Sandy Cowell said on 2/Mar/23
a) Manchester, b) London, c) Birmingham, or d) Liverpool.
These were the four options that contestant Paul was presented with in a classic ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ at 4 this morning, the sitcom in question being Caroline’s hilarious ‘The Royle Family’. Chris Tarrant asked Paul, “Where was it set?”
Paul replied, “In the living room…”, maintaining a completely straight face.
Everyone else was amused of course, as I’m sure would the late comedy talent, Caroline.
She gets 5ft3. 😁💐
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jun/22
Ah! Denise has just announced her pregnancy in her sitcom The Royle Family!
Of course, it’s a boy!
5ft 2.5 this time. 🕯🌹
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/May/22
This is the write-up for one of tonight’s episodes of The Royle
Family, which Caroline co-wrote:
🚽 Jim and Nana fight over who is going to use the toilet first. 🚽🤣🤣🤣👌🏼
Pucka! Jim, ‘Cracker’ actor Ricky Tomlinson, played Caroline’s Dad in the sitcom and her Nana was played by the late Liz Smith, who appeared in film and TV work alike. She lived to a ripe old age which, sadly, cannot be said for Caroline. 🕯 😿
stiggles said on 4/Dec/20
She was no taller than 5ft 2.. R.I.P. Carolyne..
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jun/20
I did at one time think she was five foot three TOPS, but when you saw her with Paul Whitehouse, 5ft8, he looked positively tall!
5ft2 for this gorgeous lady. XXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Nov/19
I miss Caroline SO MUCH.
I watched some 'Fast Show' recently, and apart from Caroline, they are all going strong, thankfully.
⭐ Caroline was Richard Madeley's secretary once upon a time! ⭐
5ft3. 😆👍
Faza said on 27/Dec/17
Is craig cash worth a page he must be 6ft he is similar to ralf little i think

Editor Rob
could be 6ft 1, though he claimed 6ft 2...not a guy who posesses the best posture mind you.
MSJC said on 6/Sep/17
I'll always remember her from thr Fast Show, SCORCHIO!
Nik said on 31/Mar/17
I am glad there has been a page set up for Caroline Aherne on this website. "The Royle Family" was always popular with both my parents and myself, it was a classic sitcom. I am now wondering about the heights of the other cast members and I will go and check to see which of them have got pages on here,
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/17
Thanks Rob - much appreciated!
I followed Caroline's career pretty closely, from 'Mrs Merton' and later, the off-shoot sit-com with her 'son' Malcolm (so funny!), 'The Fast Show' and, of course, 'The Royle Family'. There was nothing I didn't like!
Personally, I thought she was 5ft4 (I even read that somewhere), but Rob's 5ft3 estimate is a thousand times more likely than the 5ft9 that I've spotted below!
I will therefore go with 5ft3.5!
Here's a piece from the sit-com 'Mrs Merton and Malcolm': Mrs Merton's neighbour, played by Brian Murphy, says to her, "It seems like only yesterday that he was in short trousers!"
Mrs Merton replies, somewhat mystified, "No, that was on Sunday, when he was playing in the garden!"
Malcolm is her great big grown-up son, played by Craig Cash, who is still tied to his mother's apron strings and enjoying an extremely prolonged childhood!
It might be interesting to find out Craig Cash's height! He must be about 6ft! Over to you Rob, if you'd be so kind...