How tall is Charlotte Jordan

Charlotte Jordan's Height

5ft 2 (157.5 cm)

English actress, best known for playing Daisy Midgeley on Coronation Street and Gaby on Free Rein. On her agency, she was described as "5'3"

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Average Guess (14 Votes)
5ft 1.98in (157.4cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
I don’t usually watch the Loose Women but I did today because Charlotte Jordan was guesting. She looked absolutely beautiful, with her long hair worn up, adding a couple of inches to her height.

She articulated herself impeccably, and discussed the deplorable storyline about her character being stalked by an evil disillusioned bloke. I haven’t seen Monday’s episode yet, which is when the acid attack happened, but will do so over the weekend. 💐
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/23
Daisy looked so small and defenceless when she stood in the courtroom, trying to have an injunction taken out against her twisted stalker. She didn’t even get one, through no fault of her own. The creep even let himself into the girl’s home, yet he waffled his way out of it AND WAS BELIEVED.

Sometimes, the law really is an ass. 🐴
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Feb/23
I’ve gone from liking Daisy to LOVING her!

That sicko who has attached himself to her is 100% wrong, yet the police aren’t doing their job properly. I know what it’s like to be stalked, and that slap round the face was totally justified.

This storyline is getting creepy, and I hope it reaches a decent conclusion for the sake of all the girls undergoing the same treatment.

5ft2 and NOT a girl to be messed with! I previously thought she’d have been a good inch taller, but she doesn’t need that inch! She’s perfect!
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jan/23
Soap Stars know when they’ve made a big impression when members of their families join the cast, as has been the case for Charlotte’s Daisy!

Her Mum has arrived to see her daughter get married to Daniel. The Mum is quite a bit taller than Daisy.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jan/23
Charlotte’s Daisy has to go on tiptoes to hug her 6ft fiancé, Daniel. That isn’t the case for Amy, and if her height was still a flat 5ft, she’d have a strain to reach up and embrace Jacob, who would be 10” taller, as is the case with Daisy and Daniel.

Daisy tried to make Daniel jealous in an episode this week, so she went out and got squiffy, sending him a picture of her with another guy - in a compromising situation! The following morning, she immediately regretted it. She wanted to hurry the wedding up.

I’d thought that Charlotte could be a bit more than 5ft2 before, but I don’t now.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Dec/22
Charlotte has gone from light brown hair to a suble shade of blonde, and very nice it is too. It’s unlikely that a change in hair colour can make a person look taller, but it can cause a distraction. Clever dress sense CAN make us look taller.

5ft2.25 and NOT because of her new hair colour! I used to
think Charlotte was about an inch or so over 5ft2, so I’ve gone up a bit!
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/22
I loved the creamy-yellow dress that Daisy wore last week. It was very flattering and her figure looked pukka! She could have passed for 5ft3, strong, but at the time of day the programme was filmed, Charlotte’s Daisy might have been nearing that height anyway.

Then the clumsy new barmaid spilt booze over it. Boooooooze, I should have said! 😝👎


5ft2.25 today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/22
I really don’t know whether Daisy has ruined Nikki’s teaching career, having missed a couple of episodes this week.

I sincerely hope not.

5ft2. 😀🌹
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Feb/22
That was a bit of a saucy 'slap break' that Daisy gave Daniel in the midst of a passionate embrace, but he had insulted her pride!


5ft2. She has to go on tiptoes to kiss the 6-foot Daniel, played by Rob Mallard.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/22
"...and here's me thinking that you'll be paying her in kind!" 🤭🙊

So says Daisy to Jenny and her guy regarding the new boyfriend moving in, boy being the operative word...

You cheeky young mare, but that's why we love ya! 😂😂😂

5ft2. 😋👏
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jan/22
Her dad looks typical Italian sort of look, good looking chap.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/21
Ooh! Her skin isn't as olive as I imagined; I had a thoroughly good snoop tonight and, if anything, Charlie's complexion is a paler olive colour. 😁
Arch Stanton said on 31/Dec/21
Interesting, seeing her mother and the noses I'd say it is even possible some Arabic/Persian world in there. Difficult to tell isn't it.
Editor Rob
Here is her Father
Nik Ashton said on 31/Dec/21
She looks 5’2” and I like her smile!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/21
@ Arch - Charlotte has highlights worked through her dark hair, giving her a very pleasing natural-looking light brown effect.

Maybe you're right with your supposition that she has Eastern European/Russian ancestry. Her complexion is olive.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Dec/21
Yes she's a pretty girl, nice hair, not tall though. Has she got some sort of Eastern European or Russian ancestry, she looks a bit too exotic to be fully white British?
Editor Rob
Not sure, but Her Mother, she's got darker hair.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Dec/21
He he! She's here, and I'm beginning to like her a lot more than I used to!

Yes, she's very pretty and I hope she ends up with the lovely Daniel. They'll be good for each other.

She always wears high heels so I think 5ft2 is ideal for her. She's a poster girl for the shorter among us. 🤣👌

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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