Heston picture, but clearly Heston is taller than 6'2 Cox. I saw the movie too and remember him taller than Cox. And Will Smith is stated at 6'2 (with those Nike snickers???) - so 6'3 is what Heston was at peak. I met him myself in LA and can confirm that. But also that he had back problems and all other kind if health issues later i life that robbed him of a good deal if height. That's why you can find pictures of Heston less that his peak height after, say 1990-1995. In 1985 I saw Heston at the London stage in "Caine Mutiny" and he was even at a big stage a very large and imposing person.
Gonzalo said on 9/Jan/13
In this pic, Heston looks taller than Cox but he is closer to the camera
Click Here
In this one, they look the same height.
Click Here
Here with Will Smith
Click Here
Gert said on 7/Jan/13
Well, apart from the ChicagoTimes interpretation of his quote, Mr, Heston always said he was 6'3 - and clearly looks it, opposite the likes of Cary Cooper, George Kennedy, Gregory Peck, etc, so why should it be other wise.I met Mr. Heston myself in Ralphs at Coldwater Canyon in 1999. Heston was 76 at the time and was clearly at least an inch taller than me (I am 6'1) - and he had probably already lost some height at 76 years of age.
Gonzalo said on 4/Jan/13
6`2 is a bit low for him. 6.2`5 or 6.2`75 fits him better.
Gert said on 30/Dec/12
Re. Daniel: Ronnie Cox is actually 6'2 according to this webpage and other sources - so of course Heston is 6'3, stated by himself and almost all other sources. Please Mr. Editor, could we have Heston back here at 6'3? Why should a quote from 1956 suddenly be more of a fact that Heston's quotes from his own book from 1976 and on other occasions? Thanks!
Daniel said on 26/Dec/12
Heston and Ronny Cox are both in a film called 'Gray Lady Down', and Cox looks pretty small next to Heston... not only shorter, but his head is much smaller. It was the first time I realized that Heston was so tall. I came straight here to look him up, since I'd always assumed he was more average. If Ronnie Cox is 6', I can easily see Heston being 6' 3".
Gert said on 10/Nov/12
Clearly 6'3 at peak - lost a lot of height during his late illness "I am 6'3", from "Charlton Heston: The Actors Life, journals 1956-1976"...When Heston in Chicago tribune (editors quote) ...says "I really am (6'2) he means that contrary to all other actors who claim to be 6'2, he REALLY is - because he is 6'3! Almost all sources have him at 6'3, so i think it would be nice to have Heston back at 6'3 here at
wat said on 12/Aug/12
Click Here
I watched The Big Country and freeze framed a lot. If anything Charlton Heston usually looks taller than Gregory Peck in that movie. The only time Gregory Peck ever looked taller in that movie was when Charlton Heston first asks him for a fight. But it's only because Peck has a floor advantage. Proof for this is that the 6'1 actor (Charles Bickford) that is further to the right where the slope is more prominent looks taller than Peck and Heston.
Also when Heston is trying to convince Peck to ride a untamed horse at one point in the movie. Heston appears to be the same height or have a slight edge on Peck. Even though they're the same distance from the camera, have the same footwear, and flat ground level.
Also when Heston is confronted in his room barefoot he doesn't appear to be shorter than the boot clad Peck.
I seriously think Heston downgraded his height or didn't feel like bothering to claim to be 6'2.5/6'2.75
Editor Rob said on 18/Jan/12
Found an earlier quote from 50's were Heston actually did give 6ft 2. So maybe that's the truth of it.
Hiroshi said on 13/Nov/11
Hi everybody. I have a close friend in LA. His father is a professional musician and he once had an opportunity to be in a same studio with Charlton Heston. His father is 6 foot tall and he told hid son (my friend) that he was surprised that he is almost as tall as Mr. Heston. That was in late 1980s. Mr. Heston may have shrunk a bit so could have been 6 foot 1 or taller in his young years.
EdgarHernandez said on 30/Aug/11
yes, that one is heston, looking nearly in match with chuck height(mostly because chuck waist line is 2 inches taller than heston one, so chuck must had longer legs).
Mr.V said on 28/Aug/11
Chuck Heston and Chuck Connors :
Click Here
Mr.V said on 16/Aug/11
6'2.5 is what I have also always estimated Heston at .
EdgarHernandez said on 15/Aug/11
heston with no efort is more imposing and taller than prince albert of monaco:
Click Here
towering(in part for his big head) brooke shields:
Click Here
Solid 6ft 3 james stewart and heston in 87:
Click Here
5 years later heston was one inch smaller than stewart:
Click Here
I think that heston could have been 6ft 2.5 at his lowest(never 6ft 1) but he could get away with 6ft 3 because he simple was MASSIVE, i mean just look at his bone structure:
Click Here
other thing heston had a very natural stiff back iwch gave him natural good posture:
Click Here
Charlton Heston have the most mesomorph body that i ever see, tall, big boned, with natural good posture, thiks skin, strong neck and with ridiculos broad shoulders, just look at them:
Click Here
Mr.V said on 12/Aug/11
Sent it . When you check if it has arrived , remember to look in the spam mail , too .
Anyway Heston is also described as 6'2'' in this obituary :
Click Here
And in this 1966 article :
Click Here
Anyway , Rob , have you checked the Arrowhead clips I posted on Jack Palance's page ? Both he and Chuck are supposed to be 6'3'' , but Jack looks clearly taller in the movie .
Tony said on 11/Aug/11
Heston looked 1" shorter than Peck in big country, so 6'2" for him, seems correct.
Mr,V said on 11/Aug/11
He actually just said "I am tall" . But the subject of the interview was how he got cast in Ben-Hur because of his imposing height , so the interviewer had probably asked him . Let me know if you still want the scan or not .

Editor Rob
it's always interesting reading old articles, yeah send me if you have time.
Mr.V said on 11/Aug/11
I have a 1958 edition of "Picturegoer" that contains a Heston interview where he gets described as "a rugged six feet two inches " . Want a scan , Rob ?

Editor Rob
it would be interesting if he himself said six two versus what he usually said.
Tim said on 22/Jun/11
Charleton Heston declares that his "official" height is 6 foot 3 but that is not true. Most likely from the early movies and from Hollywood tradition to "overestimate" height, his height was 6 foot 1. If Chuck is 6 foot 3, those female actors who worked with him have to be 5 foot 11, which is not realistic. Take a look at "Skyjacked", you'll figure out what I mean. Also, Chuck Connors was 6 foot 5 and he looks about 4 inches taller than the other Chuck. If you are a big fan of Heston, go ahead and believe that he was 6 foot 3 or higher. That is not discussion but religion though.
Mark W said on 26/May/11
I forget which movie but James Stewart said he was 6 foot 3.5... (my Dad always said he was that height) that would explain the height difference... Chuck in his prime was 6 foot 3 (or 2.5 no less), the same as Greg. Peck who appears to be the same height entirely when they have their fisticuffs in The Big Country... John Wayne was 6 foot 4.5 and he says as much in The Quiet Man (a little shorter than James Arness at 6 foot 6 in a film in which they starred together). I think chuck noticeably stoops in later movies because of back problems... I always thought Connors was 6 foot 6 but I might be out by an inch...
Brad said on 14/Apr/11
As listed twice in front of me.
Russ said on 14/Apr/11
Definately no shorter than 6'1 in his youth. I say a recent photo of him with President Bush, and Bush is around 5'11-6 foot. He was about level or maybe an inch taller than Bush. So BIG guy.
Sam said on 13/Apr/11
In The Big Country, there did not seem to be a 4 inch difference between the Chucks. Not more than 2 inches, I would reckon.
Tim said on 13/Apr/11
Chuck Heston was 6ft 1. He was very tall in those years when the average height was less than now. He confessed in his autobiography that his height 6ft 3 is "official". You guys can believe that he was 6ft 3 but that is religion. Chuck Connors was 6ft 5 and if you see the photo of the two Chucks, you can tell that one Chuck is 4 inches shorter than the other.
Bob said on 14/Jan/11
I found a strange picture.Heston is not much taller than Chris O'Donell.
Click Here
EdgarHernandez said on 10/Jan/11
well kaplan, there is 2 phots of the 2, one in the 80s when they look the same height, other in the 90s when heston looks like a strong 6ft 2 and stewart still a strong 6ft 3
Mr. Kaplan said on 29/Dec/10
He wasn't. Welles was.
EdgarHernandez said on 22/Dec/10
i dotn remember jimmy steart in touch of evil at all kaplan?
Mr. Kaplan said on 20/Dec/10
Pics with Jimmy Stewart, or with 6'1" Orson Welles in "Touch of Evil".
EdgarHernandez said on 29/Oct/10
in what is based your argument, kaplan?
Gert-Denmark said on 26/May/09
Mr. Heston was a very large 6ft 3inch. According to himself and to a host of other sources. I don't know why people keep on trying to proof otherwise. Just watch his movies. Met him myself in 2000 and saw him on stage in London in 1986. Watch the trailer from his last movie MY FATHER - RUA ALGUEM 5555 from 2002 or 2003 on Youtube - at 78 he still towers over German actor Thomas Kretchman at 6 feet.
Charles said on 6/May/09
Heston was 6 ft 2.5
josh said on 23/Apr/09
i remember seeing him at ralphs when i was a kid in 2002 at ralphs in studio city with my dad who is 5-10 and he still looked 6-2 at that time
M2 said on 20/Apr/09
Heston towered in his prime, but I think the four-inch loss in later years is accurate. About seven or eight years ago I saw him in a personal appearance in Hollywood, standing next to Rod Steiger (which, judging from the mutual body language, was an ordeal for both of them), and Heston was no more than two inches taller than Steiger, who is usually listed as 5'10".
Bob H. said on 21/Feb/09
Gonzalo, Your pictures convince me. Camera man may have been doing some tricks when the two were walking around in Ben Hur. Perhaps it made them better foes if they were similar in size for the film. I defer to you, sir.
Gert said on 12/Feb/09
Thanks, Gonzalo. It is a little tiresome to listen to all these people who want to diminish Mr. Heston. Why, I don't know. Mr. Heston has always said he was 6'3 himself. Why doubt him. Just look at all his movies.
Mister Lennon said on 11/Feb/09
I saw him more as a 6'2 dude than a 6'3. He was the same or a little bit shorter than 6'2 and a half Gregory Peck in the big country.
Gonzalo said on 11/Feb/09
Bob, watch again Ben-Hur. Boyd is nowhere close to Heston in height. Check this pic
Click Here
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
Met him on the set of The Colbys at Paramount in '86 & some years ago at a Courts show, legit 6' 3". The guy that starred in The White Shadow & myself & my brother bookended him and the White Shadow guy said "well Heston, yer short today". Tracy Scoggins was an 11 on a 10 scale 3 feet away. I stole lots of Craft Services donuts and we ate them on the Star Trek bridge sitting in Sulu & Kirk's chairs. Great day.
Bob H. said on 3/Feb/09
Ben Hur was on TV today. Heston and Stephen Boyd walk around together. They are on a level floor. You can see their feet. Both wearing some goofy Roman flat shoes. Boyd is about the same height as Heston. Very, very close. Boyd was 6'1".. or at least that's his listedd height. Looks 6'1". Heston could 'maybe' have been an inch taller... but believe me... they looked the same. Heston could not have been taller than 6'2" at most. I believe he just had one of those massive bodies like Bruce campbell or "Bigboy" Williams. I believe he just looked taller than he was. And 6'2" is tall.
Patrick said on 22/Jan/09
They used to call him "the tall man" in Hollywood. That's very known.
A gentleman despised by such a ridiculous actor as George Clooney (mocking his terrible illness in 2002) is a shame as wellle was the infamous so-called Michael Moore interview. 6'3 until late in his career!
Patrick said on 16/Jan/09
I just now read the september 08 Adam comment and it's a shame. Chuck Heston, a bad actor! let's admit "you" don't like him but people unable to "detect" and feel his incredible presence, precisely unlike Brad Pitt or new so called today's stars, i really complain them!
In "Mary Dear" with Gary Cooper they are minimum the same height and often, Chuck is slightly taller. He is not so much shorter than Vincent Price (6'4) in ten commandments either.
Jimbo said on 15/Jan/09
Charlton Heston was in some of the biggest movies ever made and certainly looked 190-191cm 6'3" comfortably.
Leo said on 5/Jan/09
Legend, solid 6ft 3
Hugh said on 3/Jan/09
Still a very tall man nonetheless. But Gert, do think that Mr.Heston was a little over 6ft2 or a little under 6ft2 by the time of his death?
Gert said on 2/Jan/09
Hi, Hugh, yes definately 6'2sh in his later years,(look under George Kennedy) but not in his last couple of years,(after 2003) where he was very ill. He really lost a LOT of height, several inches - and his powerful presence shrunk to almost nothing in his last years. Some of the last photos of him are painful to watch, and on Youtube you can see him in his last interview. His horrible illness took a devasting toll on him. He was so kind to sent us a signed picture for my at that time 12-year old son in 2000, when we were still living in Los Angeles. We are originally from Denmark. Mr. Heston was very respected here in Denmark as an actor although he also had his enemies too.
Hugh said on 6/Nov/08
6ft3 peak without a doubt. 6ft2ish probably by the time of his death.
Frank2 said on 7/Sep/08
Utter nonsense! Heston was a solid 6'3" in his prime. I saw him, spoke with him and he towered over me and I'm 5'11".
Sam said on 7/Sep/08
I met and shook Charlton Heston's hand when I was a sailor in Viet Nam late 1965 or early 1966, and was shocked at his height, which was 6'0" tops. I was so surprised I even looked down at his feet like something was wrong with him. He had on sandals so his publicity pictures and movies I am sure he wore elevators in his shoes.
adam said on 3/Sep/08
A tall man with a good, powerful voice but probably one of the most overrated actors of all time. Just watched Touch Of Evil again. A horrible performance. Definitely (along with Cruise, Pitt and those) one of the worst in their league. Also was a somewhat wacko... But obviously a tall man, 6-3.
Hugh said on 1/Sep/08
4 inches lol. He lost about an inch. 6ft2 by latter years.
adam said on 31/Aug/08
Yep, Heston was 6-3 peak.
Gert; Copenhagen said on 5/Jul/08
Thanks for the fatastic picture, Gonzalo. I remember that a Danish newspaper brought a similar picture in the late 1980's. And as for Mr. Heston's height - the picture speaks for itself!(Kevin Costner i 6'1 and Heston clearly much taller in the picture) He was a very large 6'3. As you know from my comments I met him both Studio City and saw him on stage in London. He was a great actor of both stage and screen and will be missed.
Gonzalo said on 3/Jul/08
Thanks for your comments Gert. The pics of Heston next to Bush Sr. and Jr. are very good. You can see how much he had shrunk since Bush Sr is much taller than George W. Bush. Charlton Heston was very tall, around 1`90. There was a pic of him in the 80s with a lot of actors and he was one of the tallest. I hope I can find that pic again. It was great. Check his pic in tennis shoes next to Brooke Shields. He towers over her.
I have found it!
Look how Heston dwarfs Tom Cruise (not very difficlut, I admit). But next to him is Kevin Costner, who looks shorter than Heston.
Click HereI love this picture. We can see tons of history in it
Gert; Copenhagen said on 1/Jul/08
Just for the record - the picture in this forum of Stephen Collins and Charlton Heston standing towards each other is from a scene in CHIEFS, where Mr. Collins is standing elevated because of the sidewalk runs downwards towards Heston. So Mr. Collins gains at least 2 inches on Mr. Heston.
And how come I have the feeling that I am talking to myself? Noone out there,just when I join the forum??
Gert, Copenhagen said on 26/Jun/08
The German actor's name is Thomas Kretschmann, in Heston's last movie MY FATHER, RUA ALGUEM 5555. Check out the trailer!
Gert, Copenhagen 18/Jun/08 said on 18/Jun/08
I have just had the pleasure to read all your comments on Heston's height, and it seems that 6'3 wins the prize, when you put all the comments together and do the math!
I know for a fact that he was 6'3, actually slightly taller in his prime. I saw Heston twice on stage in London in the 80's and he was a towering man. He was what I would call a very "large" 6'3. In 1999 I met him in Ralphs supermarket in Studio City, he lived right up Coldwater Canyon and I stood right beside him at the shelves with water. I am 6'1, I had my sneakers on, Mr. heston had very flat shoes on - and he was cetainly 2 inches taller than me. And he must have been 76 at the time. But I noticed that when he waited in line at the register, he stooped and had to rest against something, obviously having back problems and pain from his hip replacement. And come on all you folks who want Heston to be 5'11, 6'1 and even 6'2 - look at all his movies! Even in Soylent Green in the fight with Chuck Conners, Heston seemed almost as tall and certainly as large. Look at the pictures of Heston and Cary Cooper(6'3), in Earthqaeke he looks George Kennedy(6'3 at least)in the eye. I know about the infamous picture of Heston and president Bush - come on, please, Mr. heston has just got up from his chair and (you can see that on another picture, where Bush actually helps him up) - so Mr Heston is not standing straight at all. And he is very ill. Look at the pictures from Mr, Hestons last movie - FATHER, RUA ALGUEM 5555, where he stars opposite a young German actor, who -' I looked him up - is 6' - Heston is towering over him. You can visit the movies webside and see for yourself. In Mike Munns book about Heston, he tells that Heston was 6'2 in mid high school and grew another inch to 6'3. Heston himself tells that he was 6'3. His son is 6'4 and in the same book that are pictures of Frazer Heston and his dad,and they almost look exactly the same height.
Of course Mr. Heston lost some of his height in his last years - we all do. But to bring these photos on to the forum as proof of "prime-Hestons" "little-ness" is ridiculous.
razy said on 12/Jun/08
i see lots of lady actor much taller nowadays than their male counterpart. seldom do i see tall male actors. however having said this, a lot of these not-so-tall hollywood actors are money makers. wow!
Bob said on 7/Jun/08
Heston was not average, not on the tall side of average.
He was definitely TALL.
He is about the same height as Bush who is always described as 6-2.
Click Here
Gotxo said on 5/Jun/08
Hiroshi nobody can take seriously what you're saying.
American dudes always been tall, the average in the 50's was allready 5'9" and the latest NHANES report put it at 5'9.5" but it is fairly outdated.
Some europeans were small in '60s like spaniards due to the post-war economic breakdown, but they were the exception among them, most of western europeans were not so maller compared to americans. The action of BenHur was set on ancient Rome, but that does not imply the set (plateau) was set on actual Rome XD. Heston has allways been over 6'1", get your head checked.
Hiroshi said on 4/Jun/08
A friend told me thatb his dad worked with Chuck once in late 1980s and was never a tall man. Most likely 6 1/2. And to add that, maybe similar even in 1960s. The average height of Americans were shorter in the 50s. And when filming went on in Rome for Ben Hur, European extras were 160-170 cm. That made him look taller tahn he was. If you watch The Big Country, he is almost average among other actors. After Ben Hur, he had no opportunity to work with tall actors. If you look at "No. 1 Story", you'll see how short he is actually. Chuck Connors was 6 5 (195cm). When you open the biography of Chuck Connors, there is a photo of two Chucks. Heston is about 12-13 cm shorter despite Connors is trying to shrink talking to him face to face suggesting that Heston was 182-3 cm even in the 60s.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/08
was 6'2 in early years,very tall
patrick said on 27/May/08
Thanks all of you who pay tribute to a real "tall man" as he was called in Hollywood and not only because he was 6'3, which I never doubt.
As says my friend Gonzalo: RIP Mr Heston. Greet Richard Widmark from me please!
patrick said on 27/May/08
Well posted Lebensdorf! I agree 100%. Fortunately, we have all of our big stars movies.
Lebensdorf said on 1/May/08
He was most certainly 6'3'' at his peak. He was a big and strong but lean and elegant man
glenn said on 8/Apr/08
you met him or measured him dmeyer? i never did so i cant should take the same route.speculation is near exact or exact figures isnt.
Stretch said on 8/Apr/08
A fabulous actor who, like Clint Eastwood, lost a lot of height as they aged. The Los Angeles Times obituary listed Heston as 6' 2" while most other sources listed him as 6' 3"- the truth was probably around 6' 2.5" in his Ben Hur days. Last night a CNN report showed tape of an Alzheimer ravaged Heston the same height as George Bush (5' 11") receiving a medal at the White House a few years ago.
Gotxo said on 7/Apr/08
One of my favorite actors all the time. He was big in films and very commited to his causes in real life. Brilliant roles, allways involving action but also wit, and he had an unique hability to give them an aura of credibility.
I ignore wich was he's exact real height, though i'd pretty much bet over 6'2",
nevertheless who cares? He was big in many senses, not only height.
Marcelo C. said on 7/Apr/08
R.I.P., Mr. John Charles Carter (Charlton HESTON). One of the GREATEST Actors all the world over. Thank you for your presence, your acting and your personality.
dmeyer said on 7/Apr/08
7 to 10 years ago was near 6 ft 1
Gonzalo said on 7/Apr/08
RIP Heston. Good actor and great man, despise his support to the NRA. I think he was 1`90 in his prime. Thanks, Charlton, for all the good moments you have given us on the screen.
Dollar said on 7/Apr/08
Dad ran into him in an elevator in the late 70s. Described as being a man about 6'2 who preferred beer on hot days.
Anonymous said on 6/Apr/08
R.I.P In one article, he was described at 6'2"
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/08
in a pic with bush he looks 5 ft 10.5
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/08
in all the work he has done in the last 10 years he looks 183 184 cm
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/08
are you sure he lost tht mush ,in 1999 he looks just about 2 in taller than 5 ft 0.5 lambert so solid 6 ft like 6 ft 0.25 might havelost another 1 now
Adam Brennon said on 1/Apr/08
He looks about the same height as Michael Moore in the 'Bowling for Columbine'documentary. I respect Moore but he was a little discurteous to Heston. Masqueraded as a NRA member and than ambushed him with criticism in his own home.
tom said on 27/Mar/08
no no Adam 1 man in the movie was towering him but it could have been camera trickery.. and that was Jesus lol dude seemed humongous.. the one that gave him water... you know whats funny... i watched that just the other day too..
Adam Brennon said on 25/Mar/08
I watched Ben Hur yesterday. Heston almost immediately struck me as a tall man. He was probably the tallest actor in the film and towered over many of the extras.
Nathan S. said on 12/Jan/08
Ferris, I admit that when I had spoken to Mr. Heston he was hunched over a bit, come to think of it.
Ferris said on 10/Jan/08
I resist to the idea of 4" vanishing into the thin air unless the guy has a serious back problem that forces him to hunch severely.
Though he's an aged man, that's not the case.
I'm inclined to think that he was 6'2" in his youth and now a shade under 6' like 5'11.5" or so.
dmeyer said on 10/Jan/08
can we see a pic were he looks 5'11 ,since he looked 6'3 in pics
Nathan S. said on 10/Jan/08
I stood next to Mr. Heston about 13 years ago and my impression was that he was about 5'11". Now way at 6'3".
Scott B. said on 5/Jan/08
Heston's peak height was 6'3. Now a days he is still at least 6'1 but more like 6'2.
patrick said on 6/Dec/07
John, sorry but what you say is nonsense; really sorry. My friend transported him many times in his car (as a chauffeur)and being himself 5'11, always told me how "up" he had look at him! I besides, have a photo of him in Parisian cabaret and he looks like a giant, towering everybody as a 6'1 and even a 6'2 could do! A 6'2 would have seemed almost short next to Chuck Connors and Heston never looked so in "the big country"!
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/07
Heston is 6"3" Always has been. Does anyone want the photos to prove it.
scbanks said on 10/Nov/07
6'2.5" tops without shoes. I dont think he was ever a legitimate 6'3"
Unknown said on 2/Nov/07
I have something that shows that Heston never was taller than the 6-1 mark, unless 6-1 Stephen Collins is standing on something.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 2/Oct/07
rob are you saying he is 5'11

Editor Rob
he lost a ton of height at his age.
Gonzalo said on 16/Jun/07
6`1 for Heston is crazy. Check the pic I sent on March 6th or Robert did in March 11th. Heston towers over Brooke Shields. 6`2 for him minimum
John said on 14/Jun/07
Robert, I did see Heston in person, I'am 6'0", my dad was 6'1" Heston was possibility 6'1.5" I remember asking him how tall he was and he replied that he was 6-1 if he stood up real straight. I was a teenager when I asked the
Robert said on 13/Jun/07
John, did you see him?
That sounds about right.If you ask me, I would say that he could be somewhere between 6-1 and 6-2 in his prime
6-3 would be a little too much.
John said on 8/Jun/07
My father built Heston's house and worked on the house off and on for years, My
father was 6' 1" Chuck was probably around 6' 1" in his prime.
patrick said on 25/May/07
Once more, I always saw this great man, called "the tall man" in Hollywood for years (not just because of his pgysical height!)as being 6'3; I disagree those who need to see him next to someone else to be able to evaluate him so; He definitely looked very tall, 6'3, even alone; This man was mad for embodying "freat characters" and not to play in a Scorsese feature film!
Nobody can replace such a man in the movie industry, no more that John Wayne or Bob Mitchum, Lancaster or Kirk Douglas, not mentioned Bogey, Cagney, Stewart, Grant, Cooper or Gable; Those men were over their own human reality; They were stars as i wrote it here many times!
Clint is the last one for Tom Welling, who has that special glint who so rarely appears nowdays! But will that new great guy, heir of those stars, get roles at his level, of the ones he deserves?
John Wayne told once having met Chris Reeve, "he" was the one who "will take over"; He mistook because he couldn't know how tastes were about to change for long! Chuck Heston was born to a heroe higher and taller than himself and so are the real stars!
dmeyer said on 26/Mar/07
are you saying he is 5'11 today 5 years ago he steel towerd over vandamme and leblanc
Brad said on 18/Mar/07
6' 3" a few years ago at Ray Courts' show and 6' 3" right next to me on the set of "The Colbys" in March of 1986 during a Maxwell Caulfield prison scene at Paramount. Has a slight curve to his back. Frank2 has Heston & Price on the nose.
Robert said on 11/Mar/07
I forgot to attach the picture.
Here it is
Click Here
Anthony said on 6/Mar/07
Brooke is a legit 5'11, so Heston looks a solid 6'3 there, even considering he was well into his 60s'.
Gonzalo said on 6/Mar/07
Charlton Heston looking very tall, next to Brooke Shields, listed here at 5`11.
Click Here
Robert said on 3/Mar/07
Charlton Heston was clearly a tall man in his prime.I would say that he was somewhere between 185cm and 190cm. That sounds realistic.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/07
Gonazalo: this quote of yours makes absolutely no sense. do you even speak english?"It helps not to make you look taller but to look at tall people"
timber said on 20/Feb/07
Horse, if you read the comment from frank2 from 24/Apr/06 , he says Heston lost height due to a "badly compressed spine". That coupled with normal age related height loss could definitely result in 4 inches of shrinkage.
Anthony said on 20/Feb/07
Gonzalo, keep in mind that Heston and Mitchum were 66 and 72 years old at that time, so they mave lost some height. Still, I do think Chuck was a full 6'3 in his youth.
Gonzalo said on 20/Feb/07
Well, Rob, I finally made it using a slightly different technique. The Gonzalo technique, like Alexander technique. It helps not to make you look taller but to look at tall people
Gonzalo said on 20/Feb/07
Well, I`m going to see if it works out. Here is Heston looking two inches taller than Robert Mitchum
Click Here

Editor Rob
bingo, good to see someone can follow the instruction ;)
Gonzalo said on 20/Feb/07
Which Anthony Edwards? The star of ER? Well, that Edwards was born in 1962, forty years later than Heston so I don`t know what this unknown is talking about. In gettyimages you have a pic of aged Heston and Robert Mitchum and Heston looks over two inches taller. There is aso a pic of Heston next to Hollywood stars and Heston towers over them. Heston was over 6`2.
The Horse of FUNK said on 20/Feb/07
Whoa Rob, you say he's lost a good 4 inches of height in his senior years? Some pics to back this up please. Now days I'd say he looks about a weak 6'2, maybe a little under like 6'1.5". Weird thing about Heston is when you look at him in film he looks like he's about 6' - 6'1, but when you see him next to other people (in his prime) he really does look 6'3".
Unknown said on 8/Feb/07
I would say that Heston never was more than 6'1.5", because even in his prime, he looks smaller than 6-2 Anthony Edwards.
Anthony said on 26/Jan/07
I just watched "The Ten Commandments", and Heston looked 6'3 minum. He was, in sandles, at most an inch off of Vincent Price's height, often looking the same or slightly taller than 6'4 VP. And he towered over the rest of the cast.
Anthony said on 30/Nov/06
I just got finished watching "Ben-Hur" (incredible moive), and Heston looked no less than 6'3.
Bob said on 26/Sep/06
Also in the series, "The Colbys", it appeares to me that Heston was about the same height as Maxwell Caulfield, and Maxwell Caulfield was listed as 6'.
That makes me doubt that Heston was 6-3 in his prime time, because it seems unlikely that he has shrunk that much yet in that age.I would give him a 6-1 for his prime time, but i don't is just my guess.
Anthony said on 16/Sep/06
Heston was most definitley 6'3. A very tall, built and handsome man in his peak years. I hope they find a cure for Alzheimer's so he can once again bring his great presence back to the film world.
Stephen said on 14/Sep/06
Great actor. 6' 2.5" (without shoes)seems to be about accurate for him. He was about an inch shorter than Clint Eastwood and George Kennedy. He was a tall man in his prime.
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
Of course he was about 6'3'' when in his prime. Watch the films, Heston is clearly a big man. I've never seen the Michael Moore thing where he has a go at Heston but I think this was unfair. Heston was not that right wing in many ways despite his support for the NRA and an unworthy target for Moore. He did a film in the 70s with a very attractive black woman as his leading lady. Most left wingers would have been too scared of their image to take part in a film with an interacial relationship at this point in time. Chuck was and is one of the good guys in reality.
Bob said on 7/Sep/06
i know that Charlton Heston always was a tall man. but i don't think that he ever was 6 ft 3 in. i saw him a couple of times in several movies when he was young, and to me he seemed like being around 6 ft 1 in.
when i saw him beside others, he was most of the time the tallest, but he didn't really tower over everyone, because people who are 6 ft 3 in, mostly tower over others.
i also don't think that he has lost 4 inches. maybe one or two at the most.
Editor Rob said on 7/Sep/06
Here is quote from 1983 Philly Inquirer: "I'm 6 feet 3"
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/06
he lost height but not that mush he towers over 175 van damme and towers overs 178 leblanc so probably 6 ft 1 or 2 lately
Larry said on 12/Aug/06
Well, Heston was 6'3" at his peak. Vincent Price was 6'4". My 6'4" cousin met him in the late 60's & stated that Mr. Price was his height then. Mr. Heston seems to have lost some height, so he may be 6'1" or 1.5".
Viper652 said on 27/Jul/06
I would love to see that pic Sam, because Price has always looked 6-4 to me.
sam 2 said on 27/Jul/06
Heston was at most, 6'2". Vincent Price was 6'3". I saw a photo of Stewart & Price side by side and they were exactly the same height.
David said on 21/Jun/06
I met Heston 31 years ago. I am 6ft 1 1/2 in. I would say he is no more than 6ft. 2in.
Frank2 said on 30/May/06
The man on the extreme right is producer AC Lyles who I know quite well. He was a close friend of my dad. AC is my height and has never lost a centemeter in height and he's now got to be in his early nineties. He's the oldest employee still working for Paramount Studios and has worked for that company for well-over 70 years! The man's truly amazing! The photo is slightly tilted so when corrected you'll see that Stewart is even taller! He didn't lose height as he got older, but Heston sure did.
sam said on 29/May/06
Heston was the exact same height as Cooper, an inch taller than Peck, and about the same as Stewart. However Stewart may have been 6'3.5" which would make him look a half inch taller.
al said on 29/May/06
Heston seems to have had terrible problems with his feet which affected his posture - watch him walk or run in 1968's Planet of the Apes for instance.
Editor Rob said on 29/May/06
Click HereHere is that pic Gonzalo wanted to show.
Gonzalo said on 29/May/06
I think Heston is slightly under 6`3. He was shorter (not even an inch) than other 6`3 stars: James Stewart, Gregory Peck or Gary Cooper. There is a pic of Stewart and Heston and Stewart looks marginally taller. The pic is taken with a guy called Lyle. Frank2 talked about this man once.
sam said on 5/May/06
Heston was 6'3"...not 6'2". (different sam)
Frank2 said on 4/May/06
And you need to get a life! Heston was 6'3" and Price was 6'4".
sam said on 3/May/06
Vincent Price was 6'3" and Heston was 6'2". This info is in several biographys.
Gotxo said on 25/Apr/06
I still could buy a cm or 2 over 190cm in his youth.
Maybe someone can trace back the 195cm source, it's obvious is too much but as is a common practise in Hollywood to uprgrade stars an inch or two he might have been a lil over 6'3" (Not reaching 6'4").
Im curious about people who have meet him both in his heyday and in the present as he can look as "short" as 6' now.
BTW Frank i like much more your idea of the Louisville Slugger than the Magnunm one, as it can lead to a crazy scene of you shaking on the dirt of Moore and hiding in a guignol(puppet show)way.
Tiger said on 25/Apr/06
Frank2: I am laughing hysterically at how you would handle Michael Moore. That is fantastic! I can absolutely picture that in my mind. Most people would follow your lead I think!
Frank2 said on 25/Apr/06
Heston was obviously suffering from the early effects of Alzheimer's when he was "used" in that shoddy so-called documentary. Moore invited himself in and then went after Heston. Chuck was far nicer than I would have been since had it been me I'd have hit that fat slob over the head right on camera with my Louisville slugger and then bounced his lard ass down the steps and kicked him into the street. Of course I'd have never allowed the fool to interview me in the first place. Check this out:
Click Here
Gotxo said on 24/Apr/06
Heston was my childhood hero, specially in films such as Omega-Man (he against all the worl). Anyway he always looked very tall, as i said 6'3" and even i have heard 6'5" for him, from "Official" sources, perhaps he was ever a bit over 6'3" like 192cm.
I was not aware of his alzheimer, i'm sorry for that.
I'm starting to belive that what you mention was Moore taking advantage on a man with mind problems.
BTW let the guns for the professionals.
Frank2 said on 24/Apr/06
A camera with a 357 magnum hidden inside!
Heston was 6'3", but is now about 6' due to his badly compressed spine. The man is now in his eighties. Sadly, his mind has left him due to that awful Alzheimer's disease.
Frank2 said on 22/Apr/06
By that dreadful joke of a documentary, Heston was so stooped over, suffering from severe back problems that it's impossible to make an accurate determination as to his height by trying to size him up next to Moore. As far as I'm concerned, Moore should have been shot for the way he treated Heston.
Gotxo said on 22/Apr/06
Michael Moore is near 6ft, can anyone make a guess comparing him to heston in Bowling for Columbine?
Tiger said on 21/Apr/06
Harvey: great reference with 'The Wreck of the Mary Deare' I love that movie. In all the great stuff that Heston and Cooper have done, that movie gets lost in the mix. That is really a great film. I just watched it the other day!
Frank2 said on 6/Apr/06
Here's an excellent website on Heston with a lot of photos showing him with various people:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 5/Apr/06
Heston claimed he was 6'3" and in The Ten Commandments was about an inch shorter than 6'4" Vicent Price. Also in The Agony and the Ecstacy, Heston's co-star Rex Harrison wore lifts to make him not look too short next to Chuck. Rex even documented it in his autobiography entitled Rex. Here's what he said:
"Heston is an enormously tall man - if I'm six foot one, he must be about six foot three - and I asked my wardrobe man, as I was wearing long robes, to put a little lift in my shoes, so that I could gain a couple of inches, and meet Heston at his own level. The lifts were duly put in, and I eyed Heston and congratulated myself that at least he no longer towered above me. As the film went on, howevewr, it seemed to me that he was growing. Eyeball to eyeball he was once more a couple of inches taller than I. I looked down at his feet - not a sign of lifts! He must have grown through sheer tenacity. Nether of us made any comment, nor did our wardrobe men - it was a very funny, silent contest."
I doubt that Rex was 6'1". Having watched him in film after film where he stood next to actors who were 6'1" he always looked shorter by about an inch so I'd say he was an even 6'.

Editor Rob
I shall add Rex...maybe start him at the height he has given ;-) That's a funny little tidbit about the feet!
Charlie said on 4/Apr/06
Heston was probably 6'2 or 6'2.5. He looked slightly shorter than Gregory Peck in The Big Country, but that could have been the angle.
Frank2 said on 27/Feb/06
Ralph Richardson stood about six feet tall when he was young. Heston was most certainly six foot three when he was younger. He's about an inch shorter than Vincent Price in The Ten Commandments and Price was six foot four. When Heston worked with Rex Harrison in the film The Agony and the Ecstasy Rex had the wardrobe person insert lifts into his shoes so six foot one Harrison would appear to be the same height as Heston. Harrison stated in his autobiography that the trick worked until he noticed that somehow Heston was again two inches taller! Rex looked at Heston's feet and saw no lifts. Harrison decided that Heston grew temporarily just for that role out of sheer tenacity. It's a very funny story as Rex relates it in his book.
In later life due to back injuries Heston shrank until the last time I saw him which was about ten years ago he appeared to be about six feet even.
Harold said on 22/Feb/06
OK, one of my favorite early '70's scifi movies is Soylent Green. Chuck Conners plays a villain and there is a VERY clear close up of him face to face with Mr. Heston. I notice Mr. Connors isn't listed here, but he is listed consistently as 6'5" tall. He played pro basketball and baseball & certainly always looked 6'5". Watch that scene & Mr. Connors looks a good 4" taller than Mr. Heston. So, something doesn't compute here. Also, Chuck Connors stood back to back with Gregory Peck in The Big Country and it certainly looks like 2" difference (in Chuck's favor). There are many scenes with Peck & Heston in the Big Country and they look about the same height, BUT - look at their feet. Peck was wearing formal riding/jumping British boots. My uncle had a pair (did competition steple chases) and they have a 1" heel. Now, Heston is wearing standard "dogging" cowboy boots. I grew up around horses and that type of boot has a 2- 2 1/2" heel. MURDER on the feet and have pointed toes! :-) There are no scenes with Heston and Connors together in that film. Anyway, it seems that Mr. Heston was about 6'2" at his peak (MAYBE 6'1.5") and Mr. Peck was about 6'2.5" to 6'3" at his peak.
D said on 3/Jan/06
i think heston was 6'3" in his prime. he was in a film with gary cooper in the late 50s and was the same height as him
elio said on 19/Dec/05
Seeing as you have Heston at his 'prime' height ... 6'3" , instead of the 6'1" you think he is today... why do you have people like Hulk Hogan and Schwarzenegger at their non-prime present heights?

Editor Rob
well, it's a tricky one...usually if they're still doing movies I might put them current or mention peak/current height.
Anonymous said on 29/Nov/05
Heston looks about the same height as Sir Ralph Richardson in Khartoum, dont know how tall Richardson was though, anyone any idea?
Gramps said on 30/Oct/05
Here is a 40-something Clint looking less than 1" shorter than the 6'5" John Gavin:
Yeah, I know, Clint only owned cowboy boots!
Robert said on 28/Oct/05
I saw Eastwood at the premiere of "Unforgiven" in 1992, and he was wearing cowboy boots then. Also Clint, then aged 62, seemed 6'3 with his boots ON.
Gramps said on 23/Oct/05
Are you trying to tell us Clint is wearing cowboy boots with his tuxedo? Puh-lease!
John said on 23/Oct/05
I don't think there is 2 inches difference in that photograph. Anyway we don't know whether Eastwood was wearing bigger heels on his shoes, a lot of the time he wears cowboy boots in real life, even at premieres. Charlton is looking down while Eastwood is looking up, which might change things a little.
Gramps said on 22/Oct/05
Heston is a good 1.5-2.0" shorter than the 6'4" Clint Eastwood in this photo, which would put him at 6'2" or 6'2.5" back then.
Now he looks no more than 1 inch taller than the 5'11" (at best!) George Bush.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/05
It's kind of easy to assume in his heyday he was 6'2 on his feet. But with lifts he reached about 6'3, no doubt. Cause in Big Country next to Peck, in some scenes he looked shorter and some taller. SO their probably the same. IN the scene where their standing in the room together, heston was on his feet and peck wit his boots. Peck toward over heston. But as soon as heston put those big cowboy boots on, he reached his level of tallness again, think about it!
talker said on 21/Aug/05
Heston in 1970 in the movie "the Hawaiians" stands next to 6'5" John Philip-Law
and looks at least 3inches shorter.I believe he was then about 6'2".Thats about the height he looks in most of his movies.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/05
Even in heston's younger days, he didn't seem 6'3, because I took a look at the photo with him and Eastwood when they were both young. Eastwood is 6'4 and he looked to be about 2 to 3 inches more than heston. Even today, he doesn't look 6'1. If you take a look at the picture with him and Mark Whalburg who is 5'7, he no more than 3 inches taller.