Sandy Cowell said on 13/Sep/22
On that fateful morning of the 8th of this month, I started my day by watching Cate Blanchett and Joseph Fiennes dance The Volta, as can be seen in Cate’s ‘Elizabeth’, all about Elizabeth the First. I watched it a few times, after which I thought, “We have, of course, had two Elizabethan eras, and for most of us, Elizabeth the Second is the one consistency we have had throughout our entire lives”.
Little did I know that Her Royal Majesty’s reign was going to come to an end that day. She always looked younger than her years, and her smile hid any signs of ill health.
Lovely Cate gets 5ft8.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/May/22
🎁🎈🎂💐 Happy Birthday Cate! 💐🎂🎈🎁
Yesterday Cate celebrated her 53rd Birthday. I hope she had a very special day, which is followed by the happiest and most successful of years.
5ft8.5 XXX 👸🌹🥂
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/22
I watched Elizabeth three times last night and this morning. Now I’m in the process of watching Elizabeth - The Golden Age.
It’s SO sad when Emily Mortimer, one of Elizabeth’s ladies in waiting, cuts the Queen’s beautiful long red hair off. I was crying my eyes out. The lady had found out that she’d been betrayed, even by her beloved Sir Robert Dudley, but she spares him his life. She then adds, “I have become a virgin.” Famous for being The Virgin Queen, Elizabeth was still emotionally involved with Dudley, and later, Sir Walter Raleigh.
Cate’s performance in both films is so warm, passionate and heartfelt. Elizabeth I has always been my favourite monarch and it’s incredibly satisfying to see the brave Queen portrayed so well.
The Queen herself, I’ve read, was 5ft3 or 4, which for those days, will have been tall. Her mother, Anne Boleyn, was an inch shorter.
Cate gets 5ft8.5. 👑👸🥀
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Mar/22
After witnessing Cate’s two marvellous, powerful performances as Elizabeth I, Cate has joined my list of ‘girl crushes’! I have many other films of hers and will be aiming to buy as many as I can find. I even have a Galadriel doll of Cate, and very elegant she is too.
Cate is undeniably tall. She towers over Rooney Mara in the movie ‘Carol’, another brilliant production which I thoroughly recommend. Rooney is 5ft2, if I remember rightly. 👌🏼😉
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Mar/22
I have been avidly watching both Cate’s brilliant films on Elizabeth I during my unfortunate absence, the first one four times and the Golden Age three times, and, unlike before, I like the first one at least as much as the second. There is one scene that I cannot stop viewing - for its electrifying humour - and it is the scene wherein her French suitor, Le Duc D’Anjou, played by Vincent Cassel, is caught by Queen Elizabeth I cavorting about in a dress.
This is what she has to say…..
“Although my affection for you is undiminished, I have, after an AGONISING struggle, determined to sacrifice my own happiness for the welfare of my people.” 😂😂😂
Ozi said on 24/Dec/21
Have you seen her height with Hilary Swank who is 167cm, they only have 3 centimetres difference! This is too high for her especially at her age.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Dec/21
I'm watching 'Elizabeth' again and thinking exactly the same as I did the last time.
This time when I looked, I found 5ft4 for the English Queen, Elizabeth I.
Cate portrays her wonderfully well, complete with the coquettish ways of the 25-year-old monarch.
Personally, I prefer the follow-up, 'Elizabeth - The Golden Age', even though it is more for entertainment value than for historical accuracy, which is sorely lacking. Cate's performance, however, is electrifying. 👌⚡
5ft8.5. 👸
Slim 6'1.5" said on 29/Aug/21
She is a solid 5’8” but idk about 174…
Elene said on 9/Aug/21
Doesn’t look over 5’8 with 181 cm leonardo dicaprio,the only explanation is that Leonardo is taller
Jade Aimers said on 5/Mar/21
Hulk.23 said on 16/Aug/20
Honest listing. Actually I thought she was a little taller...5’8/173cm on the nose
Jam Cherry said on 21/May/20
On screen she looks 5 foot 10 lol but 174 cm is perhaps accurate guess
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/20
💐💝🎂🎈 Happy Birthday Cate! 🎈🎂💝💐
Wishing the brilliant, award-winning actress Cate Blanchett a Very Happy 51st Birthday. A couple of excellent films of hers which haven't been mentioned above are 'The Gift' and 'Carol'.
Have a wonderful Birthday Cate; definitely one of my favourite actresses of all time.
5ft8.5 😁👍😘🌹🥀 XXX
Nik said on 12/Apr/20
Legit! The 74 voters have given her her half!
JohnMoore-162cm said on 7/Apr/20
5ft8 min & 5ft8 1/2" max
Nik said on 28/Mar/20
5'8" is the least I would give her! It's interesting that she didn't claim her quarter, well Rob has claimed it for her!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jan/20
It's amazing to think that an Australian actress played possibly the best ever Queen Elizabeth the First, perfecting her English accent to a tee! The only inaccuracy is that at over 5ft8, Cate is considerably taller than the 5ft3 to 5ft5 that Queen Bess is supposed to have been. Mind you, 5ft3 was quite a sizeable height for women back then. I remember hearing in an episode of 'Inspector Morse' that one of Jack the Ripper's victims was described as 'Long Liz' - and she was 5ft3. That was in the NINETEENTH century, so one can just imagine over three centuries before that, five three will have been somewhat tall.
This time round, Cate gets 5ft8.5.
Nik said on 17/Dec/19
She looks as tall as Rob Paul!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Dec/19
Cate looked so attractive and confident in her film 'Carol'. Even if she was shorter, she'd have the sort of presence that makes one think she's tall.
A gorgeous 5ft8.25. Definitely one of the most adaptable actresses going and doesn't she look girlish in her perfume ad? Cate is one of my favourites! 😍
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 18/Aug/19
At least she claimed her true height!!! Happy to go with 5ft 8 range at all!!!!
Tall Sam said on 8/Aug/19
I'm not sure if she's more over or right on around the 5'8" mark. Her (skintight) suit from Thor Rangarok, which I saw in person, looked like look it belonged on a tall, slim model type. BTW, she looks as good as ever or better with age, in fact she seems to be barely aging at all.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Jul/19
She claims herself "about 5'8" so around that mark no more.

Editor Rob
When somebody uses the word about, it usually seems if they are being truthful that they measured close...most of the time I'd say the odds were they were under than over, but it could cover both scenarios.
Lazar99 said on 29/Jul/19
5ft8 is the most I'd give her.
khaled taban said on 16/Jun/19
The average vote is too high, I doubt she would measure (174.2cm), 173.4 as Rob said is perfect for her nothing more.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/May/19
💐💝🎂 Happy Birthday Cate! 🎂💝💐
This gorgeous lady turns 50 today. You'd never believe even 40 for her!
😘 xxx
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/May/19
5'8 at worst and 5'8 3/8 highest she look. Not quite the average vote.
Lara said on 7/Mar/19
I think she is 1.73 m.
Jancys said on 25/Feb/19
She seems like tall woman. Strong 5ft 8.
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 31/Dec/18
She seems like 5ft 8 half rather than 5ft 8 quarter based on her body proportion... Of course shorter than ginger hair actress Kidman seems around 1.5 inch shorter than her. Nothing more.
JamesGrossman said on 29/Sep/18
She’s 5’8.75”. You can tell by her body type
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Sep/18
Took off 1/8th of height will be legit height for Cate.
Mister lennon said on 30/Jun/18
Solid 5'8. Shorter than gwineth paltrow, who is 5'9.
Jtm said on 30/Jun/18
there's a picture at the talented ripley premiere and paltrow is significantly taller. i was surprised especially since so many posters are arguing paltrow is really 5'7-5'8 on her page. maybe paltrow had the ground advantage?
MAD SAM said on 22/Jun/18
Rob her height is very low listed, last time I checked she and Gwyneth had same height, 175 cm at least
Tall Sam said on 20/Jun/18
She looks a little shorter than this with Nicole Kidman and Toni Collette.
SammyBoi said on 7/Jun/18
Wow this surprises me, she always seems a strong 5’9 flat footed. Upgrade needed.
Jtm said on 19/May/18
she looks a lot shorter than elizabeth debicki and i think she even has higher heels. she's also a couple inches shorter than 5'11ish benedict cumberbatch in heels. i know she's doing something with her legs that is making her shorter but so is cumberbatch.
Rojina said on 21/Jan/18
She's been heralded ad 5"6 in the past (which I never believed)
Sacred said on 7/Nov/17
174 cm for her
DirectorKrennic said on 5/Nov/17
Rob could you add Thor 3: Ragnarok in her credits?!
elijah said on 20/Oct/17
I think she is 5'9.
Sarah said on 1/Oct/17
I would add Thor Ragnarok after it comes out :)
She looks at least 5'8.5"
Slim said on 26/Sep/17
Flat 5'8". Quarter inch is unnecessary.
Joshua said on 2/Sep/17
At least 5'8
Adey P said on 3/Jul/17
Looks 4.5 to 5 inches taller than 5 ft 3 Rooney Mara in the film Carol.
Agreco4l said on 9/May/17
Looks 5'8-ish," maybe even 5'9."
SS said on 30/Apr/17
If you make a photo with her, we'll find out
Giorgi said on 25/Apr/17
Rob, do you think she's taller than you?

Editor Rob
probably very similar
jtm said on 18/Apr/17
She had a footwear advantage and was still 5 inches shorter than bill Murray in the life aquatic with Steve zissou.
SS said on 10/Apr/17
172cm not more
Adijos said on 21/Mar/17
5'9" in 175 cm.
jtm said on 16/Feb/17
Rob I hope you are not thinking about upgrading her to a weak 5'9 because of the votes. she was 7-8 inches shorter than Tim Robbins in heels and she looks under 5'8 with josh groban. I think she might even be struggling with 5'8 the more I pay attention to her height.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Dec/16
This evening I ended up getting caught up in 'The Fellowship of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit', even though I hadn't planned to watch them!
Cate was in both films and I had a thoroughly good look at her stature! Comparing her to others, I would certainly agree with the 5ft8 she claims to be.
She's a brilliant actress and that speech she makes after she's admitted to Frodo that she sees what he does, is spine-chilling, as is the imagery!
Cate can do authoritative parts incredibly well and she gave my favourite performance of all the actresses that have ever portrayed the part of Elizabeth I. (That's made me wonder how tall that Tudor Queen really was!)
I've also enjoyed seeing Cate in many other films, 'the Gift' springing immediately to mind.
Next time I see it, I'll try to compare her height to that of Katie Holmes, who I've read is 5ft9. Until then, I shall plump for 5ft8.25!
truth said on 20/Jun/16
173 cm, no more than that.
Tee said on 23/Apr/16
I'm sure, she's 1.74 m or 1.75 m. Period.
By the way...... What a WOMAN she is......
Sam said on 28/Nov/15
She is underrated I think in terms of looks, she's a fairly beautiful woman who doesn't care at all about looking glamorous or sexy in her roles unless it calls for it. Remarkable performance by her I'm Not There. Funny to think she could be a solid two inches taller than Bob Dylan ever was.
MaryAnne said on 18/Jun/15
Rob Just is right; she is as tall as Toni 5'6.5
MaryAnneHer said on 18/Jun/15
Her link number 666 :O
maryanne said on 17/Jun/15
A 6ft3 gal can make look 5ft8 gal look like a dwarf.It's Ok.She is true 5'8
atr3 said on 6/Jun/15
Next to the 1,90m Elizabeth Debicki, Blanchett is a hobbit. No way is she 1,74m. Blanchett could pull off a 1,74m only with super platform heels. Just another bogus height.. It's ironic, nonetheless, how the truly tall women and men manage to confirm these folks dead wrong merely by standing right next to them..:)
Just said on 14/Apr/15
After I saw her while much shorter than Katie Holmes in "The Gift' I knew she couldn't be 5'8"5.
@az Now I see her very close in height with Toni, it's possible Cate is Toni's height: 5'7.
az said on 23/Mar/15
She is the exact same height as Toni Collette. 5'6.5".
Click Here
jtm said on 3/Mar/15
she wasn't more than 1.5 taller than emmy rossum and she even looked 5'7 in paradise road. 5'8 is the most i would give her and that is more proof kate winslet isn't 5'6 and rosamund pike is not even 5'8.
Chris said on 1/Mar/15
Is her head over 9 inches?
Just said on 23/Apr/14
In "The Gift" she looked shorter than Katie Holmes. So I think 5'8 flat.
Realist said on 20/Mar/14
5'8 flat. How tall do you think Andrew Upton her husband is ?
Arch Stanton said on 12/Jan/14
Really does look 5'9" to me. Definitely a tall woman. Looks it in Blue Jasmine.
cole said on 6/Aug/13
I think a good 5'8 flat is a better fit. If I am to read anything into her "about 5'8 I think" comment, I wouldn't peg her over 5'8.
Mr. R said on 25/Jul/13
I saw Cate tonight at the premiere of Woody Allen's film. She was sitting across the aisle from me. Sadly, she left as the screening started, so I did not get to get close enough to estimate height. She is much more attractive in person than onscreen.
Just said on 2/Nov/11
In "The Gift" she looked a lot shorter than Katie Holmes.
Silent d said on 26/Oct/11
I watched at the movies and she's about the same height as geoffrey rush with heels. He looks about 178cm. 173cm is about right. She is tall and talanted.
merk said on 7/Aug/11
5'8.5-5'9 seems to be correct -- she just looks a very tiny bit smaller than Gwyneth Paltrow.
Sam said on 5/Jul/11
I think an even 5'8" is probably more accurate, possibly a bit less
T.A.R. said on 28/Jun/11
Ms. Blanchett is about 5'9" and is well proportioned. She is not a 'thin' as commented upon with a appropriate 'hour-glass' figure with extremely good looking legs. Unlike Julia Robert, Ms. Blanchett will NEVER have to have her legs doubled by a extra! In addition she dresses with taste and seldom for rather obvious effects.
John said on 20/May/11
I've just seen Robin Hood, if Russell Crowe is 5'10.5, she 5'7.5 at the most.
gregory said on 10/May/11
so 5'9.5 at least.
Bon_ said on 3/Feb/11
I watched 'The Gift' and I thought she looked exactly 5'6.
Lara said on 15/Mar/09
Oh, yes, this is accurate, I think, because she is a very long, lengthy looking woman,her limbs are long, I mean, and it's true, in Benjamin Button she is only a little shorter than Brad Pitt, who you've said is around 5"11, I think she may even be 5"9.
-- said on 21/Jan/09
She is like 5'6- 5'7// she even said she was "like 5'8" so she isn't over 5'8
Mohammed Dler said on 16/Jan/09
In the film (Benjamin Button) she is a little bit smaller then (Brad Pitt).I agree she is 174cm because (Brad Pitt) is 179cm
Ryan Licnoln 26 said on 3/Jan/09
Cate Blanchett looks very small beside Leo DiCaprio in the Aviator. She has to crane her neck and look UP constantly just to make eye contact with him. He's supposedly 6'; if she's 5'8.5" I don't think she'd have to do that. It's very noticeable. Is Leo well over 6', or is Cate more in the ballpark of 5'6"? or both?
elizabeth said on 18/Dec/08
Well, she is obviously over 5 foot 8!( mr. dave, idk what ur looking @ buddy)
diana said on 15/Dec/08
i agree with lmeiseter
i know that she is only 5-8 or 5-9 but if people were gullible enough she could totally pass for 6-0 or 6-1 ... her face is so big, it's hard to believe she isn't taller
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/08
If Kate is 5 feet 8,5, Beckinsale is 5 feet 7, 75, anyway Blanchett 5 feet 9, beckinsale to me 5 feet 8
sophie said on 16/Nov/08
she looked really tall in the new indiana jones movie and I don't think she was in heels... i'm pretty tall she was a copule of inches taller than 5'7" karen allen, i'm guessing both in flats
miyase said on 6/Oct/08
If Blanchett is 174 cm,then Kate Beckinsale is truly 169 or 170 cm. Check out this pic where Kate Beckinsale and Cate Blanchett stands next to each other,both on high heels.
Click Here
sam said on 3/Sep/08
Blanchett is 5-9
Dave said on 10/Aug/08
Blanchett is 5 foot 6.
Its quite clear when you don't see her in platform shoes.
Margherita said on 3/Jun/08
Compare Arrmani photos with other people he is about 5'5 to 5'6 like Glenn thinks Blanchett was when he saw her.
Lmeister said on 2/Jun/08
At least I read him saying 5ft7. Kate Blanchett is one of those women who looks really tall even without heels despite she isn't really an amazon.
Margherita said on 30/May/08
I found the most photos of her with some one are with Giorgo Armani. If she takes her heels off she will be about his height. How tall is Giorgio Armani?
glenn said on 30/May/08
first time is saw her in slippers carrying a kid i thought she was 5-5, you maybe right.but for her to look so tall above i started to believe 5-8.but,of course the pavement,hair and her heels helped alot.and i guess from what you saw on leno,ford mightve or mustve we suspected.thanks for understanding my post and not getting insulted.i appreciate and respect your input.
Margherita said on 30/May/08
I dont know about Harrison Fords height exactly except he appeared on Leno and was the same height as Jay Leno and there are also photos of Blanchett with the same shoes at Cannes and she is between the heights of Harrison Ford and Shia Labeouf......there are many more photos that prove she is 5'6 or half an inch more. that photo of you and her it is obvious the pavement and heels and her hair make her look much taller.
glenn said on 29/May/08
why would ford be 5-11.5? cause rob has that listed and hasnt stood next to him? he migth be.but dont take robs listings as gospel.thats absurd in itself.i havnt stood next to ford in over a decade.and he was 6-1 for years before that too when i saw him.i couldve saw him last week but i wasnt interested.
untitled-P said on 6/May/08
yes, but she's a lot thinner than Glenn, and it's so important, I think
Andr said on 20/Apr/08
Look at her shoulders, it looks more than 10 cm up to Glen's.
sweetchari said on 7/Apr/08
lol if she doesnt have heels on (even with a pavement advantage) I would say she is perhaps 5'10" because she appears 6ft in the photo...she is rather thin
glenn said on 11/Mar/08
never mind the high top.exactly c.
C. said on 10/Mar/08
She looks 5'8" 1/2 if she's wearing large heels, not to mention her big poofy hair. Hello-- you do not count her hair. And it's quite apparent she has some pavement advantage.
glenn said on 4/Mar/08
your right johnny 5-6.5.never mind that she was in high heels and on a slight hill.and me in the flatest of adidas.
Johnny Boy said on 3/Mar/08
Glenn can't be 5'8, it's physically impossible unless Cate has like Disco platform soles on! I've noticed this in heaps of photos on here where Glenn mostly shorter than the people his with (5'7 to 5'10) and men over 6' look huge. Check out the Tony Banks photo, he is listed as 5'10 but towers over Glenn - 2" diff that noticeable? I guess it's possible but I never thought 5'8 guys were noticeably short.
Martha said on 12/Oct/07
Cate is towering over a 6'2" Clive Owen during the "Golden Age" promotional tours and at the 2007 Academy Awards...Does she wear platform shoes to gain this height?
glenn said on 30/Sep/07
i was a major event she would rock big heels,which she did.
Anon said on 30/Sep/07
Glenn, were you kidding about the slippers and the gold dress? I've seen other pictures, and she's obvious wearing heels. Big Balenciaga heels for sure to match her gold Balenciaga dress. Thus she would be under 5-8, no?
Alex said on 23/May/07
She looks at least 5'10 with Glenn.
Anonymous said on 23/May/07
"after i saw this picture Glenn with Kate, I can only say , if Glenn is really 5 8'', Kate would be 6' or 6 1'' "
O_o seems like you can't use your brain either... unbelievable...
FX said on 22/May/07
Interesting theory, Rob. But look at pictures of women and men next to each other. For some reason, men have more inches from their eyes to the top of their heads. I would never say women have smaller brains, maybe just wider.
AirSky said on 22/May/07
What must be considered along with this picture is the pavement advantage mentioned and the fact that she's wearing heels, I mean honest to God, do you think a woman would sport that dress and no heels?...If she's not wearing at least 3" heels I'll eat a goat
Astrid said on 22/May/07
She looks 5'10" here, was she in heels? Also looking a bit too slim.
Sam said on 22/May/07
after i saw this picture Glenn with Kate, I can only say , if Glenn is really 5 8'', Kate would be 6' or 6 1''
Andre said on 22/May/07
Here is one celeb I have a photo of. She is 5ft 6in and stunning.
msn87 said on 21/May/07
"Kate looks to be close to 6ft in that pic compared to Glen..."
use your brain, do you think the top of her head stops right under that hair?(!)
: the top of her head stops only a little over Glenn.
glenn said on 21/May/07
heels? no.why would she wear heels in a dress like that? slippers for sure.
LittleBadass said on 20/May/07
Either Kate is in heels,or else Glen really isn't 5'8...Kate looks to be close to 6ft in that pic compared to Glen...
glenn said on 20/May/07
she seemed 5-5 slippers and holding a 5 year old kid in her arms. a strange illusion i guess.
glenn said on 20/May/07
she is on a slight hill,but was indeed had huge heels.i hated the way she looked here.the next night she looked so hot with her hair down,but turned me down for the photo.
dmeyer said on 24/Apr/07
they are looking for a stand in for her they said 5'9 so i guess she is close
Anon said on 2/Mar/07
Two potentially revealing photos...
If Jessica Alba (5-6.25) and Brittany Murphy (5-2.5) can look this tall compared to Clive, then Cate can be less than (5-8.5).
Click Here
With "5-7" Keira Knightly:
Click Here
Please note all women in these photos are not wearing platforms, so I again concur with everyone who thinks Cate is around 5-6 or 5-6.5. Also, Clive a bit, doesn't he?
glenn said on 1/Mar/07
ed-unless owen wears lifts, which i doubt,no way is he 6ft.i actually,strangely,despise veiwing awards.
Ed said on 28/Feb/07
Glenn, any chance Owen was more like 6ft, I still think he's taller but you met him? BTW, did you see the Oscars, w/ Blanchett and Owen presenting together?
timber said on 27/Feb/07
there have been some 5-11, 6ft Owen sightings. that together with glenn's sighting makes me think Cate really could be about 5-6.
glenn said on 27/Feb/07
i dont know why my posts arent coming up.cate gave me a 5-5 impression, hunched,carrying a kid.
Ed said on 27/Feb/07
So if her shoes had 4 inch heels, she was still an inch or a bit more under Owen, and if he's 6ft2 like he appears to be, he'd be 6ft3 in his dress shoes putting her at 6ft1.5 in her heels. This would make her 5ft9.5 barefoot, something is off here. She can't be 5ft7 or shorter unless Owen is shorter. Even if she was wearing 5 inch heels she'd be 5ft8.5 barefoot, unless Owen is more like 6ft0.5, which I don't really think he is, I'd say 6ft1 at least if not taller.
glenn said on 27/Feb/07
she didnt seem tall to me.gave me the strange illusion of 5-5.
Anon said on 27/Feb/07
Again, how can she be 5-8.5, when she is only about 4 inches taller than Natalie Portman (5-3), whose height is often disputed to be lower.
Cate and Portman (in similar shoes):
Click Here
Portman's shoes:
Click Here
Anon said on 26/Feb/07
Cate was also wearing platform high heels at the Oscars. It's a common trend now, which reminds me that Helen Mirren claims to wear "hooker shoes" (e.g. platform high heels) whenever she dons long evening gowns. I can only assume all the other females actresses are doing the same under their long gowns. But here is a peek of Cate's oscar shoes (you can see the front platform):
Click Here
Anon said on 26/Feb/07
Ed, three-inches is considered low for a high heel. Cate, like most actresses usually wear 4 and up (Cate's usually in 5-inch heels). What happened to all the links on this page? They show the height of Cate's shoewear.

Editor Rob
every direct link to images from this site is now gone
Ed said on 26/Feb/07
Rob, I need your insight here, I agree w/anonymous that Blanchett looked maybe an inch less than Clive Owen at the Oscars last night. If she's 5ft8.5 w/I'm assuming 3inch heels which I think are the max most women wear comfortably for long periods of time, she'd be 5ft11.5, making Owen only 6ft0.5-6ft1 in his dress shoes. Something seems off cause this is the same she looked next to another listed 6ft2 actor Marton Csokas. If she's only 5ft8.5 that would put Owen at like 5ft11.5 barefoot, and that's obviously not the case w/the Glenn photo where he looks a good 6ft1 if not 6ft2. Another thing in relation to Ryan Seacrest who was interviewing all these celebs as they came in Blanchett,Diaz,Kidman,Jennifer Hudson, and Queen Latifah all looked pretty evenly matched, and the same diff. in height as John Travolta to Seacrest. I'm confused, any thoughts?

Editor Rob
it could have been more, the angle may reduced the difference, I've not seen it, but if he was standing tall he should have had 3 inches on this girl. Without doubt there's a lot of pics where Owen can look 6ft -6ft 1 range.
anonymous said on 25/Feb/07
She looked nearly as tall as Clive Owen at the Oscars. obviously wearing heels.
bombay rocker said on 9/Jan/07
But remember even his manager has said he is around 170 NORMALLY. now that word normally i think means his barefoot height and when he wears shoes he can look taller because of lifts. Cmon his manager stays with him and he must be sure bout it and besides he has said that on his official site and am sure manager will not understate his height but i still think he is 5 feet 8 - 5 feet 8.5, no more than that.
Glenn said on 9/Jan/07
Oh,BTW,all this time it never occured to me I did have a lost photo with Mark from I remember now,he was taller than me by an inch or so.except then I was 5-7.
Glenn said on 9/Jan/07
Yes,Leung.looks like Im wrong.unless he had a picture I saw from this same event,he was 2.5 inches taller than 5-7(5-8 prime) Robin Williams! as for Cate,she was in flat skippies carrying a 3 year old,so that mightve added to the illusion.she was hunched.but didnt anyone notice how short Mark looked in the Departed? I thought Damon was taller?
Leung said on 8/Jan/07
Ah yes Glenn you are now starting to see the truth about Marky Mark. All along I have said that he is not as short as 5’7”. I do believe that he is 5’8.5”.
When you encountered Marky Mark 7 years ago he was still heavily into lifting weights, doing exercises such as heavy squats can temporally compress the spine, chances are that you met him on a gym day. These days it looks like he still works out but he has a lot less muscles than his early days.
Glenn said on 8/Jan/07
Hard for me to believe,but could be true.I feel like an ass cause everyone on the Mark page was adament on 5-7,5-8,and I was fueling the fire.and one guy was ridiculed for thinking 5-9.Rob,what do you make of this? it seemed both Mark and Damon were 5-9,5-9.25.isnt that odd?

Editor Rob
I'm still trying to figure how you saw a short blanchett, nevermind a tall wahlberg!!! I doubt over 5ft 8, but if this is at his house, I wouldn't think this would represent an occasion for lifts...
J. said on 8/Jan/07
Good thing you brought up Marky Mark's height. In the 1996 film, 'Fear', there's a brief glimpse of Wahlberg's character's mugshot. He clocks in at 70 inches. I'm assuming, he has shoes on in it, so that's 69 inches. 5'9", he could be close to.
Glenn said on 8/Jan/07
Mention Leo and Ill shall see.saw him several hours after that comment.6ft.or maybe a hair 6-1 friend was surprised at how tall Leo maybe he was 6ft.and I saw him with
Matt Damon and Mark Whalberg,who were both,5-9ish!!! and got Mark a few hours after this event at his house,where he wasnt in dress shoes,but in casuals,and he still seemed 5-9.though pavement was slightly in his favor in the Mark really closer to the 5-10 he claims,or they have superiour dress shoe lifts out there? or am I crazy that I saw him at 5-7,7 years ago?.I really think he is 5-8 minimum way 5-7.even though I thought he was 5-7 in the Departed.great guy.I feel bad reporting.Matt was very cool,as I always heard.he apoligized to me since he was in a hurry to catch a plane and security prevented me from getting him.he said next time.

Editor Rob
very cool, shame on Damon, hold him to his word next time ;)
Glenn said on 5/Jan/07
Wow.I saw her 2 weeks ago.I really cant judge womens heigh huh? I thought she was average to short.5-6 a shorter impression.flats.
anonymous2 said on 5/Dec/06
she does look as though she could be 5'7, looking at the pic that Drew posted
Shelly said on 28/Apr/06
I was at the opening of her husband's latest play. I'm 5'3" (161cm) and she is much taller than me! But my fiance is 6'2" (187cm?) and he was considerably taller than Cate. She is incredibly beautiful in person though and seems just lovely.
jinos13 said on 30/Oct/05
i think she is taller then 173 cm.i would give her 175 cm
Anonymous said on 5/Oct/05
173. cm. She seems to be 5.6.5 or 5'7". I would not put her under 5'6" or over 5'8".
Z2 said on 11/Jul/05
In the movie,"The Gift," I thought she looked taller, like 178cm.
CelebHeights Editor said on 21/Feb/05
There was a funny article by the writer Will Self that appeared in The Independent UK. He was to interview Cate, but was more interested in finding out whether she was short or tall. Here is the part where he sees her: "Admitted to [Cate Blanchett's] dressing room, I introduced her to the wife and I could only just forbear from urging them to stand back to back. Still, there was no need for fine comparisons; clearly I'd been wrong. Blanchett wasn't small. She was a svelte-yet-strapping 173 centimetres thereabouts."