Aaaaron said on 6/Sep/22
@Rob there's this recent pic with Riggs very close to Lennie James. He has a slightly looser posture than Lennie. Do you think he's a full 5'7?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Yeah you could argue a full 5ft 7
Thebrawler said on 10/Jul/22
@Rob he'll attend Manchester comicon on July 30-31. Do you think you'll go?

Editor Rob
Unfortunately I currently can't attend any cons out with Scotland.
Jack Kralovic said on 14/May/22
Hey rob here’s a picture with me and chandler. I’m 5,8.5- 5,9 and 5,10 in those shoes. 1 inch sneaker. I think he had more footwear than me though but not by much. I’d say 5,7 at most
Click Here

Editor Rob
He can look 5ft 7 with you, assuming same footwear, although I'd have said your posture a little looser than his.
Llewellyn said on 13/Mar/22
@Rob an acquaintance of mine posted on Instagram these pics of him with Michael Cudlitz and Chandler Riggs. Chandler seems to be slouching a bit, but i can see him being at Cudlitz eyes' level.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Close to 5ft 7 again there.
Llewellyn said on 15/Dec/21
He actually said "close to 5'8" but wrote weak myself because i see many people using it on your site. My bad.
I'm 185 cm tall to be exact and he was slightly under my eye level

Editor Rob
That would be like 5ft 7.5 range he's claiming, which isn't terrible really
Llewellyn said on 12/Dec/21
@Rob asked him at Dortmund how tall is he and he claimed a weak 5'8. Late growth spurt maybe?

Editor Rob
Never heard an actor claim to be 'weak' something before, but 5ft 7 is of course possible, weak 5ft 8 I can't believe he's that tall.
Jim Clark said on 9/Dec/21
HMmmmm, Chandler had me beat when he was 14 YO! He had a couple of inches on me and outweighed me by 21 pounds! Kid could have wiped me out!
Timelessclassic said on 14/Nov/21
@Rob were you able to find someone for a comparison at the Liverpool con? Thanks in advance

Editor Rob
Not yet
Timelessclassic said on 19/Oct/21
@Rob he'll be at Liverpool comicon later in November. Think you will meet him?

Editor Rob
Will keep an eye out for how Chandler compares to a few folk I might know.
Toraoni said on 6/Sep/21
@Rob paul a friend of mine met him at Fanexpo in Boston. He says to be 5'8.5 with a good approximation and that Chandler was a good inch shorter than him (something like 1.25 inches) with the same shoes size. Maybe he actually made it to a full 5'7?

Editor Rob
yeah he may well have made it...
Toraoni said on 29/Jul/21
Google has him at 171 cm. Do you think that's a generous estimate?

Editor Rob
wouldn't go as high as 171, but you could make a case he was near 170
shweta said on 17/Jun/21
5'6.5 max
Homelander said on 13/Dec/20
@Rob do you think he might have reached 5'7.5 or that's a bit of a stretch?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't guess him that tall...maybe one day though I'll get to see him, when cons return to normal I'm sure he'll do some over here again.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Dec/20
I disagree. 3cm is quite noticeable, especially to people like us and many other posters on this site who have a better assessment of height than the general public.
Nik Ashton said on 8/Dec/20
@ Littlelee5ft6 - Too true!
Leesheff85 said on 8/Dec/20
No genau hes 5ft 6.5 at best
Genau said on 7/Dec/20
He is 21 now so i guess he stopped growing and is about 5ft7.25/5ft7.5 nowadays
CD said on 25/May/20
I’d say 5’6.5 is a very good guess, seems a 5 inch difference between him and Isaac.
Travx97 said on 21/May/20
@Rob how many chances for a full 5'7 frame nowadays?

Editor Rob
The chance is still possible he ended up near that mark.
1994 said on 17/Mar/20
@littlelee5ft6 yea not much but i guess im "height sensitive" lol
Littlelee5ft6 said on 16/Mar/20
1993 theres not mich difference between 167cm and 170cm you really wouldn't be able to tell the difference
1993 said on 29/Feb/20
i know hes about 5'7 now but that pic is from when he was 167, lol
Calcutta said on 26/Feb/20
@Rob another pic of Giuntoli and Riggs from a different perspective. Btw, i think Riggs is tilting the neck forward and that might make him look smaller
Click Here

Editor Rob
5ft 6.5 is a figure that probably fits how he looks these days.
Jkiller said on 26/Feb/20
Yeah I'd give him 5ft 6 1/4. Just slightly over the 168cm mark
Calcutta said on 31/Jan/20
@Rob do you think his final height might be around 5'6 1/2" - weak 5'7"?

Editor Rob
If I think 5ft 6.5 is fair I will go with it, I'll have a look again this year and decide as he's now 20
Aviansolider said on 2/Nov/19
@Rob this is from the WSCatlanta of thid October
Click Here
Whatcha think? I saw other photos from the event and Chandler and Sarah shoes didn't have footwear differences in terms of heels, from what i noticed

Editor Rob
Could be high 5ft 6.5
BigCharles said on 25/Oct/19
Hi Rob. I’m 169.1-169 cm out of bed, 168.3-4 cm at 12 am and dropped to around 167-167.3 cm range at my lowest, about 11 pm. Do you think he could be exactly the same height as me ? His posture is definitely same as mine. I’m also the same age, 20 years old. Is claiming 168 cm for me reasonable ? I think the most of the day I’m above 5ft6in. Sorry for a lot questions but I think it’s better write it in one comment, than in through many pages.
McLovin92 said on 30/Sep/19
@Rob here's Riggs with 5'10 David Giuntoli
Click Here
What do you think?

Editor Rob
Could look nearer 5ft 7
McLovin92 said on 29/Aug/19
Do you think he might be 169 cm tall during afternoon?

Editor Rob
That would be the highest I think I'd go with
Littlelee5ft6 said on 5/Jun/19
5ft 6.25 is certainly a possibility but not over as he looks 5ish inches shorter than isaac there
Cromakee98 said on 2/Jun/19
@Rob more photos of Chandler with Mazouz and Isaac at Bogota comicon
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
Still would say around 5ft 6 range, would be surprised if he measured near 5ft 7.
Cromakee98 said on 1/Jun/19
@Rob here's Chandler with Isaac at Bogota comicon
Click Here
What do you think of his frame? Seems like he has a slouching pose here

Editor Rob
he might have better posture than isaac there, I don't think chandler seems above 5ft 6 range.
Alvin196 said on 20/Apr/19
@Rob are you planning on meeting him eventually?

Editor Rob
A friend met him and said he was a couple of inches shorter than myself, this was walker stalker london, so 5ft 6 maybe is his final height. Friend is 6ft range.
Littlelee168cm said on 5/Mar/19
You still have him at 5ft 5.75" when you said he looked at least 5ft 7 I think he needs an upgrade to 5ft 7
Coolyfooly said on 5/Feb/19
He's gonna be in a Million Little Things: that probably will help understand his actual frame a bit
Ray Atikian said on 27/Jan/19
When hes next to Andrew Lincoln who is 5'10, He looks like he is a strong 5'7
Coolyfooly said on 18/Dec/18
I'd give him the full 5'6 listing at least. Looks definitively taller than 5'5.75"
Ethan Larsen said on 28/Oct/18
5ft 6 max. Hes wearing shoes to point out also.
AJ said on 19/Sep/18
I'd give him the full 5'6"
Theboyyy3returns said on 28/Aug/18
Mhhh That's quite interesting @HunterRRR. I wonder if he might still get to 5'7.5" eventually
HunterRRR said on 25/Aug/18
I’m 5’10.5” and passed by him during a trip to The Walking Dead’s univeral studio attraction. Was a solid 3-4 inches shorter than me. I think he’s 5’6.5” or 5’7” flat.
Theboyyy3returns said on 19/Aug/18
@Rob i looked onto some recent walker stalker pics from Orlando and yeah i think he gained something, since he looks like in a plausible 5'7 range right now. I think he might even be something like 5'7.25". Hope you'll get the chance to meet him at walker stalker in london
Theboyyy2 said on 2/Aug/18
@Rob Chandler looks sure in the 5'7" range with Nacon at Satun Awards, but in previous photo he looked more in the upper 5'6 range, rarely 5'7". What could it be in your opinion?

Editor Rob
One day I hope to get a photo with him, till then he may well be close to 5ft 7 on the nose.
Theboyyy2 said on 25/Jul/18
Do you think he might be about the same range as Lauren Cohan?

Editor Rob
there is a chance of that now
Littlelee168cm said on 23/Jul/18
Rob do you mean you think Chandler is 5ft 7 in the shoes with nacon or you reckon that's his height without shoes?

Editor Rob
Without shoes could be likely
Theboyyy said on 1/Jul/18
172 could be considered the max you would ever guess for him in that footwear? Thank you in advance
Theboyyy said on 30/Jun/18
If Nacon is 160 and she's wearing those heels (167-168 range), what could be Riggs' range? He looks like he's leaning and there could be 2 inches, 2 inches and 1/4 range difference. How many chances for him to be 5'8 with those shoes?

Editor Rob
Nacon might not be quite that height...but Chandler can seem somewhere in 5ft 7 range.
Theboyyy said on 28/Jun/18
Click Here
What do you think? Nacon's high heels look to be 3 inch, but i'm not sure about Riggs' footwear

Editor Rob
Maybe not a full 3 inches, a bit under it, could be 2.75 range.
lee168cm said on 5/Jun/18
He's five six king too many photos prove this. Hes 4 inches shorter than Chad Coleman and 3 inches shorter than 5ft 9 Chris hardwich and these are recent photos don't know why people want him to be taller than he is
Wakandalanda said on 5/Jun/18
I think the 5'6 listing would be ok. The 5'5.75" one is a bit low
King said on 2/Jun/18
he's almost as tall as andy lincoln, who is 5'10, so i'd say as of may 2018 he is 5'8 inches. just look at him walking beside andy in 8x01 of the walking dead/look at the promo pictures for season 8. there's no way in hell he is under 5'6, and 5'6 even then is too short.
Tylerthecreatorrrr said on 27/May/18
Click Here
What Range does Riggs look near Chad ? I think Coleman even had a slightly thicker boot from what i've seen of this episode of Drop The Mic, but not 100% sure

Editor Rob
I think he can look 4 inches smaller than Chad
Tylerthecreatorrrr said on 25/May/18
@Rob dunno if it might be helpful to establish his (maybe) final height, but he's been on Drop The Mic in a versus with Chad Coleman. It's on the TBS Youtube channel and should be pretty recent
Tylerthecreatorrrr said on 23/May/18
@Rob What's the highest resume you'd ever assume for him? Can't tell yet if he's 5'6ish or under/above it

Editor Rob
The current figure is the high point...whether he is a cm taller I've not decided, he may well be!
Calcutta93 said on 3/Mar/18
Click Here
5'8.75-5'9 Hardwick with Riggs, from the last Talking Dead. What do you think Riggs' range looks to be here?

Editor Rob
He could be 3 inches smaller.
Tarkus said on 6/Feb/18
Click Here
@Rob, this is from Ross Marquand instagram page. There are two photos with Riggs and Cudlitz near each other and the height difference is about 5.5-6 inches in the first photo and 4.5-5 inches in the second one, in my opinion. What do you think?
The Shredder said on 1/Feb/18
He could have reached 5'6.5 , 5'7 , not impossible , but He was 5'5 or less when I met him.
Tarkus said on 31/Jan/18
Shredder met him two years ago though and he was like 5'4.75 from what he said and you can grow over 3 inches at that age.Rob listing is pretty much a placeholder, since he got it almost a year ago and indirectly on a still growing up guy. In the 8x08 Riggs and Lincoln had a scene side by side and the difference was max 3.5 inches; same type of scenes Gurira and Lincoln shared many times and he always towered her with a difference of 4 inches, 4,5 inches at times. This guy may not be 5'7 but he's nowhere under 5'6
lee168cm said on 30/Jan/18
No but shredder has and I believe his estimate over yours and i believe rob estimate is about right he could possibly be a quarter inch above five six but that is definitely the highest he could be judging from recent photos and he's no taller than the actresses who play michonne and Tara both of whom are five six. That's enough evidence he's around five six and not over
Tarkus said on 28/Jan/18
Did you meet him to say he's "5'6 at best"? Or at least do you have a recent incisive photo-comparison to prove that?
lee168cm said on 27/Jan/18
No he's not he's the listed height five six at best
Tarkus said on 27/Jan/18
I'd upgrade him to 5'6
Smiles03 said on 19/Jan/18
He's like 5'7,5'8 now
The Shredder said on 10/Jan/18
I don't have a photo because these actors are so pricey. The only one I have is Jon Bernthal at his table and that is only because I didn't pay for it.
RickGrimes said on 9/Jan/18
Shredder, you said you already met him about 2 years ago and he looked a weak 5'5" compared to your solid 5'6" range. Could you send us your pic with him? If you don't mind of course
CIMD said on 6/Jan/18
My dad was 5'7" at 18 and 5'10" at 20. I think the amount a person grows at a certain age is dependent on genetics. The placement of growth spurt differ from person to person. So Chandler Riggs might have some growing to do since he still looks kinda young for 18 and a half.
The Shredder said on 5/Jan/18
I was 5'5.5 at 15 and 5'6 at 19. I don't know how?
Tearoom said on 3/Jan/18
At 18 1/2 (even at 16-17) i think you can stop growing at all or still gain something like 2 inches. Can tell this since specialists told me this and i grew like 1.5-2 inches after 18. Dunno if that might counts too, but he still got childlish traits and no beard, so he may stop growing a bit later, Shredder
Tearoom said on 3/Jan/18
@Rob even though you are not really sure about his height atm, do you think he might have a chance to reach or surpass guys like Steven Yeun?

Editor Rob
I'd be surprised if he did...but you never know with height, sometimes a person near 17-18 will end up with a bigger spurt than expected.
The Shredder said on 2/Jan/18
He is 18 1/2 yrs old , he is lucky to gain another cm of height.
Galaxyonfire said on 2/Jan/18
Too bad we don't get a decent side by side comparison with other actors already grown up and listed here.That would be useful to see his actual height
Caleb01 said on 1/Jan/18
@Rob 5'5.75" is the minimum you'd gave to him?

Editor Rob
at the moment he can look like he's close to 5ft 6, but 5ft 7, I've not seen enough to think he grew to that height.
Mazemaster said on 1/Jan/18
He's a very weak 5'7" (prob more like a 5'6.75") to me. He gots some chance of a 5'8" range in his 20s tho (almost impossible 5'9" and over)
5'10"Kid said on 31/Dec/17
I'll give him 5'6.5" he looked around that height in season 8 of TWD. could be still growing, although he is 18 years old. I wonder if he'll get to 5'9" in his 20s.
Edimar1.84 said on 23/Dec/17
little guy.
The Shredder said on 23/Dec/17
Actually the more I think about , He could have been 5'4.5 when I met him at 2 years ago. At 5'6" and I was in loafers I was still a bit taller than him , around an inch.
Vampyr9414 said on 22/Dec/17
I think he's in the 5'7" range
RickGrimes said on 21/Dec/17
@Rob i think this guy needs an upgrade: he doesn't look 5'5.25" at all

Editor Rob
he could have hit 5ft 6 range
Mike said on 19/Dec/17
I'm guessing he's between 5ft 7 and 5ft 8 now.
lee168cm said on 19/Dec/17
Nah he's not over 5'6" same as michonne
Reeese said on 19/Dec/17
Yeah in 8x08 he looked about 2.5 inches smaller than Lincoln
Daryl dixon said on 17/Dec/17
He looks about 5'8
Legend said on 16/Dec/17
On the last episode, the midseason finale, he only looked 2 maybe 3 inches shorter than weak 5 ft 10 andrew Lincoln, think he's grown to a strong 5 ft 7, prob wakes up at 1.72.
The Shredder said on 27/Nov/17
I think he's finished and he looks about 5'5.5
DirectorKrennic said on 27/Nov/17
Listed 1.71m in Google now.
Reeese said on 27/Nov/17
In tonight's episode he looked 5'6.5"-5'6.75", near 5'6" Michonne. If he's lucky enough he may get to 5'8"-5'8.25", more would be almost impossible.
The Shredder said on 18/Nov/17
A pic with Rob would be best , They do have a Walker Stalker thing coming in London .

Editor Rob
unfortunately the price of those Walker Stalker's is just too much.
Awaken said on 16/Nov/17
The max imho could be 5'7. He's not under 5'6 tbh
Shredder said on 15/Nov/17
When I met him he wasn't even 5'5 , and even now he looks max 5'6.
Awaken said on 15/Nov/17
Tbh i think 5'5.25" doesn't fit him at all. He' s at least in the 5'6" area
Reeese said on 3/Nov/17
Dunno if he's gonna grow up more, but i think he's roughly the same as Jesus
lee168cm said on 31/Oct/17
He's not taller than michonne can't see him getting taller than 5'6"
Reeese said on 26/Oct/17
A weak over Michonne and Tara for sure. I think 1.25 inch smaller than Glenn
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
He might be 5'7", but i'd say he's more in a 5'6.75" range right now. If he's very very lucky, he might even reach the 5'9" range in the end
jeb077 said on 23/Oct/17
He is a hair taller than Michone in Walking Dead. He might get up to 5'8" eventually...maybe
Iffy said on 16/Aug/17
Yeah,but this is old material on a still growing up teen. We all have pretty different growth patterns and telling for sure "x" is that height because in some old photos looks about that height is not safe in my opinion.
Shredder said on 15/Aug/17
Steven Yeun is 5'8 max and he has minimum 2.5 over him. he is lucky to be 5'5.5 and he wasn't even 5 '5 when I met him.
Epiphany said on 10/Aug/17
Yeah, but you met him over one year and a half ago and he was just 16. Your assumption is extremely vague and not based on a second measurement done in real life. Not saying it's taller: just trying being objective.
Shredder said on 10/Aug/17
Safe to say he is this height.
thundrrr01 said on 1/Aug/17
At San Diego looked about 1.5 inch taller than Danai, during the signing session
The shredder said on 15/Jul/17
It's around 3 inches between them at least.
Nymph01 said on 13/Jul/17
The inch difference between Chandler and Yeun looks between 2-2.5 imho. 3.5 is just too much
Iffy said on 2/Jul/17
3/3.5 including the thicker boots or clean?
Btw, Swinton near 5'11" Pitt doesn't look like 5'10,5" with heels. think is the perspective Rob?

Editor Rob
I don't know about perspective, Pitt is slightly further away there!
Certainly Swinton probably isn't standing that tall, though in that film Okja she did have a couple of scenes with Giancarlo, and you could argue she would be under 5ft 10 a bit.
Shredder said on 1/Jul/17
I see 3 or 3.5 there , I'd be very shocked if Steven is under a solid 5'8 , I met him twice.

Editor Rob
I wouldn't rule out the fraction over 5ft 8 yet for Yeun, hopefully I will decide if he doesn't cancel film con!
incidentally, here is a photo of Giancarlo with a bit more footwear near Yeun and Pitt too
Click Here
Can we please stop sub 5ft 10.5 claims for Pitt bulging evidenced to suggest an elevator, maybe the man really is near 5ft 11.
Iffy said on 1/Jul/17
Click Here
Click Here
Steven and Chandler from last year San Diego Comic con. Steven looks like he's wearing thicker boots, while Chandler some sneakers and he's a having a much looser posture than yeun. What do you guys think?
The shredder said on 26/Jun/17
Yes Yeun is 5'8.5 in person , but footwear and posture could play a part in that , hopefully if Rob meets him he can clear this up. In fact Rob , I hope you don't change his height till after the photo is up for Shock Value , if it needs a change ;)
Kalebexp said on 25/Jun/17
In s7 he looked the same height as Danai and Tara, maybeeee a fraction smaller. Could have grown since that (?)
Shredder said on 14/Jun/17
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because he is young.
Shredder said on 13/Jun/17
He could be 5'6 now , but 5'7?
Jacob said on 12/Jun/17
This actor is similar to me in age and probably height as well I think he was at 5'4" a long time and grew 3 cms exactly close to what I grew but 2 cms maybe like 2.1 or 2.2 rob I was 5'4 and a quarter a very long time I hit 5'5 exactly that's like someone hitting 5'9 or above average for a late bloomer loool
Shredder said on 11/Jun/17
I was just showing that he was max 5'5 ( if that ) when I saw him , I'm sure he has grown , but how much?
Iffy said on 11/Jun/17
Shredder,that event was about over a year and a half ago though. He grew up considerably from that
Shredder said on 10/Jun/17
I thought he was minimum 5'4.5 , maximum 5'5 , like 5'4 3/4 , Me at 5'6 even still had about an inch over him and I was in 0.5 footwear.
Shredder said on 8/Jun/17
Rob , how tall do you think he looks here with 5'8.5 Renner? This was the day I met him. I thought he was shorter than Me and I had smaller footwear.
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
at most 5ft 5
Killerhornet said on 6/Jun/17
Met him few months ago and looked in the 5'5.5-5'6 range. He might have grown since that imo
errybodyshutup said on 6/Jun/17
growing, growing, grown.
Shredder said on 25/May/17
He wasn't even 5'5 when I met him. He might have grown to this.
Iffy said on 23/May/17
@Rob i got to meet him in london the last WSC. I think he could be in the 5'7" range.Furthermore, if you check the TWD 7x01 Making Of vid you can see in the last minute the cast photo and he was aside Steven and the difference was not huge at all, counting that Chandler was crouched and Yeun was trying to stand at his best. Check and tell what do you think

Editor Rob
I would certainly be more surprised at 5ft 7 than between 5ft 5 and 6.
miko said on 23/May/17
It's not impossible he could end up being one of them late lanky bloomers, but I think in this case we'll maybe see him get to 5'6/5'6.5 range.
Shredder said on 22/May/17
If he is over 5'5 now , than Yeun has to be 5'8.5 minimum.
Blake said on 19/May/17
Do you think he has a chance of getting to your height and my height range?

Editor Rob
would be surprised if he still gained 2-3 inches.
Revisionist said on 16/Mar/17
I also grew a few centimeters after 17.
Like I said, his parents aren't exactly short, so he's got a chance at a late teens rally.
Ely said on 16/Mar/17
There are some exceptions of course, but normally, looking at normal, most common growth patern he is nearly done.
Shredder said on 16/Mar/17
I was 5'4.5 at 13 going on 14 and only 5'6 at 29 going on 30 , I don't know what happened? I wasn't a stoner.
Christian-196.2cm (6ft5.25) said on 15/Mar/17
Ely said on 14/Mar/17
He would be extremely lucky if he manage to reach 5ft8. 5ft7 will be very hard, but with proper diet, exercise maybe not impossible. I guess 168/169 max for his adult height.
We don't know that. Every child/teen has different growth patterns. Chandler may be the type to grow slowly and steadily, similar to me. I never had a big sudden growth spurt where I shot up either. I was 5ft9 at 13 and I grew about 1.5 inches per year on average until I stopped at 19.
Ely said on 15/Mar/17
Revisioniat, he is probably done
Revisionist said on 15/Mar/17
Ely, please contact his dietitian immediately. He has only a few years before those plates close! Have to hit 5'7" at least or else be ridiculed forever by the media!
Conversely, you should try to get in touch with Andrew Lincoln and have him feed Chandler lots of protein and greens during filming.
TheBigR said on 14/Mar/17
From what i heard From people who went to the WSC events, he's about the same height as Tom Payne or slightly taller.Could be the bad posture or maybe Payne is smaller than 5'6.5
miko said on 14/Mar/17
I suspect he could be not far off his maximum now, might top out at 5'6.5/5'7 range.
Lee168cm said on 14/Mar/17
Not everyone grows to 21 some don't grow past 18 if he does grow beyond the height you have him it won't be much probably 5'6" or 5'7" at the maximum but personally ii believe him to be 5'6 now
Ely said on 14/Mar/17
He would be extremely lucky if he manage to reach 5ft8. 5ft7 will be very hard, but with proper diet, exercise maybe not impossible. I guess 168/169 max for his adult height.
Ely said on 14/Mar/17
165-166. No more than that
Revisionist said on 14/Mar/17
He's listed as 171 cm on Google, taller than Tom Cruise.
No wonder everyone thinks that Cruise is a smurf.
This kid still has upwards of 3-4 years to grow. Though his dad is barely average, his mom is tall-ish for a lady. Maybe he'll hit 5'7-8" before 21.
Shredder said on 14/Mar/17
He could have hit 5'5.5 or 5'6 by now , but when I met him just over a year ago he looked barely 5'5
Marc said on 13/Mar/17
Wonder what his final height will be If he has some growing left
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Mar/17
I would have guessed 6ft5 before 5ft5 based on that photo!
Lee168cm said on 13/Mar/17
I'd say 5'6" as he looks the same height as Alana Masterson in the show
Shredder said on 12/Mar/17
This is the tallest he looked next to Me. Nice guy though!