Gerald S said on 29/Aug/23
Rob, might 5’10.25” be closer?
He always seemed more 5’10” than 5’11”.

Editor Rob
It's a possibility, but would need to look at him again.
Georg said on 13/Dec/22
Archie Bunker was lower middle class, a company employee, and lived in Queens NYC. He, by all statistical probability, should have been a Democrat, not a Republican. Norman Lear, the TV producer of AITF, was a NY ashkenazi jew and stalwart DNC supporter and contributor who hated the GOP and who wanted to portray the GOP as racists.
Sinclair said on 12/Sep/22
Rob, can O'Connor have 5'10.25"?
I feel sure 5'10.5" Keenan Wynn would have edged O'Connor out in Point Blank. O'Connor did not seem anything over 5'10" throughout that film.
Sinclair said on 20/May/22
Over 5’10” would surprise me. I thought he looked sub 5’10” in Point Blank.
Nippu said on 10/Sep/21
One of my favorite actors. I was a ony few years old then this came but i did watch all episodes in rerun as adult... 3 times now. There are now tv shows like this anymore sadly. My favorite was that Archie was of course stereotype of man who is well thinking people of stereothypes. Hopefully i write than word correctly? I dont use any translators. How tall was he? Dont care. He was brilliant actor. Both all in family and heat of the night. But if i guess he would be like 176cm in his prime and less in heat of the night. Must undestand that people who he work for had also 1 or 2 too much heihgt. If actors height what they said is true they would be supertall. And we all now they shrink a lot then u see them. Tall actors dont need to do that. But shorter ones doing it a lot.
Daycringeothon said on 9/Sep/21
5’10” is ok for pm hours. In one episode James Cromwell appeared he really didn’t seem over 6’5” even with the hat he wore. The difference between O’Connor and Cromwell was max 7 inches. A lot of people accept Cromwell as a 6’6.5” guy. I would say 6’5.75” is the most he really ever measured.Cromwell is max 6’5.25” at present.
avi said on 8/Sep/21
In the Bonanza episode the Boss he is looking almost 2 inches shorter than Lorne Greene (who most likely has a boost in his costume) Greene is listed at 6'0 but probably has 1 inch lifts
O'Connor I believe has boots on as well
But still Greene must have an advantage over him of maybe .5 or so at least
Some say Greene was 5'11 barefoot and was 6'2 in his Bonanza costume. But who knows!
I think the difference here is maybe 1.75
On you tube it's 6 mins in where I got the screenshot from
Click Here
avi said on 8/Sep/21
@Robbe said on 6/Sep/21
Yes I remember that episode he may be in two Gunsmokes
Arness is in a more relaxed position and looking 6 inches + taller maybe dropping an inches there or so
Assuming he is 6'6 -6'6.25 standing up straight it puts O'Connor at about the expected 5'10.5
Jordan87 said on 7/Sep/21
Keep in mind he was only around 50 when the Show first Aired so I doubt he lost much height. Always saw him as a pretty Average height guy. I can see 5'10-5'10.5" for him. He was an excellent actor.
Robbe said on 6/Sep/21
Carroll face to face with James Arness
Click Here
avi said on 4/Sep/21
Thanks Rob! This makes for a good addition :)
5'10.5 seems to make sense
He was definitely closer to 5'10 than 5'11
Probably a weak 5'10.5 guy like 5'10.3 or .4
Looking at him next to Reiner 6'1.5ish, he seemed a good 3 inches shorter at times looked 2.5 and at times looked 3.5 but Reiner most of time seemed a bit hunched
Will have to look for his older stuff from 1960s I know he was in Bonanza and looked maybe 1.5-1.75 shorter than Lorne Greene
Will see if I can put a link up

Editor Rob
There are still similar names like Carrol to add here. I think from looking at him again I wasn't sure he looked a full 5ft 11
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/21
I remember the younger picture of Carroll, but not the later one.
RIP Carroll 🕯️ XX
(2nd April 1924 - 21st June 2001)
Robbe said on 3/Sep/21
Yeah, Michael Conrad was 6'6 range, and meathead around 6'1.25. Carroll appears bang on as listed
Click Here
Tall Sam said on 2/Sep/21
Nice addition and a little taller than I thought, used to seeing him near the quite tall young Rob Reiner.